Form 14 UCEDD: Interview with Director

Developmental Disabilities Program Independent Evaluation Project


UCEDD: Interview with Director

OMB: 0970-0372

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[Interviewer]: Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. My name is [interviewer’s name] and this is [second interviewer’s name]. We both work for _______, a private research company in _______.

As we’ve already discussed, the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) is conducting an independent evaluation of Developmental Disabilities Network programs and collaboration among them. The purpose of this evaluation is to examine the impact of the Developmental Disabilities (DD) Network programs on the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families. This evaluation is intended to provide feedback to the ADD to help improve the effectiveness of its programs and policies, to serve as a decision-making tool for ADD, and to promote accountability to the public.

Your program is one of ____ UCEDDs in ____ states that has been randomly selected to participate in the evaluation. The evaluation will consist of interviews with key stakeholders (e.g., Executive Directors and staff, Consumer Advisory Committee members, recipients of UCEDD community services, former and current students, and UCEED peers (e.g., researchers and administrators). We will also be conducting the evaluation at DD Councils and P&As. We will summarize the information provided by interviewees (yourself included) in all programs to help us to examine the impact of DD Councils at the national level.

As the UCEDD executive director, you are an important source of information regarding the operations and achievements of this program. We have some specific questions to ask you about the different key functions of your UCEDD. The interview should last approximately 3-4 hours.

Before we start, we would like to ask your permission to record this interview so that we do not miss any of your responses to our questions. The recording will be used by ________ only; it will not be provided to ADD or anyone else.

Do you have any questions before we start?


As you know, those applying for or renewing a core center grant must provide a 5-year plan to ADD. This section contains questions on the process for developing the goals and objectives in the plan, the plan itself, and how the plan is used.

Process for developing goals and priorities

Let’s start with the process your center uses for developing the 5-year plan, thinking about what happened during the last planning cycle.

1. What methods did you use to obtain input on the needs and priorities of people with developmental disabilities and their families? Please describe.


  • Public meetings

  • Focus groups

  • Surveys

  • Analysis of telephone calls to the UCEDD

  • Input from staff and grantees

  • Other _________________________________________________________

  1. Whom did you contact to participate in providing input?


Contacted ()

Provided input ()

People with developmental disabilities

Family members


Service providers

Policy makers


P&A Board of Directors/Advisory Council

DD Councils

UCEDD Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC)

Other, please specify

3. What groups/organizations/individuals provided your center with input for the last planning cycle?

4. What did you do to accommodate people with developmental disabilities so they were able to participate in the planning and priority setting process? Please describe.


  • Methods of contact

  • Materials used

  • Accessibility at meetings

  • Assistance with materials

  • Other, please specify ____________________________________________

5. How did you make sure you provided opportunities to participate to those who had never participated before in the process? For example, please describe how you sought input from:


  • People from both urban and rural communities;

  • People throughout all parts of the state;

  • People from ethnic/minority groups in your state;

  • People who have difficulty understanding English;

  • Others, please specify____________________________________________

6. What did you do to provide accommodation to those who needed it in order to participate? Please give examples.

7. What type of existing data or reports did you use to identify the needs and interests of people with developmental disabilities? Please give examples.


  • Census data

  • Findings from UCEDD reports [Obtain copy or references.]

  • Findings from published literature [Obtain references.]

  • Findings from P&A reports [Obtain copy.]

  • Findings from DD Council Comprehensive Review and Analysis of the State Plan

[Obtain copy.]

  • Findings from DD Council-supported demonstration projects [Obtain copy.]

  • State agency reports [Obtain copy.]

  • Other _________________________________________________________

[Obtain copy or references.]

8. In the last planning cycle, how did you use feedback about current activities to inform the planning and priority setting process? Please describe.

  1. What kind of information did you collect about current activities (e.g., information on recipients’ satisfaction with UCEDD-supported programs)?

  1. How did you collect it?

  1. From whom (e.g., staff and grantee feedback)?

  1. How did you use it? Give examples.

Results of planning process

9. What was the process you used to move from stakeholder input to statements of goals and priorities in your 5-year plan? Please describe.

    1. What did you do?

    1. Who was involved?


  • Staff

  • DD Council members

  • State officials

  • People with developmental disabilities

  • Family members

  • Representatives from other DD Network programs

  • Other _____________________________________________________

    1. How did you make sure the end result is consistent with both stakeholder input and existing data regarding the needs and priorities of people with developmental disabilities? Please explain.

d. How did you make sure the end result is truly reflective of the findings from the planning process? Please describe.

