October 22, 2009
Academic Institution (college, university, or other institute of higher education) 8
Project Experiences - International 21
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Experiences 22
Student Demographics (only asked about students) 24
Student’s Permanent Contact Information (only asked about students) 25
Internship/Fieldwork Experiences (only asked for students) 29
Project Experiences - International 30
Transition Support (only asked for students) 31
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Experiences 31
Academic Achievement (only asked for students) 31
Institutional Data (Collected for Each Institution of Higher Education Submitted Earlier) 33
Institutional Data (Collected for Each High School Submitted Earlier) 37
Enrichment Track and Demonstration TRACK 38
* UserID ___________________________________
* Password ___________________________________
The Federal Government has a continuing commitment to monitor its awards to identify and address any inequities based on gender, race, ethnicity, or disability of the principal investigators, co-principal investigators, trainees, or other participants. Submission of the requested information is not mandatory. If you do not wish to submit the information, please mark the checkboxes provided for this purpose on the Web pages that follow.
Information from this data collection system will be retained by the National Science Foundation (NSF), a Federal agency, and will be an integral part of its Privacy Act System of Records in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 and maintained in the Education and Training System of Records 63 Fed. Reg. 264, 272 (January 5, 1998). These are confidential files accessible only to appropriate NSF officials, their staffs, and their contractors responsible for monitoring, assessing, and evaluating NSF programs. Only data in highly aggregated form, or data explicitly requested as "for general use," will be made available to anyone outside of NSF for research purposes. Data submitted will be used in accordance with criteria established by NSF for monitoring research and education grants, and in response to Public Law 99-383 and 42 USC 1885c.
[Link to] NSF Privacy Policy
Submission of the requested information is voluntary. Failure to provide full and complete information, however, may reduce the possibility for continuing support through the award/project subject to this survey. Pursuant to 5 CFR 1320.5(b), an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to an information collection unless it displays a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 3145-0164. The public reporting burden for the entire collection of information is estimated to average 80 hours per award for Alliance awards and 12 hours per award for other RDE awards, including the time for reviewing instructions. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Suzanne Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer for OMB Collection 3145-0164, Facilities and Operations Branch, Division of Administrative Services, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Suite 295, Arlington, VA 22230.
Expires XXXXX
The Research in Disabilities Education (RDE) Project Data Management System is an on-line system that collects information required for effective administration, communication, program and project monitoring and evaluation, and for measuring attainment of NSF's program, project and strategic goals, as required by the President's Management agenda as represented by the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART), by the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993, and by the NSF’s Strategic Plan. Data collected will also be used when responding to queries from Committees of Visitors, Congress, and scientific experts. The data can also be used as a preliminary step in more detailed future evaluation efforts, such as the sort of rigorous evaluations described in the May 2007 Report of the Academic Competitiveness Council (ACC), which was established by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-171) to serve as a multi-agency effort to identify Federal STEM education programs and establish their effectiveness.
All information, including project participant data, that you submit to this system comes from existing project data sources that are maintained by your project and/or institution. The reporting period for this collection is September 1, 20XX to August 31, 20XX, and the PDMS will be open for data collection from January 10 to March 10, 20XX. You can complete the required sections in any order. Icons beside each link will help you track your progress and alert you to potential problems as you move through the sections. Some questions will be marked as required, and the other questions are optional.
NSF has contracted ICF Macro to conduct this data collection. If you have any questions about the system or need any technical assistance, you can email ICF Macro staff at [email protected], or you can speak to an ICF Macro staffer by calling 877-492-5913.
Please review the following data for your award. This section was prepopulated.1 If you need to make changes, please contact ICF Macro to make the necessary adjustments. Asterisks indicate required fields; you must complete such fields in order to submit your data. For help with unfamiliar terms, please consult the glossary.
^ Award Status ___________________________________
^ Program Track2 ___________________________________
^ NSF Award Number ___________________________________
^ Award Title
^ Award Institution ___________________________________
^Award Start Date Month _____ Day _____ Year _____
^Award End Date Month _____ Day _____ Year _____
^Collaborative Award(s)
NSF Award Number Institution Award Title Award PI
_______________ ___________ ____________ ____________
_______________ ___________ ____________ ____________
_______________ ___________ ____________ ____________
All data above will be prepopulated. If respondents have questions, they can contact ICF Macro.
