Identification number
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Interview completion mode
Mode respondent used to complete interview
0 = Web
1 = CATI
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Date interview completed
Date interview was completed
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Interview completion status
295 = Complete interview
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
NPSAS attendance during NPSAS year
Have you attended [NPSAS] at any time between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007?
0 = No
1 = Yes
2 = Don't know
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Current attendance at NPSAS
Are you currently attending [NPSAS]?
0 = Not currently attending
1 = Yes, currently attending
2 = Yes, currently attending but still enrolled in high school
Applies to: Respondents who attended NPSAS between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007.
Instrument code: N8ELIG = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Current enrollment
Internal variable calculates current enrollment status
based on N8CURENR:
Initialize TCURENR = -9
if N8ELIG = 1 then do:
if N8CURENR = 1 then TCURENR = 1
else TCURENR = 0
else TCURENR = 0
0 = Not currently enrolled
1 = Currently enrolled
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Date left NPSAS
When did you last attend [NPSAS]?
Applies to: Respondents who attended NPSAS between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007, but were not enrolled at [NPSAS] at the time of the interview.
Instrument code: N8ELIG = 1 and TCURENR = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Left NPSAS with a completed term
[If (N8ELIG = 1 and N8DRPMY = -9) or (N8ELIG ne 1 and N8LASTMY = -9)]
When you last attended [NPSAS], did you leave at the end of the term, or did you leave before the term ended?
[else if N8ELIG = 1]
Is that date ([N8DRPMY]) at the end of the term, or did you leave before the term ended?
Is that date ([N8LASTMY]) at the end of the term, or did you leave before the term ended?
1 = Left at the end of the term
2 = Left before the term ended
Applies to: Respondents who were not enrolled at [NPSAS] at the time of the interview.
Instrument code: TCURENR = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Received full tuition refund
Did you receive a full refund of your tuition when you left?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who were not enrolled at [NPSAS] at the time of the interview and left before the term ended.
Instrument code: TCURENR = 0 and
N8DRPTM ne 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Completed previous course/term
Have you completed a course or term at [NPSAS] at any time since July 1, 2006?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who were not enrolled at [NPSAS] at the time of the interview, left before the term ended, and received a full tuition refund.
Instrument code: TCURENR = 0 and
N8DRPTM ne 1 and N8DRPRF ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Last date of NPSAS attendance
In what month and year did you last attend [NPSAS]?
Applies to: Respondents who indicated they did not attend [NPSAS] at any time between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007.
Instrument code: N8ELIG = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
NPSAS degree
[If Y_NPLEVL = 3 and TCURENR = 1]
Are you currently working on a certificate or diploma at [NPSAS] or taking courses?
(Please check all that apply.)
[else if Y_NPLEVL = 3]
Were you working on a certificate or diploma or taking courses when you were last enrolled at [NPSAS] during the 2006-2007 school year?
(Please check all that apply.)
[else if TCURENR = 1]
What degree or certificate are you currently working on at [NPSAS]?
(Please check all that apply.)
What degree or certificate were you working on when you were last enrolled at [NPSAS] during the 2006-2007 school year?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8DGBA - 4-year bachelor’s degree
N8DG5BA - 5-year bachelor’s degree
N8DGAS - Associate’s degree
N8DGPB - Post-baccalaureate certificate
Applies to: Respondents who attended a 4-year or 2-year school.
Instrument code: Y_NPLEVL in (1 2)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
NPSAS degree
[If Y_NPLEVL = 3 and TCURENR = 1]
Are you currently working on a certificate or diploma at [NPSAS] or taking courses?
(Please check all that apply.)
[else if Y_NPLEVL = 3]
Were you working on a certificate or diploma or taking courses when you were last enrolled at [NPSAS] during the 2006-2007 school year?
(Please check all that apply.)
[else if TCURENR = 1]
What degree or certificate are you currently working on at [NPSAS]?
(Please check all that apply.)
What degree or certificate were you working on when you were last enrolled at [NPSAS] during the 2006-2007 school year?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8DGCE - Undergraduate certificate or diploma
N8DGUND - Undergraduate, not enrolled in a degree program
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
NPSAS degree
[If Y_NPLEVL = 3 and TCURENR = 1]
Are you currently working on a certificate or diploma at [NPSAS] or taking courses?
(Please check all that apply.)
[else if Y_NPLEVL = 3]
Were you working on a certificate or diploma or taking courses when you were last enrolled at [NPSAS] during the 2006-2007 school year?
(Please check all that apply.)
[else if TCURENR = 1]
What degree or certificate are you currently working on at [NPSAS]?
(Please check all that apply.)
What degree or certificate were you working on when you were last enrolled at [NPSAS] during the 2006-2007 school year?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8DGMA - Master’s degree
N8DGPM - Post-master’s certificate
N8DGPRO - Professional degree (only includes the following degree programs: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, ministry or divinity, or veterinary medicine)
N8DGDR - Doctoral degree
N8DGGNG - Graduate, not enrolled in a degree program
Applies to: Respondents who attended a 4-year school.
Instrument code: Y_NPLEVL = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Type of professional degree
[If TCURENR = 1]
What specific professional degree are you working towards at [NPSAS]?
What specific professional degree were you working towards at [NPSAS] during the 2006-2007 school year?
19 = Ministry or Divinity (MDiv/DMin/MHL/BD/ ordination)
20 = Law (JD/LLB)
21 = Medicine (MD) or Osteopathic medicine (DO)
22 = Dentistry (DDS/DMD)
23 = Chiropractic (DC/DCM)
24 = Pharmacy (PharmD)
25 = Optometry (OD)
26 = Podiatry (DPM/DP/PodD)
27 = Veterinary medicine (DVM)
28 = Other undergraduate degree not listed
29 = Other graduate degree not listed
Applies to: Respondents who were working on a professional degree at [NPSAS].
Instrument code: N8DGPRO = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Non-professional degree
Since you are not enrolled in one of the degrees specifically mentioned in the previous question, you are not considered to be working on a professional degree by the U.S. Department of Education.
What degree or certificate were you working on at [NPSAS] during the 2006-2007 school year? (If you were working on more than one degree or certificate, please select the highest level.)
1 = Undergraduate, no degree
2 = Undergraduate certificate or diploma
3 = Associate's degree
4 = 4-year bachelor's degree
5 = 5-year bachelor's degree
6 = Post-baccalaureate certificate
7 = Graduate, no degree program
8 = Master's degree
9 = Post-master's certificate
11 = Doctoral degree
Applies to: Respondents who were working on a professional degree at [NPSAS] but did not indicate one of the following specific professional degrees: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, ministry
or divinity, or veterinary medicine.
Instrument code: N8DGPRO = 1 and N8DGPR in (28 29 -9)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Earned BA while a professional student
Which of the following describes your most recent enrollment at [NPSAS]?
1 = Enrolled in a professional degree program, but have not yet earned a bachelor's degree
2 = Have already earned a bachelor's degree and was/now enrolled for a professional degree at the graduate level
Applies to: Respondents who were working on a professional degree at [NPSAS] and indicated one of the following specific professional degrees: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, ministry
or divinity, or veterinary medicine.
Instrument code: N8DGPRO = 1 and N8DGPR not in (28 29)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Type of associate’s degree
[If TCURENR = 1]
What type of associate’s degree are you working on at [NPSAS]?
What type of associate’s degree were you working on at [NPSAS]?
1 = AA, AS, general education or transfer program
2 = AAS, occupational or technical program
Applies to: Respondents who were working on an associate’s degree at [NPSAS].
Instrument code: N8DGAS = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Clock hour requirement
[If TCURENR = 1]
Does your certificate or diploma program require at least 3 months or 300 clock hours of instruction?
Did your certificate or diploma program require at least 3 months or 300 clock hours of instruction?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who were working on an undergraduate certificate or diploma at [NPSAS].
Instrument code: TDEGREE = 2
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Enrolled for transferable credit
[If TCURENR = 1]
Are you enrolled in a course for credit at [NPSAS] that could be transferred to another school?
During your latest enrollment at [NPSAS] in the 2006-2007 school year, were you enrolled in a course for credit that could be transferred to another school?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Recode note: If TDEGREE not in (1 7) then N8ELCRD = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
NPSAS eligibility flag
NPSAS eligibility:
Initialize N8NPELG = 1
If N8ELIG = 1 and N8CURENR = 2
then N8NPELG = 0
else if N8ELIG in (0 2 -9) and (N8LASTMY ne -9 and N8LASTMY >= 200706 or (N8LASTMY < 200600 or N8LASTMY <= 200607)
then N8NPELG = 0
else if N8ELIG in (0 2 -9) and N8LASTMY = -9
then N8NPELG = 0
else if TCURENR = 0 AND N8DRPTM ne 1 and N8DRPRF ne 0 and N8DRPCMP ne 1
then N8NPELG = 0
else if TDEGREE in (1 7 -9) and N8ELCRD ne 1 then N8NPELG = 0
else if TDEGREE = 2 and N8CKHOUR ne 1
then N8NPELG = 0
else if N8HSCMP = 1 then N8NPELG = 0
0 = Not NPSAS eligible
1 = NPSAS eligible
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Student status
Internal variable: TSTAT
TSTAT represents student status
If TDEGREE in (2 3 4 5) then TSTAT = 1
else if TDEGREE in (6 8 9 11) then TSTAT = 2
else if TDEGREE = 10 and N8PRBA in (1 -9)
then TSTAT = 1
else if TDEGREE = 10 and N8PRBA = 2
then TSTAT = 2
else if TDEGREE = 1 then TSTAT = 3
else if TDEGREE = 7 then TSTAT = 4
1 = Undergraduate
2 = Graduate
3 = Undergraduate, no degree program
4 = Graduate, no degree program
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
NPSAS degree
Internal variable: TDEGREE
TDEGREE is the degree of focus in the interview.
Initialize TDEGREE = -9
If N8DGDR = 1 then TDEGREE = 11
else if N8DGPRO = 1 then do:
If N8DGPR not in (28 29 -9) then TDEGREE = 10
If N8DGPR in (28 -9) and N8NOPR = -9
then TDEGREE = 1
If N8DGPR = 29 and N8NOPR = -9
then TDEGREE = 7
If N8DGPR in (28 29 -9) and N8NOPR > 0
else if N8DGPM = 1 then TDEGREE = 9
else if N8DGMA = 1 then TDEGREE = 8
else if N8DGGNG = 1 then do:
If N8DGCE = 0 and N8DGAS = 0 and
N8DGBA = 0 and N8DG5BA = 0 and
N8DGPB = 0 then TDEGREE = 7
else if N8DGPB = 1 then TDEGREE = 6
else if N8DG5BA = 1 then TDEGREE = 5
else if N8DGBA = 1 then TDEGREE = 4
else if N8DGAS = 1 then TDEGREE = 3
else if N8DGCE = 1 then TDEGREE = 2
else TDEGREE = 7
else if N8DGPB = 1 then TDEGREE = 6
else if N8DG5BA = 1 then TDEGREE = 5
else if N8DGBA = 1 then TDEGREE = 4
else if N8DGAS = 1 then TDEGREE = 3
else if N8DGCE = 1 then TDEGREE = 2
else if N8DGUND = 1 then TDEGREE = 1
else TDEGREE = 1
1 = Undergraduate, not enrolled in a degree program
2 = Undergraduate certificate or diploma
3 = Associate's degree
4 = 4-year bachelor's degree
5 = 5-year bachelor's degree
6 = Post-baccalaureate certificate
7 = Graduate, not enrolled in a degree program
8 = Master's degree
9 = Post-master's certificate
10 = Professional degree (only includes the following degree programs: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, ministry or divinity, or veterinary medicine)
11 = Doctoral degree
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Degree type
TDEGREN is an internal variable calculated from TDEGREE and used in question wording to indicate the degree the respondent should focus on throughout the interview.
If TDEGREE = 1 then
TDEGREN = 'undergraduate classes'
else if TDEGREE = 2 then
TDEGREN = 'undergraduate certificate or diploma'
else if TDEGREE = 3 then
TDEGREN = 'associate’s degree'
else if TDEGREE in (4 5) then
TDEGREN = 'bachelor’s degree'
else if TDEGREE = 6 then
TDEGREN = 'post-baccalaureate certificate'
else if TDEGREE = 7 then
TDEGREN = 'graduate classes'
else if TDEGREE = 8 then
TDEGREN = 'master’s degree'
else if TDEGREE = 9 then
TDEGREN = 'post-master’s certificate'
else if TDEGREE = 10
then TDEGREN = 'professional degree'
else if TDEGREE = 11 then
TDEGREN = 'doctoral degree'
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Type of master’s degree
[If TCURENR = 1]
What specific Master’s degree are you working towards?
What specific Master’s degree were you working towards in your most recent term in the 2006-2007 school year?
1 = Master of Science (MS)
2 = Master of Arts (MA)
3 = Master of Education (MEd) or Teaching (MAT)
4 = Master of Business Administration (MBA)
5 = Master of Public Administration (MPA)
6 = Master of Social Work (MSW)
7 = Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
8 = Master of Public Health (MPH)
9 = Other master's degree program not listed (please specify)
19 = Master of Divinity (MDiv)
Applies to: Respondents who were working on a master’s degree at [NPSAS].
Instrument code: TDEGREE = 8
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Type of doctoral degree
[If TCURENR = 1]
What specific doctoral degree are you working towards?
What specific doctoral degree were you working towards in your most recent term in the 2006-2007 school year?
11 = Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
12 = Doctor of Education (EdD)
13 = Doctor of Science (DSc/ScD) or Engineering (DEng)
14 = Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)
15 = Doctor of Business or Public Administration (DBA/DPA)
16 = Doctor of Fine Arts (DFA)
17 = Doctor of Divinity/Theology (ThD)
18 = Other doctoral degree not listed
Applies to: Respondents who were working on a doctoral degree at [NPSAS].
Instrument code: TDEGREE = 11
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Reason for attending NPSAS
What were your reasons for enrolling at [NPSAS]?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8RSNA - Gain job or occupational skills
N8RSNB - Prepare for job certification or license
N8RSND - Earn course credits needed for a program at a different school
N8RSNE - Take courses solely for recreation, self-improvement or personal interest
N8RSNF - Complete an undergraduate degree or certificate program at this school
N8RSNH – Other
N8RSNS – Other, please specify
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Reason for attending NPSAS: prepare for transfer
What were your reasons for enrolling at [NPSAS]?
(Please check all that apply.)
[If Y_NPLEVL = 3] Transfer to a 2- or 4-year school
[else] Transfer to a 4-year school
0 = Not to prepare for transfer
1 = Yes, to prepare for transfer
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who attended a 2-year or less-than-2-year school.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and Y_NPLEVL in (2 3)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Reason for attending NPSAS: complete associate’s degree
What were your reasons for enrolling at [NPSAS]?
(Please check all that apply.)
Complete an Associate’s degree
0 = Not to complete associate’s degree
1 = Yes, to complete associate’s degree
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who were working on an
associate’s degree at [NPSAS].
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and TDEGREE = 3
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Main reason for attending NPSAS
What was your main reason for enrolling at [NPSAS]?
1 = Gain job or occupational skills
2 = Prepare for job certification or license
3 = Transfer to a 4-year school
4 = Earn course credits needed for a program at a different school
5 = Take courses solely for recreation, self-improvement or personal interest
6 = Complete an undergraduate degree or certificate program at the school
7 = Complete an Associate's degree
8 = Other
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who provided at least one reason for attending [NPSAS].
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and (N8RSNA ne 0 or N8RSNB ne 0 or N8RSNC not in (0 -3) or N8RSND ne 0 or N8RSNE ne 0 or N8RSNF ne 0 or
N8RSNG not in (0 -3) or N8RSNH ne 0)
Recode note: 1) If N8RSNA = 1 and N8RSNB = 0 and N8RSNC in (0 -3) and N8RSND = 0 and N8RSNE = 0 and N8RSNF = 0 and N8RSNG in
(0 -3) and N8RSNH = 0 then N8MAINR = 1
2) If N8RSNA = 0 and N8RSNB = 1 and N8RSNC in (0 -3) and N8RSND = 0 and N8RSNE = 0 and N8RSNF = 0 and N8RSNG in (0 -3) and
N8RSNH = 0 then N8MAINR = 2
3) If N8RSNA = 0 and N8RSNB = 0 and N8RSNC = 1 and N8RSND = 0 and N8RSNE = 0 and N8RSNF = 0 and N8RSNG in (0 -3) and N8RSNH = 0 then
4) If N8RSNA = 0 and N8RSNB = 0 and N8RSNC in (0 -3) and N8RSND = 1 and N8RSNE = 0 and N8RSNF = 0 and N8RSNG in (0 -3) and
N8RSNH = 0 then N8MAINR = 4
5) If N8RSNA = 0 and N8RSNB = 0 and N8RSNC in (0 -3) and N8RSND = 0 and N8RSNE = 1 and N8RSNF = 0 and N8RSNG in (0 -3) and
N8RSNH = 0 then N8MAINR = 5
6) If N8RSNA = 0 and N8RSNB = 0 and N8RSNC in (0 -3) and N8RSND = 0 and N8RSNE = 0 and N8RSNF = 1 and N8RSNG in (0 -3) and
N8RSNH = 0 then N8MAINR = 6
7) If N8RSNA = 0 and N8RSNB = 0 and N8RSNC in (0 -3) and N8RSND = 0 and N8RSNE = 0 and N8RSNF = 0 and N8RSNG = 1 and N8RSNH = 0 then N8MAINR = 7
8) If N8RSNA = 0 and N8RSNB = 0 and N8RSNC in (0 -3) and N8RSND = 0 and N8RSNE = 0 and N8RSNF = 0 and N8RSNG in (0 -3) and
N8RSNH = 1 then N8MAINR = 8
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Type of class
[If TCURENR = 1]
What types of classes have you been taking during the 2006-2007 school year? (Please check all that apply.)
What types of classes were you taking during the 2006-2007 school year? (Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8CLTYA - Business
N8CLTYB – Health
N8CLTYC - Education
N8CLTYD - Engineering and Engineering Technology
N8CLTYE - Computer and Information Sciences
N8CLTYF - Social Sciences
N8CLTYG - Natural Sciences and Mathematics
N8CLTYH - Arts and Humanities
N8CLTYI - Communications
N8CLTYJ - Vocational Programs
N8CLTYK - University Transfer
N8CLTYL - General Education
N8CLTYM - Other
N8CLTYS - Other, please specify
Applies to: Respondents not enrolled in a degree program at [NPSAS].
