50 Cfr 84

50 CFR 84.pdf

Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Grants and Cooperative Agreements, 50 CFR 80, 81, 84, 85, and 86

50 CFR 84

OMB: 1018-0109

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Title 50: Wildlife and Fisheries
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Section Contents

Subpart A—General Background
§ 84.10 What is the purpose and scope of this rule?
§ 84.11 How does the Service define the terms used in this rule?
§ 84.12 What are the information collection, record keeping, and reporting requirements?
Subpart B—Applying for Grants
§ 84.20 What are the grant eligibility requirements?
§ 84.21 How do I apply for a National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant?
§ 84.22 What needs to be included in grant proposals?
Subpart C—Project Selection
§ 84.30 How are projects selected for grants?
§ 84.31 An overview of the ranking criteria.
§ 84.32 What are the ranking criteria?
Subpart D—Conditions on Acceptance/Use of Federal Money
§ 84.40
§ 84.41
§ 84.42
§ 84.43
§ 84.44
§ 84.45
§ 84.46
§ 84.47
§ 84.48
§ 84.49
§ 84.50

What conditions must I follow to accept Federal grant money?
Who prepares a grant agreement? What needs to be included?
What if a grant agreement is not signed?
How do States get the grant monies?
What is the timetable for the use of grant money?
How do I amend a proposal?
What are the cost-sharing requirements?
What are allowable costs?
What are the procedures for acquiring, maintaining, and disposing of real property?
What if the project costs more or less than originally expected?
How does a State certify compliance with Federal laws, regulations, and policies?

Authority: 16 U.S.C. 3951–3956.
Source: 67 FR 49267, July 30, 2002, unless otherwise noted.

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Subpart A—General Background

§ 84.10 What is the purpose and scope of this rule?
The regulations in this part establish the requirements for coastal State participation in the National
Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program authorized by Section 305 of the Coastal Wetlands
Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (Pub L. 101–646, title III; 16 U.S.C. 3954). The primary goal of
the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program is the long-term conservation of coastal
wetlands ecosystems. It accomplishes this by helping States protect, restore, and enhance their coastal
habitats through a competitive grants program. Results are measured in acres protected, restored, and

§ 84.11 How does the Service define the terms used in this rule?
Terms used have the following meaning in this part:
Coastal barrier. A depositional geologic feature that is subject to wave, tidal, and wind energies; protects
landward aquatic habitats from direct wave attack; and includes all associated aquatic habitats such as
adjacent wetlands, marshes, estuaries, inlets, and nearshore waters. These can include islands; spits of
land connected to a mainland at one end; sand bars that connect two headlands and enclose aquatic
habitat; broad, sandy, dune beaches; or fringing mangroves. Coastal barriers are found on coastlines
including major embayments and the Great Lakes of the United States and its territories.
Coastal Barrier Resources System. A defined set of undeveloped coastal areas, designated by the
Coastal Barrier Resources Act of 1982 (Pub. L. 97–348) and the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of
1990 (Pub. L. 101–591). Within these defined units of the System, Federal expenditures are restricted to
discourage development of coastal barriers.
Coastal States. States bordering the Great Lakes (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin); States bordering the Atlantic, Gulf (except Louisiana), and Pacific
coasts (Alabama, Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode
Island, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Washington); and American Samoa, Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. (Louisiana is not included
because it has its own wetlands conservation program authorized by the Coastal Wetlands Planning,
Protection and Restoration Act and implemented by the Corps of Engineers with assistance from the
State of Louisiana, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Departments of the Interior,
Agriculture, and Commerce.)
Coastal wetland ecosystems. Ecosystems that consist of multiple, interrelated coastal land features.
They include wetlands in drainage basins of estuaries or coastal waters that contain saline, brackish,
and nearshore waters; coastlines and adjacent lands; adjacent freshwater and intermediate wetlands
that interact as an ecological unit; and river mouths and those portions of major river systems affected
by tidal influence—all of which interact as an integrated ecological unit. Shorelands, dunes, nearshore
islands, barrier islands and associated headlands, and freshwater wetlands within estuarine drainages
are included in the definition since these interrelated features are critical to coastal fish, wildlife, and their
The definition of a coastal wetland ecosystem also applies to the Great Lakes and their watersheds,
where freshwater plays a similar hydrologic role. The Great Lakes coastal wetland ecosystem is made
up of multiple interrelated coastal landscape features along the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes coastal
wetland ecosystem includes wetlands located adjacent to any of the Great Lakes including Lake St. Clair
and connecting waters, and mouths of river or stream systems draining directly into the Great Lakes.
Shorelands, dunes, offshore islands, and barrier islands and associated headlands are included in the
definition since these interrelated features are critical to Great Lakes fish, wildlife, and their habitats.