In the
past year, did this project receive any funding in addition to the
NSF RDE funding?
If yes, Funding Agency:
Funding Program:
Amount of Funding:
Type of Funding
Other (provide text box)
If this award was preceded by an NSF RDE award, what was the:
NSF Award Number: ____________________
Award Title: ___________________________
What was its RDE award track?
__ Alliance award
__ Research award
__ Enrichment award
__ Demonstration award
__ Dissemination award
__ Other
Please provide information about your project’s primary, partnering, and associate institutions and organizations for the current reporting period. There are three types: academic institutions of higher education, K-12 education organizations, and non-academic institutions.
Only submit data for those institutions that do not have collaborating awards and are not supported by a collaborating award.
* Institution Name ___________________________________________
Postal Address ___________________________________________
* Institution Type (select one)
___Public ___Private
What is this institution’s Carnegie classification?
Research Universities (RU/VH) (very high research activity)
Research Universities (RU/H) (high research activity)
Doctoral/Research Universities (DRU)
Master’s Colleges and Universities (Master’s/L) (larger programs)
Master’s Colleges and Universities (Master’s/M) (medium programs)
Master’s Colleges and Universities (Master’s/S) (smaller programs)
Baccalaureate Colleges—Arts & Sciences (Bac/A&S)
Baccalaureate Colleges—Diverse Fields (Bac/Diverse)
Baccalaureate/Associate’s Colleges (Bac/Assoc)
Associate’s—Public Rural-serving Small (Assoc/PubRS)
Associate’s—Public Rural-serving Medium (Assoc/PubRM)
Associate’s—Public Rural-serving Large (Assoc/PubRL)
Associate’s—Public Suburban-serving Single Campus (Assoc/PubSSC)
Associate’s—Public Suburban-serving Multicampus (Assoc/PubSMC)
Associate’s—Public Urban-serving Single Campus (Assoc/PubUSC)
Associate’s—Public Urban-serving Multicampus (Assoc/PubUMC)
Associate’s—Public Special Use (Assoc/PubSpec)
Associate’s—Private Not-for-profit (Assoc/PrivNFP)
Associate’s—Private For-profit (Assoc/PrivFP)
Associate’s—Public 2-year Colleges under Universities (Assoc/Pub2in4)
Associate’s—Public 4-year, Primarily Associate’s (Assoc/Pub4)
Associate’s—Private Not-for-profit 4-year, Primarily Associate’s (Assoc/PrivNFP4)
Associate’s—Private For-profit 4-year, Primarily Associate’s (Assoc/PrivFP4)
Theological seminaries, Bible colleges, and other faith-related institutions (Spec/Faith)
Medical schools and medical centers (Spec/Medical)
Other health profession schools (Spec/Health)
Schools of engineering (Spec/Engg)
Other technology-related schools (Spec/Tech)
Schools of business and management (Spec/Bus)
Schools of art, music, and design (Spec/Arts)
Schools of law (Spec/Law)
Other special-focus institutions (Spec/Oth)
Tribal colleges and universities
* Institutional Ethnicity Characteristics (select all that apply)
___Historically Black College or University (HBCU)
___Tribal College or University (TCU)
___Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI)
___Minority Serving Institution (MSI)
* Institutional Gender Characteristics (select one)
___Single Gender – Male
___Single Gender – Female
* Institutional Campus Characteristics (select one)
___Virtual Campus
___Traditional Campus
___Virtual and Traditional
* Project Role (select one)
___Primary Awardee4
___Subawardee (as defined by NSF on the award budget)
___Non-award partner
___Consultant (as defined by NSF on the award budget)
___Other, please specify ___________________________________________
Has this project affected policies at this institution regarding educating students with disabilities during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, what changed?
Has this project affected practices at this institution regarding educating students with disabilities during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, what changed?
Has this project affected services provided by this institution’s office for students with disabilities during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, what changed?