Instrument code: TSTAT in (3 4)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Undergraduate level last term at NPSAS
[If TCURENR = 1]
What is your year or level at [NPSAS]?
What was your year or level during your most recent term at [NPSAS] in the 2006-2007 school year?
1 = First year or freshman
2 = Second year or sophomore
3 = Third year or junior
4 = Fourth year or senior
5 = Fifth year or higher undergraduate
6 = Unclassified undergraduate
7 = Graduate student taking undergraduate classes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents enrolled in a degree program at [NPSAS].
Instrument code: TSTAT = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Graduate level last term at NPSAS
[If TCURENR = 1]
What year of your [TDEGREN] are you working on at [NPSAS]?
What year of your [TDEGREN] were you working on during your most recent term at [NPSAS] during the 2006-2007 school year?
8 = First year
9 = Second year
10 = Third year
11 = Fourth year
12 = Fifth year
13 = Sixth year or higher
Applies to: Graduate respondents enrolled in a degree program at [NPSAS].
Instrument code: TSTAT = 2
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
NPSAS enrollment
In which months between July 2006 and June 2007 were you enrolled, or do you expect to be enrolled, at [NPSAS]? Please do your best to predict your enrollment through June 2007. If your enrollment
covers only a portion of any month, please include that month. Exclude any months during which you are not taking classes, such as summer break.
In which months between July 2006 and June 2007 were you enrolled at [NPSAS]? If you plan to re-enroll there before June 2007, please indicate the months you plan to be enrolled. If your enrollment covers only a portion of any month, please include that month. Exclude any months during which you are not taking classes, such as summer break.
0 = Not enrolled
1 = Enrolled
N8NEN01 – July 2006
N8NEN02 – August 2006
N8NEN03 – September 2006
N8NEN04 – October 2006
N8NEN05 – November 2006
N8NEN06 – December 2006
N8NEN07 – January 2007
N8NEN08 – February 2007
N8NEN09 – March 2007
N8NEN10 – April 2007
N8NEN11 – May 2007
N8NEN12 – June 2007
N8NEN13 – Don’t know
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Enrollment intensity at NPSAS
[If TCURENR = 1]
For the period of time you have been enrolled at [NPSAS] during the 2006-2007 school year, have you been mainly a full-time or part-time student?
For the period of time you were enrolled at [NPSAS] during the 2006-2007 school year, were you mainly a full-time or part-time student?
1 = Mainly a full-time student
2 = Mainly a part-time student
3 = Equal mix of full-time and part-time
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Major declared/undeclared
[If TCURENR = 1]
Have you declared a major yet at [NPSAS]?
Had you already declared a major when you were last enrolled at [NPSAS]?
0 = Not in a degree program
1 = Yes, I [have/had] declared a major
2 = Yes, I [have/had] declared a double major
3 = No, I [have/had] not declared a major yet
Applies to: All respondents.
Recode note: 1) If TSTAT in (3 4) then
2) If TSTAT = 2 or Y_NPLEVL = 3 then N8DBLMAJ = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Major: primary string
Please help us categorize [N8MAJ1] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.
[else if COMPMODE = 1]
Please bear with me while I code this...(Please help us categorize [N8MAJ1] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general
areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.)
Applies to: All respondents.
Recode note: 1) If N8DBLMAJ = 0 then N8MAJ1 = 'Not in a degree program'
2) If N8DBLMAJ = 3 then N8MAJ1 = 'Undeclared'
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Dropdown primary major: general code
Please help us categorize [N8MAJ1] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.
[else if COMPMODE = 1]
Please bear with me while I code this...(Please help us categorize [N8MAJ1] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general
areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.)
1 = Agriculture/natural resources/related
2 = Architecture and related services
3 = Area/ethnic/cultural/gender studies
4 = Arts--visual and performing
5 = Biological and biomedical sciences
6 = Business/management/marketing/related
7 = Communication/journalism/comm. tech
8 = Computer/info sciences/support tech
9 = Construction trades
10 = Education
11 = Engineering technologies/technicians
12 = English language and literature/letters
13 = Family/consumer sciences, human sciences
14 = Foreign languages/literature/linguistics
15 = Health professions/clinical sciences
16 = Legal professions and studies
17 = Library science
18 = Mathematics and statistics
19 = Mechanical/repair technologies/techs
20 = Multi/interdisciplinary studies
21 = Parks/recreation/leisure/fitness studies
22 = Precision production
23 = Personal and culinary services
24 = Philosophy, religion & theology
25 = Physical sciences
26 = Psychology
27 = Public administration/social services
28 = Science technologies/technicians
29 = Security & protective services
30 = Social sciences and history (except psychology)
31 = Transportation & materials moving
32 = Other
33 = Liberal arts/sciences, general studies
98 = Not in a degree program
99 = Undeclared
Applies to: All respondents.
Recode note: 1) If N8DBLMAJ = 0 then
N8MJ1GEN = 98
2) If N8DBLMAJ = 3 then N8MJ1GEN = 99
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Dropdown primary major: specific code
Please help us categorize [N8MAJ1] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.
[else if COMPMODE = 1]
Please bear with me while I code this...(Please help us categorize [N8MAJ1] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general
areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.)
98 = Not in a degree program
99 = Undeclared
101 = Agriculture and related sciences
102 = Natural resources and conservation
201 = Architecture
202 = City/urban, community, and regional planning
203 = Drafting/design engineering technologies/technicians
204 = Architecture, planning, and related services, other
301 = Area, ethnic, cultural, and gender studies
401 = Art history, criticism & conservation
402 = Design & applied arts
403 = Drama/theatre arts and stagecraft
404 = Fine and studio art
405 = Music, general
406 = Music history, literature, and theory
407 = Visual and performing arts, other
408 = Commercial and advertising art
409 = Dance
410 = Film/video and photographic arts
411 = Crafts/craft design, folk art and artisanry
501 = General biology
502 = Biochem/biophysics/molecular biology
503 = Botany/plant biology
504 = Genetics
505 = Microbiological sciences & immunology
506 = Physiology, pathology & related sciences
507 = Zoology/animal biology
508 = Biological and biomedical sciences
509 = Biological and physical sciences
510 = Systems science and theory
511 = Biopsychology
512 = Biological & biomedical sciences, other
601 = Accounting and related services
602 = Business administration, management and operations
603 = Business operations support and assistant services
604 = Finance and financial management services
605 = Human resources management and services
606 = Marketing
607 = Business, management, marketing, and related support services, other
608 = Management information systems and services
609 = Real estate
610 = Hospitality Administration/Management
701 = Communication and media studies
702 = Communication technologies
703 = Journalism
704 = Communication/journalism/comm. tech, other
801 = Computer/information technology administration and management
802 = Computer programming
803 = Computer science
804 = Computer software and media applications
805 = Computer systems analysis
806 = Computer systems networking and telecommunications
807 = Data entry/microcomputer applications
808 = Data processing
809 = Information science/studies
810 = Computer and information sciences and support services, other
901 = Construction trades
1001 = Curriculum and instruction
1002 = Educational administration and supervision
1003 = Educational/instructional media design
1004 = Special education and teaching
1005 = Student counseling and personnel services
1006 = Education, other
1007 = Teacher education: Early childhood education and teaching
1008 = Teacher education: Elementary education and teaching
1009 = Teacher education: Secondary education and teaching
1010 = Teacher education: Adult and continuing education and teaching
1011 = Teacher education: Specific levels, other
1012 = Teacher education: Specific subject areas
1013 = Bilingual, multilingual, and multicultural education
1014 = Ed assessment. evaluation, and research
1015 = Higher education/higher education administration
1016 = Teaching assistant/aide
1017 = Childcare provider/assistant
1018 = Physical education teaching and coaching
1019 = Education, other
1101 = Biomedical/medical engineering
1102 = Chemical engineering
1103 = Civil engineering
1104 = Computer engineering
1105 = Electrical, electronics and communications engineering
1106 = Engineering technologies/technicians
1107 = Environmental/environmental health engineering
1108 = Mechanical engineering
1109 = Engineering, other
1201 = Creative writing
1202 = American literature
1203 = English literature
1204 = English language and literature/letters, others
1301 = Family and consumer sciences/human sciences
1302 = Family and consumer sciences/human sciences, general
1303 = Child care and support services management
1304 = Child care provider/assistant (also under Education)
1305 = Apparel and textiles
1306 = Family and consumer sciences/human sciences, other
1401 = Romance languages, literatures, and linguistics
1402 = Spanish language and literature
1403 = Foreign languages/literature/linguistics, other
1501 = Health services/allied health/health sciences, general
1502 = Alternative/complementary medicine/sys
1503 = Chiropractic
1504 = Audiology/audiologist & hearing sciences
1505 = Clinical/medical lab science/allied
1506 = Dental support services/allied
1507 = Dentistry
1508 = Health & medical administrative services
1509 = Health/medical services/allied health
1510 = Health/medical technicians/technologists
1511 = Health/medical preparatory programs
1512 = Medicine, including psychiatry
1513 = Mental/social health services and allied
1514 = Clinical pastoral counseling/ patient counseling
1515 = Nursing/registered (RN, ASN, BSN, MSN)
1516 = Nursing science (MS, PhD)
1517 = Licensed practical/vocational nurse training (LPN, LVN, Cert., Dipl., AAS)
1518 = Nurse/nursing assistant/aide and patient care assistant
1519 = Optometry
1520 = Osteopathic medicine/osteopathy
1521 = Pharmacy/pharmaceutical sciences/admin
1522 = Podiatric medicine/podiatry
1523 = Public health
1524 = Rehabilitation & therapeutic professions
1525 = Veterinary medicine
1526 = Health aides/attendants/orderlies
1527 = Dietetics and clinical nutrition services
1528 = Health /related clinical services, other
1601 = Law
1602 = Legal support services
1603 = General undergraduate legal studies including pre-law
1604 = Legal professions and studies, other
1701 = Library science
1801 = Mathematics
1802 = Statistics
1803 = Mathematics and statistics, other
1901 = Electrical/electronics maintenance and repair technology
1902 = Heating, air conditioning, ventilation and refrigeration maintenance
1903 = Vehicle maintenance and repair technologies
1904 = Mechanical/repair technologies/techs, other
2001 = Biological and physical sciences
2002 = Systems science and theory
2003 = Biopsychology
2004 = Multi/interdisciplinary studies, other
2101 = Parks, recreation and leisure studies
2102 = Health and physical education/fitness
2201 = Precision metal working
2202 = Woodworking
2203 = Precision production, other
2301 = Cosmetology and related personal grooming services
2302 = Funeral service and mortuary science
2303 = Culinary arts and related services
2304 = Personal and culinary services, other
2401 = Philosophy
2402 = Religion/religious studies
2403 = Theology and religious vocations
2501 = Astronomy & astrophysics
2502 = Atmospheric sciences and meteorology
2503 = Chemistry
2504 = Geological & earth sciences/geosciences
2505 = Physics
2506 = Biological and physical science
2507 = Systems science and theory
2508 = Physical sciences, other
2601 = Behavioral psychology
2602 = Clinical psychology
2603 = Education/school psychology
2604 = Psychology, other
2605 = Biopsychology
2701 = Public administration
2702 = Social work
2703 = Public administration and social service professions, other
2801 = Biology technician/biotechnology laboratory technician
2802 = Nuclear and industrial radiologic technologies/technicians
2803 = Physical science technologies/technicians
2804 = Science technologies/technician, other
2901 = Criminal justice and corrections
2902 = Fire protection
2903 = Security and protective services, other
3001 = Anthropology
3002 = Archeology
3003 = Criminology
3004 = Demography & population studies
3005 = Economics
3006 = Geography & cartography
3007 = History
3008 = International relations & affairs
3009 = Political science and government
3010 = Sociology
3011 = Urban studies/affairs
3012 = Social sciences, other (except psychology)
3101 = Transportation & materials moving
3102 = Air transportation
3103 = Ground transportation
3104 = Transportation & materials moving, other
3201 = Other
3301 = Liberal arts and sciences, general studies and humanities
Applies to: All respondents.
Recode note: 1) If N8DBLMAJ = 0 then
N8MJ1SPE = 98
2) If N8DBLMAJ = 3 then N8MJ1SPE = 99
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Major: secondary string
Please help us categorize [N8MAJ2] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.
[else if COMPMODE = 1]
Please bear with me while I code this...(Please help us categorize [N8MAJ2] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.)
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who declared a double major.
Instrument code: TSTAT = 1 and N8DBLMAJ = 2
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Dropdown primary major: general code
Please help us categorize [N8MAJ2] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.
[else if COMPMODE = 1]
Please bear with me while I code this...(Please help us categorize [N8MAJ2] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.)
1 = Agriculture/natural resources/related
2 = Architecture and related services
3 = Area/ethnic/cultural/gender studies
4 = Arts--visual and performing
5 = Biological and biomedical sciences
6 = Business/management/marketing/related
7 = Communication/journalism/comm. tech
8 = Computer/info sciences/support tech
9 = Construction trades
10 = Education
11 = Engineering technologies/technicians
12 = English language and literature/letters
13 = Family/consumer sciences, human sciences
14 = Foreign languages/literature/linguistics
15 = Health professions/clinical sciences
16 = Legal professions and studies
17 = Library science
18 = Mathematics and statistics
19 = Mechanical/repair technologies/techs
20 = Multi/interdisciplinary studies
21 = Parks/recreation/leisure/fitness studies
22 = Precision production
23 = Personal and culinary services
24 = Philosophy, religion & theology
25 = Physical sciences
26 = Psychology
27 = Public administration/social services
28 = Science technologies/technicians
29 = Security & protective services
30 = Social sciences and history (except psychology)
31 = Transportation & materials moving
32 = Other
33 = Liberal arts/sciences, general studies
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who declared a double major.
Instrument code: TSTAT = 1 and N8DBLMAJ = 2
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Dropdown primary major: specific code
Please help us categorize [N8MAJ2] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.
[else if COMPMODE = 1]
Please bear with me while I code this...(Please help us categorize [N8MAJ2] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.)
101 = Agriculture and related sciences
102 = Natural resources and conservation
201 = Architecture
202 = City/urban, community, and regional planning
203 = Drafting/design engineering technologies/technicians
204 = Architecture, planning, and related services, other
301 = Area, ethnic, cultural, and gender studies
401 = Art history, criticism & conservation
402 = Design & applied arts
403 = Drama/theatre arts and stagecraft
404 = Fine and studio art
405 = Music, general
406 = Music history, literature, and theory
407 = Visual and performing arts, other
408 = Commercial and advertising art
409 = Dance
410 = Film/video and photographic arts
411 = Crafts/craft design, folk art and artisanry
501 = General biology
502 = Biochem/biophysics/molecular biology
503 = Botany/plant biology
504 = Genetics
505 = Microbiological sciences & immunology
506 = Physiology, pathology & related sciences
507 = Zoology/animal biology
508 = Biological and biomedical sciences
509 = Biological and physical sciences
510 = Systems science and theory
511 = Biopsychology
512 = Biological & biomedical sciences, other
601 = Accounting and related services
602 = Business administration, management and operations
603 = Business operations support and assistant services
604 = Finance and financial management services
605 = Human resources management and services
606 = Marketing
607 = Business, management, marketing, and related support services, other
608 = Management information systems and services
609 = Real estate
610 = Hospitality Administration/Management
701 = Communication and media studies
702 = Communication technologies
703 = Journalism
704 = Communication/journalism/comm. tech, other
801 = Computer/information technology administration and management
802 = Computer programming
803 = Computer science
804 = Computer software and media applications
805 = Computer systems analysis
806 = Computer systems networking and telecommunications
807 = Data entry/microcomputer applications
808 = Data processing
809 = Information science/studies
810 = Computer and information sciences and support services, other
901 = Construction trades
1001 = Curriculum and instruction
1002 = Educational administration and supervision
1003 = Educational/instructional media design
1004 = Special education and teaching
1005 = Student counseling and personnel services
1006 = Education, other
1007 = Teacher education: Early childhood education and teaching
1008 = Teacher education: Elementary education and teaching
1009 = Teacher education: Secondary education and teaching
1010 = Teacher education: Adult and continuing education and teaching
1011 = Teacher education: Specific levels, other
1012 = Teacher education: Specific subject areas
1013 = Bilingual, multilingual, and multicultural education
1014 = Ed assessment. evaluation, and research
1015 = Higher education/higher education administration
1016 = Teaching assistant/aide
1017 = Childcare provider/assistant
1018 = Physical education teaching and coaching
1019 = Education, other
1101 = Biomedical/medical engineering
1102 = Chemical engineering
1103 = Civil engineering
1104 = Computer engineering
1105 = Electrical, electronics and communications engineering
1106 = Engineering technologies/technicians
1107 = Environmental/environmental health engineering
1108 = Mechanical engineering
1109 = Engineering, other
1201 = Creative writing
1202 = American literature
1203 = English literature
1204 = English language and literature/letters, others
1301 = Family and consumer sciences/human sciences
1302 = Family and consumer sciences/human sciences, general
1303 = Child care and support services management
1304 = Child care provider/assistant (also under Education)
1305 = Apparel and textiles
1306 = Family and consumer sciences/human sciences, other
1401 = Romance languages, literatures, and linguistics
1402 = Spanish language and literature
1403 = Foreign languages/literature/linguistics, other
1501 = Health services/allied health/health sciences, general
1502 = Alternative/complementary medicine/sys
1503 = Chiropractic
1504 = Audiology/audiologist & hearing sciences
1505 = Clinical/medical lab science/allied
1506 = Dental support services/allied
1507 = Dentistry
1508 = Health & medical administrative services
1509 = Health/medical services/allied health
1510 = Health/medical technicians/technologists
1511 = Health/medical preparatory programs
1512 = Medicine, including psychiatry
1513 = Mental/social health services and allied
1514 = Clinical pastoral counseling/ patient counseling
1515 = Nursing/registered (RN, ASN, BSN, MSN)
1516 = Nursing science (MS, PhD)
1517 = Licensed practical/vocational nurse training (LPN, LVN, Cert., Dipl., AAS)
1518 = Nurse/nursing assistant/aide and patient care assistant
1519 = Optometry
1520 = Osteopathic medicine/osteopathy
1521 = Pharmacy/pharmaceutical sciences/admin
1522 = Podiatric medicine/podiatry
1523 = Public health
1524 = Rehabilitation & therapeutic professions
1525 = Veterinary medicine
1526 = Health aides/attendants/orderlies
1527 = Dietetics and clinical nutrition services
1528 = Health /related clinical services, other
1601 = Law
1602 = Legal support services
1603 = General undergraduate legal studies including pre-law
1604 = Legal professions and studies, other
1701 = Library science
1801 = Mathematics
1802 = Statistics
1803 = Mathematics and statistics, other
1901 = Electrical/electronics maintenance and repair technology
1902 = Heating, air conditioning, ventilation and refrigeration maintenance
1903 = Vehicle maintenance and repair technologies
1904 = Mechanical/repair technologies/techs, other
2001 = Biological and physical sciences
2002 = Systems science and theory
2003 = Biopsychology
2004 = Multi/interdisciplinary studies, other
2101 = Parks, recreation and leisure studies
2102 = Health and physical education/fitness
2201 = Precision metal working
2202 = Woodworking
2203 = Precision production, other
2301 = Cosmetology and related personal grooming services
2302 = Funeral service and mortuary science
2303 = Culinary arts and related services
2304 = Personal and culinary services, other
2401 = Philosophy
2402 = Religion/religious studies
2403 = Theology and religious vocations
2501 = Astronomy & astrophysics
2502 = Atmospheric sciences and meteorology
2503 = Chemistry
2504 = Geological & earth sciences/geosciences
2505 = Physics
2506 = Biological and physical science
2507 = Systems science and theory
2508 = Physical sciences, other
2601 = Behavioral psychology
2602 = Clinical psychology
2603 = Education/school psychology
2604 = Psychology, other
2605 = Biopsychology
2701 = Public administration
2702 = Social work
2703 = Public administration and social service professions, other
2801 = Biology technician/biotechnology laboratory technician
2802 = Nuclear and industrial radiologic technologies/technicians
2803 = Physical science technologies/technicians
2804 = Science technologies/technician, other
2901 = Criminal justice and corrections
2902 = Fire protection
2903 = Security and protective services, other
3001 = Anthropology
3002 = Archeology
3003 = Criminology
3004 = Demography & population studies
3005 = Economics
3006 = Geography & cartography
3007 = History
3008 = International relations & affairs
3009 = Political science and government
3010 = Sociology
3011 = Urban studies/affairs
3012 = Social sciences, other (except psychology)
3101 = Transportation & materials moving
3102 = Air transportation
3103 = Ground transportation
3104 = Transportation & materials moving, other
3201 = Other
3301 = Liberal arts and sciences, general studies and humanities
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who declared a double major.
