EBHV grantee and key staff-partner interview guide

Cross-Site Evaluation of the Childrens Bureau Grantee Cluster: Supporting Evidence-Based Home Visiting to Prevent Child Maltreatment (EBHV)

1.Grantee and Key Staff-Partner Interview Guide (Final 9-15-09).xlsx

EBHV grantee and key staff-partner interview guide

OMB: 0970-0375

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Question Number Site Visit Questions Systems Costs Family and Child Fidelity Process Local Grantee Staff Local Eval Team Program Model Purveyor Partners - Funders Partners - Referral Sources Other Partners IA - Manager IA - Supervisor IA - Home Visitor Spring 2010 Spring 2012

I.1 BACKGROUND FOR EACH RESPONDENT: What is your official job title? What are your primary responsibilities? How long have you been in this position? How are you involved with the EBHV grant? What are your grant-related responsibilities? How long have you been involved with the EBHV grant? x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

II.1 What are the roles and responsibilities for staff working on the EBHV grant? Which staff are focused on: (1) grant administration, (2) system change or infrastructure building activities, or (3) home visiting service delivery? x

x x x x
x x x x x x
II.2 What is the contractual relationship between the EBHV grantee and its implementing agency? How long have these entities worked together? In what capacities have these entities worked together? x

x x


x x
II.3 In what geographic area do EBHV project activities, in particular home visiting service delivery, take place? Did the geographic service area for any activities change from the original plan? If so, what prompted the change in service area?

x x x


x x
II.4 Did plans for the EBHV grant change during implementation? If so, why? What changes occurred and at what point? How did these changes affect grant operations? x

x x x
x x x x

x x
II.5 Aside from the programs that are part of your EBHV program, what other home visiting programs are offered in the community served by (or the primary service area for) the implementing agency? How do these home visiting programs differ from the programs that are part of the EBHV program offered by the grantee or implementing agency? x x x x x x

x x x x x
x x
II.6 What other child neglect/abuse prevention programs are offered in the community served by (or the primary service area for) each implementing agency? How do these child neglect/abuse prevention programs differ from the evidence-based home visiting program offered by the grantee or implementing agency? x x x x x x

x x x x x
x x
II.7 How, if at all, does your agency coordinate efforts with home visiting and child neglect/abuse prevention programs outside of the EBHV program? What are the goals of these efforts? x x x x x x

x x x x
x x
II.8 In the states where EBHV grantees are implementing home visiting services, during the grant application and planning period, how invested was state political leadership in (1) preventing child maltreatment, (2) using evidence-based program models, and (3) using specific evidence-based program models? What evidence supports that state leadership was (not) invested? How, if at all, are EBHV grantees working to increase state political support for preventing child maltreatment and using evidence-based program models? x

x x x
x x x x

x x
II.9 In the communities where EBHV grantees are implementing home visiting services, during the grant application and planning period, how invested was local political leadership in (1) preventing child maltreatment, (2) using evidence-based program models, and (3) using specific evidence-based program models? What evidence supports that local leadership was (not) invested? How, if at all, are EBHV grantees working to increase local political support for preventing child maltreatment and using evidence-based program models? x

x x x
x x x x

x x
II.10 In the implementing agencies where EBHV grantees are implementing home visiting services, during the grant application and planning period, how invested was the agencies' leadership in (1) preventing child maltreatment, (2) using evidence-based program models, and (3) using specific evidence-based program models? What evidence supports that implementing agency leadership was (not) invested? How, if at all, are EBHV grantees working to increase support at implementing agencies for preventing child maltreatment and using evidence-based program models? x

x x x


x x
II.11 In the implementing agencies where EBHV grantees are implementing home visiting services, during the planning and implementation periods, how invested was the agencies' direct service stafff in using the selected evidence-based program models? What evidence supports that implementing agency direct service staff were (not) invested? How, if at all, are EBHV grantees working to increase support at implementing agencies for using the selected evidence-based program models? x