I see the goals and objectives in the 5-year plan are _______________________ (Refer to 5-year plan).

10. How do these relate to the feedback you received from stakeholders? Please give examples.

Use of 5-year plan to shape UCEDD activities

Now let’s talk about the relationship between the 5-year plan and UCEDD activities.

11. How does your UCEDD use the 5-year plan? Please describe.

12. How did your UCEDD deal with new and emerging issues that arose in the past year? Please give examples.

13. What was the rationale for taking on these new and emerging issues not covered in the 5-year plan or amendments to the plan? Please explain.


For this part of the interview, we’d like to talk about the aspects of your program that make it disciplinary, faculty and staff considered to be “UCEDD faculty,” the UCEDD’s influence throughout the university, and the outcomes achieved as a result of the interdisciplinary pre-service preparation and continuing education program.

Interdisciplinary aspects of program

First, we want to ask you about the interdisciplinary nature of the pre-service program. We define “interdisciplinary” as “interaction among multiple disciplines on a common problem.”

  1. How does the UCEDD promote interdisciplinary education within the interdisciplinary pre-service program?

  1. Please provide some examples of UCEDD-sponsored curricula and syllabi that incorporate the perspectives and interactions among a variety of disciplines.

[Obtain 3 examples of curricula or syllabi.]

  1. What makes these interdisciplinary?


  • Examines/considers perspective of a variety of disciplines

  • Uses instructors from a variety of disciplines

  • Development of program was based on input from experts in a variety of disciplines

  • Other ____________________________________________

  1. How would you characterize the students the UCEDD faculty and staff teach or prepare disability content for?


  • Pre-service interdisciplinary students – usually graduate students or students pursuing a professional degree – who already have shown an inclination toward participating in a disability-related field

  • Students from a variety of departments who participate in disability studies

  • Students throughout the university who may never have thought about disability as an interest or career but have been exposed to disability content in one of their classes or courses

  • Continuing education students who may already be practicing in a disability-related field and take a UCEDD-sponsored course that allows them to upgrade their knowledge and skills

  • Other _______________________________________________________

  1. In the past year, in what ways did people with developmental disabilities and family members contribute to interdisciplinary pre-service preparation and continuing education programs. Please describe.


  • Contributed to development of UCEDD curricula and syllabi

  • Contributed to classroom instruction

  • Were actively recruited for positions in the UCEDD

  • Other _______________________________________________________________

UCEDD faculty and staff

Now we’d like to talk about UCEDD faculty and teaching staff – the extent to which they are knowledgeable and up-to-date in their field, skilled in teaching, and student-focused.

We define faculty UCEDD faculty and teaching staff as individuals with a university or faculty appointment (tenure, non-tenure or adjunct) and who have a designated official role with the UCEDD (e.g., at least some proportion of their salary is funded under the UCEDD’s budget or a UCEDD grant or contract; works for a university academic department and is released from some of their departmental academic responsibilities in order to work with the UCEDD; is funded by the university fully or partially to be a UCEDD faculty member; works for an academic department but does some work for the UCEDD in addition to their departmental academic responsibilities).

  1. To what extent did the courses taught or developed by UCEDD faculty and staff over the past year cover current practices and issues relating to developmental disabilities and contain up-to-date content? Please describe.

    1. Please describe the practices and/or issues covered in 3 courses taught over the past year.

    1. Please describe the content of 3 courses taught over the past year that would demonstrate that the courses contain up-to-date content.

[Obtain 3 examples of course syllabi developed by UCEDD faculty and staff and used in the past year that cover current practices and issues.]

[Obtain 3 examples of course syllabi used in the past year that contain up-to-date content (e.g., required readings).]

  1. What type of assessment of faculty and teaching staff effectiveness was conducted in the past year at this UCEDD? Please describe.

  1. What do UCEDD faculty and teaching staff do to assist students in meeting their disability-related career goals?


  • Established process for providing career assistance to students (e.g., mentoring program; method for sharing job opportunities with students)

  • UCEDD faculty and teaching staff identified employment opportunities for students

  • Other ________________________________________________

Influence of UCEDD throughout the University

Now we’d like to understand the influence the UCEDD has throughout the university.