Instrument code: TSTAT = 1 and N8DBLMAJ = 2
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
GPA measured on 4.00 scale
[If TCURENR = 1]
Is your grade point average (GPA) at [NPSAS] measured on a 4.00 scale?
Was your grade point average (GPA) at [NPSAS] measured on a 4.00 scale?
1 = Yes
2 = No, it is measured on another grading scale
3 = No, the school does not award grades
4 = Yes, but no GPA yet
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Cumulative GPA
[If TCURENR = 1]
What is your cumulative GPA (in all classes) at [NPSAS]?
What was your cumulative GPA (in all classes) at [NPSAS] through the end of your most recent term there?
Range: 0.00 to 4.00
Applies to: Respondents who were graded on a 4.0 GPA scale.
Instrument code: N8GPATYP = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Estimate of GPA
[If TCURENR = 1]
Which of the following would you say best describes your cumulative grade point average at [NPSAS]?
Which of the following would you say best describes your cumulative grade point average at [NPSAS] through the end of your most recent term there?
1 = Mostly A's (3.75 and above)
2 = A's and B's (3.25-3.74)
3 = Mostly B's (2.75-3.24)
4 = B's and C's (2.25-2.74)
5 = Mostly C's (1.75-2.24)
6 = C's and D's (1.25-1.74)
7 = Mostly D's or below (below 1.24)
8 = Don't know
Applies to: Respondents who were graded on a scale other than a 4.0 scale or were graded on a 4.0 GPA scale but did not provide a numeric cumulative GPA.
Instrument code: N8GPATYP in (2 -9) or (N8GPATYP = 1 and N8GPA = -9)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Cumulative major GPA
[If TCURENR = 1]
What is your cumulative [{If N8DBLMAJ = 2} primary] major GPA (just those classes required for your major) at [NPSAS]?
What was your cumulative [{If N8DBLMAJ = 2} primary] major GPA (just those classes required for your major) at [NPSAS] through the end of your most recent term there?
Range: 0.00 to 4.00
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who were graded on a 4.0 GPA scale, provided a numeric GPA, declared at least one major, and did not attend a less-than-2-year school.
Instrument code: N8GPATYP = 1 and N8GPA >= 0 and TSTAT = 1 and N8DBLMAJ ne 3 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Estimate of major GPA
[If TCURENR = 1]
Which of the following would you say best describes your cumulative [{If N8DBLMAJ = 2} primary] major GPA (just those classes required for your major) at [NPSAS]?
Which of the following would you say best describes your cumulative [{If N8DBLMAJ = 2} primary] major GPA (just those classes required for your major) at [NPSAS] through the end of your most recent term there?
1 = Mostly A's (3.75 and above)
2 = A's and B's (3.25-3.74)
3 = Mostly B's (2.75-3.24)
4 = B's and C's (2.25-2.74)
5 = Mostly C's (1.75-2.24)
6 = C's and D's (1.25-1.74)
7 = Mostly D's or below (below 1.24)
8 = Don't know
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who were not graded on a 4.0 GPA scale or were graded on a 4.0 GPA scale but did not provide a numeric cumulative or major GPA, declared at least one major, and did not attend a less-than-2-year school.
Instrument code: (N8GPATYP in (2 -9) or (N8GPATYP = 1 and (N8GPA < 0 or
N8MJGNUM < 0))) and TSTAT = 1 and N8DBLMAJ ne 3 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Completed degree requirements
Have you completed all the requirements for your [TDEGREN]?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents enrolled in a degree program at [NPSAS].
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 2)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Date awarded degree at NPSAS
In what month and year did you complete your [TDEGREN] at [NPSAS]?
Applies to: Respondents enrolled in a degree program who completed their degree at [NPSAS] at the time of the interview.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 2) and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Date degree expected at NPSAS
In what month and year do you expect to complete the requirements for your [TDEGREN]?
Applies to: Respondents enrolled in a degree program who had not completed their degree at [NPSAS] at the time of the interview, but did expect to complete their degree at some point.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 2) and N8CMPDGN ne 1 and N8EXPN = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Date degree expected: will not complete degree
In what month and year do you expect to complete the requirements for your [TDEGREN]?
Will not finish the [TDEGREN]
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents enrolled in a degree program who had not completed their degree at [NPSAS] at the time of the interview.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 2) and N8CMPDGN ne 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Degree completion in NPSAS year
[If N8CMPDGN = 1]
Did you complete your [TDEGREN] between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007?
Do you expect to complete your [TDEGREN] between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents enrolled in a degree program who were working on a bachelor’s degree and had completed or expected to complete their degree at [NPSAS] at the time of the interview.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 2) and TDEGREE in (4 5) and N8EXPN ne 1
Recode note: 1) If TDEGREE in (4 5) and ((200607 <= N8DGNMY <= 200706 and N8DGNMY > 0) or (200607 <= N8EXNMY <= 200706 and N8EXNMY > 0)) then N8NPDG = 1
2) If TDEGREE in (4 5) and ((0 < N8DGNMY < 200607 or N8DGNMY > 200706) or
(0 < N8EXNMY < 200607 or N8EXNMY > 200706)) then N8NPDG = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
NPSAS first school attended after high school
Was [NPSAS] the first college, university, or trade school you enrolled in after completing your high school requirements?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Date attended first school
In what month and year did you first attend any college, university, or trade school after high school?
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents whose first school was not [NPSAS].
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and N8NFST ne 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Date first began NPSAS ever
In what month and year did you first attend [NPSAS] after completing high school requirements?
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Date began graduate studies at NPSAS
When did you begin your [TDEGREN] at [NPSAS]?
Applies to: Graduate respondents enrolled in a degree program at [NPSAS].
Instrument code: TSTAT = 2
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Previous enrollment intensity
Earlier you told us about your enrollment status for the 2006-2007 school year. Now we’d like to ask you some questions about your enrollment prior to the 2006-2007 school year. Since you started working on your [TDEGREN], have you been enrolled mainly as a full-time student or a part-time student?
1 = Mainly full-time
2 = Mainly part-time
3 = Mix of full- and part-time
Applies to: Respondents enrolled in a degree program who enrolled at [NPSAS] for the first time prior to the NPSAS year or who enrolled at [NPSAS] in the NPSAS year but did not provide an enrollment intensity.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 2) and ((0 < N8DGBMY <= 200607 or 0 < N8PGMSMY <= 200607) or ((N8DGBMY > 200607 or N8PGMSMY > 200607) and N8STST = -9) or (N8DGBMY = -9 or N8PGMSMY = -9))
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Completed postsecondary course after high school
Between the time you completed high school and July 1, 2006, did you complete any classes for credit at a university, college, or trade school?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Recode note: 1) If N8UGYR > 2 or TSTAT in (2 4) then N8CMPCLS = 1
2) If TSTAT in (1 3) and N8UGYR in (-3 -9 1 2) and N8NFST = 1 and (200607 <= N8DGBMY <= 200706 and N8DGBMY > 0) then N8CMPCLS = 0
3) If TSTAT in (1 3) and N8UGYR in (-3 -9 1 2) and N8NFST ne 1 and (200607 <= N8DGBMY <= 200706) and (200607 <= N8FSTMY <= 200706)
then N8CMPCLS = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Attended other school during NPSAS year: school 1
Have you attended any other schools besides [NPSAS] between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Other school 1-5: IPEDS
What other school did you attend between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007?
[else if COMPMODE = 1]
What other school did you attend, and in what city and state is it located? Please bear with me as I code this...
IPEDS IDs of 99999* are given to uncodeable schools.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Other school 1-5: name
What other school did you attend between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007?
[else if COMPMODE = 1]
What other school did you attend, and in what city and state is it located? Please bear with me as I code this...
School Name:
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Other school 1-5: city
What other school did you attend between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007?
[else if COMPMODE = 1]
What other school did you attend, and in what city and state is it located? Please bear with me as I code this...
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Other school 1-5: state
What other school did you attend between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007?
[else if COMPMODE = 1]
What other school did you attend, and in what city and state is it located? Please bear with me as I code this...
1 = Alabama 2 = Alaska 3 = Arizona 4 = Arkansas 5 = California 6 = Colorado 7 = Connecticut 8 = Delaware 9 = District of Columbia 10 = Florida 11 = Georgia 12 = Hawaii 13 = Idaho 14 = Illinois 15 = Indiana 16 = Iowa 17 = Kansas 18 = Kentucky 19 = Louisiana 20 = Maine 21 = Maryland 22 = Massachusetts 23 = Michigan 24 = Minnesota 25 = Mississippi 26 = Missouri 27 = Montana 28 = Nebraska 29 = Nevada 30 = New Hampshire 31 = New Jersey 32 = New Mexico 33 = New York |
34 = North Carolina 35 = North Dakota 36 = Ohio 37 = Oklahoma 38 = Oregon 39 = Pennsylvania 40 = Rhode Island 41 = South Carolina 42 = South Dakota 43 = Tennessee 44 = Texas 45 = Utah 46 = Vermont 47 = Virginia 48 = Washington 49 = West Virginia 50 = Wisconsin 51 = Wyoming 52 = Puerto Rico 53 = Canada 54 = American Samoa 55 = Guam 56 = Fed State Micronesia 57 = Marshall Islands 58 = Northern Mariana Isl 59 = Palau 60 = Virgin Islands 61 = American Military 62 = Mexico 63 = FOREIGN COUNTRY (other than Mexico and Canada) |
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Other school 1-5: level
What other school did you attend between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007?
[else if COMPMODE = 1]
What other school did you attend, and in what city and state is it located? Please bear with me as I code this...
1 = 4-year
2 = 2-year
3 = Less-than-2-year
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Other school 1-5: control
What other school did you attend between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007?
[else if COMPMODE = 1]
What other school did you attend, and in what city and state is it located? Please bear with me as I code this...
1 = Public
2 = Private not-for-profit
3 = Private for-profit
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
N81EN01–N81EN12; N82EN01–N82EN12; N83EN01–N83EN12; N84EN01–N84EN12; N85EN01–N85EN12
Other school 1-5 enrollment
Which months have you been enrolled or plan to be enrolled at [N8SCH01-05] during the 2006-2007 school year? If you were enrolled for any portion of a month, please include that month. Exclude any months during which you were not taking classes, such as summer break.
Enrolled July 2006 - Enrolled June 2007
0 = Not enrolled
1 = Enrolled
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Other school 1-5: enrollment intensity
[If TCURENR = 1]
During the 2006-2007 school year, have you been enrolled at [N8SCH01-05] mainly as a full-time student or a part-time student?
During the 2006-2007 school year, were you enrolled at [N8SCH01-05] mainly as a full-time student or a part-time student?
1 = Mainly a full-time student
2 = Mainly a part-time student
3 = Equal mix of full- and part-time
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Attended other school during NPSAS year: school 2-6
Have you attended any other schools since July 1, 2006? The schools you have identified so far are: [List schools]
0 = No
1 = Yes
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Highest level of education expected at NPSAS
[If TCURENR = 1]
What is the highest level of education you expect to complete at [NPSAS]?
What was the highest level of education you expected to complete at [NPSAS]?
0 = No degree or certificate expected
2 = Undergraduate certificate or diploma (occupational or technical program)
3 = Associate's degree
4 = Bachelor's degree
6 = Post-baccalaureate certificate or program
8 = Master's degree
9 = Post-master's certificate
10 = Professional degree
11 = Doctoral degree
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Highest level of education expected ever
What is the highest level of education you expect to complete (at any school) in the next 5 to 10 years?
0 = No degree or certificate expected
2 = Undergraduate certificate or diploma (occupational or technical program)
3 = Associate's degree
4 = Bachelor's degree
6 = Post-baccalaureate certificate or program
8 = Master’s degree
9 = Post-master’s certificate
10 = Professional degree
11 = Doctoral degree
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Earned prior degree/certificates
[If TSTAT in (3 4)]
Have you earned any degrees or certificates since you left high school?
[else if N8CMPDGN ne 1]
Other than the [TDEGREN] that you [{if TCURENR = 1} are {else} were] working on at [NPSAS], have you earned any other degrees or certificates since you left high school?
Other than the [TDEGREN] that you earned at [NPSAS], have you earned any other degrees or certificates since you left high school?
0 = No
1 = Yes
2 = Don't know
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Prior degree
What degrees or certificates have you already earned?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8OTCE - Undergraduate certificate/diploma
N8OTAS - Associate’s degree
N8OTBA - 4-year Bachelor’s degree
N8OT5BA - 5-year Bachelor’s degree
N8OTPB - Post-baccalaureate certificate
N8OTMA - Master’s degree
N8OTPM - Post-master’s certificate
N8OTPR - Professional degree (only includes the following degree programs: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, ministry or divinity, or veterinary medicine)
N8OTDR - Doctoral degree
Applies to: Respondents who received a previous degree or certificate.
Instrument code: N8PRDG = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Prior bachelor’s degree at NPSAS
Did you earn your bachelor’s degree at [NPSAS]?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who received a previous 4- or 5-year bachelor’s degree.
Instrument code: N8OTBA = 1 or N8OT5BA = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Bachelor’s degree completion date
In what month and year was your bachelor’s degree awarded?
Applies to: Respondents who received a previous 4- or 5-year bachelor’s degree.
Instrument code: N8OTBA = 1 or N8OT5BA = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Prior bachelor’s degree in NPSAS year
Did you complete your bachelor’s degree between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who received a previous 4- or 5-year bachelor’s degree.
Instrument code: N8OTBA = 1 or N8OT5BA = 1
Recode note: 1) If (N8OT5BA = 1 or N8OTBA = 1) and 200607 <= N8PRBMY <= 200706
then N8NPPR = 1
2) If (N8OT5BA = 1 or N8OTBA = 1) and 0 < N8PRBMY < 200607 then N8NPPR = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
B & B eligibility flag
B&B eligibility flag:
Initialize N8BBELG = 0
If TDEGREE in (4 5) then do:
if N8CMPDGN = 1 and (N8DGNMY in NPSAS year or N8NPDG = 1)
then N8BBELG = 1
else if N8CMPDGN ne 1 and (N8EXNMY in NPSAS year or N8NPDG = 1)
then N8BBELG = 1
else if N8PRDG = 1 and (N8OTBA = 1 or N8OT5BA = 1) and N8PRBNP = 1
and (N8PRBMY in NPSAS year or N8NPPR = 1)
then N8BBELG = 1
else N8BBELG = 0
else if TDEGREE not in (4 5) then do:
if N8PRDG = 1 and (N8OTBA = 1 or N8OT5BA = 1) and N8PRBNP = 1 and
(N8PRBMY in NPSAS year or N8NPPR = 1)
then N8BBELG = 1
else N8BBELG = 0
else N8BBELG = 0
0 = Not B&B eligible
1 = B&B eligible
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Ever attended community college
Have you ever taken classes at a community college?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3)
Recode note: If TSTAT in (1 3) and (Y_NPLEVL = 2 or N8LEVL01 = 2 or N8LEVL02 = 2 or N8LEVL03 = 2 or N8LEVL04 = 2 or N8LEVL05 = 2) then N8EVRCC = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Ever attended 4-year school
Have you ever attended a 4-year school?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3)
Recode note: If TSTAT in (1 3) and (Y_NPLEVL = 1 or N8LEVL01 = 1 or N8LEVL02 = 1 or N8LEVL03 = 1 or N8LEVL04 = 1 or N8LEVL05 = 1) then N8EVR4YR = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Type of high school completion
Which of the following best describes your high school completion?
1 = Received a high school diploma
2 = Received a GED (General Educational Development) certificate or other equivalent credential
3 = Received a high school completion certificate
4 = Attended a foreign high school
5 = Did not complete high school or a high school equivalency program
6 = You were home schooled
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Completed high school
[If N8DIPL = 1]
In what month and year did you receive your high school diploma?
[else if N8DIPL = 2]
In what month and year did you receive your GED?
[else if N8DIPL = 3]
In what month and year did you receive your high school certificate?
[else if N8DIPL = 4]
In what month and year did you complete high school?
In what month and year did you complete high school?
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3)
Recode note: If N8DIPL = 5 then N8HSMY = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Currently completing high school requirements
Were you completing high school requirements for the entire time you were enrolled at [NPSAS] between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007?
0 = No
1 = Yes
2 = Don't know
Applies to: All respondents.