x x x

x x x x x
II.12 How, if at all, did the economic recession in 2008 and 2009 affect planning and implementation of your EBHV grant? How did the grantee address the economic downturn in its activities? x x

x x x
x x x x

x x
II.13 Did any natural or man-made disasters or unexpected events occur that altered home visiting service delivery or other grant-related activities? If so, what were these events? How did they impact home visiting service delivery or other grant activities? How were the challenges addressed? x x

x x x
x x x x

x x

III.1 During the grant's planning year, what was the process for planning your EBHV strategies and activities? How was grant planning structured and organized? Why did planning occur in this manner? Who participated in planning and why? When did planning activities occur? Are planning activities still occurring? If so, what is occurring and why? x

x x x x x x x x


III.2 What were three key decisions made during the planning period? Why were these key decisions? What process was used to make these decisions? Why were these processes used? Were the processes perceived as effective for planning by the grantee and its stakeholders? Who participated in decision-making during the planning period? Why were these individuals and organizations included? Who had the most influence in this process? The least? Why did these individuals and organzations have the most/least influence? x

x x x x x x x x


III.3 What were three challenges with the process used to plan for EBHV grant implementation? Why were these challenges? What strategies were used to address these challenges? x

x x x x x x x x


III.4 What were three successes with the process used to plan for EBHV grant implementation? Why were these successes? x

x x x x x x x x


III.5 What was the process for implementing your EBHV grant? Which individuals and organizations participated in grant implementation? How were these individuals and organizations involved? Why were these individuals and orgnanizations involved? Who had the most influence in decision-making? The least? Why did these individuals and organizations have the most/least influence? x

x x x x x x x x

x x
III.6 What decisions do you perceive as critical in the implementation of your EBHV project? Why were these decisions critical? Which individuals and organizations participated in making these decisions? x

x x x

x x
III.7 What were three challenges with the process used to implement your EBHV grant? Why were these challenges? What strategies were used to address these challenges? x

x x x

x x
III.8 What were three successes with the process used to implement your EBHV grant? Why were these successes? x

x x x

x x
III.9 What will affect the sustainability of your EBHV grant? What efforts are underway, or planned, to support sustainability? How are these efforts progressing? x

x x x
x x

x x

IV.1 How and why were the particular home visiting program models that are part of your EBHV grant program selected? x

x x x




IV.2 Were alternative evidence-based home visiting models considered? If so, what other models were considered, and why did your EBHV grant not move forward with the alternatives considered?

x x x



IV.3 Are other home visiting models offered by the implementing agencies associated with your EBHV grant? Do you anticipate introducing other home visiting models into the service mix? If no, why not? If yes, which models, why, and when? x

x x x


x x
IV A. National Program Model Certification

IV.A.1 Has the process to become an affiliated site with your selected evidence-based home visiting program been initiated? If so, who initiated affiliation? When was the process initiated? When do you anticipate receiving affiliation? x




IV.A.2 Have you completed the affiliation process with the program model developer for your selected evidence-based home visiting program? If so, when did you become affiliated? x



x x
IV.A.3 What did the affiliation process involve? What supporting materials did you need to provide? Which staff participated in the affiliation process? How, if at all, does affiliation change the way the EBHV program operates? x



x x
IV.A.4 During the affiliation process, did the program model developer have concerns about your agency's ability to provide the evidence-based model as intended? If so, what were the concerns and how were they resolved? x



x x
IV B. Workforce Training and Supervision

IV.B.1 Prior to implementation of home visiting services, what initial training or guidance did home visitors and their supervisors receive from national model staff to implement your selected evidence-based home visiting program? x

x x

x x x x

IV.B.2 Was this training/guidance sufficient to prepare home visitors and their supervisors for working with families? If not, what else was needed, and why? x

x x

x x x x

IV.B.3 After implementation of the program model began, what ongoing support/consultation have home visitors and their supervisors received from the national model office? Have home visitors and their supervisors initiated this contact or has the national model offered this assistance on a “regular/routine” basis? How frequently does this contact occur? x