Were any courses at this institution retrofitted for Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Were any new courses created using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Were any student labs retrofitted for Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Were any new student labs created using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Were any fieldwork experiences at this institution changed because of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Were any new fieldwork experiences created at this institution using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
* School Name___________________________________________
District ___________________________________________
*Postal Address ___________________________________________
* Institution Type (select one)
___Public ___Private
* Institutional Characteristics (select one)
___High School
___Middle School/Junior High
___Elementary School
___Other, please specify ___________________________________________
* Project Role (select one)
___ Primary Awardee
___ Subawardee (as defined by NSF on the award budget)
___Non-award partner
___Consultant (as defined by NSF on the award budget)
___Other, please specify ___________________________________________
Has this project affected policies at this institution regarding educating students with disabilities during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, what changed?
Has this project affected services and/or practices at this institution regarding educating students with disabilities during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, what changed?
Were any courses at this institution retrofitted for Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Were any new courses created using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Were any student labs retrofitted for Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Were any new student labs created using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Were any fieldwork experiences at this institution changed because of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Were any new fieldwork experiences created at this institution using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
* Institution Name ___________________________________________
Postal Address ___________________________________________
* Institutional Characteristics (select one)
___Industry Partner
___Non-Profit Organization
___Local Government Organization
___State Government Organization
___Federal Government Organization
___Non-university/non-industry Lab
___Other, please specify ___________________________________________
* Project Role (select one)
___Primary Awardee
___Subawardee (as defined by NSF on the award budget)
___Non-award partner
___Consultant (as defined by NSF on the award budget)
___Other, please specify ___________________________________________
Has this project affected policies at this organization regarding people with disabilities during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, what changed?
Has this project affected practices at this organization regarding people with disabilities during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, what changed?
Were any labs/offices/workspaces retrofitted for Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Were any new labs/offices/workspaces created using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Enter the information about your project personnel in the spaces below. Asterisks indicate required fields; you must complete them in order to submit your data. For help with unfamiliar terms, please consult the glossary.
Title ___________________________________________
*First Name ___________________________________________
Middle Name ___________________________________________
*Last Name ___________________________________________
Suffix ___________________________________________
Office Mailing Address
*Street ___________________________________________
*City _________________ *State _____ *Zip/Postal Code__________ Country __________
* Institutional Affiliation
Name: ___________________________________________ State: _____
* E-mail Address: _______________@______________
Office Phone Number ____________________ ext. ____
Office Fax Number ____________________ ext. ____
Cell Phone Number ____________________
*Academic Field
[Drop down list of fields]
[Include Does Not Apply option]
* Employment Title ___________________________________________
* Project Administration Position (select all that apply)
___Primary Investigator (PI)
___ Co-Primary Investigator (Co-PI)
___Project Director
___Associate/Assistant Project Director
___Project Manager
___ Associate/Assistant Project Manager
___Coordinator, please specify area of coordination ____________________
___Other, please specify ___________________________________________
* Internal Project Evaluation Position (select all that apply)
___Evaluation Team – Lead
___Evaluation Team – Data Collector
___Evaluation Team – Statistician/Analyst
___Other, please specify ___________________________________________
* External Project Evaluation Position (select all that apply)
___Evaluation Team – Lead
___Evaluation Team – Data Collector
___Evaluation Team – Statistician/Analyst
___Other, please specify ___________________________________________
* Project Research Position (select all that apply)
___Primary Investigator (PI)
___ Co-Primary Investigator (Co-PI)
___Staff – Full Professor
___Staff – Associate Professor
___Staff – Assistant Professor
___Staff – Instructor
___Staff – Senior Researcher
___Staff – Associate Researcher
___Staff – Assistant Researcher
___Staff – Research Assistant
___Post-Doctoral Fellow
___Student – Doctoral
___Student – Masters
___Student – Baccalaureate
___Student – Associate
___Student – High School
___Other, please specify ___________________________________________
Year of birth8 __________
(Enter “9999” for “not reported.)
* Gender (select one)
___Male ___Female ___Not reported
* Ethnicity (select one)
___Hispanic or Latino
___Not Hispanic or Latino
* Race (mark one or more)
___American Indian or Alaska Native
___Black or African American
___Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
* Condition (select all that apply)
___Asperger’s Syndrome/Autism Spectrum Disorder
___Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
___Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing (D/HoH)
___Physical Impairment/Orthopedic/Mobility Impairment
___Systemic Health/Medical Condition
___Psychological/Psychiatric Condition
___ Learning Disorder
___Blind or Visual Impairment
___Speech Impairment
___Acquired/Traumatic Brain Injury
___Other Condition, please specify: ___________________________________________
___Not reported
*If more than one disability is reported, offer respondents an opportunity to rank their selections as primary, secondary, etc.