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Coastal Wetlands Act or Act. The Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act of 1990
(16 U.S.C. 3951–3956).
Eligible applicant. Any agency or agencies of a coastal State designated by the Governor. It is usually a
State natural resource or fish and wildlife agency.
Enhancement. The manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of a wetland
(undisturbed or degraded) site to heighten, intensify, or improve specific function(s) or to change the
growth stage or composition of the vegetation present.
Fund. A fund established and used by a coastal State for acquiring coastal wetlands, other natural
areas, or open spaces. The fund can be a trust fund from which the principal is not spent, or a fund
derived from a dedicated recurring source of monies including, but not limited to, real estate transfer
fees or taxes, cigarette taxes, tax checkoffs, or motor vehicle license plate fees.
Grant. An award of financial assistance by the Federal Government to an eligible applicant.
Long-term conservation. Protecting and restoring terrestrial and aquatic environments for at least 20
years. This includes the hydrology, water quality, and fish and wildlife that depend on these
Maintenance. (These activities are ineligible under the program; the definition is included to distinguish
these activities from acquisition, restoration, enhancement, and management.) Maintenance includes
those activities necessary for upkeep of a facility or habitat. These activities include routine, recurring
custodial maintenance such as housekeeping and minor repairs as well as the supplies, materials, and
tools necessary to carry out the work. Also included is nonroutine cyclical maintenance to keep facilities
or habitat improvements fully functional. Cyclical maintenance is major maintenance or renovation
activities conducted at intervals normally greater than 1 year.
Management. (Includes habitat management only.) Habitat management includes vegetation
manipulation and restoration of habitat to support fish and wildlife populations. Creation of wetlands
where they did not previously exist is not included in the definition of management.
Maritime forest. Maritime forests are defined, for the purposes of this regulation, as broad-leaved forests
that occur on barrier islands and along the mainland coast from Delaware to Texas. Examples are
primarily characterized by a closed canopy of various combinations of live oak ( Quercus virginiana ),
upland laurel oak ( Quercus hemisphaerica ), pignut hickory ( Carya glabra ), southern magnolia
( Magnolia grandiflora ), sugarberry ( Celtis laevigata ), and cabbage palm ( Sabal palmetto ). Shrubs
and smaller trees typical of the understory include live oak, upland laurel oak, pignut hickory, red
mulberry ( Morus rubra ), wild olive ( Osmanthus americanus ), American holly ( Ilex opaca ), yaupon
( Ilex vomitoria ), beautyberry ( Callicarpa americana ), bumelia ( Sideraxylon spp.), and small-flowered
pawpaw ( Asimina parviflora ). The herb layer is generally rich and diverse, typically including
partridgeberry ( Mitchella repens ), coralbean ( Erythrina herbacea ), small-leaved milk pea ( Galactia
microphylla ), tick trefoils ( Desmodium spp.), and spikegrass ( Chasmanthium sessiliflorum ). Vines are
represented by muscadine grape ( Vitis rotundifolia ), Virginia creeper ( Parrhenocissus quinquefolia ),
and various briers ( Smilax spp.).
This natural community type becomes established on old coastal dunes that have been stabilized long
enough to sustain forests. In time, the accumulation of humus contributes to moisture retention of soils,
while the canopy minimizes temperature fluctuations by reducing soil warming during the day and heat
loss at night. Because of the underlying deep sands, maritime forests are generally well-drained.
Maritime forests have become prime resort and residential property because of their relatively protected
locations along the coast. Although this community type originally occurred in virtually continuous strips
along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, residential developments and infrastructure encroachments have
severely fragmented most occurrences.
National Wetlands Inventory. A Service program that produces information on the characteristics, extent,
and status of the Nation's wetlands and deepwater habitat. The program's strongest mandates come
from the Emergency Wetlands Resources Act of 1986 (16 U.S.C. 3901), which directs the Service to
map wetlands, conduct wetlands status and trends studies, and disseminate the information produced.
National Wetlands Priority Conservation Plan. A plan developed by the Service for the U.S. Department
of the Interior at the direction of Congress through the Emergency Wetlands Resources Act of 1986 (16

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U.S.C. 3901). The plan provides the criteria and guidance for identifying wetlands that warrant attention
for Federal and State acquisition using Land and Water Conservation Fund appropriations.
Operations. (These activities are ineligible under the program; the definition is included to distinguish
these activities from acquisition, restoration, enhancement, and management.) Operations include
activities necessary for the functioning of a facility or habitat to produce desired results. These include
public use management and facility management.
Program. The National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program. A program administered by the
Service that awards Federal grants through a competitive process to State agencies for projects to
acquire, restore, manage, or enhance coastal wetlands.
Project. One or more related activities necessary to fulfill a stated objective to provide for the long-term
conservation of coastal wetlands including the lands and waters, hydrology, water quality, and wetlanddependent wildlife. These activities can include acquisition, restoration, enhancement, or management
of coastal wetlands.
Restoration. The manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of a site with the
goal of returning natural/historic functions to a former or degraded wetland.

§ 84.12 What are the information collection, record keeping, and reporting
(a) Information collection requirements include:
(1) An Application for Federal Assistance (Standard Form 424);
(2) A proposal, following the guidance of OMB Circular A–102 and the Federal Aid Grant Application
Booklet (OMB Control Number 1018–0109), that includes statements of need and objective(s); a
description of expected results or benefits; the approach to be used, such as procedures, schedules, key
personnel and cooperators, location of the proposed action, and estimated costs to accomplish the
objective(s); identification of any other actions that may relate to the grant; and a description of public
involvement and interagency coordination;
(3) Discussion of ranking criteria, including a completed summary information form (USFWS Form 3–
(4) Assurances of compliance with all applicable Federal laws, regulations, and policies (SF 424B or SF
424D); and
(5) Documents, as appropriate, supporting the proposal; for example, environmental assessments
(including the NEPA compliance checklist, USFWS Form 3–2185) and evaluations of effects on
threatened and endangered species.
(6) A grant agreement form if the proposal is selected for an award (USFWS Form 3–1552); and
(7) A grant amendment form if the agreement is modified (USFWS Form 3–1591).
(b) Record-keeping requirements include the tracking of costs and accomplishments related to the grant
as required by 43 CFR 12.60, monitoring and reporting program performance (43 CFR 12.80), and
financial reporting (43 CFR 12.81). The project report should include information about the acres
conserved, with a breakdown by conservation method (for example, acquired, restored, or both) and
type of habitat (list habitat types and include the acreage of each). Are the results of the project being
monitored? Is there evidence that the resources targeted in the proposal (for example, anadromous fish,
threatened and endangered species, and migratory birds) have benefited?
(c) Reporting requirements include retention and access requirements as specified in 43 CFR 12.82 and
authorized by OMB through the Federal Aid Grant Application Booklet (OMB Control Number 1018–

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Subpart B—Applying for Grants