Recode note: If N8NPELG = 1 and N8HSCMP = -3 then N8HSCMP = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Type of high school attended
Was your high school public or private?
1 = Public
2 = Private
3 = Attended a foreign high school
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents except those who received a GED or were home schooled.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and
N8DIPL not in (2 6)
Recode note: If N8DIPL = 4 then N8HSTYP = 3
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
High school state
In what state did you last attend high school?
1 = Alabama 2 = Alaska 3 = Arizona 4 = Arkansas 5 = California 6 = Colorado 7 = Connecticut 8 = Delaware 9 = District of Columbia 10 = Florida 11 = Georgia 12 = Hawaii 13 = Idaho 14 = Illinois 15 = Indiana 16 = Iowa 17 = Kansas 18 = Kentucky 19 = Louisiana 20 = Maine 21 = Maryland 22 = Massachusetts 23 = Michigan 24 = Minnesota 25 = Mississippi 26 = Missouri 27 = Montana 28 = Nebraska 29 = Nevada 30 = New Hampshire 31 = New Jersey 32 = New Mexico |
33 = New York 34 = North Carolina 35 = North Dakota 36 = Ohio 37 = Oklahoma 38 = Oregon 39 = Pennsylvania 40 = Rhode Island 41 = South Carolina 42 = South Dakota 43 = Tennessee 44 = Texas 45 = Utah 46 = Vermont 47 = Virginia 48 = Washington 49 = West Virginia 50 = Wisconsin 51 = Wyoming 52 = Puerto Rico 53 = Canada 54 = American Samoa 55 = Guam 56 = Fed State Micronesia 57 = Marshall Islands 58 = Northern Mariana Isl 59 = Palau 60 = Virgin Islands 61 = American Military 62 = Mexico 63 = FOREIGN COUNTRY (other than Mexico and Canada) |
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents except those who attended a foreign high school.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and N8DIPL ne 4
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
High school GPA
What was your cumulative high school GPA?
Range: 0.00 to 4.00
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who received a high school diploma and provided a high school GPA.
Instrument code: N8DIPL = 1 and N8HSGPN ne 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
No high school GPA
What was your cumulative high school GPA?
Do not have a high school GPA
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who received a high school diploma.
Instrument code: N8DIPL = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Estimate of high school GPA
Which of the following would you say best describes your cumulative high school GPA?
1 = Mostly A's (3.75 and above)
2 = A's and B's (3.25-3.74)
3 = Mostly B's (2.75-3.24)
4 = B's and C's (2.25-2.74)
5 = Mostly C's (1.75-2.24)
6 = C's and D's (1.25-1.74)
7 = Mostly D's or below (below 1.24)
8 = Don't know
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who received a high school diploma but did not provide a high school GPA.
Instrument code: N8DIPL = 1 and N8HSGPA < 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Date of birth
So that the rest of this interview may be customized for you, please answer the following questions.
In what month and year were you born?
Applies to: All respondents.
Recode note: If [preloaded date of birth] > 0 then
N8DOBMY = [preloaded date of birth]
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Age as of January 1, 2007
Internal Variable
Calculates age as of January 1, 2007
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Current marital status
What is your current marital status?
1 = Single, never married
2 = Married
3 = Separated
4 = Divorced
5 = Widowed
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
What is your gender?
1 = Male
2 = Female
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Graduate assistantship, fellowship, or traineeship
For the 2006-2007 school year, which of the following did you have? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the box provided. If you did not receive any of the following types of aid, choose none.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8TASST - Teaching assistantship
N8RASST - Research assistantship
N8GFEL - Graduate fellowship
N8TRNSHP - Traineeship
N8GASST - Any other kind of graduate assistantship
N8NONE - None of the above
Applies to: Graduate respondents.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (2 4)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Graduate assistantship, fellowship, or traineeship amount
For the 2006-2007 school year, which of the following did you have? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the box provided. If you did not receive any of the following types of aid, choose none.)
N8TASSM - Teaching assistantship amount
N8RASSM - Research assistantship amount
N8GFELM - Graduate fellowship amount
N8TRNSM – Traineeship amount
N8GASSM – Any other kind of graduate assistantship amount
Applies to: Graduate respondents who had a teaching assistantship.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (2 4) and N8TASST = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Tuition paid by assistantship
Did you receive a tuition waiver or any other form of full or partial tuition assistance through your
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Graduate respondents who had a teaching assistantship, research assistantship, or another kind of assistantship.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (2 4) and (N8TASST = 1 or N8RASST = 1 or N8GASST = 1)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Health insurance with assistantship
As part of your [assistantship/fellowship/traineeship], did you receive health insurance?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Graduate respondents who had a teaching assistantship, research assistantship, or another kind of assistantship.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (2 4) and (N8TASST = 1 or N8RASST = 1 or N8GASST = 1)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
TA duties
Which of the following activities [{If TCURENR = 1} do {else} did] you perform as a teaching assistant during the 2006-2007 school year?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8CLSHRS - Assumed teaching responsibility for one or more courses
N8DISHRS - Led discussion sections for faculty-taught courses
N8LABHRS - Supervised lab sections for faculty-taught courses
N8GRAHRS - Assisted faculty with grading or other instruction-related activities
N8MSGHRS - Assisted faculty with answering student e-mail messages
N8OFFHRS - Held office hours
N8TANONE - None of the above
Applies to: Graduate respondents who had a teaching assistantship.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (2 4) and N8TASST = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
School job: workstudy or assistantship
[If TCURENR = 1]
During the 2006-2007 school year, have you participated in either workstudy or a paid assistantship? (Please check all that apply.)
During the 2006-2007 school year, did you participate in either workstudy or a paid assistantship? (Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8WKST - Workstudy
N8ASST - Assistantship
N8JOBNON – None of the above
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
School job related to major/coursework
[if N8DBLMAJ = 3 or TSTAT = 3]
Would you say your [workstudy/assistantship] [{if TCURENR = 1} is {else} was] related to your coursework at [NPSAS]?
Would you say your [workstudy/assistantship] [{if TCURENR = 1} is {else} was] related to your major or field of study at [NPSAS]?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who had a workstudy or assistantship.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and (N8WKST = 1 or N8ASST = 1)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
School job on/off campus
[If TCURENR = 1]
Is your [workstudy/assistantship] located primarily on or off campus?
Was your [workstudy/assistantship] located primarily on or off campus?
1 = On campus
2 = Off campus
3 = Both on and off campus
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who had a workstudy or assistantship.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and (N8WKST = 1 or N8ASST = 1)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
School job for NPSAS or another institution or organization [If TCURENR = 1]
Is your [workstudy/assistantship] for [NPSAS] or for another institution or organization?
Was your [workstudy/assistantship] for [NPSAS] or for another institution or organization?
1 = [Y_NPSCHL]
2 = Another institution or organization
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who had a workstudy or assistantship.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and (N8WKST = 1 or N8ASST = 1)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Workstudy community service
[If TCURENR = 1]
Is your workstudy job part of a community service project? [else]
Was your workstudy job part of a community service project?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who had a workstudy.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and N8WKST = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Workstudy tutoring
[If TCURENR = 1]
Is your workstudy job involved with literacy education or tutoring?
Was your workstudy job involved with literacy education or tutoring?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who had a workstudy.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and N8WKST = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
School job: earnings
[If TCURENR = 1]
How much do you earn from your [workstudy/
assistantship/fellowship/traineeship] while enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year?
How much did you earn from your [workstudy/ assistantship/fellowship/traineeship] while you were enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year?
Applies to: Graduate respondents who had a graduate assistantship, fellowship, or traineeship or undergraduate respondents who had a workstudy or assistantship.
Instrument code: N8TASST = 1 or N8RASST = 1 or N8GFEL = 1 or N8TRNSHP = 1 or N8GASST = 1 or N8WKST = 1 or N8ASST = 1
Recode note: If TSTAT in (2 4) and (N8TASSM > 0 or N8RASSM > 0 or N8GFELM > 0 or N8TRNSM > 0 or N8GASSM > 0) then N8WAAMT = {N8TASSM + N8RASSM + N8GFELM + N8TRNSM + N8GASSM}
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
School job: time period for earnings
[If TCURENR = 1]
How much do you earn from your [workstudy/ assistantship/fellowship/traineeship] while enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year?
How much did you earn from your [workstudy/ assistantship/fellowship/traineeship] while you were enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year?
1 = Per year
2 = Per term or semester
3 = Per month
4 = Per week
5 = Per hour
Applies to: Graduate respondents who had a graduate assistantship, fellowship, or traineeship or undergraduate respondents who had a workstudy or assistantship.
Instrument code: N8TASST = 1 or N8RASST = 1 or N8GFEL = 1 or N8TRNSHP = 1 or N8GASST = 1 or N8WKST = 1 or N8ASST = 1
Recode note: If TSTAT in (2 4) and (N8TASSM > 0 or N8RASSM > 0 or N8GFELM > 0 or N8TRNSM > 0 or N8GASSM > 0) then N8WAERNT = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
School job: number of terms/months/weeks/hours worked
During the 2006-2007 school year, how many [{if N8WAERNT = 2} terms {if N8WAERNT = 3} months {else} weeks] will you have worked in your [workstudy/assistantship/fellowship/traineeship]?
[If N8WAERNT = 2] Terms
[else if N8WAERNT = 3] Months
[else] Weeks
Applies to: Graduate respondents who had a graduate assistantship, fellowship, or traineeship and did not provide an amount for earnings or undergraduate respondents who had a workstudy or assistantship.
Instrument code: ((N8TASST = 1 or N8RASST = 1 or N8GFEL = 1 or N8TRNSHP = 1 or N8GASST = 1) and N8WAAMT < 0) or (N8WKST = 1 or
N8ASST = 1)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
School job: hours worked per week
[If TCURENR = 1]
During the 2006-2007 school year, on average, how many hours will you have worked per week in your [workstudy/assistantship/fellowship/traineeship]?
During the 2006-2007 school year, on average, how many hours did you work per week in your [workstudy/assistantship/fellowship/traineeship]?
Applies to: Graduate respondents who had a graduate assistantship, fellowship, or traineeship or undergraduate respondents who had a workstudy or assistantship and did not report 0 terms/months/weeks worked.
Instrument code: (N8TASST = 1 or N8RASST = 1 or N8GFEL = 1 or N8TRNSHP = 1 or N8GASST = 1 or N8WKST = 1 or N8ASST = 1) and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
School job: total earnings
N8WTOTEN calculates total earnings for school job:
if N8WAERNT = 1 then
else if N8WAERNT = 5 then do:
{if (N8WAAMT > 0 and N8WAERNS > 0 and N8WAHRS > 0) then N8WTOTEN = N8WAAMT * N8WAERNS * N8WAHRS
else if N8WAAMT = -9 or N8WAERNS = -9 or N8WAHRS = -9 then N8TOTEN = -9}
else if N8WAERNT > 1 then do:
{if (N8WAAMT > 0 and N8WAERNS > 0) then N8WTOTEN = N8WAAMT * N8WAERNS
else if N8WAAMT = -9 or N8WAERNS = -9 then N8WTOTEN = -9}
else if N8WAERNT = -9 then N8WTOTEN = -9
else N8WTOTEN = -9
Note: Due to rounding in N8WAAMT, N8WTOTEN may not equal N8WAAMT * N8WAERNS * N8WAHRS exactly.
Applies to: Graduate respondents who had a graduate assistantship, fellowship, or traineeship or undergraduate respondents who had a workstudy or assistantship and reported yearly earnings or reported
earnings by term, month, week, or hour and did not report 0 terms/months/weeks worked.
Instrument code: (N8TASST = 1 or N8RASST = 1 or N8GFEL = 1 or N8TRNSHP = 1 or N8GASST = 1 or N8WKST = 1 or N8ASST = 1) and (N8WAERNT in (1 -9) or (N8WAERNT in (2 3 4 5) and N8WAERNS ne 0))
Recode note: 1) If TSTAT in (2 4) and N8WAAMT >= 0 and N8WAERNT = 1 then
2) If N8WAAMT = 0 and N8WTOTEN < 0 then N8WTOTEN = 0
3) If N8WAERNT = 1 and N8WAERNS = 0 then N8WTOTEN = N8WAAMT
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
School job: weeks worked
[If TCURENR = 1]
For your [workstudy/assistantship/fellowship/
traineeship], would you say you have worked during all the weeks you were enrolled, most of them, half of them, or less than half?
For your [workstudy/assistantship/fellowship/
traineeship], would you say you worked during all the weeks you were enrolled, most of them, half of them, or less than half?
1 = All
2 = Most
3 = Half
4 = Less than half
Applies to: Graduate respondents who had a graduate assistantship, fellowship, or traineeship or undergraduate respondents who had a workstudy or assistantship, except those who reported a positive
amount for weekly earnings or those who reported 0
terms/months/weeks worked and 0 hours worked.
Instrument code: (N8TASST = 1 or N8RASST = 1 or N8GFEL = 1 or N8TRNSHP = 1 or N8GASST = 1 or N8WKST = 1 or N8ASST = 1) and (N8WAERNT in (1 2 3 5 -9) or (N8WAERNT = 4 and N8WAERNS < 0)) and N8WAERNS ne 0 and N8WAHRS ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Received financial aid
[If TCURENR = 1 and [if (N8TASST = 1 or N8RASST = 1 or N8GFEL = 1 or N8TRNSHP = 1 or N8GASST = 1 or N8WKST = 1 or N8ASST = 1)]
Besides your [workstudy/assistantship/fellowship/ traineeship], have you received any other financial aid - such as grants, loans, or scholarships - during the 2006-2007 school year?
[else if TCURENR = 1]
Have you received financial aid - such as grants, loans, or scholarships - during the 2006-2007 school year?
[else if TCURENR ne 1 and (N8TASST = 1 or N8RASST = 1 or N8GFEL = 1 or N8TRNSHP = 1 or N8GASST = 1 or N8WKST = 1 or N8ASST = 1)]
Besides your [workstudy/assistantship/fellowship/
traineeship], did you receive any other financial aid - such as grants, loans, or scholarships - during the 2006-2007 school year?
Did you receive financial aid - such as grants, loans, or scholarships - during the 2006-2007 school year?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Applied for financial aid
Did you apply for financial aid for the 2006-2007 school year?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Recode note: If N8RCVAID = 1 then
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Reason for not applying
Why did you decide not to apply for financial aid?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8NONEED - I did not need financial aid.
N8THKEL - I assumed I was not eligible.
N8MISS - I missed the application deadline.
N8HSAPP - I did not receive information about financial aid from my high school or financial aid counselor.
N8FMCON - The application forms were too confusing.
N8APOTH – Other
N8APOTHS – Other, please specify
Applies to: Respondents who did not apply for financial aid.
Instrument code: N8APPAID = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Received federal loans
Did you receive a federal Stafford student loan for the 2006-2007 school year?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who received financial aid.
Instrument code: N8RCVAID = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Received Pell grant
Did you receive a Pell grant for the 2006-2007 school year?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who received financial aid.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Received state grant/scholarship
Did you receive any scholarships or grants from your school or from a state grant program during the 2006-2007 school year? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the box provided.) Did you receive...
State grant/scholarship
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who received financial aid.
Instrument code: N8RCVAID = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
State grant/scholarship amount
Did you receive any scholarships or grants from your school or from a state grant program during the 2006-2007 school year? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the
box provided.) Did you receive...
Applies to: Respondents who received a state grant or scholarship.
Instrument code: N8STGRT = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Received college grant/scholarship
Did you receive any scholarships or grants from your school or from a state grant program during the 2006-2007 school year? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the
box provided.) Did you receive...
College grant/scholarship
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who received financial aid.
Instrument code: N8RCVAID = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
College grant/scholarship amount
Did you receive any scholarships or grants from your school or from a state grant program during the 2006-2007 school year? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the
box provided.) Did you receive...
Applies to: Respondents who received a college grant or scholarship.
Instrument code: N8INGRT = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Did not receive state or college aid
Did you receive any scholarships or grants from your school or from a state grant program during the 2006-2007 school year? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the
box provided.) Did you receive...
Did not receive state or college aid
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who received financial aid.
Instrument code: N8RCVAID = 1
Recode note: If N8STGRT = 0 and N8INGRT = 0 and N8STNONE = 0 then N8STNONE = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Receive employer aid
Did you receive any financial aid during the 2006-2007 school year that did not come from the financial aid office? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the box
provided.) Did you receive...
Employer aid
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Employer aid amount
Did you receive any financial aid during the 2006-2007 school year that did not come from the financial aid office? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the box
provided.) Did you receive...
Applies to: Respondents who received employer aid.
Instrument code: N8ADNEMP = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Receive aid from parent’s employer
Did you receive any financial aid during the 2006-2007 school year that did not come from the financial aid office? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the box
provided.) Did you receive...
Aid from parent’s employer
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Parent’s employer aid amount
Did you receive any financial aid during the 2006-2007 school year that did not come from the financial aid office? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the box
provided.) Did you receive...
Applies to: Respondents who received aid from their parent’s employer.
Instrument code: N8ADNPMP = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Receive aid from private organization
Did you receive any financial aid during the 2006-2007 school year that did not come from the financial aid office? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the box
provided.) Did you receive...
Aid from a private organization
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Private organization aid amount
Did you receive any financial aid during the 2006-2007 school year that did not come from the financial aid office? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the box
provided.) Did you receive...
Applies to: Respondents who received aid from a private organization.
Instrument code: N8ADNPRV = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Receive veteran’s benefits
Did you receive any financial aid during the 2006-2007 school year that did not come from the financial aid office? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the box
provided.) Did you receive...
Veteran’s benefits
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Veteran’s benefits amount
Did you receive any financial aid during the 2006-2007 school year that did not come from the financial aid office? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the box provided.) Did you receive...
Applies to: Respondents who received veteran’s benefits.
Instrument code: N8ADNVET = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Other aid: did not receive other aid
Did you receive any financial aid during the 2006-2007 school year that did not come from the financial aid office? (Please check each type of aid received and then enter the amount received in the box provided.) Did you receive...
None of the above
0 = Had other aid
1 = No other aid
Applies to: All respondents.
Recode note: If N8ADNEMP = 0 and N8ADNPMP = 0 and N8ADNPRV = 0 and N8ADNVET = 0 and N8ADNON = 0 then N8ADNON = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Receive alternative loan
Did you receive any type of alternative or private loan (such as TERI, Excel, or Access loans) from a bank or private organization for your enrollment during the 2006-2007 school year?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Amount of alternative loan
How much did you borrow in alternative or private loans for the 2006-2007 school year?
