Form 1122-XXXX Office on Violence Against Women Grant Program Solicitat

Office on Violence Against Women Grant Program Solicitation Template


Office on Violence Against Women Grant Program Solicitation Template

OMB: 1122-0020

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Margins: one-inch all around

Font: Arial

Font (regular text): 11 point

Font Size/style for Headings:

Announcement title: 26 point, bold

Other cover page headings:

“Eligibility” 16 point, bold

“Deadline” 16 point, bold

“Contact Information” 16 point, bold

Header for “Contents” (page 3) 20 point, bold

Program title (page 3) 20 point, bold

CFDA (page 3) 16 point, bold

Section headings 16 point, bold

Subheadings 11 point, bold

Sub, subheadings 11 point, underlined (not bold)

Bullet format: Bullet left-justified, text indented one quarter inch, bullets 11 point font.

Page numbers should be on the bottom, center of the page.


There should be an extra line space before and after a section heading, but there should be no extra space after a sub-heading or sub, subheading.

Each space between paragraphs should be no larger than Arial, 11 point font.

Appendices should each have a separate title page with the word “Appendix” and the letter of the appendix in 15 point bold in a box and the title of the appendix in 14 point bold below the box.

Always double check for spelling, formatting and grammatical errors prior to passing your draft on to the next levels of review. Please make every effort to use plain language.

U .S. Department of Justice

Office on Violence Against Women

The United States Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) ( is pleased to announce that it is seeking applications for [Insert Program]. This program furthers the Department’s mission by [Insert summary of the program.]

OVW Fiscal Year 2010

[Insert Program]


Applicants are limited to [Insert eligible applicants].

(See “Eligibility,” page [insert #])


[optional: Letters of intent to apply should be submitted by [insert date].]

All Applicants should register online with or GMS by [Insert date 10 days to 2 weeks before application deadline].

All applications are due by 8:00 p.m. E.T. on [Insert date].

(See “Deadline: Application,” page [insert #])

Contact Information

For assistance with the requirements of this solicitation, contact OVW at (202) 307-6026.

This application must be submitted through For technical assistance with submitting the application, call the Customer Support Hotline at 1-800-518-4726 Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., E.T. [For Formula Programs use GMS information instead.] Number assigned to announcement OVW-[Insert number]


Overview of the OVW [Insert program] p.

[Deadline: Letter of Intent p.]

Deadline: Registration p.

Deadline: Application p.

Eligibility p.

OVW [Insert program] Specific Information p.

  • Types of Applicants p.

  • Availability of Funds p.

  • Award Period p.

  • Award Amounts p.

  • Program Scope p.

  • Activities That May Compromise Victim Safety and Recovery p.

  • Unallowable Activities p.

  • [for STOP: Match Requirement] p.

Performance Measures p.

How To Apply p.

What An Application Must Include: p.

  • Application for Federal Assistance p.

  • Standard Assurances and Certifications p.

  • Financial Accounting Practices p.

  • Summary Data Sheet p.

  • Proposal Abstract p.

  • Summary of Current OVW Projects p.

  • Project Narrative p.

  • Budget Detail Worksheet and Narrative p.

  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) [etc] p.

  • Letter of Nonsupplanting p.

  • Financial Capability Questionnaire p.

  • Indirect Cost Rate Agreement p.

Selection Criteria p.

Review Process p.

Additional Requirements p.

Application Checklist p.

[Appendix (or Appendices, if applicable) p.]

OVW [Insert Program]

(CFDA [insert #])


This solicitation contains information on how to apply for the [Insert Program]. For general information on applying for all OVW grant programs, please see the OVW Fiscal Year 2010 Grant Program Solicitation Reference Guide (Reference Guide) at [insert link]. All applicants should read carefully both this solicitation and the Reference Guide before beginning the application process.

About the OVW [Insert Program]

[Insert program specific information]

[Optional - Deadline: Letter of Intent

If you intend to apply for Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 funding under this program, we encourage you to submit a letter stating that you intend to apply for funding. The letter will not obligate you to submit an application. Please see for a sample letter. The letter should be submitted to OVW by [insert date]. You may send the letter to OVW at [insert e-mail address]. OVW will use these letters to predict the number of peer review panels needed to review the applications. You can still submit an application for funding if you do not submit a Letter of Intent.