§ 84.20 What are the grant eligibility requirements?
(a) Eligible grant activities include:
(1) Acquisition of a real property interest in coastal lands or waters from willing sellers or partners
(coastal wetlands ecosystems), providing that the terms and conditions will ensure the real property will
be administered for long-term conservation.
(2) The restoration, enhancement, or management of coastal wetlands ecosystems, providing
restoration, enhancement, or management will be administered for long-term conservation.
(b) Ineligible activities include but are not limited to:
(1) Projects that primarily benefit navigation, irrigation, flood control, or mariculture;
(2) Acquisition, restoration, enhancement, or management of lands to mitigate recent or pending habitat
losses resulting from the actions of agencies, organizations, companies, or individuals;
(3) Creation of wetlands by humans where wetlands did not previously exist;
(4) Enforcement of fish and wildlife laws and regulations, except when necessary for the
accomplishment of approved project purposes;
(5) Research;
(6) Planning as a primary project focus (planning is allowable as a minimal component of project plan
(7) Operations and maintenance;
(8) Acquiring and/or restoring upper portions of watersheds where benefits to the coastal wetlands
ecosystem are not significant and direct; and
(9) Projects providing less than 20 years of conservation benefits.

§ 84.21 How do I apply for a National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant?
(a) Eligible applicants should submit their proposals to the appropriate Regional Director of the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service. Proposals must be complete upon submission, and must include the information
outlined in §84.22 to be complete.
(1) Service Regional Federal Aid Offices' responsibilities for administration of this grant program include:
Notifying the States of the program, its requirements, and any changes that occur; determining the State
agencies designated by the Governor as eligible applicants; ensuring that only eligible applicants apply
for grants; coordinating with various Service programs to ensure that sound and consistent guidance is
communicated to the States; determining proposal eligibility and substantiality; and determining 75
percent match eligibility and notifying the States of approved and disapproved proposals.
(2) Service Divisions of Ecological Services in the regions and field and Fisheries and Habitat
Conservation in the national office provide technical assistance and work with Federal Aid to encourage

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State participation in this process.
(3) Send your proposals to the appropriate Regional Offices, as follows:

Coastal states by service regions
American Samoa, California,
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands, Guam, Hawaii, Oregon, and
Washington (Region 1)

Texas (Region 2)

Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota,
Ohio, and Wisconsin (Region 3)

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi,
North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South
Carolina, and the Virgin Islands.
Louisiana is not eligible to participate
under Section 305 of 16 U.S.C. 3954,
because Louisiana has its own separate
program. (Region 4)
Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New
Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Island, and Virginia (Region 5)

Alaska (Region 7)

Regional contact information
Regional Director (Attention:
Federal Aid), U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Eastside Federal
Complex, 911 NE 11th Avenue,
Portland, Oregon 97232–4181,
(503) 231–6128.
Regional Director (Attention:
Federal Aid), U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 1306,
500 Gold Avenue, SW,
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103,
(505) 248–7450.
Regional Director (Attention:
Federal Aid), U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Bishop Henry
Whipple Federal Building, 1
Federal Drive, Fort Snelling,
Minnesota 55111–4056, (612)
Regional Director (Attention:
Federal Aid), U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, 1875 Century
Boulevard, Suite 324, Atlanta,
Georgia 30345, (404) 679–4159.

Regional Director (Attention:
Federal Aid), U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, 300 Westgate
Center Drive, Hadley,
Massachusetts 01035–9589, (413)
Regional Director (Attention:
Federal Aid), U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, 1011 East Tudor
Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99503,
(907) 786–3435.

(b) The Program operates on an annual cycle. Regional Federal Aid Offices request proposals from the
States in early April. Proposals must be received by the Regional Director on or before a due date set in
early June in order to be considered for funding in the following fiscal year. Check with your Regional
Office each year for the exact due dates. Regions review proposals for eligibility and substantiality.
Regions may rank eligible and substantial proposals and submit them to the national office of the
Service in Washington, DC, by a date set in late June. A Review Panel coordinated by the Service's
National Office of Fisheries and Habitat Conservation reviews and ranks proposals in early August using
the criteria established in this rule. The Director selects the proposals and announces the grant
recipients at the beginning of the new fiscal year (October 1).

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(c) More than one agency in a State may submit proposals to the Service if the Governor determines
that more than one agency has responsibility for coastal wetlands.
(d) A project proposal that includes several separate and distinct phases may be submitted in phases,
but any succeeding phases must compete against other proposals in the year submitted. Obtaining
money for one phase of a project will not be contingent upon acquiring money for another phase of that
same project.
(e) The Federal (Program) share will not exceed $1 million per project.
(f) The percentage of non-Federal match (cash or in-kind) must not be less than 25 percent of the total
costs if the State has a designated fund or not less than 50 percent without a fund.

§ 84.22 What needs to be included in grant proposals?
Proposals must include the following:
(a) Application for Federal Assistance (Standard Form 424);
(b) A Statement of Assurances of compliance with applicable Federal laws, regulations, and policies
(either Standard Form 424B or 424D); and
(c) A project statement that identifies and describes:
(1) The need within the purposes of the Act;
(2) Discrete, quantifiable, and verifiable objective(s) to be accomplished during a specified time period;
(3) Expected results or benefits, in terms of coastal lands and waters, the hydrology, water quality, or
fish and wildlife dependent on the wetlands;
(4) The approach to be used in meeting the objectives, including specific procedures, schedules, key
personnel, and cooperators;
(5) A project location, including two maps: A map of the State showing the general location of the
proposal, and a map of the project site;
(6) Estimated costs to attain the objective(s) (the various activities or components of each project should
be broken down by cost and by cooperator);
(7) If the request is more than $100,000 (Federal share), the applicant must submit a Form DI–2010,
certifying that the grant money will not be used for lobbying activities;
(8) A concise statement, with documentation, of how the proposal addresses each of the 13 numeric
criteria including a summary using FWS Form No. 3–2179 (see §84.32);
(9) A description of the State trust fund that supports a request for a 75 percent Federal share in
sufficient detail for the Service to make an eligibility determination, or a statement that eligibility has
been previously approved and no change has occurred in the fund;
(10) A list of other current coastal acquisition, restoration, enhancement, and management actions;
agency(ies) involved; relationship to the proposed grant; and how the proposal fits into comprehensive
natural resource plans for the area, if any; and
(11) Public involvement or interagency coordination on coastal wetlands conservation projects that has
occurred or is planned that relates to this proposal (Specify the organizations or agencies involved and
dates of involvement.).

