Inclusion of Delaware and New Jersey in the Clean Air Interstate Rule - Private Sector Mandatory

Inclusion of Delaware and New Jersey in the Clean Air Interstate Rule (Renewal)

ECMPSQuality Assurance and Certification Instructions

Inclusion of Delaware and New Jersey in the Clean Air Interstate Rule - Private Sector Mandatory

OMB: 2060-0584

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ECMPS Reporting Instructions
Quality Assurance and Certification

United States Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Air and Radiation
Clean Air Markets Division
1310 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005

June 17, 2009

Table of Contents

June 17, 2009

Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION: QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CERTIFICATION ....................................... 1
1.1 Quality Assurance and Certification Root Element ............................................................. 5
1.2 Test Summary Data Elements .............................................................................................. 7
2.0 CEM Tests ............................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 7-Day Calibration Error Test ............................................................................................. 11
2.1.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for 7-Day Calibration ............................................. 13
2.1.2 CALIBRATION INJECTION DATA ................................................................................... 17
2.2 Cycle Time Test ................................................................................................................. 21
2.2.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Cycle Time Test ................................................ 23
2.2.2 CYCLE TIME SUMMARY DATA ..................................................................................... 27
2.2.3 CYCLE TIME INJECTION DATA ..................................................................................... 29
2.3 Linearity Checks ................................................................................................................ 33
2.3.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Linearity ........................................................... 37
2.3.2 LINEARITY SUMMARY DATA ....................................................................................... 41
2.3.3 LINEARITY INJECTION DATA ........................................................................................ 43
2.4 Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) ............................................................................. 45

TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for RATA ............................................................... 51
RATA DATA ............................................................................................................... 55
RATA SUMMARY DATA .............................................................................................. 57
RATA RUN DATA ....................................................................................................... 65
FLOW RATA RUN DATA ............................................................................................. 69
RATA TRAVERSE DATA .............................................................................................. 73
TEST QUALIFICATION DATA ......................................................................................... 77

2.5 Flow-to-Load Reference .................................................................................................... 81
2.5.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Flow-to-Load Reference ................................... 83
2.5.2 FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA ............................................................................. 87
2.6 Flow-to-Load Check .......................................................................................................... 91
2.6.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Flow-to-Load Check ......................................... 95
2.6.2 FLOW-TO-LOAD CHECK DATA ..................................................................................... 99
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Table of Contents (cont.)
2.7 Online Offline Calibration Error Demonstration ............................................................. 103
2.7.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Online Offline Calibration ............................... 105
2.7.2 ONLINE OFFLINE CALIBRATION DATA ....................................................................... 109
3.0 Non-CEM Tests .................................................................................................................. 115
3.1 Appendix E Correlation Test ........................................................................................... 115

TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Appendix E Correlation Test .......................... 117
APPENDIX E CORRELATION TEST SUMMARY DATA ................................................... 121
APPENDIX E CORRELATION TEST RUN DATA ............................................................ 123
APPENDIX E HEAT INPUT FROM OIL DATA ................................................................ 127
APPENDIX E HEAT INPUT FROM GAS DATA ............................................................... 131

3.2 Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy Test ........................................................................................ 133
3.2.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy ............................... 135
3.2.2 FUEL FLOWMETER ACCURACY DATA ........................................................................ 139
3.3 Transmitter Transducer Test ............................................................................................ 141
3.3.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Transmitter Transducer Test ........................... 143
3.3.2 TRANSMITTER TRANSDUCER DATA ........................................................................... 147
3.4 Fuel Flow-To-Load Baseline ........................................................................................... 149
3.4.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Fuel Flow-to-Load Baseline ........................... 151
3.4.2 FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA ..................................................................... 155
3.5 Fuel Flow-to-Load Test ................................................................................................... 159
3.5.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Fuel-Flow-to-Load Test .................................. 161
3.5.2 FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD TEST DATA ............................................................................. 165
3.6 Unit Default Test (LME) ................................................................................................. 167
3.6.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for LME Unit Default Test ................................... 169
3.6.2 UNIT DEFAULT TEST DATA ....................................................................................... 173
3.6.3 UNIT DEFAULT TEST RUN DATA ............................................................................... 177
4.0 Miscellaneous Tests............................................................................................................ 179

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Table of Contents (cont.)
5.0 QA CERTIFICATION EVENT DATA ...................................................................................... 185
6.0 TEST EXTENSION EXEMPTION DATA .................................................................................. 197

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List of Tables
Table 1: 7-Day Calibration Test Reason Codes and Descriptions ............................................... 14
Table 2: 7-Day Calibration Test Result Codes and Descriptions ................................................ 14
Table 3: Cycle Time Test Reason Codes and Descriptions ......................................................... 24
Table 4: Cycle Time Test Result Codes and Descriptions .......................................................... 24
Table 5: Linearity Test Reason Codes and Descriptions ............................................................. 38
Table 6: Linearity Test Result Codes and Descriptions............................................................... 38
Table 7: Linearity Gas Level Codes and Descriptions ................................................................ 41
Table 8: RATA Test Reason Codes and Descriptions ................................................................. 52
Table 9: RATA Test Result Codes and Descriptions .................................................................. 52
Table 10: RATA Frequency Codes and Descriptions.................................................................. 56
Table 11: RATA Operating Level Codes and Descriptions ........................................................ 58
Table 12: Reference Method Codes for Gas System RATAs...................................................... 58
Table 13: Reference Method Codes for Flow RATAs ................................................................ 60
Table 14: Run Status Codes and Descriptions ............................................................................. 67
Table 15: Reference Method Probe Type Codes and Descriptions ............................................. 74
Table 16: Pressure Measure Codes and Descriptions .................................................................. 74
Table 17: Test Claim Codes and Descriptions............................................................................. 78
Table 18: Flow-to-Load Test Result Codes and Descriptions ..................................................... 96
Table 19: Test Basis Indicator Codes and Descriptions ............................................................ 100
Table 20: Online Offline Calibration Test Reason Codes and Descriptions ............................. 106
Table 21: Online Offline Calibration Test Result Codes and Descriptions ............................... 106
Table 22: Appendix E Test Reason Codes and Descriptions .................................................... 118
Table 23: Oil GCV Units of Measure Codes and Descriptions ................................................. 128
Table 24: Oil Volume Units of Measure Codes and Descriptions............................................. 129
Table 25: Oil Density Units of Measure Codes and Descriptions ............................................. 130
Table 26: Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy Test Reason Codes and Descriptions .............................. 136
Table 27: Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy Test Result Codes and Descriptions ............................... 136
Table 28: Accuracy Test Method Codes and Descriptions........................................................ 139
Table 29: Transmitter Transducer Test Reason Codes and Descriptions .................................. 144
Table 30: Transmitter Transducer Test Result Codes and Descriptions.................................... 144
Table 31: Accuracy Spec Codes and Descriptions .................................................................... 148
Table 32: Base Fuel Flow-to-Load Units of Measure Codes and Descriptions ........................ 157
Table 33: Baseline GHR Units of Measure Codes and Descriptions ........................................ 158
Table 34: Fuel Flow-to-Load Test Result Codes and Descriptions ........................................... 162
Table 35: LME Unit Default Test Reason Codes and Descriptions .......................................... 170
Table 36: Fuel Codes and Descriptions for Unit Default Tests ................................................. 173
Table 37: Operating Condition Codes and Descriptions ........................................................... 174
Table 38: Miscellaneous Test Type Codes and Descriptions .................................................... 180
Table 39: Miscellaneous Test Reason Codes and Descriptions................................................. 181
Table 40: Miscellaneous Test Result Codes and Descriptions .................................................. 181
Table 41: QA or Certification Event Codes and Descriptions ................................................... 189
Table 42: Required Test Codes and Descriptions ...................................................................... 193

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List of Tables (cont.)
Table 43: Fuel Codes and Descriptions for Test Extension Exemption .................................... 200
Table 44: Extension or Exemption Code ................................................................................... 201

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List of Figures
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
Figure 3:
Figure 4:
Figure 5:
Figure 6:
Figure 7:
Figure 8:
Figure 9:

QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CERTIFICATION Data Complex Elements ............................ 4
QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CERTIFICATION XML Elements .......................................... 5
TEST SUMMARY DATA XML Elements .......................................................................... 9
7-Day Calibration Error Test XML Structure .............................................................. 11
CALIBRATION INJECTION DATA XML Elements ........................................................... 17
Cycle Time Test XML Structure .................................................................................. 21
CYCLE TIME SUMMARY DATA XML Elements ............................................................ 27
CYCLE TIME INJECTION DATA XML Elements ............................................................. 29
Linearity Checks XML Structure (Including: TEST SUMMARY DATA,
Figure 10: LINEARITY SUMMARY DATA XML Elements ............................................................. 41
Figure 11: LINEARITY INJECTION DATA XML Elements ............................................................. 43
Figure 12a: RATA Test XML Structure ...................................................................................... 45
Figure 12b: Additional RATA XML Elements for Flow RATAs (Methods 2F
and 2G, and Method 2 Using Method 2H Wall Effect Measurements) .................... 46
Figure 13: RATA DATA XML Elements ..................................................................................... 55
Figure 14: RATA SUMMARY DATA XML Elements.................................................................... 57
Figure 15: RATA RUN DATA XML Elements ............................................................................. 65
Figure 16: FLOW RATA RUN DATA XML Elements ................................................................... 69
Figure 17: RATA TRAVERSE DATA XML Elements ................................................................... 73
Figure 18: TEST QUALIFICATION DATA XML Elements .............................................................. 77
Figure 19: FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA XML Structure ................................................... 81
Figure 20: FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA Elements ............................................................. 87
Figure 21: Flow-to-Load Check XML Structure ......................................................................... 91
Figure 22: FLOW-TO-LOAD CHECK DATA XML Elements .......................................................... 99
Figure 23: Online Offline Calibration Error Demonstration XML Structure ............................ 103
Figure 24: ONLINE OFFLINE CALIBRATION DATA XML Elements ............................................ 109
Figure 25: Appendix E Correlation Test XML Structure .......................................................... 115
Figure 26: APP E CORRELATION TEST SUMMARY DATA XML Elements .................................. 121
Figure 27: APP E CORRELATION TEST RUN DATA XML Elements ............................................ 123
Figure 28: APPENDIX E HEAT INPUT FROM OIL DATA XML Elements ...................................... 127
Figure 29: APPENDIX E HEAT INPUT FROM GAS DATA XML Elements ..................................... 131
Figure 30: Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy Test XML Structure ....................................................... 133
Figure 31: FUEL FLOWMETER ACCURACY DATA XML Elements .............................................. 139
Figure 32: Transmitter Transducer Accuracy Test XML Structure........................................... 141
Figure 33: TRANSMITTER TRANSDUCER DATA XML Elements ................................................. 147
Figure 34: Fuel Flow-to-Load Baseline XML Structure ........................................................... 149
Figure 35: FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA XML Elements........................................... 155
Figure 36: FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD TEST XML Structure ............................................................. 159
Figure 37: FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD TEST DATA XML Elements .................................................. 165
Figure 38: Unit Default Test XML Structure............................................................................. 167
Figure 39: UNIT DEFAULT TEST DATA XML Elements ............................................................. 173
Figure 40: UNIT DEFAULT TEST RUN DATA XML Elements ..................................................... 177
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List of Figures (cont.)
Figure 41: Miscellaneous Tests XML Structure ........................................................................ 179
Figure 42: QA CERTIFICATION EVENT DATA XML Elements ................................................... 185
Figure 43: TEST EXTENSION EXEMPTION DATA XML Elements ............................................... 197

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1.0 Introduction: Quality Assurance and Certification

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ECMPS Reporting Instructions
Quality Assurance and Certification

About This Document
In the Emissions Collection and Monitoring Plan System (ECMPS), data must be submitted to
the EPA through the Client Tool using extensible-markup language (XML) format. XML files
must contain certain data elements, which are defined in the XML schema. (Note: more
information about the ECMPS XML Schemas can be found in the XML Schema Description
The purpose of the reporting instructions is to provide the necessary information for owners and
operators to meet the reporting requirements for sources affected by:
1) The Acid Rain Program (ARP);
2) The Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR); and
3) Other programs required to report data using these XML schemas.
These instructions explain how to report the required data for the applicable regulations. Owners
and operators of units should refer to the applicable regulations for information about what data
are required to be reported.
The Quality Assurance and Certification XML Schema is made up of a root element, complex
elements, and simple elements. A simple element is a single piece of data. A complex element
is a group of simple elements which are logically grouped together. The root element is the base
of the XML schema.
The elements are related to each other in parent-child relationships. The root element is the
parent element of the entire schema. Complex elements are children of the root element, and
complex elements can also be children of other complex elements. If a complex element is
dependent on a parent complex element, the child complex element cannot be included in the
XML file unless the appropriate parent complex element is also included. Figure 1 below
illustrates the relationships between the QA and certification root element and the complex
This document provides instructions on how the required data should be reported using this data
structure. A separate section is provided for each complex element, its dependencies, and its
simple elements. In addition, there are "specific considerations" that apply to particular types of
monitoring plan configurations.
About QA and Certification Data
QA and certification tests are required for all types of monitoring systems. Test extension or
exemption data indicate variances from prescribed testing requirements or extensions to the
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1.0 Introduction: Quality Assurance and Certification

normal QA testing schedule. QA or Certification Events (e.g., monitor replacements), as well as
data elements for submitting an electronic certification application when certifications are
required, are submitted when there is either diagnostic or recertification testing of specific
monitoring systems or components.
QA and Certification Reporting Guidelines
All certification, recertification, and periodic quality assurance tests that affect data validation
must be reported for each primary monitoring system, each redundant backup monitoring
system, and each non-redundant backup system used to report data. For routine QA tests and
diagnostics, the tests results may either be submitted prior to quarterly report submission period,
or with the quarterly emissions file whose hourly data are affected by the test(s). For initial
certification and recertification events, the test results must be submitted to EPA electronically
within 45 days of completing all required tests.
Certification, Recertification and Diagnostic Tests
For initial certifications, recertifications and for certain diagnostic tests, you must submit a
corresponding QA CERTIFICATION EVENT DATA record along with the test results, to indicate the
event that triggered the need for the tests, and which QA tests were required for that event (refer
to the Part 75 Emissions Monitoring Policy Manual). Also you will need to submit a QA
CERTIFICATION EVENT DATA record whenever the conditional data validation procedures in
§75.20(b)(3) are used for routine QA tests.
Aborted Tests
Report all QA tests that are discontinued due to problems with the monitoring systems. Also
report the results of all trial RATA runs and gas injections that do not meet the acceptance
criteria in §75.20(b)(3)(vii)(E). These are regarded as failed tests and trigger out-of-control
However, do not report the results of tests that are discontinued for reasons unrelated to the
monitors' performance (e.g., due to process upsets, unit outages, or reference method failures).
And do not report the results of trial runs and gas injections that meet the acceptance criteria in
§75.20(b)(3)(vii)(E), which are part of the process of optimizing the performance of a continuous
emissions monitoring system (CEMS). The results of these tests are not used to establish the
validity of hourly emissions data. Simply keep a record of them in the unit's test log.
Entering Test Run Times
When entering test run times for QA tests, use the same frame of reference for entering the end
time as is used for the begin time. ECMPS assumes the run duration to be the difference
between the reported end time and begin time for a run. For example, if a run is begun at
10:20:00 (hr:min:sec) and the run is 21 minutes long, ending at 10:40:59, then the begin time
should be reported as 10:20 and the end time should be entered as 10:41 and not 10:40.

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1.0 Introduction: Quality Assurance and Certification

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Test Calculations
Whenever you perform QA test calculations that involve a number of steps in sequence (e.g.,
linearity error or percent relative accuracy calculations), begin the calculation sequence with the
raw data values reported in the XML (i.e., begin with flow rates that are rounded to the nearest
1000 scfh, gas concentrations that are rounded to the nearest 0.1 ppm, etc.). However, once you
have begun the calculation sequence, do not round off any of the intermediate values (such as the
mean difference, confidence coefficient, (R-A), etc.). Rather retain the full decimal display of
the computer in the intermediate values until the final result is obtained and then round off the
final result. Similarly, do not use rounded intermediate values of statistical terms such as the
standard deviation, mean difference, and confidence coefficient when you perform a bias test of
a CEMS or determine a bias adjustment factor (BAF).

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1.0 Introduction: Quality Assurance and Certification

Figure 1

Test Extension
Exemption Data


Quality Assurance and
Certification Data

QA Certification
Event Data
Injection Data

Fuel Flowmeter
Accuracy Data

Summary Data

Transmitter Transducer
Accuracy Data

Flow To Load
Check Data

Fuel Flow To Load
Baseline Data

Appendix E
Correlation Test
Run Data

Heat Input
From Gas

Heat Input
From Oil

Flow To Load
Reference Data

Online Offline
Calibration Data

Fuel Flow To
Load Test Data

Correlation Test

Test Qualification

Unit Default
Test Data

Unit Default
Test Run




Time Summary


Cycle Time


Run Data


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1.1 Quality Assurance and Certification Root Element

June 17, 2009

Figure 2

Description of Data
The QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CERTIFICATION record is the root element for the Quality
Assurance and Certification data XML schema. This element identifies the facility for which
QA test data are being reported. In addition, it provides information about the XML Version.
Include a single QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CERTIFICATION record in each Quality Assurance and
Certification file.
Element Name: ORISCode
Report the code that indicates the unique identifying number given to a plant by the Energy
Information Administration (EIA).
Element Name: Version
Report the XML schema version number. Note that this is a numeric field -- do not include a "v"
before the number.

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1.1 Quality Assurance and Certification Root Element

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1.2 Quality Assurance and Certification Root Element

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Description of Data
Submit one TEST SUMMARY DATA record for each periodic quality assurance, certification, and
diagnostic test submitted as part of the QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CERTIFICATION Test file. This
record summarizes each test performed and provides the test results, the reason for the
conducting each test, and other fundamental information about each test reported (e.g., Span
Some tests are quite simple and all the relevant data are reported in the TEST SUMMARY DATA
record. For example, a Data Acquisition and Handling System (DAHS) verification or Primary
Element Inspection (PEI) can be fully described in this record.
On the other hand, most tests have additional data such as gas injections or test runs that must be
linked to the TEST SUMMARY DATA record. The more detailed test data (e.g., calibration
injections for a 7-day calibration error test) are provided in separate complex elements, as listed
below. Some of those dependent complex elements summarize the results that are specific to
one level of a test (e.g., LINEARITY SUMMARY DATA) and have additional detailed records linked
to them in dependent records defined in another complex element (e.g., LINEARITY INJECTION
DATA). These relationships are depicted in the overall schematic (Figure 1) for QA
CERTIFICATION DATA provided on the third page of this document.
In addition to "tests" of monitors or systems, there are also related sets of data that are required to
qualify for a test or to use as a reference ratio for a test. These include the "reference" data for a
flow-to-load check, the baseline data for a fuel-flow-to-load check, and the qualification data
showing that only a single-load flow RATA is required based on the prior year's operation. This
information should also be reported in a TEST SUMMARY DATA record and the related dependent
Dependencies for TEST SUMMARY DATA
The following complex elements specify additional test data and are dependent on the TEST


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1.2 Quality Assurance and Certification Root Element


These complex elements cannot be submitted as part of a complete QUALITY ASSURANCE AND
CERTIFICATION DATA record unless an applicable TEST SUMMARY DATA record is included.

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1.2 Quality Assurance and Certification Root Element

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Figure 3

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1.2 Quality Assurance and Certification Root Element

Instructions for completing each element of the TEST SUMMARY DATA record are included in the
following discussions of the individual test types.

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2.1 7-Day Calibration Error Test

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2.0 CEM Tests
2.1 7-Day Calibration Error Test
Figure 4
7-Day Calibration Error Test XML Structure

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2.1 7-Day Calibration Error Test

Description of Data
Report the details of all 7-day calibration error tests performed for initial certification,
recertification, or diagnostic purposes, using TEST SUMMARY DATA and seven CALIBRATION
INJECTION DATA records. For each day of the 7-day test, report the results of the zero and
upscale gas injections (or flow reference signals) in one CALIBRATION INJECTION DATA record.
All seven CALIBRATION INJECTION DATA records must be linked to the corresponding TEST
SUMMARY DATA record for the 7-day calibration error test being reported.
Specific Considerations
Applicability of 7-Day Calibration Error Tests
● 7-day calibration error tests are reported on a component basis, and need only be reported
once per component, even if that component is shared among multiple systems.
● For moisture monitoring systems consisting of wet- and dry-basis O2 monitors, report
two 7-day calibration tests only if the wet and dry readings are obtained from two
different analyzers.
● For flow monitoring systems comprised of two flow monitor components, perform and
report a 7-day calibration test for each component.
● For dual range monitors, perform and report 7-day calibration tests at each range of the
instrument. Report 7-day calibration error tests for each range of a dual-range analyzer
as separate tests even if both ranges of the analyzer are identified by a single Component

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2.1.1 Test Summary Data Elements for 7-Day Calibration Error Test

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2.1.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for 7-Day Calibration
Use the following instructions for completing each element of the TEST SUMMARY DATA section
for the 7-day calibration error test.
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitID or StackPipeID
Report the Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID that corresponds to the location of the analyzer.
Test Type Code
Element Name: TestTypeCode
Report the test type code as "7DAY."
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to 7-day calibration error tests.
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
Report the three-character Component ID assigned to the analyzer.
Span Scale Code
Element Name: SpanScaleCode
Report the analyzer range of the component tested as "H" for high or "L" for low. For single
range monitors, report the scale as "H" unless you are using the default high range option, in
which case report the scale as "L."
Test Number
Element Name: TestNumber
At each monitoring location and for each test type, report a unique test number for each set of
records which comprises a single test. One method of tracking unique test numbers is to use the
Component ID as a prefix to the number. The test number may not be reused at this location for
another 7-day calibration error test.
Test Reason Code
Element Name: TestReasonCode
Report the purpose of the test using the appropriate code from Table 1.

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2.1.1 Test Summary Data Elements for 7-Day Calibration Error Test

Table 1
7-Day Calibration Test Reason Codes and Descriptions





Initial Certification



Test Description
Element Name: TestDescription
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to 7-day calibration error tests.
Test Result Code
Element Name: TestResultCode
Report the appropriate code from Table 2 below to indicate the result of the test.

Table 2
7-Day Calibration Test Result Codes and Descriptions



Test was aborted due to problems with the installed monitoring system.


Test was failed.


Test was passed and the alternative performance specification was not used.


Test was passed using the alternative performance specification for one or more

Note that the monitoring system is considered out-of-control when a test is aborted due to a
problem with the CEMS. (If aborted due to problems with the reference method equipment, do
not report the test but keep a record of it in your test log.)
Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Report the date of the first injection in the test.
Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Report the hour of the first injection in the test.

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2.1.1 Test Summary Data Elements for 7-Day Calibration Error Test

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Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Report the minute of the first injection in the test.
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the date of the last injection in the test.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the hour of the last injection in the test.
End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Report the minute of the last injection in the test.
Grace Period Indicator
Element Name: GracePeriodIndicator
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to 7-day calibration error tests.
Element Name: Year
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to 7-day calibration error tests.
Element Name: Quarter
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to 7-day calibration error tests.
Test Comment
Element Name: TestComment
Report a comment regarding the test if desired.

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2.1.1 Test Summary Data Elements for 7-Day Calibration Error Test

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2.1.2 Calibration Injection Data

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Figure 5

Use the following instructions for completing each element of the CALIBRATION INJECTION DATA
Online Offline Indicator
Element Name: OnLineOffLineIndicator
This element indicates whether a test was performed while a unit was online or offline. Report a
"1" if the test was performed while the unit was online. Report a "0" if the test was performed
while the unit was offline. For a 7-day calibration test, the unit must be online.

