AGEP Mapping Survey Questions

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National Evaluation of the Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professioriate Faculty and Student Surveys

AGEP Mapping Survey Questions

OMB: 3145-0210

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all questions organized
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Sheet 1: all questions organized

AGEP: Student Survey and Faculty Survey

Categorization of Survey Questions

Research Considerations-

1. What are the variation among AGEP alliances, institutions, and departments, and what explains these variations?
2. How do socio-historical and contextual factors influence enrollment and completion rates?

Research Considerations
Research Considerations
Question Type Student Faculty
Identifiers Respondent ID
Respondent ID

7) What is the name of the college or university that you are currently attending?
1) What is the name of the college or university at which you are a member of the faculty?

8) In what state is this institution located?
2) In what state is this institution located?

9) In what department are you enrolled?
3) In what department/program?

Respondent Demographics 62) In what year were you born? 2 74) What is your ethnicity?

63) What is your ethnicity? 2 75) What is your race?

64) What is your race? 2 76) What is your sex?

65) What is your sex? 2

66) What is your citizenship? 2

67) In what country were you born? 2

68) What was the primary language spoken at home while you were growing up? 2

69) What is your disability status? 2

70) What is the highest level of education that your mother attained? 2

71) What is the highest level of education that your father attained? 2

72) What is your parents’ approximate combined income? 2

73) What is your mother’s country of origin? 2

74) What is your father’s country of origin? 2

Respondent Background 1) From which college or university did you receive your bachelor's (i.e., undergraduate) degree? 2 7) For how many years have you been at this institution?

2) In what state is this institution located?
8) For how many years have you been a faculty member, including all institutions where you have been employed?

3) In what year did you receive your bachelor’s degree? 2 31) What is the level of importance that you place on AGEP students entering the following career trajectories? 1

4) What was your undergraduate major? 2

5) What was your overall undergraduate grade point average (GPA)? 2

22) Have you completed graduate level coursework in another program or institution? 2

23) In what field have you previously completed graduate level coursework? 2

24) If you completed a degree, in what year was it granted? 2

25) At what institution did you complete this degree? 2

26) In what state is this institution located?

39) Did you visit the graduate school before applying? 2

40) What other sources helped you to decide to apply to your graduate school? 2

41) In general, how well prepared do you believe you were for graduate school compared to other graduate students in your program? 2

43) What was your combined verbal reasoning and quantitative reasoning GRE score? 2

44) What was your score on your GRE subject test? 2

53) If you are not currently employed, have you ever been employed while in this graduate program? 2

Respondant Current Status 10) Are you attending full-time or part-time? 2 4) What is your title?

11) In what year did you begin your current graduate program?
5) Is your position full time or part time?

12) Are you working toward a Master’s degree?
6) What is your tenure status?

13) If you plan to get a doctorate, from what institution?

14) Have you already received a Master’s degree from this program?

15) In what year do you expect to graduate with your final degree from this program?

17) What is your overall graduate grade point average (GPA)? 2

18) What are your current sources for financial support for your graduate studies? 2

45) Are you currently employed? 2

46) Do you work on or off campus? 2

47) What is the nature of your employment? 2

48) Do you work in a science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics field? 2

49, 50) Which of the following best describes the field in which you work? 2

51) How long have you worked at this job?

Respondant Career Goals 6) What was your main long-range career goal during your last year as an undergraduate?

54) What is your current long-range career goal?

55) We are interested in your level of interest in seeking employment at an Historically Black College or University or at a university that serves substantial numbers of Hispanic students. Please rate your interest on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 indicates very interested and 5 indicates not interested at all. 1

Institutional Descriptors

37) Does your campus face legal constraints on race/ethnicity-based recruitment efforts? 1, 2

44) Does your campus face legal constraints on race/ethnicity-based retention efforts? 1, 2

Department/ Program Descriptors 16) What is the highest degree that this program offers? 1 35) Does your department/program have numerical goals for its recruitment effort of racial/ethnic minority students? 1, 2