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Subpart C—Project Selection

§ 84.30 How are projects selected for grants?
Project selection is a three-step process: proposal acceptance, proposal ranking, and proposal
(a) Proposal acceptance. (1) The Regional Federal Aid Offices decide whether a proposal should be
accepted for consideration by determining if the proposal is complete, substantial, and contains activities
that are eligible. Proposals that do not qualify are immediately returned to the State. Revision and
resubmission of returned proposals is allowable during this period, which is in June (check with your
Regional Office for the exact dates each year). If any of the factors of completeness, substantiality, or
eligibility are not met, the Regions should not forward the proposal to the Washington Office.
(2) To be considered for acceptance, the proposal must be substantial in character and design. A
substantial proposal is one that:
(i) Identifies and describes a need within the purposes of the Act;
(ii) Identifies the objective to be accomplished based on the stated need;
(iii) Uses accepted principles, sound design, and appropriate procedures;
(iv) Provides public conservation benefits that are cost effective and long-term, i.e., at least 20 years;
(v) Identifies obtainable, quantified performance measures (acres enhanced, restored, or protected) that
help achieve the management goals and objectives of the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation
Grant Program. Through this program, the States' efforts and leadership will help the Service meet its
Long-Term and Annual Performance Goals as expressed in the Service's Annual Performance Plan.1

The Service's Annual Performance Plan can be found on the Service's homepage at
http://www//.fws.gov/r9gpra. For more information you might also contact the Budget Office at
202–208–4596 or the Planning and Evaluation Staff at 202–208–2549.

(3) The grant limit is $1 million. Proposals requesting Program awards that exceed $1 million will be
returned to the appropriate State. Similarly, individual projects that have clearly been divided into
multiple proposals for submission in one grant cycle to avoid this limit will be returned to the appropriate
State. The State can revise and resubmit the proposal so that the request does not exceed the $1 million
(b) Proposal ranking. Once a proposal is accepted by the Region, the Regional Federal Aid Office sends
the proposal to the National Federal Aid Office, which works with the National Office of the Fish and
Wildlife Management and Habitat Restoration Program for distribution to a Review Panel. The Review
Panel includes representation from our coastal Regions and from other Service Programs, for example,
the Endangered Species Program. The Fisheries and Habitat Conservation Program is responsible for
coordinating the review and ranking of proposals according to the established criteria, a process that
usually involves a national meeting.
(c) Proposal selection. The Review Panel's recommendations are forwarded to the Director of the
Service for a final review and project selection. The Director announces the selection by October 1.

§ 84.31 An overview of the ranking criteria.

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(a) The primary objective of the proposal will be to acquire, restore, enhance, or manage coastal
wetlands to benefit coastal wetlands and the hydrology, water quality, and fish and wildlife dependent
upon them. The Program will not provide grants, for example, for construction or repair of boat ramps or
docks for recreational purposes and construction or support of research facilities or activities. The
purpose of the ranking criteria is to provide a means for selecting the best projects—those that produce
the maximum benefits to coastal wetlands and the fish and wildlife that depend on them.
(b) Proposal ranking factors —(1) Ranking criteria. As explained in §84.32, we will evaluate proposals
according to 13 ranking criteria. These criteria have varying point values. Proposals must address each
of these 13 criteria.
(2) Additional considerations. Even though the criteria provide the primary evaluation of proposals, we
may factor additional considerations into the ranking decision at the national level. In case of a tie, we
will use these additional considerations to rank proposals having identical scores.
(c) The criteria in §84.32 are not listed in priority order.
(d) Points are assigned on the basis of a completed project, rather than current conditions, e.g., count 50
acres of estuarine emergent wetlands if 50 acres of that habitat type will be restored when the project is
(e) A range of points rather than a set point value allows the reviewer to distinguish between, for
example, a proposal that provides some foraging habitat for a threatened species versus one that
provides critical nesting habitat of several endangered species. Scoring guidance is included with the
individual criteria.
(f) A total of 64 points is possible under the scoring system.
(g) If a grant proposal is not selected, the State may resubmit it for reconsideration in subsequent fiscal
years. Resubmission of a grant proposal is the responsibility of the applicant.

§ 84.32 What are the ranking criteria?
(a) The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will rank proposals using the 13 criteria listed below. In the
following list, a description of each criterion is followed by examples and the points they would receive
for that criterion.
(1) Wetlands conservation. Will the project reverse coastal wetland loss or habitat degradation in
decreasing or stable coastal wetland types? Will it conserve wetlands to prevent losses of decreasing or
stable wetland types? (Maximum: 7 points)
(i) The majority of the project area (over 50 percent) is nationally decreasing coastal wetland types,2 or
the majority is regionally decreasing wetlands types in which the case for regionally decreasing is welldocumented (Up to 7 points). The nationally decreasing types are estuarine intertidal emergent;
estuarine intertidal forested; estuarine intertidal scrub-shrub; marine intertidal; palustrine emergent;
palustrine forested; and palustrine scrub-shrub. Describe the wetlands using terms listed above. Include
a breakdown showing the percentage of the proposal's total and wetland acreage in decreasing types.
Provide National Wetlands Inventory codes/information if available. Information about these can be
found on the National Wetland Inventory's web site at http://wetlands.fws.gov.
2 These designations are based on the National Wetlands Priority Conservation Plan. For
more information about the plan, or to receive a copy of the document, refer to the contact
information provided in §84.21.

(ii) The majority of the project area (over 50 percent) is nationally stable coastal wetlands types2 (Up to 5
points). The nationally stable types are estuarine intertidal non-vegetated and estuarine subtidal.
Describe the wetlands using the terms listed above. Include a breakdown showing the percentage of the
proposal's total and wetland acreage in stable types. Provide National Wetlands Inventory
codes/information if available.