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2.1.2 Calibration Injection Data

Upscale Gas Level Code
Element Name: UpscaleGasLevelCode
Report the code indicating the upscale level reference gas. Report "HIGH" if a high-level
calibration gas (80 to 100 percent of span) or a high-level flow monitor signal (50 to 70 percent
of span) is used. A mid-level calibration gas (50 to 60 percent of span) may be used in lieu of
the high-level gas. Report "MID" in this field if a mid-level gas is used.
The same two gas levels or signals must be used for all days of the test.
Zero Injection Date
Element Name: ZeroInjectionDate
Report the date when the zero-level gas injection was completed.
Zero Injection Hour
Element Name: ZeroInjectionHour
Report the hour when the zero gas injection was completed.
Zero Injection Minute
Element Name: ZeroInjectionMinute
Report the minute when the zero gas injection was completed. Because gas injections are
sequential and cannot be simultaneous, the time of zero-level and upscale injections must be
Upscale Injection Date
Element Name: UpscaleInjectionDate
Report the date when the upscale gas injection was completed.
Upscale Injection Hour
Element Name: UpscaleInjectionHour
Report the hour when the upscale gas injection was completed.
Upscale Injection Minute
Element Name: UpscaleInjectionMinute
Report the minute when the upscale gas injection was completed. Because gas injections are
sequential and cannot be simultaneous, the time of zero-level and upscale injections must be

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2.1.2 Calibration Injection Data

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Zero Measured Value
Element Name: ZeroMeasuredValue
Report the response of the gas analyzer to the zero-level calibration gas, in ppm for SO2 and NOx
or in pct for CO2 and O2. For flow monitors, report the response of the monitor to the zero-level
reference signal.
Upscale Measured Value
Element Name: UpscaleMeasuredValue
Report the response of the gas analyzer to the upscale calibration gas, in ppm for SO2 and NOx or
in pct for CO2 and O2. For flow monitors, report the response of the monitor to the upscale
reference signal.
Zero APS Indicator
Element Name: ZeroAPSIndicator
Report whether the zero-level test result was determined using a normal specification "0" or the
alternative performance specification "1" allowed under Part 75.
Appendix A to Part 75 specifies that the calibration error of an O2 or CO2 monitor is always
expressed in percent O2 or CO2, rather than as a percentage of span. This is considered to be the
"normal" calibration error specification; therefore, "0" should be reported in this field. The
alternate performance specification applies only to SO2 and NOx pollutant concentration
monitors that are considered low-emitters of those pollutants and to low-span differential
pressure flow monitors.
Upscale APS Indicator
Element Name: UpscaleAPSIndicator
Report whether the upscale test result was determined using a normal specification "0" or the
alternative performance specification "1" allowed under Part 75. (See discussion under Zero
APS Indicator for more details.)
Zero Calibration Error
Element Name: ZeroCalibrationError
Report the results of the zero-level calibration error test, as required by Part 75.
For SO2, NOx, and flow monitors, express the results either as a percentage of the span value
(i.e., CE), or (for low emitters of SO2 and NOx or for low-span differential pressure flow
monitors) as the absolute value of the difference between the reference value and the measured
value (i.e., R - A). If the calibration error meets the standard specification, report the CE even
though the test would also pass the alternative specification. Only when the result does not pass
the standard specification, but meets the alternative specification, should you report |R - A|. If
the test does not pass either specification, report the CE.

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2.1.2 Calibration Injection Data

For low-span differential pressure-type flow monitors using the alternative specification (because
the standard specification was not met): (1) report "0.0" in this field if the value of R - A is <
0.01 inches of water. If the value of R - A is > 0.01 inches of water, report the result as a
percentage of the span value (i.e., CE).
For CO2 and O2 monitors, express the result as an absolute percent CO2 or O2, since the results
are always determined as the absolute value of the difference between the reference value and
the measured value (i.e., |R - A|).
Upscale Calibration Error
Element Name: UpscaleCalibrationError
Report the results of the upscale calibration error test, as required by Part 75. (See the discussion
under Zero Calibration Error for more details.)
Zero Reference Value
Element Name: ZeroReferenceValue
Report the certified (tag) value of the zero-level reference calibration gas, in ppm for SO2 and
NOx or in pct for CO2 and O2. Report the value of the reference signal, in the appropriate units,
for flow monitors.
Upscale Reference Value
Element Name: UpscaleReferenceValue
Report the certified (tag) value of the upscale reference calibration gas, in ppm for SO2 and NOx
or in pct for CO2 and O2. Report the value of the reference signal, in the appropriate units, for
flow monitors.

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2.2 Cycle Time Test

June 17, 2009

2.2 Cycle Time Test
Figure 6
Cycle Time Test XML Structure

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2.2 Cycle Time Test

Description of Data
The Cycle Time Test is required for initial certification of a gas CEMS and may be required for
recertification or as a diagnostic test. The Cycle Time Test is not a required periodic quality
assurance test under Appendix B to Part 75. Perform the cycle time test according to the
procedures under 40 CFR Part 75, Appendix A, Section 6.4.
Submit one TEST SUMMARY DATA record and its associated CYCLE TIME SUMMARY DATA record
for each Cycle Time Test performed on a component. Separate CYCLE TIME INJECTION DATA
records are required for the upscale and downscale tests for each analyzer component.
Specific Considerations
Applicability of Cycle Time Tests
● For a dual-range analyzer, report the results of cycle time testing against each range of
the analyzer as two separate tests, even if both ranges of the analyzer are identified by a
single Component ID.
● For a NOx-diluent system, the entire system would be considered out of control (OOC) if
either the NOx or the diluent component fails a cycle time test.
● If you perform an "abbreviated" cycle time test as a diagnostic (refer to the Part 75
Emissions Monitoring Policy Manual), do not report the results of this test electronically.
Keep the data and test results on-site, in a format suitable for audit and inspection.

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2.2.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Cycle Time Test

June 17, 2009

2.2.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Cycle Time Test
Use the following instructions for completing each element of the TEST SUMMARY DATA record
for a cycle time test.
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitID or StackPipeID
Report the Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID that corresponds to the location of the analyzer.
Test Type Code
Element Name: TestTypeCode
Report the test type code as "CYCLE."
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to cycle time tests.
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
Report the three-character Component ID assigned to the analyzer.
Span Scale Code
Element Name: SpanScaleCode
Report the analyzer range of the component tested as "H" for high or "L" for low. For single
range monitors, report the scale as "H" unless you are using the default high range option, in
which case report the scale as "L."
Test Number
Element Name: TestNumber
At each monitoring location and for each test type, report a unique test number for each set of
records which comprises a single test. One method of tracking unique test numbers is to use the
Component ID as a prefix to the number. The test number may not be reused at this location for
another cycle time test.
Test Reason Code
Element Name: TestReasonCode
Report the purpose of the test using the appropriate code from Table 3.

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2.2.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Cycle Time Test

Table 3
Cycle Time Test Reason Codes and Descriptions



Initial Certification





Test Description
Element Name: TestDescription
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to cycle time tests.
Test Result Code
Element Name: TestResultCode
Report the appropriate code from Table 4 below to indicate the result of the test.

Table 4
Cycle Time Test Result Codes and Descriptions



Test was aborted due to a problem with the monitor.


Test was failed.


Test was passed.

Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Report the begin date of the first injection in the test.
Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Report the begin hour of the first injection in the test.
Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Report the begin minute of the first injection in the test.

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2.2.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Cycle Time Test

June 17, 2009

End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the end date of the last injection in the test.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the end hour of the last injection in the test.
End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Report the end minute of the last injection in the test.
Grace Period Indicator
Element Name: GracePeriodIndicator
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to cycle time tests.
Element Name: Year
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to cycle time tests.
Element Name: Quarter
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to cycle time tests.
Test Comment
Element Name: TestComment
Report a comment regarding the test if desired.

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2.2.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Cycle Time Test

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2.2.2 Cycle Time Summary Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 7

Use the following instructions for completing each element of the CYCLE TIME SUMMARY DATA
Total Time
Element Name: TotalTime
Report the longer of the upscale and downscale cycle times as the total cycle time. If timesharing is used, identify the longest component cycle time obtained for the time-shared analyzer.
Add these longest component cycle times together and then add an appropriate amount of time
(as determined by the CEMS manufacturer) to account for all purge cycles at the different probe
locations, to obtain the total cycle time.

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2.2.3 Cycle Time Summary Data

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2.2.3 Cycle Time Injection Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 8

Use the following instructions for completing each element of the CYCLE TIME INJECTION DATA
Gas Level Code
Element Name: GasLevelCode
Report the gas level code as "HIGH" if this record reports the upscale response of an analyzer
(i.e., from stack emissions to the high-level calibration gas). If this record reports the downscale
response (i.e., from stack emissions to the zero-level calibration gas), report the calibration gas
level as "ZERO."
Calibration Gas Value
Element Name: CalibrationGasValue
Report the certified value of the calibration gas used for the cycle time test.

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2.2.3 Cycle Time Injection Data

Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Report the date when the test began.
Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Report the hour when the test began.
Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Report the minute when the test began. This is the point at which the calibration gas was
injected after attaining stable stack emissions (i.e., point B in Figure 6a or 6b (as applicable) in
Section 6.4 of Part 75, Appendix A).
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the date on which the test ended.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the hour when the test ended.
End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Report the minute when the test ended. This is the point at which 95 percent of the step change
between the starting stable stack emissions and the ending stable calibration gas value was
achieved (i.e., point C in Figure 6a or 6b (as applicable) in Section 6.4 of Part 75, Appendix A).
Injection Cycle Time
Element Name: InjectionCycleTime
Report the upscale or downscale cycle time (as appropriate) for this injection.
Begin Monitor Value
Element Name: BeginMonitorValue
Report the stable analyzer response to the stack emissions at the beginning of the cycle time test
(i.e., point A in Figure 6a or 6b (as applicable) in Part 75, Appendix A).

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2.2.3 Cycle Time Injection Data

June 17, 2009

End Monitor Value
Element Name: EndMonitorValue
Report the final, stable analyzer response to the calibration gas (i.e., point D in Figure 6a or 6b
(as applicable) in Part 75, Appendix A).

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2.2.3 Cycle Time Injection Data

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2.3 Linearity Checks

June 17, 2009

2.3 Linearity Checks
Figure 9
Linearity Checks XML Structure

Include one
Linearity Summary
Data record for each
gas level (H, M, L)
of the linearity check
Include one Linearity
Injection Data record
for each gas injection
of the gas level tested

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2.3 Linearity Checks

Description of Data
Report all linearity checks performed for initial certification, recertification, ongoing quality
assurance, or diagnostic purposes using the TEST SUMMARY DATA, LINEARITY SUMMARY DATA,
and LINEARITY INJECTION DATA records. Submit one TEST SUMMARY DATA record for each
linearity check. Include a separate LINEARITY SUMMARY DATA record for each gas level (low,
mid, and high), to report the calculated results for each level. Each LINEARITY SUMMARY DATA
record will include multiple LINEARITY INJECTION DATA records, (one for each calibration gas
injection performed at the gas level for that LINEARITY SUMMARY DATA record). The LINEARITY
INJECTION DATA record is used to report the reference and measured value of each calibration
gas injection.
For a completed linearity check, there will generally be nine LINEARITY INJECTION DATA records
and three corresponding LINEARITY SUMMARY DATA records. However, if a State agency
requires more than the nine EPA-required gas injections for the purposes of their QA program,
you may (optional) report all of the injections using the same test number, although EPA prefers
that you report only the last three injections at each gas level. If more than nine injections are
reported, calculate and report results in the LINEARITY SUMMARY DATA records using only the
last three injections at each gas level. EPA will evaluate only the last three injections at each
level, as indicated by the date and time of the injections. Additional injections will be
disregarded in the Agency's recalculation of the test results.
Specific Considerations
General Requirements for Linearity Checks
● Linearity checks must be performed with the unit in operation.
● Linearity checks are required for the initial certification of all gas monitors.
● Linearity checks are reported on a component basis. Except as noted below for dualrange analyzers. They need only be reported once per component (and range), even if
that component is shared among multiple systems. For example, only one linearity check
need be reported for a CO2 monitor that is a component of both a CO2 monitoring system
and a NOx-diluent monitoring system.
● Gas injections must be performed such that two gas injections are never performed
successively at the same level (i.e., low, mid, or high) during the test.
● Linearity checks are not required for an SO2 or NOx analyzer with a span value of
30 ppm or less. A TEST EXTENSION EXEMPTION DATA record is not required to claim
this exemption.
● Linearity checks for the two ranges of a dual-range analyzer are reported as separate
tests, even if both ranges of the analyzer are identified by a single Component ID.
● If gas monitors are configured such that injection of calibration gases forces all of the
analyzers into the calibration mode, when performing a linearity check on one monitor
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2.3 Linearity Checks

June 17, 2009

this may (e.g., if using tri-blend calibration gases) initiate simultaneous (unscheduled)
linearity checks of the other analyzers. The results of these unscheduled linearity checks
do not have to be reported as long as they meet the linearity error specifications.
However, if the results of these unscheduled tests indicate that a monitoring system is
out-of-control, the results must be reported and the test considered a failed linearity
Linearity Checks for Year-Round Reporters
● If reporting data on a year-round basis, a linearity check of each gas monitor is required
for routine quality assurance in each QA operating quarter (i.e., a calendar quarter with >
168 unit or stack operating hours).
● Limited linearity check exemptions are allowed for "non-QA operating quarters" with
< 168 unit or stack operating hours. However, at least one linearity check is required
every four calendar quarters, regardless of the number of unit or stack operating hours.
● If a required linearity check is not completed by the end of the quarter in which it is due,
a 168 unit/stack operating hour grace period is allowed to perform the test. A TEST
EXTENSION EXEMPTION DATA record is not needed to claim the exemption.
● For dual-range analyzers, you may claim limited linearity check exemptions (up to three
consecutive calendar quarters) on a monitor range that is not used at all during the
quarter. You must report TEST EXTENSION EXEMPTION DATA records to claim these
Linearity Checks for Ozone Season-Only Reporters
● For Subpart H units or stacks that report NOx mass emissions and heat input data only in
the ozone season, a successful linearity check of each component of the primary or
redundant backup CEMS is required prior to each ozone season. The linearities are to be
completed no later than April 30 in the second-quarter and by July 30 in the third-quarter
(see §75.74(c)(3)(ii)).
● The "QA operating quarter" methodology for determining the frequency of linearity
checks does not apply to ozone season-only reporters. For these sources, linearity checks
are required in April and July (see §75.74(c)(3)(ii)).
● The grace period provisions in Section 2.2.4 of Appendix B also do not apply to ozone
season-only reporters. Instead, a 168 unit (or stack) operating hour conditional data
validation period may be used to perform a linearity check that is not completed by the
April 30 or July 30 deadline (see §75.74(c)(2)(ii)(F), (c)(3)(xi), and (c)(3)(xii)). You
must submit a QA CERTIFICATION EVENT DATA record to document the required
probationary calibration error and conditional data validation period.

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2.3 Linearity Checks

Aborted, Abbreviated, or Discontinued Linearity Checks
● Report all completed and aborted linearity checks that affect data validation. However,
for ozone season-only reporters, an aborted or failed pre-ozone season (April) linearity
check need not be reported if a subsequent linearity check is passed prior to the start of
the current ozone season.
● An aborted test must be reported and is to be treated as a failed test whenever the test is
discontinued due to a monitor failure or malfunction. Do not report, or treat as a failed
test, a linearity check that is discontinued because of a failure unrelated to instrument
performance, such as a power outage, unit outage, or calibration gas problem. The data
and results of such tests are simply documented in the test log and kept on-site. Also, do
not report the results of trial gas injections that are part of the process of optimizing the
performance of a monitor, when the injections meet the acceptance criteria in
§75.20(b)(3)(vii)(E). Furthermore, for a monitor that is already "out-of-control" due to a
failed or aborted linearity check, do not report the results of any subsequent gas injection
attempts that do not meet the acceptance criteria in §75.20(b)(3)(vii)(E).
● If you perform a three-injection "abbreviated" linearity check as a diagnostic (refer to the
Part 75 Emissions Monitoring Policy Manual), do not report the results of this test
electronically. Keep the data and test results on-site, in a format suitable for audit and

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2.3.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Linearity

June 17, 2009

2.3.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Linearity
Use the following instructions for completing each element of the TEST SUMMARY DATA section
for the linearity check.
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitID or StackPipeID
Report the Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID that corresponds to the location of the analyzer.
Test Type Code
Element Name: TestTypeCode
Report the test type code as "LINE."
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to linearity checks.
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
Report the three-character Component ID assigned to the analyzer.
Span Scale Code
Element Name: SpanScaleCode
Report the range of the component tested as "H" for high or "L" for low. For single-range
analyzers, report the range as "H" unless you are using the default high-range option, in which
case report the range as "L."
Test Number
Element Name: TestNumber
At each monitoring location and for each test type, report a unique test number for each set of
records which comprises a single test. One method of tracking unique test numbers is to use the
Component ID as a prefix to the number. The test number may not be reused at this location for
another linearity check of the same monitoring component.
Test Reason Code
Element Name: TestReasonCode
Report the purpose of the test using the appropriate code from Table 5. If the test is both a
periodic quality assurance test and a recertification test, report that the test is a recertification
test. If the test is both a periodic quality assurance test and a diagnostic test, report that the test is
a periodic quality assurance test. If this is a periodic quality assurance test performed in grace

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2.3.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Linearity

period, report that the test is a periodic quality assurance test (QA), and report "1" for the Grace
Period Indicator field.

Table 5
Linearity Test Reason Codes and Descriptions



Initial Certification




Periodic Quality Assurance



Test Description
Element Name: TestDescription
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to linearity checks.
Test Result Code
Element Name: TestResultCode
Report the appropriate code from Table 6 below to indicate the result of the test.

Table 6
Linearity Test Result Codes and Descriptions



Test was aborted due to problems with the installed monitoring system.*


Test was failed.


Test was passed and the alternate performance specification was not used.


Test was passed using the alternative performance specification.

* If aborted due to problems with the reference method equipment, do not report the test.

Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Report the date of the first injection in the test.

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2.3.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Linearity

June 17, 2009

Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Report the hour of the first injection in the test.
Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Report the minute of the first injection in the test.
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the date of the last injection in the test.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the hour of the last injection in the test.
End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Report the minute of the last injection in the test.
Grace Period Indicator
Element Name: GracePeriodIndicator
Report "1" if the test was performed during a grace period, or "0" if the test was performed
during the normally accepted time period.
Element Name: Year
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to linearity checks.
Element Name: Quarter
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to linearity checks.
Test Comment
Element Name: TestComment
Report a comment regarding the test if desired.

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2.3.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Linearity

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2.3.2 Linearity Summary Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 10

Use the following instructions for completing each element of the LINEARITY SUMMARY DATA
Gas Level Code
Element Name: GasLevelCode
Report one of the calibration gas level codes with the gas injection as shown in Table 7. For
high-level injections the calibration gas concentration must be 80 to 100 percent of the span, for
mid-level, 50 to 60 percent of span; and for low-level, 20 to 30 percent of span.

Table 7
Linearity Gas Level Codes and Descriptions



Low Level


Mid Level


High Level

Mean Measured Value
Element Name: MeanMeasuredValue
Calculate and report the mean or average of the measured values for the specified calibration gas
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2.3.2 Linearity Summary Data

Mean Reference Value
Element Name: MeanReferenceValue
Calculate and report the mean or average of the reference values for the specified calibration gas
Percent Error
Element Name: PercentError
For the linearity checks, calculate and report the percent error (LE) using Equation A-4 of Part
75, Appendix A Section 7.1. Alternatively, report the absolute value of the difference (|R - A|)
as provided in Part 75, Appendix A, Section 3.2.
Report the percent error if the test meets the standard performance specification, even if the test
also meets the alternative performance specification. Only when the result does not pass the
standard specification, but meets the alternative specification, is the absolute value of the
difference reported. Report the percent error value if the test fails both specifications.
APS Indicator
Element Name: APSIndicator
Report a "1" if you are reporting the results as the absolute value of the difference. Report a "0"
if you are reporting the results as the percent error.

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2.3.3 Linearity Injection Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 11

Use the following instructions for completing each element of the LINEARITY INJECTION DATA
Injection Date
Element Name: InjectionDate
Report the date on which the gas injection was performed. Because gas injections are sequential
and cannot be simultaneous, the time of each gas injection in the test must be unique. Gas
injections at each level must be performed such that two gas injections are never performed
successively at the same level (low, mid, or high) during in the test.
Injection Hour
Element Name: InjectionHour
Report the hour when the gas injection was completed.
Injection Minute
Element Name: InjectionMinute
Report the minute when the gas injection was completed.
Measured Value
Element Name: MeasuredValue
Report the instrument measurement value in units of ppm for NOx and SO2, percent CO2 for
carbon dioxide, and percent O2 for oxygen. The value should be rounded to the number of
decimal places required for hourly measured data reported in the hourly data (i.e., one decimal

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2.3.3 Linearity Injection Data

Reference Value
Element Name: ReferenceValue
Report the certified value of the reference calibration gas for each injection. The reference value
must be in units of ppm for NOx and SO2, percent CO2 for carbon dioxide, and percent O2 for

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2.4 Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA)

June 17, 2009

2.4 Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA)
Figure 12a
RATA Test XML Structure

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2.4 Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA)

Figure 12b
Additional RATA XML Elements for Flow RATAs
(Methods 2F and 2G, and Method 2 using Method 2H Wall Effect Measurements)

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2.4 Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA)

June 17, 2009

Description of Data
Report all RATAs performed for initial certification, recertification, ongoing quality assurance,
or diagnostic purposes using TEST SUMMARY DATA, RATA DATA, RATA SUMMARY DATA, and
RATA RUN DATA records. Use the RATA RUN DATA record to report the measured data for
each test run. The RATA SUMMARY DATA record is used to report the calculated results and
statistical information for the RATA at the tested operating level. You must include a RATA
SUMMARY DATA record for each operating level tested to satisfy the RATA testing requirement.
Use the RATA DATA record to report the number of load levels that make up the RATA test and
the overall results of the test (i.e., relative accuracy, bias adjustment factor, and RATA test
frequency). There should be a single RATA DATA record for each RATA test.
Only one RATA SUMMARY DATA record (along with its associated RATA RUN DATA records) is
reported for a RATA of a gas or moisture monitoring system. Up to three RATA SUMMARY
DATA records (along with their associated RATA RUN DATA records) are reported for a RATA
of a flow monitoring system, depending upon whether the test was performed at one, two, or
three operating levels. There should be a minimum of nine RATA RUN DATA records reported
for each operating level, unless the RATA was aborted.
In addition to the records listed above, the following records must be reported in certain
● Report FLOW RATA RUN DATA records and RATA TRAVERSE DATA records for RATAs
of flow monitoring systems in which:
-- Method 2F or 2G is used; or
-- Method 2 is used, and a calculated wall effects adjustment factor is determined by
direct measurement using Method 2H.
For Method 2F and 2G RATAs, report a FLOW RATA RUN DATA record for each run
used to calculate relative accuracy (i.e., Run Status Code is equal to "RUNUSED" in
the RATA RUN DATA record).
For Method 2 RATAs using Method 2H to derive a measured wall effects adjustment
factor, report a FLOW RATA RUN DATA record for the run (or runs) used to calculate
the wall effects adjustment factor.
With each FLOW RATA RUN DATA record, report a RATA TRAVERSE DATA record
for each Method 1 traverse point in the run. There should be a minimum of twelve
RATA TRAVERSE DATA records reported for each run. However, a minimum of
sixteen records is required for circular stacks using a calculated wall effects
adjustment factor.