Was this person registered with the campus disability services office?
Did this person receive services?
* Citizenship (select one)
___U.S. Citizen
___Permanent Resident
___U.S. National (Born in American Samoa or Swains Island, or descendent of U.S. National)
___Non-U.S. Citizen
* United States Military Service Status (select one)
___Active Duty
___Active Reserve
___No Military Service
___Not Reported
Did this person serve as a mentor?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, who did they mentor?
__ High School Students
__ Community College Student
__ Undergraduate students
__ Graduate Students
__ Faculty/Staff
__ Industry/Business
__ Other, please explain (provide text box)
Approximately how mentoring sessions did they have during the last year?
Of those, how many were
___ Face to Face
___ Phone
___ Virtual
Was this person a mentee?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, what kind of mentor did they have?
__ High School Student
__ Community College Student
__ Undergraduate Student
__ Graduate Student
__ Faculty/Staff Member
__ Industry/Business Partner
__ Other, please explain (provide text box)
Approximately how mentoring sessions did they have during the last year?
Of those, how many were
___ Face to Face
___ Phone
___ Virtual
Did this person receive tutoring during this year as a part of this project?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, who did they receive tutoring from?
__ High School Student
__ Community College Student
__ Undergraduate Student
__ Graduate Student
__ Faculty/Staff
__ Industry/Business
__ Other, please explain (provide text box)
Did this person serve as a tutor?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, who did they tutor?
__ High School Student
__ Community College Student
__ Undergraduate Student
__ Graduate Student
__ Faculty/Staff
__ Industry/Business
__ Other, please explain (provide text box)
Approximately how tutoring sessions did this person participate in?
___ As a tutor
___ Receiving tutoring
Did this person participate in a student learning community sponsored by this project?
If yes, was this community (select all that apply)
__ related to a course
__ a virtual community
__ a living/learning community
Did this person participate in a faculty learning community sponsored by this project?
If yes, was this community (select all that apply)
__ related to a course
__ a virtual community
__ a living/learning community
*Did this project personnel member have any international experiences as a result of this project during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___No
If yes, where was this experience?
Country __________________
City _______________
Organization ___________________
Program Name ________________________
What kind of activity was this experience? (select all that apply)
__ Teaching students
___ Elementary School
___ High School
___ Undergraduate Students
___ Graduate Students
___ Doing research
___ Data gathering
___ Data analysis
___ Other, please specify _____________________________
How many weeks did the experience last? ____________
What was the average number of hours worked each week? __________
Did this person provide Universal Design for Learning (UDL) trainings?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Did this person receive Universal Design for Learning (UDL) trainings?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Project Participant9
Enter the information about your project participant in the spaces below. Asterisks indicate required fields; you must complete them in order to submit your data. For help with unfamiliar terms, please consult the glossary.10
[Instructions for how to enter number instead of names for privacy reasons will be provided.]
Title ___________________________________________
*First Name ___________________________________________
Middle Name ___________________________________________
*Last Name ___________________________________________
Suffix ___________________________________________
Other ID (if applicable) __________________
Current Mailing Address
*Street ___________________________________________
*City _________________ *State _____ *Zip/Postal Code__________ Country __________
* Institutional Affiliation
Name: ___________________________________________ State: _____
* Current Phone Number ____________________ ext. ____
* E-mail Address: _______________@______________
* Participant Type
___College/University Administrator
___ College/University Faculty
___ College/University Staff
___High School Teacher
___Middle School Teacher
___K-5 Teacher___Pre-K Teacher
___Graduate Student
___Undergraduate Student (4-Year)
___Undergraduate Student (2-Year)
___High School Student (Freshman)
___High School Student (Sophomore)
___High School Student (Junior)
___High School Student (Senior)
___Other, please specify ___________________________________________
If Administrator/Staff/Faculty:
Academic Field (IPDES drop-down menu)
If K-12 Teacher:
Teaching Specialty (select one)
___Other, please specify ___________________________________________
If Graduate/Undergraduate Student:
Major (IPDES drop-down menu)
What degree is this student pursuing?