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(iii) Wetlands benefited are less than 50 percent of the project area. (Up to 3 points)
(iv) If the project would benefit wetlands in the upper portion of the coastal watershed, but does not
demonstrate significant and direct benefits to coastal wetlands, the proposal will not receive any points.
(0 points)
(v) We will award a full 7 points to proposals that document that over 50 percent of their project area
would be, upon project completion, decreasing coastal wetland types. A combination of decreasing and
stable types that is over 50 percent of the project area could receive an intermediate score of 4, 5, or 6
points, depending on the balance between decreasing and stable types. If wetlands are 50 percent or
less of the project area, use the following guide for allocating points: 25 to 50 percent of the project area
is decreasing or stable wetlands, 2, 3, or 4 points; 5 to 24 percent, 1 or 2 points; and less than 5 percent,
0 points.
(2) Maritime forests on coastal barriers. Will the proposal significantly benefit maritime forests on coastal
barriers? The coastal barrier does not need to be a unit of the Coastal Barrier Resources System.
(Maximum: 7 points)
(i) The proposal documents significant benefit to maritime forests on a coastal barrier. Describe the
forest in sufficient detail so reviewers can determine whether it meets the definition of “maritime
forest.” (Up to 7 points)
(ii) The proposal does not benefit maritime forests on a coastal barrier. (0 points)
(iii) For this criterion most scores should be either 0 or 7. If questions arise about the significance of the
benefit or whether the forests meet the strict definition, an intermediate score could be given.
(3) Long-term conservation. Does the project ensure long-term conservation of coastal wetland
functions? The project must provide at least 20 years of conservation benefits to be eligible. (Maximum:
7 points)
(i) Once the project is complete, the project will provide continuing coastal wetlands benefits in
perpetuity (100 years or longer). (7 points)
(ii) Once the project is complete, the project will provide continuing coastal wetland benefits for 50–99
years. (3 to 6 points)
(iii) Once the project is complete, the proposal will provide continuing coastal wetlands benefits for 20–
49 years. (1 to 3 points)
(iv) The proposal should show how the project will be maintained and the benefits sustained over time.
Proposals must include adequate documentation of long-term conservation of coastal wetland values,
such as a 25-year easement, to receive points for this criterion. If part of the project's benefits will be
perpetual (owned in fee title, for example) and part is estimated to last 20 years, reviewers should weigh
the different elements of the project and give an intermediate score.
(4) Coastal watershed management. Would the completed project help accomplish the natural resource
goals and objectives of one or more formal, ongoing coastal ecosystem or coastal watershed
management plan(s) or effort(s)? Describe the management plan or effort(s). (Maximum: 3 points)
(i) The project supports the natural resource goals of identified formal, ongoing coastal ecosystem or
coastal watershed management plans or efforts. Describe the management plan(s) and/or effort(s) and
explain how this project relates to its objectives. A plan that very specifically identifies the site will
receive more points than a plan containing many generic references. (Up to 3 points)
(ii) The project does not support the natural resource goals and objectives of a formal, ongoing coastal
ecosystem or coastal watershed management effort. If the proposal benefits the upper portions of
coastal watersheds, but provides no significant and direct benefits to the coastal wetlands ecosystems,
the proposal will not receive points. (0 points)
(5) Conservation of threatened and endangered species. Will the project benefit any federally listed
endangered or threatened species, species proposed for Federal listing, recently delisted species, or
designated or proposed critical habitat in coastal wetlands? Will it benefit State-listed threatened and

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endangered species? (Maximum: 5 points)
(i) The project will provide, restore, or enhance important habitat (e.g., nesting, breeding, feeding,
nursery areas) for federally listed or proposed endangered or threatened species that use the coastal
area project site for at least part of their life cycle. The project will benefit recently delisted species and
habitat conservation plans developed under the auspices of the Endangered Species Act. List the
species and their status (e.g., threatened or endangered) and provide documentation (e.g., cite recovery
plan, attach letter from species expert) of current or recent species occurrence in the coastal area
project site. Describe the importance of the habitat. (Up to 5 points)
(ii) The project will provide, restore, or enhance important habitat for State-listed threatened and
endangered species. (Up to 2 points)
(iii) The project will not provide, restore, or enhance important habitat for federally or State-listed or
proposed endangered or threatened species in the coastal area project site for any part of their life
cycle. If the proposal provides benefits to threatened and endangered species in the upper portion of the
coastal watershed, but provides no significant and direct benefits to threatened and endangered species
using coastal wetlands ecosystem habitat, the proposal will not receive any points. (0 points)
(iv) The combined scores of subparagraphs (a)(5)(i) and (a)(5)(ii) of this section cannot exceed the 5point maximum.
(6) Benefits to fish. Will the project provide, restore, or enhance important fisheries habitat? (Maximum:
5 points)
(i) The project will provide, restore, or enhance important habitat (i.e., spawning, nursery, juvenile, or
foraging habitat) for specific species that use the coastal area project site for at least part of their life
cycle. These species may include anadromous, interjurisdictional, or other important species. List
species, habitat types, and benefits to each species. (Up to 5 points)
(ii) The project does not document current or future benefits to fish species and their habitat. (0 points)
(iii) The more specific the information is on the use of the area and the importance of the habitat, the
greater the points. An area specifically identified as critical for conservation in a fisheries management
plan will, for example, receive more points than one which is not.
(7) Benefits to coastal-dependent or migratory birds. Will the project provide, restore, or enhance
important habitat for coastal-dependent or migratory birds?
(i) The project will provide, restore, or enhance important habitat (i.e., breeding, staging, foraging,
wintering/summering habitat) benefits for at least part of the life cycle of coastal dependent or migratory
birds. List the species and habitat types, and describe the benefits to each. (Up to 5 points)
(ii) The project will not significantly benefit coastal-dependent or migratory birds. (0 points)
(iii) We will give maximum points to projects that benefit coastal-dependent species identified in the
North American Waterfowl Plan or listed as species of management concern.3 Proposals should also
include information that demonstrates how the project will contribute to the regional goals developed
under the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan, the North American Waterbird Conservation Plan, Partners
in Flight, the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, or other bird conservation initiatives.
Proposals that fail to do so will not receive maximum points. Indicate if the proposed area has been
specifically identified by any program or agency for its migratory bird values.

