317 2010 Ed Cfo Fi 317 2010 Ed Cfo Final Core And Custom Questions 5_26

American Customer Satisfaction Index "Customer Satisfaction Surveys"


317 2010 ED CFO CQ's 5_26 318 2010 NWS FINAL 319 FEMA QS FINAL 320 PBGC QS 2010 Final 321 USCIS-EVerify 2010 QS

OMB: 1090-0007

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U.S. Department of Education

Grantee Satisfaction Survey 2010



The Department of Education (ED) is committed to serving and satisfying its customers. To this end, we have commissioned the CFI Group, an independent third-party research group, to conduct a survey that asks about your satisfaction with ED’s products and services and about ways that we can improve our service to you.   

The CFI Group and the Department of Education will treat all information in a secure fashion and will only provide aggregate results to Department personnel. All information you provide will be combined with information from other respondents for research and reporting purposes. Your individual responses will not be released. This brief survey will take about 15 minutes of your time. 

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Jeanne Nathanson at [email protected]

This interview is authorized by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget Control No. 1090-0007.

Please note that ALL questions on this survey (unless noted otherwise) refer to your experiences over the PAST 12 MONTHS.


Please click on the "Next" button below to begin the survey.

Q1. Please indicate all of the federal grant programs that you currently work with directly.

  1. Improving Teacher Quality State Grants—OESE/AITQ

  2. Smaller Learning Communities (SLC)--OESE/AITQ

  3. State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFAF)--OESE/AITQ

  4. Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF)—OESE/AITQ

  5. Payments for Federally Connected Children—OESE/IAP

  6. Indian Education Formula Grants to LEAs—OESE/OIE

  7. Title I, Part C, Migrant Education Program (MEP)—OESE/OME

  8. Lead Agency Early Intervention Coordinators--OSERS/OSEP

  9. State Directors of Special Education--OSERS/OSEP

  10. Career and Technical Education State Directors--OVAE

  11. Directors of Adult Education and Literacy--OVAE

  12. School Improvement Grants (SIG)—OESE/SASA

  13. Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs—OESE/SASA

  14. Title III English Language Acquisition State Grants—OESE/SASA

  15. Rural Education Achievement Program (RLIS/SRS)—OESE/SSTP

Please think about the interactions you have had with senior ED officers and/or other ED staff.

PLEASE NOTE: This does not include ED-funded technical assistance providers, such as regional labs, national associations, contractors, etc. 

On a scale from 1 to 10, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate the senior ED officers’ and/or other ED staff’s:

Q2. Knowledge of relevant legislation, regulations, policies, and procedures

Q3. Responsiveness to your questions 

Q4.  Accuracy of responses

Q5. Sufficiency of legal guidance in responses

Q6. Consistency of responses with ED staff from different program offices

Q7. Collaboration with other ED programs or offices in providing relevant services

(Ask Q9 only if Q8 is rated <6 ASK TO ALL)

Q8. Please identify a good example of collaboration across programs and/or offices that you would offer as a model for ED.


ED-funded Technical Assistance

Q9. Do you have interaction with ED-funded providers of technical assistance (e.g., regional labs, comprehensive centers, equity assistance centers, national associations, U.S. Department of Education-funded contractors, etc.) separate from ED staff?

    1. Yes

    2. No (SKIP TO Q17.)

    3. Don’t know (SKIP TO Q17.)

Please think about your interactions with ED-funded providers of technical assistance. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate their: 

Q10.  Knowledge of relevant legislation, regulations, policies, and procedures

Q11.  Responsiveness to your questions 

Q12.  Accuracy of responses

Q13.  Sufficiency of legal guidance in responses 

Q14.  Consistency of responses with ED staff

Q15.  Collaboration with ED staff in providing relevant services

Q16.  Collaboration with other ED-funded providers of technical assistance in providing relevant services.