Deadline: Registration

The [or GMS] registration deadline is [Insert date]. For more information on the process of registering and applying in [or GMS], please see the Reference Guide at pages 13-15 [insert link].

Deadline: Application

An application submission is complete if (a) a hard copy of the entire application, with original signatures, has been submitted via overnight delivery by the deadline and (b) the application has been submitted through [or GMS].

The deadline for applying for funding under this announcement is [Insert date], 8:00 p.m. E.T. A hard copy must be sent via an overnight delivery method, post-marked by [insert date] to:

The Office on Violence Against Women

c/o Lockheed Martin Aspen Systems Corporation

[Insert Program]

Mail Stop 2K

2277 Research Boulevard

Rockville, MD 20850

(301) 519-5000

Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their applications well in advance of the deadline, in order to ensure a successful submission through or GMS. For information on OVW’s policy for late applications, please see the Reference Guide at pages 15-16 [insert link].


It is very important that you review this information carefully. Applications that are submitted by non-eligible entities will be screened out during an initial review process and omitted from further review.

By statute, eligible entities for this program are:

  • [insert program specific information]

[Insert additional program specific information]

OVW [Insert Program] – Specific Information

Types of Applicants

In FY 2010, OVW will accept applications for the [insert program] from [insert program specific information. Do not use the terms “new” and “current” but instead explain eligibility of applicants who receive or who have received funding through this program based on fiscal years. A chart may be helpful. For example, “OVW will accept applications from applicants that received two-year grants in Fiscal Year 2008 and applicants that have not previously received funding under this program.”]

[Insert other Program Specific information]

Availability of Funds

All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law.

Award Period

The award period for these grants will be [insert appropriate time frame]. Budgets must reflect [insert project-specific time frame] of project activity, and the total “estimated funding” (block 15) on the SF-424 must reflect [insert project-specific time frame].

Award Amounts

Applicants should carefully consider the resources needed to successfully implement the project proposed and present a realistic budget that accurately reflects project costs. [Insert program] funds for FY 2010 will be awarded based on the following guidelines:

  • [insert program specific information]

Program Scope

[Insert program specific information]

Statutory Program Purposes

By statute, funds under the [insert program] may be used for the following purposes:

  • [insert specific statutory purpose areas]

Activities That May Compromise Victim Safety and Recovery

The following is a list of activities that have been found to decrease victim safety, deter or prevent physical and emotional healing for victims, or allow offenders to escape responsibility for their actions. OVW strongly encourages you not to include these activities in your application for funding:

  • [Insert program specific activities]

Activities that compromise victim safety and recovery will be a factor reviewed during OVW internal review. Applications may be considered out of scope if significant activities are included that could compromise victim safety and recovery.

Unallowable Activities

Grant funds under the [insert program] may not be used for any unauthorized purposes, including but not limited to the following activities:

  • Lobbying;

  • Fundraising;

  • Research projects;

  • [insert program specific activities].

[For STOP: Match Requirement: Insert section on match here]

Performance Measures

All OVW grantees are required to submit annual and/or semi-annual progress reports, which will be provided to you should you be selected for an award.

For more information, see the Reference Guide at pages 17-20 [INSERT LINK].

How To Apply

See the Reference Guide [INSERT LINK] at pages 13-17 for information regarding “how to apply.”

What An Application Must Include

Applicants must complete each of the following sections as part of their response to this solicitation. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that its application is complete by the deadline. OVW will remove the application from consideration prior to peer review if the application is substantially incomplete or received after the deadline without prior permission as described in the Reference Guide at pages 15-16 [insert link]. For each section listed below, please note the corresponding maximum point value that may be assigned during the peer review scoring process. The application should follow the order below for easy reading. Peer reviewers will not receive any additional materials submitted beyond those required. For example, if an application includes a narrative that is [insert number that is the number of pages required for the narrative plus five], the last five pages will be removed prior to peer review.

Applications must use the following page format requirements:

  • Double spaced (except that any included graphs and charts may be single-spaced)

  • 8½ x 11 inch paper

  • One inch margins

  • Type no smaller than 12 point, Times New Roman font

  • Include a brief Summary Data Sheet

  • Include a Project Abstract (please limit to one page)

  • Include a list of all current OVW projects as described below (if applicable)

  • No more than 20 pages for the Project Narrative (item VII below)

  • Word processing documents must be in the following formats: Microsoft Word (.doc), PDF files (.pdf), or Text Documents (.txt).