For more information about species of management concern, visit the website
migratorybirds.fws.gov or contact the Division of Migratory Bird Management at 703–358–
(8) Prevent or reduce contamination. Will the project prevent or reduce input of contaminants to the
coastal wetlands and associated coastal waters, or restore coastal wetlands and other associated
coastal waters that are already contaminated? (Maximum: 5 points)
(i) The project will prevent significant inputs of contaminants or will provide significant improvements to

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the quality of the coastal wetland and associated waters through protection from contaminants or
restoration, including assimilation of nutrients and nonpersistent toxic substances. Describe the types
and sources of possible or current impairment to the coastal wetland and other associated coastal
waters (e.g., to water quality, sediments, flora, or fauna). Describe how contaminant inputs or residues
will be prevented, reduced, or eliminated. Preventing contaminants by precluding residential
development through acquisition will not normally warrant full points unless the applicant can be shown
that significant contamination would have occurred otherwise. (Up to 5 points)
(ii) The proposal will not significantly prevent impairment or improve the quality of the coastal wetland
and associated coastal waters. If the proposal provides positive water quality benefits in the upper
portions of watersheds, but provides no significant and direct positive water quality benefits to coastal
wetland ecosystems, the proposal will not receive points. (0 points)
(iii) Show direct links between contamination and wildlife and aquatic habitats. To receive full points, you
should provide documentation of the linkage. Reviewers may consider the extent of contaminants
prevention/reduction when assigning points. Proposals having the potential to produce an attractive
nuisance (e.g., acquiring and/or restoring a wetland that will be attractive to wildlife and that also has the
potential to accumulate high levels of persistent toxic metals or hydrocarbon compounds) will not receive
(9) Catalyst for future conservation. Is the project proposal designed to leverage other ongoing coastal
wetlands protection projects in the area, such as acquisition of areas to add to already acquired coastal
lands, or provide impetus for additional restoration? (Maximum: 4 points)
(i) The project will be essential (e.g., key to completion or implementation of a greater conservation plan)
to further advance or promote other coastal projects under way. Explain why. (Up to 4 points)
(ii) The project proposal does not demonstrate a positive impact on other coastal projects. (0 points)
(iii) To receive the maximum number of points, the proposal should be essential to the initiation or
completion of a larger project. Examples may include acquisition of key in-holdings within a larger
protected area, funds necessary to acquire fee simple interest in properties where a conservation
easement has already been secured, and funds necessary to complete restoration activities to a
protected area.
(10) Partners in conservation. Will the proposal receive financial support, including in-kind match, from
private, local, or other Federal interests? (Maximum: 4 points)
(i) The proposal includes the State applicant plus one or more non-State financial partners. (Up to 4
(ii) The proposal includes only financial support from the State applicant. (0 points)
(iii) A written description of commitment of funds or in-kind match from the partners must accompany the
proposal. (This requirement is in addition to signing the Assurances Form.) The purpose of this criterion
is to promote partnerships with private, local, or other Federal agencies rather than to increase the dollar
amount of the matching share. Therefore, no specific minimum amount is indicated here. At least two
partners, in addition to the State applicant, should have committed money to the project to receive
maximum points.
(11) Federal share reduced. Does the proposal significantly reduce the Federal share by providing more
than the required match amount? In the case of a Territory or Commonwealth that does not require
match funds, does the proposal include financial support from sources other than the Territory or
Commonwealth? (Maximum: 5 points)
(i) The State, territory, or commonwealth applicant must have a non-Federal funding source (in-kind
match does not count for this criterion) that reduces the Federal share. (Up to 5 points)
(ii) The maximum Federal share is requested by the proposal. (0 points)
(iii) The purpose of this criterion is to increase the amount of money from non-Federal sources. This
increase decreases the need for Federal match dollars, so that Federal dollars can help more projects.
Documentation of each partner's financial commitment must accompany the proposal to receive points.

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If the State itself provides the excess match, the State should receive credit for reducing the Federal
share. Each 5 percent above the required State match would be approximately equal to 1 point. The
following two examples, using both a 50 and 75 percent Federal match share, define a 10 percent
increase in a State's match amount.
(A) Example 1–50—Percent Federal Match
If the total project costs are $100,000, then the required State match share is $50,000.
If the State or a partner provides an additional cash contribution equal to 10 percent of the $50,000,
$5,000. This is defined as a 10 percent increase in the State match.4

From sources other than Federal agencies. Natural Resource Damage Assessment funds
may in some cases be defined as “non-Federal.” See discussion under §84.46 on What are
the cost-sharing requirements?
(B) Example 2–75—Percent Federal Match
If the total project costs are $100,000, then the required State match share is $25,000.
If the State or a partner provides an additional cash contribution equal to 10 percent of the $25,000,
$2,500. This is defined as a 10 percent increase in the State match.4
(12) Education/outreach program or wildlife-oriented recreation. Is the project designed to increase
environmental awareness and develop support for coastal wetlands conservation? Does it provide
recreational opportunities that are consistent with the conservation goals of the site? (Maximum: 3
(i) The proposal includes a site-specific, substantive education/outreach or wildlife-oriented recreation
program. (Up to 3 points)
(ii) The proposal does not include a substantive education/outreach or wildlife-oriented recreation
program. (0 points)
(iii) The proposal must describe what makes this program substantive and link it closely with the specific
site to receive full points. Programs supported by activities or funds from partners should be encouraged
over use of project dollars. Project proposals may include substantive education/outreach components
necessary for the completion of the project. However, these should be activities that complement or
support the primary goal of the project.
(13) Other factors. Do any other factors, not covered in the previous criteria, make this project or site
particularly unique and valuable? Does the project offer important benefits that are not reflected in the
other criteria? The following list includes examples of projects that provide benefits not reflected in other
criteria. (Maximum: 4 points)
(i) The project might provide significant benefits to, for example: rare or threatened habitat types;
biodiverse habitats; rare and declining species; and the local community.
(ii) The project would be particularly cost-effective, providing very significant resource benefits for the
(iii) The project would assist in the prevention or control of invasive species.
(iv) The project would provide important cultural or historical resource benefits.
(v) The project would provide other benefits.
(vi) Reviewers should not assign points to resource values covered by other criteria. The proposal
should provide a short narrative to support claims to Other Factors points.