x x

x x x x x
IV.B.4 On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 as least helpful, 5 as most helpful), how helpful was the initial training and ongoing support/consultation in preparing home visitors and their supervisors to implement the evidence-based home visiting program? What are specific examples of how it was/was not helpful? x

x x

x x x x x
IV.B.5 What additional training have home visitors and their supervisors received since they began implementing services? On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 as least helpful, 5 as most helpful), how helpful was the additional training in preparing home visitors and their supervisors to deliver home visits? What are specific examples of how the additional training further/did not prepared staff? What other training is needed? x

x x

x x x x x
IV.B.6 In addition to staff training, what other types of infrastructure support has your agency or staff received from the national office (e.g., data collection systems, tracking forms, suggestions with respect to funding streams, linkages to other providers of the model in your region or elsewhere, access to conferences/symposiums, etc.)? x

x x

x x
x x
IV.B.7 Has this support been helpful? If so, in what ways? x

x x

x x
x x
IV.B.8 Describe the typical session between the home visiting supervisor (or coach) and home visitor. How often do supervisory sessions occur and what is covered?


x x x x
IV.B.9 What are common concerns discussed during a typical supervision session?


x x x x
IV.B.10 How do supervisors (or coaches) address these issues with home visitors? Do supervisors (or coaches) have the training, experience, and resources needed to address these issues? If yes, how? If no, what further training do they need?


x x x x
IV.B.11 Who is responsible for assessing the quality of visits conducted by home visitors? How do staff assess the quality of home visits? How often are home visit quality assessments made? What factors are seen as important indicators of home visit quality that staff monitor on an ongoing basis? How are these factors monitored? Who determines what factors are monitored regularly?

x x

x x
x x
IV.B.12 How much turnover has there been during the last six months of implementation among grant-related and direct service staff positions? What are the main reasons for (the lack of) staff turnover? When turnover occurs are staff replaced or reallocated? If staff are replaced, how long does the process typically take? x x
x x x x

x x x x x
IV.B.13 How are EBHV grantees and the implementing agencies addressing turnover among direct service staff? What, if any, steps are agencies taking to prevent future turnover and retain their current home visitors and supervisors? x x
x x x x

x x x x x
IV.B.14 When turnover occurs, what are the primary operational challenges experienced? How are the operational challenges associated with staff turnover addressed? Are cases reassigned, in either the short- or long-term? Are staffing arrangements modified; if so, how? Are services diluted for existing families (even in the short-term); if so, how? x x
x x x x

x x x x x
IV C. Home Visiting Service Delivery

IV.C.1 What is your target population to receive home visiting services, including their level of risk for child maltreatment? How does the actual population enrolled compared to the orignal target population in their characteristics and level of risk for maltreatment? How do you assess a family level of risk for child maltreatment?

x x x

x x
x x
IV.C.2 What is your monthly enrollment target rate, and over what time period? When do you intend to reach this monthly enrollment rate? On average, how many families are currently being enrolled each month? If there are differences between the actual and intended enrollment pace, what accounts for these differences?
x x x

x x x x x
IV.C.3 How do home visitors prepare for each home visit?


x x x x
IV.C.4 When conducting home visits, do direct service staff encounter situations for which they are not prepared? If so, describe the types of situations for which direct service staff are unprepared? If not,what training or resources have prepared them to deal with the range of situations they encounter?


x x x x
IV.C.5 What are the three most common needs or concerns of families receiving home visiting services? How does the evidence-based home visiting program address these? What are the greatest strengths of the families?

x x x

x x x x x
IV.C.6 When offering home visiting services, what “surprises” have direct service staff observed with respect to:

Who enrolls in home visiting services

How families respond to receiving voluntary services


x x x x x
IV.C.7 Are modifications or adaptations of your selected evidence-based home visiting program occurring? If so, what modifications or adaptations are planned? What is the process and timeline for rolling out the modification or adaptation? How is the modification or adaptation progressing? How, if at all, are grantees and program model developers collaborating on modifications and adaptations? x


x x x x x
IV.C.8 How, if at all, will your agency monitor the implementation of the modifications or adaptations? How was this monitoring process developed?

x x


x x
IV D. Time Allocation by Program Category

IV.D.1 What are the wage rates for each direct service staff position? Are positions salaried or hourly? How many hours per week do direct service staff work?


x x

IV.D.2 How do direct service staff allocate their time across the following program categories?

