E-Verification Cus 455 E-Verification Customer Satisfaction Survey FINAL

American Customer Satisfaction Index "Customer Satisfaction Surveys"

2011 455 E-Verification Customer Satisfaction Survey FINAL

445SAR,446 BSA E-Filing,447FinCEN,448Foreign Case Rep,449 Nut Mgt Q's 2011,450 FAA Carriers Ops Mgt Q's;451 FAA Manuf. Q's;452FAA Qs;453Dep.Ed;454USDA RD Q's RCD Grant RBS;455E-Verif;456USDA R D

OMB: 1090-0007

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E-Verify Customer Survey 2011

Final Version


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) would like to have feedback from employers who have enrolled in E-Verify—the Internet-based system that allows employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of newly-hired employees, and in certain instances, existing employees.

Please take a few moments to respond to our survey.

In order to assure confidentiality, the survey is being administered by a third-party customer satisfaction research organization, CFI Group. They will treat all information you provide as confidential. Moreover, all information you provide will be combined with that of others for research and reporting purposes only. Individual responses will not be released.

This survey has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget Control and is authorized under number 1090-0007.

Awareness / Registration

QA. USCIS records indicate that your company is currently enrolled in E-Verify. Is that correct?

  1. Yes (CONTINUE)

  2. No Thank You. We will re-check our records. (TERMINATE)

QB. We would like the person who responds to this survey to be someone who is knowledgeable about why your company signed up for E-Verify and your company’s use of E-Verify. Your name was provided as someone who would be appropriate to respond. Is that correct?

  1. Yes (SKIP TO Q1.)

  2. No (CONTINUE)

QC. We would appreciate it if you would either:

(1) Forward the e-mail link for the survey to the person at your company who could best answer our questions about your company’s use of E-Verify. [Please forward to just one person.]


(2) Provide us the name and e-mail address for that person.

NAME: ____________________________________________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________

Thank you very much, we appreciate your assistance. (TERMINATE)

Q1a. How did you first learn about E-Verify? (Select only one.)

  1. E-Verify materials or presentation

  2. E-Verify web site

  3. US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or Social Security Administration (SSA) materials or presentation

  4. USCIS or SSA website

  5. My Company / Human Resources (HR) / Corporate Office

  6. Colleague / Employee

  7. Local, State or Federal Law requires us to participate in E-Verify / contractual requirement [ASK Q1b.]

  8. Print advertisement

  9. Online advertisement

  10. Radio advertisement

  11. Billboard advertisement

  12. Media coverage (other than advertisements)

  13. Information from a client

  14. Information from a professional organization

  15. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) audit or visit

  16. Other (Please Specify: _______________ )

[IF “7” IS CHECKED IN Q1a. ASK Q1b.]

Q1b. If your company participates in E-Verify because it is required to do so, how did you learn about that requirement? (Select only one.)

  1. E-Verify materials or presentation

  2. E-Verify web site

  3. US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or Social Security Administration (SSA) materials or presentation

  4. USCIS or SSA website

  5. My Company / Human Resources (HR) / Corporate Office

  6. Colleague / Employee

  7. {BLANK}

  8. Print advertisement

  9. Online advertisement

  10. Radio advertisement

  11. Billboard advertisement

  12. Media coverage (other than advertisements)

  13. Information from a client

  14. Information from a professional organization

  15. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) audit or visit

  16. Other (Please Specify: _______________ )

Q2. Why did your company sign up for E-Verify? (Select all that apply.)

  1. Parent company required participation

  2. Required to by state or local government / state or local contractor [ASK Q3a.]

  3. Required to by federal government / federal contractor [ASK Q3a.]

  4. To satisfy a client’s request

  5. Believed using E-Verify would help us to avoid a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) audit, raid, or fine

  6. To improve ability to verify work authorization

  7. Believed it would make us more competitive with others in our industry

  8. Other (Please Specify: _______________ )

[IF “2” OR “3” IS CHECKED IN Q2. ASK Q3a.]

Q3a. If your company was no longer required to use E-Verify, how likely is it that you would continue to use it anyway?

1. Very likely (SKIP TO Q4.)

2. Somewhat likely (SKIP TO Q4.)

  1. Not Too Likely (CONTINUE)

  2. Not At All Likely (CONTINUE)

Q3b. Why do you say that? {OPEN-END}

Q4. When did your organization enroll with E-Verify?

  1. Within the last six months

  2. Within the last six to 12 months

  3. One or two years ago (SKIP TO USE Q11a.)

  4. More than two years ago (SKIP TO USE Q11a.)

Q5. Did you enroll your organization with E-Verify?