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June 17, 2009

2.4 Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA)

● Report a TEST QUALIFICATION DATA record to claim an exception from the usual testing
requirements. Additional details are provided in the TEST QUALIFICATION DATA record.
There are three types of claims for which this record is appropriate:
1. Single-load Flow RATA claim. For locations that have an installed stack flow
monitor and operate primarily at a single operating level (in accordance with Part 75,
Appendix B Section, include this claim with each flow RATA to
indicate the supporting load operation percentages.
2. Exception from Normal Load requirement for pollutant system. For unusual
situations in which a single-level RATA could not be performed at the normal
operating level, include this claim if the RATA was performed at a different operating
level. You must receive specific EPA approval to qualify for this exception.
3. Exception from Normal Load requirement for flow system. For unusual
situations in which a multi-level flow RATA could not be performed when the unit
was operating at normal load ranges, include this claim if the load ranges of the
operating levels tested deviated from the values reported in the MONITORING LOAD
DATA record for the unit or stack. You must receive specific EPA approval to qualify
for this exception.
Specific Considerations
General Requirements
● RATAs are performed and reported only on a system basis. For example, the RATA for
a NOx-diluent monitoring system must be performed on a lb/mmBtu basis, and not on an
individual component basis.
● Gas monitor RATAs are always single-load tests, performed at the designated normal
load. If two normal loads are defined in the monitoring plan, the test may be done at
either load level.
● Flow RATAs are generally required to be performed at three operating levels (low, mid,
and high) for initial certification and recertification. For ongoing QA tests, the RATAs
are generally done at the two most frequently-used operating levels, although a three-load
test is required at least once every five years (20 calendar quarters), and whenever the
flow monitor polynomial constants or K-factors are changed. Note the following
-- For flow monitors installed on peaking units and bypass stacks, only single-load flow
RATAs are required.
-- Some units have approved petitions to perform tests at fewer than the standard
number of load levels. If the exemption from the standard requirement is ongoing,
this information should be reported in the MONITOR QUALIFICATION DATA record in
the monitoring plan. If the exemption is test-specific, such as a single-load claim
based on operating for ≥ 85.0 percent of the time at a single load since the previous
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2.4 Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA)

June 17, 2009

annual flow RATA, this information should be reported in a TEST QUALIFICATION
DATA record.
Aborted or Discontinued RATAs
● Report the results of all completed and aborted RATAs which affect data validation.
However, for ozone season-only reporters, an aborted or failed pre-ozone season RATA
need not be reported if a subsequent RATA is passed prior to the start of the current
ozone season.
● An aborted RATA is treated as a failed test if the RATA is discontinued due to a monitor
system failure, and the results must be reported. It is not necessary to report, or to treat as
a failed test, a RATA which is discontinued because of a failure which is unrelated to
instrument performance, such as a power outage, unit outage, unit stability problems, or
reference method failure.
● Also do not report the results of trial RATA runs that are part of the process of
optimizing the performance of a monitor, when the injections meet the acceptance criteria
in §75.20(b)(3)(vii)(E). For trial runs that do not affect data validation, document the
results as part of the official test log and maintain records on-site (or at an alternative
location known to the regulatory agency, if on-site storage is not feasible).
RATA Deadlines
● For units or stacks reporting data on a year-round basis, for routine quality assurance, a
RATA of each primary or redundant backup CEMS is required either semiannually (i.e.,
once every two QA operating quarters) or annually (i.e., once every four QA operating
quarters), depending on the relative accuracy percentage obtained in the previous RATA.
However, a RATA is required once every eight calendar quarters, regardless of how
many QA operating quarters have elapsed since the last test.
● For a non-redundant backup monitoring system, a RATA is required only once every
eight quarters, unless it is used at a particular unit or stack location for more than 720
hours in a calendar year (see §75.20(d)). To claim this exemption, report the appropriate
● Part 75 also allows extensions of SO2 RATA deadlines based on the type of fuel
combusted during the quarter and provides conditional RATA exemptions in certain
instances. Use the TEST EXTENSION EXEMPTION DATA records to report these claims.
(See the TEST EXTENSION EXEMPTION DATA instructions for details.)
● If a required RATA is not completed by the end of the quarter in which it is due, a 720
unit/stack operating hour grace period is allowed to perform the test. A TEST EXTENSION
EXEMPTION DATA record is not needed to claim the exemption.
● For units or stacks reporting data only in the ozone season, a successful RATA of each
primary and redundant backup CEMS is required prior to each ozone season. The RATA
is to be completed no later than April 30 each year in either the first or second calendar
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2.4 Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA)

quarter, but no later than April 30 (see §75.74(c)(2)(ii)). Note that the QA operating
quarter method of determining RATA deadlines and data validation status does not apply
to these units or stacks.
● The RATA grace period provisions in Section 2.3.3 of Appendix B also do not apply to
units or stacks reporting data only in the ozone season. However, a 720 unit (or stack)
operating hour conditional data validation period may be used to complete a RATA after
the April 30 deadline (see §75.74(c)(2)(ii)(F), (c)(3)(xi) and (c)(3)(xii)). You must
submit a QA CERTIFICATION EVENT DATA record to document the required probationary
calibration error and conditional data validation period.

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2.4.1 Test Summary Data Elements for RATA

June 17, 2009

2.4.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for RATA
Use the following instructions for completing each element of the TEST SUMMARY DATA section
for a RATA.
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitID or StackPipeID
Report the Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID that corresponds to the location of the monitoring system.
Test Type Code
Element Name: TestTypeCode
Report the test type code as "RATA."
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
Report the three-character Monitoring System ID assigned to the monitoring system.
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to RATAs.
Span Scale Code
Element Name: SpanScaleCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to RATAs.
Test Number
Element Name: TestNumber
Assign and report a test number to each set of relative accuracy runs which comprises a relative
accuracy test. For a multi-level flow RATA, all the low, mid, and high level runs (as applicable)
of the test in the RATA RUN DATA records and their corresponding RATA SUMMARY DATA
records are part of the same test.
Test Reason Code
Element Name: TestReasonCode
Report the purpose of the test using the appropriate code from Table 8. If the test is both a
periodic quality assurance test and a recertification test, report that the test is a recertification
test. If the test is both a periodic quality assurance test and a diagnostic test, report that the test is
a periodic quality assurance test. If this is a periodic quality assurance test performed in grace
period, report that the test is a periodic quality assurance test (QA), and report "1" for the Grace
Period Indicator field.

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2.4.1 Test Summary Data Elements for RATA

Table 8
RATA Test Reason Codes and Descriptions



Initial Certification




Periodic Quality Assurance



Test Description
Element Name: TestDescription
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to RATAs.
Test Result Code
Element Name: TestResultCode
Report the appropriate code from Table 9 below to indicate the result of the test.

Table 9
RATA Test Result Codes and Descriptions



Test was aborted due to problems with the installed monitoring system.*


Test was failed.


Test was passed and the alternate performance specification was not used.


Test was passed using the alternative performance specification.

* If aborted due to problems with the process or the reference method equipment, do not report the test.

Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Report the begin date of the first run in the test.
Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Report the begin hour of the first run in the test.

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2.4.1 Test Summary Data Elements for RATA

June 17, 2009

Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Report the begin minute of the first run in the test.
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the end date of the last run in the test.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the end hour of the last run in the test.
End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Report the end minute of the last run in the test.
Grace Period Indicator
Element Name: GracePeriodIndicator
Report "1" if the test was performed during a grace period, and "0" if the test was performed
during the normally accepted time period.
Element Name: Year
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to RATAs.
Element Name: Quarter
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to RATAs.
Test Comment
Element Name: TestComment
Report any comments regarding the test. Additionally, for tests conducted after January 1, 2009,
EPA encourages use of this field to report the name of the stack testing company, the lead tester,
and whether testing was conducted in accordance with ASTM D7036.

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2.4.1 Test Summary Data Elements for RATA

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2.4.2 RATA Data

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Figure 13

RATA DATA Elements
Instructions for completing each element of the RATA DATA record are provided below.
Number of Load Levels
Element Name: NumberOfLoadLevels
Report the number of operating level tests which are required for a successful RATA. For
RATAs of gas and moisture systems, report "1." For flow RATAs, report "1," "2," or "3," as
Relative Accuracy
Element Name: RelativeAccuracy
Report the result of the relative accuracy test, as required and defined for the appropriate test
method and in Part 75, Appendix A. For multi-level flow RATAs, report the highest relative
accuracy at all tested operating levels. Leave this field blank for a RATA that is aborted prior to
completion, due to a problem with the monitoring system.
RATA Frequency Code
Element Name: RATAFrequencyCode
For year-round reporters, report the frequency code from Table 10 below that identifies when a
RATA performed for initial certification, recertification, or routine QA expires and the next test
is due. For primary and redundant backup CEMS, the test frequency is based on the relative
accuracy percentage obtained, or, if necessary, on the alternative performance specification. If
the test qualifies for a reduced (i.e., annual) RATA frequency as provided in Part 75, Appendix
B, Section, report 4QTRS. If the RATA passes but does not qualify for annual
frequency, then the standard (semiannual) test frequency applies; in that case, report 2QTRS. If
a single load flow RATA is conducted as the required semi-annual test, report ALTSL. For nonEnvironmental Protection Agency

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2.4.2 RATA Data

redundant backup systems, if the RATA passes, report 8QTRS. For ozone season-only reports,
report OS.

Table 10
RATA Frequency Codes and Descriptions



Two QA Operating Quarters


Four QA Operating Quarters


Eight Calendar Quarters (applies to non-redundant backup systems only)


Alternating Single Load RATA for Flow


Ozone Season-Only

Leave this field blank if the RATA failed.
Overall Bias Adjustment Factor
Element Name: OverallBiasAdjustmentFactor
Report the overall bias adjustment factor (BAF) for the system determined from the RATA data.
For the RATA of a moisture, CO2 or O2 monitoring system, the BAF will always be 1.000.
For a single-level RATA, report the BAF calculated at the tested operating level. For a multilevel flow RATA, report 1.000 only if the bias test is passed (i.e., the BAF was calculated as
1.000) at all normal operating levels. (A unit or stack may have one or two operating levels
designated as normal in the MONITORING LOAD DATA record.) If the bias test failed at any
normal operating level, report the higher of the BAFs that were calculated at the two most
frequently used operating levels, as designated in the MONITORING LOAD DATA record. (See
Section and Section 7.6.5(c) of Appendix A to Part 75.)
Leave this field blank if the RATA failed.

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2.4.3 RATA Summary Data

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Figure 14

Instructions for completing each element of the RATA SUMMARY DATA record are provided

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2.4.3 RATA Summary Data

Operating Level Code
Element Name: OperatingLevelCode
Report the appropriate operating level code for the set of runs summarized by this RATA
summary record, as shown in Table 11.

Table 11
RATA Operating Level Codes and Descriptions









Normal (for peaking units only)

Average Gross Unit Load (or Average Velocity at Operating Level)
Element Name: AverageGrossUnitLoad
Report the average gross unit load in megawatts or steam load for all runs used in the relative
accuracy calculation for this load level for load-based units. For units that do not produce
electrical or steam load report the average velocity in ft/sec at the tested operating level (see
RATA RUN DATA record and GROSS UNIT LOAD DATA record instructions).
Reference Method Code
Element Name: ReferenceMethodCode
Report the primary reference method(s) used to determine relative accuracy, using the codes
Gas Monitoring System Reference Methods
● For gas monitoring systems use the following codes shown in Table 12.
Table 12
Reference Method Codes for Gas System RATAs
System Type


Commonly Used RATA Method(s)


CO2 or O2 Monitoring System RATA Using RM 3


CO2 or O2 Monitoring System RATA Using RM 3A


CO2 or O2 Monitoring System RATA Using RM 3B

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2.4.3 RATA Summary Data

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Table 12
Reference Method Codes for Gas System RATAs (cont.)
System Type


Commonly Used RATA Method(s)



Moisture Monitoring System RATA Using RM 4



NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 20* and RM 3


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 20* and RM 3A


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 20* and RM 3B


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7 and RM 3


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7 and RM 3A


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7 and RM 3B


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7A and RM 3


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7A and RM 3A


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7A and RM 3B


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7C and RM 3


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7C and RM 3A


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7C and RM 3B


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7D and RM 3A


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7D and RM 3B


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7E and RM 3


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7E and RM 3A


NOx-diluent Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7E and RM 3B


NOXC Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7


NOXC Monitoring System RATA Using RM 20*


NOXC Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7A


NOXC Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7C


NOXC Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7D


NOXC Monitoring System RATA Using RM 7E


SO2 Monitoring System RATA Using RM 6


SO2 Monitoring System RATA Using RM 6A


SO2 Monitoring System RATA Using RM 6C




* Methods 6C, 7E, and 3A are instrumental test methods, and are the methods of choice for Part 75 RATAs.
Other wet chemistry reference methods (i.e., Methods 3, 3B, 6, 6A, 7, 7C, and 7D) are allowed under §75.22.
However, wet chemistry methods are seldom, if ever, used, for practical reasons. Note also that Method 20 will
no longer be available after January 1, 2009 for Part 75 applications.

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2.4.3 RATA Summary Data

● For flow RATAs use the following codes shown in Table 13 (no other codes are

Table 13
Reference Method Codes for Flow RATAs

Commonly Used RATA Method(s)


Method 2, without Wall Effects Adjustment


Method 2, with Measured Method 2H Wall Effects Adjustment


Method 2, with Default Method 2H Wall Effects Adjustment


Method 2F, without Wall Effects Adjustment


Method 2G, without Wall Effects Adjustment


Method 2F, with Method 2H Wall Effects Adjustment (either measured or default)


Method 2G, with Method 2H Wall Effects Adjustment (either measured or default)


Method 2, with Wall Effects Adjustment Factor (WAF) (either measured or default)
from Conditional Test Method CTM-041


Method 2F, with WAF (either measured or default) from Conditional Test Method


Method 2G, with WAF (either measured or default) from Conditional Test Method

Mean CEM Value
Element Name: MeanCEMValue
Report the arithmetic mean of CEMS values for the operating level.
Mean RATA Reference Value
Element Name: MeanRATAReferenceValue
Report the arithmetic mean of reference method values for the operating level.
Mean Difference
Element Name: MeanDifference
Report the arithmetic mean of the difference data for the operating level.
Standard Deviation Difference
Element Name: StandardDeviationDifference
Report the standard deviation of difference data for the operating level.

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2.4.3 RATA Summary Data

June 17, 2009

Confidence Coefficient
Element Name: ConfidenceCoefficient
Report the confidence coefficient value for the operating level.
T Value
Element Name: TValue
Report the tabulated T-value for the operating level.
Alternative Performance Specification (APS) Indicator
Element Name: APSIndicator
Report "0" when the result for the operating level was based on relative accuracy as a percentage
of the mean of the reference method (RM) value. Use this standard performance specification if
it produces a passing result, or if both the standard and alternative specifications are failed.
Report a "1" when the result was determined by taking the absolute value of the difference
between the RM and CEM mean values. Use this APS only if the standard performance
specification is not met and the APS is met.
Relative Accuracy
Element Name: RelativeAccuracy
Report the relative accuracy, as required and defined for the appropriate test method and in Part
75, Appendix A.
Bias Adjustment Factor
Element Name: BiasAdjustmentFactor
Report the bias adjustment factor (BAF) at each operating level tested for each passing RATA,
as described below:
● For RATAs of CO2, O2, or H2O monitoring systems, always report a BAF of 1.000, since
a bias test is not required for these systems.
● For RATAs of SO2, NOx, and flow monitoring systems, report 1.000 in this field if the
bias test at this level passed and report the calculated BAF if the bias test at this level
● For a unit that qualifies as a low emitter of SO2 or NOx (see Appendix B to Part 75,
Section, paragraphs (e) and (f)), if the calculated BAF exceeds 1.111, either the
calculated BAF or a default value of 1.111 may be reported as the bias adjustment factor,
or report the BAF that will actually be applied to the SO2 or NOx emissions data. That is,
report either the calculated BAF or a default BAF of 1.111, whichever will be used in the
emission calculations (see Section 7.6.5 of Appendix A to Part 75).

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2.4.3 RATA Summary Data

Leave this field blank if the operating level did not meet the relative accuracy performance
CO2 or O2 Reference Method Code
Element Name: CO2OrO2ReferenceMethodCode
For flow RATAs with reference method codes 2F, 2FH, 2FJ, 2G, 2GH, 2GJ, and M2H, report
the reference method ("3" or "3A") that was used to measure the diluent gas concentrations of
CO2 and O2 in the stack gas.
Leave this field blank for all other RATAs that do not use the above listed reference methods.
Stack Diameter
Element Name: StackDiameter
For flow RATAs with reference method codes 2F, 2FH, 2FJ, 2G, 2GH, 2GJ, and M2H, report
the stack diameter in feet at the test port location. For rectangular stacks or ducts, report the
equivalent diameter, calculated as follows: determine the actual cross-sectional area of the
rectangular duct, in ft2; set this area equal to the area of a circle, (1/4 π d2); and solve for "d," the
equivalent circular diameter (ft).
Leave this field blank for all other RATAs that do not use the above listed reference methods.
Stack Area
Element Name: StackArea
For flow RATAs with reference method codes 2F, 2FH, 2FJ, 2G, 2GH, 2GJ, and M2H, report
the cross-sectional area of the stack or duct in square feet at the test port location. For a
rectangular stack or duct, report the actual cross-sectional area. Do not adjust the area for wall
Leave this field blank for all other RATAs that do not use the above listed reference methods.
Number of Traverse Points
Element Name: NumberOfTraversePoints
For flow RATAs with reference method code 2J, report the number of Method 1 traverse points
used for the test run. The number of Method 1 traverse points reported in this field must equal
the value reported in the RECTANGULAR DUCT WAF DATA record in the Monitoring Plan.
For other reference methods, leave this field blank.
Calculated (or Rectangular Duct) WAF
Element Name: CalculatedWAF
For flow RATAs at circular stacks or ducts, where reference method code 2FH, 2GH, or M2H is
used and wall effects measurements are made, report the value of the calculated wall effects
adjustment factor (WAF) applied to the runs of this RATA. The term "WAF" is defined in
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2.4.3 RATA Summary Data

June 17, 2009

Sections 12.2, 12.7.1, and 12.7.2 of Method 2H as "the wall effects adjustment factor that is
applied to the average velocity, unadjusted for wall effects, in order to obtain the final wall
effects-adjusted stack gas velocity. . ." The value of the WAF that is used to adjust the stack gas
velocity may either be based on a single run or may be the arithmetic average of multiple WAF
Note the following instances in which the calculated WAF must be adjusted upward before using
● If a calculated WAF is less than 0.9800 and was derived from a partial wall effects
traverse (according to Section 8.2.2 of Method 2H), adjust the WAF value upward to
0.9800; and
● If a calculated WAF is less than 0.9700 and was derived from a complete wall effects
traverse (according to Section 8.2.3 of Method 2H), adjust the WAF value upward to
For flow RATAs at circular stacks or ducts where reference method code 2FH or 2GH is used,
leave this field blank if a default WAF is being applied to the runs of this RATA.
For flow RATAs at rectangular stacks or ducts, where reference method code 2FJ, 2GJ, or 2J is
used, report to four decimal places the WAF (either measured or default) that is being applied to
all runs of this RATA. The WAF reported in this field must equal the WAF reported in the
RECTANGULAR DUCT WAF DATA record in the Monitoring Plan.
For all other flow reference methods codes (i.e., 2, 2F, 2G, D2H) and all other non-flow
reference methods, leave this field blank.
Default WAF
Element Name: DefaultWAF
If a default WAF is applied to this test run and to all of the other runs of this RATA and flow
RATA reference method code 2FH, 2GH, or D2H is used, report the appropriate WAF value
from Method 2H. Report a default WAF of 0.9900 for brick and mortar stacks and 0.9950 for all
other stacks.
For flow RATAs with reference method codes 2FH and 2GH, leave this field blank if a
calculated WAF was applied to the runs of this RATA.
For all other flow reference method codes (i.e., 2, M2H, 2F, 2G, 2J, 2FJ, 2GJ) and all other nonflow reference methods, leave this field blank.

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2.4.3 RATA Summary Data

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2.4.4 RATA Run Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 15

Instructions for completing each element of the RATA RUN DATA record are provided below.
Run Number
Element Name: RunNumber
Assign and report a run number to each measurement, beginning with the number "1" for each
operating level. Because all runs must be reported whether or not they are used to calculate the
relative accuracy test, run numbers must be consecutive and in chronological order. Do not skip
a run number.
Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Report the date on which the run began.

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2.4.4 RATA Run Data

Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Report the hour, on the run begin date, in which the run began. Run times must not overlap.
Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Report the minute, during the run begin hour, in which the run began. Run times must not
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the date on which the run ended.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the hour, on the run end date, in which the run ended. Run times must not overlap.
End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Report the minute, during the run end hour, in which the run ended. Run times must not overlap.
CEM Value
Element Name: CEMValue
Report the measured value from the monitoring system being tested in the appropriate units for
the run. Report these values to the same precision as is required for hourly data (i.e., to the
nearest 0.1 ppm; 0.1% CO2, O2, or H2O; 0.001 lb/mmBtu; or 1000 scfh, as applicable). For flow
monitors installed on rectangular stacks or ducts, if using Conditional Test Method CTM-041 to
apply a correction for wall effects, the reference method and flow monitor run values reported in
RATA RUN DATA will be wall effects-adjusted flow rates.
RATA Reference Value
Element Name: RATAReferenceValue
Report the measured value from the reference method against which the monitoring system is
being compared. This value should reflect adjustment, as necessary, for moisture and/or
calibration bias. Also report these values to the same precision as required for hourly data. For
flow monitors installed on rectangular stacks or ducts, if using Conditional Test Method CTM041 to apply a correction for wall effects, the reference method values reported in RATA RUN
DATA will be the wall effects-adjusted flow rates.

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2.4.4 RATA Run Data

June 17, 2009

Gross Unit Load or Average Velocity at Operating Level
Element Name: GrossUnitLoad
Report the load level in megawatts or steam load during each RATA run for load-based units.
The units for this value should be consistent with the units used to define load levels in the
MONITORING LOAD DATA record of the monitoring plan.
For units that do not produce electrical or steam load (e.g., cement kilns, refinery process heaters,
etc.), report the average stack gas velocity at the operating level being tested. To determine the
appropriate average velocity, first divide the range of operation (which is defined in the
MONITORING LOAD DATA record in terms of stack gas velocity) into low, mid, and high
operating levels, as described in Section of Appendix A. Then, report the velocity at
the midpoint of the tested level for each of the RATA runs (e.g., if the RATA is done at the
"high" operating level and the high level extends from 40 to 60 ft/sec, report 50 ft/sec as the
average velocity for each RATA run).
Run Status Code
Element Name: RunStatusCode
Report whether the run data were used to determine relative accuracy using one of the codes as
shown in Table 14.

Table 14
Run Status Codes and Descriptions



Run Not Used in RATA Calculation


Run Used in RATA Calculation

At each operating level, a valid RATA must have a minimum of nine runs with a run status of
"RUNUSED" and a maximum of three runs with a run status of "NOTUSED."

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2.4.4 RATA Run Data

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2.4.5 Flow RATA Run Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 16

Instructions for completing each element of the FLOW RATA RUN DATA record are provided
Number of Traverse Points
Element Name: NumberOfTraversePoints
Report the number of Method 1 traverse points used for the test run.
Barometric Pressure
Element Name: BarometricPressure
Report the barometric pressure, in inches of mercury, for the test run.