  1. In the past year, did the UCEDD sponsor, co-sponsor or participate in disability-related seminars, presentation, or other disability-related activities within the university? Please describe.


  • Nature of activities

  • Target audience

  1. In the past year, did the UCEDD assist in incorporating disability content into university courses and curricula? Please describe.


  • Nature of course(s)

  • Department(s)

  • Approximate number of students taking course(s)

[Obtain 3 examples of syllabi of courses conducted in the past year that incorporate disability content.]

  1. In the past year, did UCEDD faculty and staff provide their disability-related expertise to the university? Please describe.


  • Served on university committees and task forces

  • Were consulted for their expertise by university administrators or faculty and staff in departments throughout the university

  • Chaired or was a member of a Ph.D. committee

  • Other ______________________________________________________________

Outcomes achieved as a result of the interdisciplinary pre-service preparation and continuing education

  1. In the past year, how did the UCEDD prepare students to work with and for typically unserved and/or underserved populations or communities1? Please give examples.


  • Provided clinic experiences with specific populations

  • Provided community services with specific populations

  • Taught students about cultural competency2

  • Other ___________________________________________________________

  1. In what ways do UCEDD courses demonstrate cultural competency? Please give examples.


  • Materials [Obtain 3 examples.]

  • Accessible locations

  • Other ____________________________________________________________

  1. How did interdisciplinary pre-service students who completed their course of study use what they learned from their experience with the UCEDD? Please give examples.

      1. How does the UCEDD follow up students to obtain information on how they have benefited from their UCEDD program?

      2. To what extent do former students work in positions that benefit people with developmental disabilities?

      3. How did the UCEDD interdisciplinary pre-service program have an effect on the way in which former students work?


  • Use of interdisciplinary perspective in their work

  • Provision of family-centered supports and/or services (if relevant)

  • Use of evidence-based approaches to care

  • Other _________________________________________________________

  1. How did students who participated in a disability studies program use what they learned?


  • Acceptance into disability-related graduate program

  • Obtained position that benefits people with disabilities

  • Became an important component of daily lives

  • Other ____________________________________________________________

  1. How did continuing education students apply what they learned in UCEDD continuing education courses to their work and/or daily lives?


  • Transferred the knowledge and skills they obtained to their work

  • Improved their effectiveness in providing services to people with developmental disabilities

  • Improved the effectiveness of the community in including people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of life

  • Provided accommodations for employees with developmental disabilities

  • Made use of tax incentives for assistive technology for employees

  • Made public buildings more accessible

  • Provided family-centered supports and services

  • Used evidence-based approaches to care

  • Applied what they learned to work or personal lives in other ways




We’d now like to move into some questions on the basic and/or applied research conducted here. We’d like to understand the type of research this UCEDD conducts, the recognition the UCEDD faculty and staff receive in their field of disability research, and the impact UCEDD research has on people with developmental disabilities and their families.

Type of research

28. How would you characterize the type of research typically conducted at this UCEDD?


  • Basic

  • Policy analysis

  • Evaluation

  • Clinical

  • Epidemiology

  • Other ___________________________________

29. Please describe three of the major research projects being conducted by UCEDD research faculty.

[See table.]


  • Purpose

  • Brief description

  • Research design

  • Methodology

  • Variables of interest

  • Relationship to developmental disabilities population

UCEDD Research Projects (Q29)


Brief description

Research design


Variables of Interest

Relationship to developmental disabilities population

Recognition UCEDD faculty and staff receive in their field of disability research

  1. In the past year, how have UCEDD faculty and staff shown themselves to be well-recognized in their field of disability research? Please describe.


  • Provision of advice on disability-related issues to local, state, federal, and international organizations

  • Review of grants, manuscripts, books, articles, and other types of publications

  • Citations by other authors of their research

  • Other __________________________________________________________________

Impact of UCEDD research has on people with developmental disabilities and their families

31. In what ways do UCEDD researchers involve people with developmental disabilities and family members in the research process, including members of the CAC? Please describe.

  1. Do people with developmental disabilities and/or family members provide input into the research agenda? Please give examples.


  • Process used to obtain input on the research agenda

  • Frequency/circumstances

  • Examples of input in past year

  1. Do they help in developing data collection and other study materials? Please describe.


  • Ways of helping to develop study materials (e.g., focus groups, participation in cognitive interviews, other)

  • Types of materials in which they provide input (e.g., recruitment letters, consent forms, interview questionnaires, other).

