Federal Register Notice 30-day


Drug Free Communities Support Program National Evaluation

Federal Register Notice 30-day

OMB: 3201-0012

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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 184 / Monday, September 22, 2008 / Notices
Dated: September 16, 2008.
Matthew McLean,
Vice President, Congressional and Public
Affairs, Millennium Challenge Corporation.
[FR Doc. E8–22037 Filed 9–19–08; 8:45 am]

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request
National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA).
ACTION: Notice.

SUMMARY: NARA is giving public notice
that the agency has submitted to OMB
for approval the information collection
described in this notice. The public is
invited to comment on the proposed
information collection pursuant to the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted to OMB at the address below
on or before October 22, 2008 to be
assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Send comments to Mr.
Nicholas A. Fraser, Desk Officer for
NARA, Office of Management and
Budget, New Executive Office Building,
Washington, DC 20503; fax: 202–395–
5167; or electronically mailed to
[email protected].

sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES


Requests for additional information or
copies of the proposed information
collection and supporting statement
should be directed to Tamee Fechhelm
at telephone number 301–837–1694 or
fax number 301–713–7409.
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(Public Law 104–13), NARA invites the
general public and other Federal
agencies to comment on proposed
information collections. NARA
published a notice of proposed
collection for this information collection
on June 25, 2008 (73 FR 36128). Two
comments were received. One comment
requested that the veteran or requestor
should be afforded the opportunity to
request their entire record on the form
so they don’t have to request it more
than once. Another comment requested
replacing ‘‘service’’ with ‘‘component’’
in several areas of the form; changing
‘‘VA Loan’’ to ‘‘VA Loan Programs’’; and
requesting all documents in the Official
Military Personnel File (OMPF). Both
comments were accepted and the
changes were made to the SF 180.
NARA has submitted the described

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information collection to OMB for
In response to this notice, comments
and suggestions should address one or
more of the following points: (a)
Whether the proposed information
collection is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of NARA;
(b) the accuracy of NARA’s estimate of
the burden of the proposed information
collection; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including the use of
information technology; and (e) whether
small businesses are affected by this
collection. In this notice, NARA is
soliciting comments concerning the
following information collection:
Title: Request Pertaining to Military
OMB number: 3095–0029.
Agency form number: SF 180.
Type of review: Regular.
Affected public: Veterans, their
authorized representatives, state and
local governments, and businesses.
Estimated number of respondents:
Estimated time per response: 5
Frequency of response: On occasion
(when respondent wishes to request
information from a military personnel
Estimated total annual burden hours:
85,731 hours.
Abstract: The authority for this
information collection is contained in
36 CFR 1228.168(b). In accordance with
rules issued by the Department of
Defense (DOD) and Department of
Homeland Security (DHS, U.S. Coast
Guard), the National Personnel Records
Center (NPRC) of the National Archives
and Records Administration (NARA)
administers military service records of
veterans after discharge, retirement, and
death. When veterans and other
authorized individuals request
information from or copies of
documents in military service records,
they must provide in forms or in letters
certain information about the veteran
and the nature of the request. Federal
agencies, military departments,
veterans, veterans’ organizations, and
the general public use Standard Forms
(SF) 180, Request Pertaining to Military
Records, in order to obtain information
from military service records stored at
NPRC. Veterans and next-of-kin of
deceased veterans can also use eVetRecs
research_room/vetrecs/) to order copies.

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Dated: September 17, 2008.
Martha Morphy,
Assistant Archivist for Information Services.
[FR Doc. E8–22106 Filed 9–19–08; 8:45 am]

Paperwork Reduction Act; 30-Day
Office of National Drug Control
ACTION: Notice of Submission to OMB
and 30-Day Public Comment Period.

SUMMARY: In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, as
amended (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), the
Office of National Drug Control Policy
(ONDCP) announces that it will submit
to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) an
information collection request for
processing under 5 CFR 1320.10.
ONDCP Drug Free Communities (DFC)
Support Program received no comments
following the publication of its 60-day
notice of proposed information
collection. As identified in the 60-day
notice, the information is currently
being collected under an existing
ONDCP DFC program, and no additional
information will be requested from
respondents. ONDCP requests that OMB
review and approve the information
collection request, and solicits
additional comments and
Type of Information Collection
Request: Renewal request with a new
class of grantees.
Titles: Drug-Free Communities (DFC)
Support Program National Evaluation;
Sober Truth on Preventing Underage
Drinking (STOP Act) Program National
DFC Support Program: The DFC
Support Program National Evaluation
will support a rigorous evaluation and
an effective grant monitoring and
tracking system. The evaluation will
make use of two separate collection
instruments: (1) A monitoring and
tracking questionnaire (online tool) will
serve as a semi-annual report for DFC
grantees; and, (2) a typology
classification questionnaire will be used
annually to classify respondents into
coalition typology.
Frequency: Semi-annually and
Affected Public: Anti-Drug Coalitions.
Type of Respondents: Directors of
Anti-Drug Coalitions or their designees.




Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 184 / Monday, September 22, 2008 / Notices

STOP Act Program: The STOP Act
Program National Evaluation will make
use of the monitoring and tracking
questionnaire (online tool) to serve as a
semi-annual report for STOP Act
grantees and will provide information
Frequency: Semi-annually.
Affected Public: Current and former
Drug Free Communities Anti-Drug
Type of Respondents: Directors or
their designees.
Requests for Information: Direct
information requests to Kenneth
Shapiro at [email protected], by
facsimile transmission to (202) 395–
6641, or mail to Office of National Drug
Control Policy, 750 17th Street, NW.,
Room 631, Washington DC 20503.
Comments: Submit comments within
30 days of publication to John Kraemer,
Desk Officer for the ONDCP at
[email protected], by facsimile
transmission to (202) 395–6074, or mail
to Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget, 725 17th Street, NW.,
Washington DC 20503.
Dated: September 17, 2008.
Daniel R. Petersen,
Assistant General Counsel.
[FR Doc. E8–22098 Filed 9–19–08; 8:45 am]

Membership of National Science
Foundation’s Senior Executive Service
Performance Review Board
National Science Foundation.
ACTION: Announcement of Membership
of the National Science Foundation’s
Senior Executive Service Performance
Review Board.

sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES


SUMMARY: This announcement of the
membership of the National Science
Foundation’s Senior Executive Service
Performance Review Board is made in
compliance with 5 U.S.C. 4314(c)(4).
ADDRESSES: Comments should be
addressed to Director, Division of
Human Resources Management,
National Science Foundation, Room
315, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington,
VA 22230.
Joseph F. Burt at the above address or
(703) 292–8180.
membership of the National Science
Foundation’s Senior Executive Service
Performance Review Board is as follows:
Kathie L. Olsen, Deputy Director,

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Dated: September 16, 2008.
Joseph F. Burt,
Director, Division of Human Resources
[FR Doc. E8–22005 Filed 9–19–08; 8:45 am]

[Docket No. 72–3]

Notice of Docketing and Issuance of
Amendment to Materials License SNM–
2502, Carolina Power and Light
Company, H.B. Robinson Steam
Electric Plant, Independent Spent Fuel
Storage Installation
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Notice of Issuance of
Amendment to Materials License SNM–


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Anthony A. Arnolie, Director, Office
of Information and Resource
Management and Chief Human Capital
Richard A. Behnke, Head, Upper
Atmosphere Research Section.
Deborah L. Crawford, Deputy
Assistant Director for Computer and
Information Science and Engineering.
Penelope L. Firth, Deputy Director,
Division of Environmental Biology.
Deborah F. Lockhart, Deputy Director,
Division of Mathematical Sciences.
Martha A. Rubenstein, Director,
Budget Division.

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Kevin M. Witt, Project Manager,
Division of Spent Fuel Storage and
Transportation, Office of Nuclear
Material Safety and Safeguards, Mail
Stop EBB–3D–02M, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington,
DC 20555–0001. Telephone: (301) 492–
3323; e-mail: [email protected].
30, 2005, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC or the Commission)
renewed NRC Materials License No.
SNM–2502 to the Carolina Power And
Light Company (CP&L) for the H.B.
Robinson Steam Electric Plant
(HBRSEP) Independent Spent Fuel
Storage Installation (ISFSI), located in
Hartsville, South Carolina. The renewed
license authorizes CP&L to receive,
possess, store, and transfer spent
nuclear fuel and associated radioactive
materials resulting from the operation of
the HBRSEP in an ISFSI at the power
plant site for a term of 40 years. The
NRC staff also issued an Environmental
Assessment and Finding of No
Significant Impact related to the

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issuance of the renewed ISFSI license
on March 17, 2005, in accordance with
the National Environmental Policy Act,
and in conformance with the applicable
requirements of 10 CFR Part 51.
On September 26, 2007, CP&L
submitted an application to NRC, in
accordance with 10 CFR Part 72,
requesting an amendment to NRC
Materials License No. SNM–2502.
CP&L’s license amendment requests
four separate administrative changes.
Specifically, the first administrative
change request was to delete the
preoperational license conditions in
Section 1.2 of the Technical
Specifications (TSs). The second
administrative change request was to
revise the referenced drawing numbers
from the original vendor numbers to the
plant’s document control numbers. The
third administrative change request was
to clarify that the lifting height
restriction specified in Table 2–1 of
Appendix A is measured in feet—the
licensee has requested that the single
apostrophe symbol be replaced by the
abbreviation ‘‘ft.’’ The fourth
administrative change request was to
clarify the level of sensitivity and titles
of training plans. An additional change
was made by the NRC to correct a
regulatory reference in the safeguards
license condition (TS Appendix B)
description of the amendment process.
As a result of these change requests,
CP&L also requested the pages of the
TSs be re-formatted to ensure consistent
page numbering.
Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.46, the NRC
has docketed, approved and issued
Amendment No. 1 to Materials License
No. SNM–2502 held by CP&L for the
receipt, possession, transfer, and storage
of spent fuel at the HBRSEP ISFSI.
Amendment No. 1 is effective as of the
date of issuance.
Amendment No. 1 complies with the
standards and requirements of the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended
(the Act), and the Commission’s rules
and regulations. The Commission has
made appropriate findings, as required
by the Act and the Commission’s rules
and regulations in 10 CFR Chapter 1,
which are set forth in Amendment No.
1. The issuance of Amendment No. 1
satisfied the criteria specified in 10 CFR
51.22(c)(11) for a categorical exclusion.
Thus, the preparation of an
environmental assessment or an
environmental impact statement is not
In accordance with 10 CFR
72.46(b)(2), the NRC has determined
that Amendment No. 1 does not present
a genuine issue as to whether public
health and safety will be significantly
affected. Therefore, the publication of a



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2008-09-23
File Created2008-09-23

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