Form Approved OMB No. 0990-XXXX
Exp. Date XX/XX/2012
Self-Administered PSUNC Parent Web Site Web Survey
Questionnaire for survey about Web site
Note: Bold-faced italicized text denotes instructions for the respondent; italics (not bolded) denote instructions to the programmer or choices for programmer to make.
Thank you for agreeing to answer this survey. Your answers are very important because they will help improve a government-sponsored website for parents of pre-teens and teens. Your answers will be combined with those of others answering this survey and your answers will not be identified with you in any way.
We hope you will answer all of the questions, but you are free not to answer any individual question if you choose.
We would like to remind you that we will be asking questions about [NAME], your (son/daughter) who is [AGE] [Programmer: In this question, fill in name and age of child for whom respondent was chosen into sample; a name was supplied by the respondent during the invitation process. The gender of this child was also supplied. Use that gender to tailor later questions to the child’s gender.]
1. Before we ask you questions about [NAME], we would like to know how many children in all have you raised? Please include all children you are or have been responsible for raising.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0990-XXXX . The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OS/OCIO/PRA, 200 Independence Ave., S.W., Suite 537-H, Washington D.C. 20201, Attention: PRA Reports Clearance Officer.
2. Please tell us the age and sex of each child you are raising or have raised, starting with the youngest one. Please remember to include [NAME]. (Programmer: Is it possible to furnish as many rows as needed by respondent—it may be more than six. If you need to set the number of rows beforehand, please provide 12. )
Child number |
Age |
Sex |
1 |
___ |
__Male __Female |
2 |
___ |
__Male __Female |
3 |
___ |
__Male __Female |
4 |
___ |
__Male __Female |
5 |
___ |
__Male __Female |
6 |
___ |
__Male __Female |
… |
3. Now, we would like to ask you about [NAME]. Does [NAME] live with one or both of (his/her) parents?
__ Both mother and father in same household
__ Both mother and father, in separate households
__ Mother only
__ Father only
__ Does not live with either parent____________________________
4. What is your relationship to [NAME]?
If respondent is male, provide these responses:
__ Biological father
__ Stepfather
__ Adoptive father
__ Foster father
__ Other
If respondent is female, provide these responses:
__ Biological mother
__ Stepmother
__ Adoptive mother
__ Foster mother
__ Other
Some questions below will ask about your opinions regarding sex and teenagers. By “sexual intercourse” we mean vaginal intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex.
5. How important is it to you that [NAME] wait to have sexual intercourse until (he/she) is at least 15 or older?
__ Extremely important
__Very important
__ Moderately important
__ Somewhat important
__ Not important
6. How important is it to you that [NAME] wait to have sexual intercourse until (he/she) is at least 18 or older?
__ Extremely important
__ Very important
__ Moderately important
__ Somewhat important
__ Not important
7. How important is it to you that [NAME] wait until (he/she) is in a serious, loving relationship before having sexual intercourse?
__ Extremely important
__ Very important
__ Moderately important
__ Somewhat important
__ Not important
[Programmer: If answer to Q 5 is “Not important,” skip respondent to Q.9]
8. Some reasons why parents do not want their children to have sexual intercourse as pre-teens or young teens are listed below. How important is each of the reasons to you for [NAME] not to have sexual intercourse as a pre-teen or young teen?
Reason |
Extremely important |
Very important |
Moderately important |
Somewhat important |
Not important |
(He could get someone pregnant/ she could get pregnant) |
(He/she) could get sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or HIV or AIDS |
It could make it harder for (him/her) to focus on studying |
It could be bad for (his/her) emotional well-being |
It could make it harder for (him/her) to have a serious, loving relationship as an adult |
It is against my religious or moral values |
9. Do you think your talking to [NAME] would make a difference in whether (he/she) has sexual intercourse as a pre-teen or young teen?
__ Definitely yes
__ Probably yes
__ Probably no
__ Definitely no
__ Not sure
10. Have you ever told [NAME] directly that (he/she) should not have sexual intercourse as a pre-teen or young teen?
__ Yes
__ No
11. Do you think that [NAME] is too young for you to talk with (him/her) about sexual intercourse?
__ Yes
__ No
__ Not sure
12. In the past 12 months, how many times have you talked with [NAME] about the following topics? If you have never talked with [NAME] about a topic, mark “Never.” If you have talked about this topic with [NAME] but not in the past 12 months, mark “0 times.” If you have talked about this topic with [NAME] in the past 12 months, mark the number of times.
