Project Name: Date of Submission: Version Number:
Intercity Passenger Rail (HSIPR) Program
Application Form
Track 1a–Final Design (FD)/Construction
& Track 4–FY 2009 Appropriations Projects
Welcome to the Track 1a Final Design (FD)/Construction and Track 4 Application for the Federal Railroad Administration’s High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail (HSIPR) Program. Applicants for Track 1a FD/Construction and/or Track 4 are required to submit this Application Form and Supporting Materials (forms and documents) as outlined in Section G of this application and in the HSIPR Guidance.
We appreciate your interest in the program and look forward to reviewing your application. If you have questions about the HSIPR program or this application, please contact us at [email protected].
Please complete the HSIPR Application electronically. See Section G for a complete list of the required application materials.
In the space provided at the top of each section, please indicate the project name, date of submission (mm/dd/yy) and the application version number. The distinct Track 1a and/or Track 4 project name should be less than 40 characters and follow the following format: State abbreviation-route or corridor name-project title (e.g., HI-Fast Corridor-Track Work IV).
For each question, enter the appropriate information in the designated gray box. If a question is not applicable to your FD/Construction Project, please indicate “N/A.”
Narrative questions should be answered concisely within the limitations indicated.
Applicants must upload this completed application and all other application materials to by August 24, 2009 at 11:59pm EDT.
Fiscal Year (FY) refers to the Federal Government’s fiscal year (Oct. 1- Sept. 30).
Please direct questions to: [email protected]
Point of Contact and Applicant Information
POC Title:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Telephone Number:
Fax: |
Email: |
If “yes” or “maybe,” provide the following information: |
Program/Project Name |
Lead Applicant |
Track |
Total HSIPR Funding Proposed (if known) |
Status of Application |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Project Name: Date of Submission: Version Number:
B. Project Overview
FD/Construction Project Name:
Please note if you are applying for Track 1a–FD/Construction and Track 4 concurrently, you must submit two separate versions of this application into (one for Track 1a –FD/Construction and one for Track 4–FY 2009 Appropriations Projects).
Final Design Construction
Start Date: End Date:
Please provide proposed inflation assumptions and methodology, if applicable in the space below. Please limit response to 1,000 characters.
Of the total cost of the FD/Construction Project, how much would come from the FRA HSIPR Program: (YOE Dollars**) $
Indicate percentage of total cost to be covered by matching funds % Applications submitted under Track 4 require at least a 50 percent non-Federal match to be eligible for HSIPR funding.
* Year-of-Expenditure (YOE) dollars are inflated from the base year. ** This is the amount for which the applicant is applying. |
Provide an overview of the main features and characteristics of the FD/Construction Project, including:
Yes (Final Design) Yes (Construction) No
If “Yes,” please describe the activities that are underway or completed in the table below.1 If more than three activities, please detail in Section F of this application. |
Activity |
Description |
Completed? (If yes, check box) |
Actual Initiation Date (mm/yyyy) |
Actual or Anticipated Completion Date (mm/yyyy) |
Additional Service Frequencies Improved Service Quality Improved On-Time Performance on Existing Route
Increased Average Speeds/Shorter Trip Times Other (Please Describe):
Structures (bridges, tunnels, etc.) Track Rehabilitation New or restored sidings/passing tracks Major Interlockings Station(s) Communication, Signaling and Control
Rolling Stock Refurbishments Rolling Stock Acquisition Support Facilities (Yards, Shops, Admin. Buildings) Grade Crossing Improvements Electric Traction Other (Please Describe):
Type of Railroad |
Railroad Right-of-Way Owner |
Route Miles |
Track Miles |
Status of Agreements to Implement Projects |
Type of Service |
Name of Operator |
Top Speed Within Project Boundaries |
Number of Route-Miles Within Project Boundaries |
Average Number of Daily One-Way Train Operations2 within Project Boundaries |
Notes |
Passenger |
Freight |
Name of Operating Partner: Status of Agreement: |
Yes No If “Yes”, provide further details in Section E, Question 2.