___ High School
___ Associates
___ Undergraduate
___ Masters
___ Doctorate
___ Other, please specific ___________________
What year of school is this student currently in? [Enter numerical value] _____
During the currect reporting period, did this sudent receive any of the following types of degree/certifications?
___ Certficate of Completion
___ High school diploma
___ Associates degree
___ Undergraduate degree
___ Masters degree
___ Ph.D.
___ Other, please specific ___________________
If the student received a degree or certificate during the reporting period, what did the student plan to do during the next academic year?
___ Pursue associates degree
___ Pursue undergraduate degree in a STEM field
___ Pursue graduate degree in a STEM field
___ Pursue non-STEM degree
___ Enter the workforce
___ Unknown
Permanent Mailing Address
*Street ___________________________________________
*City _________________ State _____ *Zip/Postal Code__________ Country __________
*Permanent E-mail Address: _______________@______________
Permanent Home Phone Number ____________________ ext. ____
Cell Phone Number ____________________
* Year of birth11 __________
* Gender (select one)
___Male ___Female ___Not reported
* Ethnicity (select one)
___Hispanic or Latino
___Not Hispanic or Latino
* Race (mark one or more)
___American Indian or Alaska Native
___Black or African American
___Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
* Condition (select all that apply)
___Asperger’s Syndrome/Autism Spectrum Disorder
___Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
___Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing (D/HoH)
___Physical Impairment/Orthopedic/Mobility Impairment
___Systemic Health/Medical Condition
___Psychological/Psychiatric Condition
___ Learning Disorder
___Blind or Visual Impairment
___Speech Impairment
___Acquired/Traumatic Brain Injury
___Other Condition, please specify: ___________________________________________
___Not reported
Was this person registered with the campus disability services office?
Did this person receive services?
* Citizenship (select one)
___U.S. Citizen
___Permanent Resident (“Green Card”)
___U.S. National (Born in American Samoa or Swains Island or descendent of U.S. National)12
___Non-U.S. Citizen
* Veteran Status re US Military Service (select one)
___Active Duty
___Active Reserve
___No Military Service
___Not Reported
Did this person serve as a mentor?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, who did they mentor?
__ High School Students
__ Community College Student
__ Undergraduate students
__ Graduate Students
__ Faculty/Staff
__ Industry/Business
__ Other, please explain (provide text box)
Approximately how mentoring sessions did they have during the last year?
Of those, how many were
___ Face to Face
___ Phone
___ Virtual
Was this person a mentee?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, who was their mentor?
__ High School Student
__ Community College Student
__ Undergraduate Student
__ Graduate Student
__ Faculty/Staff Member
__ Industry/Business Partner
__ Other, please explain (provide text box)
Approximately how mentoring sessions did they have during the last year?
Of those, how many were
___ Face to Face
___ Phone
___ Virtual
Did this person receive tutoring during this year as a part of this project?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, who did they receive tutoring from?
__ High School Student
__ Community College Student
__ Undergraduate Student
__ Graduate Student
__ Faculty/Staff
__ Industry/Business
__ Other, please explain (provide text box)
Did this person serve as a tutor?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, who did they tutor?
__ High School Student
__ Community College Student
__ Undergraduate Student
__ Graduate Student
__ Faculty/Staff
__ Industry/Business
__ Other, please explain (provide text box)
Approximately how tutoring sessions did this person participate in?
___ As a tutor
___ Receiving tutoring
Did this person receive one of the following types of stipends?
___No Performance or Participation Restrictions
___Restricted to Students Participating in Project Activities
___Restricted to Students Providing Mentoring and/or Tutoring to Post-Secondary Students
___Restricted to Students Providing Mentoring and/or Tutoring to Secondary Students
___Restricted to Student Academic Performance
___Other Restrictions, please specify ________________________________
RDE Stipend Amount13 provided to this person from NSF-RDE funding during the current reporting period $ ______
Non-RDE Stipend Amount14 provided to this person during the current reporting period (includes stipends, scholarships, and funding from sources other than the NSF RDE program) $ ______
Please list the stipend sources _______________________________________________
Did this person participate in a student learning community sponsored by this project?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, was this community (select all that apply)
__ related to a course
__ a virtual community
__ a living/learning community
Did this person participate in a faculty learning community sponsored by this project?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, was this community (select all that apply)
__ related to a course
__ a virtual community
__ a living/learning community
Did this person participate in a university research internship?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, Program/Lab Name ____________________
Did this person participate in a research externship?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, Institution/Business Name _________________
City ______________
State _____________
Did this person participate in a fieldwork experience?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, Program Name ____________________
City ______________
State _____________
*Did this project participant have any international experiences as a result of this project during the current reporting period?