Sections I through XII below describe the specific elements of a complete application.

I. Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424)

Please see the Reference Guide at page 6 for additional information [INSERT LINK]. This form will be filled out online and you should print out a copy for your hard copy submission.

II. Standard Assurances and Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements (Form 4061/6)

Please see the Reference Guide at page 7 for additional information [Insert link] These forms will be filled out online and you should print out a copies for your hard copy submission.

III. Financial Accounting Practices

Each applicant must prepare a response to the following questions. This section of your application should be no more than two pages and should be a separate attachment to the application in [ or GMS] and a separate section in the hard copy.

  • Will all funds awarded under this program be maintained in an account that is separate and distinct from other sources of revenue/funding?

  • Does the applicant have written accounting procedures?

  • What type of inventory system does the applicant have in place?

  • Does the applicant’s current accounting system allow the applicant to separately track grant draw-downs and expenditures?

  • Does the applicant have a risk management assessment process in place to identify and mitigate potential risks?

  • What is the applicant’s records retention policy?

  • Has the individual primarily responsible for fiscal oversight attended a Fiscal Management Training Seminar put on by a U.S. government agency? If yes, when and which government agency?

IV. Summary Data Sheet (5 Points)

Please list the following information on a single page. The Summary Data Sheet should be a separate attachment to the application in [ or GMS] and a separate section in the hard copy.

  • Name, title, address, phone number, and e-mail address for the authorized representative (Please see the Reference Guide at page 6 [INSERT LINK] for more information on who can be an authorized representative).

  • Name, title, address, phone number, and e-mail address for the grant point-of-contact.

  • Whether the agency has expended $500,000 in federal funds in the past fiscal year. Please specify the end date of the fiscal year.

  • [insert program specific information]

V. Proposal Abstract

The Proposal Abstract should provide a short and accurate summary of your proposed project including its goals and objectives. Please do not summarize past accomplishments in this section. The Proposal Abstract should be a single page and should be a separate attachment to the application in [ or GMS] and a separate section in the hard copy.

The Proposal Abstract must not be submitted on the same page as the Summary Data Sheet.

VI. Summary of Current OVW Projects

For each current OVW Project, as defined in the OVW Reference Guide at page 7 [insert link], please provide the following information:

  • Identify grant by program, award number, and project period.

  • Specify the total funds remaining in each grant as of the date of application.

  • Provide the total funds remaining in each grant in the Personnel, Contracts/Consultants and Travel categories as of the date of application.

  • List the names, dates, and locations of all OVW-sponsored training and technical assistance events in which project staff or project partners participated during the current grant award period.

This section should be clear and succinct. This should be a separate attachment to the application in [ or GMS] and a separate section in the hard copy.

In addition to this information, OVW will evaluate the performance of the applicant in all current grants as a factor in the consideration of this application. Please note that applicants that have previously been OVW grantees and have failed to meet grant deadlines, failed to comply with financial requirements, or failed to comply with special conditions from previous grants may not be considered for funding.

VII. Project Narrative (Total 60 Points) [Internal note: Point values per section are flexible, but must equal a total of 100 points]

The following narrative should be a separate attachment to the application in [ or GMS] and a separate section in the hard copy. The Project Narrative may not exceed 20 pages in length, double-spaced. Please number the pages of your narrative.

A. Purpose of Application (10 points)

[Insert program specific information]

This section will be rated on the following criteria:

B. What Will Be Done (40 points)

[insert program specific information]

This section will be rated on the following criteria:

C. Who Will Implement the Project (10 points[30 for Tribal Coalitions])

[Insert program specific information]

[for programs that require partnerships with victim services:

Victim service organizations should meet all of the following criteria:

  • Provide services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking as one of their primary purposes and have a demonstrated history of effective work concerning such issues;

  • Address a demonstrated need in their communities by providing services that promote the dignity and self sufficiency of victims, improve their access to resources, and create options for victims seeking safety from perpetrator violence; and

  • Do not engage in activities that compromise victim safety.]


This section will be rated on the following criteria:

VIII. Budget Detail Worksheet and Narrative (Total 15 Points)

For more information and samples, please see the Reference Guide [insert link] at pages 9-12. The Budget Worksheet and Narrative should be one attachment to the application in [ or GMS] and a separate section in the hard copy.