Project Name: Date of Submission: Version Number:
Eligibility Information
State Amtrak
If one of the following, please append appropriate documentation as described in Section 4.3.1 of the HSIPR Guidance: Group of States Interstate Compact Public Agency established by one or more States Amtrak in cooperation with a State or States
Document Name |
Completion Date (mm/yyyy) |
Documentation |
Date (mm/yyyy) |
Describe How Documentation Can be Verified |
Categorical Exclusion Documentation |
Final Environmental Assessment |
Final Environmental Impact Statement |
Documentation |
Date (mm/yyyy) |
Hyperlink (if available) |
Categorical Exclusion Determination |
Finding of No Significant Impact |
Record of Decision |
Project Name: Date of Submission: Version Number:
Public Return on Investment
How is the project anticipated to improve Intercity Passenger Rail (IPR) service? Describe the overall transportation benefits, including information on the following (please provide a level of detail appropriate to the type of investment):
1B. Operational and Ridership Benefits Metrics: In the table(s) below, provide information on the anticipated transportation benefits and ridership changes projected to result from the project. Please do not include benefits and changes that would occur even if the project is not implemented (for example, as a result of population or economic growth factors). |
Project/Program Metric |
Actual |
Totals by Year |
First Full Year After Project Completion |
Fifth Full Year After Project Completion |
“X” |
Annual passenger-trips |
Annual passenger-miles (millions) |
Annual IPR seat-miles offered (millions) |
Average number of daily round train trip operations (typical weekday) |
On-time performance (OTP)3 – percent of trains on time at endpoint terminals |
Average train operating delays: minutes of en-route delays per 10,000 train-miles4 |
Top operating speed (mph) |
Average scheduled operating speed (mph) (between endpoint terminals) |
Describe the contribution the FD/Construction Project is intended to make towards economic recovery and reinvestment, including information on the following:
2B. Job Creation: Provide the following information about job creation through the life of the FD/Construction Project. Please consider construction, maintenance, and operations jobs.
Anticipated number of annual onsite and other direct jobs created (on a 2080 work-hour per year, full-time equivalent basis) |
FD/ Construction Period |
full Year |
full Year |
How will the FD/Construction project improve environmental quality, energy efficiency, and reduction in the Nation’s dependence on oil? Address project-caused changes in the following:
How will the FD/Construction Project foster Livable Communities? Address the following:
Project Name: Date of Submission: Version Number:
Project Success Factors
1A. Applicant qualifications. Please limit response to 2,000 characters. Management experience: Does the applicant have experience in managing rail investment projects and managing projects of a similar size and scope to the one proposed in this application? Yes - Briefly describe experience (brief project(s) overview, dates) No- Briefly describe expected plan to build technical and managerial capacity; provide reference to Project Management Plan.
1B. Describe the organizational approach for the different project stages included in this application (final design, construction), including the roles of staff, contractors and project stakeholders in implementing the project. For construction activities, provide relevant information on work forces, including railroad contractors and grantee contractors. Please limit response to 2,000 characters.
1C. Does the FD/Construction Project require approval by FRA of a waiver petition from a Federal railroad safety regulation? (Reference to, or discussion of, potential waiver petitions will not affect FRA’s handling or disposition of such waiver petitions.) YES- If yes, explain and provide a timeline for obtaining the waivers NO Please limit response to 1,500 characters.
1D. Provide a preliminary self-assessment of project uncertainties and mitigation strategies (consider funding risk, schedule and budget risk and stakeholder risk). Describe any areas in which the applicant could use technical assistance, best practices, advice or support from others, including FRA. Please limit response to 2,000 characters.
Under each of the following categories, describe the applicant’s progress in developing requisite agreements with key stakeholders. In addition to describing the current status of any such agreements, address the applicant’s experience in framing and implementing similar agreements, as well as the specific topics pertaining to each category. 2A. Ownership Agreements – Describe how agreements will be finalized with railroad infrastructure owners listed in the “Right-of-Way Ownership” and “Service Description” tables in Section B. If appropriate, “owner(s)” may also include operator(s) under trackage rights or lease agreements. Describe how the parties will agree on project design and scope, project benefits, project implementation, use of project property, project maintenance, scheduling, dispatching and operating slots, project ownership and disposition, statutory conditions and other essential topics. Summarize the status and substance of any ongoing or completed agreements. Please limit response to 2,000 characters.
2B. Operating Agreements – Describe the status and contents of agreements with the intended operator(s) listed in “Services” table in the Project Overview section above. Address project benefits, operation and financial conditions, statutory conditions, and other relevant topics. Please limit response to 2,000 characters.
2C. Selection of Operator – This question applies to Track 1a only. If the proposed operator railroad was not selected competitively, please provide a justification for its selection, including why the selected operator is most qualified, taking into account cost and other quantitative and qualitative factors, and why the selection of the proposed operator will not needlessly increase the cost of the project or of the operations that it enables or improves. Please limit response to 1,000 characters.
2D. Other Stakeholder Agreements – Provide relevant information on other stakeholder agreements including State and local governments. Please limit response to 2,000 characters.
2E. Agreements with operators of other types of rail service – Describe any cost sharing agreements with operators of non-intercity passenger rail service (e.g., commuter, freight). Please limit response to 2,000 characters.
3A. Capital Funding Sources. Please provide the following information about your funding sources (if applicable).