  • Extent to which they review materials prior to use in research studies

  • Other ________________________________________________________

c. Do they help to interpret findings? Please give examples.

d. Do they participate in any other ways? Please describe.

  1. Thinking about the past 5 years, in what ways has the research, evaluation, and/or public policy analysis conducted by this UCEDD benefited people with developmental disabilities and their families? Please give examples.


  • Supported changes to legislation or public policy

  • Supported changes to services and practice provided by service providers and professionals in the community

  • Other ________________________________________________________________


We would like to change gears and focus now on the community services offered by the UCEDD. We are going to ask questions about the community services your UCEDD develops and implements, the recipients of your community service efforts, and the impact these services have on people with developmental disabilities and the community. What does the UCEDD do that might be described as community services?

Community services provided

33. First let’s start with the type of community services your UCEDD provides. Please describe.


  • Educational programs on developmental disabilities

  • Technical assistance

  • Diagnostic programs

  • Model demonstration programs

  • Child care programs

  • Employment programs

  • Other____________________________________________________________

  1. Please describe each one.

[See table.]


  • Purpose

  • Format

  • Content

  • Followup (if appropriate)

  1. What is the target audience for each program?


  • Employers at residential facilities

  • Personal assistants

  • Job coaches

  • Employers in the community (non-disability related)

  • City officials

  • Health care professionals (e.g., physician assistants, dentists)

  • Workforce Investment Boards

  • One-Stop Career Center staff

  • Policy makers

  • Individuals who have potential influence on the inclusion and integration of people with developmental disabilities into the community

  • General public

  • Others __________________________________________________________

UCEDD Community Services

Name of Program

Type of Services

Description (purpose, format, content, followup)

Target Audience


Recipients of community service activities

  1. How do you make sure your community service programs are geared to reaching unserved and underserved populations or those that are likely to reach those populations? Please describe.

    1. How do you recruit participants for community service programs? Please describe.

    1. In the past year, what groups/populations did you recruit for community services?


  • Racial or ethnic minotities

  • Linguistic minorities

  • Both urban and rural areasof the state

  • Tribal communities

  • Others considered to be typically unserved or underserved in the state

_______________________________ ________________________________

  1. In the past year, how did the UCEDD make sure that its community services:

  • Were effective (met objectives)

  • Were accessible

  • Were person-centered

  • Were family-centered

  • Were culturally competent

[Obtain 3 examples of community services materials (e.g., recruitment brochure, forms) that demonstrate community services were person-centered, family-centered, culturally competent).]

Impacts of UCEDD community services

  1. In the past year, how did UCEDD community services (training, technical assistance, and direct services/model programs, if offered) for people with developmental disabilities and their families strengthen their capacity to meet their self-identified goals?


  • Advocated for themselves;

  • Advocated for others;

  • Helped a peer or mentored another person with a disability;

  • Became leaders in the community (e.g., became the chair or a member of the DDC or members or leader in other organizations that advocate on behalf of people with disabilities; became a member or leader in other community organizations; participated in DD Network or other advocacy efforts; used the knowledge and skills they obtained in their personal lives)

  • Other________________________________________________________

  1. How do UCEDD community services have an impact on recipients who provide supports and services to people with developmental disabilities and family members and other community professionals?


  • Transferred the knowledge and skills they obtained to their work

  • Have more contact with people with developmental disabilities

  • Improved their effectiveness in providing services to people with developmental disabilities

  • Adopted evidence-based practices

  • Other ______________________________________________________________

  1. How does the expert information provided by UCEDD faculty and staff to legislative and other decision making bodies have an impact on people with developmental disabilities and family members?


    • New or revised legislation or policy (or maintenance of legislation or policy)

    • Changes in (or maintenance of) access to supports and services

    • Changes in (or maintenance of) services and supports provided in the community

    • Other _______________________________________________________________


In addition to community service programs, another way to reach out to the community is through the dissemination of various products developed by the UCEDD. Let’s talk about these UCEDD products that are disseminated, those who receive UCEDD products, and the impact these products have.

Products and target audiences

  1. Thinking about last year, what dissemination strategies did your UCEDD use to inform target audiences about developmental disabilities and issues affecting people with developmental disabilities and their families? Please describe.


