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Subpart F--What
Subpart A--General
653.50 What agreement must a scholar have with the State
653.51 What are the requirements for a scholar to receive
scholarship payments?
653.1 What is the Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship
Subpart G--What Post-Award Conditions Must
Be Met by State Agencies and Scholars?
653.2 Who is eligible for an award?
653.3 What kind of activity may be assisted?
653.60 What requirements must a State Agency meet in the
administration of this program?
653.4 What regulations apply?
653.5 What definitions apply?
653.61 How does a scholar fulfill the teaching obligation
under this program?
Subpart B--How Does a State Apply for a
653.62 What are the consequences of a scholar's
noncompliance with the scholarship agreement?
653.10 What must a State do to apply for a grant?
Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104-1104k, unless otherwise noted.
653.11 What is the content of a grant application?
Subpart A--General
Subpart C--How Does the Secretary Make a
Grant to a State?
Sec. 653.1 What is the Paul Douglas Teacher
Scholarship Program?
653.20 How does the Secretary approve a grant
Under the Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship
Program the Secretary makes grants to the States to award
scholarships to outstanding secondary school graduates
who demonstrate an interest in teaching to enable and
encourage them to pursue teaching careers at the
preschool, elementary, or secondary level.
653.21 How does the Secretary determine the amount of a
grant to a State?
Subpart D--How Does a Student Apply for a
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104)
653.30 What must a student do to apply for a scholarship?
Sec. 653.2 Who is eligible for an award?
653.31 Where does a student obtain an application?
(a) States are eligible for grants under this
Subpart E--How
653.40 How does the selection panel select scholars?
(b) Students who meet the eligibility criteria in
Sec. 653.41 are eligible to be selected for scholarships
under this program.
653.41 Who is eligible to be selected as a scholar?
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104 and 1104b)
653.42 What are the selection criteria and procedures?
Sec. 653.3 What kind of activity may be assisted?
(2) The following term used in this part is defined
in section 1201(a) of the HEA:
A State may use its funds under this program,
including principal and interest payments it receives from
scholars under Sec. 653.62, only for making scholarship
payments to scholars.
Institution of higher education
(b) Definitions in EDGAR. The following terms
used in this part are defined in 34 CFR 77.1:
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104)
Elementary school
Local educational agency (LEA)
Secondary school
State educational agency (SEA)
Sec. 653.4 What regulations apply?
The following regulations apply to this program:
Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) as follows:
(1) 34 CFR 75.60-75.62 (regarding the ineligibility
of certain individuals to receive assistance under part 75
(Direct Grant Programs)).
(c) Other definitions. The following definitions
also apply to this part:
(3) 34 CFR part 77 (Definitions that Apply to
Department Regulations).
Academic year means a period of time during
which a full-time student at an institution of higher
education is expected to complete the equivalent of one of
the following:
(4) 34 CFR part 79 (Intergovernmental Review of
Department of Education Programs and Activities).
(i) Two semesters.
(5) 34 CFR part 80 (Uniform Administrative
Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to
State and Local Governments).
(ii) Two trimesters.
(iii) Three quarters.
(6) 34 CFR part 82 (New Restrictions on
Award year means the period of time from July 1
of one year through June 30 of the following year.
(7) 34 CFR part 85 (Governmentwide Debarment
and Suspension (Nonprocurement) and Governmentwide
Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Grants)).
Federally approved teacher shortage areas
means areas that are--
(8) 34 CFR part 86 (Drug-Free Schools and
(i)(A) Geographic regions in a State in which
there are shortages of elementary or secondary school
teachers; or
(b) The regulations in this part 653.
(B) Specific grade levels or academic,
instructional, subject matter, or discipline classifications in
which there are statewide shortages of elementary or
secondary school teachers; and
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104 et. seq.)
Sec. 653.5 What definitions apply?
(ii) Designated by the Secretary in accordance
with 34 CFR 682.210(j)(6) or (7), except that the Secretary
gives special consideration to areas--
(a) Definitions in the HEA.
(1) The following term used in this part is defined
in section 472 of the HEA:
(A) In which emergency certification of
individuals is being used to correct teacher shortages; and
Cost of attendance
(B) In States that have retirement laws permitting
early retirement.
Present and projected teacher shortage and
surplus areas means present and projected teacher
shortage and surplus areas in a State, as determined by
the State on the basis of the demand for and supply of
qualified early childhood, elementary, and secondary
teachers in the State and the demand for and supply of
teachers with training in specific academic disciplines.