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2.4.5 Flow RATA Run Data

Stack Static Pressure
Element Name: StaticStackPressure
Report Pg, stack static pressure, in inches of water, for the run. If Pg is negative, include the
minus sign.
Percent CO2
Element Name: PercentCO2
Report the dry basis percent CO2 in the stack gas for the test run.
Percent O2
Element Name: PercentO2
Report the dry basis percent O2 in the stack gas for the test run.
Percent Moisture
Element Name: PercentMoisture
Report the stack gas moisture percentage for the test run.
Dry Molecular Weight
Element Name: DryMolecularWeight
Report Md, molecular weight of the stack gas for the test run, on a dry basis. Use Equation 3-1
in Method 3 to calculate Md.
Wet Molecular Weight
Element Name: WetMolecularWeight
Report Ms molecular weight of the stack gas for the test run, on a wet basis. Use Equation 2-6 in
Method 2 to calculate Ms.
Average Velocity without Wall Effects
Element Name: AvgVelocityWithoutWallEffects
Report the average velocity for the test run in feet per second, without considering wall effects.
The calculated average run velocity is the arithmetic average of the calculated point velocities at
the Method 1 traverse points (i.e., the average of all of the velocity values reported for the
Calculated Velocity data element in the RATA TRAVERSE DATA record for this test run).
Average Velocity with Wall Effects
Element Name: AverageVelocityWithWallEffects
For a circular stack using reference method codes 2FH, 2GH, or M2H, report the average run
velocity, considering wall effects if a WAF is derived using the data from this test run. Calculate
this value using the appropriate point velocity values from the RATA TRAVERSE DATA record's

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2.4.5 Flow RATA Run Data

June 17, 2009

Calculated Velocity and Replacement Velocity data elements, in Equation 2H-17 of Method 2H.
Report this value even if you decide to apply a default WAF to all the runs of this RATA.
Leave this field blank for reference methods 2F, 2FJ, 2G, and 2GJ or if no WAF was calculated
from the data for this run.
Calculated Wall Effects Adjustment Factor (WAF)
Element Name: CalculatedWAF
For circular stacks using reference method codes 2FH, 2GH, or M2H, report the WAF if a WAF
is calculated using the data from this test run. Derive this value by dividing the adjusted velocity
value of the Average Velocity With Wall Effects by the unadjusted velocity value of the Avg
Velocity Without Wall Effects in accordance with Equation 2H-19 of Method 2H. Report this
value even if you decided to apply a default WAF to all the runs of this RATA.
Leave this field blank for reference methods 2F, 2FJ, 2G, and 2GJ or if no WAF was calculated
from the data for this run.
Average Stack Flow Rate
Element Name: AverageStackFlowRate
Report the average stack gas flow rate for the test run, in scfh (wet basis). If wall effects are not
considered, calculate the average flow rate according to the applicable equation in Method 2, 2F,
or 2G, using the unadjusted average run velocity from the Avg Velocity Without Wall Effects
data element of this record in the calculations. If the stack is circular and wall effects
adjustments are applied, however, first obtain the wall effects-adjusted average velocity by
multiplying the calculated WAF or the default WAF (as appropriate) by the unadjusted average
velocity in accordance with Equation 2H-21 of Method 2H. Then, following the provisions of
Section 12.7 in Method 2H, use the final wall effects-adjusted velocity, obtained from Equation
2H-21, in the applicable equation from Method 2, 2F, or 2G to calculate the wall effects-adjusted
stack gas flow rate. Report this adjusted flow rate as the Average Stack Flow Rate data element.
The flow rate value reported for this data element must equal the flow rate reported as the RATA
Reference Value for this run in the RATA RUN DATA record.
For a rectangular stack or duct, if Conditional Test Method CTM-041 is used to determine a
WAF, calculate the average stack gas flow rate (in scfh), adjusted for wall effects, using the
following equation:
Qavg = 3600 (As) (vavg) (WAF) (Tstd / Ts) (Ps / Pstd)


Average stack gas flow rate for the run, adjusted for wall effects, wet basis (scfh)
Stack or duct cross-sectional area at the test location (ft2)
Average stack gas velocity for the run, not accounting for wall effects (ft/sec)
Wall effects adjustment factor (from the RECTANGULAR DUCT WAF DATA record in
the monitoring plan)

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2.4.5 Flow RATA Run Data


Average stack temperature (NR)
Standard temperature (528 NR)
Stack pressure, i.e., sum of barometric and static pressures (in. Hg)
Standard pressure (29.92 in. Hg)
Conversion factor (sec/hr)

Note: The Equation above is essentially the same as Equation 25b in CTM-041, except that the
flow rate is expressed in scfh, rather than scf/sec.

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2.4.6 RATA Traverse Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 17

Use the following instructions for completing each element of the RATA TRAVERSE DATA
Probe ID
Element Name: ProbeID
Report the permanent identification number engraved (or otherwise marked) on the probe being
used to measure velocity at the traverse point.

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2.4.6 RATA Traverse Data

Probe Type Code
Element Name: ProbeTypeCode
Report the probe type code for the probe employed in reference method as shown in Table 15.

Table 15
Reference Method Probe Type Codes and Descriptions



Type S (automated)


Prism-shaped 3-D pitot (without thermocouple)


Prism-shaped 3-D pitot (with thermocouple)




Type S (manual)


Spherical 3-D Probe

Pressure Measure Code
Element Name: PressureMeasureCode
Report the pressure measurement code in Table 16 based on the device employed in the
reference method.

Table 16
Pressure Measure Codes and Descriptions



Electronic Manometer or Electronic Pressure Transducer


Mechanical Pressure Gauge (e.g., Magnehelic® gauge)


Fluid Manometer

Method Traverse Point ID
Element Name: MethodTraversePointID
Assign a unique alphanumeric designation to each of the Method 1 traverse points. Maintain the
same point numbering scheme throughout the RATA. Use leading zeros to fill in as necessary.
For example, if the traverse points are numbered consecutively from one through sixteen, report
them as "001," "002," "003," etc.

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2.4.6 RATA Traverse Data

June 17, 2009

Velocity Calibration Coefficient
Element Name: VelocityCalibrationCoefficient
Report the value of the probe or pitot tube velocity calibration coefficient. For a Type-S or
Prandtl pitot tube, this will be Cp. For a three-dimensional probe, this will be the appropriate F2
Last Probe Date
Element Name: LastProbeDate
Report the year, month, and day of the latest successful wind tunnel calibration of the probe or
pitot tube.
Avg Vel Diff Pressure
Element Name: AvgVelDiffPressure
Report the sight-weighted or integrated average velocity differential pressure, in inches of H2O,
recorded at the Method 1 traverse point, unless the data acquisition system provides a continuous
readout of the square root of the differential pressure, in which case, leave this field blank. For
Method 2 or 2G, report the average ΔP value. For a three-dimensional probe, report the average
value of (P1 – P2).
Leave this field blank if you are reporting the integrated average of the square roots of the
velocity differential pressures.
Avg Square Vel Diff Pressures
Element Name: AvgSquareVelDiffPressure
Report the integrated average of the square roots if the data acquisition system electronically
provides an integrated average of the square roots of all differential pressure readings recorded at
the Method 1 traverse point (rather than providing an average of the differential pressure values
Leave this field blank if you are reporting the integrated average velocity differential pressure.
T Stack Temperature
Element Name: TStackTemperature
Report the stack temperature measured at the traverse point, in degrees Fahrenheit.
Point Used Indicator
Element Name: PointUsedIndicator
For a circular stack, if this test run was used to calculate a WAF (reference method codes 2FH,
2GH, and M2H only), report "1" in this field if the traverse point is one of the four Method 1
points closest to the stack wall.
Otherwise, leave this field blank.
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2.4.6 RATA Traverse Data

Number of Wall Effects Points
Element Name: NumberWallEffectsPoints
For a circular stack, if a "1" is reported for the Point Used Indicator, report the number of wall
effects points used to generate the replacement velocity at the traverse point. The total number
of wall effects points reported for this data element should include: (1) all one-inch incremented
points at which actual wall effects measurements were made; (2) all one-inch incremented points
at which actual wall effects measurements were not made, but for which the velocity obtained at
a subsequent wall effects traverse point was used, as provided under Section of Method
2H; and (3) the traverse point located at drem (as defined in Section 3.3 of Method 2H), if a
velocity measurement was taken at that point.
Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Yaw Angle
Element Name: YawAngle
Report the measured yaw angle at the traverse point if Method 2F or 2G is used for the velocity
traverse. If the yaw angle is negative, be sure to include the minus sign.
For reference method code M2H, leave this field blank.
Pitch Angle
Element Name: PitchAngle
Report the measured pitch angle of the traverse point if Method 2F is used for the velocity
traverse. If the pitch angle is negative, be sure to include the minus sign.
For reference method codes 2G, 2GH, 2GJ, and M2H, leave this field blank.
Calculated Velocity
Element Name: CalculatedVelocity
Using the appropriate equation from Method 2, 2F, or 2G (as applicable), calculate the velocity
at the traverse point, in actual ft/sec. Use the Avg Vel Diff Pressure data element at the traverse
point from this record or the Average Square Differential Pressure data element of this record
(whichever is appropriate) in the calculations, along with the T Stack Temperature data element
of this record and the supporting run-level information. Round off the result to two decimal
places. Do not adjust the calculated point velocity for wall effects.
Replacement Velocity
Element Name: ReplacementVelocity
If a "1" is reported for the Point Used Indicator, report the replacement velocity for the traverse
point. Calculate this value in actual ft/sec, corrected for wall effects in accordance with Equation
2H-15 of Method 2H (see also Form 2H-1 or Form 2H-2 and accompanying instructions in
Method 2H). Otherwise, leave this field blank.

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2.4.7 Test Qualification Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 18

Description of Data
Report a TEST QUALIFICATION DATA record as part of a RATA test to claim an exception from the
usual RATA testing requirements. There are three types of claims for which this record is
1. For a location that has an installed stack flow monitor and is not exempt from performing
multi-load flow RATAs, the required annual flow RATA may be performed at a single
load (i.e., the designated normal load) if certain conditions are met. If the unit or stack
has operated primarily at a single load for ≥ 85.0 percent of the time since the last annual
flow RATA, and if fewer than 20 calendar quarters have elapsed since the last 3-load
flow RATA, a single load RATA claim may be submitted. Include this claim along with
the results of the single-load flow RATA, to document that the 85.0 percent criterion was
met (see Part 75, Appendix B, Section Note that this single-load flow
RATA claim is not available to sources that report emissions data on an ozone seasononly basis.
2. For unusual situations in which a single-level RATA cannot be performed at the normal
operating load level (e.g., due to mechanical problems with the unit, include this claim if
the RATA is performed at a different operating level. You must receive permission from
EPA to claim this exception.
3. For unusual situations in which a multi-level flow RATA cannot be performed at one or
more of the required load levels (e.g., if the unit cannot attain the high-load level, due to
mechanical problems), include this claim record to indicate that tested load levels are not
consistent with the operating range defined in the MONITORING LOAD DATA record. You
must receive permission from EPA to claim this exception. If you obtain permission to
claim the exception, divide the available operating range into low, mid and high segments
according to Part 75, Appendix A, Section, and express the operating level for
each RATA (L, M, or H) in terms of the available range.
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2.4.7 Test Qualification Data

Use the following instructions for completing the TEST QUALIFICATION DATA record.
Test Claim Code
Element Name: TestClaimCode
Report the appropriate test claim code from Table 17 below.

Table 17
Test Claim Codes and Descriptions



Single-Level Claim for Flow RATA


Normal Level Exemption for Single-Level RATA


Operating Range Exemption for Multi-Level Flow RATA

Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
For test claim code SLC, report the date on which the data collection period began for the flow
system. This can be either the date of completion of the last annual flow RATA or the first day
of the calendar quarter in which the last annual flow RATA was performed. (For multi-level
RATAs, the test completion date is the date on which testing of the last operating level was
For other claims, leave this field blank.
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
For test claim code SLC, report the date on which the historical load data collection period
ended. This data must be no more than 21 days prior to the date of commencement of the current
annual flow RATA (identified by the Test Number in this record). Alternatively, if you began
that data collection period on the first day of the quarter of the last annual flow RATA, you may
use the last day of the calendar quarter immediately preceding the quarter of this RATA.
For other claims, leave this field blank.

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2.4.7 Test Qualification Data

June 17, 2009

High Load Percentage
Element Name: HighLoadPercentage
For test claim code SLC, report the percentage of the time that the unit (or stack) operated at the
high load (or operating) level (> 60.0 percent of the range of operation defined in the
MONITORING LOAD DATA record) in the historical data collection period. See Part 75, Appendix
A, Section
For other claims, leave this field blank.
Mid Load Percentage
Element Name: MidLoadPercentage
For test claim code SLC, report the percentage of the time that the unit (or stack) operated at the
mid load (or operating) level (> 30.0 percent and < 60.0 percent of the range of operation) in the
historical data collection period.
For other claims, leave this field blank.
Low Load Percentage
Element Name: LowLoadPercentage
For test claim code SLC, report the percentage of the time that the unit (or stack) operated at the
low load (or operating) level (0 to 30.0 percent (inclusive) of the range of operation) in the
historical data collection period.
For other claims, leave this field blank.

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2.4.7 Test Qualification Data

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2.5 Flow-to-Load Reference

June 17, 2009

2.5 Flow-to-Load Reference
Figure 19

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2.5 Flow-to-Load Reference

Description of Data
For each primary and each redundant backup flow monitoring system, an evaluation of the flowto-load ratio or the gross heat rate (GHR) is required in each QA operating quarter (as defined in
40 CFR 72.2). Do not analyze data recorded by a redundant backup flow monitors unless
emissions data are reported from the system during the quarter. In order to perform the flow-toload ratio or GHR evaluation, a reference value of the flow-to-load ratio (Rref) or the gross heat
rate (GHRref) must be derived from data collected during the most recent passing normal-load
RATA for the flow monitor. This information is reported in a FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA
record. The FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA record must be submitted as a "child" of a TEST
Specific Considerations
● When two levels are designated as normal in the MONITORING LOAD DATA record for the
location, report Flow-to-Load Reference Data separately for each level (i.e., in two TEST
● For a flow monitor on a common stack, Rref or GHRref is derived from the stack flow rate
and the combined unit loads for the units serving the stack. Report one TEST SUMMARY
DATA and FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA record for the common stack under the
Monitoring System ID of the flow monitor at the stack. For example, if CS1 is a
common stack serving Units 1 and 2, report these records under the flow monitoring
system ID associated with common stack CS1.
● For flow monitors in a multiple stack (MS) configuration, Rref or GHRref may be
calculated for each monitor separately or on a combined basis for the unit, as follows:
-- Derive a single Rref or GHRref from the sum of the flow rates in the individual stacks
or ducts and the unit load, and report the reference value multiple times (i.e., under
the Monitoring System ID of the flow monitor at each stack or duct); or
-- Calculate separate reference ratios for each stack, using the average reference method
flow rates and unit load during the RATA for the individual flow monitors. If this
approach is chosen, report "1" in the Calc Separate Reference Indicator in the FLOWTO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA record.
● Units that do not produce electrical or steam load (e.g., cement kilns) are exempted from
the requirement to perform flow-to-load testing.
● Report either the reference flow-to-load ratio or the reference GHR, but not both,
depending upon which approach is used in the quarterly flow-to-load check. In the
unusual circumstance where the flow-to-load check is performed using the flow-to-load
ratio in one quarter and the GHR in another quarter and both are based on the same
reference RATA, report two separate flow-to-load-reference tests (TEST SUMMARY DATA
PLUS FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA RECORD), one containing the reference GHR and
one containing the reference flow-to-load ratio.

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2.5.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Flow-to-Load Reference

June 17, 2009

2.5.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Flow-to-Load Reference
Use the following instructions for completing each element of the TEST SUMMARY DATA section
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitID or StackPipeID
Report the Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID that corresponds to the location of the flow monitoring
Test Type Code
Element Name: TestTypeCode
Report the test type code as "F2LREF."
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
Report the three-character ID Monitoring System ID assigned to the flow monitor.
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA.
Span Scale Code
Element Name: SpanScaleCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA.
Test Number
Element Name: TestNumber
Report a test number that uniquely identifies this set of flow-to-load reference data for the
monitoring location. One method of tracking unique test numbers is to use the System ID as a
prefix to the number. The test number may not be reused at this location for another FLOW-TOLOAD REFERENCE DATA record. (This field is not the last RATA test number reported in the
FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA record, although the same number could be used if desired.)
Test Reason Code
Element Name: TestReasonCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA.

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2.5.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Flow-to-Load Reference

Test Description
Element Name: TestDescription
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA.
Test Result Code
Element Name: TestResultCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA.
Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA.
Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA.
Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA.
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the run end date of the last run conducted at the normal operating level of the reference
RATA. Report the RATA Test Number and Operating Level Code of this operating level in the
associated FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA record.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the hour of the last run of the most recent passing RATA conducted at the normal
operating level reported in the associated FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA record.
End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Report the minute of the last run of the most recent passing RATA conducted at the normal
operating level reported in the associated FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA record.
Grace Period Indicator
Element Name: GracePeriodIndicator
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA.
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2.5.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Flow-to-Load Reference

June 17, 2009

Element Name: Year
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA.
Element Name: Quarter
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE DATA.
Test Comment
Element Name: TestComment
Report a comment regarding the data if desired.

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2.5.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Flow-to-Load Reference

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2.5.2 Flow-to-Load Reference Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 20

Use the following instructions for completing each element of the FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE
DATA record.
RATA Test Number
Element Name: RATATestNumber
Report the Test Number of the reference RATA. For a multiple stack configuration, if
performing the test on a combined basis, report the Test Number of the reference RATA
conducted at this location.
Operating Level Code
Element Name: OperatingLevelCode
Report the Operating Level Code (L, M, H, or N, as reported in the applicable RATA SUMMARY
DATA record) indicating the operating level from the reference flow RATA that is being used to
establish the flow-to-load or gross heat rate reference.
Average Gross Unit Load
Element Name: AverageGrossUnitLoad
Report Lavg, the average gross unit load, in megawatts, 1000 lb/hr of steam or mmBtu/hr thermal
output, as appropriate, at the reported operating level during the reference RATA.

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2.5.2 Flow-to-Load Reference Data

For common stacks, report the combined average load of all units that were operating during the
For a multiple stack configuration, if performing the test on an individual stack basis, determine
Lavg by summing the gross unit load values for all of the runs at the reported operating level
during the reference RATA at this location, and dividing the result by the total number of runs.
For a multiple stack configuration, if performing the test on a combined basis, determine Lavg by
summing the gross unit load values for all of the runs at the reported operating level during the
reference RATAs for all of the multiple stacks, and dividing the result by the total number of
runs (e.g., for two 9-run RATAs performed on stacks MS1 and MS2, add the load values for all
18 RATA runs and divide the result by 18).
Average Reference Method Flow
Element Name: AverageReferenceMethodFlow
Report the arithmetic mean of the stack flow rates in scfh (Qref) measured by EPA Reference
Method 2 (or its allowable alternatives) at the reported operating level of the reference RATA.
For a multiple stack configuration, if performing the test on a combined basis, calculate the mean
reference method flow rate by summing the mean reference method flow rates at the reported
operating level measured during the reference RATAs for all of the multiple stacks.
Reference Flow/Load Ratio
Element Name: ReferenceFlowLoadRatio
If the flow-to-load methodology was used, calculate and report Rref by dividing the average
reference method flow rate (Qref) by the average gross unit load (Lavg) and multiplying the result
by 10-5. Round the ratio to two decimal places.
Leave this field blank if the gross heat rate methodology for the quarterly flow monitor
evaluations was used.
Average Hourly Heat Input Rate
Element Name: AverageHourlyHeatInputRate
If the gross heat rate methodology was used, use the appropriate equation from Appendix F to
Part 75 to calculate HIavg, the average hourly heat input during the reference RATA at the
reported operating level. In the Appendix F equation, use the average hourly CO2 concentration
recorded during the RATA test period and the average reference method flow rate. Report this
average hourly heat input rate, rounded to one decimal place.
Leave this field blank if the flow-to-load methodology for the quarterly flow monitor evaluations
was used.

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2.5.2 Flow-to-Load Reference Data

June 17, 2009

Reference Gross Heat Rate
Element Name: ReferenceGrossHeatRate
If the gross heat rate methodology was used, calculate and report GHRref by dividing average
hourly heat input rate (HIavg) by the average gross unit load (Lavg) and multiplying the result by
1000. The units of the GHR will be either Btu/kw-hr, Btu/lb of steam or mmBtu per mmBtu of
steam load times 1000.
Leave this field blank if the flow-to-load methodology for the quarterly flow monitor evaluations
was used.
Calculated Separate Reference Indicator
Element Name: CalcSeparateReferenceIndicator
For multiple stack configurations, report "1" if performing the flow-to-load test on an individual
stack basis or "0" if performing the test on a combined basis. For other configurations, leave this
field blank.

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2.5.2 Flow-to-Load Reference Data

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2.6 Flow-to-Load Check

June 17, 2009

2.6 Flow-to-Load Check
Figure 21
Flow-to-Load Check XML Structure

Description of Data
For each primary and each redundant backup flow monitoring system, a flow-to-load ratio or the
gross heat rate quality assurance test is required for every QA operating quarter, as described in
Section 2.2.5 of Appendix B to Part 75. Report the results of this check in a TEST SUMMARY
DATA record with an associated FLOW-TO-LOAD CHECK DATA record.

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June 17, 2009

2.6 Flow-to-Load Check

When two load levels are designated as normal in the MONITORING LOAD DATA record, perform
the quarterly flow-to-load ratio or GHR evaluation at the higher load level if sufficient data are
available for the analysis. Otherwise, perform the evaluation at the lower load level. If the test
is performed at the higher load level, report a flow-to-load check only for that load level. If there
are insufficient data available at the higher load level (i.e., < 168 hours of quality-assured flow
rate data within ± ten percent of Lavg) and the test is done at the lower load level, report flow-toload checks for both load levels. Report the test result as "FEW168H" or "EXC168H" (as
appropriate) for the higher load level in the TEST SUMMARY DATA record to indicate whether the
insufficient data availability was due to a lack of operating hours at the high load level within ±
ten percent of Lavg or due to the allowable exclusion of data. For the lower normal load report a
test result of "PASSED" or "FAILED" (as appropriate) in the TEST SUMMARY DATA record. If
there are insufficient data at both load levels, report a flow-to-load check for both load levels,
indicating a test result of "FEW168H" or "EXC168H" (as appropriate) for both load levels. (See
also Table 18, "Flow-to-Load Result Codes and Descriptions," on page 96.)
Note that for a multiple stack configuration, if you elect to perform the data analysis on a
combined basis, rather than for each individual stack, you will obtain only a single test result,
since the flow-to-load ratio or GHR analysis is done at the unit level, not at the stack level.
However, you must report this same test result multiple times (i.e., once under each flow
Monitoring System ID associated with each of the multiple stacks).
Specific Considerations
Applicability of Flow-to-Load Checks
● Do not report a flow-to-load check for a redundant backup flow monitor unless stack
flow data from the monitor are reported in the emissions file for that quarter.
● Units that do not produce electrical or steam load (e.g., cement kilns) are exempted from
the requirement to perform flow-to-load testing.
Reporting Requirements for Flow-to-Load Checks
● For units or stacks for which you report data on a year-round basis, report flow-to-load
checks for each QA operating quarter (as defined in 40 CFR 72.2). For NOx Budget
Program units or stacks which report data only in the ozone season, report flow-to-load
checks only for the second and third calendar quarters, if those quarters are QA operating
quarters (see §75.74(c)(3)(iii)).
● Do not report a flow-to-load check for non-QA operating quarters (< 168 operating
Monitors Applying Rectangular Duct WAFs
● For rectangular stacks or ducts with installed flow monitors, when applying a wall effects
adjustment factor (WAF) to the data from the flow monitor, the WAF is entered into the
programming of the flow monitor as a correction to the stack or duct cross-sectional area.
As soon as the wall effects correction is applied, the measured stack gas flow rates at a
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2.6 Flow-to-Load Check

June 17, 2009

given load level will decrease, possibly by five percent or more. This reduction in the
reported flow rates may adversely impact the quarterly flow-to-load (Q/L) ratio test, and
may even cause a test failure, if the data from the most recent normal load flow RATA
(i.e., the RATA on which the reference Q/L ratio is based) were not corrected for wall
effects. Note that this effect is only temporary, and will disappear when the next normal
load flow RATA is done and the appropriate WAF is applied to the reference method
data. However, in the interim period while the effect is still present, EPA recommends
the following:
-- Report the reference flow-to-load ratio information in FLOW-TO-LOAD REFERENCE
DATA in the usual manner. Do not attempt to make any adjustment to the reference
method flow rate data recorded during the previous normal load RATA.
-- Perform the quarterly flow-to-load ratio test in the usual manner and assess the
impact of the wall effects adjustment that was applied to the stack flow rates. If the
test is passed, report the results of the flow-to-load check in the usual manner.
-- If the test is failed, the quarterly flow rate data may be copied, exported outside the
DAHS environment, and the wall effects correction may be removed from each
hourly flow rate, by dividing it by the WAF. Then, rerun the flow-to-load analysis.
Report these results as the flow-to-load check and put a note in the Test Comment
indicating that the WAF was removed from the flow rate data before running the
flow-to-load ratio test. Keep the results of the data analysis on-site, in a format
suitable for inspection.
● In the quarterly emissions file, the wall effects-adjusted flow rates must be reported in the
MONITOR HOURLY VALUE DATA record, as measured by the flow monitor and as
recorded by the DAHS, whether or not the WAF is removed from the flow rate data to
perform the flow-to-load ratio test.