Online Resources

Please think about your experience using ED’s online resources. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate the:

Q17.  Ease of finding materials online  

Q18.  Ease of submitting information to ED via the Web (e.g., grant applications, annual reports, and accountability data)


Q19.  Now think about how ED uses technology (e.g., conference calls, video-conferencing, Web conferencing, listservs) to deliver its services to you. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Not very effective” and “10” is “Very effective,” please rate ED’s effectiveness in using technology to deliver its services.

(Ask Q20 only if Q19 is rated<6)

Q20.  Please describe how ED could better use technology to deliver its services.


Q21.  Think about how ED is working with the states and LEAs to develop an automated process to share accountability information. Please rate the quality of this assistance from ED. Use a 10-point scale where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent.”

Q22.  How effective has this automated process been in improving your state/LEA reporting? Please use a 10-point scale where “1” is “Not very effective” and “10” is “Very effective.”

Q23a. What reporting system do you use for reporting accountability data?

  1. EDEN/EDFacts

  2. Other electronic system (Specify)

  3. Do not use electronic system, submit hard copy

Q23b.  How much of a reduction in federal paperwork do you expect over the next few years because of ED’s initiative to promote the use of technology in reporting accountability data (e.g. EDEN/EDFacts)? Please use a 10-point scale where “1” is “Not very significant” and “10” is “Very significant.” 


Think about the documents (e.g., publications, guidance, memoranda, and frequently asked questions) you receive from ED. 

On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent, please rate the documents’:

Q24.  Clarity

Q25.  Organization of information

Q26.  Sufficiency of detail to meet your program needs

Q27.  Relevance to your areas of need

Q28.  Comprehensiveness in addressing the scope of issues that you face 

ASK Q29-31 ALL TO ALL OESE PROGRAMS Q1=1-7 or 12-15

Q29. How effective have the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (OESE’s) technical assistance services been in helping you learn to implement your OESE-funded grant programs? Please use a 10-point scale where “1” is “not very effective” and “10” is “very effective.”

Q30. What should we do specifically to improve the design of our technical assistance services to facilitate and accelerate your learning about effective ways to implement your OESE-funded grant programs? 

Q31. How useful have OESE’s technical assistance services been in serving as a model that you can replicate with your subgrantees?  Please use a 10-point scale where “1” is “not very useful” and “10” is “very useful.” If you do not have subgrantees or this does not apply, please select “not applicable.”

Q32. If applicable, which services did you replicate?

ACSI Benchmark Questions

Now we are going to ask you to please consider ALL of ED’s products and services and not only those we just asked about.

Q33. Using a 10-point scale on which “1” means “Very Dissatisfied” and “10” means “Very Satisfied,” how satisfied are you with ED’s products and services?

Q34. Now please rate the extent to which the products and services offered by ED have fallen short of or exceeded your expectations. Please use a 10-point scale on which "1" now means "Falls Short of Your Expectations" and "10" means "Exceeds Your Expectations."

Q35. Now forget for a moment about the products and services offered by ED, and imagine the ideal products and services. How well do you think ED compares with that ideal? Please use a 10-point scale on which "1" means "Not Very Close to the Ideal" and "10" means "Very Close to the Ideal."

Now please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statement.

Q36. Overall, when I think of all of ED’s products and services, I am satisfied with their quality.

  1. Strongly Agree

  2. Agree

  3. Disagree

  4. Strongly Disagree

  5. Does Not Apply


Q37. In the past 6 months, have you issued a formal complaint to ED to express your dissatisfaction with the assistance you’ve received from an ED staff member?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Q38. Finally, please describe how ED can improve its service to you.

Thank you again for your time. To complete the survey and submit the results, please hit the “Finish” button below. Have a good day!

ASK ONLY IF Q1=1 Improving Teacher Quality State Grants—OESE/AITQ

  1. Please rate the accessibility of the U.S. Department of Education Title II, Part A program staff. Use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means “poor” and 10 means “excellent.”

  1. Please rate the responsiveness of the U.S. Department of Education Title II, Part A program staff. Use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means “poor” and 10 means “excellent.”

  1. How would you describe your working relationship with ED’s Title II, Part A program staff? (open end)

  1. How useful is the annual meeting for Title II Part A grantees? Please rate the usefulness of the meeting on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “not very useful” and 10 is “very useful.”