Full-time student means a student enrolled in an
institution of higher education who is carrying a full-time
academic workload as determined by the institution under
standards applicable to all students enrolled in that
student's program.
Principal means a school principal or the
principal's designee.
Geographically isolated area means an area that
lacks close economic and social relationships with an
urbanized area, as defined by the Bureau of the Census,
that is not easily accessible by public transportation.
Related services has the meaning given that term
in section 602(a)(17) of the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act.
Group historically underrepresented in teaching
means a group of individuals whose representation among
teachers in the State is proportionately less than its
representation among the general population in the State,
as determined by the State, over a significant period of
Rural means any area that is outside an
urbanized area, as defined by the Bureau of the Census,
and outside any place, incorporated or Bureau of the
Census designated, having a population of 2,500 or more.
Scholar means an individual who is selected as a
Paul Douglas Teacher Scholar.
HEA means the Higher Education Act of 1965, as
Scholarship means an award made to a scholar
under this part.
Inner city means the central or most densely
populated region within an incorporated city that has a
population of 50,000 or more.
School-age population means the population
ages 5 to 17.
Students from low-income backgrounds means
students from families whose taxable income for the
preceding year did not exceed 150 percent of an amount
equal to the poverty level determined by using criteria of
poverty established by the Bureau of Census of the U.S.
Department of Commerce.
(i)(A) Who were not born in the United States;
(B) Whose parents normally use a language other
than English;
(C) Who come from environments in which a
language other than English is dominant; or
Students with disabilities has the meaning given
the term "children with disabilities" in section 602(a)(1) of
the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
(D) Who are American Indian and Alaskan
Natives and come from environments where a language
other than English has had a significant impact on their level
of English language proficiency; and
backgrounds means students--
(i) From low-income backgrounds;
(ii) Who by reason thereof, have sufficient
difficulty speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the
English language to deny these students the opportunity to
learn successfully in classrooms in which English is the
language of instruction, or to participate fully in society.
(ii) Who are ethnic or racial minorities; or
(iii) With disabilities.
Teach on a full-time basis means teach the
same number of hours required of teachers who have fulltime contracts, as determined by the institution or agency in
which an individual is teaching, for a minimum of one
academic term, as defined by the institution or agency in
which an individual is teaching.
Participating State means a State that has
submitted a grant application that has been approved by the
Secretary under this program.
Preschool-age children means children who are
younger than the age at which their State of residence
provides elementary education.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104 et seq., 1141)
Subpart B--How Does a State Apply for a
(ii) Representative of school administrators,
teachers, including preschool and special education
teachers, and parents;
Sec. 653.10 What must a State do to apply for a
(b) Describe a program of activities for carrying
out the purposes of this program in accordance with the
requirements of this part, including--
(a) To apply for a grant under this program, a
State must submit an application to the Secretary--for
review and approval--by the deadline announced annually
by the Secretary in the Federal Register.
(1) The criteria and procedures the selection
panel plans to use to select eligible scholars, including an
explanation of how the criteria and procedures meet the
requirements of Sec. 653.42; and
(b) On the Secretary's approval of its initial grant
application for fiscal year 1993 or thereafter, a State need
not submit new applications to be considered for funding
under this program in subsequent years, except that any
changes in the State's program must be incorporated in a
revised application which must be submitted to the
Secretary for approval.
(2) The criteria and procedures the SA plans to
use to-(i) Publicize the availability of scholarships to
secondary school students in the State;
(ii) Notify scholars of their selection; and
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104b)
Sec. 653.11
(iii) Inform scholars annually, on disbursement of
the scholarship funds, of-the
(A) The State's present and projected teacher
shortage and surplus areas; and
A State's grant application must--
(B) The federally approved teacher shortage
areas within the State;
(a) Identify-(iv) Monitor the continuing eligibility of scholars;
(1) The State agency responsible
administering this program (SA), which must be--
(v) Disburse scholarship funds;
(i) The State agency that administers the State
Student Incentive Grants Program under title IV, part A,
subpart 4 of the HEA;
(vi) Collect funds improperly disbursed;
(vii) Monitor scholars' compliance with the
teaching obligation requirements; and
(ii) The State agency that administers the Federal
Family Education Loan Program and with which the
Secretary has an agreement under section 428(b) of the
HEA; or
(viii) Administer the repayment provisions under
Sec. 653.62;
(c) Provide a copy of--
(iii) Any other appropriate State agency approved
by the Secretary; and
(1) The scholarship application form, which must
disclose the terms and conditions of the scholarship
agreement; and
(2) The composition of the selection panel
responsible for selecting scholars under this program,
which must be--
(2) The scholarship agreement form, containing
the terms and conditions provided in Sec. 653.50; and
(i)(A) A seven-member statewide panel
appointed by the chief State elected official acting in
consultation with the State education agency (SEA); or
(d) Provide assurances that-(1) The selection panel--
(B) An existing grant agency or panel designated
by the chief State elected official and approved by the
Secretary; and
(i) Is representative of administrators, teachers
(including preschool and special education teachers), and
parents, as required by paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section;
Sec. 653.21 How does the Secretary determine the
amount of a grant to a State?