  • Mass media

  • Public information forums

  • Presentations to community groups

  • Mailings\pamphlets, brochures and other materials distributed to social service agencies and made available to the general public and special interest groups

  • Maintenance of a resource center

  • Newsletters

  • Research briefs

  • Videos and films

  • Websites

  • Other _______________________________________________________________

  1. Who were the target audiences for the dissemination of UCEDD products?


  • People with developmental disabilities

  • Researchers

  • Families

  • Policy makers

  • Professional and consumer groups

  • Paraprofessionals, students

  • Employers

  • Other DD Network programs

  • The general public

  • Other ________________________________________

  1. What does the UCEDD do to make its products accessible and understandable to the target audience for which it is intended? Please give examples.

          1. In the past year, how were research findings and other technical types of information translated into terms that can be understood by lay audiences? Please describe.

          1. In the past year, what did the UCEDD do to make other materials accessible and understandable? Please describe.


  • Used lay terminology

  • Made products available in Braille or large print

  • Produced materials in different languages

  • Produced products in language appropriate for professional groups

  • Other___________________________________________________________

[Obtain 3 examples of products disseminated, including one in which research findings were translated into lay terminology.]

  1. How does the UCEDD determine whether materials are appropriate for the target audiences for which they are intended? Please describe.

      1. In the past year, who participated in the process?


  • People with developmental disabilities

  • CAC members

  • Family members

  • Members of the target audience

  • Other __________________________________________________________

      1. To what extent was the UCEDD responsive to feedback received? Please provide examples from the past year.

Satisfaction with UCEDD products

  1. In the past year, did the [NAME OF UCEDD] do anything to gauge the level of satisfaction with UCEDD products among those who receive (or access) them? Please describe.


    • Process

    • Type of satisfaction sought

    • Other ________________________________________________________________


This section of the interview pertains to the governance and management of the UCEDD. We will cover outside funding received by the UCEDD, maintenance and support of the CAC, and support received from the university. Let’s start by talking about outside funding.

Outside funding

We have a few questions about the UCEDD’s ability to leverage funds.

  1. Please describe the UCEDD projects that received external funding in the past 5 years.

[See table.]

47. How are these projects associated with the goals and objectives in the 5-year plan? Please explain.

UCEDD External Funding

Description of project

Association with 5-year plan

Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC)

  1. How does the UCEDD obtain the perspectives of the CAC to guide UCEDD activities? Please describe.


  • Development of the 5-year plan in the last planning cycle

  • Involvement in other UCEDD activities in the past year

  • Other __________________________________________________________

  1. What input did the CAC provide in the past year to the UCEDD? Please provide examples.

  1. What CAC input was used in the past year? Please provide examples.

  1. In what ways does the UCEDD provide CAC members with the tools they need to be meaningfully involved as a CAC member? Please describe.


  • Reimbursements for travel

  • Child care

  • Respite

  • Personal assistance services, if required

  • Assistance for people with specific impairments (e.g., hearing, visual, cognitive, other)

  • Assistance for people whose second language is English

  • Accessible meeting locations

  • Provision of materials in advance of meetings

  • Assistance with preparation and understanding of materials prior to and during meetings if needed

  • Other _____________________________________________________________

Support from university

  1. Please describe the support that the UCEDD receives from the university.


According to the DD Act, DD Network programs are required to report the extent to which they collaborate with one another. We’ve talked a little bit about collaboration as part of your systems change/advocacy activities. Now we would like to focus on your collaborative efforts with the DD Network programs on all types of activities besides systemic advocacy.

For this evaluation, we define collaboration as a well-defined relationship entered into by two or more individuals, groups, and/or organizations to achieve common goals of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (the DD Act).

Let’s start first with how the DD Network programs identify issues and common goals on which to collaborate.

  1. What process do the programs use for identifying, planning, and implementing collaborative efforts? Please describe.


  • Nature of process

  • Participants

  • Meeting frequency

  • Formal vs. informal

  • Other_______________________________________________________________

54. What are the issues and goals on which the DD Network programs are currently collaborating? Please describe.

[See following table.]

[Obtain written goals/objectives.]