___Yes ___No
If yes, where was this experience?
Country __________________
City _______________
Organization ___________________
Program Name ________________________
What kind of activity was this experience? (select all that apply)
__ Teaching students
___ Elementary School
___ High School
___ Undergraduate Students
___ Graduate Students
___ Doing research
___ Data gathering
___ Data analysis
___ Other, please specify _____________________________
How many weeks did the experience last? ____________
What was the average number of hours worked each week? __________
Did this person participate in any of the following transition actives?
___ IEP
___ Individual transition counseling services
___ Group transition counseling services
___ For-credit course dealing with transition
___ Single transition workshop
___ Transition workshop series
__How many sessions were there in the series?
Did this person provide Universal Design for Learning (UDL) trainings?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Did this person receive Universal Design for Learning (UDL) trainings?
___Yes ___ No
If yes, how many?
Participant’s GPA as of mm/dd/yy15 ___.___ out of ___.___.
Did this participant receive and Honors/Awards during the current reporting period?
___Yes __No
Student Award/Honor16
Title ___________________________________________
Type (select all that apply)
___Monetary Award
___Non-monetary Award
___Other, please describe___________________________________________
Organization _________________________________________
What is the source of your institutional data? (select all that apply)
___Disability Services
___Other, please describe___________________________________________
General Institutional Data--In this table, enter overall data for this institution17
This Year |
Last Year18 (read only) |
Baseline19 (enter year) |
Total Students |
Students Enrolled Full Time |
Students Enrolled Part Time |
Enrolled Degree Candidates |
Enrolled Certificate Candidates |
Students taking classes (not for degree or certificate) |
Students receiving disability services via this institution |
Academic Level |
Freshman |
Sophomores |
Juniors |
Seniors |
Masters Students |
Doctoral Students |
Other |
Gender |
Total Female Students |
Total Male Students |
Not reported |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic or Latino |
Not Hispanic or Latino |
Race |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Black or African American |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
White |
Condition |
Asperger’s Syndrome/Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/Attention Deficit |
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) |
Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing (D/HoH) |
Physical Impairment/Orthopedic/Mobility Impairment |
Systemic Health/Medical Condition |
Psychological/Psychiatric Condition |
Learning Disorder |
Blind or Visual Impairment
Speech Impairment |
Acquired/Traumatic Brain Injury |
Other Conditions |
Not reported |
U.S. Military Service Status |
Active Duty |
Active Reserve |
Veteran |
Not reported |
Data on Students Enrolled in STEM Majors—In this table enter data only for students at this organization that are currently enrolled as STEM Majors
This Year |
Last Year (read only) |
Baseline (enter year) |
Enrolled in STEM majors |
Students with disabilities in STEM majors - AA |
Students with disabilities in STEM majors – BA/BS |
Students with disabilities in STEM majors – MA/MS |
Students with disabilities in STEM majors – PhD |
Gender |
Total Female Students |
Total Male Students |
Not reported |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic or Latino |
Not Hispanic or Latino |
Race |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Black or African American |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
White |
Condition |
Asperger’s Syndrome/Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/Attention Deficit |
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) |
Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing (D/HoH) |
Physical Impairment/Orthopedic/Mobility Impairment |
Systemic Health/Medical Condition |
Psychological/Psychiatric Condition |
Learning Disorder |
Blind or Visual Impairment
Speech Impairment |
Acquired/Traumatic Brain Injury |
Other Conditions |
Not reported |
U.S. Military Service Status |
Active Duty |
Active Reserve |
Veteran |
Not reported |
Data on Students Who Graduated from STEM Majors—In this table, enter only data on STEM Majors that graduated during the reporting period.
