Final Version
Questionnaire Notes:
Survey to be administered both via phone and the web.
Field Offices (500 total, including 100 for each of the 5 regional clusters)
Of these 75 will be with respondents who completed an online form
An additional 75 surveys will be collected via e-mail
Items in BOLD will not be seen by the respondents.
Section headers and question numbers will not appear in the web survey.
The EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) would like to ask you about your recent experience with their Intake Information Group (IIG).
The purpose of this research is to help the EEOC continually improve the quality of service it provides customers like you. Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey, which will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. CFI Group, an independent research and consulting firm, is conducting this study. Your responses will remain strictly confidential and anonymous.
This survey is authorized by Office of Management and Budget Control No. 1505-0191.
Note: Text will be tailored for the web and phone versions.
INTRO1. Our records show that you called/emailed (programming note: match to appropriate survey version) the EEOC in the past few days for assistance. Is this correct?
Yes (continue)
b. No (terminate and thank)
INTRO3. Since contacting the EEOC for assistance, have you spoken to an EEOC Representative?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know
INTRO4. Please select one of the following items that best describes the nature of your request for assistance from the EEOC. (Select only one)
To learn about my rights as an employee
To inquire about laws enforced by the EEOC
To gain an understanding of whether my current situation could be classified as discrimination
To learn how to file a discrimination charge
Inquire about the status of my charge
To get in touch with my investigator
To complain about the handling of my charge
Other (please specify)
INTRO 5. (If INTRO4e selected)
Was the EEOC Representative able to access your charge or inquiry?)
INTRO 6. Is your understanding that you have filed a charge as a result of your phone conversation (programming note: ‘communication’ if web version) with the EEOC?
a. Yes (continue)
b. No (skip to INTRO 8)
INTRO 7. Please note that the purpose of the EEOC is to provide information, including information on how to file a charge. The EEOC does not accept charges over the phone or web. Would you like someone from the EEOC to contact you to provide further information on how to file a charge?
INTRO 8. (If the answer to INTRO 6 is No.)
Do you believe you initiated the process to file a charge as a result of your phone contact with the EEOC?
Note: Only individuals contacting EEOC via phone will receive this section.
Please think about your experience with the EEOC representative who last assisted you. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is Poor and 10 is Excellent, please rate their:
Q1_1. Courtesy
Q1_2. Communication skills
Q1_3. Effort to understand issue
Q1_4. Knowledge of the relevant subject matter
Q1_5. Ability to satisfactorily answer your questions
Q1_6. Timeliness in answering your questions
On the same scale, please rate the following:
Q1_7. Waiting time to speak with an EEOC representative
Q1_8. Were the questions satisfactorily answered during your first call to the EEOC?
Yes (skip to Q1_10)
No (continue)
Q1_9. How many additional calls did it take to get a satisfactory response to your questions?
5 or more
Other (please explain)
Q1_10. (If a response to Q1_1-Q1_7 is less than 6, respondent will receive following question) Please provide any suggestions you may have for improved interactions with the EEOC.
Note: Only individuals contacting EEOC via email will receive this section.
Please think about your experience contacting the EEOC through email for your most recent inquiry.
Q2_1. Did you receive an automated response to your email indicating that you would receive follow-up within 5 business days?
Yes (continue)
No (skip to Q2_3)
Q2_2. How many business days (not counting holidays, Saturdays and Sundays) did it take for you to get a follow-up response to your email?
5 business days or less
6 business days or more
Still have not received a response (skip to Q4_1)
On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is Poor and 10 is Excellent, please rate the email response on:
Q2_3. Time it took to respond to your question
Q2_4. Professionalism
Q2_5. Providing a satisfactory response to your question
Q2_6. (If a response to Q2_3-Q2_5 is less than 6, respondent will receive following question) Please provide any suggestions you may have for improved interactions with the EEOC via email.
Q3_1_1. As part of your communication with the EEOC, did you receive an intake questionnaire to begin the charge-filing process?
No (skip to Q4_1)
Don’t know (skip to Q4_1)
Q3_1_2. How did you obtain the intake questionnaire?
EEOC website
Visited EEOC office
EEOC mailed questionnaire
Other (Specify)
(IF Q3_1_2 = c (EEOC mailed questionnaire ask Q3_2 else skip to Q3_3)
How many business days did it take to receive the
7 or fewer business days
b. 8 business days
c. 9 business days
d. Still have not received the
Q3_3_1. Did you or will you
complete and return the questionnaire to EEOC?
a. Yes
b. No
(IF Q3_3_1 = a (Yes) and Q3_1_2= a (EEOC website) ask Q3_3_2 else skip to Q3_4)
Q3_3_2. How did you submit your questionnaire to EEOC
Printed form and either faxed or mailed to EEOC
Submitted electronically
delivered to the EEOC office
Please think about the process of filling out the intake questionnaire. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, please rate the following:
Q3_4. Ease of filling out the intake questionnaire
Q3_5. The clarity of the instructions
Q3_6. The helpfulness of the instructions
Q3_7. The convenience of using the questionnaire process
Q7_1 Have you visited the EEOC website (
Don’t Know
If Q7_1 = a (Yes) ask Q7_2 through Q7_4
Please think about the EEOC website. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, please rate the following:
Q7_2 Ability to find what you were looking for
Q7_3 Ease of navigating the website
Q7_4 Usefulness of information
Q7_5 Layout of site being easy to read
Q7_6 Overall impression of the website
Now, please think about your overall satisfaction with the EEOC.
Q4_1. Using a 10-point scale, where 1 means Very Dissatisfied and 10 means Very Satisfied, please rate your satisfaction with the EEOC service you received.
Q4_2. Using a 10-point scale where 1 means Falls Short of Expectations and 10 means Exceeds Expectations, please rate the service you received from the EEOC.
Q4_3. Now, imagine an ideal customer service experience. How well did your experience with the EEOC compare with that ideal service experience? Please use a 10-point scale on which 1 means Not Very Close to Ideal, and 10 means Very Close to Ideal.
Q5_1. Please indicate the status of your most recent query to the EEOC.
Got the information I requested (or needed)
The representative took my contact information and told me that the field office would get back to me
Need to follow up with the field office
Referred to another agency for a response to my question
I did not understand what I needed to do next
Other (please specify)
Q5_2. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Not at all Willing and 10 means Very Willing, how willing are you to recommend the EEOC to others with similar issues?
Q5_3. On a 10 point scale, where 1 means Not at all Likely and 10 means Very Likely, how likely are you to contact the EEOC if you have other questions in the future?
Q6_1. Please provide any additional comments you would like to share with the EEOC regarding your recent customer service experience. (Open-ended comment)
Thank you for your time. The EEOC sincerely appreciates your input. Please click on the "Finish" button below to submit your answers.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | FAA Office of Airports Satisfaction Survey |
Author | hreed |
Last Modified By | bjinnoha |
File Modified | 2008-05-14 |
File Created | 2008-05-14 |