In developing the budget, applicants should fairly compensate all project partners for their participation in any project-related activities, including, but not limited to, compensation for time and travel expenses to participate in project development, training, and implementation. The budget must include compensation for all services rendered by project partners, including nonprofit, nongovernmental domestic violence and/or sexual assault victim services programs and state and tribal domestic violence and/or sexual assault coalitions.

Budget Limits

[Insert program specific information - make sure this is consistent with the section on “Award Amounts”- page 5 of the template]

OVW has the discretion to award grants for greater or lesser amounts than requested and to negotiate the scope of work and budget with applicants prior to award of a grant.

Budget Requirements

For budget guidelines, see the Reference Guide [insert link] at pages 9-12. Following is additional guidance specific to this program:

Training and Technical Assistance.

All applicants are required to allocate funds in the amount of [Insert $] (applicants from Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories should allocate [Insert $] to account for higher travel costs) to support travel costs associated with technical assistance and capacity-building activities sponsored by OVW-designated technical assistance providers. Please see the Reference Guide [Insert Link] at page 10 for more information on this requirement.


A Sample Budget Detail Worksheet is available at When preparing the Worksheet and Narrative, please use the Sample Budget Detail Worksheet as a guide and be sure to include all necessary budget categories as outlined in the Worksheet. The budget should clearly describe the proposed amounts and uses of grant funds for the duration of the grant period and how the amounts of the specific budget items were determined.

The budget narrative should support all costs included in the budget and justify the purpose of the costs in relationship to fulfilling the overall objective of the project. The narrative should also include a description of services being performed and how the cost is determined.

This section will be rated on the following criteria:

IX. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (Total 20 points) [EMOU, IMOU, and MOE can also be included here if appropriate. Leave this out for Tribal Coalitions and GTTG.]

Applicants are required to submit an MOU that demonstrates they have consulted and coordinated in a meaningful way with [insert program specific information]. The MOU should be a single attachment to the application in [ or GMS] and a separate section in the hard copy.

The MOU must be current (i.e., signed and dated during the development of the proposal) and be created and signed by the chief executive officers and/or directors of:

  • [insert program specific information]

Applicants that have previously been funded under this program must develop a new MOU that reflects the continuation of project activities and include current dates and signatures from all relevant project partners.

The MOU must do the following:

  • [insert program specific information]

Signatories should be sure to include their titles and agencies under their signatures.

This section will be rated on the following criteria:

[Insert program specific sections and renumber the below sections accordingly. Also, if there are points affiliated with the additional section(s), be sure to include information on how the section will be rated.]

X. Letter of Nonsupplanting

Applicants must submit a letter to OVW’s Director, signed by the Authorized Representative, certifying that federal funds will not be used to supplant State or local funds should a grant award be made. Please refer to for a sample letter. This should be a separate attachment to the application in [ or GMS] and a separate section in the hard copy.

XI. Financial Capability Questionnaire

[Insert the following section, if appropriate:] All nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations that apply for funding from OVW and have not previously (or within the last 3 years) received funding from OVW or the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) must complete a Financial Capability Questionnaire. The form can be found at The cognizant federal audit agency and fiscal year should be included on the first page. In addition, the applicant must submit their current year’s audit report with the Financial Capability Questionnaire. This should be a separate attachment to the application in [ or GMS]. This document does not need to be included in the hard copy.

XII. Indirect Cost Rate Agreement [Leave out for STOP]

Applicants that have established a federally-approved indirect cost rate may request indirect costs to support the project. Please include a copy of a current, signed federally-approved indirect cost rate agreement. If you need additional information on this requirement, you may go to This should be a separate attachment to the application in [ or GMS] and a separate section in the hard copy.

[Insert other program specific sections]

Selection Criteria

All applications will be rated on the criteria described in each section above. The total points possible for an application are 100 (5 points for Summary Data Sheet, 60 points for Narrative, 15 points for Budget, and 20 points for the MOU [use EMOU, IMOU, and/or MOE as applicable].