Topic |
Never |
In Past 12 Months |
0 times |
1 to 2 times |
3 to 5 times |
6 or more times |
Puberty, or changes in children’s bodies when they develop sexually (breasts, body hair, voice change, menstruation, etc.) |
The risks of pregnancy from sexual intercourse |
The risks of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV or AIDS from sexual intercourse |
Not having sexual intercourse as the surest way to avoid pregnancy and STDs, HIV or AIDS |
Birth control methods and condoms as methods for avoiding pregnancy and STDs, HIV or AIDS |
The risk that pre-teens or young teens who have sexual intercourse might find it harder to study |
The risk that pre-teens or young teens who have sexual intercourse might be hurt emotionally |
The risk that pre-teens or young teens who have sexual intercourse might find it harder to have serious, loving relationships as adults |
Your religious or moral values concerning pre-teens or young teens having sexual intercourse |
Issues concerning romantic relationships among pre-teens and young teens |
Questions [NAME] has about subjects related to sex
What [NAME] thinks about having sexual intercourse as a pre-teen or young teen |
What you think about [NAME] having sexual intercourse as a pre-teen or young teen |
What role sexuality plays in people’s lives and what it means |
13. Many parents have a hard time talking with their children about sexual intercourse. Below are statements about some of the things that make it hard. For each one, please mark how much you agree or disagree that each statement applies to you.
Things that make it hard to talk |
Strongly agree |
Somewhat agree |
Somewhat disagree |
Strongly disagree |
I feel uncomfortable talking about subjects related to sex with [NAME] |
I don’t know enough about sex to talk with [NAME] and explain things correctly |
Somebody else can talk about sex better, like a teacher or nurse |
I’m afraid that talking to [NAME]about sex would just encourage (him/her) to have sexual intercourse |
I am just too busy to find the time to talk |
I don’t have good, open communications with [NAME] in general |
14. During the past 6 months, have you seen any of the ads on television encouraging parents to talk to their children about waiting to have sex?
__ Yes
__ No [Skip to Q.16]
__ Not sure [Skip to Q.16]
15. Do you think that these ads would convince parents to talk to their children about waiting to have sex?
__ Yes, the majority of parents
__ Yes, about half of parents
__ Yes, a minority of parents
__ No, few or no parents
16. Below we list a number of topics that can be found in the website, Please mark how interested you are in each topic—Extremely interested, very interested, moderately interested, somewhat interested, and not interested.
Topic |
Extremely interested |
Very inter-ested |
Moderately interested |
Somewhat interested |
Not inter-ested |
How to talk with a pre-teen or teen about waiting to have sexual intercourse |
Talking about healthy relationships |
How to answer your child’s tough questions about sex |
What to do if your child has already had sexual intercourse |
Risks of pre-teens and teens getting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV or AIDS |
Risks of pre-teens and teens becoming pregnant or getting a girl pregnant |
Ways to prevent pregnancy and STDS—contraception or birth control and condoms |
Information about risky behaviors of teens and how to deal with them--like being involved with alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, violence, dating violence, unwise use of the Internet and video or computer games |
Teens and mental health |
Puberty or changes that happen to boys and girls as they become mature sexually |
How the adolescent brain develops |
[Programmer: If there are only two topics that have been rated as of the most interest, name these two topics in the instruction box below. If there are more than two topics receiving the same highest rating of interest, randomly select two topics from them and name these two topics in the instruction box below. As the survey progresses, this rule may change to include topics that are not rated the highest, as we may need to assign lower rated topics to ensure that all topics are assigned to sufficient numbers of respondents by the end of the survey.]
Please go to the website, (link provided below), and search for the topics, ____ and _____ and read the materials there. Please try to spend at least 3-5 minutes on each topic, and then return to this questionnaire to give us your opinions about the materials on each of the two topics. Please go to now by clicking on this link: _____________ [provide hyperlink.] |
Welcome back to your questionnaire! Please proceed with Q17 below.
17. Did you find the web pages for _____ (fill in assigned topic 1)?
___ Yes
___ No
18. About how many minutes did you spend looking at the web pages for (fill in assigned topic 1)?
___ Less than 1 minute
___ 1-2 minutes
___ 3-4 minutes
___ 5-6 minutes
___ 7-9 minutes
___ 10-20 minutes
___ 21 minutes or more
(Programmer: If answer to Q17 is “No,” skip respondent to Q20.)
19. This question asks about your opinion of what you found concerning ______ (fill in assigned topic 1) on the website, Please rate your agreement with the following statements. (Mark one for each statement)
Statement |
Strongly agree |
Somewhat agree |
Not sure |
Somewhat disagree |
Strongly disagree |
The content was clear and easy to understand |
The web pages on this topic had the right amount of information |
The web pages on this topic did not have enough information |
The web pages on this topic provided valuable information that is important to me |
The web pages on this topic contained some information that I do not think is accurate |
It was right for my reading level |
20. Did you find the web pages for _____ (fill in assigned topic 2)?
___ Yes
___ No
21. About how many minutes did you spend looking at the web pages for (fill in assigned topic 2)?
__ Less than 1 minute
___ 1-2 minutes
___ 3-4 minutes
___ 5-6 minutes
___ 7-9 minutes
___ 10-20 minutes
___ 21 minutes or more
(Programmer: If answer to Q20 is “No,” skip respondent to Q23.)