Applies to: Respondents who received a private or alternative loan.
Instrument code: N8PRVLN = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Residence while enrolled
[If TCURENR = 1]
While enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year, are you living on campus, with your parents or guardians, or some place else? (If you have lived in more than one residence, choose the place were you have lived for the longest period of time.)
While you were enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year, did you live on campus, with your parents or guardians, or some place else?
(If you lived in more than one residence, choose the place were you lived for the longest period of time.)
1 = On-campus
2 = With parents or guardians
3 = Some place else (off campus)
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Help from parents
[If TCURENR = 1]
Which of the following do your parents or guardians help you pay?
(Please check all that apply.)
Which of the following did your parents or guardians help you pay when you were last enrolled at [NPSAS] during the 2006-2007 school year? (Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8PARPA - Tuition and fees
N8PARPB - Other educational expenses such as books and supplies
N8PARPC - Housing costs, including utilities
N8PARPD - Other living expenses such as food (meal plan) and transportation
N8PARPE - None of the above - no financial assistance from parents
N8PARPF - None of the above - both parents or guardians are deceased
Applies to: Respondents under age 30.
Instrument code: TAGE < 30
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Monthly mortgage/rent amount
[If TCURENR = 1]
Since you have been enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year, how much (on average) have you paid in rent or mortgage payments each month?
While you were enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year, how much (on average) did you pay for your monthly rent or mortgage payment?
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents under age 30 who lived off campus during the 2006-2007 school year.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and TAGE < 30 and N8SCHRES = 3
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Out-of-state tuition/fees
[If TCURENR = 1]
At [NPSAS], are you charged for out-of-state or out-of-district tuition or fees?
At [NPSAS], were you charged for out-of-state or out-of-district tuition or fees?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents whose school is a public institution.
Instrument code: Y_NPCTRL = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Amount borrowed for undergraduate loans
[If Y_NPLEVL = 3 and TSTAT in (1 3)]
How much have you already borrowed in student loans for your college or vocational education? (Please do not include any money borrowed from family or friends.)
[else if Y_NPLEVL = 3]
How much did you borrow in student loans for your college or vocational education? (Please do not include any money borrowed from family or friends.)
[else if Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and TSTAT in (1 3)]
How much have you already borrowed in student loans for your undergraduate education? (Please do not include any money borrowed from family or friends.)
How much did you borrow in student loans for your undergraduate education? (Please do not include any money borrowed from family or friends.)
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Amount owed for undergraduate loans
How much of that amount do you still owe?
Applies to: Respondents who borrowed money for their undergraduate education.
Instrument code: N8UGLN ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Amount borrowed for graduate loans
[If TCURENR = 1]
How much have you already borrowed in student loans for your graduate education? (Please do not include any money borrowed from family or friends.)
How much did you borrow in student loans for your graduate education? (Please do not include any money borrowed from family or friends.)
Applies to: Graduate respondents.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (2 4)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Amount owed for graduate loans
How much of that amount do you still owe?
Applies to: Graduate respondents who borrowed money for their graduate education.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (2 4) and N8GRLN ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Federal student loan: received loan repayment information
When you initially applied for a federal student loan, did you receive any information from your school or lender on...
Loan repayment options?
0 = No
1 = Yes
2 = Don't remember
Applies to: Respondents who received a federal Stafford loan.
Instrument code: N8FEDLN = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Federal student loan: received salary information
When you initially applied for a federal student loan, did you receive any information from your school or lender on...
Anticipated salaries in your academic major and how it related to your ability to repay loans?
0 = No
1 = Yes
2 = Don’t remember
Applies to: Respondents who received a federal Stafford loan.
Instrument code: N8FEDLN = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Heard of ACG grant
Have you heard of the Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), a new need-based federal grant for first- and second-year undergraduate students who meet certain academic requirements?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Pell eligible first- and second-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, and not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR in (1 2) and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Learn about ACG: counselor
How did you learn about the Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG)?
From a high school counselor
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Pell eligible first- and second-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools, and had heard of the ACG.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR in (1 2) and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and
N8ACG ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Learn about ACG: financial aid counselor
How did you learn about the Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG)?
From a financial aid counselor at your college
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Pell eligible first- and second-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools, and had heard of the ACG.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR in (1 2) and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and
N8ACG ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Learn about ACG: letter
How did you learn about the Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG)?
From a letter you received
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Pell eligible first- and second-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools, and had heard of the ACG.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR in (1 2) and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and
N8ACG ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Learn about ACG: other, specify
How did you learn about the Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG)?
Other, please specify
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
ACG requirements: enrolled full time
The following conditions below are requirements to receive an ACG grant. Please indicate whether you were aware of each of these requirements.
That you must be enrolled full time
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Pell eligible first- and second-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools, and had heard of the ACG.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR in (1 2) and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and N8ACG ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
ACG requirements: rigorous program of study
The following conditions below are requirements to receive an ACG grant. Please indicate whether you were aware of each of these requirements.
That you must have completed a rigorous high school program of study
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Pell eligible first- and second-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools, and had heard of the ACG.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR in (1 2) and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and N8ACG ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
ACG requirements: GPA
The following conditions below are requirements to receive an ACG grant. Please indicate whether you were aware of each of these requirements.
In order to receive the grant in your second year, that you must have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in your first year of college
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Pell eligible first- and second-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools, and had heard of the ACG.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR in (1 2) and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and N8ACG ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
ACG affect full time enrollment
Did the availability of the ACG grant affect your choice to enroll full time?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Pell eligible first- and second-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools, had heard of the ACG and were enrolled
full time at [NPSAS] during the NPSAS year.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR in (1 2) and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and N8ACG ne 0 and N8STST = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
ACG affect plans to enroll full time
In the next year, do you plan to enroll full time in order to become eligible for the ACG?
1 = Definitely yes
2 = Probably yes
3 = Probably no
4 = Definitely no
Applies to: Pell eligible first-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools, had heard of the ACG and were not enrolled full time at [NPSAS] during the NPSAS year.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR = 1 and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and N8ACG ne 0 and N8STST in (2 3)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Heard of SMART grant
Have you heard of the National SMART grant, a new need-based federal grant for eligible third- and fourth-year undergraduates who meet certain academic requirements?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Pell-eligible first-, second-, third-, and fourth-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, and not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR <= 4 and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
SMART requirements: full time
The following conditions are requirements to receive a SMART grant. Please indicate whether you were aware of each of these requirements.
That you must be enrolled full time
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Pell-eligible first-, second-, third-, and fourth-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools and had heard of the SMART grant.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR <= 4 and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and N8SMART ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
SMART requirements: major
The following conditions are requirements to receive a SMART grant. Please indicate whether you were aware of each of these requirements.
That you must major in math, science, engineering, or certain foreign languages
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Pell-eligible first-, second-, third-, and fourth-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools and had heard of the SMART grant.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR <= 4 and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and N8SMART ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
SMART requirements: GPA
The following conditions are requirements to receive a SMART grant. Please indicate whether you were aware of each of these requirements.
That you must have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in the courses required for your major
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Pell-eligible first-, second-, third-, and fourth-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools and had heard of the SMART grant.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR <= 4 and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and N8SMART ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
SMART affect full time enrollment
Did the availability of the SMART grant affect your choice to enroll full time?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Pell-eligible third- and fourth-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools, had heard of the SMART grant, and were enrolled full time at [NPSAS] during the NPSAS year.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR in (3 4) and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and N8SMART ne 0 and N8STST = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
SMART affect plans to enroll full time
In the next year, do you plan to enroll full time in order to become eligible for the SMART grant?
1 = Definitely yes
2 = Probably yes
3 = Probably no
4 = Definitely no
Applies to: Pell-eligible second- and third-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools, had heard of the SMART grant, and were not enrolled full time at [NPSAS] during the NPSAS year.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR in (2 3) and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and N8SMART ne 0 and N8STST in (2 3)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
SMART will affect major
Will the availability of the SMART grant affect your choice of major?
1 = Definitely yes
2 = Probably yes
3 = Probably no
4 = Definitely no
Applies to: Pell-eligible first-, second-, third-, and fourth-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools, had heard of the SMART grant, and had not declared a major.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR <= 4 and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and N8SMART ne 0 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
SMART affected chosen major
Did the availability of the SMART grant affect your choice of major?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Pell-eligible first-, second-, third-, and fourth-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools, had heard of the SMART grant, and had declared at least one major that was a SMART major.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR <= 4 and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and N8SMART ne 0 and
N8DBLMAJ ne 3 and (N8MJ1GEN in (1 11 14 18 25 28 5 8) or N8MJ2GEN in (1 11 14 18 25 28 5 8))
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Degree completion by 2007 flag
TCOMP is an internal variable used to calculate degree completion in the NPSAS year.
Intialize TCOMP = 0
if N8CMPDGN = 1 then TCOMP = 1
else if N8EXNMY ne -9 and N8CMPDGN ne 1
then do:
if (N8EXNYY - 2007 < 1) then TCOMP = 1
else TCOMP = 0
else if N8EXNMY = -9 and N8NPDG = 1 then TCOMP = 1
else TCOMP = 0
0 = Degree not completed by 2007
1 = Degree completion by 2007
Applies to: Pell-eligible first-, second-, third-, and fourth-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools, had heard of the SMART grant, had declared at least one major, but had not declared a SMART major.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR <= 4 and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and N8SMART ne 0 and N8DBLMAJ ne 3 and N8MJ1GEN not in (1 11 14 18 25 28 5 8) and N8MJ2GEN not in (1 11 14 18 25 28 5 8)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Consider changing major for SMART
Would you consider changing your major to a field that would enable you to receive the SMART grant?
1 = Definitely yes
2 = Probably yes
3 = Probably no
4 = Definitely no
Applies to: Pell-eligible first-, second-, third-, and fourth-year undergraduate respondents who were U.S. citizens, in a degree program, not enrolled in less-than-2-year schools, had heard of the SMART grant, had declared at least one major, but had not declared a SMART major, and did not complete their degree in 2007.
Instrument code: (Y_PLLELG ne 0 or N8PELL ne 0) and N8UGYR <= 4 and TSTAT = 1 and Y_CITZN ne 0 and Y_NPLEVL ne 3 and N8SMART ne 0 and N8DBLMAJ ne 3 and N8MJ1GEN not in (1 11 14 18 25 28 5 8) and N8MJ2GEN not in (1 11 14 18 25 28 5 8) and TCOMP ne 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Number of jobs during NPSAS year
[If TCURENR = 1 and (N8TASST in (0, blank) and N8RASST in (0, blank) and N8GASST in (0, blank) and N8GFEL in (0, blank) and N8TRNSHP in
(0, blank) and N8WKST ne 1 and N8ASST ne 1)]
How many jobs for pay have you had while enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year?
[else if TCURENR = 1]
How many jobs for pay , other than your [workstudy/assistantship/fellowship/traineeship], have you had while enrolled at [NPSAS]
during the 2006-2007 school year?
[else if TCURENR ne 1 and (N8TASST in (0, blank) and N8RASST in (0, blank) and N8GASST in (0, blank) and N8GFEL in (0, blank) and N8TRNSHP in (0, blank) and N8WKST ne 1 and N8ASST ne 1)]
How many jobs for pay did you have while enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year?
How many jobs for pay, other than your [workstudy/assistantship/fellowship/traineeship], did you have while enrolled at [NPSAS] during the 2006-2007 school year?
Observed range: 1 - 10
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Job on or off campus
[if N8NUMJOB < 2]
[{If TCURENR = 1} Is {else} Was] your job located primarily on or off campus?
[{If TCURENR = 1} Is {else} Was] your job located primarily on or off campus? (If you had more than one job, please refer to the one at which you worked the most hours when answering the next few questions.)
1 = On campus
2 = Off campus
3 = Both on and off campus
Applies to: Respondents who worked while enrolled.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Type of job
[If N8NUMJOB = 1 and TCURENR = 1]
Which of the following best describes your job?
[else if N8NUMJOB > 1 and TCURENR = 1]
Which of the following best describes your primary job?
[else if N8NUMJOB = 1 and TCURENR ne 1]
Which of the following best describes the job you had when you were last enrolled at [NPSAS]?
Which of the following best describes your primary job when you were last enrolled at [NPSAS]?
1 = Your job [is/was] with a private employer -- You [are/were] not employed by the school
2 = You [have/had] cooperative employment (co-op placement)
3 = You [have/had] a paid practicum
4 = You [work/worked] for [Y_NPSCHL], but not in a co-op or paid practicum
5 = Other
6 = Self-employed
Applies to: Respondents who worked while enrolled.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Type of employer
[If TCURENR = 1]
In your job, do you work for...
In your job, did you work for...
1 = [Y_NPSCHL]
2 = A for-profit company
3 = A nonprofit organization
4 = A local, state, or federal government
5 = The military (including civilian employees of the military)
Applies to: Respondents who worked while enrolled and were not self employed.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0 and
N8JBDSC ne 6
Recode note: If N8JBDSC = 4 then N8EMPTYP = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Job related to major
[If TCURENR = 1]
Would you say your job is related to your major or field of study at [NPSAS]?
Would you say your job was related to your major or field of study at [NPSAS]?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who worked while enrolled, were in a degree program, and had declared a major.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0 and N8DBLMAJ in (1 2 -9)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Job related to coursework
[If TCURENR = 1]
Would you say your job is related to your coursework at [NPSAS]?
Would you say your job was related to your coursework at [NPSAS]?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who worked while enrolled but were not enrolled in a degree program at [NPSAS] or had not declared a major.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0 and N8DBLMAJ in (0 3)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Had job prior to enrollment at NPSAS
Did you have this job before you enrolled at [NPSAS]?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who worked while enrolled.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Amount earned during school year
[if TCURENR = 1 and N8NUMJOB >= 1]
Not including your [workstudy/assistantship/ fellowship/traineeship], how much do you earn from [{if N8NUMJOB = 1} your job {else} your jobs] while enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year? Please exclude summer earnings if you were not enrolled during the summer. (Please provide an amount and a unit of time.)
[else if TCURENR = 1]
How much do you earn from [{if N8NUMJOB = 1} your job {else} your jobs] while enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year? Please exclude summer earnings if you were not enrolled during the summer. (Please provide an amount and a unit of time.)
[else if TCURENR = 0 and N8NUMJOB >= 1]
Not including your [workstudy/assistantship/
fellowship/traineeship], how much did you earn from [{if N8NUMJOB = 1} your job {else} your jobs] you held while you were enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year? Please exclude summer earnings if you were not enrolled during the summer. (Please provide an amount and a unit of time.)
How much did you earn from [{if N8NUMJOB = 1} your job {else} your jobs] you held while you were enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year? Please exclude summer earnings if you were not enrolled during the summer. (Please provide an amount and a unit of time.)
Applies to: Respondents who worked while enrolled.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Time frame for school year earnings
[if TCURENR = 1 and N8NUMJOB >= 1]
Not including your [workstudy/assistantship/
fellowship/traineeship], how much do you earn from [{if N8NUMJOB = 1} your job {else} your jobs] while enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year? Please exclude summer earnings if you were not enrolled during the summer. (Please provide an amount and a unit of time.)
[else if TCURENR = 1]
How much do you earn from [{if N8NUMJOB = 1} your job {else} your jobs] while enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year? Please exclude summer earnings if you were not enrolled during the summer. (Please provide an amount and a unit of time.)
[else if TCURENR = 0 and N8NUMJOB >= 1]
Not including your [workstudy/assistantship/
fellowship/traineeship], how much did you earn from [{if N8NUMJOB = 1} your job {else} your jobs] you held while you were enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year? Please exclude summer earnings if you were not enrolled during the summer. (Please provide an amount and a unit of time.)
How much did you earn from [{if N8NUMJOB = 1} your job {else} your jobs] you held while you were enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year? Please exclude summer earnings if you were not enrolled during the summer. (Please provide an amount and a unit of time.)
1 = For the entire school year
2 = Per term or semester
3 = Per month
4 = Per week
5 = Per hour
Applies to: Respondents who worked while enrolled.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Time frame for school year earnings
[If TCURENR = 1 and (N8TASST = 1 or N8RASST = 1 or N8GASST = 1 or N8GFEL = 1 or N8TRNSHP = 1 or N8WKST = 1 or N8ASST = 1)]
Not including your [workstudy/assistantship/
fellowship/traineeship], how many [terms/months/
weeks] will you have worked [{If N8NUMJOB = 1}
in your job {else} in all jobs] at the end of the 2006-2007 school year?
[else if TCURENR = 1]
How many [terms/months/weeks] will you have worked [{If N8NUMJOB = 1} in your job {else} in all jobs] at the end of the 2006-2007 school
[else if TCURENR = 0 and (N8TASST = 1 or N8RASST = 1 or N8GASST = 1 or N8GFEL = 1 or N8TRNSHP = 1 or N8WKST = 1 or N8ASST = 1)]
Not including your [workstudy/assistantship/
fellowship/traineeship], how many [terms/months/
weeks] did you work [{If N8NUMJOB = 1} in your
job {else} in all jobs] while you were enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year?
How many [terms/months/weeks] did you work [{If N8NUMJOB = 1} in your job {else} in all jobs] while you were enrolled during the 2006-2007
school year?
[if N8ERNTIM = 1] Years
[else if N8ERNTIM = 2] Terms
[else if N8ERNTIM = 3] Months
[else] Weeks
Applies to: Respondents who worked while enrolled.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0
Recode note: If N8ERNTIM = 1 then N8EARNS = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Hours worked weekly during the school year
[if N8GFEL = 1 or N8TRNSHP = 1 or N8TASST = 1 or N8RASST = 1 or N8GASST = 1 or N8WKST = 1 or N8ASST = 1]
Not including your [workstudy/assistantship/
fellowship/traineeship], how many hours (on average) did you work [{if N8NUMJOB = 1} in your
job {else} in all jobs] per week while you were enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year? (Please exclude summer hours if you were not enrolled during the summer.)
How many hours (on average) did you work [{if N8NUMJOB = 1} in your job {else} in all jobs] per week while you were enrolled during the 2006-2007 school year? (Please exclude summer hours if you were not enrolled during the summer.)