  1. What could the Department of Education do to improve the annual meeting for Title II Part A grantees? (open end)

If your State received a Title II, Part A /HQT monitoring visit during the past year, please answer the following questions.

  1. How useful was the technical assistance provided during the monitoring visit? Please rate the usefulness of the technical assistance on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “not very useful” and 10 is “very useful.”

  1. How informative was the visit in terms of establishing and explaining compliance requirements? Please rate the visit on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “not very informative” and 10 is “very informative.”

ASK ONLY IF Q1=2 Smaller Learning Communities (SLC)--OESE/AITQ

1. Do you participate in Annual Performance Report (APR) webinars?

1. Yes (Proceed to Q2)

2. No (Skip to Q6)

3. Don’t Know (Skip to Q6)

Please rate the SLC webinars on the following attributes. Use a scale from “1” to “10” where 1 is “poor” and 10 is “excellent.”

2. Providing essential information in a clear format and with sufficient examples

3. Answering your questions

4. How can the SLC Program help ensure that APR training is more useful and likely to help ensure that the reports are submitted on time? (Open end)

5. Training on the following would be most helpful in completing the APR (Select one.)

1. Data collection

2. Identifying and addressing implementation challenges

3. Budget

4. Benchmarks for meeting project objectives

5. If other, please specify ___________

6. Were you the first (i.e., original) director of this SLC project?

1. Yes (Skip to Q 9)

2. No, I was not the first project director for the SLC project (Answer Qs 7 and 8; THEN SKIP to 10).

7. How long have you served as a SLC project director? (Select One.)

    1. Less than 6 months

    2. 6 months to one year

    3. More than one year

8. If you became the project director after the project began, what type(s) of technical assistance would help you the most with SLC project management? (Open end.)

9. During the Post-Award conference call (i.e., initial conversation with program officer to discuss the SLC award), which of the following did you need the most help understanding? (Select one.)

  1. Grant award notification (GAN)

  2. Budget

  3. Department’s performance reporting requirements

  4. Department’s financial reporting requirements

  5. Requirements for continuation awards

  6. Other, please explain ________________________________

  1. Share your suggestions on technical assistance topics that would be most helpful in implementing and/or managing your project. (Open end.)

  1. What kinds of resources featured on the SLC technical assistance website would most benefit your project? (Open end.)

12. Have you attended one or more national meetings sponsored by the SLC program, such as annual project director meetings?

1. Yes (Proceed to Q13)

2. No (Skip to Q16)

3. Don’t Know (Skip to Q16)

On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent”, please rate the information provided at these meetings on the following:

  1. Being up-to-date

  2. Relevance of information

  3. Usefulness to you in managing and implementing your project

16. How could meetings sponsored by the SLC program provide useful information and support for your work? (Open end.)

17. If you were to submit another application under the SLC Program, what would you change or enhance? (Open end.)

18. How can the SLC Program better assist prospective applicants in developing applications that best meet the needs and challenges of districts and high schools? (Open end.)

ASK ONLY IF Q1=3 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFAF)--OESE/AITQ

  1. Please rate the accessibility of U.S. Department of Education State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) program staff? Use a 10-point scale, where 1 means “poor” and 10 means “excellent.”

  1. Please rate the general responsiveness of U.S. Department of Education State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) program staff? Use a 10-point scale, where 1 means “poor” and 10 means “excellent.”

  1. How would you rate your working relationship with ED’s SFSF program staff? Use a 10-point scale, where 1 means “poor” and 10 means “excellent.”

  1. If your State received a SFSF monitoring visit in fiscal year 2010 (which started October 1, 2009), please rate the usefulness of the technical assistance provided. Use a 10-point scale, where 1 means “not very useful” and 10 means “very useful”. If you were not monitored, please select “not applicable.”

ASK ONLY IF Q1=4 Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF)—OESE/AITQ

Think about your experience preparing and submitting your most recent Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) application.