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2.6 Flow-to-Load Check

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2.6.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Flow-to-Load Check

June 17, 2009

2.6.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Flow-to-Load Check
Use the following instructions for completing each element of the TEST SUMMARY DATA record
for the flow-to-load check.
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitID or StackPipeID
Report the Stack Pipe ID or Unit ID of the location of the flow monitoring system.
Test Type Code
Element Name: TestTypeCode
Report the test type code as "F2LCHK."
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to flow-to-load checks.
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
Report the three-character Monitoring System ID of the flow monitoring system.
Span Scale Code
Element Name: SpanScaleCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to flow-to-load checks.
Test Number
Element Name: TestNumber
Assign and report a unique test number for the flow-to-load check. One method of tracking
unique test numbers is to use the Monitoring System ID as a prefix to the number. The test
number may not be reused at this location for another flow-to-load check.
Test Reason Code
Element Name: TestReasonCode
Report "QA" as the purpose of the test.
Test Description
Element Name: TestDescription
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to flow-to-load checks.

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2.6.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Flow-to-Load Check

Test Result Code
Element Name: TestResultCode
Report the appropriate code from Table 18 below to indicate the result of the test.

Table 18
Flow-to-Load Test Result Codes and Descriptions



Fewer than 168 hours of flow rate data after allowable exclusions


Test was failed


Fewer than 168 hours of flow rate data within ± 10% of Lavg


Test was passed

If the arithmetic average of the absolute percent differences between the reference value and the
hourly values (Ef) is within the applicable limit in Part 75, App. B, Section 2.2.5, report the result
as "PASSED." If Ef is not within the applicable limit, report the result as "FAILED."
Report the result as "FEW168H" if a flow-to-load analysis is not required for the monitoring
system because there are fewer than 168 hours of quality-assured flow rate data recorded by the
system during the quarter at loads within ± ten percent of Lavg. A test result of "FEW168H" may
be due to infrequent unit operation or infrequent usage of a flow monitoring system (e.g., a
redundant backup flow monitoring system which is used for less than 168 hours in a quarter).
Report the result as "EXC168H" if fewer than 168 hours of quality-assured flow rate data remain
for analysis after excluding hourly flow rate data from the analysis for the allowable reasons
described below in the FLOW-TO-LOAD CHECK DATA record.
Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to flow-to-load checks.
Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to flow-to-load checks.
Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to flow-to-load checks.

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2.6.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Flow-to-Load Check

June 17, 2009

End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to flow-to-load checks.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to flow-to-load checks.
End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to flow-to-load checks.
Grace Period Indicator
Element Name: GracePeriodIndicator
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to flow-to-load checks.
Element Name: Year
Report the year during which the test was performed.
Element Name: Quarter
Report the quarter during which the test was performed.
Test Comment
Element Name: TestComment
Report a comment regarding the test if desired.

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2.6.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Flow-to-Load Check

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2.6.2 Flow-to-Load Check Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 22

Use the following instructions for completing each element of the FLOW-TO-LOAD CHECK DATA
Test Basis Code
Element Name: TestBasisCode
Report the Test Basis Code for flow-to-load or gross heat rate methodology for the quarterly data
analysis as shown in Table 19.

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2.6.2 Flow-to-Load Check Data

Table 19
Test Basis Indicator Codes and Descriptions



Gross Heat Rate


Flow-to-Load Ratio

Leave this field blank if you report a result code of "EXC168H" or "FEW168H" in the TEST
Bias Adjusted Indicator
Element Name: BiasAdjustedIndicator
Report whether bias-adjusted flow rate values have been used in the quarterly flow-to-load ratio
data analysis ("1" if "yes" or "0" if "no"). All flow-to-load ratios or GHRs must be calculated in
a consistent manner (i.e., using unadjusted flow rates in all calculations or using bias-adjusted
flow rates in all calculations).
Leave this field blank if you report a result code of "EXC168H" or "FEW168H" in the TEST
Average Absolute Percent Difference
Element Name: AvgAbsolutePercentDiff
Report the value of Ef, which is the arithmetic average of the absolute percent differences
between the reference flow-to-load ratio (Rref) or gross heat rate (GHRref) and the individual
hourly flow-to-load ratios or hourly GHRs used in the data analysis.
Leave this field blank if you report a result code of "EXC168H" or "FEW168H" in the TEST
Number of Hours
Element Name: NumberOfHours
Report the number of hours of quality-assured flow rate data that were used for the flow-to-load
or GHR evaluation of the flow monitoring system. A minimum of 168 hours of quality-assured
flow rate data are required.
Leave this field blank if you report a result code of "EXC168H" or "FEW168H" in the TEST
Number of Hours Excluded for Fuel
Element Name: NumberOfHoursExcludedForFuel
When reporting a result code of "EXC168H," report the number of hours (if any) of flow rate
data excluded from the flow-to-load or GHR analysis because the fuel combusted was different
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2.6.2 Flow-to-Load Check Data

June 17, 2009

than the fuel combusted during the reference flow RATA. A fuel is considered different if it is
in a different state of matter (solid, liquid, or gas) from the fuel burned during the RATA or if the
fuel is a different classification of coal (e.g., bituminous versus sub-bituminous). Also, for units
that co-fire different types of fuel, if the reference RATA was done while co-firing, then hours in
which a single fuel was combusted may be excluded from the data analysis (and vice-versa for
co-fired hours, if the reference RATA was done while combusting only one type of fuel).
Leave this field blank if you are not claiming any excluded hours for this reason.
Number of Hours Excluded for Ramping
Element Name: NumberOfHoursExcludedRamping
When reporting a result code of "EXC168H," report the number of hours (if any) of flow rate
data excluded from the data analysis because of ramping (i.e., the hourly load differed by more
than 15 percent from the load during the previous or subsequent hour).
Leave this field blank if you are not claiming any excluded hours for this reason.
Number of Hours Excluded for Bypass
Element Name: NumberOfHoursExcludedBypass
When reporting a result code of "EXC168H" for units with wet scrubbers, report the number of
hours (if any) of flow rate data excluded from the data analysis because the scrubber was entirely
Leave this field blank if you are not claiming any excluded hours for this reason.
Number of Hours Excluded Pre RATA
Element Name: NumberOfHoursExcludedPreRATA
When reporting a result code of "EXC168H," if a normal load flow RATA of the monitoring
system was performed and passed during the quarter, you may exclude all flow rate data
recorded by the monitoring system prior to completion of the RATA from the flow-to-load or
GHR analysis. Report the number of hours (if any) of flow rate data excluded for this reason.
Leave this field blank if you are not claiming any excluded hours for this reason.
Number of Hours Excluded Test
Element Name: NumberOfHoursExcludedTest
When reporting a result code of "EXC168H," if a documented repair or major flow monitor
component replacement occurred during the quarter to correct a problem with the flow
monitoring system accuracy, and if a subsequent abbreviated flow-to-load test was passed in
accordance with Section of Appendix B to Part 75 to verify that the monitoring system
was generating accurate data, you may exclude all flow rate data recorded by the monitoring
system prior to completion of the abbreviated flow-to-load test from the flow-to-load or GHR
analysis. Report the number of hours (if any) of flow rate data excluded for this reason.

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2.6.2 Flow-to-Load Check Data

Leave this field blank if you are not claiming any excluded hours for this reason.
Number of Hours Excluded for Main and Bypass
Element Name: NumberOfHoursExcMainBypass
When reporting a result code of "EXC168H" for a unit with a main stack and a bypass stack
(e.g., a unit with a wet scrubber), report the number of hours (if any) of flow rate data excluded
from the flow-to-load or GHR analysis because flue gases were flowing through both stacks
Leave this field blank if you are not claiming any excluded hours for this reason.
Operating Level Code
Element Name: OperatingLevelCode
Report the Operating Level Code (L, M, H or N, as reported in the corresponding FLOW-TOLOAD REFERENCE DATA record) indicating the operating level represented by this flow-to-load or
gross heat rate check.

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2.7 Online Offline Calibration Error Demonstration

June 17, 2009

2.7 Online Offline Calibration Error Demonstration
Figure 23
Online Offline Calibration Error Demonstration XML Structure

Description of Data
Use of an offline daily calibration error check (a calibration error test performed during a period
in which a unit is not operating) to validate CEMS data, requires a demonstration that the results
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2.7 Online Offline Calibration Error Demonstration

of an offline calibration are comparable to the results of an online calibration. Report the overall
result of this comparison in a TEST SUMMARY DATA record and report results of all gas injections
(or flow reference signals) in one ONLINE OFFLINE INJECTION DATA record.
Specific Considerations
Applicability of Online Offline Calibration Error Demonstration
● Report online offline calibration error tests for each range of a dual-range analyzer as
separate tests even if both ranges of the analyzer are identified by a single Component ID.

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2.7.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Online Offline Calibration

June 17, 2009

2.7.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Online Offline Calibration
Use the following instructions for completing each element of the TEST SUMMARY DATA section
for the online offline calibration error test.
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitID or StackPipeID
Report the Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID that corresponds to the location of the analyzer.
Test Type Code
Element Name: TestTypeCode
Report the test type code as "ONOFF."
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to online offline calibration error tests.
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
Report the three-character Component ID assigned to the analyzer.
Span Scale Code
Element Name: SpanScaleCode
Report the analyzer range of the component tested as "H" for high or "L" for low. For single
range monitors, report the scale as "H" unless you are using the default high range option (see
Part 75, Appendix A, Sections and, in which case report the scale as "L."
Test Number
Element Name: TestNumber
At each monitoring location and for each test type, report a unique test number for each set of
records which comprises a single test. One method of tracking unique test numbers is to use the
Component ID as a prefix to the number. The test number may not be reused at this location for
another online offline calibration error test.
Test Reason Code
Element Name: TestReasonCode
Report the purpose of the test using the appropriate code from Table 20.

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2.7.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Online Offline Calibration

Table 20
Online Offline Calibration Test Reason Codes and Descriptions



Initial Demonstration


Diagnostic (Repeat the demonstration after a change to the CEMS)

Test Description
Element Name: TestDescription
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to online offline calibration error tests.
Test Result Code
Element Name: TestResultCode
Report the appropriate code from Table 21 below to indicate the result of the test.

Table 21
Online Offline Calibration Test Result Codes and Descriptions



Test was passed and the alternate performance specification was not used.


Test was passed using the alternative performance specification for one or more gas

Note: Report only the results of passed offline/online calibration demonstrations in this record.
If the test is failed, then offline calibrations may not be used for data validation until a
subsequent online/offline calibration demonstration is passed. If the offline portion of the test
fails, this has no effect on data validation and need not be reported, provided that you continue to
perform and pass the required online calibrations. If the online portion of the test fails, but is still
within the allowable control limits specified for daily calibrations in Section 2.1.4(a) of Part 75,
Appendix B, the monitor is not out-of-control -- in that case, simply report the results of the
online calibration. However, if the online calibration error is outside the allowable daily control
limits, then the monitor is out-of-control. Should that occur, report the results of the failed
online calibration error test and use missing data substitution, as appropriate.
Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Report the date of the first injection in the test.

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2.7.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Online Offline Calibration

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Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Report the hour of the first injection in the test.
Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to online offline calibration error tests.
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the date of the last injection in the test.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the hour of the last injection in the test.
End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to online offline calibration error tests.
Grace Period Indicator
Element Name: GracePeriodIndicator
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to online offline calibration error tests.
Element Name: Year
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to online offline calibration error tests.
Element Name: Quarter
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to online offline calibration error tests.
Test Comment
Element Name: TestComment
Report a comment regarding the test if desired.

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2.7.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Online Offline Calibration

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2.7.2 Online Offline Calibration Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 24

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2.7.2 Online Offline Calibration Data

Submit one ONLINE OFFLINE CALIBRATION DATA record for each demonstration. Use the
following instructions for completing each element of the ONLINE OFFLINE CALIBRATION DATA
Online Zero Reference Value
Element Name: OnlineZeroReferenceValue
Report the calibration gas or reference signal value used in the online zero-level injection.
Online Upscale Reference Value
Element Name: OnlineUpscaleReferenceValue
Report the calibration gas or reference signal value used in the online upscale-level injection.
Offline Zero Reference Value
Element Name: OfflineZeroReferenceValue
Report the calibration gas or reference signal value used in the offline zero-level injection.
Offline Upscale Reference Value
Element Name: OfflineUpscaleReferenceValue
Report the calibration gas or reference signal value used in the offline upscale-level injection.
Online Zero Measured Value
Element Name: OnlineZeroMeasuredValue
Report the value measured by the instrument in response to the reference following the online
zero-level gas injection or reference signal.
Online Upscale Measured Value
Element Name: OnlineUpscaleMeasuredValue
Report the value measured by the instrument in response to the reference following the online
upscale-level gas injection or reference signal.
Offline Zero Measured Value
Element Name: OfflineZeroMeasuredValue
Report the value measured by the instrument in response to the reference following the offline
zero-level gas injection or reference signal.

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2.7.2 Online Offline Calibration Data

June 17, 2009

Offline Upscale Measured Value
Element Name: OfflineUpscaleMeasuredValue
Report the value measured by the instrument in response to the reference following the offline
upscale-level gas injection or reference signal.
Online Zero Calibration Error
Element Name: OnlineZeroCalibrationError
Report the results of the calibration error (CE) test for the online zero-level injection, as required
by Part 75.
For SO2, NOx, and flow monitors, express the results either as a percentage of the span value
(i.e., CE), or (for low emitters of SO2 and NOx or for low-span differential pressure flow
monitors) as the absolute value of the difference between the reference value and the measured
value (i.e., R - A). If the calibration error meets the standard specification, report the CE even
though the test would also pass the alternative specification. Only when the result does not pass
the standard specification, but meets the alternative specification, should you report |R - A|. If
the test does not pass either specification, report the CE.
For low-span differential pressure-type flow monitors that are calibrated on an H2O basis and
that use the alternative specification: (1) report "0.0" in this field if the value of R - A is < 0.01
inches of water; or (2) report "0.1" in this field if the value of R - A is > 0.01, but < 0.10 inches
of water; or (3) if the value of R - A is > 0.10 inches of water, report the result to the nearest
0.1 in. H2O. For CO2 and O2 monitors, express the result as in terms of absolute percent CO2 or
O2, since the results are always determined as the absolute value of the difference between the
reference value and the measured value (i.e., |R - A|).
Online Upscale Calibration Error
Element Name: OnlineUpscaleCalibrationError
Report the results of the calibration error test for the online upscale-level injection, as required
by Part 75. (See the discussion under Online Zero Calibration Error element description for
more details.)
Offline Zero Calibration Error
Element Name: OfflineZeroCalibrationError
Report the results of the calibration error test for the offline zero-level injection, as required by
Part 75. (See the discussion under Online Zero Calibration Error element description for more
Offline Upscale Calibration Error
Element Name: OfflineUpscaleCalibrationError
Report the results of the calibration error test for the offline upscale-level injection, as required
by Part 75. (See the discussion under Online Zero Calibration Error element description for
more details.)
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2.7.2 Online Offline Calibration Data

Upscale Gas Level Code
Element Name: UpscaleGasLevelCode
Indicate whether the upscale gas injections or reference signals are "HIGH" or "MID." Midlevel gas injections in lieu of the high-level injections may be performed and reported, provided
that the mid-level gas is more representative of the actual stack emissions.
Online Zero APS Indicator
Element Name: OnlineZeroAPSIndicator
Report whether the online zero-level test result was determined using a normal specification "0"
or the alternative performance specification "1" allowed under Part 75.
Appendix A to Part 75 specifies that the calibration error of an O2 or CO2 monitor is always
expressed in percent O2 or CO2, rather than as a percentage of span. This is considered to be the
"normal" calibration error specification; therefore, "0" should be reported in this field. The
alternate performance specification applies only to SO2 and NOx pollutant concentration
monitors that are considered low-emitters of those pollutants and to low-span differential
pressure flow monitors.
Online Upscale APS Indicator
Element Name: OnlineUpscaleAPSIndicator
Report whether the online upscale-level test result was determined using a normal specification
"0" or the alternative performance specification "1" allowed under Part 75. (See discussion
under Online Zero APS Indicator for more details.)
Offline Zero APS Indicator
Element Name: OfflineZeroAPSIndicator
Report whether the offline zero-level test result was determined using a normal specification "0"
or the alternative performance specification "1" allowed under Part 75. (See discussion under
Online Zero APS Indicator for more details.)
Offline Upscale APS Indicator
Element Name: OfflineUpscaleAPSIndicator
Report whether the offline upscale-level test result was determined using a normal specification
"0" or the alternative performance specification "1" allowed under Part 75. (See discussion
under Online Zero APS Indicator for more details.)
Online Zero Injection Date
Element Name: OnlineZeroInjectionDate
Report the date of the zero-level gas injection for the online calibration test.

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2.7.2 Online Offline Calibration Data

June 17, 2009

Online Upscale Injection Date
Element Name: OnlineUpscaleInjectionDate
Report the date when the upscale-level gas injection for the online calibration test was
Offline Zero Injection Date
Element Name: OfflineZeroInjectionDate
Report the date when the zero-level gas injection for the offline calibration test was completed.
Offline Upscale Injection Date
Element Name: OfflineUpscaleInjectionDate
Report the date when the upscale-level gas injection for the offline calibration test was
Online Zero Injection Hour
Element Name: OnlineZeroInjectionHour
Report the hour when the zero-level gas injection for the online calibration test was completed.
Online Upscale Injection Hour
Element Name: OnlineUpscaleInjectionHour
Report the hour was the upscale-level gas injection for the online calibration test was completed.
Offline Zero Injection Hour
Element Name: OfflineZeroInjectionHour
Report the hour was the zero-level gas injection for the offline calibration test was completed.
Offline Upscale Injection Hour
Element Name: OfflineUpscaleInjectionHour
Report the hour was the upscale-level gas injection for the offline calibration test was completed.

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2.7.2 Online Offline Calibration Data

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3.1 Appendix E Correlation Test

June 17, 2009

3.0 Non-CEM Tests
3.1 Appendix E Correlation Test
Figure 25
Appendix E Correlation Test XML Structure

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3.1 Appendix E Correlation Test

Description of Data
To establish a NOx/heat input rate correlation curve based on Appendix E to Part 75, you must
perform reference method testing at a minimum of four load levels. Report the overall test
information in a TEST SUMMARY DATA record and report the test results at each load level in the
APP E CORRELATION TEST SUMMARY DATA record. The number of records required corresponds
to the number of loads tested. For example, if the Appendix E test is performed at four unique
load levels, report four APP E CORRELATION TEST SUMMARY DATA records. Report the test data
from a minimum of three runs for each load level in the APP E CORRELATION TEST RUN DATA
Report a companion APPENDIX E HEAT INPUT FROM OIL DATA record for any Appendix E test
used to establish a NOx emission rate curve for use during hours in which oil is combusted. An
APPENDIX E HEAT INPUT FROM OIL DATA record verifies the calculation of heat input during the
run. There should be one APPENDIX E HEAT INPUT FROM OIL DATA record for each run reported
in an APP E CORRELATION TEST RUN DATA record when any of the fuel combusted was oil.
Report a companion APPENDIX E HEAT INPUT FROM GAS DATA record for any Appendix E test
used to establish a NOx emission rate curve for use during hours in which gas is combusted. An
APPENDIX E HEAT INPUT FROM GAS DATA record verifies the calculation of heat input during the
run. There should be one APPENDIX E HEAT INPUT FROM GAS DATA record for each run reported
in an APP E CORRELATION TEST RUN DATA record when any of the fuel combusted was gas.
If you are establishing a correlation curve based on a consistent fuel mixture, report the
appropriate combination of APPENDIX E HEAT INPUT FROM OIL DATA record(s) and/or APPENDIX
E HEAT INPUT FROM GAS DATA record(s) for each run.
Specific Considerations
Aborted or Invalid Tests
● If a test is aborted or if certain test runs are discarded as invalid, keep a record of this in
the test log, but do not report partial tests or invalid runs in the APP E CORRELATION TEST
RUN DATA record. The only acceptable reasons for aborting a test or discarding test runs
are: (1) the reference test method was not used properly or malfunctioned; or (2) a
problem with the unit or process prevented the test from being done at the load level or
conditions specified in the regulation.

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3.1.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Appendix E Correlation Test

June 17, 2009

3.1.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Appendix E Correlation Test
Use the following instructions for completing each element of the TEST SUMMARY DATA section
for the Appendix E correlation test.
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitID or StackPipeID
Report the Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID that corresponds to the test location.
Test Type Code
Element Name: TestTypeCode
Report the test type code as "APPE."
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
Report the three-character Monitoring System ID assigned to the NOx Appendix E (NOXE)
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to Appendix E correlation tests.
Span Scale Code
Element Name: SpanScaleCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to Appendix E correlation tests.
Test Number
Element Name: TestNumber
At each monitoring location and for each test type, report a unique test number for each set of
records which comprises a single test. One method of tracking unique test numbers is to use the
Monitoring System ID as a prefix to the number. The test number may not be reused at this
location for another Appendix E correlation test.
Test Reason Code
Element Name: TestReasonCode
Report the purpose of the test using the appropriate code from Table 22. Use the code RECERT
only for unscheduled retests that are required when the unit operates outside of its quality
assurance parameters for more than 16 consecutive unit operating hours, or when a new
correlation curve must be generated to represent a significant change in the manner of unit
operation or NOx emissions control.

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3.1.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Appendix E Correlation Test

Table 22
Appendix E Test Reason Codes and Descriptions



Initial Certification


Periodic Quality Assurance



Test Description
Element Name: TestDescription
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to Appendix E correlation tests.
Test Result Code
Element Name: TestResultCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to Appendix E correlation tests.
Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Report the begin date of the first run of the test.
Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Report the begin hour of the first run of the test.
Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Report the begin minute of the first run of the test.
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the end date of the last run of the test.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the end hour of the last run of the test.

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3.1.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Appendix E Correlation Test

June 17, 2009

End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Report the end minute of the last run of the test.
Grace Period Indicator
Element Name: GracePeriodIndicator
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to Appendix E correlation tests.
Element Name: Year
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to Appendix E correlation tests.
Element Name: Quarter
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to Appendix E correlation tests.
Test Comment
Element Name: TestComment
Report any comments regarding the test. Additionally, for tests conducted after January 1, 2009,
EPA encourages use of this field to report the name of the stack testing company, the lead tester
and whether testing was conducted in accordance with ASTM D7036.

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3.1.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Appendix E Correlation Test

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3.1.2 Appendix E Correlation Test Summary Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 26

Operating Level for Run
Element Name: OperatingLevelForRun
Report the operating level represented by the data, using "1" as the lowest level.
Mean Reference Value
Element Name: MeanReferenceValue
Calculate and report the average NOx emission rate (lb/mmBtu) from all runs at this operating
level (as reported in the APP E CORRELATION TEST RUN DATA records). Round the average to
three decimal places.
Average Hourly Heat Input Rate
Element Name: AverageHourlyHeatInputRate
Calculate and report the average heat input rate (mmBtu/hr) from all runs at this operating level.
Round to one decimal place.
Element Name: FFactor
Report the F-factor used to calculate the NOx emission rate for the runs. This F-factor must be
consistent with the type of fuel or mixture of fuels combusted during the test.

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3.1.2 Appendix E Correlation Test Summary Data

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3.1.3 Appendix E Correlation Test Run Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 27

Use the following instructions for completing each element of the APP E CORRELATION TEST
RUN DATA record.
Run Number
Element Name: RunNumber
Assign a run number to each run. You may assign run numbers either consecutively for each test
(i.e., run numbers one through twelve for each of the three runs at four load levels) or for each
load level within the test (i.e., one through three for the runs at each load level). At a minimum,
runs must be numbered consecutively in time order within a load level. Within a load level, do
not skip or repeat a run number.

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June 17, 2009

3.1.3 Appendix E Correlation Test Run Data

Reference Value
Element Name: ReferenceValue
Report the reference method NOx value for the run in lbs/mmBtu, rounded to three decimal
Hourly Heat Input Rate
Element Name: HourlyHeatInputRate
Report the total heat input divided by the duration of the run (as calculated from the begin and
end times).
Total Heat Input
Element Name: TotalHeatInput
Report the total heat input in mmBtu for the time period of the run. This value should be the
sum of the values reported in the APPENDIX E HEAT INPUT FROM OIL DATA records or the
Response Time
Element Name: ResponseTime
Report the response time in seconds, according to Sections 8.2.5 and 8.2.6 of Method 7E in
Appendix A-4 to 40 CFR Part 60. This value is used to determine the appropriate sampling time
at each point.
Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Report the date on which the run began.
Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Report the hour in which the run began.
Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Report the minute in which the run began.
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the date on which the run ended.