  1. Yes, I personally enrolled our organization (CONTINUE)

  2. No, someone else in our organization enrolled us with E-Verify (SKIP TO TUTORIAL Q7.)

  3. Don’t Know (SKIP TO TUTORIAL Q7.)

Q6. Next, think about the process when you enrolled your organization for E-Verify.
Please rate the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.”

    1. Clarity of instructions on how to enroll

    2. Memorandum of understanding making the employer’s responsibilities and next steps clear

    3. Ease of submitting registration information

    4. Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address

    5. Ease of registration process overall (including the required testing)


Q6f. What is your reason for rating ease of registration process overall lower than “6”? (OPEN END)


Q7. Did you complete the training and online tutorial that is part of the E-Verify sign up process?

  1. Yes (CONTINUE)

  2. No (SKIP TO USE Q11a.)

Q8. Now, think about the training and online tutorial that is part of the sign up process.
Please rate the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.”
[ROTATE “a” THRU “e”; “f” MUST BE LAST.]

  1. Helpfulness of information in User Manual

  2. Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content

  3. Ease of completing online training in terms of time required

  4. Ease of accessing online resources

  5. Usefulness of online resources

  6. Ease of training process overall


Q8g. What is your reason for rating ease of training lower than “6”? (OPEN END)

Q9. Is the training provided useful in helping employers pass the required test?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t Know

Q10. Do the tutorial and required test adequately prepare employers to use E-Verify effectively?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t Know


Q11a. Have you used E-Verify in the past six (6) months?

    1. Yes (SKIP TO Q12.)

    2. No (CONTINUE)

    3. Don’t Know (CONTINUE)

Q11b. Have you ever used E-Verify?

      1. Yes (CONTINUE)

      2. No (SKIP TO Q11e.)

      3. DK (SKIP TO Q11e.)

Q11c. About how long has it been since you last used E-Verify?

    1. Seven to 12 months

    2. One to two years

    3. More than two years

Q11d. Why haven’t you used E-Verify within the past six months?

    1. Have not hired any new employees in past six months

    2. No longer want to participate in E-Verify

    3. It was too hard / difficult to use the E-Verify system

    4. No longer see any value to using E-Verify

    5. Using E-Verify required us to let go of some existing employees

    6. Using E-Verify made us less competitive in the market-place

    7. No one on our current staff has completed the E-Verify tutorial

    8. Other (Please Specify: _______________ )

[ALL IN Q11d. SKIP TO Q12.]

Q11e. Why have you never used E-Verify?

  1. Have not hired any new employees since enrolling in E-Verify

  2. Do not want to participate in E-Verify

  3. It seems too hard / difficult to use the E-Verify system

  4. Do not see any value to using E-Verify

  5. Using E-Verify may require us to let go of some existing employees

  6. Using E-Verify will make us less competitive in the market-place

  7. No one ever completed the E-Verify tutorial

  8. Other (Please Specify: _______________ )


Q12. Which best describes your organization as a user of E-Verify?

  1. General User -- users of E-Verify that are NOT employment services providers, E-Verify Employer Agents (formerly Designated Agents), or the user of an E-Verify Employer Agent.

  2. Temporary Agency or Employment Agency -- users of E-Verify that provide employment services to other employers, that is, provide them with permanent or temporary workers.

  3. E-Verify Employer Agent (formerly Designated Agent) -- users of E-Verify that enrolled for E-Verify as an E-Verify Employer (or Designated) Agent, that is, as a company that provides E-Verify services to other employers for a fee.

Q13. Which best describes how frequently you use E-Verify?

  1. Once a week or more

  2. Two or three times a month

  3. About once a month

  4. Once every few months

  5. Once or twice a year

  6. Less than once a year

Using E-Verify

Q14. Now, think about using E-Verify system.
Please rate the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.”
[ROTATE “a” THRU “d”.]

  1. Ease of navigating the E-Verify site

  2. Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify

  3. Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify

  4. Clarity of next steps as described in the response

Q15a. Have you received a Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) in any of the cases you have submitted to E-Verify in the past 6 months?

  1. Yes (CONTINUE)


  3. Don’t know (SKIP TO PHOTO MATCHING Q17.)

Q15b. Approximately how many Tentative Nonconfirmations (TNCs) have you received in the past 6 months?

  1. 1

  2. 2 - 5

  3. 6 - 9

  4. 10 - 24

  5. 25 or more

Q16. Now think about the Tentative Nonconfirmation resolution process. Please rate the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.”
[ROTATE “a” AND “b”; “c” MUST BE LAST.]

  1. Speed of resolving the case

  2. Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process

  3. Ease of resolving the case


Q16d. What is your reason for rating ease of resolving case lower than “6”? (OPEN END)

Photo Matching

Q17. In the past 6 months while using E-Verify have you been prompted to match a photo?