Training and Supervision, Program Management and Administration, Home Visit Preparation, Delivery, and Follow-up, Case Management and Service Referral/Linkage, Fidelity Monitoring, Outreach and Recruitment, Screening and Assessment, Evaluation Activities



x x x
IV.D.3 Describe the content and frequency of activity in each of the following program categories:

Training and Supervision, Program Management and Administration, Home Visit Preparation, Delivery, and Follow-up, Case Management and Service Referral/Linkage, Fidelity Monitoring, Outreach and Recruitment, Screening and Assessment, Evaluation Activities
x x

x x

x x x
IV E. Monitoring Service Delivery

IV.E.1 What information is tracked about home visit service delivery? Who provides this information, and at what frequency? How is this information recorded? Who is responsible for ensuring tracking occurs? To whom is the information reported, and at what frequency? What is the purpose of collecting this information? x

x x

x x x x x
IV.E.2 How, if at all, has the monitoring information gathered and reviewed changed the way home visiting services are delivered? How did the information change service delivery? Why was data used for this purpose? x

x x

x x
x x
IV F. Implementation Successes and Challenges

IV.F.1 What successes and challenges have been experienced with meeting families' needs? Why were these successes/challenges? What, if any, strategies have been put in place to address these challenges?

x x x

x x x x x
IV.F.2 What successes challenges have been experienced with service delivery for your selected evidence-based home visiting program? Why were these successes/challenges? What, if any, strategies have been put in place to address these challenges? x

x x x

x x x x x
IV.F.3 What successes and challenges have been experienced related to service capacity for your selected evidence-based home visiting program? Why were these successes/challenges? What, if any, strategies have been put in place to address these challenges? x

x x x

x x x x x
IV.F.4 What successes and challenges are anticipated with continuing to implement your selected evidence-based home visiting program? Why are these successes/challenges anticipated? What, if any, strategies are being put in place to mitigate these potential challenges? x

x x

x x x x x

V.1 Who does your organization collaborate with on EBHV grant activities? Why and how does your organization collaborate with these partners? When did your organization develop relationships with these partners? How did the relationships form? How do partners contribute to grant activities? x

x x
x x x x

x x
V.2 How have the partners collaborating with EBHV grantees changed over time? What new collaborations developed? When and why did these new collaborations develop ? Have any partners stopped collaborating? If so, which collaborations, and when and why did they end? x

x x
x x x x

x x
V.3 How did changes in the network of partners collaborating with EBHV grantees influence grant activities (building infrastructure capacity or delivering home visiting services)? x

x x
x x x x

x x

VI.1 How is your organization building support in your local community for the EBHV grant? Why is your organization pursuing these strategies? What are your objectives in pursuing these support-building strategies? Who in the local community is targeted through support-building efforts and how is your organization monitoring whether you reach the intended community members? What is the timeline for support-building activities? How are support-building activities progressing and how are they being received by intended community members? x

x x
x x x x

x x
VI.2 Who are the primary individuals or organizations that have a stake or investment in the EBHV grant program being effective? At what level are these individuals or organizations (local, state, or both)? x

x x
x x x x

x x
VI.3 How is your organization building political support for your EBHV grant? Why is your organization pursuing these strategies? What are your objectives in pursuing these support-building strategies? Who is targeted through support-building efforts and how is your organization monitoring whether you reach the intended organizations? What is the timeline for support-building activities? How are support-building activities progressing and how are they being received by targeted individuals and organizations? x

x x
x x x x

x x

VII.1 In what communication activities is your organization engaged for the EBHV grant? Are these communication activities internal or external to the grant? Why is your organization pursuing these communication activities? Who is targeted through communication activities and how is your organization reaching stakeholders, decision makers, and the public? What is the timeline for communication activities? How are communication activities progressing and how are they being received by intended audiences? x