From the funds appropriated for this program, the
Secretary determines the amount of the grant to each
participating State on the basis of the ratio of the schoolage population in that State compared to the school-age
population in all participating States. The Secretary
determines the number of persons in a State on the basis
of the most recently available data from the Bureau of the
(ii) Will select scholars who are eligible under
Sec. 653.41; and
(2) The SA will-(i) Comply with the criteria and procedures
described in the State's approved grant application;
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104a)
(ii) Submit for the Secretary's prior written
approval any changes in the criteria and procedures
described in its approved grant application;
Subpart D--How Does a Student Apply for a
(iii) Make particular efforts to attract students
from low-income backgrounds, ethnic and racial minority
students, students with disabilities, students from groups
historically underrepresented in teaching, students who
express a willingness or desire to teach in rural schools,
urban schools, or schools having less than average
academic results or serving large numbers of economically
disadvantaged students, or women or minority students
who show interest in pursuing teaching careers in
mathematics and science and who are underrepresented in
those fields;
Sec. 653.30 What must a student do to apply for a
To apply for a scholarship under this program, a
student must follow the application procedures established
by the SA in the student's State of legal residence.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104d)
(iv) Disburse no scholarship funds to scholars
who do not meet the requirements of Sec. 653.51;
Sec. 653.31 Where does a student obtain an
(v) Expend the funds it receives under this
program only as provided in Sec. 653.3;
The SEA shall make applications available to high
schools in the State and in other locations convenient to
students, parents, and other interested parties.
(vi) Cooperate with the Secretary in any
evaluation of its project; and
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104d)
(vii) Provide the Secretary with any program
information or reports required by the Secretary.
Subpart E--How
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104b, 1104d, 1104i)
Sec. 653.40 How does the selection panel select
Subpart C--How Does the Secretary Make a
Grant to a State?
The selection panel identified by a State in its
grant application, as provided in Sec. 653.11(a)(2), shall
select scholars from among students who meet the
eligibility criteria in Sec. 653.41 on the basis of selection
criteria and procedures developed in accordance with Sec.
Sec. 653.20 How does the Secretary approve a grant
The Secretary approves a grant application if it
contains all of the information and assurances required in
Sec. 653.11 and is in compliance with the requirements of
this part.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104d)
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104b)
Sec. 653.41 Who is eligible to be selected as a
(b)(1) The State shall solicit the views of LEAs,
private educational institutions, and other interested parties
A student is eligible to be selected as a scholar
under this program only if he or she--
(i) Written comments; and
(ii) Publication of proposed selection criteria and
procedures prior to implementation.
(a)(1) Is a United States citizen or national;
(2) Provides evidence from the U.S. Immigration
and Naturalization Service that he or she--
(2) The State may also solicit views by-(i) Public hearings on the teaching needs of
elementary and secondary schools in the State (including
the number of new teachers needed, the expected supply
of new teachers, and the shortages in the State of
teachers with specific preparation); or
(i) Is a permanent resident of the United States; or
(ii) Is in the United States for other than a
temporary purpose with the intention of becoming a citizen,
or permanent resident; or
(ii) Other methods, provided that the SEA
documents these methods and the views obtained through
these methods.