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3.1.3 Appendix E Correlation Test Run Data

June 17, 2009

End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the hour in which the run ended.
End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Report the minute in which the run ended.

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3.1.3 Appendix E Correlation Test Run Data

[This page intentionally left blank.]

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3.1.4 Appendix E Heat Input From Oil Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 28

Instructions for completing each element of the APPENDIX E HEAT INPUT FROM OIL DATA record
are provided below.
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
Report the three-character Monitoring System ID assigned to the oil fuel flow (OILV or OILM)
system used to measure oil flow during the run.
Oil Mass
Element Name: OilMass
This value is either measured directly by a fuel flowmeter system or calculated from the volume
of oil measured by a fuel flowmeter system. All values must be reported in units of pounds (oil
mass), not as oil mass flow rate.
Use an equation similar to Equation D-3 in Appendix D to Part 75 to convert oil volume to mass
(in lbs), where the density of the oil is determined by the applicable ASTM procedures in Part
Leave this field blank if you use the oil volume and gross calorific value (GCV) to determine
heat input for the run.
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3.1.4 Appendix E Heat Input From Oil Data

Element Name: OilGCV
Report the heat content or GCV of the oil used to calculate heat input during the run. Report this
value in units consistent with the units used to report the mass or volume of oil combusted as
described below.
Oil GCV Units of Measure Code
Element Name: OilGCVUnitsOfMeasureCode
Report the units of measure for GCV which correspond to the mass or volume of oil combusted
and are used in the calculation of heat input during the run. Use one of the uppercase codes
shown in Table 23.

Table 23
Oil GCV Units of Measure Codes and Descriptions



Btu per barrel


Btu per gallon


Btu per pound


Btu per cubic meter


Btu per standard cubic feet

Oil Heat Input
Element Name: OilHeatInpu
Calculate and report the total heat input from oil by multiplying the heat content (GCV) of the
fuel by either the oil mass or the oil volume combusted during the run. Report this value in units
of mmBtu rounded to one decimal place.
Oil Volume
Element Name: OilVolume
If the fuel flow system measures the volumetric flow of oil, report the volume of oil combusted
during the run as measured.
Leave this blank if the fuel flow system measures mass of oil directly.

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3.1.4 Appendix E Heat Input From Oil Data

June 17, 2009

Oil Volume Units of Measure Code
Element Name: OilVolumeUnitsOfMeasureCode
Report the units of measure for volumetric flow using one of the uppercase codes shown in Table

Table 24
Oil Volume Units of Measure Codes and Descriptions







Cubic meter


Standard cubic feet

Use corresponding units for gross calorific value of the fuel if calculating hourly heat input
directly from the volumetric flow.
Oil Density
Element Name: OilDensity
If you use a volumetric oil flowmeter and convert the volumetric flow rates to mass flow, the
density of the oil must be sampled in order to calculate the mass of oil during the run.
Leave this field blank if you calculate heat input directly from the oil volumetric flow rate.
Oil Density Units of Measure Code
Element Name: OilDensityUnitsOfMeasureCode
If sampling and reporting the density of the oil, report the units of measure for density using one
of the uppercase codes in Table 25. Otherwise, leave this field blank. These units must
correspond to the units of measure for oil volume as shown by Table 24 in the Oil Volume Units
of Measure data element description.

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3.1.4 Appendix E Heat Input From Oil Data

Table 25
Oil Density Units of Measure Codes and Descriptions



Pounds per barrel


Pounds per gallon


Pounds per cubic meter


Pounds per standard cubic feet

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3.1.5 Appendix E Heat Input From Gas Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 29

Use the following instructions for completing each element of the APPENDIX E HEAT INPUT FROM
GAS DATA record.
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
Report the three-character Monitoring System ID assigned to the gas fuel flow (GAS) system
used to measure gas flow during the run.
Element Name: GasGCV
Report the heat content or gross calorific value (GCV) of the gas from the appropriate sample to
calculate heat input during the run. Report this value in Btu per 100 scf (BTUHSCF).
Gas Volume
Element Name: GasVolume
This value is the gas measured directly by a gas fuel flowmeter system during the run. All
values must be reported in units of 100 standard cubic feet (gas volumes), not as gas volumetric
flow rates.
Gas Heat Input
Element Name: GasHeatInput
Calculate and report the total heat input from gas by multiplying the heat content (GCV) of the
fuel by the volume of gas combusted. Report this value in units of mmBtu rounded to one
decimal place.

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June 17, 2009

3.1.5 Appendix E Heat Input From Gas Data

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3.2 Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy Test

June 17, 2009

3.2 Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy Test
Figure 30
Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy Test XML Structure

Description of Data
If the fuel flowmeter is calibrated with a flowing fluid, report fuel flowmeter accuracy test results
in a FUEL FLOWMETER ACCURACY DATA record (i.e., if the flowmeter is calibrated in a
laboratory or by an in-line calibration against a reference flowmeter, or both). (See Sections and of Appendix D to Part 75.) The FUEL FLOWMETER ACCURACY DATA record
must be submitted as a "child" of a TEST SUMMARY DATA record. If the flowmeter is an orifice,
nozzle, or venturi-type that meets the design criteria of AGA Report No. 3, report the results of
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June 17, 2009

3.2 Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy Test

the transmitter/transducer calibrations and primary element inspections using, respectively, the
Miscellaneous Tests.
Specific Considerations
Multi-Flowmeter Systems
● Report separate Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy tests for each installed flowmeter component
for fuel flowmeter systems with multiple flowmeter components (e.g., a system with a
main supply meter and a return meter, or a system consisting of multiple flowmeters
supplying the same type of fuel to a unit or to a group of low mass emissions (LME)
Frequency of Testing

Flowmeter accuracy tests are required once every four "fuel flowmeter QA operating
quarters," as defined in 40 CFR 72.2, with a maximum of 20 calendar quarters between
successive tests. However, the optional fuel flow-to-load ratio test in Section 2.1.7 of
Appendix D may be used to extend the interval between successive accuracy tests up to
20 calendar quarters, irrespective of the number of fuel flowmeter QA operating quarters
that have elapsed since the previous test.


Do not report accuracy test results if the meter is temporarily put into storage after being
recalibrated (i.e., if the fuel flowmeter component is not active and is therefore not part of
the monitoring plan). A fuel flowmeter QA operating quarter is counted against a
flowmeter only when the meter has been re-installed, not if it is in storage (refer to the
Part 75 Emissions Monitoring Policy Manual).

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3.2.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy

June 17, 2009

3.2.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy
Use the following instructions for completing each element of the TEST SUMMARY DATA section
for a fuel flowmeter accuracy test.
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitID or StackPipeID
Report the Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID that corresponds to the test location.
Test Type Code
Element Name: TestTypeCode
Report the test type code as "FFACC."
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flowmeter accuracy tests.
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
Report the three-character Component ID assigned to the fuel flowmeter.
Span Scale Code
Element Name: SpanScaleCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flowmeter accuracy tests.
Test Number
Element Name: TestNumber
At each monitoring location and for each test type, report a unique test number for each set of
records which comprises a single test. One method of tracking unique test numbers is to use the
Component ID as a prefix to the number. The test number may not be reused at this location for
another linearity check.
Test Reason Code
Element Name: TestReasonCode
Report the purpose of the test using the appropriate code from Table 26. If the test is both a
periodic quality assurance test and a recertification test, report that the test is a recertification
test. If the test is both a periodic quality assurance test and a diagnostic test, report that the test is
a periodic quality assurance test.

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3.2.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy

Table 26
Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy Test Reason Codes and Descriptions



Initial Certification




Periodic Quality Assurance



Test Description
Element Name: TestDescription
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flowmeter accuracy tests.
Test Result Code
Element Name: TestResultCode
Report the appropriate code from Table 27 to indicate the result of the test.

Table 27
Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy Test Result Codes and Descriptions



Test was aborted due to problems with the installed monitoring system (in-line tests
at the affected facility, only).


Test was failed.


Test was passed.

Note that for in-line tests at the affected facility, the monitoring system is considered out-ofcontrol when a test is aborted due to a problem with a flowmeter. (If aborted due to problems
with the process or with the reference flowmeter, do not report the test.)
Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flowmeter accuracy tests.
Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flowmeter accuracy tests.

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3.2.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy

June 17, 2009

Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flowmeter accuracy tests.
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the date when the test was completed.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the hour when the test was completed.
End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Report the minute when the test was completed.
Grace Period Indicator
Element Name: GracePeriodIndicator
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flowmeter accuracy tests.
Element Name: Year
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flowmeter accuracy tests.
Element Name: Quarter
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flowmeter accuracy tests.
Test Comment
Element Name: TestComment
Report a comment regarding the test if desired.

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3.2.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy

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3.2.2 Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 31

Use the following instructions for completing each element of the FUEL FLOWMETER ACCURACY
DATA record.
Accuracy Test Method Code
Element Name: AccuracyTestMethodCode
Report the type of test using the uppercase codes in Table 28.

Table 28
Accuracy Test Method Codes and Descriptions



AGA Report No. 7, Measurement of Natural Gas by Turbine Meter


American Petroleum Instituted Method Listed in Appendix D, Section


For an ASME Method Listed in Appendix D, Section


In-line (on-site) Comparison Against a Master Meter -- at Facility


International Organization for Standardization Method Listed in Appendix D,


Laboratory Comparison Against a Reference Meter


NIST-Traceable Method, Approved by Petition Under 75.66

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3.2.2 Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy Data

Low Fuel Accuracy
Element Name: LowFuelAccuracy
Report the accuracy as a percentage of upper range value, using Equation D-1 of Appendix D.
If accuracy testing is done at two or more low-range fuel flow rates, report the highest accuracy
from all of the low-level test results in this field and do not report the other low-level results.
Round to one decimal place.
For aborted tests, leave this field blank.
Mid Fuel Accuracy
Element Name: MidFuelAccuracy
Report the accuracy as a percentage of upper range value, using Equation D-1 of Appendix D.
If accuracy testing is done at two or more mid-range fuel flow rates, report the highest accuracy
from all of the mid-level test results in this field and do not report the other mid-level results.
Round to one decimal place.
For aborted tests, leave this field blank.
High Fuel Accuracy
Element Name: HighFuelAccuracy
Report the accuracy as a percentage of upper range value, using Equation D-1 of Appendix D.
If accuracy testing is done at two or more high-range fuel flow rates, report the highest accuracy
from all of the high-level test results in this field and do not report the other high-level results.
Round to one decimal place.
For aborted tests, leave this field blank.
Reinstallation Date
Element Name: ReinstallationDate
For laboratory calibrations that were not performed in-line at the facility, report the date that the
fuel flowmeter was reinstalled.
For in-line tests, leave this field blank.
Reinstallation Hour
Element Name: ReinstallationHour
Report the hour that the fuel flowmeter was reinstalled.
For in-line tests, leave this field blank.

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3.3 Transmitter Transducer Test

June 17, 2009

3.3 Transmitter Transducer Test
Figure 32
Transmitter Transducer Accuracy Test XML Structure

Description of Data
For orifice, nozzle, and venturi-type fuel flowmeters, that conform to AGA Report No.3, the
owner or operator may opt to certify the meters by calibrating the transmitters (or transducers)
using NIST-traceable equipment and performing a visual inspection of the primary element, in
lieu of calibrating the meters with a flowing fluid. If this option is chosen, use a TEST SUMMARY
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3.3 Transmitter Transducer Test

DATA record and the TRANSMITTER TRANSDUCER DATA record, to report the results of the
transmitter or transducer accuracy tests, performed according to Section of Appendix D
to Part 75.
Specific Considerations
Frequency of Testing
● Transmitter/transducer accuracy tests are required once every four "fuel flowmeter QA
operating quarters" (as defined in §72.2 of Part 75) with a maximum of 20 calendar
quarters between successive tests. However, the optional fuel flow-to-load ratio test in
Section 2.1.7 of Appendix D may be used to extend the interval between successive
accuracy tests up to 20 calendar quarters, irrespective of the number of fuel flowmeter
QA operating quarters that have elapsed since the previous test. Submit one
TRANSMITTER TRANSDUCER DATA record for each transmitter or transducer accuracy test
● For a combined cycle combustion turbine (CT) with a duct burner (DB), if the same fuel
is combusted in both the turbine and the duct burner, show the CT and DB fuel
flowmeters as separate components of the same monitoring system. In this case, both
flowmeters must be up-to-date on their required QA tests to maintain an "in-control" QA
status for the system. The interval between the required QA tests is determined in the
same way for both components. The number of hours that the fuel is combusted during
the quarter determines whether a "QA quarter" is counted against a particular flowmeter,
not the number of hours that the flowmeter is used.
Example: A combined cycle turbine with a duct burner combusts only natural gas. In the thirdquarter of 2007, natural gas is combusted for 250 hours in the unit. The duct burner operates
only for 50 hours. In this case, since natural gas was combusted in the unit for > 168 hours, a
fuel flowmeter QA operating quarter is counted against both the CT and DB flowmeters, even
though the DB flowmeter was used for only 50 hours.

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3.3.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Transmitter Transducer Test

June 17, 2009

3.3.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Transmitter Transducer Test
Use the following instructions for completing each element of the TEST SUMMARY DATA section
for transmitter transducer tests.
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitID or StackPipeID
Report the Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID that corresponds to the test location.
Test Type Code
Element Name: TestTypeCode
Report the test type code as "FFACCTT."
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to transmitter transducer tests.
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
Report the three-character Component ID assigned to the fuel flowmeter.
Span Scale Code
Element Name: SpanScaleCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to transmitter transducer tests.
Test Number
Element Name: TestNumber
At each monitoring location and for each test type, report a unique test number for each set of
records which comprises a single test. One method of tracking unique test numbers is to use the
Component ID as a prefix to the number. The test number may not be reused at this location for
another transmitter transducer test.
Test Reason Code
Element Name: TestReasonCode
Report the purpose of the test using the appropriate code from Table 29. If the test is both a
periodic quality assurance test and a recertification test, report that the test is a recertification
test. If the test is both a periodic quality assurance test and a diagnostic test, report that the test is
a periodic quality assurance test.

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3.3.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Transmitter Transducer Test

Table 29
Transmitter Transducer Test Reason Codes and Descriptions



Initial Certification




Periodic Quality Assurance



Test Description
Element Name: TestDescription
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to transmitter transducer tests.
Test Result Code
Element Name: TestResultCode
Report the appropriate code from Table 30 below to indicate the result of the test. Tests aborted
due to problems with the transmitters or transducers are counted as test failures and result in an
out-of-control status for the monitoring system. Do not report the results of tests that are aborted
due to problems with the process or with the calibration equipment.

Table 30
Transmitter Transducer Test Result Codes and Descriptions



Test was aborted.


Test was failed.


Test was passed.

Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to transmitter transducer tests.
Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to transmitter transducer tests.

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3.3.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Transmitter Transducer Test

June 17, 2009

Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to transmitter transducer tests.
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the date when the test was completed.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the hour when the test was completed.
End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Report the minute when the test was completed.
Grace Period Indicator
Element Name: GracePeriodIndicator
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to transmitter transducer tests.
Element Name: Year
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to transmitter transducer tests.
Element Name: Quarter
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to transmitter transducer tests.
Test Comment
Element Name: TestComment
Report a comment regarding the test if desired.

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3.3.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Transmitter Transducer Test

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3.3.2 Transmitter Transducer Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 33

Instructions for completing each element of the TRANSMITTER TRANSDUCER DATA record are
provided below.
Low Level Accuracy
Element Name: LowLevelAccuracy
Report one of the following: (1) the highest accuracy percentage for any of the three
transmitters, obtained using Equation D-1a of Appendix D; (2) the total fuel flowmeter accuracy
percentage, as determined using AGA Report No. 3 Uncertainty Guidelines; or (3) the sum of the
percent accuracies of the three transmitters. Round to one decimal place.
Low Level Accuracy Spec Code
Element Name: LowLevelAccuracySpecCode
Report the method used to determine accuracy results for this level using one of the codes from
Table 31.

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3.3.2 Transmitter Transducer Data

Table 31
Accuracy Spec Codes and Descriptions



Actual Highest Accuracy Percentage for Individual Transmitter or Transducer at
This Level (must be < 1.0 percent of full scale to pass)


Total Flowmeter Accuracy From AGA Report No. 3 Uncertainty Guidelines (must
be < 2.0 percent of upper range value to pass)


Sum of the Percentage Accuracies of All Transmitters or Transducers at This Level
(must be < 4.0 percent to pass)

Mid Level Accuracy
Element Name: MidLevelAccuracy
Report one of the following: (1) the highest percentage accuracy of any of the three transmitters,
obtained using Equation D-1a of Appendix D; (2) the sum of the accuracy percentages of the
three transmitters; or (3) the total fuel flowmeter accuracy percentage, as determined using AGA
Report No. 3 Uncertainty Guidelines. If accuracy testing is done at two or more mid-level
points, then, for Option 1, report the highest individual accuracy percentage value from all of the
mid-level tests of all three transmitters. If Option 2 is used, first determine the highest accuracy
percentage for each of the three transmitters at all mid-level points tested. Then, take the sum of
these three highest accuracy percentages. Round to one decimal place.
Mid Level Accuracy Spec Code
Element Name: MidLevelAccuracySpecCode
Report the method used to determine accuracy results for this level using one of the codes from
Table 31.
High Level Accuracy
Element Name: HighLevelAccuracy
Report one of the following: (1) the highest percentage accuracy for any of the three
transmitters, obtained using Equation D-1a of Appendix D; (2) the sum of the accuracy
percentages of the three transmitters; or (3) the total fuel flowmeter accuracy percentage, as
determined using AGA Report No. 3 Uncertainty Guidelines. Round to one decimal place.
High Level Accuracy Spec Code
Element Name: HighLevelAccuracySpecCode
Report the method used to determine accuracy results for this level using one of the codes from
Table 31.

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3.4 Fuel Flow-to-Load Baseline

June 17, 2009

3.4 Fuel Flow-To-Load Baseline
Figure 34
Fuel Flow-to-Load Baseline XML Structure

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June 17, 2009

3.4 Fuel Flow-to-Load Baseline

Description of Data
If you elect to use the optional fuel flow-to-load ratio test provisions of Section 2.1.7 of
Appendix D to Part 75 to extend the deadline for required fuel flowmeter accuracy tests, report a
record for each fuel flowmeter system that will be quality-assured using fuel flow-to-load ratio or
gross heat rate (GHR) methodology, upon completion of the baseline data collection. According
to the provisions of Section, the baseline fuel flow-to-load ratio or GHR must be
supported by at least 168 hours of baseline fuel flow-to-load ratio or gross heat rate (GHR) data.
Specific Considerations
Reporting Baseline Data
● For orifice, nozzle, and venturi fuel flowmeters relying on conformance with AGA
Report No. 3 for certification and QA, baseline data collection begins immediately after
completing the full quality assurance sequence (i.e., flowmeter transmitter/transducer
calibration test and primary element inspection (PEI)). The transmitter calibrations and
PEI must either be completed in the same calendar quarter or in the adjacent quarters.
● For flowmeters that do not require a PEI, if the calibration occurs on-site, baseline data
collection begins immediately after completing the accuracy test. If the calibration
occurs off-site, baseline data collection begins immediately after the flowmeter is
● The baseline data must be generated within four calendar quarters.
● For common pipe configurations, a single baseline fuel flow-to-load ratio or GHR is
derived from the average common pipe fuel flow rate and the hourly loads for all units
that received fuel from the common pipe. Thus, report only one FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD
BASELINE DATA record for the common pipe (see Part 75, Appendix D, Section
● For units that co-fire fuels as the principal mode of operation, use the GHR methodology
and derive the baseline data during co-fired hours (see Part 75, Appendix D, Section Report a TEST SUMMARY DATA record for each fuel flowmeter system that
supplies fuel to the unit during co-fired hours. In the associated FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD
BASELINE DATA records for these systems, report the identical co-fired baseline

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3.4.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Fuel Flow-to-Load Baseline

June 17, 2009

3.4.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Fuel Flow-to-Load Baseline
Use the following instructions for completing each element of the TEST SUMMARY DATA section
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitID or StackPipeID
Report the Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID that corresponds to the test location.
Test Type Code
Element Name: TestTypeCode
Report the test type code as "FF2LBAS."
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
Report the fuel flowmeter System ID.
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA.
Span Scale Code
Element Name: SpanScaleCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA.
Test Number
Element Name: TestNumber
At each monitoring location and for each test type, report a unique test number for each set of
records which comprises a single test. The test number may not be reused at this location for
Test Reason Code
Element Name: TestReasonCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA.
Test Description
Element Name: TestDescription
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA.

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June 17, 2009

3.4.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Fuel Flow-to-Load Baseline

Test Result Code
Element Name: TestResultCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to Fuel Flow-To-Load Baseline Data.
Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Report the date when the FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA collection was begun. This will
be immediately after the completion of the fuel flowmeter accuracy test(s) (for on-site accuracy
tests) or immediately after the flowmeter is reinstalled (for off-site calibrations).
Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Report the hour when the FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA collection was begun.
Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA.
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the date when the FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA collection was completed.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the hour when the FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA collection was completed.
End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA.
Grace Period Indicator
Element Name: GracePeriodIndicator
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA.
Element Name: Year
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA.

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3.4.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Fuel Flow-to-Load Baseline

June 17, 2009

Element Name: Quarter
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA.
Test Comment
Element Name: TestComment
Report a comment regarding the FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA if desired.

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3.4.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Fuel Flow-to-Load Baseline

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3.4.2 Fuel Flow-to-Load Baseline Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 35

Instructions for completing each element of the FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD BASELINE DATA record are
provided below.
Accuracy Test Number
Element Name: AccuracyTestNumber
For orifice, nozzle, and venturi fuel flowmeters required to perform a transmitter accuracy test as
periodic quality assurance (under Section 2.1.6 of Appendix D), report the test number of the
most recent transmitter accuracy test (according to Sections through of Appendix
D). For all other fuel flowmeters, report the test number of the most recent flowmeter system
accuracy test (according to Section or of Appendix D).

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3.4.2 Fuel Flow-to-Load Baseline Data

Primary Element Inspection (PEI) Test Number
Element Name: PEITestNumber
For orifice, nozzle, or venturi fuel flowmeters required to perform a visual inspection of the
primary element as periodic quality assurance (under Section of Appendix D), report the
test number of the most recent primary element inspection. For all other types of fuel
flowmeters, leave this field blank.
Average Fuel Flow Rate
Element Name: AverageFuelFlowRate
Report the hourly average fuel flow rate during unit operation measured by the fuel flowmeter
system during the baseline period (i.e., Qbase from Equation D-1b in Section of Appendix
D). If you elect to use the gross heat rate (GHR) option and report the average hourly heat input
rate, leave this field as blank.
For a system with more than one fuel flowmeter, you must determine the net hourly fuel flow
rate for each hour in the baseline data collection period. The net fuel flow rate may represent the
difference between the values measured for the main supply and recirculating fuel lines, or may
represent the sum of fuel flow for two or more fuel flowmeters measuring the same type of fuel
to the unit. For a combined cycle turbine with auxiliary firing (e.g., a duct burner), if the duct
burner operates infrequently (i.e., < 25 percent of the unit operating hours, on average), you may
establish the baseline for the fuel flowmeter system using the hours when only the combustion
turbine is in operation. Add together all of the net hourly fuel flow rates and divide by the
number of hours in the baseline data collection period to obtain Qbase.
Average Load
Element Name: AverageLoad
Report the average unit load during the baseline period (i.e., Lavg from Equation D-1c in Section of Appendix D). For a common pipe, add together all of the hourly operating loads for
all units that received fuel through the common pipe header during the baseline data collection
period. Divide the result by the number of hours in the baseline data collection period to obtain
Lavg. For a combined cycle turbine with auxiliary firing, if the duct burner operates infrequently
(< 25 percent of the unit operating hours, on average) and you may establish the baseline using
hours when only the turbine is in operation, use the corresponding hourly electrical outputs from
the turbine to determine Lavg.
Baseline Fuel Flow-to-Load Ratio
Element Name: BaselineFuelFlowToLoadRatio
Report the baseline fuel flow-to-load ratio calculated as Rbase from Equation D-1b in Section of Appendix D. If you report the Baseline GHR, you may leave this field blank.