x x
x x x x

x x

VIII.1 What fiscal strategies is your organization pursuing as part your EBHV grant? How is your organization pursuing these fiscal strategies? Why did your organization choose these fiscal strategies? What is the timeline for pursuing these fiscal strategies? x

x x
x x x x

x x
VIII.2 Is your organization pursuing specific funding opportunities? If so, what are the funding opportunities? Why is your organization pursuing these? Can you estimate the percent probability of getting these funds? If so, what is the percent probability and on what do you base this estimate? x

x x
x x x x

x x
VIII.3 Is your organization working with partners when pursuing fiscal strategies? If so, what partners is your organization engaged with and how do you work together? Why did your organization decide to work with these partners on fiscal strategies? x

x x
x x x x

x x

IX.1 What, if any, implementation T/TA offered by FRIENDS/NIRN did you receive through the EBHV grant? When did you receive the implementation T/TA? How did you use the implementation T/TA to support your grant and local evaluation?

x x x

x x
IX.2 On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 as least useful, 5 as most useful), how useful was the implementation T/TA you received? Why do you assess the implementation T/TA in this way?

x x x

x x
IX.3 What, if any, evaluation T/TA offered by Mathematica/Chapin Hall did you receive through the EBHV grant? When did you receive the evaluation T/TA? How did you use the evaluation T/TA to support your grant and local evaluation?

x x x

x x
IX.4 On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 as least useful, 5 as most useful), how useful was the evaluation T/TA you received? Why do you assess the evaluation T/TA in this way?

x x x

x x
IX.5 Did you participate in the peer learning network? How did you participate in the peer learning network (i.e. attend webinars, discuss topics on SharePoint, share resources with other grantees)?

x x x

x x
IX.6 Was the peer learning network a support in grant implementation or the conduct of your local evaluation? How?

x x x

x x
IX.7 On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 as least useful, 5 as most useful), how useful was the peer learning network to achieving your EBHV goals? Why do you assess the peer learning network in this way?

x x x

x x
IX.8 Did you receive T/TA from sources outside of the Children's Bureau and its contractors (Mathematica/Chapin Hall and FRIENDS/NIRN)? If so, what T/TA did you receive and who provided the T/TA? Why did you pursue the additional T/TA? How did you identify and access these T/TA resources? On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 as least useful, 5 as most useful), how useful was the T/TA that you received from these sources? Why do you assess this T/TA in this way?

x x x

x x

X.1 How did you participate in the cross-site design process? Are there additional ways you would have liked to participate in the cross-site evaluation design process? If so, in what ways?

x x x x


X.2 On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 is not aligned at all, 5 is fully aligned), how well are the goals of the cross-site evaluation aligned with your grant's local evaluation? How does alignment between the cross-site and local evaluation vary across the cross-site evaluation's domains: systems, costs, fidelity, and child and family outcomes? What might have/could improve the alignment of the local and cross-site evaluations with your EBHV grant's goals?

x x x x


X.3 On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 is not meeting goal, 5 is fully meeting goal), how well are the cooperative agreement and cross-site evaluation meeting the Children’s Bureau’s goals of being participatory and utilization-focused? Why do you assess the cooperative agreement and cross-site evaluation in this way?

x x x x


x x
X.4 How, if at all, does the EBHV grant's focus on a participatory and utilization-focused cross-site evaluation support your work in achieving systems, costs, fidelity, and child and family outcomes?

x x x x


x x
X.5 How could the cooperative agreement and cross-site evaluation better meet their participatory and utilization-focused goals?