    1. What project or issues are you collaborating on with DD Network programs? Would you please explain each issue?

    1. What are the goals you and your collaborators were trying to achieve?

55. Which organizations or groups (including other DD Network programs) are you collaborating with on these issues?

56. What is the role of each collaborator, including the P&A and other DD Network programs?






(Q54b )

Collaborators (including P&A)


Collaborators’ role (including role of

DD Council)


Leadership (Single/joint)


Resources Contributed






  1. How would you characterize the type of leadership for each project?


  • Single

  • Joint

  • Other ____________________________________________________________

Resources for Collaboration

  1. Collaboration suggests shared resources being available and used. What resources did each group or organization contribute? Please describe.


  • Funding

  • Staff time

  • Meeting place

  • In kind contributions

  • Other _________________________________________________________

Process of collaboration – regular communication

Let’s talk about the process of communication by using the same examples.

  1. What were some of the ways you achieved regular communication during your collaborative efforts? Please describe.

  1. Sharing information and progress on ongoing efforts


  • Examples

  • Frequency

  • Recipients

  • Other

  1. Regular updates to participants in the collaborative effort


  • Examples

  • Frequency

  • Recipients

  • Other

  1. Reports on milestones achieved


  • Examples

  • Frequency

  • Recipients

  • Other

  1. Discussion of issues that arose


  • Examples

  • Frequency

  • Participants

  • Other

  • Debriefing at the end of a collaborative effort (if appropriate)


  • Examples

  • Frequency

  • Recipients

  • Other

  1. In the past year, were there any issues that arose in the community on which the DD Network programs responded together? Please give examples.

  1. What was the joint response of the DD Network programs?

  1. What is the process the DD Network programs use to monitor progress and barriers of collaborative efforts? Please describe.

    1. Please give examples of ways in which the programs monitor and identify barriers.

    2. For collaborative efforts implemented in the past 2 years, what process was used to identify leadership? What decisions were made on leadership of each effort?

    3. What barriers have been identified?

    4. Have goals and objectives been changed as a result of monitoring and identifying barriers? Please give examples.

Results of collaboration

Finally, let’s talk about achieving your goals and objectives -- the results of your collaborative efforts.

  1. Were there any products derived from your collaborative efforts? Please give examples and describe?


  • White papers

  • Wording for legislation

  • Brochure on joint program

  • Program enrollment form

  • Other _________________________________________________________

[Obtain examples of products developed in past year, if applicable.]

  1. What has been the result of your collaboration with DD Network programs and other organizations? Please give examples from the past 5 years.


  • Changes to (or maintenance of) State and local systems (e.g., changes or maintenance in practices and legislation)

  • System changes (or maintenance) that affected people with developmental disabilities and their families, including people who are traditionally unserved and underserved (e.g., racial or ethnic minorities, people with little or no use of English, or people who live in remote or rural areas or live in poverty)

  • Increases in the capacity of the community to provide supports and services to people with developmental disabilities and their families (e.g., accommodations are provided in public services such as transportation, education, and employment)

  • Ways participants in DDN collaborative efforts have improved their knowledge or skills in ways that benefit people with developmental disabilities and their families

  • Other _________________________________________________________


  1. Before we leave, we would like to give you the opportunity to ask any questions you might have, raise any issues you might want to raise, or talk about anything related to your program that you would like to expand upon.

    1. First, do you have any general comments to make?

    2. Issues?

    3. Further explanation of your DD Council?

  1. There are also a few things I want to make sure we don’t forget.

Obtain materials requested, if easily available.

Confirm products to be sent. Leave FedEx form.

Obtain contact information for additional individuals who need to be contacted.

Confirm process for telephone interviews and availability of interviewees.

Leave business card.

We’d like to thank you again for taking the time to meet with us these past 2 days. We also appreciate you making your staff available and arranging for us to meet with many of your stakeholders.

1The term ‘unserved and underserved’ includes populations such as individuals from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds, disadvantaged individuals, individuals with limited English proficiency, individuals from underserved geographic areas (rural or urban), and specific groups of individuals within the population of individuals with developmental disabilities, including individuals who require assistive technology in order to participate in and contribute to community life” [Section 102(32) of the DD Act].

2 The term “culturally competent” means services, supports, or to other assistance that is conducted or provided in a manner that is responsive to the beliefs, interpersonal styles, attitudes, language, and behaviors of individuals who are receiving the services, supports, or other assistance, and in a manner that has the greatest likelihood of ensuring their maximum participation in the program involved [Sec. 102(7) of the DD Act].


File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified Byjjohnson1
File Modified2009-06-25
File Created2009-06-25

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