  1. Did you use the written instruction and guidance documents provided for the application?

  1. Yes

  2. No (SKIP TO Q3)

  1. On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “not very effective” and 10 is “very effective” rate the effectiveness of the documents in helping you complete the application.

  1. Did you contact the TIF program office for technical assistance?

  1. Yes

  2. No (SKIP TO Q7)

On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is “poor” and 10 is “excellent”; rate the TIF program staff’s:

  1. Responsiveness to answering questions

  2. Supportiveness in helping you complete your application

  3. Knowledge about technical material

  1. How would you rate the overall experience of preparing and submitting the TIF application? Please use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “poor” and 10 is “excellent.”

  1. Do you have any suggestions for improving the e-application?

Think about your contacts with the TIF Program over the past year that did not involve technical assistance. If you have not contacted the TIF Program for a reason other than technical assistance during that time please answer not applicable.

Please rate the Teacher Incentive Fund Program staff on the following. Use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means “poor” and 10 means “excellent.”

  1. Ease of reaching the person who could address your concern

  1. Ability to resolve your issue

  1. What additional service could the program provide that would help you? (For example, information posted on-line, webinars, analysis tools, etc.)

  1. Please provide specific suggestions for how the TIF program can improve customer service.

ASK ONLY IF Q1=5 Payments for Federally Connected Children—OESE/IAP

Think about your experience preparing and submitting your most recent Impact Aid application, including gathering and organizing data and preparing the e-application.

  1. Did you use the written instruction and guidance documents provided for the application?

  1. Yes

  2. No (SKIP TO Q3)

  1. On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “not very effective” and 10 is “very effective” rate the effectiveness of the documents in helping you complete the application.

  1. Did you contact the Impact Aid Program for technical assistance?

  1. Yes

  2. No (SKIP TO Q7)

On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is “poor” and 10 is “excellent”; rate the Impact Aid Program staff’s:

  1. Responsiveness to answering questions

  2. Supportiveness in helping you complete your application

  3. Knowledge about technical material

  1. How would you rate the overall experience of preparing and submitting the Impact Aid application? Please use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “poor” and 10 is “excellent.”

  1. Do you have any suggestions for improving the e-application?

  1. Has your school district been contacted by the Impact Aid Program in the past year regarding a monitoring or field review of your application?

  1. Yes

  2. No (SKIP TO Q13)

  1. Was the letter you received easy to understand and respond to?

  1. Yes

  2. No (ASK Q10a)

10a. Please explain.

  1. Did you receive timely communications regarding the outcome of the review?

    1. Yes

    2. No (Ask Q11a)

11a. Please explain.

  1. How was the quality of the interaction with Impact Aid program staff members during the review process? Please use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “poor” and 10 is “excellent.”

  1. Were you satisfied with your ability to track the progress of your application after you submitted it?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  2. What additional communications would you like to receive regarding the status of your application, prior to receiving a payment?

Think about your contacts with the Impact Aid Program over the past year that did not involve technical assistance. If you have not contacted the Impact Aid Program for a reason other than technical assistance during that time please answer not applicable.

Please rate the Impact Aid Program staff on the following. Use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means “poor” and 10 means “excellent.”

  1. Ease of reaching the person who could address your concern

  1. Ability to resolve your issue

  1. What additional service could the program provide that would help you? (For example, information posted on-line, webinars, analysis tools, etc.)

  1. Please provide specific suggestions for how the Impact Aid Program can improve customer service.

ASK ONLY IF Q1=6 Indian Education Formula Grants to LEAs—OESE/OIE

Think about the particular ways in which you have received technical support and/or assistance from the Office of Indian Education (OIE). On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Not Very Effective” and “10” is “Very Effective”, please rate the effectiveness of technical assistance in:

1. Helping you with your implementation of Title VII Formula grant program in your State/LEA

2. Responsiveness to answering questions and/or information requests.

3. Disseminating accurate information

4. Timeliness of providing information to meet your application deadlines

5. Think about the guidance documents (E.g. Getting Started; Frequently Asked Questions; Additional Program Assurances, Web Sites) provided by OIE program office. On a 10-point scale, where 1 is “Not very useful” and 10 is “Very useful”, please rate the usefulness of the information in the guidance documents.