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3.4.2 Fuel Flow-to-Load Baseline Data

June 17, 2009

Fuel Flow-to-Load Units of Measure (UOM) Code
Element Name: FuelFlowToLoadUOMCode
Report the code for the units of measure of the baseline fuel-flow-to-load ratio as shown in Table
32. If the Baseline Fuel Flow-to-load Ratio data element is blank, leave this field blank.

Table 32
Base Fuel Flow-to-Load Units of Measure Codes and Descriptions
Gas Combustion

Oil Combustion

Subpart H units not subject to either the
Acid Rain Program or the CAIR SO2
Program, and using volumetric oil




100 scfh/MWe


100 scfh/klb per hour of steam load


100 scfh/mmBtu per hour of steam load




(lb/hr)/klb per hour steam load


(lb/hr)/mmBtu per hour of steam load




(gal/hr)/klb per hour of steam load


(gal/hr)/mmBtu per hour of steam load

Average Hourly Heat Input Rate
Element Name: AverageHourlyHeatInputRate
Report the average heat input rate for the baseline hours in mmBtu/hr. If you report the Average
Fuel Flow Rate, you may leave this field blank.
Baseline Gross Heat Rate (GHR)
Element Name: BaselineGHR
Report the baseline value of the gross heat rate calculated as (GHR)base from Equation D-1C in
Section of Appendix D. If you provide the baseline fuel flow-to-load ratio, you may
leave this field blank.
GHR Units of Measure Code
Element Name: GHRUnitsOfMeasureCode
Report the code for the units of the baseline GHR as shown in Table 33. If the Baseline GHR
data element is blank also leave this field blank.

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3.4.2 Fuel Flow-to-Load Baseline Data

Table 33
Baseline GHR Units of Measure Codes and Descriptions





Btu/lb of steam load


mmBtu per mmBtu of steam load times 1000

Number of Hours Excluded Co-firing
Element Name: NumberOfHoursExcludedCofiring
If single-fuel combustion is the principal mode of operation, report the number of hours (if any)
of fuel flow rate data excluded from the fuel flow-to-load or GHR analysis because the unit was
co-firing different fuels. If co-firing is the principal mode of operation, report the number of
single-fuel hours (if any) excluded from the data analysis. Leave this field as blank or zero if
you are not claiming any excluded hours for this reason.
Number of Hours Excluded Ramping
Element Name: NumberOfHoursExcludedRamping
Report the number of hours from the baseline period that are excluded from the baseline data
because they met the criteria of ramping hours in Section of Appendix D. Leave this
field as blank or zero if you are not claiming any excluded hours for this reason.
Number of Hours Excluded Low Range
Element Name: NumberOfHoursExcludedLowRange
Report the number of hours from the baseline period that were excluded from the baseline data
because the unit load during the hour was in the lower 25.0 percent of the range of operation and
was not considered normal. Leave this field as blank or zero if you are not claiming any
excluded hours for this reason.

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3.5 Fuel Flow-to-Load Test

June 17, 2009

Figure 36

Description of Data
For units using the optional fuel flowmeter quality assurance provisions of Section 2.1.7 of
Appendix D to Part 75 (i.e., the fuel flow-to-load ratio or GHR test) to extend the deadline for
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June 17, 2009

3.5 Fuel Flow-to-Load Test

fuel flowmeter accuracy and transmitter/transducer tests, you may extend the QA deadline by
one quarter by reporting one fuel flow-to-load test per fuel flowmeter system. Report the flowto-load test results in a TEST SUMMARY DATA record and the details of the flow-to-load analysis
in an associated FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD TEST record.
Report this test every operating quarter, starting with either:
● The first operating quarter following the quarter in which all the required fuel flowmeter
accuracy tests, transmitter/transducer accuracy tests, and primary element inspections are
completed for flowmeters that are calibrated on-site; or
● The first operating quarter following the quarter that the flowmeter was reinstalled for
flowmeters that are calibrated off-site.
If baseline data collection is still in progress at the end of the quarter, report a test result of
"INPROG" in the TEST SUMMARY record and do not report a FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD TEST record.
Specific Considerations
Submitting for a Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine (CT)
● For a combined-cycle combustion turbine (CT) with a duct burner, if the fuel flowmeters
serving the CT and the duct burner are represented as components of a single fuel
flowmeter monitoring system, the fuel flow-to-load ratio test may be performed using
only the turbine fuel flow rate and load, provided that the duct burner is used, on average,
for < 25 percent of the unit operating hours.
● For units that co-fire fuels as the principal mode of operation, use the GHR methodology
and use only co-fired hours in the data analysis (see Part 75, Appendix D, Section Report a TEST SUMMARY DATA record for each fuel flowmeter system
that supplies fuel to the unit during co-fired hours. In the associated FUEL FLOW-TOLOAD TEST records for these systems, report the identical information from the co-fired
data analysis.
Reporting Frequency
● Do not report this record for non-operating quarters (i.e., quarters with zero operating
● For ozone season only reporters, fuel flow-to-load ratio tests are required only during the
ozone season. Therefore, for such units or pipes, report a FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD TEST
DATA record only for the second and third calendar quarters, if those quarters are
operating quarters (see §75.74(c)(3)(v)).

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3.5.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Fuel Flow-to-Load Test

June 17, 2009

3.5.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Fuel-Flow-to-Load Test
Use the following instructions for completing each element of the TEST SUMMARY DATA section
for the fuel flow-to-load test.
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitID or StackPipeID
Report the Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID that corresponds to the test location.
Test Type Code
Element Name: TestTypeCode
Report the test type code as "FF2LTST."
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
Report the three-character Monitoring System ID assigned to the fuel flowmeter system.
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flow-to-load tests.
Span Scale Code
Element Name: SpanScaleCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flow-to-load tests.
Test Number
Element Name: TestNumber
At each monitoring location and for each test type, report a unique test number for each set of
records which comprises a single test. One method of tracking unique test numbers for this type
of test is to use the System ID as a prefix to the number. The test number may not be reused at
this location for another fuel flow-to-load test.
Test Reason Code
Element Name: TestReasonCode
In all cases, report "QA" as the purpose of the test.
Test Description
Element Name: TestDescription
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flow-to-load tests.

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3.5.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Fuel Flow-to-Load Test

Test Result Code
Element Name: TestResultCode
Report the appropriate code from Table 34 below to indicate the result of the test.

Table 34
Fuel Flow-to-Load Test Result Codes and Descriptions



Fewer than 168 hours available to analyze after taking allowable data exclusions.


Test was failed.


Fewer than 168 fuel operating hours (i.e., not a fuel flowmeter QA operating


Baseline data collection in progress at the end of the quarter.


Test was passed.

Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flow-to-load tests.
Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flow-to-load tests.
Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flow-to-load tests.
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flow-to-load tests.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flow-to-load tests.

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3.5.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Fuel Flow-to-Load Test

June 17, 2009

End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flow-to-load tests.
Grace Period Indicator
Element Name: GracePeriodIndicator
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to fuel flow-to-load tests.
Element Name: Year
Report the year (YYYY) of the calendar quarter of data that is being quality-assured.
Element Name: Quarter
Report the calendar quarter (Q) of the calendar quarter of the data that is being quality-assured.
Test Comment
Element Name: TestComment
Report a comment regarding the test if desired.

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3.5.1 Test Summary Data Elements for Fuel Flow-to-Load Test

[This page intentionally left blank.]

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3.5.2 Fuel Flow-to-Load Test Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 37

Use the following instructions for completing each element of the FUEL FLOW-TO-LOAD TEST
DATA section.
Test Basis Code
Element Name: TestBasisCode
Report a "Q" if the quarterly analysis compares the hourly fuel flow-to-load ratios (using
Equation D-1e in Section of Appendix D). Report an "H" if the quarterly analysis
compares the hourly gross heat rates (using Equation D-1f in Section of Appendix D).
Leave this field blank if reporting a Test Result Code of "EXC168H" or "FEW168H" in the TEST
Average Difference
Element Name: AverageDifference
Perform the quarterly analysis according to the provisions of Section of Appendix D. If
168 hours of data are available, calculate and report the value of Ef using Equation D-1g.
In the quarter in which the baseline data collection is completed, there must be at least 168 hours
of data subsequent to completing baseline data collection in order to perform a fuel flow-to-load
or GHR test for that quarter.
Leave this field blank if reporting a Test Result Code of "EXC168H" or "FEW168H" in the TEST

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3.5.2 Fuel Flow-to-Load Test Data

Number of Hours Used
Element Name: NumberOfHoursUsed
Report the number of hours of quality-assured fuel flow rate data that were used for the fuel
flow-to-load or GHR evaluation of the fuel flowmeter system. A minimum of 168 hours of
quality-assured fuel flow rate data are required for the analysis.
Leave this field blank if reporting a Test Result Code of "EXC168H" in the TEST SUMMARY
DATA record.
Number of Hours Excluded Co-firing
Element Name: NumberOfHoursExcludedCofiring
Report the number of hours (if any) of fuel flow rate data excluded from the fuel flow-to-load or
GHR analysis because the unit was co-firing different fuels, if single-fuel combustion is the
principal mode of operation. Report the number of single-fuel hours (if any) excluded from the
data analysis, if co-firing is the principal mode of operation.
Leave this field as blank if not claiming any excluded hours for this reason.
Number of Hours Excluded Ramping
Element Name: NumberOfHoursExcludedRamping
Report the number of hours (if any) of fuel flow rate data excluded from the data analysis
because of ramping (i.e., the hourly load differed by more than  15 percent from the load during
either the hour before or the hour after).
Leave this field as blank if not claiming any excluded hours for this reason.
Number of Hours Excluded Low Range
Element Name: NumberOfHoursExcludedLowRange
Report the number of hours (if any) of fuel flow rate data excluded from the data analysis
because the unit load was in the lower 25.0 percent of the range of operation (from minimum
safe, stable load to maximum sustainable load, as indicated in the MONITORING LOAD DATA
record in the monitoring plan). This exclusion is not allowed if operation in this lower portion of
the range is considered normal for the unit.
Leave this field as blank if not claiming any excluded hours for this reason.

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3.6 Unit Default Test (LME)

June 17, 2009

3.6 Unit Default Test (LME)
Figure 38
Unit Default Test XML Structure

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June 17, 2009

3.6 Unit Default Test (LME)

Description of Data
To establish a unit-specific, fuel-specific NOx emission rate for qualifying low mass emissions
(LME) units under the Acid Rain Program or Subpart H, perform Appendix E testing at each of the
required load levels, as described in §75.19 (c)(1)(iv)(A), (I) and (J). Report fuel-and-unit specific
NOx emission rate tests using a TEST SUMMARY DATA record, a UNIT DEFAULT TEST DATA record,
and UNIT DEFAULT TEST RUN DATA records for each run at each operating level of the test.
Indicate each test run used to calculate the highest three-run average NOx emission rate, by
reporting "0" for "no" or "1" for "yes" in the Run Used Flag data element of the appropriate UNIT
DEFAULT TEST RUN DATA records. Report only three records with this indicator; for all other
records leave this field blank.
Specific Considerations
Aborted or Invalid Tests
● If a test is aborted or if certain test runs are discarded as invalid, keep a record of this in the
test log, but do not report partial tests or invalid runs in the UNIT DEFAULT TEST RUN DATA
record. The only acceptable reasons for aborting a test or discarding test runs are: (1) the
reference test method was not used properly or malfunctioned; or (2) a problem with the
unit or process prevented the test from being done at the load level or conditions specified
in the regulation.

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3.6.1 Test Summary Data Elements for LME Unit Default Test

June 17, 2009

3.6.1 TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for LME Unit Default Test
Use the following instructions for completing each element of the TEST SUMMARY DATA section
for the LME unit default test.
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitID or StackPipeID
Report the Unit ID that corresponds to the test location.
Test Type Code
Element Name: TestTypeCode
Report the test type code as "UNITDEF."
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to LME unit default tests.
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to LME unit default tests.
Span Scale Code
Element Name: SpanScaleCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to LME unit default tests.
Test Number
Element Name: TestNumber
At each monitoring location and for each test type, report a unique test number for each set of
records which comprises a single test. The test number may not be reused at this location for
another LME unit default test.
Test Reason Code
Element Name: TestReasonCode
Report the purpose of the test using the appropriate code from Table 35.

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3.6.1 Test Summary Data Elements for LME Unit Default Test

Table 35
LME Unit Default Test Reason Codes and Descriptions



Initial Unit Default Test


Periodic Quality Assurance (every five years)


Retest due to event reported in the QA Certification Event record

Test Description
Element Name: TestDescription
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to LME unit default tests.
Test Result Code
Element Name: TestResultCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to LME unit default tests.
Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Report the begin date of the first run of the test.
Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Report the begin hour of the first run of the test.
Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Report the begin minute of the first run of the test.
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the end date of the last run of the test.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the end hour of the last run of the test.

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3.6.1 Test Summary Data Elements for LME Unit Default Test

June 17, 2009

End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Report the end minute of the last run of the test.
Grace Period Indicator
Element Name: GracePeriodIndicator
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to LME unit default tests.
Element Name: Year
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to LME unit default tests.
Element Name: Quarter
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to LME unit default tests.
Test Comment
Element Name: TestComment
Report any comments regarding the test. Additionally, for tests conducted after January 1, 2009,
EPA encourages use of this field to report the name of the stack testing company, the lead tester,
and whether testing was conducted in accordance with ASTM D7036.

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3.6.1 Test Summary Data Elements for LME Unit Default Test

[This page intentionally left blank.]

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3.6.2 Unit Default Test Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 39

Fuel Code
Element Name: FuelCode
Report the type of fuel combusted during this unit default test using the appropriate uppercase code
as shown in Table 36.

Table 36
Fuel Codes and Descriptions for Unit Default Tests



Blast Furnace Gas


Butane Gas


Coal-Derived Gas


Coke Oven Gas


Digester Gas


Diesel Oil


Landfill Gas


Liquefied Petroleum Gas (if measured as a gas)


Mixture (co-fired fuels)


Other Natural Gas (not PNG quality)

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3.6.2 Unit Default Test Data

Table 36
Fuel Codes and Descriptions for Unit Default Tests (cont.)



Other Gas


Residual Oil


Other Oil


Producer Gas


Pipeline Natural Gas (as defined in §72.2)


Process Gas


Propane Gas


Refinery Gas


Unrefined Sour Gas

NOx Default Rate
Element Name: NOxDefaultRate
Report the default NOx emission rate for the LME unit as the highest three-run average obtained at
any tested load.
Operating Condition Code
Element Name: OperatingConditionCode
For units using separate base and peak load NOx default rates (see §75.19(c )(1)(iv)(C)(9)), report
the code from Table 37 indicating whether the test was performed at base load or peak load and, if
at base load, whether an additional test was performed at peak load. Leave this field blank if not
reporting separate base and peak load NOx default rates.

Table 37
Operating Condition Codes and Descriptions



This test was performed at base load and the resulting NOx default rate will be
multiplied by 1.15 to determine the NOx default rate for peak hours.


This test was performed at base load and an additional test was performed at peak


This test was performed at peak load.

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3.6.2 Unit Default Test Data

June 17, 2009

Group ID
Element Name: GroupID
If this test was performed for application to a group of identical units, use the same group ID as
reported in the MONITORING DEFAULT DATA record in this field. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
For details on assigning a Group ID, reference the MONITORING DEFAULT DATA record in the
Monitoring Plan instructions.
Number of Units in Group
Element Name: NumberOfUnitsInGroup
If this test was performed to be applied to a group of identical units, report the number of units in
the group. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Number of Tests for Group
Element Name: NumberOfTestsForGroup
If this test was performed to be applied to a group of identical units, report the number of tests
performed for the group. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

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3.6.2 Unit Default Test Data

[This page intentionally left blank.]

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3.6.3 Unit Default Test Run Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 40

Use the following instructions for completing each element of the UNIT DEFAULT TEST RUN DATA
Operating Level for Run
Element Name: OperatingLevelForRun
Report the operating level for the Unit Default Test run, using "1" as the lowest level.
Run Number
Element Name: RunNumber
Assign a run number to each run. You may assign run numbers either consecutively for each test
(e.g., for a four-load test you may use run numbers one through twelve to represent the three runs
at the four load levels) or for each load level within the test (i.e., one through three for the runs at
each load level). At a minimum, runs must be numbered consecutively in time order within a load
level. Within a load level, do not skip or repeat a run number.

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June 17, 2009

3.6.3 Unit Default Test Run Data

Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Report the date on which the run began.
Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Report the hour in which the run began.
Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Report the minute in which the run began.
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the date on which the run ended.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the hour in which the run ended.
End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Report the minute in which the run ended.
Response Time
Element Name: ResponseTime
Report the response time in seconds according to Sections 8.2.5 and 8.2.6 of Method 7E in
Appendix A-4 to Part 6. This value is used to determine the sampling time at each point.
Reference Value
Element Name: ReferenceValue
Report the reference method value for the run in NOx pounds per mmBtu, rounded to three decimal
Run Used Indicator
Element Name: RunUsedIndicator
Identify and flag the three runs that are used to determine the highest three-run average NOx
emission rate at any tested load level by reporting "0" for "no" or "1" for "yes" in this field. Flag
only these three runs. Leave this field blank for all other test runs.
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4.0 Miscellaneous Tests

June 17, 2009

4.0 Miscellaneous Tests
Figure 41
Miscellaneous Tests XML Structure

Description of Data
You only need to use the TEST SUMMARY DATA record to report the following miscellaneous test

DAHS verification;
Leak Check for Differential Pressure-type Flow Monitor;
Primary Element Inspection for orifice, nozzle or venturi-type fuel flowmeter; and
PEMS three-run Relative Accuracy Audit (RAA) with RM or portable analyzer.

If you are required to perform some additional type of test that has not been defined except
through a petition or policy instruction, report the results of that testing in a TEST SUMMARY
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June 17, 2009

4.0 Miscellaneous Tests

DATA record by identifying the test type as "OTHER" and providing a description of the test in
the Test Description field.
TEST SUMMARY DATA Elements for Miscellaneous Tests
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitStackPipeID
Report the Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID that corresponds to the test location.
Test Type Code
Element Name: TestTypeCode
Report the code from Table 38 indicating the type of test performed.

Table 38
Miscellaneous Test Type Codes and Descriptions



DAHS Verification


Differential Pressure-Type Flow Monitor Leak Check


Other Test


Primary Element Inspection


Three-run Relative Accuracy Audit (RAA) for PEMS with RM or Portable

Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
If the test is performed at the System level (e.g., PEMSACC), report the three-character ID
assigned to the monitoring system. For tests that are not system level, leave the System ID blank
and report the Component ID for the component being tested (e.g., DAHS, LEAK, and PEI).
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
Report the three-character IDs assigned to the component. If a Component ID is not reported,
you must report a Monitoring System ID for the system being tested.
Span Scale Code
Element Name: SpanScaleCode
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to any miscellaneous test type.

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4.0 Miscellaneous Tests

June 17, 2009

Test Number
Element Name: TestNumber
At each monitoring location and for each test type, report a unique test number for each set of
records which comprises a single test. One method of tracking unique test numbers is to use the
System ID or Component ID as a prefix to the number. The test number may not be reused at
this location for the same test type.
Test Reason Code
Element Name: TestReasonCode
Report the purpose of the test using the appropriate code from Table 39.

Table 39
Miscellaneous Test Reason Codes and Descriptions


Applicable Test Types


Initial Certification

All test types, except LEAK



All test types


Periodic Quality Assurance

All test types, except DAHS



All test types, except LEAK

Test Description
Element Name: TestDescription
If you report a Test Type Code of "OTHER," use this field to describe the test activity.
Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Test Result Code
Element Name: TestResultCode
Report the appropriate code from Table 40 below to indicate the result of the test.

Table 40
Miscellaneous Test Result Codes and Descriptions



Test was aborted due to problems with the installed monitoring system.


Test was failed.


Test was passed.

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4.0 Miscellaneous Tests

Begin Date
Element Name: BeginDate
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to any miscellaneous test type.
Begin Hour
Element Name: BeginHour
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to any miscellaneous test type.
Begin Minute
Element Name: BeginMinute
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to any miscellaneous test type.
End Date
Element Name: EndDate
Report the date on which the test ended.
End Hour
Element Name: EndHour
Report the hour during which the test ended.
End Minute
Element Name: EndMinute
Report the minute at which the test ended.
Grace Period Indicator
Element Name: GracePeriodIndicator
For the leak check of a differential pressure-type flow monitor, report a "1" if the test was
performed during a grace period and "0" if the test was performed during the normally accepted
time period. For other test types, leave this field blank.
Element Name: Year
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to any miscellaneous test type.
Element Name: Quarter
Leave this field blank. It does not apply to any miscellaneous test type.

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4.0 Miscellaneous Tests

June 17, 2009

Test Comment
Element Name: TestComment
Report a comment regarding the test if desired.

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4.0 Miscellaneous Tests

[This page intentionally left blank.]

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5.0 QA Certification Event Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 42

Description of Data
Normal operation and maintenance of monitoring systems usually necessitates replacement or
repair of various components or changes to the type of equipment or software installed to
measure and report emissions. These changes may occur unexpectedly during normal operation
or according to a maintenance schedule. Diagnostic testing and in some instances certification or
recertification testing is required when such repairs, component replacements, or equipment
changes are made.
Submit one QA CERTIFICATION EVENT DATA record for each event requiring certification,
recertification or other non-routine testing of a monitoring system. This data record identifies
the nature of the event, the date and time it occurred, and the monitoring system and/or
component to which it is relevant. Also, for ozone season only reporters, submit a QA
CERTIFICATION EVENT DATA record when using conditional data validation in situations where
the required QA linearity or RATA was not completed by the required deadline (i.e., April 30 or
July 30, as applicable; see §75.74(c)(2)(ii)(F) and (c)(3)(ii)(E)).

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5.0 QA Certification Event Data

The QA CERTIFICATION EVENT DATA record also defines any time period(s) during which data
from a monitoring system are considered to be "conditionally valid" pending the outcome of the
required certification, recertification, quality assurance, or diagnostic tests. Data are considered
quality-assured when all of the required QA tests have been successfully completed. When
"conditional" data validation is used, it must be done in accordance with procedures in
§75.20(b)(3) prior to completing all of the required certification, recertification, or diagnostic
testing. Under §75.20(b)(3), the conditionally valid data status begins when a probationary
calibration error test is passed. If the required QA tests are then completed in a timely manner
with no failures, the conditionally valid data are considered to be quality-assured back to the
hour of completion of the probationary calibration error test.
Regarding recertifications, note that with one exception (i.e., changing of the polynomial
coefficient(s) or K-factor(s) of a flow monitor or moisture monitoring system) the definition of a
"recertification event" is limited to those non-routine changes to a monitoring system or process
which require either: (1) RATA(s); (2) fuel flowmeter accuracy testing; (3) a full QA sequence
of transmitter tests and primary element inspections (for orifice, nozzle and venturi-type fuel
flowmeters); or (4) regeneration of an Appendix E NOx correlation curve. Submittal of a formal
recertification application is required only for such recertification events.
Note that when a monitoring system is replaced, a new, unique system ID is assigned and the
new system must be tested for certification. When an analyzer is replaced in a previously
certified system and a new system ID is assigned, this is also considered to be a certification
event. If the old system ID is retained, it is considered to be a recertification event (refer to the
Part 75 Emissions Monitoring Policy Manual).
Report a QA CERTIFICATION EVENT DATA record as follows:
● When conducting initial certification testing of any system on a new (or newly-affected)
● Whenever recertification testing or diagnostic testing is required as a result of changes
made to a previously certified monitoring system (or as the result of changes in the
manner of operating the process). Refer to the Part 75 Emissions Monitoring Policy
● When a monitoring system is replaced with a new system (having a new system ID) and
is tested for certification.
● When the conditional data validation procedures of §75.20(b)(3) are used following
repair, corrective maintenance or reprogramming of the monitor (see Sections 2.2.3(b)(3)
and 2.3.2(b)(3) of Appendix B).
● For ozone season-only reporters, when using conditional data validation because the
required QA linearity check or RATA was not completed by the required deadline.
● If a routine quality assurance test is done for the dual purposes of routine QA and
recertification (see Part 75, Appendix B, Section 2.4).