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(b) Additional considerations. We will factor the following considerations into the ranking process if two
or more proposals have the same point totals. The tie-breaking factors are as follows:
(1) The project would prevent the destruction or degradation of habitat from pending sale of property,
from adverse effects of current activities such as draining of wetlands, or from natural processes such as
erosion at excessive rates;
(2) The project would protect unique and significant biological diversity;
(3) The project has lower costs per acre conserved; and
(4) In the project proposal the State or third party provides lands as opposed to using lands already
owned by the State or third party as part of the State matching share.
(c) All proposals must include the information described in paragraphs (b) (1)–(4) of this section. If a tie
occurs between two or more proposals, the reviewers need to have this information available
immediately to decide which proposal or proposals should be recommended for selection.

Subpart D—Conditions on Acceptance/Use of Federal Money

§ 84.40 What conditions must I follow to accept Federal grant money?
(a) The audit requirements for State and local governments (43 CFR part 12), and
(b) The uniform administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements with State and local
governments (43 CFR part 12).

§ 84.41 Who prepares a grant agreement? What needs to be included?
The coastal State and the Fish and Wildlife Service work together to develop a Grant Agreement (Form
3–1552) upon completion of the review by the Regional Director to determine compliance with applicable
Federal laws and regulations. The Grant Agreement includes the grant title, the grant cost distribution,
the agreement period, other grant provisions, and special grant conditions. If a Coastal Barrier Unit is
affected, the Service must conduct internal consultations pursuant to Section 6 of the Coastal Barrier
Resources Act, as amended by the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act, prior to providing any grant
monies to that State.

§ 84.42 What if a grant agreement is not signed?
Monies that have been allocated for a grant will be held until December 31 of the following year. If a
grant agreement has not been signed by the State and the Service and, therefore, the money has not
been obligated for the approved grant by that date, the funds automatically are returned to the Program
account in Washington.

§ 84.43 How do States get the grant monies?
Funding to States is provided on a reimbursable basis. See §84.47 for information on what costs can be

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reimbursed. The Service may reimburse the State for projects completed, or make payments as the
project progresses. For construction work and labor, the Service and the State may jointly determine, on
a case-by-case basis, that payments may be made in advance. We will minimize the time elapsing
between the transfer to the State and the State's need for the funds, and the time period will be subject
to a specific determined need for the funds in advance. Except for extenuating circumstances, a
reasonable time period to advance funds to a State is up to 3 days. OMB Circular A–102, Parts II and III,
43 CFR part 12, and 31 CFR part 205 provide specific information on methods and procedures for
transferring funds.

§ 84.44 What is the timetable for the use of grant money?
Once money is granted to the coastal States, the money is available to those States for the time
designated in the grant agreement. If a State needs more time, the State must apply for an extension of
time by amending the grant agreement. If the Service does not extend the time, the unobligated monies
return to the Service for expenditure on future grants. Also, if a State cannot spend the money on the
approved project, the State must notify the appropriate Regional Director as soon as possible so that the
money can revert back to the Service for future grants.

§ 84.45 How do I amend a proposal?
Following procedures in 43 CFR 12.70, you must submit a signed original and two copies of the revised
SF 424, the revised portion of the project statement if appropriate, and an explanation of the reason for
the revision to the Regional Director (Federal Aid).

§ 84.46 What are the cost-sharing requirements?
(a) Except for certain insular areas, the Federal share of an approved grant will not exceed 50 percent of
approved costs incurred. However, the Federal share may be increased to 75 percent for coastal States
that have established and are using a fund as defined in §84.11. The Regions must certify the eligibility
of the fund in order for the State to qualify for the 75 percent matching share.
(b) The following insular areas: American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, have been exempted from the matching share, as provided in Pub.
L. 95–134, amended by Pub. L. 95–348, Pub. L. 96–205, Pub. L. 98–213, and Pub. L. 98–454 (48
U.S.C. 1469a). Puerto Rico is not exempt from the match requirements of this Program.
(c) The State may provide materials (e.g., heavy equipment) or other services as a noncash match for
portions of the State's matching share. The State may also provide the value of land, including the land
proposed for restoration, enhancement, or management as a noncash match, provided that the land is
necessary and reasonable for completing the project. For example, if a State proposes to manage a
contiguous wetland of 100 acres, and already owns 10 of the 100 acres, the State can apply the current
value of the 10 acres, provided that the 10 acres are necessary to manage the entire 100 acres. If the
10-acre wetland were not contiguous and no connection could be made that the 10 acres were needed
to manage the proposed wetland, the State could not use the 10 acres as a noncash match. Review 43
CFR 12.64 for determining the value of in-kind contributions.
(d) The requirements in 43 CFR 12.64 and Service Manual Part 522 FW 1.135 apply to in-kind matches
or cost-sharing involving third parties. Third party in-kind contributions must represent the current market
value of noncash contributions furnished as part of the grant by another public agency, private
organization, or individual. In-kind matches must be necessary and reasonable to accomplish grant
5 From the Fish and Wildlife Service Manual, available on-line at