6. Think about your working relationship with the Title VII, Office of Indian Education program office. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Not Very Effective” and “10” is “Very Effective”, please rate the effectiveness of this relationship.

Think about the process for applying for a grant through the Electronic Application System for Indian Education (EASIE). On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent”, please rate the EASIE System on the following:

7. Ease of using system in applying for a grant

8. Disseminating information in a timely manner

9. Training provided on the EASIE system and grant application process

10. Overall user-friendliness of the EASIE application system

Think about the support and technical assistance provided by OIE during grant application process.

11. Please rate the support and technical assistance on a 10-point scale, where 1 means “poor” and 10 means “excellent”.

12. If you have been monitored, please comment on the effectiveness of the federal monitoring process in such areas as providing guidance and/or improving program quality.

13. What can OIE do over the next year to better meet your school district’s technical assistance and program improvement needs?

ASK ONLY IF Q1=7 Title I, Part C, Migrant Education Program (MEP)—OESE/OME

Think about Office of Migrant Education’s (OME) technical assistance efforts. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Not very effective” and “10” is “Very effective,” please rate the effectiveness of the office’s technical assistance efforts in helping you…

1. Meet program compliance requirements

2. Improve performance results

3. Meet Migrant Education Program (MEP) fiscal requirements

4. What can OME do over the next year to help your State meet its compliance needs?

5. What can OME do over the next year to help your State improve its performance results?

6. What can OME do over the next year to provide better technical assistance regarding MEP fiscal requirements?

Think about the Non-regulatory guidance document provided by OME. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate the…

7. Timeliness of the document

8. Usefulness of the document

9. Clarity of the information

Think about the staff in OME. On a 10-point scale, please rate OME program officer on their…

10. Knowledge of relevant legislation, regulations, policies and procedures

11. Responsiveness to your questions


Think about the technical support State Contacts from the Monitoring and State Improvement Planning Division of the Office of Special Education Programs provided. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate the staff’s:

1. Responsiveness to answering questions

2. Supportiveness in helping you complete your state’s federally required performance plans/reports/applications

3. Dissemination of accurate information

4. Dissemination of information in a timely manner

Think about the Technical Assistance and Dissemination Centers from OSEP. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate the centers’:

5. Responsiveness to answering questions

6. Responsiveness to information requests

7. Support to positively impact on your State’s SPP improvement targets.

8. Think about the Communities of Practice from OSERS. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Not very effective” and “10” is “Very effective,” please rate its effectiveness in addressing systems improvement issues of the state.

9. What can OSEP do over the next year to meet your state’s technical assistance and program improvement needs?

ASK ONLY IF Q1=9 State Directors of Special Education -- OSERS/OSEP

Think about the technical support State Contacts from the Monitoring and State Improvement Planning Division of the Office of Special Education Programs provided. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate the staff’s:

1. Responsiveness to answering questions

2. Supportiveness in helping you complete your state’s federally required performance plans/reports/applications

3. Dissemination of accurate information

4. Dissemination of information in a timely manner

Think about the Technical Assistance and Dissemination Centers from OSEP. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate the centers’:

5. Responsiveness to answering questions

6. Responsiveness to information requests

7 Support to positively impact on your State’s SPP improvement targets

8. Think about the Communities of Practice from OSEP. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Not very effective” and “10” is “Very effective,” please rate its effectiveness in addressing systems improvement issues of the state.

9. What can OSEP do over the next year to meet your state’s technical assistance and program improvement needs?


Think about the Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) as a way to report your state’s performance data to OVAE. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate the CAR’s:

1. User-friendliness

2. Compatibility with state reporting systems

If you were monitored by OVAE within the last year, think about the federal monitoring process as it relates to your Perkins grant. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Not very effective” and “10” is “Very effective,” please rate the effectiveness of the federal monitoring process in:

3. Identifying and correcting compliance issues in your state

4. Helping you to improve program quality

5. Think about the national leadership conferences and institutes offered by OVAE last year (i.e., Data Quality Institute in Savannah, GA, and Programs of Study Institutes in Chicago, IL, and Washington, DC). On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate the effectiveness of these sessions on helping you to improve the quality of your programs and accountability systems.