22. This question asks about your opinion of what you found concerning ______ (fill in assigned topic 2) on the website, Please rate your agreement with the following statements. (Mark one for each statement)
Statement |
Strongly agree |
Somewhat agree |
Not sure |
Somewhat disagree |
Strongly disagree |
The content was clear and easy to understand |
The web pages on this topic had the right amount of information |
The web pages on this topic did not have enough information |
The web pages on this topic provided valuable information that is important to me |
The web pages on this topic contained some information that I do not think is accurate |
It was right for my reading level |
23. Overall, how easy was it to navigate the website?
__ Very easy
__ Moderately easy
__ Somewhat easy
__ Not easy
24. Including today, how often have you visited this website, (Mark one)
__ Once—this is my first time
__ Twice
__ 3-4 times
__ 5 or more times
25. When you looked up the two topics you were asked to read about on the website, did you visit other parts of the website?
__ Yes
__ No
26. What do you plan to do with the information you got from this website, (Some possible ways to use the information are listed below. For each one, please mark “Yes,” “No,” or “Not sure” whether you will use the information in that way. If you did not read any information on the website related to the item, please mark “Not applicable.”)
Way to use information |
Yes |
No |
Not sure |
Not appli-cable |
Start a conversation with [NAME] about waiting to have sexual intercourse or not having sexual intercourse |
Start a conversation with [NAME] about sex in general |
Make comments about waiting to have sexual intercourse or not having sexual intercourse, while doing things with [NAME], such as watching TV, listening to music |
Teach [NAME] how to refuse to have sexual intercourse |
Talk with [NAME] about risks of pregnancy and STDs or HIV from having sexual intercourse |
Talk with [NAME] about the use of contraceptives or condoms to help avoid pregnancy or STDs or HIV |
Talk with [NAME] about puberty or changes that happen to boys and girls as they become mature sexually |
Talk with [NAME] about other risky behaviors, like drinking, smoking, using drugs, violence, unwise use of the Internet and video or computer games |
Improve communications with [NAME] in general |
Improve my relationship with [NAME] |
Other ways not listed above—please write in what: _____________________________________________________ |
27. Would you use this website again? (Mark one)
__ Definitely yes
__ Probably yes
__ Probably no
__ Definitely no
28. Would you tell others to visit this website? (Mark one)
__ Definitely yes
__ Probably yes
__ Probably no
__ Definitely no
29. Which of the following written materials, if any, have you printed, copied, or downloaded, from the website? (Mark all that apply.)
___ “Parents Speak Up!” Booklet
___ “Teen Chat” booklet
___ ”Ready to Talk” workshop materials
___ Other (please write in
___ I have not printed, copied, or downloaded any written materials from the website
30. Which of the following videos of ads, if any, have you watched on the website? (Mark all that apply.)
___ “Panic Station” (Parent going into panic about talking to child about sex)
___ “Mimes” (Parent miming barriers to talking to child about sex)
___ “Gadget” (Parent wishing she or he could use gadgets to block child from seeing or hearing sexual messages)
___ “Muffinhead” (Kids telling parents they would still be their “Muffinhead” or other pet names if they talked about sex)
___ “Talk to Me” (Kids telling their parents to talk to them about sex)
___ I have not watched any videos of ads on the website
31. Which of the following interactive materials, if any, have you participated in or used on the website? (Mark all that apply.)
___ ”Ready to Talk” workshop materials
___ “What’s Your Parenting Style” questionnaire
___ I have not participated in or used any interactive materials on the website
32. In many of the previous questions, we used the terms “pre-teens” and “young teens.”
Can you tell me what age range you were thinking of when you read the term “pre-teen” in the previous questions?
Age: ______ to ______
33 Can you tell me what age range you were thinking of when you read the term “young teen” in the previous questions?
Age: ______ to ______
These last questions ask a little bit more about you and your child and will help us to understand the survey respondents’ opinions and answers to the other questions.
(Programmer: If [NAME] is male, ask the following two questions.)
34M. We would like to know what stage of puberty [NAME] has reached. Has [NAME’s] voice started to change, for example, started to crack or squeak?
__ Yes
__ No
__ Not sure
35M. Has [NAME] started growing body hair in the genital area (pubic hair)?
__ Yes
__ No
__ Not sure
(Programmer: If child is female, ask the following two questions)
34F. We would like to know what stage of puberty [NAME] has reached. Has [NAME] ever had a period or menstruated?
__ Yes
__ No
__ Not sure
35F. Has [NAME] started growing breasts or growing body hair in the genital area (pubic hair)?
__ Yes
__ No
__ Not sure
36. Has [NAME] shown interest in having a romantic relationship with anyone?
__ Yes
__ No
__ Not sure
37. Do you think [NAME] has had sexual intercourse?
__ Definitely yes
__ Probably yes
__ Probably no
__ Definitely no
__ Don’t know
The end of the survey! Thank you again for your help!
[Note to programmer: This respondent’s data on gender, age, race, ethnicity, marital status, education, and income, which are maintained by Harris Interactive, will be merged with his/her questionnaire data.]
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Form Approved OMB No |
Author | OPA |
Last Modified By | Seleda.Perryman |
File Modified | 2009-09-08 |
File Created | 2009-09-08 |