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(e) Coastal States must commit to their matching share of the total costs by signing the Application for
Federal Assistance (SF 424), the Assurances (SF 424B or SF 424D), and the Grant Agreement (Form
(f) No Federal monies, non-Federal monies, in-kind contributions, or National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation grant program monies that will be or have been previously used to satisfy the matching
requirement of another Federal grant can be used as part of the coastal State's matching share.
(g) The coastal State is responsible for ensuring the full amount of that State's matching requirement,
either with State funds or from contributions toward the proposal from other agencies, groups, or
individuals. Sources other than State applicant funds must be documented and approved as eligible.
(h) Total Federal contributions (including all Federal sources outside of the Program) may not exceed
the maximum eligible Federal share under the Program. This includes monies provided to the State by
other Federal programs. If the amount of Federal money available to the project is more than the
maximum allowed, we will reduce the Program contribution by the amount in excess.
(i) Natural Resource Damage Assessment funds that are managed by a non-Federal trustee are
considered to be non-Federal, even if these monies were once deposited in the Department of the
Interior's Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Fund, provided the following criteria
are met:
(1) The monies were deposited pursuant to a joint and indivisible recovery by the Department of the
Interior and non-Federal trustees under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation,
and Liability Act (CERCLA) or the Oil Pollution Act (OPA);
(2) The non-Federal trustee has joint and binding control over the funds;
(3) The co-trustees agree that monies from the fund should be available to the non-Federal trustee and
can be used as a non-Federal match to support a project consistent with the settlement agreement,
CERCLA, and OPA; and
(4) The monies have been transferred to the non-Federal trustee.

§ 84.47 What are allowable costs?
(a) Allowable grant costs are limited to costs necessary and reasonable to achieve approved grant
objectives and meet the applicable Federal cost principles in 43 CFR 12.62 (b).
(b) If a project or facility is designed to include purposes other than those eligible under the Act, the
costs must be prorated among the various purposes.
(c) If you incur costs before the effective date of the grant, they cannot be reimbursed, with the exception
that we can allow preliminary costs, but only with the approval of the appropriate Regional Director.
Preliminary costs may include costs necessary for preparing the grant proposal, such as feasibility
surveys, engineering design, biological reconnaissance, appraisals, or preparation of grant documents
such as environmental assessments for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act.

§ 84.48 What are the procedures for acquiring, maintaining, and disposing of real
(a) Acquisition, maintenance, and disposal of real property must follow the rules established in 43 CFR
12.71 and 50 CFR 80.14.
(1) Title to real property acquired under a grant or subgrant must be vested in the State or subgrantee,
including local governments and nonprofit organizations. States must submit documentation (e.g.,

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appraisals and appraisal reviews) to the Regional Director who must approve it before the State
becomes legally obligated for the purchase. States will provide title vesting evidence and summary of
land costs upon completion of the acquisition. The grant agreement and any deed to third parties (e.g.,
conservation easement or other lien on a third-party property) must include appropriate language to
ensure that the lands and/or interests would revert back to the State or Federal Government if the
conditions of the grant were no longer being implemented.
(2) In cases where the interest obtained is less than fee simple title, the interest must be sufficient for
long-term conservation of the specified wetlands resources.
(3) Real property acquired with National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant funds must continue to
serve the purpose for which it was acquired. If acquired property is used for reasons inconsistent with
the purpose(s) for which acquired, such activities must cease and any adverse effects on the property
must be corrected by the State or subgrantee with non-Federal monies in accordance with 50 CFR
(4) The State or subgrantee may not dispose of or encumber its title or other interest in real property
without prior approval of the appropriate Regional Director of the Service. Real property includes, but is
not limited to, lands, buildings, minerals, energy resources, timber, grazing, and animal products. If real
property is sold, the State or subgrantee must compensate the Service in accordance with 43 CFR
(5) If rights or interests obtained with the acquisition of coastal wetlands generate revenue during the
Grant Agreement period, the State will treat the revenue as program income and use it to manage the
acquired properties. If the State sells or leases real property, the State must treat the proceeds as
program income and return the money to the Federal Aid program regardless of the grant period.
(6) Inconsistent use that is not corrected can be grounds for denying a State future grants under this
(b) A coastal State is responsible for design, supervision, and inspection of all major construction
projects in accordance with accepted engineering standards.
(1) The coastal State must have adequate rights to lands or waters where restoration or enhancement
projects are planned to ensure protection and use of the facilities or structures throughout their useful
(2) The construction, enlargement, or rehabilitation of dams are subject to Federal standards for dam
design. If requested, the State must provide to the Regional Office written certification that any proposed
changes to a dam meet Federal standards.
(3) The coastal State must operate and maintain facilities, structures, or related assets to ensure their
use for the stated project purpose and that they are adequately protected.
(c) Acquisition, property records, maintenance, and disposal of equipment must be made in accordance
with 43 CFR 12.72.

§ 84.49 What if the project costs more or less than originally expected?
All requests for additional monies for approved coastal wetland grants will be subject to the entire review
process along with new grants. Any monies left over after the project is complete, or if the project is not
completed, should be returned to the Washington Office for use in following years. If a State has lands it
wishes to acquire, restore, or enhance in close proximity to the original project, and the Region deems
that spending project monies in these areas would provide similar benefits, the Region may use unspent
balances to pay for these projects with prior approval from the Washington Office. States must provide
adequate justification and documentation to the Regions that the lands acquired, restored, or enhanced
are similar to those in the original proposal and provide similar benefits to fish and wildlife.

§ 84.50 How does a State certify compliance with Federal laws, regulations, and

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(a) In accepting Federal money, coastal State representatives must agree to and certify compliance with
all applicable Federal laws, regulations, and policies. The applicant will need to submit a Statement of
Assurances (either SF 424B or SF 424D) signed and dated by an authorized agency representative as
part of the proposal.
(b) Compliance with environmental and other laws, as defined in the Service Manual 523 FW Chapter
1,6 may require additional documentation. Consult with Regional Offices for how this applies to a
specific project.

The Fish and Wildlife Service Manual, see footnote 3 for availability.

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