Additionally, current projects will be rated by OVW using the following criteria:

  • Whether progress reports submitted by the applicant, in conjunction with monitoring conducted by OVW, demonstrate the effectiveness of the current project, indicating progress toward meeting project goals and objectives, and demonstrate that the current project has progressed in a timely manner as outlined in the original proposal;

  • Whether the grantee has demonstrated that past activities supported with OVW grant funds have been limited to program purpose areas;

  • Whether the grantee has complied with all special conditions of its existing grant award(s) from OVW;

  • Whether the grantee has adhered to programmatic and financial reporting requirements, including timely submission of required reports;

  • Whether the grantee has demonstrated a commitment to sustaining the project after federal funds are no longer available;

  • Whether the grantee has closed-out prior awards in a timely manner;

  • Whether the grantee appropriately utilized and actively participated in OVW-sponsored workshops and other technical assistance events as required by a special condition of the current award;

  • Whether the grantee has received financial clearances on all current grants from OVW;

  • Whether the grantee has complied with the Office of Management and Budget single-audit requirement; and

  • Whether grant funds were spent in a timely manner.

Applicants with an OVW grant history that failed to meet grant deadlines, did not comply with financial requirements, or did not comply with special conditions from previous grants may not be considered for funding. In addition, if an applicant is on the OJP High Risk Grantee list, OVW will take this into consideration in making award determinations.

[insert any additional program specific information]

Review Process

[NOTE: This section is not needed for STOP Formula, SASP Formula, and State Coalitions]

All applications will be subject to internal review by OVW staff and [external or internal] peer review panels, and will be scored according to the criteria set forth in this solicitation. If the application fails to meet the criteria listed below for the OVW initial internal review, the application will not receive further consideration. If applications that are partially beyond the scope of the program are sent to external peer review, only sections of the application that are within scope will be reviewed.

OVW Initial Internal Review

Criteria for the OVW initial internal review follow:

  • Whether the applicant meets all statutory eligibility criteria (see page [insert page number]);

  • Whether the application is complete;

  • Whether the proposed activities are within the scope of the program (see page [insert page number]);

  • [If applicable: Whether the application meets all the minimum requirements for the program (see page [insert page number])];

  • [If applicable: Whether the applicant meets the certification requirements for the program (see page [insert page number])]; and

  • Whether the application proposes significant activities that may compromise victim safety (see page [insert page number])].

External Peer Review Panels

[Use this if applicable] OVW will establish panels comprised of experts and practitioners to review applications. [Insert language about tribal applications if appropriate.] Each panel will review the information provided in the application against the selection criteria for the program.

Following formal peer review, a second internal review will be conducted, which will include, but not be limited to, the geographic distribution of the applications for a national perspective, the ratio of population to services, and the extent to which the applications will address the demonstrated needs of an underserved population.

Additional Requirements

For information on additional requirements that apply to all OVW applicants and grantees, see the Reference Guide [INSERT LINK] at pages 21-22.

Application Checklist

Applicants must submit a fully executed application to OVW via overnight delivery, including all required supporting documentation. If you do not have the ability to upload signed documents, you may upload an unsigned version and include the signed original in the hard copy of the application. Applications will not be accepted via facsimile. Although the application needs to be submitted through or GMS as well as in hard copy form, the hard copy will be reviewed.

Application Document



1. Standard Form 424


2. Standard Assurances and Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements (Form 4061/6)


3. Financial Accounting Practices


4. Summary Data Sheet


5. Proposal Abstract


6. Summary of Current OVW Projects

Yes, if applicable

7. Narrative. The following sections must be included


Purpose of Application

What will be Done

Who will Implement

8. Budget, Budget Narrative and Budget Summary


9. MOU (MOE, Etc.)


10. Letter of Nonsupplanting


11. Financial Capability Questionnaire (nonprofits only, see page __ for details.

If applicable

12. Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (only if the applicant has a current Federally-approved rate)

If applicable

[13. Other Program Specific]


Applicants must send via overnight delivery a complete hard copy original of the application, postmarked by [insert date] to:

The Office on Violence Against Women

c/o Lockheed Martin Aspen Systems Corporation

[Insert Program]

Mail Stop 2K

2277 Research Boulevard

Rockville, MD 20850

(301) 519-5000

Detailed instructions on how to use the system to submit your application online are available at Also, a toll-free telephone number has been established for you to receive technical assistance as you work through the online application process, 1-800-518-4726, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., E.T.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleThe Education and Technical Assistance Grants to
AuthorAmy Loder
Last Modified Bymshiels
File Modified2009-09-29
File Created2009-09-29

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