36) What are your department/program numerical goals for its recruitment effort or racial/ethnic minority students? 1, 2

49) Besides AGEP, in what other national, state-wide, or multi-campus programs does your department/program participate, with the purpose of promoting recruitment and/or retention of underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students? 1, 2

52) About how many faculty members are in your department/program this year? 1, 2

53) About how many full and part time undergraduate students are in your department/program this year? 1, 2

54) About how many full and part time graduate students are in your department/program this year? 1, 2

55) About what percentage of graduate students in your department/program belong to an underrepresented ethnic/racial minority group. Please do not include Asian or international students. 1, 2

56) Between 1990 and 2005, has the percentage of enrolled graduate students in your department/program who are from underrepresented ethnic/racial minority groups increased, stayed about the same, or decreased? 1, 2

57) What degree pathways are offered by your department? 1, 2

58) What is the normative time to receive a Master’s degree? 1, 2

59) About what percentage of students overall who begin the Master’s degree program eventually graduate with a Master’s degree? 1

60) About what percentage of underrepresented ethnic/racial minority students who begin the Master’s degree program eventually graduate with a Master’s degree? 1

61) What is the normative time to receive a Doctorate? 1, 2

62) About what percentage of students overall who begin a Doctorate program eventually graduate with a Doctorate? 1

63) About what percentage of underrepresented ethnic/racial minority students who begin a Doctorate program eventually graduate with a Doctorate? 1

64) Between 1990 and 2005, has the percentage of underrepresented ethnic/racial minority students who begin a program and eventually receive their doctorate increased, stayed about the same, or decreased? 1, 2

65) About what percentage of students overall enter into the professoriate after receiving a Doctorate from your department? 1

68) About what percentage of underrepresented ethnic/racial minority students enter into the professoriate after receiving a Doctorate from your department? 1

67) For students who enter academia, what is the general time frame for your graduate students to enter their first tenure track academic position? 1

Campus Culture

9) Have any particular issues arisen in your department/program or institution that you believe are particular to the students from underrepresented minority backgrounds? 1, 2

10) Please describe the issues that are specific to the needs of racial/ethnic underrepresented students at your campus: 1, 2

11) Are you aware of institutional efforts to address these issues? 1, 2

12) If you have additional comments about your department/program or campus and the environment for underrepresented students, please note them here. 1, 2

AGEP: Description 30) Was AGEP present in your undergraduate institution? 2 17) How do you describe AGEP to others? 1

18) How do students become a part of AGEP? 1, 2

38) Please indicate whether AGEP at your institution sponsors the following interventions to promote recruitment of underrepresented racial/ethnic minority graduate students. (see attached) 1, 2

45) Please indicate whether AGEP at your institution sponsors the following interventions to promote retention of underrepresented racial/ethnic minority graduate students. (see attached) 1, 2

AGEP: participation/ knowledge 27)        Please indicate in which of the following activities you have been involved to help you feel more successful during graduate school. (see attached) 1, 2 13) Have you heard of Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP)? 1

28) Did you apply to be a part of AGEP or were you automatically enrolled? 1, 2 14) Are you involved in AGEP-sponsored activities on your campus? 1

29) Please rate your level of knowledge about AGEP on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicates that you are very knowledgeable and 5 indicates not knowledgeable at all. 1, 2 15) For how long have you been involved in AGEP? 1

16) Do you have a leadership role in AGEP?

23) Have you had any interactions with the Alliance and/or other partnering institutions within your alliance? 1

26) Have you received a grant, stipend, or any other financial benefit from AGEP? 1

27) Have students worked with you as a research assistant while AGEP paid them a stipend? 1

33) Please rate your level of knowledge about AGEP on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicates that you are very knowledgeable and 5 indicates not knowledgeable at all. 1

34) Indicate the level of commitment that your department/program has toward AGEP. 1, 2

51) Do you expect to continue your involvement with AGEP in the future? 1

AGEP: Evaluation 31) Do you feel that AGEP played a role in helping you go to graduate school while you were an undergraduate? Please rate AGEP on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicates that it played a strong role and 5 indicates no role at all. 1, 2 19) How valuable are the following interventions to support underrepresented minority students that are offered by AGEP on your campus? (see attached) 1, 2