(3) Is a permanent resident of the Trust Territory
of the Pacific Islands (Palau);
(b)(1) Has graduated from secondary school;
(c) The selection criteria and procedures
developed in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) of
this section must be designed to--
(2) Is scheduled to graduate from secondary
school by the end of the school term in which the award is
made; or
(1) Ensure that scholars meet the eligibility
requirements in Sec. 653.41;
(3) Has received a certificate of high school
equivalency for successfully completing the General
Educational Development (GED) test;
(2) Address the present and projected teacher
shortage areas of the State;
(c)(1) Ranks in the top 10 percent of his or her
graduating class; or
(3) Select scholars without regard to whether
they plan to attend publicly or privately controlled
institutions; and
(2) Has received GED test scores that the State
recognizes as equivalent to ranking in the top 10 percent of
the secondary school graduates in the State, or nationally,
in the academic year for which the eligibility determination is
being made;
(4)(i) Select at least 75 percent of the scholars
on the basis of selection criteria that include criteria to give
special consideration to students who--
(d) Is not ineligible to receive assistance as a
result of default on a Federal student loan or otherwise, as
provided under 34 CFR 75.60-75.62; and
(A) Intend to teach or provide related services to
students with disabilities;
(e) Intends to pursue a teaching career at the
preschool, elementary, or secondary level.
(B) Intend to teach limited English proficient
(C) Intend to teach preschool-age children;
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104, 1104d)
(D) Intend to teach in schools serving inner city,
rural, or geographically isolated areas;
Sec. 653.42 What are the selection criteria and
(E) Intend to teach in curricular areas or
geographic areas that are present teacher shortage areas;
(a) The SEA shall develop the selection criteria
and procedures in cooperation with the State higher
education agency and in consideration of the views of local
educational agencies (LEAs), private educational
institutions, and other interested parties.
(F) Are from disadvantaged backgrounds and
from groups historically underrepresented in the teaching
profession or in the curricular areas in which they are
preparing to teach; and
(ii) Select the remaining scholars on the basis of
the same selection criteria used to select scholars under
paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section, except that the special
consideration criteria may be excluded.
(b) The agreement must include a description of
the procedures under which-(1) The provisions of Sec. 653.62(g) through (k)
will be implemented; and
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104b, 1104d)
Subpart F--What
(2) A scholar may appeal any determination of
noncompliance with any provisions under this part.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104b)
Sec. 653.50 What agreement must a scholar have
with the State Agency?
Sec. 653.51 What are the requirements for a scholar
to receive scholarship payments?
(a) To receive scholarship funds, a scholar must
enter into an agreement with the SA under which he or she
agrees to--
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this
section, the SA shall disburse $5,000 per academic year
for a maximum of four academic years to each scholar
(1) Pursue a course of study leading to
certification as a teacher at the preschool, elementary, or
secondary level;
(1) Is selected in accordance with the criteria
established under Sec. 653.42;
(2) Teach on a full-time basis for a period of not
less than--
(2) Signs a scholarship agreement in accordance
with Sec. 653.50;
(i) Two years for each year for which
scholarship assistance is received in a public or private
nonprofit preschool, elementary school, or secondary
school in any State, including a private nonprofit school that
serves students with disabilities or limited English proficient
students; or
(3) Is enrolled as a full-time student in an
institution of higher education;
(4) Is pursuing a course of study leading to
certification as a teacher at the preschool, elementary, or
secondary level, as determined by the SA, but not including
graduate study that is not required for initial teacher
certification; and
(ii) One year for each year for which scholarship
assistance is received in a federally approved teacher
shortage area;
(5) Is maintaining satisfactory progress toward a
degree, or, if the student already has a degree, toward
teacher certification, as determined by the institution of
higher education the student is attending.
(3) Fulfill the teaching obligation described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section within ten years after
completing the postsecondary education degree program
for which the scholarship was awarded;
(b)(1) In no case may a student receive a
scholarship under this program that exceeds the cost of
attendance at the institution in which the scholar is enrolled.
(4) Provide the SA with the evidence of
compliance with paragraph (a)(2) of this section that is
required under Sec. 653.61, and with evidence of
compliance with paragraphs (a)(1) and (3) of this section
and Sec. 653.51(a) as required by the SA.
(2) A scholarship awarded under this part may
not be reduced on the basis of the student's receipt of
other forms of Federal student financial assistance, but
must be taken into account in determining the eligibility of
the student for those other forms of Federal student
financial assistance.
(5) Repay all or part of the scholarship plus
interest and reasonable collection fees, if applicable, as
specified in Sec. 653.62, if the SA determines that the
conditions of paragraph (a)(1), (2), or (3) of this section
are not met; and
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104c, 1104e)
(6) Provide scholarship information, as requested
by the Secretary, for an evaluation of this program.
which the scholar is teaching, certifying that the scholar is
employed as a full-time teacher.
Subpart G--What Post-Award Conditions Must
Be Met by State Agencies and Scholars?