  1. Yes (CONTINUE)


  3. Don’t Know (SKIP TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Q20a.)

Q18. Please rate the photo matching process in E-Verify on the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a” AND “b”.]

  1. Ease of photo matching process

  2. Helpfulness in preventing fraud

Q19. Do you typically have convenient access to the required technology (e.g. fax, digital camera, copier, scanner, etc.) that is necessary to complete the photo matching process?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know

Customer Service

Q20a. Have you contacted E-Verify customer service by phone (1-888-464-4218) in the past six months?

  1. Yes (CONTINUE)

  2. No (SKIP TO Q24a.)

  3. Don’t Know (SKIP TO Q24a.)

Q20b. Overall, how satisfied were you with your experience when you contacted E-Verify customer service?

  1. Very satisfied (SKIP TO Q21a.)

  2. Somewhat satisfied (SKIP TO Q21a.)

  3. Somewhat dissatisfied (CONTINUE)

  4. Very dissatisfied (CONTINUE)

Q20c. What caused you to be dissatisfied with your experience when you called E-Verify customer service? (OPEN END)


Q21a. Think about your most recent call to E-Verify customer service, were you transferred during that call?

  1. Yes (CONTINUE)

  2. No (SKIP TO Q22.1.)

  3. Don’t Know (SKIP TO Q22.1.)

Q21b. Was the amount of time you had to wait before the transferred call was answered acceptable to you or did you feel it was too long?

  1. Acceptable

  2. Too long

Q21c. During that call how many times were you transferred?

  1. Once

  2. Twice

  3. Three times

  4. More than three times

[ALL IN Q21c. SKIP TO Q22.2.]

Q22.1 Think about the customer service that you received regarding E-Verify. Please rate the customer service representative who assisted you on the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a” THRU “e”.]

    1. Ease of accessing representative

    2. Professionalism

    3. Communication skills

    4. Ability to understand your questions/issue

    5. Providing guidance on policy/questions

[ALL IN Q22.1. SKIP TO Q23a.]

Q22.2. Think about the customer service that you received regarding E-Verify BEFORE your call was transferred. Please rate the customer service representative(s) who assisted you on the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a” THRU “e”.]

  1. Ease of accessing representative

  2. Professionalism

  3. Communication skills

  4. Ability to understand your questions/issue

  5. Providing guidance on policy/questions

Q22.3. Think about the customer service that you received regarding E-Verify AFTER your call was transferred. Please rate the customer service representative(s) who assisted you then on the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a” THRU “e”.]

  1. Ease of accessing representative

  2. Professionalism

  3. Communication skills

  4. Ability to understand your questions/issue

  5. Providing guidance on policy/questions

Q23a. Thinking about your most recent call to E-Verify customer service, was your question answered or issue resolved?

  1. Yes (CONTINUE)

  2. No (GO TO Q24a.)

  3. Don’t Know (GO TO Q24a.)

Q23b. How many calls were needed to resolve your issue?

  1. Resolved during first call

  2. Needed to call back one additional time to resolve issue

  3. Needed to call back two additional times to resolve issue

  4. Needed to call back three or more additional times to resolve issue

Q24a. Have you contacted E-Verify customer service by email ([email protected]) in the past six months?

    1. Yes (CONTINUE)

    2. No (SKIP TO Q27.)

    3. Don’t Know (SKIP TO Q27.)

Q24b. Overall, how satisfied were you with your experience when you emailed E-Verify customer service?

  1. Very satisfied (SKIP TO Q25.)

  2. Somewhat satisfied (SKIP TO Q25.)

  3. Somewhat dissatisfied (CONTINUE)

  4. Very dissatisfied (CONTINUE)

Q24c. What caused you to be dissatisfied with your experience when you emailed E-Verify customer service? (OPEN END)


Q25 Please rate the customer service you received when you emailed E-Verify on the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a” THRU “d”.]

  1. Ability to understand your questions/issue

  2. The timeliness with which you received a response

  3. Communication skills in the response you received

  4. Providing guidance on policy/questions

Q26. Thinking about your most recent email to E-Verify customer service, was your question answered or issue resolved?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. Don’t Know

Q27. How interested would you be in using the Internet to get answers to questions or help with problems on your own, anytime, rather than having to call or email E-Verify? Please use a 10-point scale on which “1” means “not interested” and “10” means “extremely interested.

Technical Assistance

Q28a. Have you contacted E-Verify technical assistance (1-800-741-5023) in the past 6 months?
(This is a t
oll-free customer service line available to employers for assistance in resolving technical questions about the E-Verify operating system.)