This Year |
Last Year |
Baseline (enter year) |
Graduated STEM majors - AA |
Graduated STEM majors – BA/BS |
Graduated STEM majors – MA/MS |
Graduated STEM majors - PhD |
Students with disabilities who graduated in STEM majors - AA |
Students with disabilities who graduated in STEM majors – BA/BS |
Students with disabilities who graduated in STEM majors – MA/MS |
Students with disabilities who graduated in STEM majors - PhD |
Gender |
Total Female Graduates |
Total Male Graduates |
Not reported |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic or Latino |
Not Hispanic or Latino |
Race |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Black or African American |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
White |
Condition |
Asperger’s Syndrome/Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/Attention Deficit |
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) |
Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing (D/HoH) |
Physical Impairment/Orthopedic/Mobility Impairment |
Systemic Health/Medical Condition |
Psychological/Psychiatric Condition |
Learning Disorder |
Blind or Visual Impairment |
Speech Impairment |
Acquired/Traumatic Brain Injury |
Other Conditions |
Not reported |
U.S. Military Service Status |
Active Duty |
Active Reserve |
Veteran |
Not reported |
General Institutional Data--In this table, enter overall data for this institution
This Year |
Last Year |
Baseline |
Total Students |
Freshman |
Sophomores |
Juniors |
Seniors |
Gender |
Total Female Students |
Total Male Students |
Not reported |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic or Latino |
Not Hispanic or Latino |
Race |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Black or African American |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
White |
Condition |
Asperger’s Syndrome/Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/Attention Deficit |
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) |
Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing (D/HoH) |
Physical Impairment/Orthopedic/Mobility Impairment |
Systemic Health/Medical Condition |
Psychological/Psychiatric Condition |
Learning Disorder |
Blind or Visual Impairment |
Speech Impairment |
Acquired/Traumatic Brain Injury |
Other Conditions |
Not reported |
*Field in the tables cannot be left blank—an “Unknown” option should be included.
Did your work on this award lead to you writing any proposals? If so, list all the proposals that you submitted this year as a result of the award:
Funding Agency:
Proposal Title:
Proposal Number:
How many research studies were conducted under this award during the current collection period?20
* List the hypotheses that this study tests: (500 character limit)
1) ____________________________________________________________
2) ____________________________________________________________
What were the research methodologies used in this research study?
[Provide text box for data entry]
Enter subject group data for the research study. If your project did not have an experimental group, enter data only in the Control Group row.
Subject Gender and Ethnicity Data
Total Subjects |
Gender |
Ethnicity |
Male |
Female |
Not reported |
Hispanic/Latino |
Not Hispanic /Latino |
Control Group22 |
Experimental Group23 |
Subject Race Data
Control Group24 |
American Indian/Alaska Native |
Asian |
Black or African American |
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |
White |
Experimental Group25 |
Subject Age Level Data
Ages |
0-5 |
6-12 |
13-16 |
17-18 |
19-21 |
22-25 |
26-35 |
36-45 |
46 and Over |
Not reported |
Control Group |
Experimental Group |
Subject Academic Level Data
Academic Level |
Pre-K |
K-6 |
7-8 |
High School |
Associate Degree Candidate |
Baccalaureate Candidate |
Masters Candidate |
PhD candidate |
Not Applicable |
Not reported |
Control Group |
Experimental Group |
Subject Military Service Status
US Military Service Status |
Active Duty |
Active Reserve |
Veteran |
Control Group |
Experimental Group |
Subject Condition
Condition |
None |
Asperger’s Syndrome/Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing (D/HoH)
Physical Impairment/Orthopedic/Mobility Impairment
Systemic Health/Medical Condition
Psychological/Psychiatric Condition
Learning Disorder
Blind or Visual Impairment
Speech Impairment
Acquired/Traumatic Brain Injury
Other Conditions |
Not reported
Control Group |
Experimental Group |
* Did your study produce a replication manual? (select one)
___Yes ___No
* If yes, provide the URL to access the manual
* Did your study disseminate findings directly to NSF-RDE Alliance projects?
___Yes ___No
* If yes, provide the NSF award numbers of the RDE Alliance projects.
* Did your study use data from any NSF-RDE Alliance projects?
___Yes ___No
* If yes, provide the NSF award numbers of the RDE Alliance projects.
