Form FHWA-1586 Initial ARRA Project Plan

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) State Reports for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)


Initial ARRA Project Plan (FHWA-1586)

OMB: 2125-0623

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Initial ARRA Project Plan
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
1. State

2. Report Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


3. County

4. Congressional

Form FHWA - 1586 (Rev. 3-12)

5. Federal-Aid 6. State Project Number 7. Project
8. Project Name
Project Number or Identification number Type

9. Project


11. Total
12. Project
Estimate ($) (mm/yyyy)

14. EDA

17. NEPA
18. Types
15. NEPA 16. NEPA
of Federal

Number of

20. Status
21. Route 22. Begin 23. End
24. Length
Number Mile Point Mile Point (miles)

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Draft Reporting Requirements

Initial ARRA Project Plan (Form: FHWA-1586)
This section covers the by-project information to be provided by each State which
accounts for how it plans to invest its allotment of ARRA funding. The list needs to be
consistent with the list of projects provided in the State’s Section 1511 certification, as it
may be amended. States should provide their best estimates of complete list of projects
to be funded with ARRA grants as of the plan’s due date. If a State has not
programmed all ARRA funds by that time, that information should be provided as well.
The project list should be provided in an electronic format that allows for data sorting.
For the purpose of this initial project plan report, the State may provide the Section 1511
list of projects if that list of projects provides all data are listed below. Simply
referencing the STIP will likely not be sufficient, since most do not contain all of the
required data. These data will be used for meeting the reporting requirements of
Sections 1201, and 1512. The data are also used to link together State DOT and
FHWA provided ARRA project data.

The file can be provided as either a geospatial information system (GIS)
shapefile, or an MS Excel spreadsheet.
Due date: By March 31, 2009. The State shall provide an additional list of projects
within 2 weeks of the State issuing a new Section 1511 certification until
September 2012.
Due to:
The States will e-mail their list of projects to: [email protected], with
a copy sent to the FHWA Division Office official mailbox
([email protected]). Questions should be directed to
[email protected]. Submittal of data to this e-mail account will not
qualify as the required submittal under section 1511.
Coding Instructions
BOX 1. State: The 2 digit State FIPS code for the project. For Federal Lands box 1
will contain the FLH Division or Federal Land Management Agency (FLMA)
BOX 2. Report date: The date the list of projects is submitted, reported as
mm/dd/yyyy (e.g. “May 1, 2009” would be coded as “05/01/2009”).
BOX 3. County: County FIPS Code
BOX 4. Congressional District: The numeric Congressional District consistent with
FMIS. Multiple districts should be separated by a comma.
BOX 5. Federal-aid project number: The State assigned federal-aid project number,
consistent with the format reported in FMIS. Leave blank if no federal-aid
project number has been assigned yet.
BOX 6. State project number or identification number: The State project number
or ID as assigned by the State or its funding recipient, consistent with the
format reported in FMIS. Federal Lands will use this column to assign the
“State” where the project is located.
BOX 7. Project Type: A code field, enter either ”I” , “D”, “S”, or “O” for individual (I),
district wide (D), state wide (S), and other (O) projects. If project type is “D”,

Federal Highway Administration

March 17, 2009

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Draft Reporting Requirements

“S”, or “O” please refer to the grouped project report for additional data
BOX 8. Project name: Consistent with the project name in the STIP and/or FMIS.
BOX 9. Project description: Consistent with STIP description and/or project
description in FMIS. To the extent possible, should include a quantifiable
description of the work, especially for area wide projects, e.g. replace 50,000’
of guardrail throughout District 1.
BOX 10. Project purpose: A single sentence describing the type of project consistent
with the improvement type code in FMIS,. i.e. “4R-Maintenance Resurfacing”
or “Bridge Replacement-No Added Capacity.”
BOX 11. Total Cost Estimate $: The estimated total cost consistent with the STIP
and/or FMIS.
BOX 12. Project Schedule. : Estimated project or construction completion date.
reported as mm/yyyy (e.g. “May 2009” would be coded as “05/2009)”.
BOX 13.
BOX 14.

BOX 15.

BOX 16.
BOX 17.

BOX 18.

BOX 19.
BOX 20.

Economically Distressed Area: A yes/no check-box to indicate if the
project is in an economically distressed area.
NEPA Class of Action: NEPA Classification to be determined (TBD),
Categorical Exclusion under 23CFR771.117 (c) (CE-c), Categorical Exclusion
under 23CFR771.117 (d) (CE-d), Environmental Assessment/Finding of No
Significant Impact (EA/FONSI), or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
NEPA Milestone Completed: Notice of Intent, Public Involvement,
Categorical Exclusion (CE) Approval, Environmental Assessment (EA),
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), Draft Environmental Impact
Statement (DEIS), Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS),
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS), or Record of Decision
NEPA milestone completion date: Enter date, in the form of mm/dd/yyyy.
(e.g. “May 1, 2009” would be coded as “05/01/2009”).
Types of federal permits/approvals requiring NEPA decisions by other
agencies: Such as Section 404 Permits, Coast Guard Bridge Permits, or
federal land transfers – NA, TBD, Not Applied, Applied/Pending, or
Number of federal permits/approvals requiring NEPA decisions or NEPA
document adoptions by other agencies: Such as 404 Permits, Coast
Guard Bridge Permits or federal land transfers.
Status of federal environmental permits or approvals: not applicable
(NA), to be determined (TBD), Not Applied, Applied/Pending, or Completed.
Route number: Where applicable, the numeric identifier for the route on
which the project is located. In some States this can be a mixed field
consisting of both letters and numbers. Should be consistent with the route
number provided for other federal reports, such as the Highway Performance

Federal Highway Administration

March 17, 2009

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Draft Reporting Requirements

Monitoring System (HPMS) or the National Bridge Inventory (NBI). Consistent
with route number in STIP and/or FMIS.
BOX 21. Beginning mile point: Where applicable, the beginning mile point for the
BOX 22. Ending mile point: Where applicable, the ending mile point for the project.
BOX 23. Length (mile): the centerline length of the project.

Federal Highway Administration

March 17, 2009

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - ARRA Reporting Requirements v8 _4_.doc
File Modified2009-03-17
File Created2009-03-17

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