  1. Yes (CONTINUE)



Q28b. Was the amount of time you had to wait before the transferred call was answered acceptable to you or did you feel it was too long?

  1. Acceptable

  2. Too long

Q.29. Think about the technical assistance that you received when you contacted E-Verify. Please rate the representative(s) who assisted you on the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a” THRU “f”.]

  1. Ease of accessing representative

  2. Professionalism

  3. Communication skills

  4. Ability to understand your questions/issue

  5. Knowledge of technical issues

  6. Technical guidance resolving your issue

Q30a. Was your reason or issue you called technical assistance resolved?

  1. Yes (CONTINUE)



Q30b. How many calls were needed to resolve your issue?

  1. Resolved during first call

  2. Needed to call back one additional time to resolve issue

  3. Needed to call back two additional times to resolve issue

  4. Needed to call back three or more additional times to resolve issue

System Integrity

Q31. In your opinion, do you think E-Verify is doing enough to ensure that companies using E-Verify adhere to the program’s policies and regulations?

  1. Yes

  2. Not Sure / Do not know

  3. No

Q32. In your opinion, does E-Verify have adequate safeguards in place to ensure that employers use the E-Verify system properly?

  1. Yes

  2. Not Sure / Do not know

  3. No

[IF Q31. OR Q32. IS “NO”, ASK Q33.]

Q33. Please describe, briefly, what you think E-Verify should be doing to make sure that companies adhere to the program’s policies and regulations and/or use the system properly. [OPEN END]



Q34. How would you prefer to get information about changes or updates to E-Verify? (Select only one.)

  1. E-mail

  2. Fax

  3. Mailer

  4. E-Verify system broadcast message

  5. Phone call

  6. Through the E-Verify website

  7. Live presentation

  8. Other (Please specify: _______________ )

Q35. How would prefer to contact E-Verify for help? (Select only one.)

  1. E-mail

  2. Fax

  3. Mail

  4. Text or web chat

  5. Phone call

  6. Through the E-Verify website

  7. Other (Please specify: _______________ )

Q36. How interested would you be in communicating with peers to get help and share ideas about E-Verify or using the system? Please use a 10-point scale on which “1” means “not interested” and “10” means “extremely interested.

ACSI Benchmark Questions

As part of the lead-in to this series of questions, include something like:

This includes things like the enrollment and tutorial process and,
if applicable, running cases in E-Verify and calling customer or technical service.”

ACSI-1. First, please consider your overall experiences during the past year with E-Verify.
Using a 10-point scale on which “1” means “very dissatisfied” and “10” means “very satisfied,” how satisfied are you with E-Verify

ACSI-2. To what extent has E-Verify met your expectations?
Please use a 10-point scale on which "1" means "not met your expectations" and "10" means, "exceeds your expectations."

ACSI-3. Now, imagine the ideal online verification service. How well does E-Verify compare with that ideal?
Please use a 10-point scale on which "1" means "Not very close to the ideal" and "10" means "Very close to the ideal."


ACSI-4. If asked how likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others?
Please use a 10-point scale where “1” means “Not Very Likely” and “10” means “Very likely.”

ACSI-5. How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program? Please use a 10-point scale where “1” means “Not Very Confident” and “10” means “Very Confident.”

ACSI-6. How likely are you to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future?
Please use a 10-point scale where “1’ means “Not Very Likely” and “10” means “Very Likely.”

ACSI-7. Please provide any final comments on how we can improve E-Verify to better serve you. (OPEN END)


D1. In which state are you located?

D2. How many people do you employ?

  1. 1 – 4

  2. 5 - 29

  3. 30 - 99

  4. 100 - 299

  5. 300 – 999

  6. 1,000 - 9,999

  7. 10,000+

D3. Do you consider yourself a small business?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know

D4. Which category among the list below best describes the primary industry in which your company or organization conducts business? (Select one)

    1. Agriculture / Food Processing

    2. Defense / Defense Industry

    3. Communications / Media

    4. Construction / General Contracting

    5. Education (all levels)

    6. Engineering (of any kind)

    7. Financial Services (Banking, Insurance, Finance, etc.)

    8. Healthcare / Public Health

    9. Hospitality (Hotel / Motel / Restaurant, etc.)

    10. Information Technology

    11. Manufacturing

    12. Non-Profit / Not-for-Profit

    13. Sales – Retail or Wholesale

    14. Staffing / Personnel

    15. Transportation

    16. Utilities / Energy / Natural Resources

    17. Professional Services / Consulting (Medicine, Law, Architecture, Research etc.)

    18. Government Services

    19. Other (Please Specify: _______________)

Thank you for participating in this survey.
We greatly appreciate your time and effort and value the information you have provided.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleE-Verify Customer Survey 2008
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-02-03

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