(b) To qualify for a reduction in the teaching
obligation for teaching in a federally approved shortage
area, as provided under Sec. 653.50(a)(2)(ii)--
Sec. 653.60 What requirements must a State Agency
meet in the administration of this program?
(1) A scholar who is teaching in the same State
from which he or she received scholarship funds must
provide to the SA in that State a statement certifying that
the scholar is teaching in a federally approved teacher
shortage area, as determined by the SA; and
(a) To receive payments under this program, an
SA must-(1) Comply with the criteria, procedures, and
assurances in the State's approved grant application;
(2) A scholar who is teaching in a State other
than the one from which he or she received scholarship
funds must do one of the following:
(2) Disburse scholarship funds in accordance
with Sec. 653.51;
(3) Collect any scholarship funds improperly
(i) If the scholar is teaching in a State in which
the chief State school officer has complied with paragraph
(c) of this section and provides an annual listing of
federally approved teacher shortage areas to the principals
in the State whose schools are affected by the federally
approved list, the scholar may obtain a certification that he
or she is teaching in a teacher shortage area from his or
her school's principal.
(4) Comply with all requests from the Secretary
for reports or information necessary to carry out the
Secretary's functions under this part.
(5) Establish and implement policies and
procedures that are necessary to administer the repayment
provisions of Sec. 653.62 and, in cases of noncompliance
with these provisions, implement collection and litigation
procedures consistent with 34 CFR Part 682; and
(ii) If a scholar is teaching in a State in which the
chief State school officer has not complied with paragraph
(c) of this section or does not provide an annual listing of
federally approved teacher shortage areas to the principals
in the State whose schools are affected by the federally
approved list, the scholar must obtain certification that he or
she is teaching in a teacher shortage area from the chief
State school officer for the State in which the scholar is
(6) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this
section, expend in each award year all-(i) Scholarship funds received from the Secretary
for that award year; and
(ii) Funds received prior to that award year for
principal and interest payments collected under the
provisions of Sec. 653.62.
(c) For a scholar to obtain a certification under
paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, the State's chief state
school officer must previously have notified the Secretary,
by means of a one-time written assurance, that he or she
provides annually a listing of the federally approved
teacher shortage areas to the principals in the State whose
schools are affected.
(b) After awarding all scholarships for payment
during an award year, as required by paragraph (a)(6) of
this section, an SA may reserve for expenditure in the
following award year any remaining amount of funds that is
less than the amount required for a scholarship, as well as
any funds that were awarded but were returned or not
(d) If a scholar who receives a reduction in his or
her teaching obligation continues to teach in the same area
in which he or she was teaching when the teaching
obligation was originally reduced, the scholar continues to
qualify for the reduction in the teaching obligation even if
the area ceases to be designated a teacher shortage area
on the federally approved list, provided that the scholar
provides the SA with a statement from the principal of the
school in which he or she is teaching, certifying that the
scholar continues to be employed as a full-time teacher in
the same area in which he or she was teaching when the
teaching obligation was originally reduced.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104b, 1104f, 1104i)
Sec. 653.61 How does a scholar fulfill the teaching
obligation under this program?
(a) To fulfill the teaching obligation required under
Sec. 653.50(a)(2), a scholar must provide to the SA in the
State from which he or she received scholarship funds a
statement from the principal of the public or nonprofit
private preschool, elementary, or secondary school in
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104b, 1104j)
Sec. 653.62 What are the consequences of a
scholar's noncompliance with the scholarship
(c) The interest charge referred to in paragraph
(a)(2) of this section accrues from-(1) The date of the initial scholarship payment if
the SA has determined that the scholar--
(a) A scholar found by an SA to be in
noncompliance with the agreement entered into under Sec.
653.50 shall--
(i) Is no longer pursuing a course of study leading
to certification as a teacher at the preschool, elementary, or
secondary level; or
(1) Repay the amount of scholarship funds
received, prorated according to the fraction of the teaching
obligation not completed, as determined by the SA in
accordance with paragraph (b) of this section;
(ii) Completed a course of study leading to
certification as a teacher at the preschool, elementary, or
secondary level, but never taught; or
(2) Pay a simple, per annum interest charge on
the outstanding principal, as determined by the SA in
accordance with paragraph (c) of this section; and
(2) The day after the last day of the scholarship
period for which the teaching obligation has been fulfilled.