32) Are there ways in which AGEP could have been more beneficial to you to help you go to graduate school? 1 20) How valuable are the following benefits for faculty that are offered by AGEP on your campus? (see attached) 1

33) In what way could AGEP have been more beneficial to you to help you go to graduate school? 1 21) What is the single-most valuable contribution of AGEP at your institution? (see attached) 1, 2

34) For following AGEP-offered activities and programs in which you have been involved, how valuable are they to you? (see attached) 1, 2 22) To what extent has AGEP fostered dialogue about diversity in graduate education on your campus? 1, 2

35) Do you feel that AGEP is helping you be successful in graduate school? 1, 2 24) Your interactions with the alliance and/or partnering institutions have: strengthened, hurt, remained the same 1

36) Are there ways in which AGEP could be more helpful to you to be more successful in graduate school? 1 25) In what ways have your interactions benefited you, your department/program, and/or your institution? 1

37) In what way could AGEP be more helpful to you as a graduate student? 1 28) Has the nature of your interactions with graduate students from underrepresented minority groups been affected by AGEP? 1

38) Please rate the level of encouragement you have received from AGEP to pursue a career as a professor, where 1 indicates strongly encouraged and 5 indicates not encouraged at all. 1, 2 29) Please explain how the nature of your interactions with students from underrepresented minority groups has been affected by AGEP. 1

75) We welcome any ideas that you may have that could help improve the AGEP program. If you have any thoughts that you care to share, please type them in the space provided below.
30) Indicate to what extent that AGEP encourages students to pursue a career as a professor, where 1 indicates that students are strongly encouraged and 5 indicates they are not encouraged at all. 1, 2

32) How should the success of AGEP as a program be measured? (see attached) 1, 2

68) Do you feel that your institution’s involvement with AGEP plays a role in the enrollment of underrepresented ethnic/racial minority graduate students in your department/program? Please rate AGEP on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicates that it played a strong role and 5 indicates no role at all. 1, 2

69)    In what way, if any, could AGEP be more beneficial to promote enrollment of underrepresented graduate students in graduate school? 1, 2

70)    Do you feel that your institution’s involvement with AGEP plays a role in increasing the retention rate of underrepresented graduate students in your department/program? Please rate AGEP on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicates that it played a strong role and 5 indicates no role at all. 1, 2

72)    In what way, if any, could AGEP be more beneficial to help retain underrepresented graduate students? 1, 2

73)    Do you feel that your institution’s involvement with AGEP plays a role in increasing the graduation rate of underrepresented graduate students in your department/program? Please rate AGEP on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicates that it played a strong role and 5 indicates no role at all. 1, 2

74)    In what way, if any, could AGEP be more beneficial to increase the graduation rate of underrepresented graduate students? 1, 2

39) Have the strategies that your department/program use to increase recruitment of underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students changed as a result of the influence of AGEP? 1, 2

40) Subsequent to participating in AGEP, in what ways have the strategies that your department/program use to increase recruitment of underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students changed? 1, 2

42) Has the presence of AGEP influenced campus-wide recruitment efforts? 1, 2

43) How has campus-wide recruitment changed through the influence of AGEP? 1, 2

46) Have the strategies that your department/program use to retain underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students changed as a result of the influence of AGEP? 1, 2

47) In what way have the strategies that your department/program use to retain underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students changed? 1, 2

50) Considering the set of resources that are available at your department/program and institution for recruitment and retention of underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students, is AGEP an added benefit? 1, 2

77) We welcome any ideas that you may have that could help improve the AGEP program. If you have any thoughts that you care to share, please type them in the space provided below.

Department/ program Evaluation 19) Have you considered leaving your current graduate program at any time since entering graduate school? 2 41) Are you satisfied with your department/program’s effort to recruit underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students? 1

20) What is the primary reason that you have considered leaving the graduate program? 2 58) Are you satisfied with your department/program’s effort to retain underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students? 1

21) What is the primary reason that you have decided to stay in the graduate program? 2

42) Is there any aspect of your undergraduate education that you feel could have been strengthened to better prepare you for graduate school?