Professional Publications26
Did any project personnel or participants contribute to any professional publications during this reporting year as a result of the project?
If so, provide citation:
URL, if available on-line ________________________________
*Type (select all that apply)
___Peer Reviewed
___Non-Peer Reviewed
Professional Presentations27
Did any project personnel or participants give any professional presentations during this reporting year as a result of the project?
*Title ___________________________________________
*Type (select all that apply)
___Conference Presentation
___Media Presentation
___Class Presentation
___Other, please describe___________________________________________
*Professional Organization _________________________________________
URL of presentation, if available ______________________________________
Estimate the number of people in the audience _____
New Tools, Measurement Methods, and Other Materials28
Did the project develop any new tools, measurement methods, or other materials not already submitted for individual participants and personnel?
* Name ___________________________________________
* Type (select all that apply)
___Assessment Tool
___Instructional Material
___Replication Manual
___Other Guides/Manuals
___Other, please describe___________________________________________
How many people was this distributed to this year? _________
Who were the primary users of this material?
___ STEM Faculty
___ Educators, General
___ Educators, Special Education
___ STEM Careers
___ General Public
___ Other, please describe ________________
Online Resources Provided29
* Name ___________________________________________
* Type (select all that apply)
___E-mail List
___Virtual Environment, please describe___________________________________________
___Other, please describe___________________________________________
Current URL or other location _________________________________________
Usage Record
* Number of “hits”
This Year _____ Last year _____ Baseline_____ % Change ______
* If you have a unique login system, number of unique logins
This year _____ Last year _____ Baseline_____ % Change ______
If the project has a unique login system, please indicate how many users of each type the system had this year:
___ Students
___ University faculty/staff/administrators
___ K-12 Teachers
___ Parents
___ Industry/Business users
___ General Public
___ Other
(Highlights are optional)
Each year,
NSF program officers are asked to write "Highlights"
(formerly known as "Nuggets") on the results of NSF
research and education awards. These Highlights are used to help
assess the Foundation's performance in attaining the strategic
outcome goals outlined in the NSF 2006-2011 Strategic Plan and to
share successes with various groups.
Do you have a highlight to submit for the currect reporting period?
If yes, a template for the NSF highlight will be provided.
writing your highlight, please:
Provide a descriptive title for this Highlight
Describe the achievement/result that is the Highlight
Provide photo and phote release form
[Examples of past highlights with be provided, and users will upload text, photo, and photo release into the system.]
1 In the online system, ^ items are prepopulated.
2 At this point, the value will be one of these five: Alliance, Research, Enrichment, Demonstration, Dissemination
3 Questions for each degree-granting institution.
4 Primary awardee institution will be partially preloaded
5 Questions repeat for each K-12 organization.
6 Questions repeat for each non-academic institution.
7 Questions repeat for each member of the project staff. The primary PI’s information must be preloaded with enough information to permit the initial access to the system.
8 Enter 4 digits or select from a dropdown list?
9 Questions repeat for each project participant.
10 Particpant Questions apply to ONLY Alliance and Enrichment track awards.
11 Enter 4 digits or select from a dropdown list?
12 According to 8 U.S.C. § 1408, it is possible to be a U.S. national without being a U.S. citizen. A person whose only connection to the U.S. is through birth in an outlying possession (which as of 2005 is limited to American Samoa and Swains Island), or through descent from a person so born acquires U.S. nationality but not U.S. citizenship.
13 This question applies only if a stipend other than “None” was selected.
14 This question applies only if a stipend other than “None” was selected.
15 Date of the end of the academic year – example 8/31/yy (set as a system parameter)
16 Questions repeat for each honor or award.
17 PIs will enter baseline data during their first year of data entry.
18 Display if available in system.
19 Display if available in the system.
20 May be multiple entries
21 Questions repeat for each study.
22 Allow for multiple control groups in all tables
23 Allow for multiple experimental groups in all tables
24 Allow for multiple control groups in all tables
25 Allow for multiple experimental groups in all tables
26 May be multiple entries
27 May be multiple entries
28 May be multiple entries
29 May be multiple entries
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | GK-12 ONLINE SURVEY 2006–2007 FORMS |
Last Modified By | nsfuser |
File Modified | 2009-10-27 |
File Created | 2009-10-27 |