x x x


x x

XI.1 What are the goals for your EBHV grant project? x
x x x
x x

x x
XI.2 What outcomes do you expect to be affected by your EBHV grant? How did you identify these outcomes? x
x x x
x x

x x
XI.3 Will additional outcomes be affected through funds you have leveraged in addition to your grant funds? If so, what additional outcomes do you expect to be affected? x
x x x
x x

x x
XI.4 When do you expect to see your anticipated outcomes? If you are implementing multiple evidence-based home visiting models, do your anticipated outcomes vary by model? If so, how? If you serve families with different characteristics, are outcomes anticipated uniformly or do you expect them to vary by subgroup? x
x x x
x x

x x
XI.5 Have your expectations about your anticipated outcomes changed since approval of your grant's implementation plans? If so, how and why? x
x x x
x x

x x
XI.6 Do all of your partners agree on the targeted grant and evaluation outcomes? On a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 is no consensus and 5 is high consensus), what is the level of consensus on the targeted outcomes between the EBHV grantee and its partners? Why do you assess the level of consensus in this way? x
x x x
x x

x x
XI.7 What have your and your partners done to achieve this level of consensus? What, if any, additional steps are needed (or are planned) to further consensus among you and your partners? x
x x


x x
XI.8 Who are you and your partners accountable to for achieving outcomes? Why are you and your partners accountable to these stakeholders? How are you accountable? When are stakeholders expecting to see outcomes? x
x x x
x x x x


XI.9 Who among your EBHV grantee staff and partners is responsible for maintaining a focus on specified outcomes? How do these individuals maintain this focus during their interactions with other partners, in the relationships they build, and in their reporting and accountability requirements? x
x x x


x x
XI.10 What types of pressures are your and your partners under to obtain the targeted outcomes? Does the type of pressure vary by partners? If so, how? x
x x x
x x x

x x
XI.11 What are the main successes to date that suggest your EBHV grant is achieving your targeted outcomes? How and when will you assess your success in achieving targeted outcomes? x
x x x
x x

x x
XI.12 For each of your intended outcomes, on a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 is not successful and 5 is very successful), how successful has your EBHV grant been so far in achieving or staying on path to achieving this outcome? On a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 is not successful and 5 is very successful), how successful do you expect to be by the end of your EBHV grant? x
x x x
x x

x x
XI.13 Were there unintended or unexpected consequences of your EBHV grant work that led or will lead to these successes? If so, what are these consequences and why were they unintended or unexpected? x
x x x
x x

x x
XI.14 What are the main challenges to date that have hindered or will potentially hinder achieving your EBHV grantee's targeted outcomes? x
x x x
x x

x x
XI.15 On a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 is not challenging and 5 is very challenging), how challenging has it been so far to achieve or stay on path to achieving your EBHV grant's outcomes? On a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 is not challenging and 5 is very challenging), how challenging do you expect it will be to stay on path to achieving your EBHV grant outcomes? x
x x x
x x

x x
XI.16 What challenges have affected or may affect your EBHV grant as you focus on achieving your outcomes? What strategies may you implement to address these potential challenges? Who has been most helpful in overcoming your challenges, and why was their assistance helpful? x
x x x
x x

x x
XI.17 Were there unintended or unexpected consequences of your work on the EBHV grant that led or may lead to these challenges? If so, what are these consequences and why were they unintended or unexpected? x
x x x
x x

x x
XI.18 Is the cross-site evaluation on track to measure your targeted outcomes for the EBHV grant? If not, why not? What are the threats to documenting the impact of your EBHV grant on targeted outcomes? x
x x

x x

XII.1 What facilitated your ability to support the implementation of your EBHV program? What challenges, if any, have influenced your ability to support your EBHV program? How have you addressed these challenges? x

x x

x x

x x
XII.2 What facilitated your ability to engage in efforts to change the system that supports and implements your EBHV program? What challenges, if any, have constrained your ability to engage in efforts to change the system that supports and implements your EBHV program? What steps have you taken to address these challenges/constraints? x

x x

x x

x x
XII.3 What advice do you have for future grantees/communities/states for implementing EBHV initiatives focused on preventing child abuse and neglect?

x x x x x x x x x x
XII.4 If you had the opportunity to start your work on the EBHV grant over, what would you do differently? Why would you do this differently? What could your partners have done differently? Why? x

x x x x x x x x

x x
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