56, 57) Please indicate the one aspect of your graduate education that you feel will be most important in preparing for your future career. 2

58, 59) Please indicate a second aspect of your graduate education that you feel will be important in preparing you for your future career. 2

60) Is there any aspect of your graduate education that you feel could be strengthened to better prepare you for your future career? 2

61) Please explain how your graduate program might better prepare you for your future career. 2

Job evaluation 52) Compared to staff in positions similar to yours, how well prepared do you believe you are for your job?

Sheet 2: AGEP question details

AGEP-Specific Question Details

Student Survey Faculty Survey
Descriptive (participation/presence)

27) Please indicate in which of the following activities you have been involved to help you feel more successful during graduate school. 38) Please indicate whether AGEP at your institution sponsors the following interventions to promote recruitment of underrepresented racial/ethnic minority graduate students.

AGEP sponsored/other organization sponsored/partipated, but don't know who sponsored it/did not participate Sponsored by AGEP/Not sponsored by AGEP but available/Available but not sure who sponores it/Not available/Don't know

Participated as an undergraduate student/particpated as a graduate student

Received a fellowship that was specific to AGEP students Allocated funding (grants, fellowships, etc.) for underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students

Received a stipend for conducting research Formal partnership with campus clubs or organizations

Received a stipend to travel to a conference Formal partnership with national race/ethnic organizations

Received a stipend for purposes other than research and/or travel Representatives from your department/program attend graduate school fairs

Attended a workshop involving several campuses Representatives from your department/program visit other departments and/or institutions

Attended professional development activities involving several campuses Invite prospective students to visit your department/program

Membership in a community of underrepresented minority students who are pursuing a Ph.D. Formal mentoring relationship between student and faculty member

Relationship with an appointed mentor Formal student relationship with a faculty advocate

Relationship with a faculty advocate Informal student relationship with a faculty member

Participation in a student monitoring program Other, please explain:

Participation in a student grade-tracking program

Other, please explain

45) Please indicate whether AGEP at your institution sponsors the following interventions to promote retention of underrepresented racial/ethnic minority graduate students.

Sponsored by AGEP/Not sponsored by AGEP but available/Available but not sure who sponores it/Not available/Don't know

Allocated funding (grants, fellowships, etc.) for underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students

Stipend for students conducting research

Stipend for students to travel to a conference

Stipend for students for purposes other than research and/or travel

Stipend for recently graduating students who are starting careers in academia

Fellowship for postdoctoral students

Student research opportunities with faculty

Partnership with campus clubs or organizations

Meetings/workshops/seminars focused on issues important to underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students within your department/program

Meetings/workshops/seminars focused on issues important to underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students within your campus

Meetings/workshops/seminars focused on issues important to underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students involving other campuses

Professional development activities for faculty regarding issues of underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students involving several campuses

Faculty collaboration across campuses regarding issues of underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students

Stipend for faculty

Student monitoring program

Student grade-tracking program

Formal mentoring relationship between student and faculty member

Formal student relationship with a faculty advocate

Informal student relationship with a faculty member

Other, please explain:


34) For following AGEP-offered activities and programs in which you have been involved, how valuable are they to you? 19) How valuable are the following interventions to support underrepresented minority students that are offered by AGEP on your campus?

5-pt. scale, very valuable to not valuable 5-pt. scale, very valuable to not valuable

Membership in a community of underrepresented minority students who are pursuing a Ph.D. Membership in a community of underrepresented minority students who are pursuing a Ph.D.