Applies to: Respondents who worked while enrolled.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Total amount earned during the school year
N8TOTERN is calculated from earning while enrolled:
else if N8ERNTIM = 5 then do:
{if (N8ERNAMT > 0 and N8EARNS > 0 and N8HOURS > 0) then N8TOTERN = N8ERNAMT * N8EARNS * N8HOURS
else if N8ERNAMT = -9 or N8EARNS = -9 or N8HOURS = -9 then N8TOTEN = -9}
else if N8ERNTIM > 1 then do:
{if (N8ERNAMT > 0 and N8EARNS > 0)
else if N8ERNAMT = -9 or N8EARNS = -9
then N8TOTERN = -9}
else if N8ERNTIM = -9 then N8TOTERN = -9
else N8TOTERN = -9
Note: Due to rounding in N8ERNAMT, N8TOTERN may not equal N8ERNAMT * N8EARNS * N8HOURS exactly.
Applies to: Respondents who worked while enrolled.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0
Recode note: If N8ERNAMT = 0 and N8TOTERN < 0 then N8TOTERN = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Weeks worked while enrolled
[If TCURENR = 1]
Would you say you have worked during all the weeks you have been enrolled, most of them, half of them, or less than half?
Would you say you worked during all the weeks you were enrolled, most of them, half of them, or less than half?
1 = All
2 = Most
3 = Half
4 = Less than half
Applies to: Respondents who worked while enrolled, except those who were paid by the week and provided the number of weeks they worked.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0 and (N8ERNTIM ne 4 or (N8ERNTIM = 4 and N8EARNS < 0))
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Primary role while working
[If TCURENR = 1]
While enrolled at [NPSAS] and working, would you say you are primarily...
While you were enrolled at [NPSAS] and working, would you say you were primarily...
1 = A student working to meet expenses, or
2 = An employee who decided to enroll in school
Applies to: Respondents who worked while enrolled.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Reason for working
[If TCURENR = 1]
What are your reasons for working while you are enrolled at [NPSAS]? (Please check all that apply.)
What were your reasons for working when you were last enrolled at [NPSAS] during the 2006-2007 school year? (Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8WKRNA - To earn spending money
N8WKRNB - To pay tuition, fees, or living expenses
N8WKRNC - To gain job experience
N8WKRNE - To send money home
N8WKRNF – Other
N8WKRNS – Other, please specify
N8WKRNG - To avoid increasing the amount of debt you have
Applies to: Respondents who were primarily students who worked.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Reason for working: parents expected it
[If TCURENR = 1]
What are your reasons for working while you are enrolled at [NPSAS]? (Please check all that apply.)
What were your reasons for working when you were last enrolled at [NPSAS] during the 2006-2007 school year? (Please check all that apply.)
Because your parents expected you to work
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who were primarily students who worked and were undergraduates under age 30 with both parents or guardians still living.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0 and N8ENRWRK ne 2 and TSTAT in (1 3) and TAGE < 30 and N8PARPF ne 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Afford school without working
Could you have afforded to attend school if you had not worked?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who were primarily students who worked.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Job affects school
[If TCURENR = 1]
Does having a job while you are going to school...
(Please check all that apply.)
Did having a job while you were going to school...
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = Did not help with class work
1 = Yes, helped with class work
N8JBSCA - Help you with class work
N8JBSCB - Help you with career preparation
N8JBSCC - Restrict your choice of classes
N8JBSCD - [If TCURENR = 1]Limit the number of classes you can take [else]Limit the number of classes you could take
N8JBSCE - [If TCURENR = 1]Limit the class schedule you can have
[else]Limit the class schedule you could have
N8JBSCF - Limit your access to campus facilities or services
N8JBSCX – None of the above
Applies to: Respondents who were primarily students who worked.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Effect of job on grades
[if TCURENR = 1]
Would you say that working while you are going to school has a positive effect, a negative effect, or no effect on the grades you earned?
Would you say that working while you were going to school had a positive effect, a negative effect, or no effect on the grades you earned?
1 = Positive effect
2 = Negative effect
3 = No effect
Applies to: Respondents who were primarily students who worked.
Instrument code: N8NUMJOB > 0 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Work during summer 2006
Did you work for pay during the summer of 2006?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents under age 30 who were primarily students who worked.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and N8ENRWRK ne 2 and TAGE < 30
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Amount saved from summer 2006 earnings
In dollars, about how much of your summer earnings would you estimate you saved for the 2006-2007 school year?
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents under age 30 who were primarily students who worked and who worked during the summer of 2006.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and TAGE < 30 and N8ENRWRK ne 2 and N8SUMMR = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test stoudent interview
Earnings in 2006
[If N8WAAMT > 0 or or N8TASSM > 1 or N8RASSM > 1 or N8GFELM > 1 or
N8TRNSM > 1 or N8GASSM > 1]
Earlier, you told us about the money you earned while you were enrolled (July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007). Now we need to find out about your income for the calendar year (January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006). What was your income from all sources (including income from work, investment income, alimony, etc.) prior to taxes and deductions in 2006? [If N8MARR = 2 (Please exclude your spouse’s income.)]
What was your income from all sources (including income from work, investment income, alimony, etc.) prior to taxes and deductions in calendar year 2006? [If N8MARR = 2 (Please exclude your spouse’s
1 = No income
2 = Less than $1,000
3 = $1,000-$2,499
4 = $2,500-$4,999
5 = $5,000-$9,999
6 = $10,000-$14,999
7 = $15,000-$19,999
8 = $20,000-$29,999
9 = $30,000-$49,999
10 = $50,000 and above
11 = Don't know
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Spouse’s earnings in 2006
How much would you estimate your spouse earned from all sources prior to taxes and deductions in calendar year 2006 (January 1, 2006 - December 31, 2006)?
1 = No income
2 = Less than $1,000
3 = $1,000-$2,499
4 = $2,500-$4,999
5 = $5,000-$9,999
6 = $10,000-$14,999
7 = $15,000-$19,999
8 = $20,000-$29,999
9 = $30,000-$49,999
10 = $50,000 and above
11 = Don't know
Applies to: Married respondents.
Instrument code: N8MARR = 2
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Received untaxed benefits in 2006
[If N8MARR = 2]
Since July 1, 2006, have you or your spouse received any untaxed income or benefits, such as TANF (AFDC), Social Security, worker’s compensation, disability insurance payments, food stamps, child support, or FEMA Disaster Assistance?
Since July 1, 2006, have you received any untaxed income or benefits, such as TANF (AFDC), Social Security, worker’s compensation, disability payments, food stamps, child support, or FEMA Disaster Assistance?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Received untaxed benefits
Since July 2006, which of the following did you receive?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8SOCSEC - Social Security benefits
N8WRKCMP - Worker’s compensation
N8DISAB - Disability insurance payments
N8STMPS - Food stamps
N8CHILD - Child support
N8FEMA - FEMA Disaster Assistance
N8TAXTYX – None of the above
Applies to: Respondents who received untaxed benefits.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Own home or pay mortgage
Do you own your home or pay a mortgage on a home?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents over age 23 and who did not live in school-owned housing or with parents or guardians.
Instrument code: TAGE > 23 and N8SCHRES not in (1 2)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Own business, farm, or other investments
Do you own a business, farm, or have other investments worth more than $10,000 combined?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents over age 23.
Instrument code: TAGE > 23
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Parent’s income in 2006
What was your parent’s or guardian’s income in calendar year 2006 (January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006)? Would you say it was...
1 = Under $30,000
2 = $30,000 to $59,999
3 = $60,000 to $89,999
4 = $90,000 and above
5 = Don't know
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents under age 30 with both parents or guardians still living.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and TAGE < 30 and N8PARPF ne 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Parents own home or pay mortgage
Do your parents or guardians own their home or pay a mortgage on a home?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents under age 30 with both parents or guardians still living.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and TAGE < 30 and N8PARPF ne 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Parents own business, farm, or other investments
Do your parents or guardians own a business, farm, or have other investments worth more than $10,000 combined?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents under age 30 with both parents or guardians still living.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and TAGE < 30 and N8PARPF ne 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Number of credit cards in own name
How many credit cards do you have in your own name that are billed to you?
Credit card(s)
Observed range: 1 - 18
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents under age 30.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and TAGE < 30
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Used credit to pay for tuition
[If N8NUMCRD = 1]
Did you use your credit card to pay any portion of your 2006-2007 tuition?
Did you use your credit cards to pay any portion of your 2006-2007 tuition?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents under age 30 with credit cards.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and TAGE < 30 and N8NUMCRD ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Payoff or carry credit balance
[If N8NUMCRD = 1]
Do you usually pay off your credit card balance each month, or carry the balance over from month to month?
Do you usually pay off your credit card balances each month, or carry balances over from month to month?
1 = Payoff balances
2 = Carry balances
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents under age 30 with credit cards.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and TAGE < 30 and N8NUMCRD ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Balance due on all credit cards
[If N8NUMCRD > 1 or N8NUMCRD = -9]
What was the balance on all your credit cards combined according to your last statements?
What was the balance on your credit card according to your last statement?
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents under age 30 with credit cards, except those who paid off their credit cards each month.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and TAGE < 30 and N8NUMCRD ne 0 and N8PAYOFF ne 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Parents help pay credit bills
[If N8NUMCRD = 1]
Do your parents or guardians help you pay your credit card bill?
Do your parents or guardians help you pay your credit card bills?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents under age 30 with credit cards with both parents or guardians still living.
Instrument code: TSTAT in (1 3) and TAGE < 30 and N8NUMCRD ne 0 and N8PARPF ne 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Work plans for 2007-2008 school year
What are your plans for work in the 2007-2008 school year (July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008)? Do you plan to...
1 = Not work
2 = Work full time
3 = Work part time
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents.
Instrument code: N8BBELG = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Job status for 2007-2008 school year
[If N8NUMJOB > 0]
Will you be continuing in the job you [{If TCURENR = 1} have {else} had] while enrolled at [NPSAS], working in another job, or looking
for work? (If you plan to take a different position with your current employer, count that as working in another job.)
Will you be working or looking for work?
1 = Continuing in the job you have/had while enrolled at Y_NPSCHL
2 = Working in another job/Working
3 = Looking for work
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who had plans to work in the 2007-2008 school year.
Instrument code: N8BBELG = 1 and N8WKPLN in (2 3)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Taken graduate admissions exam
Which graduate admissions exams have you taken?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8GRE - Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
N8GRESB - GRE subject test
N8GMAT - Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
N8LSAT - Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
N8MCAT - Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
N8MAT - Miller Analogies Test (MAT)
N8OTHST – Other
N8OTHSTS – Other, please specify
N8NOGRE - None of the above
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Applied to graduate/professional program
Have you applied to any graduate or professional programs?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1
Recode Note: If N8BBELG = 1 and TSTAT in (2 4) then N8GRDAPP = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Reason for applying
[If TSTAT in (2 4)]
Earlier you indicated that you [{If TCURENR = 1} are {else} were] [{If TSTAT=2} enrolled in a graduate program {If TSTAT=4} taking graduate courses]. Why did you decide to apply to graduate school?
Why did you decide to apply to graduate school?
N8GRRNA - Required for career choice
N8GRRNB - Qualify for better job
N8GRRNC - Undecided about career
N8GRRND - No job prospects
N8GRRNE - Academic interests
N8GRRNF - Availability of aid
N8GRRNG - Urged by parents or guardians
N8GRRNH – Other
N8GRRNS – Other, please specify
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who applied to graduate school.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Accepted to graduate school
Have you been accepted to a graduate program?
1 = Yes
2 = No, not accepted
3 = No, waiting to hear if accepted
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who applied to graduate school.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and
Recode Note: If N8BBELG = 1 and TSTAT in (2 4) then N8GRDACC = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Intended graduate degree
What degree do you intend to pursue: a Post-baccalaureate certificate, Master’s degree, Doctoral degree, or Professional degree?
1 = Master's: Business administration (MBA)
2 = Master's: Science (MS)
3 = Master's: Arts (MA)
4 = Master's: Education (MEd)
5 = Master's: Public administration (MPA)
6 = Master's: Library science (MLS)
7 = Master's: Public health (MPH)
8 = Master's: Fine arts (MFA)
9 = Master's: Applied arts (MAA)
10 = Master's: Teaching (MAT)
11 = Master's: Divinity (MDiv)
12 = Master's: Social work (MSW)
13 = Master's: Landscape architect
14 = Master's: Professional mgmt
15 = Master's: Other
16 = Doctoral: Philosophy (PhD)
17 = Doctoral: Education (EdD)
18 = Doctoral: Theology (THD)
19 = Doctoral: Business administration (DBA)
20 = Doctoral: Engineering (DEng)
21 = Doctoral: Fine arts (DFA)
22 = Doctoral: Public admin. (DPA)
23 = Doctoral: Science (DSC/SCD)
24 = Doctoral: Psychology (PSYD)
25 = Doctoral: Other doctoral degree
26 = First-professional: Chiropractic (DC or DCM)
27 = First-professional: Dentistry (DDS or DMD)
28 = First-professional: Medicine (MD)
29 = First-professional: Optometry (OD)
30 = First-professional: Osteopathic medicine (DO)
31 = First-professional: Pharmacy (PharmD)
32 = First-professional: Podiatry (DPM or PodD)
33 = First-professional: Veterinary medicine (DVM)
34 = First-professional: Law (LLB or JD)
35 = First-professional: Theology (MDiv, MHL, BD)
36 = Post-baccalaureate certificate
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who were accepted or did not know if they were accepted to graduate school at the time of the interview, except graduates not enrolled in a degree program at
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and N8GRDACC in (1 3) and TSTAT ne 4
Recode Note: 1) If N8GRDDEG = 10 then N8GRDDEG = 4
2) If N8GRDDEG = 23 then N8GRDDEG = 20
3) If N8GRDDEG = 22 then N8GRDDEG = 19
4) If N8GRDDEG = 30 then N8GRDDEG = 28
5) If N8BBELG = 1 and TDEGREE = 6 then N8GRDDEG = 36
6) If N8BBELG = 1 and TDEGREE = 8 then do:
If N8DGMS = 1 then N8GRDDEG = 2
If N8DGMS = 2 then N8GRDDEG = 3
If N8DGMS = 3 then N8GRDDEG = 4
If N8DGMS = 4 then N8GRDDEG = 1
If N8DGMS = 5 then N8GRDDEG = 5
If N8DGMS = 6 then N8GRDDEG = 12
If N8DGMS = 7 then N8GRDDEG = 8
If N8DGMS = 8 then N8GRDDEG = 7
If N8DGMS = 19 then N8GRDDEG = 11
If N8DGMS = 9 then N8GRDDEG = 15
7) If N8BBELG = 1 and TDEGREE = 11 then do:
If N8DGD = 11 then N8GRDDEG = 16
If N8DGD = 12 then N8GRDDEG = 17
If N8DGD = 13 then N8GRDDEG = 20
If N8DGD = 14 then N8GRDDEG = 24
If N8DGD = 15 then N8GRDDEG = 19
If N8DGD = 16 then N8GRDDEG = 21
If N8DGD = 17 then N8GRDDEG = 18
If N8DGD = 18 then N8GRDDEG = 25
8) If N8BBELG = 1 and TDEGREE = 10 then do:
If N8DGPR = 19 then N8GRDDEG = 35
If N8DGPR = 20 then N8GRDDEG = 34
If N8DGPR = 21 then N8GRDDEG = 28
If N8DGPR = 22 then N8GRDDEG = 27
If N8DGPR = 23 then N8GRDDEG = 26
If N8DGPR = 24 then N8GRDDEG = 31
If N8DGPR = 25 then N8GRDDEG = 29
If N8DGPR = 26 then N8GRDDEG = 32
If N8DGPR = 27 then N8GRDDEG = 33
9) If N8BBELG = 1 and TDEGREE = 9 then N8GRDDEG = 37
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Graduate enrollment plans for 2007-2008 school year
What are your plans for the 2007-2008 school year (July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008)? Do you plan to be...
0 = Not enrolled
1 = Enrolled full time
2 = Enrolled part time
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who planned to enroll in or were enrolled in graduate school.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and (N8GRDACC in (1 3) or N8GRDPLN = 1)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Plan to be full-time graduate student
[If N8EDPLN = 1]
Do you intend to be a full-time student the entire time while you’re in graduate school?
Do you intend to be a full-time student at any time while you’re in graduate school?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who planned to enroll in or were enrolled in graduate school and planned to be enrolled in graduate school for the next academic year.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and (N8GRDACC in (1 3) or N8GRDPLN = 1) and N8EDPLN in (1 2)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Plans to apply to grad school in future
Do you plan to apply to graduate school...
1 = For the next academic year (2007-2008)?
2 = In the next five years?
3 = No plans to apply
Applies to: B&B eligible undergraduate respondents who had not applied to graduate school at the time of the interview.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and TSTAT in (1 3) and N8GRDAPP ne 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Postpone applying
Why did you decide to postpone applying to graduate school? (Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8GRPSA - Undergraduate debt
N8GRPSB - Couldn’t get financial aid
N8GRPSC - Financial reasons not related to debt or financial aid
N8GRPSD - Personal reasons such as family responsibilities
N8GRPSE - Career plans or job opportunities
N8GRPSF - Missed the application deadline
N8GRPSG - Undecided on what degree to pursue
N8GRPSH - Military commitment
N8GRPSI - Wanted break from school
N8GRPSJ – Other
N8GRPSS – Other, please specify
Applies to: B&B eligible undergraduate respondents who planned to apply to graduate school within the next 5 years.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and TSTAT in (1 3) and N8GRDPLN = 2
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Reason not applying:
Why did you choose not to apply to graduate school? (Please check all that apply.)
0 = Not because of undergraduate debt
1 = Yes, because of undergraduate debt
N8NOGDA - Undergraduate debt
N8NOGDB - Could not afford to go
N8NOGDC - Couldn’t get financial aid
N8NOGDD - Not required for career goals
N8NOGDE - Grades not high enough to enter
N8NOGDF - No academic interest
N8NOGDG - Personal reasons
N8NOGDH - Plan to apply later
N8NOGDI - Need work experience first
N8NOGDJ - Have a good job now
N8NOGDK - Other
N8NOGDS – Other, please specify
Applies to: B&B eligible undergraduate respondents who did not plan to apply to graduate school.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and TSTAT in (1 3) and N8GRDPLN in (3 -9)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Ever taught at the K-12 level
Have you ever taught at the K-12 (Kindergarten - 12th grade) level?
