Form 8570-37 Self Cert. Physical

Pesticides Data Call In Program


Reregistration: Voluntarily Submitted Data (High Burden Studies)

OMB: 2070-0174

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Form Approved. OMB Nos. 2070-0060; 2070-0057; 2070-0107

120 0 Pe nn sylv ania Avenue, N.W .
WASHING TON , D.C. 20460

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice: The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 0.25 hours per response
for registration activities and 0.25 hours per response for reregistration and special review activities, including time for reading the instructions and
completing the necessary forms. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including
suggestions for reducing the burden to: Director, Collection Strategies Division (2822T), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20460. Do not send the form to this address.

Product Name:
Reg. No./File Symbol No.
(if known) or Company No.

I certify that the reported information on the “Summary Form” represents a true and accurate record of
the test results of studies generated or owned by (Company Name):
and that the values of the properties reported are reliable.
I further certify that such data were generated in substantial conformity with OPPTS Test Guideline Series 830
Product Properties, applicable to my product, and in effect at the time of submission.
As a condition of registration, EPA may, by order, (1) withdraw a pending registration, (2) suspend the
registration of this product without opportunity for hearing, or (3) assess civil penalties provided for in section
14 of FIFRA for violations of section 12(a)(2)(N) of FIFRA without opportunity for hearing, if I have not
submitted to EPA within thirty (30) days of receipt of a request by the Agency, or within a specified time
agreed to by the Agency, test results of studies summarized in the “Summary Form.”
As a condition of registration, EPA may, by order, (1) withdraw a pending registration, (2) suspend the
registration of this product without opportunity for hearing, or (3) assess civil penalties provided for in section
14 of FIFRA for violations of sections 12(a)(2)(N), 12(a)(2)(Q), or 12(a)(2)(R) of FIFRA without opportunity
for hearing, if I fail to provide to EPA within thirty (30) days of receipt of a notification of error, or within
a specified time agreed to by the Agency, information that EPA determines is required to correct the error.
Type Applicant’s Name:

Telephone No.

Applicant’s Signature:


EPA Form 8570-37 (12-2003)


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2003-12-15
File Created2003-12-15

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