Greater exposure to career opportunities and perspectives Greater exposure for students to career opportunities and perspectives

Fellowship Fellowship for postdoctoral AGEP graduates

Fellowship for graduate studies that is specific to AGEP students

Stipend Stipend for AGEP students

Workshops for students involving several campuses Workshops for students involving several campuses

Formal relationship with faculty Formal student relationship with faculty

Student research assistantship with faculty Student research assistantship with faculty

Student monitoring program Student monitoring program

Student grade-tracking program Student grade-tracking program

Other, please explain: Other, please explain:

20) How valuable are the following benefits for faculty that are offered by AGEP on your campus?

5-pt. scale, very valuable to not valuable

Student research assistantship with faculty

Faculty collaboration across campuses within the Alliance

Professional development activities for faculty involving several campuses

Stipend, grant, or other financial benefit for faculty

Other, please specify:

21) What is the single-most valuable contribution of AGEP at your institution?

Membership in a community of underrepresented minority students who are pursuing a Ph.D.

Greater exposure for students to career opportunities and perspectives

Fellowship for postdoctoral AGEP graduates

Fellowship for graduate studies that is specific to AGEP students

Stipend for AGEP students

Workshops for students involving several campuses

Formal student relationship with faculty

Student research assistantship with faculty

Student monitoring program

Student grade-tracking program

Faculty collaboration across campuses within the Alliance

Professional development activities for faculty involving several campuses

Stipend, grant, or other financial benefit for faculty

Other, please explain:

32) How should the success of AGEP as a program be measured?

5 pt. scale, very important to not important

Percentage of AGEP students who take first academic positions at major research universities

Percentage of AGEP students who take academic positions at any type of higher education institution (research university, 4-year college, community college)

Percentage of AGEP students who take positions in industry

Percentage of AGEP students who take policy positions in government

Percentage of AGEP students who take research positions in government

Percentage of AGEP students who complete a STEM PhD

Other, please specify:

Sheet 3: st, fac questions in common

Student Survey and Faculty Survey Questions in Common

Summary Student Survey Faculty Survey
Knowledge of AGEP: 29) Please rate your level of knowledge about AGEP on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicates that you are very knowledgeable and 5 indicates not knowledgeable at all. 33) Please rate your level of knowledge about AGEP on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicates that you are very knowledgeable and 5 indicates not knowledgeable at all.

AGEP's role in going to grad school: 31) Do you feel that AGEP played a role in helping you go to graduate school while you were an undergraduate? Please rate AGEP on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicates that it played a strong role and 5 indicates no role at all. 68) Do you feel that your institution’s involvement with AGEP plays a role in the enrollment of underrepresented ethnic/racial minority graduate students in your department/program? Please rate AGEP on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicates that it played a strong role and 5 indicates no role at all.

Encouragement to become professor: 38) Please rate the level of encouragement you have received from AGEP to pursue a career as a professor, where 1 indicates strongly encouraged and 5 indicates not encouraged at all. 30) Indicate to what extent that AGEP encourages students to pursue a career as a professor, where 1 indicates that students are strongly encouraged and 5 indicates they are not encouraged at all.

Evaluation of components of AGEP: 34) For following AGEP-offered activities and programs in which you have been involved, how valuable are they to you? 19) How valuable are the following interventions to support underrepresented minority students that are offered by AGEP on your campus?

Membership in a community of underrepresented minority students who are pursuing a Ph.D. Membership in a community of underrepresented minority students who are pursuing a Ph.D.

Greater exposure to career opportunities and perspectives Greater exposure for students to career opportunities and perspectives

Fellowship Fellowship for postdoctoral AGEP graduates

Fellowship for graduate studies that is specific to AGEP students

Stipend Stipend for AGEP students

Workshops for students involving several campuses Workshops for students involving several campuses

Formal relationship with faculty Formal student relationship with faculty

Student research assistantship with faculty Student research assistantship with faculty

Student monitoring program Student monitoring program

Student grade-tracking program Student grade-tracking program

Other, please explain: Other, please explain:

Open ended evaluation: 75) We welcome any ideas that you may have that could help improve the AGEP program. If you have any thoughts that you care to share, please type them in the space provided below. 77) We welcome any ideas that you may have that could help improve the AGEP program. If you have any thoughts that you care to share, please type them in the space provided below.
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