(Please do not include homeschooling of your own or others’ children.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Currently considering teaching
Are you currently considering teaching at the K-12 level?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who had not taught at the K-12 level.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Teaching positions
What teaching positions have you held?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8POSREG - Regular (full-time or part-time) teaching position
N8POSLSU - Long-term substitute
N8POSAID - Teacher’s aide or instructional aide
N8POSSPP - Teacher support
N8POSITI - Itinerant teacher
N8POSSSU - Short-term substitute
N8POSSTU - Student teacher
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who taught at the K-12 level.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Teacher preparation
Which of the following steps have you taken to prepare for a state-issued teaching certificate at the K-12 level?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8PREP1 - Applied to teacher education program
N8PREP2 - Taken the Praxis or other examination to enter teacher education program
N8PREP3 - Entered teacher education program
N8PREP4 - Taken courses toward teacher certification
N8PREP5 - Taken an examination to receive a teaching certificate/license
N8PREP6 - Completed the student teaching assignment
N8PREPN – None of the above
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who were considering teaching at the K-12 level at the time of the interview.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Ever taken remedial courses
Since you completed high school, have you taken remedial or developmental courses to improve your basic skills, such as in mathematics, reading, writing, or studying?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents.
Instrument Code: TSTAT in (1 3)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Took remedial courses in 2006-2007 school year
[If TCURENR = 1]
Have you taken any remedial or developmental courses during the 2006-2007 school year? (If you are currently enrolled in a remedial or developmental course, please answer "yes.")
Did you take any remedial or developmental courses during the 2006-2007 school year?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: First- and second-year undergraduate respondents or undergraduate respondents not enrolled in a degree program at [NPSAS] who took remedial classes.
Instrument Code: N8REMEVR = 1 and (N8UGYR in (1 2) or TSTAT = 3)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Number of remedial courses
[If TCURENR = 1]
How many remedial or developmental courses have you taken during the 2006-2007 school year?
How many remedial or developmental courses did you take during the 2006-2007 school year?
Observed range: 1 - 8
Applies to: First- and second-year undergraduate respondents or undergraduate respondents not enrolled in a degree program at [NPSAS] who took remedial classes in the 2006-2007 school year.
Instrument Code: N8REMSY = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Took SAT or ACT college exams
Did you take the SAT or ACT college entrance exam?
0 = No
1 = Yes, SAT
2 = Yes, ACT
3 = Yes, both the SAT and ACT
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents.
Instrument Code: TSTAT in (1 3)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Hours per week in class
[If TCURENR = 1]
How many hours, on average, do you spend in class per week?
How many hours, on average, did you spend in class per week during your last term of enrollment at [NPSAS]?
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Hours per week on schoolwork
[If TCURENR = 1]
How many hours, on average, do you spend per week on schoolwork outside of class?
How many hours, on average, did you spend per week on schoolwork outside of class during your last term of enrollment at [NPSAS]?
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Distance education: took courses
[If TCURENR = 1]
During the 2006-2007 school year, have you taken any courses for credit that were distance education courses? (Distance education courses are primarily delivered off campus using live, interactive audio or videoconferencing, pre-recorded instructional videos,
webcasts, CD-ROM, or DVD, or computer-based systems delivered over the internet. Distance education does not include correspondence courses.)
During the 2006-2007 school year, did you take any courses for credit that were distance education courses? (Distance education courses are primarily delivered off campus using live, interactive audio or videoconferencing, pre-recorded instructional videos, webcasts, CD-ROM, or DVD, or computer-based systems delivered over the internet. Distance education does not include correspondence courses.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Recode Note: If N8DSTED = 1 and N8NMDSED = 0 then N8DSTED = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Distance education: entire program
[If TSTAT in (3 4)]
[{if TCURENR = 1} Are {else} Were] all of the courses you have taken taught through distance education?
[{if TCURENR = 1} Is {else} Was] your entire degree program taught through distance education?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who took distance education courses in the 2006-2007 school year.
Instrument Code: N8DSTED = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Distance education: number of courses
[If TCURENR = 1]
How many distance education courses will you have taken during the 2006-2007 school year?
How many distance education courses did you take during the 2006-2007 school year?
Observed range: 1 - 20
Applies to: Respondents who took distance education courses in the 2006-2007 school year.
Instrument Code: N8DSTED = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Distance education: location of courses
[If TCURENR = 1 and N8NMDSED = 1]
Is this course offered through [NPSAS], another institution, or both?
[else if TCURENR = 1]
Are these courses offered through [NPSAS], another instiution, or both?
[else if TCURENR ne 1 and N8NMDSED = 1]
Was this course offered through [NPSAS], another institution, or both?
Were these courses offered through [NPSAS], another institution, or both?
1 = [Y_NPSCHL]
2 = Another institution
3 = Both
Applies to: Respondents who took distance education courses in the 2006-2007 school year.
Instrument Code: N8DSTED = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Distance education: live TV, recorded audio, or internet
[If TCURENR = 1 and N8NMDSED = 1]
Does the distance education course you are taking during the 2006-2007 school year use any of the following?
(Please check all that apply.)
[else if N8NMDSED ne 1]
Do the distance education courses you are taking during the 2006-2007 school year use any of the following?
(Please check all that apply.)
[else if TCURENR ne 1 and N8NMDSED = 1]
Did the distance education course you took during the 2006-2007 school year use any of the following?
(Please check all that apply.)
Did the distance education courses you took during the 2006-2007 school year use any of the following?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8LIVE - Live, interactive TV or audio
N8RECORD - Pre-recorded TV or audio
N8NET - The Internet
N8DSNONE – None of the above
Applies to: Respondents who took distance education courses in the 2006-2007 school year.
Instrument Code: N8DSTED = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Distance education: satisfaction
Compared to other courses you have taken, are you more satisfied or less satisfied with the quality of instruction you received in your distance education [{If N8NMDSED = 1} course {else} courses]?
1 = More satisfied with the distance education [{If N8NMDSED = 1} course {else} courses]
2 = Liked both the same
3 = Less satisfied with the distance education [{If N8NMDSED = 1} course {else} courses]
4 = All courses were distance education courses
Applies to: Respondents who took distance education courses in during the 2006-2007 school year, but whose entire program was not through distance education.
Instrument Code: N8DSTED = 1 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
High school math
Which of the following math courses did you complete while in high school?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8MATHA - Algebra II
N8MATHB - Algebra III/Trigonometry
N8MATHC - Pre-calculus/analytic geometry
N8MATHD - Calculus
N8MATHE - Statistics
N8MATHF - None of the above
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents under age 30.
Instrument Code: TSTAT in (1 3) and TAGE < 30
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Earned college credit during high school
While you were in high school, did you take any courses at a college or university for which you earned college credit?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents under age 30.
Instrument Code: TSTAT in (1 3) and TAGE < 30
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Advanced placement credit
When you first enrolled in college, did you have any advanced placement (AP) credits that were accepted by [NPSAS]?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents under age 30.
Instrument Code: TSTAT in (1 3) and TAGE < 30
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Ever transfer credits to [NPSAS]
Have you ever tried to transfer any credits from another institution to [NPSAS]?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Transfer credits attempted: amount
How many credits did you try to transfer to [NPSAS]? (Please enter the number of credits and indicate the unit of credit.)
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who attempted to transfer credits to [NPSAS].
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Transfer credits attempted: unit of credit
How many credits did you try to transfer to [NPSAS]? (Please enter the number of credits and indicate the unit of credit.)
1 = Semester hours
2 = Quarter hours
3 = Clock hours
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who attempted to transfer credits to [NPSAS].
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Transfer credits accepted: amount
Of those credits you tried to transfer, how many credits were accepted by [NPSAS]?
(Please enter a number and indicate the type of credit.)
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who attempted to transfer credits to [NPSAS].
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Transfer credits accepted: unit of credit
Of those credits you tried to transfer, how many credits were accepted by [NPSAS]? (Please enter a number and indicate the type of credit.)
1 = Semester hours
2 = Quarter hours
3 = Clock hours
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who attempted to transfer credits to [NPSAS].
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Ever study abroad
During your undergraduate education at [NPSAS], did you ever study abroad?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Study abroad: length
How long did you study abroad?
(Please enter a number and indicate the unit of time.)
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who studied abroad.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Study abroad: time period
How long did you study abroad?
(Please enter a number and indicate the unit of time.)
1 = Year(s)
2 = Term(s) or Semester(s)
3 = Month(s)
4 = Week(s)
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who studied abroad.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Number of languages studied
How many languages, other than English, have you studied for at least one semester in college?
Observed range: 1 - 4
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Languages studied
What languages have you studied for at least one semester in college?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8SPLGA - African languages
N8SPLGB - American or other sign language
N8SPLGC - Arabic
N8SPLGD - Bahasa Indonesian or Bahasa Malay
N8SPLGE - Bengali
N8SPLGF - Chinese or Mandarin
N8SPLGG - Filipino or Tagalog
N8SPLGH - French or Canadian French
N8SPLGI - German
N8SPLGJ - Hebrew
N8SPLGK - Hindi or Urdu
N8SPLGL - Persian, Farsi, or Iranian
N8SPLGM - Pakistani or Punjabi
N8SPLGN - Portuguese
N8SPLGO - Russian languages
N8SPLGP - Spanish
N8SPLGQ - Thai
N8SPLGR - Turkish
N8SPLGS - Vietnamese
N8SPLGT – Other
N8SPLNS – Other, please specify
Applies to: B&B eligible respondents who studied a language other than English for at least one semester in college.
Instrument Code: N8BBELG = 1 and N8OTLNG > 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Frequency of formal changes in major
[If TCURENR = 1]
How many times have you formally changed your major at [NPSAS]?
How many times did you formally change your major at [NPSAS]?
0 = Never
1 = One time
2 = More than one time
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who were enrolled in a degree program at [NPSAS] and had declared at least one major.
Instrument Code: TSTAT = 1 and N8DBLMAJ ne 3
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Original major: primary string
Please help us categorize [N8OMJ1] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.
[else if COMPMODE = 1]
Please bear with me while I code this...(Please help us categorize [N8OMJ1] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.)
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who changed their major at [NPSAS] at least one time.
Instrument Code: TSTAT = 1 and N8DBLMAJ ne 3 and N8MAJCHG in (1 2)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Dropdown original major: general code
Please help us categorize [N8OMJ1] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.
[else if COMPMODE = 1]
Please bear with me while I code this...(Please help us categorize [N8OMJ1] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.)
1 = Agriculture/natural resources/related
2 = Architecture and related services
3 = Area/ethnic/cultural/gender studies
4 = Arts--visual and performing
5 = Biological and biomedical sciences
6 = Business/management/marketing/related
7 = Communication/journalism/comm. tech
8 = Computer/info sciences/support tech
9 = Construction trades
10 = Education
11 = Engineering technologies/technicians
12 = English language and literature/letters
13 = Family/consumer sciences, human sciences
14 = Foreign languages/literature/linguistics
15 = Health professions/clinical sciences
16 = Legal professions and studies
17 = Library science
18 = Mathematics and statistics
19 = Mechanical/repair technologies/techs
20 = Multi/interdisciplinary studies
21 = Parks/recreation/leisure/fitness studies
22 = Precision production
23 = Personal and culinary services
24 = Philosophy, religion & theology
25 = Physical sciences
26 = Psychology
27 = Public administration/social services
28 = Science technologies/technicians
29 = Security & protective services
30 = Social sciences and history (except psychology)
31 = Transportation & materials moving
32 = Other
33 = Liberal arts/sciences, general studies
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who changed their major at [NPSAS] at least one time.
Instrument Code: TSTAT = 1 and N8DBLMAJ ne 3 and N8MAJCHG in (1 2)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Dropdown original major: specific code
Please help us categorize [N8OMJ1] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.
[else if COMPMODE = 1]
Please bear with me while I code this...(Please help us categorize [N8OMJ1] using the dropdown boxes displayed. Using the arrow at the right side of the first dropdown box, you can display the general
areas. Please click to select the desired general area, then select your specific discipline from the second dropdown box.)
101 = Agriculture and related sciences
102 = Natural resources and conservation
201 = Architecture
202 = City/urban, community, and regional planning
203 = Drafting/design engineering technologies/technicians
204 = Architecture, planning, and related services, other
301 = Area, ethnic, cultural, and gender studies
401 = Art history, criticism & conservation
402 = Design & applied arts
403 = Drama/theatre arts and stagecraft
404 = Fine and studio art
405 = Music, general
406 = Music history, literature, and theory
407 = Visual and performing arts, other
408 = Commercial and advertising art
409 = Dance
410 = Film/video and photographic arts
411 = Crafts/craft design, folk art and artisanry
501 = General biology
502 = Biochem/biophysics/molecular biology
503 = Botany/plant biology
504 = Genetics
505 = Microbiological sciences & immunology
506 = Physiology, pathology & related sciences
507 = Zoology/animal biology
508 = Biological and biomedical sciences
509 = Biological and physical sciences
510 = Systems science and theory
511 = Biopsychology [main CIP is Multidisc
512 = Biological & biomedical sciences, other
601 = Accounting and related services
602 = Business administration, management and operations
603 = Business operations support and assistant services
604 = Finance and financial management services
605 = Human resources management and services
606 = Marketing
607 = Business, management, marketing, and related support services, other
608 = Management information systems and services
609 = Real estate
610 = Hospitality Administration/Management
701 = Communication and media studies
702 = Communication technologies
703 = Journalism
704 = Communication/journalism/comm. tech, other
801 = Computer/information technology administration and management
802 = Computer programming
803 = Computer science
804 = Computer software and media applications
805 = Computer systems analysis
806 = Computer systems networking and telecommunications
807 = Data entry/microcomputer applications
808 = Data processing
809 = Information science/studies
810 = Computer and information sciences and support services, other
901 = Construction trades
1001 = Curriculum and instruction
1002 = Educational administration and supervision
1003 = Educational/instructional media design
1004 = Special education and teaching
1005 = Student counseling and personnel services
1006 = Education, other
1007 = Teacher education: Early childhood education and teaching
1008 = Teacher education: Elementary education and teaching
1009 = Teacher education: Secondary education and teaching
1010 = Teacher education: Adult and continuing education and teaching
1011 = Teacher education: Specific levels, other
1012 = Teacher education: Specific subject areas
1013 = Bilingual, multilingual, and multicultural education
1014 = Ed assessment. evaluation, and research
1015 = Higher education/higher education administration
1016 = Teaching assistant/aide
1017 = Childcare provider/assistant
1018 = Physical education teaching and coaching
1019 = Education, other
1101 = Biomedical/medical engineering
1102 = Chemical engineering
1103 = Civil engineering
1104 = Computer engineering
1105 = Electrical, electronics and communications engineering
1106 = Engineering technologies/technicians
1107 = Environmental/environmental health engineering
1108 = Mechanical engineering
1109 = Engineering, other
1201 = Creative writing
1202 = American literature
1203 = English literature
1204 = English language and literature/letters, others
1301 = Family and consumer sciences/human sciences
1302 = Family and consumer sciences/human sciences, general
1303 = Child care and support services management
1304 = Child care provider/assistant (also under Education)
1305 = Apparel and textiles
1306 = Family and consumer sciences/human sciences, other
1401 = Romance languages, literatures, and linguistics
1402 = Spanish language and literature
1403 = Foreign languages/literature/linguistics, other
1501 = Health services/allied health/health sciences, general
1502 = Alternative/complementary medicine/sys
1503 = Chiropractic
1504 = Audiology/audiologist & hearing sciences
1505 = Clinical/medical lab science/allied
1506 = Dental support services/allied
1507 = Dentistry
1508 = Health & medical administrative services
1509 = Health/medical services/allied health
1510 = Health/medical technicians/technologists
1511 = Health/medical preparatory programs
1512 = Medicine, including psychiatry
1513 = Mental/social health services and allied
1514 = Clinical pastoral counseling/ patient counseling
1515 = Nursing/registered (RN, ASN, BSN, MSN)
1516 = Nursing science (MS, PhD)
1517 = Licensed practical/vocational nurse training (LPN, LVN, Cert., Dipl., AAS)
1518 = Nurse/nursing assistant/aide and patient care assistant
1519 = Optometry
1520 = Osteopathic medicine/osteopathy
1521 = Pharmacy/pharmaceutical sciences/admin
1522 = Podiatric medicine/podiatry
1523 = Public health
1524 = Rehabilitation & therapeutic professions
1525 = Veterinary medicine
1526 = Health aides/attendants/orderlies
1527 = Dietetics and clinical nutrition services
1528 = Health /related clinical services, other
1601 = Law
1602 = Legal support services
1603 = General undergraduate legal studies including pre-law
1604 = Legal professions and studies, other
1701 = Library science
1801 = Mathematics
1802 = Statistics
1803 = Mathematics and statistics, other
1901 = Electrical/electronics maintenance and repair technology
1902 = Heating, air conditioning, ventilation and refrigeration maintenance
1903 = Vehicle maintenance and repair technologies
1904 = Mechanical/repair technologies/techs, other
2001 = Biological and physical sciences
2002 = Systems science and theory
2003 = Biopsychology
2004 = Multi/interdisciplinary studies, other
2101 = Parks, recreation and leisure studies
2102 = Health and physical education/fitness
2201 = Precision metal working
2202 = Woodworking
2203 = Precision production, other
2301 = Cosmetology and related personal grooming services
2302 = Funeral service and mortuary science
2303 = Culinary arts and related services
2304 = Personal and culinary services, other
2401 = Philosophy
2402 = Religion/religious studies
2403 = Theology and religious vocations
2501 = Astronomy & astrophysics
2502 = Atmospheric sciences and meteorology
2503 = Chemistry
2504 = Geological & earth sciences/geosciences
2505 = Physics
2506 = Biological and physical science
2507 = Systems science and theory [main CIP is Multidisc]
2508 = Physical sciences, other
2601 = Behavioral psychology
2602 = Clinical psychology
2603 = Education/school psychology
2604 = Psychology, other
2605 = Biopsychology
2701 = Public administration
2702 = Social work
2703 = Public administration and social service professions, other
2801 = Biology technician/biotechnology laboratory technician
2802 = Nuclear and industrial radiologic technologies/technicians
2803 = Physical science technologies/technicians
2804 = Science technologies/technician, other
2901 = Criminal justice and corrections
2902 = Fire protection
2903 = Security and protective services, other
3001 = Anthropology
3002 = Archeology
3003 = Criminology
3004 = Demography & population studies
3005 = Economics
3006 = Geography & cartography
3007 = History
3008 = International relations & affairs
3009 = Political science and government
3010 = Sociology
3011 = Urban studies/affairs
3012 = Social sciences, other (except psychology)
3101 = Transportation & materials moving
3102 = Air transportation
3103 = Ground transportation
3104 = Transportation & materials moving, other
3201 = Other
3301 = Liberal arts and sciences, general studies and humanities
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who changed their major at [NPSAS] at least one time.