(d)(1) The interest charge referred to in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section is calculated annually for
the program for the twelve-month period extending from
July 1 of each year through June 30 of the subsequent
year and is set at a rate that is the greater of the following
rates established pursuant to section 427A of the HEA for
the same twelve-month period:
(3) Pay all reasonable collection costs as
determined by the SA, in accordance with 34 CFR part 682.
(b) A scholar required by paragraph (a) of this
section to repay his or her scholarship shall-(1) Enter repayment status on the first day of the
first calendar month after--
(i) The rate charged to new borrowers under the
Robert T. Stafford Federal Student Loan Program (title IV,
part B of the HEA).
(i) The State has determined that the scholar is no
longer pursuing a course of study leading to certification as
a teacher at the preschool, elementary, or secondary level,
but not before six months has elapsed since the scholar
was enrolled full-time in a course of study;
(ii) The rate charged to new borrowers under the
Federal Supplemental Loans for Students and Federal PLUS
Programs (sections 428A and 428B of the HEA,
respectively) as published annually in the Federal
(ii) The date the scholar informs the SA that he or
she does not plan to fulfill the teaching obligation; or
(2) For a scholar required to repay his or her
(iii) The latest date on which the scholar must
have begun teaching in order to have completed the
teaching obligation within ten years after completing the
postsecondary education for which the scholarship was
awarded, as determined by the SA; and
(i) The interest charge applicable to the period
extending from the date on which interest begins to accrue
(determined in accordance with paragraph (c) of this
section) until the date on which the scholar's repayment
period begins (determined in accordance with paragraph
(b) of this section) is adjusted annually and is set at the
rate established for the program in accordance with
paragraph (d)(1) of this section; and
(2) Make monthly or quarterly payments to the SA
that-(i) Cover principal, interest, and collection costs
according to a schedule established by the SA that calls for
complete repayment within ten years after the scholar
enters repayment status, except as provided in paragraph
(b)(2)(ii) of this section; and
(ii) The interest charge applicable during the
repayment period is the rate established for the program in
accordance with paragraph (d)(1) of this section that is in
effect on the date on which the scholar's repayment period
(ii) Amount annually to no less than $1,200 or the
unpaid balance, whichever is less, unless the scholar's
(e) The SA may not require a scholar to make
repayments amounting to more than $1,200 annually unless
higher payments are needed to complete the entire
repayment within the ten-year period described in
paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
to pay this amount because of his or her financial condition
has been established to the SA's satisfaction.
(f) The SA shall capitalize any accrued interest at
the time it establishes a scholar's repayment schedule.
(1) The scholar is unable to teach on a full-time
basis because he or she is permanently totally disabled, on
the basis of a sworn affidavit of a qualified physician; or
(g) A scholar is not considered in violation of the
repayment schedule established under paragraph (b) of
this section during the time he or she is--
(2) The scholar has died, on the basis of a death
certificate or other evidence conclusive under State law.
(1) Engaging in a full-time course of study at an
institution of higher education;
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1104f, 1104g)
(2) Serving on active duty as a member of the
armed services of the United States, or serving as a
member of VISTA or the Peace Corps, for a period not in
excess of three years;
(3) Temporarily totally disabled, as established by
the sworn affidavit of a qualified physician, for a period not
in excess of three years;
(4) Unable to secure employment by reason of
the care required by a disabled child, spouse, or parent for
a period not in excess of twelve months;
(5) Seeking and unable to find full-time
employment for a single period not to exceed twelve
months; or
(6) Unable to satisfy the terms of the repayment
schedule established by the SA under paragraph (b)(2)(i)
of this section and is also seeking and unable to find fulltime employment as a teacher in a public or private
nonprofit preschool, elementary school, or secondary
school for a single period not to exceed 27 months.
(h) To qualify for any of the exceptions in
paragraph (g) of this section, a scholar must notify the SA
of his or her claim to the exception and provide supporting
documentation as required by the SA.
(i) During the time a scholar qualifies for any of
the exceptions in paragraph (g) of this section, he of she
need not make the scholarship repayments required by
paragraph (b) of this section and interest does not accrue.
(j) The SA shall extend the ten-year scholarship
repayment period established under paragraph (b) of this
section by a period equal to the length of time a scholar
meets any of the conditions listed in paragraph (g) of this
section or if a scholar's inability to complete the scholarship
repayments within this ten-year period because of his or
her financial condition has been established to the SA's
(k) The SA shall cancel a scholar's repayment
obligation if it determines that--
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | 653.PDF |
Author | BidlBr |
File Modified | 2005-08-23 |
File Created | 2000-02-16 |