6. Think about the monthly Up-to-Date with DATE e-mails that are sent to you from OVAE. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Not very effective” and “10” is “Very effective,” please rate the effectiveness of these e-mails in keeping you informed about key issues pertaining to all aspects of your Perkins grant (i.e., CAR reporting, State Plan submissions).

7. Think about the Peer Collaborative Resource Network (PCRN) as it concerns OVAE. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate PCRN’s usefulness to your program.

If you used the state plan submission database last year, think about this process as a way of submitting your five-year state plan to OVAE. (If you did not use the state plan submission database please select “N/A.”) On a 10 point scale, where “1” is Poor” and “10” is Excellent,” please rate the database on its:

8. User-friendliness

9. Compatibility with state reporting systems

10. What can OVAE do over the next year to meet your state’s technical assistance and program improvement needs?


Think about the National Reporting System as a way to report your state’s performance data to OVAE. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate the NRS’s:

1. Ease of reporting using the NRS Web-based system.

2. Think about the training offered by OVAE through its contract to support the National Reporting System (NRS). On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate the usefulness of the training.

If you have been monitored, think about the federal monitoring process as it relates to your AEFLA grant. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is,” Not Very Effective” and “10” is “Very effective,” please rate the effectiveness of the federal monitoring process on the following:

3. Being well-organized

4. Providing pre-planning adequate guidance

5. Setting expectations for the visit.

6. Using state peer reviewers in the federal monitoring process.

Think about the national meetings and conference offered by OVAE. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent”, please rate the information provided at these conference and institutes on the following:

7. Being up-to-date

8. Relevance of information

9. Usefulness to your program

Think about the national activities offered by DAEL. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is,” Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate the activities on the following:

10. Usefulness of the products in helping your state meet AEFLA program priorities.

11. How well the technical assistance provided through the national activities address your program priorities and needs? Please use a 10-point scale where “1” means “does not address needs very well” and “10” means “addresses needs very well.”

12. What can DAEL do over the next year to meet your state’s technical assistance/program improvement needs?

ASK ONLY IF Q1=12 School Improvement Grants (SIG)—OESE/SASA

  1. Think about the technical assistance you received on School Improvement Grants (SIG). Please rate the effectiveness of the technical assistance on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “not very effective” and 10 is “very effective”.

  1. What can ED do to improve technical assistance around SIG? (open end)

  1. Was the SIG application process easy to understand?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. Don’t Know

  1. What can ED do to improve the application process? (open end)

  1. What recommendations you would make to improve the SIG program? (open end)

ASK ONLY IF Q1=13 Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs—OESE/SASA

Think about the technical assistance you have received from the Title I office, Student Achievement and School Accountability (SASA). On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate the:

1. Usefulness of technical assistance provided on Standards and Assessments, Instructional Support and Fiduciary issues under Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and Title I, Part A issues related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

2. Usefulness of technical assistance on Neglected and Delinquent

3. Usefulness of technical assistance on Homeless Education

Think about the information on monitoring for Title I you have received. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Poor” and “10” is “Excellent,” please rate the:

4. Availability of information on monitoring for Title I

5. Usefulness of information on monitoring for Title I

6. Think about how SASA uses electronic communications approaches such as email, Web casts and WebEx to provide you information. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Not very effective” and “10” is “Very effective,” please rate SASA’s effectiveness in using technology to provide information.

(Ask only if question is scored <6)

7. Please describe how SASA could better use technology to provide information.

8. Again, thinking about SASA’s use of electronic communications approaches to provide information: on a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Not very effective” and “10” is “Very effective,” please rate SASA’s effectiveness in using technology to enhance communication between ED and the state.