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June 17, 2009

● For the required linearity checks of non-redundant backup monitors and temporary "likekind replacement" analyzers, when these monitors are brought into service (see
● When the polynomial coefficients or K-factor(s) of a flow monitor or moisture
monitoring system are changed, triggering an unscheduled RATA requirement.
● When a change from a non-CEMS-based monitoring methodology to a CEMS
methodology occurs (e.g., changing from Appendix E to a CEMS for NOx), and the
conditional data validation procedures of §75.20(b)(3) are applied during the CEMS
certification process.
● When there has been a change in the coal rank of the primary fuel. Retesting is also
required within 720 unit operating hours of the change.
● When recertification is required as a result of events referenced in §75.4.
Do not report a QA CERTIFICATION EVENT DATA record:
● For the routine periodic quality assurance tests required under Appendices B, D, and E of
Part 75, except when conditional data validation is used.
● If the only diagnostic test required for a particular event is a calibration error test.
● For any event listed in the recertification and diagnostic testing tables in the Part 75
Emissions Monitoring Policy Manual that does not require QA CERTIFICATION EVENT
DATA record to be submitted.
● When a change from a CEMS-based monitoring methodology to a non-CEMS
methodology occurs (e.g., switching from an SO2 CEMS to Appendix D, or changing
from a NOx CEMS to Appendix E ). In such cases, simply use the MONITORING METHOD
DATA records to indicate changes in monitoring methodology. However, if the opposite
occurs, (i.e., changing from a non-CEMS-based methodology to CEMS), report a QA
CERTIFICATION EVENT DATA record if the conditional data validation procedures of
§75.20(b)(3) are applied during the CEMS certification process.
Specific Considerations
The following typical certification, recertification, and maintenance events would be reported in
this record.
● Replacement of an entire continuous emission monitoring system;
● Change-outs of analytical or other monitoring system components;
● DAHS vendor changes or software version upgrades;

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5.0 QA Certification Event Data

● Changing of the polynomial coefficient(s) or K-factor(s) of a flow monitor or moisture
monitoring system;
● Modification to the flue gas handling system or unit operation that significantly changes
the flow or concentration profile;
● Probe location change, for gas monitoring systems;
● Flow monitor location change; and
● Other system modifications that require one or more tests, as determined in accordance
with the EPA policy (refer to the Part 75 Emissions Monitoring Policy Manual) or
through consultation with EPA Regional Office and Headquarters staff.
Use the following instructions for completing each element of the QA CERTIFICATION EVENT
DATA record.
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitID or StackPipeID
Report either the Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID that corresponds to the monitoring location applicable
to the QA certification event being described. This is the alphanumeric code assigned by a
source to identify a unit, stack, or pipe.
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
If the event requires any system-level tests (e.g., RATA), report the unique three-character
alphanumeric IDs assigned to the monitoring system affected by the event. If a new monitoring
system ID is assigned (e.g., when an entire monitoring system is replaced) report the new system
ID number. If only component-level tests are required (e.g., linearity checks), leave this field
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
If the event requires any component-level tests report the component ID subject to the
certification/recertification/diagnostic testing. (If the event affects the entire system and requires
tests on more than one component, be sure to report a QA Certification Event record for each
applicable component.) If the event only requires system level tests (e.g., a RATA), leave this
field blank. Examples of Event Codes that are system specific but not component-specific
include 5, 10, and 130.

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5.0 QA Certification Event Data

June 17, 2009

QA Cert Event Code
Element Name: QACertEventCode
Report one of the codes in Table 41 to identify an event that occurred and requires some type of
QA, Certification, Recertification, or Diagnostic testing.

Table 41
QA or Certification Event Codes and Descriptions



DAHS Vendor Change


DAHS Software Version Upgrade


DAHS Failure


Change or Insert New Temperature, Pressure, or Molecular Weight Correction
Algorithms in the DAHS for a Dilution-Type Monitoring System


Change or Insert New Mathematical Algorithms in the DAHS to Convert NO
Concentration to Total NOx


Change Missing Data Algorithms


Installation of Add-on SO2 Emission Controls


Installation of Add-on NOx Emissions Controls


Installation of Add-on NOx Emission Controls -- Low Range Not Added but
Stratification Detected


Addition of a Low-Scale Measurement Range (Not associated with add-on control


Addition of a High-Scale Measurement Range (Not associated with add-on control


Construction of New Stack or Flue


Recertification Required Following Long Term Cold Storage (reusing previously
certified systems)


Recertification Required Following Long Term Cold Storage (systems modified, or




Permanent Gas Analyzer Replacement (Like-kind Analyzer, per Policy Question 7.22)


Permanent Gas Analyzer Replacement (Not Like-kind)


Replace or Repair any of These Components of an Extractive or Dilution-Type
System -- Photomultiplier, Lamp, Internal Analyzer Filter or Vacuum Pump, Capillary
Tube, O3 Generator, Reaction Chamber, NO2 Converter, Ozonator Dryer, Sample Cell,
Optical Fibers


Permanent Replacement of Umbilical Line

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Table 41
QA or Certification Event Codes and Descriptions (cont.)



Replace or Repair any of These Components of an In-Situ Monitoring System -- Light
Source, Projection Mirrors, UV Filter, Fiberoptic Cable, Spectrometer Grating, Mirrors
or Mirror Motor


Repair or Replace Circuit Board in an In-Situ System


Change the Location or Measurement Path of an In-Situ Monitor


Replacement of a Continuous Moisture Sensor


Gas Analyzer Probe Replacement (Same Location, Different Length)


Gas Monitoring System Complete Replacement


Initial Certification (Gas Monitoring System). Use this code only: (a) for CEM or
PEMS certification at new and newly affected units; or (b) when reconfiguration occurs
(e.g., switching from common stack to unit-level monitoring)


Gas Monitoring System Probe Relocation


Temporary Use of a Like-kind Replacement Non-redundant Backup Analyzer


Replacement of Primary Analyzer After Temporary Use of a Like-kind Replacement


Temporary Use of a Regular Non-redundant Backup Monitoring System


Replacement of Primary Analyzer After Temporary Use of a Regular Non-redundant
Backup Monitoring System


Changes to the Mathematical Algorithm or K-factor(s) of a Moisture Monitoring


Change to the Span Value of a Gas Monitor


Change to the Low Range Span Value of a Gas Monitor


Change to the High Range Span Value of a Gas Monitor


Critical Orifice Replacement (Same Size)


Critical Orifice Replacement (Different Size)


Probe Replacement -- Dilution-Extractive Monitoring System (Same Length, Location,
and Dilution Ratio)


Major Modification to Dilution Air Supply


Disassemble and Reassemble Dilution Probe for Service


Change from In-Stack to Out-of-Stack Dilution (or vice-versa)


For PEMS or Gas and/or Flow CEMS, Modification to the Flue Gas Handling System
or Unit Operation That Significantly Changes the Flow or Concentration Profile (No
other changes made to the monitoring systems)


Initial Certification of PEMS

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5.0 QA Certification Event Data

June 17, 2009

Table 41
QA or Certification Event Codes and Descriptions (cont.)



For PEMS, Modification to the Flue Gas Handling System or Unit Operation That
Significantly Changes the Flow or Concentration Profile


Changes to Instrumentation Used as Input to PEMS


Minor Change to PEMS Software


Expansion of PEMS Operating Envelope


PEMS Replacement


Flow Monitor Complete Replacement


Changes to the Polynomial Coefficients or K-factor(s) of a Flow Monitor


Flow Monitor Transducer Replacement


Initial Certification (Flow Monitor). Use this code only: (a) for flow monitor
certification at new and newly-affected units; or (b) when reconfiguration occurs (e.g.,
switching from common stack to unit-level monitoring)


Other Major Flow Monitor Component Replacement or Repair (e.g., DP Probe,
Thermal Sensor, Transducer Electronics)


Flow Monitor Relocation


Stack Flow-to-Load Ratio or GHR Test Failure


Fuel Flowmeter Replacement


Fuel Flowmeter Transmitter/Transducer Replacement


Fuel Flowmeter Primary Element Replacement (Orifice, Nozzle or Venturi-type, Same


Fuel Flowmeter Primary Element Replacement (Orifice, Nozzle or Venturi-type,
Different Dimensions)


Fuel Flowmeter Primary Element Replacement (Other Types of Flowmeters)


Fuel Flow-to-Load or GHR Test Failure


For Appendix E Systems, Modifications to the Flue Gas Handling System or Unit
Operation that Significantly Changes the Flow or Concentration Profile Requiring a
Retest Under Appendix E to Part 75 to Reestablish the NOx Correlation Curve


For Appendix E Units, Exceeding the Excess O2 Level for > 16 Consecutive Operating


For Appendix E Units, Exceeding the Water to Fuel or Steam to Fuel Rates for > 16
Consecutive Operating Hours


For Appendix E Units, Exceeding Other QA/QC Parameters for > 16 Consecutive
Operating Hours


Opacity Monitor or Particulate Matter Monitor Complete Replacement


Opacity Monitor or Particulate Matter Monitor Transceiver Replacement

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5.0 QA Certification Event Data

Table 41
QA or Certification Event Codes and Descriptions (cont.)



Opacity Monitor or Particulate Matter Monitor Transceiver Factory Rebuild


Opacity Monitor or Particulate Matter Monitor Relocation


For a Low Mass Emissions (LME) Unit, a Change to the Unit or to the Fuel Supply or
Manner of Unit Operation, Requiring Re-determination of the Unit-specific, Fuelspecific NOx Emission Rate


Conditional Data Validation used when QA test not completed by deadline (Ozone
Season-Only Reporters)

QA Cert Event Date
Element Name: QACertEventDate
Report the date of the event. If the monitoring system is deemed to be out-of-control (unable to
provide quality-assured data) as a result of changes made to the system, report the date of that
change. If there is no out-of-control period associated with a particular event, report the date and
hour of the beginning of the event. This date and hour must precede the date and hour of
commencement of the required diagnostic or recertification tests.
Consider the following scenarios:
● For certifications and recertifications triggered by the replacement of a monitoring
system or an analyzer, report the date and hour on which the replacement monitoring
system or analyzer is first installed.
● For the initial certification of monitoring systems on new (or newly-affected) units (QA
Cert Event Codes 125 and 305), report a date and hour that predates, but is close in time
to, the commencement date and hour of the certification testing. If you use the
conditional data validation procedures of §75.20(b)(3), the beginning date and hour of the
certification event must precede the date and hour of the probationary calibration error
● For installation of add-on controls or the construction of a new stack or flue (QA Cert
Event Codes 20 through 26, and 40), report the date on which emissions first exited to the
atmosphere through the new operating controls, stack, or flue. (Refer to the Part 75
Emissions Monitoring Policy Manual.)
● When a DAHS is replaced or the DAHS software version is upgraded, and the old and
new platforms or software versions are run in parallel (so that there may be a smooth
transition from the old to the new, with no monitoring system out-of-control periods
associated with the DAHS replacement or upgrade), report the date and hour at which the
new DAHS platform or software version first begins to be run in parallel with the old
platform or version.
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5.0 QA Certification Event Data

June 17, 2009

● For recertification of monitoring systems following long-term shutdown (QA Cert Event
Code 50), report the date and hour when the unit recommences commercial operation.
● For ozone season-only reporters who missed the deadline to perform their QA tests and
are using conditional data validation procedures (QA Cert Event Code 800), report the
earlier of the date and hour of the probationary calibration error test and the date and hour
that the QA test was due (May 1 Hour 0 for second-quarter tests, July 31 Hour 0 for
third-quarter tests).
QA Cert Event Hour
Element Name: QACertEventHour
Report the hour of the event as described above under QA Cert Event Date.
Required Test Code
Element Name: RequiredTestCode
Report one of the codes from Table 42 to specify the test or tests required for the applicable
event. These tests should correspond to the event identified by the QA Cert Event Code. Note
that for CEMS, these codes describe only the full QA tests that are required, not the simplified
linearity and cycle time diagnostic tests described in the recertification and diagnostic testing
section of the Part 75 Emissions Monitoring Policy Manual. The abbreviated diagnostic tests are
not required to be reported to EPA.

Table 42
Required Test Codes and Descriptions



3-Load RATA, 7-Day Calibration Error Test


Normal Load RATA, 7-Day Calibration Error Test, Linearity Check, Cycle Time


3-Load RATA, 7-Day Calibration Error Test, DAHS Verification


Normal Load RATA, 7-Day Calibration Error Test, Linearity Checks, Cycle Time
Test, DAHS Verification


Normal Load RATA


3-Load Flow RATA


2-Load Flow RATA


Normal Load RATA, Linearity Checks


Linearity Checks


Linearity Checks, 7-Day Calibration Error Test


Normal Load RATA, 7-Day Calibration Error Test, Linearity Checks

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Table 42
Required Test Codes and Descriptions (cont.)



Normal Load RATA, Linearity Checks, Cycle Time Test


Normal Load RATA, 7-Day Calibration Error Test, Cycle Time Test


7-Day Calibration Error Test, Cycle Time Test


Normal Load RATA, 7-Day Calibration Error Test


Normal Load RATA, Cycle Time Test


Linearity Checks, Cycle Time Test


7-Day Calibration Error Test


Cycle Time Test


DAHS Verification (Formulas)


DAHS Verification (Missing Data Routines)


DAHS Verification (Formulas and Missing Data)


DAHS Verification (Formulas and Missing Data), Daily Calibration Error Test


Off-line Calibration Demonstration


Off-line Calibration Demonstration, 7-Day Calibration Error Test


Abbreviated Stack Flow-to-Load Ratio Test


3-Load RATA, 7-Day Calibration Error Test


Abbreviated Stack Flow-to-Load Ratio Test and possibly a leak check (if DP Trans)


Angle of View, Angle of Projection, Mean Spectral Response, Response Time,
Calibration Drift Test, Stack Exit Correction Factor


Stack Exit Correction Factor


Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy Test


Fuel Flowmeter Transmitter Test, Primary Element Inspection


Fuel Flowmeter Transmitter Test


Primary Fuel Flowmeter Element Inspection


Abbreviated Fuel Flow-to-Load Test


Fuel Flowmeter Transmitter Test, Primary Element Inspection, Re-determine Flow


Primary Element Inspection, Re-determine Flow Coefficients


Retest of the Appendix E NOx Correlation Curve


Re-determination of the Unit-Specific, Fuel-Specific NOx Emission Rate for a Low
Mass Emissions (LME) Unit

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5.0 QA Certification Event Data

June 17, 2009

Table 42
Required Test Codes and Descriptions (cont.)

PEMS Sensor Validations, Daily QA/QC, Statistical Tests, RATA (at least 30 test
runs at each of three loads)


PEMS Daily QA/QC, 3-Run Relative Accuracy Audit (RAA) with RM, or Portable




Other (Note That Recertification Application May Be Required)

Conditional Begin Date
Element Name: ConditionalBeginDate
If applicable, report the date on which conditional data validation began. For gas CEMs or flow
monitoring systems only, whenever using the conditional data validation procedures of
§75.20(b)(3), report the date that a probationary calibration error test was successfully completed
according to the provisions of §75.20(b)(3). Data are conditionally valid from that date until all
required tests are passed, provided that all tests are passed in succession, within the allotted
window of time, with no failures.
Note that in most instances, the allotted time for completing the required tests will be as
specified in §75.20(b)(3)(iv). However, for the initial certification of the CEMS installed on a
new (or a newly affected) unit, the timelines in §75.20(b)(3)(iv) are superseded by the
certification window provided in the applicable regulation. Leave these fields blank if the
conditional data validation procedures in §75.20(b)(3) are not used. Also, leave this field blank
for excepted monitoring systems under Appendices D or E to Part 75. When a new stack is
constructed or when add-on SO2 or NOx emission controls are installed, a longer window of time
is allotted in §75.4(e) for the required certification, recertification and/or diagnostic testing (refer
to the Part 75 Emissions Monitoring Policy Manual).
Also, if the Event Code indicates initial certification, analyzer replacement, or complete
replacement of a monitoring system (Event Codes 40, 50, 51, 100, 101, 120, 125, 151, 250, 255,
300 or 305) and conditional data validation is used, a BAF of 1.000 should be applied to the
hourly data (where applicable) from the beginning of the conditional data validation period to the
completion hour of the certification or recertification RATA. For any other events that require a
RATA, apply the BAF from their previous RATA during the conditional data period, unless that
RATA failed or was aborted, in which case use 1.000.
Conditional Begin Hour
Element Name: ConditionalBeginHour
If applicable, report the hour during which conditional data validation began.

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5.0 QA Certification Event Data

Completion Test Date
Element Name: CompletionTestDate
Report the date on which the last required certification, recertification or diagnostic test was
successfully completed. Leave this field blank if all of the required tests have not been
successfully completed at the time you submit the QA Certification Data file with this QA
CERTIFICATION EVENT DATA record. To ensure closure of this event, when the required tests are
completed, update this record with the test completion date and hour and resubmit the record.
Completion Test Hour
Element Name: CompletionTestHour
Report the hour during which the last required certification, recertification or diagnostic test was
successfully completed. Leave this field blank if the required tests have not been successfully
completed at the time you submit the QA Certification Data file with this QA CERTIFICATION
EVENT DATA record.

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Environmental Protection Agency

6.0 Test Extension Exemption Data

June 17, 2009

Figure 43

Description of Data
To claim a quarter-specific test extension or exemption from the standard QA test schedule or
requirements under any program, report a TEST EXTENSION EXEMPTION DATA record. Each
record identifies the monitoring system and/or component to which the extension or exemption
applies the year and quarter of the extension or exemption, and a code indicating the specific
type of extension or exemption being claimed.
Use this record to claim the following types of extensions and exemptions:
For CEM systems:
● Only very low-sulfur fuel was combusted this quarter (extends SO2 RATA deadline).
● Analyzer Range was not used this quarter and fewer than four calendar quarters have
elapsed since the last linearity check on this range (exempts from linearity on that range).

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6.0 Test Extension Exemption Data

● Year-to-date usage of this "regular" non-redundant backup monitoring system is no more
than 720 hours and fewer than eight full quarters have elapsed since the last RATA (see
● Emissions exhausted during quarter for less than 168 operating hours through bypass
stack on which a primary-bypass (PB) monitoring system is located (exempts monitor
from linearity and RATA).
For non-CEM systems:
● This calendar quarter was not a "fuel flowmeter QA operating quarter" (as defined in
40 CFR 72.2) for an ozone season-only reporter during quarters one, two, and four
(extends Fuel Flow Accuracy test schedule).
● Duct burner on combined-cycle turbine operated less than 168 operating hours during
quarter (extends accuracy test deadline for fuel flowmeter feeding the duct burner by one
Do NOT use this record to claim the following types of extensions and exemptions, because
these extensions and exemptions are being determined through other reporting mechanisms:
● This calendar quarter was not a QA operating quarter (i.e., location operated less than
168 operating hours). (This is determined from hourly emissions data.)
● This calendar quarter was not a fuel flowmeter QA operating quarter (except as noted
above). (This is determined from hourly emissions data.)
● A claim for a 168-hour or 720-hour grace period extension. (This is determined from
hourly emissions data.)
● Linearity test exemption when span value for SO2 or NOx is less than 30 ppm. (This is
determined from the span record in the monitoring plan.)
● Extension of fuel flow accuracy testing through fuel flow-to-load testing. (This is
reported in a fuel flow-to-load test.)
● Special RATA claims (i.e., single-load flow claim, non-normal operating level claim,
operating range exception). (This is reported with the RATA in a Test Qualification

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6.0 Test Extension Exemption Data

June 17, 2009

Use the following instructions for completing each element of the TEST EXTENSION EXEMPTION
DATA record.
Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID
Element Name: UnitID or StackPipeID
Report either the Unit ID or Stack Pipe ID.
Element Name: Year
Report the Year to which the extension or exemption applies.
Element Name: Quarter
Report the Quarter to which the extension or exemption applies.
Monitoring System ID
Element Name: MonitoringSystemID
If applicable, report the three-character ID assigned to the system to which the extension or
exemption applies. The following exemption types require System ID: LOWSQTR,
LOWSYTD, NRB720, and NONQAPB. If the extension or exemption applies only at a
component level, leave this field blank.
Component ID
Element Name: ComponentID
If applicable, report the three-character ID assigned to the component to which the extension or
exemption applies. The following exemption type requires Component ID: RANGENU,
NONQAPB, and NONQADB. If the extension or exemption applies only at a system level,
leave this field blank.
Hours Used
Element Name: HoursUsed
Report the quarterly or cumulative year-to-date hours, as appropriate. For RANGENU or
LOWSQTR exemptions, report "0" (zero) to indicate that the applicable range was not used or
higher sulfur fuel was not burned at all during the quarter. For LOWSYTD exemptions report
the year-to-date usage of fuel with a sulfur content higher than very low sulfur fuel. For
NONQAOS exemptions, report the number of hours during the quarter in which the fuel type
measured by this fuel flowmeter system was burned. For NRB720 exemptions, report the yearto-date usage of the non-redundant backup monitoring system. For NONQAPB exemptions,
report the number of operating hours when emissions were exhausted through the bypass stack.
For NONQADB exemptions, report the number of operating hours for the duct burner.
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6.0 Test Extension Exemption Data

Span Scale Code
Element Name: SpanScaleCode
For exemption type "RANGENU," report "H" or "L" to indicate which range was not used.
Fuel Code
Element Name: FuelCode
For exemption type NONQAOS, report the fuel type for which the extension is being claimed by
selecting from the Fuel Codes shown in Table 43.

Table 43
Fuel Codes and Descriptions for Test Extension Exemption



Blast Furnace Gas


Butane (if measured as a gas)


Coal-Derived Gas


Coke Oven Gas


Digester Gas


Diesel Oil


Landfill Gas


Liquefied Petroleum Gas (as defined in §72.2)


Natural Gas


Other Gas


Residual Oil


Other Oil


Producer Gas


Pipeline Natural Gas (as defined in §72.2)


Process Gas


Propane (if measured as a gas)


Refinery Gas


Unrefined Sour Gas

Extension or Exemption Code
Element Name: ExtensionOrExemptionCode
Report the code from Table 44 that corresponds to the type of exemption or extension you are
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6.0 Test Extension Exemption Data

June 17, 2009

Table 44
Extension or Exemption Code

Claim Description and Instructions

RT Reference*


SO2 RATA deadline extension claimed for this quarter. This RT 697: Type 2
location combusts both very low-sulfur fuel and higher sulfur
fuel, but only very low-sulfur fuel was combusted this quarter
(and no more than eight calendar quarters have elapsed since
the quarter in which the last SO2 RATA was performed).


Conditional SO2 RATA Exemption Claimed. As of the end
of this quarter, year-to-date usage of fuel with a sulfur
content higher than very low-sulfur fuel is less than 480

RT 697: Type 4


Extension of Fuel Flow Accuracy test deadline claimed for
this non-fuel flowmeter QA operating quarter (there were
fewer than 168 hours during the quarter in which the fuel
type measured by this fuel flowmeter system was burned).
Report this claim, as applicable, for ozone season-only
reporters for quarters 1, 2 and 4.

RT 696: Type 1


Extension of RATA or Linearity test deadlines claimed for
Primary Bypass (PB) monitors located on a bypass stack to
indicate when the monitored bypass stack operated less than
168 hours. Grace periods and other extensions will be
tracked solely on the unit operating basis.



Conditional RATA Exemption Claimed for this system.
Year-to-date usage of this non-redundant backup monitoring
system is no more than 720 hours and fewer than eight full
quarters have elapsed since the last RATA.

RT 697: Type 5


Exemption from linearity test at this range claimed because
this analyzer range was not used during this calendar quarter.

RT 698, Code 2


Extension of fuel flow accuracy or transmitter transducer test
deadline claimed for fuel flowmeters feeding duct burners in
combined cycle turbines when the duct burner operated less
than 168 hours.


* From "Revised EDR Version 2.2 Reporting Instructions," December 2005

Environmental Protection Agency

Quality Assurance and Certification Reporting Instructions -- Page 201

June 17, 2009

6.0 Test Extension Exemption Data

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Quality Assurance and Certification Reporting Instructions -- Page 202

Environmental Protection Agency

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleECMPS_QA_Reporting_Instructions_2009Q2
File Modified2009-06-18
File Created2009-06-18

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