Instrument Code: TSTAT = 1 and N8DBLMAJ ne 3 and N8MAJCHG in (1 2)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
State of legal residence
What is your state of legal residence?
1 = Alabama 2 = Alaska 3 = Arizona 4 = Arkansas 5 = California 6 = Colorado 7 = Connecticut 8 = Delaware 9 = District of Columbia 10 = Florida 11 = Georgia 12 = Hawaii 13 = Idaho 14 = Illinois 15 = Indiana 16 = Iowa 17 = Kansas 18 = Kentucky 19 = Louisiana 20 = Maine 21 = Maryland 22 = Massachusetts 23 = Michigan 24 = Minnesota 25 = Mississippi 26 = Missouri 27 = Montana 28 = Nebraska 29 = Nevada 30 = New Hampshire 31 = New Jersey 32 = New Mexico |
33 = New York 34 = North Carolina 35 = North Dakota 36 = Ohio 37 = Oklahoma 38 = Oregon 39 = Pennsylvania 40 = Rhode Island 41 = South Carolina 42 = South Dakota 43 = Tennessee 44 = Texas 45 = Utah 46 = Vermont 47 = Virginia 48 = Washington 49 = West Virginia 50 = Wisconsin 51 = Wyoming 52 = Puerto Rico 53 = Canada 54 = American Samoa 55 = Guam 56 = Fed State Micronesia 57 = Marshall Islands 58 = Northern Mariana Isl 59 = Palau 60 = Virgin Islands 61 = American Military 62 = Mexico 63 = FOREIGN COUNTRY (other than Mexico and Canada) |
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Distance from NPSAS school to home
[If TCURENR = 1]
How far (in miles) is [NPSAS] from your permanent home?
How far (in miles) was [NPSAS] from your permanent home when you were most recently enrolled?
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents.
Instrument Code: TSTAT in (1 3)
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Distance from NPSAS school to work
[If TCURENR = 1]
How far (in miles) is [NPSAS] from your job?
[{If N8TASST = 1 or N8RASST = 1 or N8GASST = 1 or N8GFEL = 1 or N8TRNSHP = 1 or N8WKST = 1 or N8ASST = 1} (Please refer to your job you held for pay, not your [workstudy/assistantship/fellowship/ traineeship].)] [{If N8NUMJOB > 1} (If you have more than one job, please refer to the job at which you work the most hours when answering this question.)]
How far (in miles) was [NPSAS] from your job when you were most recently enrolled? [{If N8TASST = 1 or N8RASST = 1 or N8GASST=1 or N8GFEL = 1 or N8TRNSHP= 1 or N8WKST = 1 or N8ASST = 1} (Please refer to your job you held for pay, not your [workstudy/assistantship/fellowship/traineeship].)] [{N8NUMJOB > 1} (If you have more than one job, please refer to the job at which you work the most hours when answering this question.)]
Applies to: Respondents who worked while enrolled.
Instrument Code: N8NUMJOB > 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Respondent of Hispanic or Latino origin
Are you of either Hispanic or Latino origin?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Hispanic type
Are you of... (Please check one or more.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8HISA - Cuban descent
N8HISB - Mexican, Mexican-American, or Chicano descent
N8HISC - Puerto Rican descent
N8HISD - Some other Spanish, Hispanic or Latino origin
Applies to: Respondents of Hispanic or Latino origin.
Instrument Code: N8HISP = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
What is your race? (Please check one or more.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8RACEA - White
N8RACEB - Black or African American
N8RACEC - Asian
N8RACED - American Indian or Alaska Native
N8RACEE - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
State or federally recognized tribe
Are you enrolled in a state- or federally-recognized tribe?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who were American Indian or Alaska Native.
Instrument Code: N8RACED = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Has dependent children
[If TCURENR = 1 and N8MARR = 2]
Do you or your spouse have any children whom you support financially?
[else if TCURENR = 1 and N8MARR ne 2]
Do you have any children whom you support financially?
[else if TCURENR ne 1 and N8MARR = 2]
While you were enrolled in the 2006-2007 school year, did you or your spouse have any children whom you supported financially?
[else if TCURENR ne 1 and and N8MARR ne 2]
While you were enrolled in the 2006-2007 school year, did you have any children whom you supported financially?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Recode Note: If N8DEPS = 1 and N8DEP2 = 0 then N8DEPS = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Number of dependent children
How many?
Observed range: 1 - 8
Applies to: All respondents.
Recode Note: If N8DEPS = 0 then N8DEP2 = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Age of dependent children
[If N8DEP2 = 1]
How old is your child?
What are the ages of your children?
Age of child 1
Observed range: 1 - 24
Applies to: Respondents with at least one dependent child.
Instrument Code: N8DEP2 >= 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Age of dependent child 2
[If N8DEP2 = 1]
How old is your child?
What are the ages of your children?
Age of child 2
Observed range: 1 - 24
Applies to: Respondents with at least two dependent children.
Instrument Code: N8DEP2 >= 2
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Age of dependent child 3
[If N8DEP2 = 1]
How old is your child?
What are the ages of your children?
Age of child 3
Observed range: 1 - 24
Applies to: Respondents with at least three dependent children.
Instrument Code: N8DEP2 >= 3
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Age of dependent child 4
[If N8DEP2 = 1]
How old is your child?
What are the ages of your children?
Age of child 4
Observed range: 1 - 24
Applies to: Respondents with at least four dependent children.
Instrument Code: N8DEP2 >= 4
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Age of dependent child 5
[If N8DEP2 = 1]
How old is your child?
What are the ages of your children?
Age of child 5
Observed range: 1 - 24
Applies to: Respondents with at least five dependent children.
Instrument Code: N8DEP2 >= 5
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Age of dependent child 6
[If N8DEP2 = 1]
How old is your child?
What are the ages of your children?
Age of child 6
Observed range: 1 - 24
Applies to: Respondents with at least six dependent children.
Instrument Code: N8DEP2 >= 6
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Age of dependent child 7
[If N8DEP2 = 1]
How old is your child?
What are the ages of your children?
Age of child 7
Observed range: 1 - 24
Applies to: Respondents with at least seven dependent children.
Instrument Code: N8DEP2 >= 7
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Age of dependent child 8
[If N8DEP2 = 1]
How old is your child?
What are the ages of your children?
Age of child 8
Observed range: 1 - 24
Applies to: Respondents with at least eight dependent children.
Instrument Code: N8DEP2 >= 8
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Age of dependent child 9
[If N8DEP2 = 1]
How old is your child?
What are the ages of your children?
Age of child 9
Observed range: 1 - 24
Applies to: Respondents with at least nine dependent children.
Instrument Code: N8DEP2 >= 9
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Age of dependent child 10
[If N8DEP2 = 1]
How old is your child?
What are the ages of your children?
Age of child 10
Observed range: 1 - 24
Applies to: Respondents with at least ten dependent children.
Instrument Code: N8DEP2 >= 10
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Number of kids younger than 12
KIDLT12 is an internal variable that calculates the number of children under age 12:
Initialize KIDLT12 = 0
KIDLT12 = # children from N8DAGE1 where 0 <= N8DAGE1-10 < 12
If all N8DAGE1-10 = -9 then KIDLT12 = 0
Observed range: 1 - 10
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Number of kids 16 or older
KIDGT16 is an internal variable that calculates the number of children age 16 or older:
Initialize KIDLT12 = 0
KIDGT16 = # children from N8DAGE1 where N8DAGE1-10 >= 16
If all N8DAGE1-10 = -9 then KIDGT16 = 0
Observed range: 1 - 10
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Number of children in daycare
How many of your dependent children are in daycare?
Observed range: 1 - 4
Applies to: Respondents with dependent children under age 12.
Instrument Code: KIDLT12 > 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Monthly daycare costs
During the most recent term you were enrolled in the 2006-2007 school year, how much (on average) did you pay each month for childcare?
Applies to: Respondents with dependent children under age 12 in daycare.
Instrument Code: KIDLT12 > 0 and N8CARE1 > 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Supporting someone else
[If N8MARR = 2 and N8DEPS in (0 -9)]
Other than your spouse, [{if TCURENR=1} have you been {else} were you] supporting anyone else during the 2006-2007 school year?
[else if N8MARR ne 2 and N8DEPS in (0 -9)]
[{if TCURENR = 1} Have you been {else} Were you] supporting anyone else during the 2006-2007 school year?
[else if N8MARR = 2 and N8DEPS = 1]
Other than your spouse and your [{if N8DEP2 = 1} child {else} children], [{if TCURENR = 1} have you been {else} were you] supporting anyone else during the 2006-2007 school year?
[else if N8MARR ne 2 and N8DEPS = 1]
Other than your [{if N8DEP2 = 1} child {else} children], [{if TCURENR = 1} have you been {else} were you] supporting anyone else during the 2006-2007 school year?
[{if TCURENR = 1} Have you been {else} Were you] supporting anyone else during the 2006-2007 school year?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Parent’s marital status
What is the current marital status of your parent(s) or guardian(s)? (For all questions related to your parents, please answer about the parent(s) or guardian(s) from whom you receive the greatest amount of financial support.)
1 = Married or remarried
2 = Living together or domestic partners but not married
3 = Single
4 = Divorced or separated
5 = Widowed
6 = None of the above - Both parents or guardians are deceased
Applies to: Respondents under age 30.
Instrument Code: TAGE < 30
Recode Note: If N8PARPF = 1 then N8PARST = 6
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Number of people supported by parents
Not including yourself (or your parents), how many people have your parents or guardians been supporting financially during the 2006-2007 school year?
Observed range: 1 - 20
Applies to: Respondents under age 30 with both parents or guardians still living.
Instrument Code: TAGE < 30 and N8PARST ne 6
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Number of other dependents in college
Not including yourself, how many of those people were enrolled in a college, university, or trade school during the 2006-2007 school year?
Observed range: 1 - 4
Applies to: Respondents under age 30 with both parents or guardians still living and whose parents or guardians had other dependents.
Instrument Code: TAGE < 30 and N8PARST ne 6 and N8PRHSD > 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Parents taking college courses in 2006-2007
Were your parents or guardians taking any courses at a postsecondary institution (college, university, or trade school) during the 2006-2007 school year?
0 = No
1 = Yes, full time
2 = Yes, part time
Applies to: Respondents under age 30 with both parents or guardians still living.
Instrument Code: TAGE < 30 and N8PARST ne 6
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Spouse in college
Did your spouse attend college or graduate school during the 2006-2007 school year?
0 = No
1 = Yes, full time
2 = Yes, part time
Applies to: Married respondents.
Instrument Code: N8MARR = 2
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Dependent children in college
How many of your children were in college at some point during the 2006-2007 school year?
Observed range: 1 - 3
Applies to: Respondents with dependent children age 16 or older.
Instrument Code: KIDGT16 > 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Father’s education
What is the highest level of education your father completed?
1 = Did not complete high school
2 = High school diploma or equivalent
3 = Vocational/technical training
4 = Less than 2 years of college
5 = Associate's degree
6 = 2 or more years of college but no degree
7 = Bachelor's degree
8 = Master's degree or equivalent
9 = Professional degree (only includes the following degree programs: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, ministry or divinity, or veterinary medicine)
10 = Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc) or equivalent
11 = Don't know
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Mother’s education
What is the highest level of education your mother completed?
1 = Did not complete high school
2 = High school diploma or equivalent
3 = Vocational/technical training
4 = Less than 2 years of college
5 = Associate's degree
6 = 2 or more years of college but no degree
7 = Bachelor's degree
8 = Master's degree or equivalent
9 = Professional degree (only includes the following degree programs: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, ministry or divinity, or veterinary medicine)
10 = Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc) or equivalent
11 = Don't know
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Respondent born in the U.S.
Were you born in the United States?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Citizenship status
Are you a U.S. citizen?
1 = Yes
2 = No - Resident alien, permanent resident, or other eligible non-citizen; hold a temporary resident's card or other eligible non-citizen temporary resident's card
3 = No - Student visa, in the country on an F1 or F2 visa, or on a J1 or J2 exchange visitor visa
Applies to: Respondents who were born in the United States or were not born in the United States and were not U.S. citizens.
Instrument Code: N8USBORN = 1 or (N8USBORN ne 1 and Y_CITZN ne 1)
Recode Note: If N8USBORN = 1 then N8CITZN = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Parents born in the U.S.
Were your parents born in the United States?
0 = No
1 = Yes, one parent
2 = Yes, both parents
Applies to: Respondents not in the United States on a student visa.
Instrument Code: N8CITZN ne 3
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Ever attended elementary or secondary school outside the U.S.
Did you ever attend elementary or secondary school outside of the United States?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents not in the United States on a student visa.
Instrument Code: N8CITZN ne 3
Recode Note: If N8CITZN ne 3 and (N8DIPL = 4 or N8HSTYP = 3 or Y_NPSTAT = 52) then N8SCHUS = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
English as primary language
When you were growing up, was English the language you spoke most often at home?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents not in the United States on a student visa.
Instrument Code: N8CITZN ne 3
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Registered to vote
Are you registered to vote in U.S. elections?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents over age 18.
Instrument Code: TAGE >= 18
Recode Note: If N8CITZN > 1 then N8VOTE = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Ever vote
Have you ever voted in any national, state, or local elections?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who were U.S. citizens, over age 18, and registered to vote.
Instrument Code: TAGE >= 18 and N8VOTE ne 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Military status
Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, or are you currently serving in the Armed Forces either on active duty or in the reserves?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8MILA - Veteran
N8MILB - Active duty
N8MILC - Reserves
N8MILN - None of the above
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Community service or volunteer in last year
Have you performed any community service or volunteer work in the last 12 months? (Please exclude charitable donations (such as food, clothing, money, etc.), paid community service, and court ordered service.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Recode Note: 1) If N8UGYR in (1 2) and N8COMSRV = 1 then do:
If N8HSRQ = -9 and N8HSVLNR = -9 and (N8VLTA = -9 and N8VLTB = -9 and N8VLTC = -9 and N8VLTD = -9 and N8VLTE = -9 and N8VLTF = -9 and N8VLTG = -9 and N8VLTX = -9 and N8VLTS = -9) and N8VLHRS in (0 -9) and N8VLONE = 0 then N8COMSRV = 0
2) If TSTAT in (1 3) and N8UGYR not in (1 2) and N8COMSRV = 1 then do:
If (N8VLTA = -9 and N8VLTB = -9 and N8VLTC = -9 and N8VLTD = -9 and N8VLTE = -9 and N8VLTF = -9 and N8VLTG = -9 and N8VLTX = -9 and N8VLTS = -9) and N8VLHRS in (0 -9) and N8VLONE = 0 and N8VLGRAD = -9 then N8COMSRV = 0
3) If TSTAT in (2 4) and N8COMSRV = 1 then do:
If (N8VLTA = -9 and N8VLTB = -9 and N8VLTC = -9 and N8VLTD = -9 and N8VLTE = -9 and N8VLTF = -9 and N8VLTG = -9 and N8VLTX = -9 and N8VLTS= -9) and N8VLHRS in (0 -9) and N8VLONE = 0 then N8COMSRV = 0
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Required community service in high school
While enrolled in high school, did you perform community service as part of a high school graduation requirement or high school coursework?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: First- and second-year undergraduate respondents who volunteered in the last 12 months.
Instrument Code: N8UGYR in (1 2) and N8COMSRV = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Voluntary community service in high school
While in high school, did you perform other community service that was not required for coursework or graduation?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: First- and second-year undergraduate respondents who volunteered in the last 12 months.
Instrument Code: N8UGYR in (1 2) and N8COMSRV = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
What type of community service or volunteer work have you performed in the last 12 months?
(Please check all that apply.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
N8VLTA - Tutoring, other education-related work with kids
N8VLTB - Non-education-related work with kids (coaching, sports, Big Brother/Big Sister etc.)
N8VLTC - Fundraising (political and non-political)
N8VLTD - Work in a homeless shelter or soup kitchen
N8VLTE - Neighborhood improvement, clean-up, or Habitat for Humanity
N8VLTF - Work in a health services agency or hospital, nursing home, group home
N8VLTG - Service to a church or other religious organization
N8VLTX – Other
N8VLTS – Other, please specify
Applies to: Respondents who volunteered in the last 12 months.
Instrument Code: N8COMSRV = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Number of hours volunteered per month
On average, how many hours did you volunteer each month during the last 12 months? (If you volunteered at a one-time event, please check the one-time event box and do not enter a number of hours.)
Applies to: Respondents who volunteered in the last 12 months more than once.
Instrument Code: N8COMSRV = 1 and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
One time volunteer event
On average, how many hours did you volunteer each month during the last 12 months? (If you volunteered at a one-time event, please check the one-time event box and do not enter a number of hours.)
One time event
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Respondents who volunteered in the last 12 months.
Instrument Code: N8COMSRV = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Volunteer work required for graduation/class
Was any of your community service or volunteer work part of your educational program or required for degree completion?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: Undergraduate respondents who volunteered in the last 12 months.
Instrument Code: TSTAT in (1 3) and
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Disability: long-lasting sensory condition
The next few questions will help us better understand the educational services available for people with disabilities. Do you have a sensory impairment, such as blindness, deafness, or a severe vision or hearing impairment, that has lasted for 6 months or more?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Disability: condition that limits physical activities
Do you have a mobility impairment that has substantially limited one or more basic physical activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, reaching, lifting, or carrying, for 6 months or more?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Disability: other long-lasting condition
Excluding any disabilities already mentioned, do you have any other physical, mental, emotional, or learning condition that has lasted 6 months or more? (By this we mean any condition that limits your
ability to learn, remember, or concentrate; to dress, bathe, or get around the house; or to get to school, around campus, or to work.)
0 = No
1 = Yes
Applies to: All respondents.
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
Disability: main limiting condition
What is the main type of condition or impairment you have? (Please choose only one.)
1 = Hearing impairment (i.e., deaf or hard of hearing)
2 = Blindness or visual impairment that cannot be corrected by wearing glasses
3 = Speech or language impairment
4 = Orthopedic or mobility impairment
5 = Specific learning disability or dyslexia
6 = Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
7 = Health impairment or problem
8 = Mental, emotional or psychiatric condition
9 = Depression
10 = Developmental disability
11 = Brain injury
12 = Other, please specify
Applies to: Respondents who reported some type of disability.
Instrument Code: N8DISSEN = 1 or N8DISMOB = 1 or N8DISOTH = 1
Sources: NPSAS:08 field test student interview
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Appendix C |
Author | Edith.McArthur |
Last Modified By | DoED |
File Modified | 2007-10-31 |
File Created | 2007-10-31 |