9. What can SASA do over the next year to meet your state’s technical assistance and program improvement needs?

ASK ONLY IF Q1=14 Title III English Language Acquisition State Grants—OESE/SASA

Think about the technical assistance (TA) you have received from the Title III program staff in Student Achievement and School Accountability (SASA). In particular, think about the individual TA you have received from the Title III program officer assigned to your state.

On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent,” please rate the technical assistance provided by the program officer assigned to your state on the following...

1. Timeliness of response

2. Clarity of information

3. Usefulness to your program

Now think about all of the technical assistance you have received at Title III- sponsored national meetings, webinars, teleconferences or other TA activities, including use of technology enhanced communications (e.g. listservs).

On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent,” please rate this type of technical assistance on the following...

4. Method of delivery

5. Clarity of information

6. Usefulness to your program

Think about the one-on-one consultations you have had with your Title III program officer over the last year. On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “not very effective” and “10” is “very effective,” please rate the effectiveness of the one-on-one consultations in…

7. Providing you an interpretation of the Title III statute and/or regulations

8. Helping with your implementation of Title III in your state

9. What can the Title III program staff do over the next year to meet your State’s technical assistance and program improvement needs?

10. Have you received a Title III onsite monitoring visit in the past 2 years (e.g. 2008-09 or 2009-10)?

  1. Yes (ASK Q11-12)

  2. No (SKIP TO Q13)

  3. Don’t know (SKIP TO Q13)

Please rate the effectiveness of the Federal Monitoring Process as it relates to the Title III program office in OESE on a 10-point scale where “1” is “not very effective” and “10” is “very effective” with respect to…

11. Helping you with your compliance efforts

12. Helping you to improve programs for English learners

13. What can the Title III program staff do over the next year to ensure that your State has the necessary information and preparation for Title III onsite reviews?

14. Please share any other comments on how to improve the Title III onsite monitoring process.

Think about your experiences seeking information at OELA’s National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition’s Web site (www.ncela.gwu.edu). On a 10-point scale, where “1” is “Not very effective” and “10” is “Very effective,” please rate the effectiveness of the Web site in:

15. Providing you with the information you needed

16. Helping you inform programs serving ELLs in your state

ASK ONLY IF Q1=15 Rural Education Achievement Program (RLIS/SRS)—OESE/SSTP

Think about the one-on-one consultations you have had with program officers. Using a 10-point scale, where 1 is “not very effective” and 10 is “very effective” please rate the effectiveness of the one-on-one consultations in:

  1. Providing you with an interpretation of Rural Low Income Schools (RLIS) legislation/regulation

  2. Providing guidance on eligibility and/or other reporting requirements

  3. Helping you with the implementation of the Rural Low Income Schools Program

Think about the guidance document provided by the Rural Low Income Schools program office. Using a 10-point scale, where 1 is “not very useful” and 10 is “very useful” please rate the guidance documents on:

  1. Helping you with compliance efforts

  2. Helping you improve performance results

  3. Helping you provide guidance and oversight to sub-recipients

  4. Helping you provide technical assistance to sub-recipients

Think about your experiences seeking information from the Rural Low Income Schools Program Web Site http://www2.ed.gov/programs/reaprlisp/index.html. Using a 10-point scale, where 1 is “poor” and 10 is “excellent”; please rate the website on the following:

  1. Usefulness in providing the information you needed.

  2. User friendliness

Think about the monitoring and technical assistance provided by the program office. Using a 10-point scale, where 1 is “poor” and 10 is “excellent”, please rate the monitoring and technical assistance on the following:

  1. Responsiveness to information requests

  2. Helpfulness in resolving implementation/eligibility issues

  3. Supportiveness in helping you complete eligibility spreadsheets

  4. Supportiveness in helping you meet annual reporting requirements

Think about the REAP pre-award and post-award teleconferences as a mode of technical assistance. Using a 10-point scale, where 1 is “not very effective” and 10 is “very effective” please rate the effectiveness of the teleconferences in:

  1. Helping you with program implementation for RLIS

  2. Helping you complete and submit accurate eligibility spreadsheets for RLIS

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