Non FRA Funding Sources |
New or Existing Funding Source? |
Status of Funding5 |
Type of Funds |
Dollar Amount (YOE Dollars) |
% of Project Cost |
Describe Uploaded Supporting Documentation to Help FRA Verify Funding Source |
3B. Capital Investment Financial Agreements: Describe any cost sharing contribution the applicant intends to make towards the FD/Construction Project, including its source, level of commitment, and agreement to cover cost increases or financial shortfalls. Describe the status and nature of any agreements between funding stakeholders that would provide for the applicant’s proposed match, including the responsibilities and guarantees undertaken by the parties. Provide a brief description of any in-kind matches that are expected. Please limit response to 2,000 characters.
3C. Operating Financial Plan: Does the applicant expect that the State operating subsidy requirements for the benefiting intercity passenger rail service will significantly increase, as a result of the project, during the first five years after project completion? |
Yes No
If “Yes,” please complete the table below (in YOE dollars) and answer the following questions. Please limit response to 2,000 characters. (a) How did you project future State operating subsidies for the benefiting service(s); and (b) What are the source, nature, and likelihood of the funding that will enable the State to finance the projected increases in annual operating subsidies due to the project?
Subsidy |
Actual (YOE Dollars) |
Totals by Year (YOE Dollars) |
First Full Year After Project Completion |
Fifth Full Year After Project Completion |
State operating subsidy (total for all benefiting services) |
Final Design Duration: |
months |
Construction Duration: |
months |
Rolling Stock Acquisition Duration: |
months |
Rolling Stock Testing Duration: |
months |
Service Operations Start date: |
(mm/yyyy) |
Project Name: Date of Submission: Version Number:
Additional Information
(1) Please provide any additional information, comments, or clarifications and indicate the section and question number that you are addressing (e.g., Section E, Question 1B). This section is optional.
Project Name: Date of Submission: Version Number:
G. Summary of Supporting Materials
Application Form |
Required |
Optional |
Reference |
Description |
Format |
This Application Form |
HSIPR Guidance Section |
This document to be submitted through GrantSolutions. |
Form |
Supporting Forms |
Required |
Optional |
Reference |
Description |
Format |
General Info. |
HSIPR Guidance Section 4.3.5 |
This document to be submitted through GrantSolutions. |
Form |
Detailed Capital Cost Budget |
HSIPR Guidance Section 4.3.5 |
This document to be submitted through GrantSolutions. |
Form |
Annual Capital Cost Budget |
HSIPR Guidance Section 4.3.5 |
This document to be submitted through GrantSolutions. |
Form |
Project Schedule |
HSIPR Guidance Section 4.3.5 |
This document to be submitted through GrantSolutions. |
Form |
Supporting Documents |
Required |
Optional |
Reference |
Description |
Format |
St Map of the Planned Investment Forms |
Application Question B.6 |
Map of the Planned Investment location. Please upload into GrantSolutions. |
None |
Standard Forms |
Required |
Optional |
Reference |
Description |
Format |
SF 424: Application for Federal Assistance |
HSIPR Guidance Section |
Please submit through GrantSolutions |
Form |
SF 424C: Budget Information-Construction |
HSIPR Guidance Section |
Please submit through GrantSolutions |
Form |
SF 424D: Assurance Construction
HSIPR Guidance Section |
Please submit through GrantSolutions |
Form |
FRA Assurances Document |
HSIPR Guidance Section |
May be obtained from FRA’s website at The document should be signed by an authorized certifying official for the applicant. Submit through GrantSolutions. |
Form |
PRA Public Protection Statement: Public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to average 32 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, a federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 2130-0583.
1 Please note: (a) requests for reimbursement of costs incurred prior to enactment of the relevant appropriations will not be considered and (b) supporting documentation for activities may also be required as noted in Appendix 2 of the HSIPR Guidance.
2 One daily round-trip train operation should be counted as two daily one-way train operations.
3 As calculated and reported by Amtrak according to its existing procedures and definitions. An example can be found at page E-7 of the May 2009 Monthly Performance Report at ‘On-time’ is defined as within the distance-based thresholds originally issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission, which are: 0 to 250 miles and all Acela trains10 minutes; 251 to 350 miles15 minutes; 351 to 450 miles20 minutes; 451 to 550 miles25 minutes; and 551 or more miles30 minutes.
4 As calculated by Amtrak according to its existing procedures and definitions. Useful background can be found at pages E-1 through E-6 of Amtrak’s May, 2009 Monthly Performance Report at
5 Reference Notes: The following categories and definitions are applied to funding sources:
Committed: Committed sources are programmed capital funds that have all the necessary approvals (e.g. legislative referendum) to be used to fund the proposed project/program without any additional action. These capital funds have been formally programmed in the State Rail Plan and/or any related local, regional, or State Capital Investment Program CIP or appropriation. Examples include dedicated or approved tax revenues, State capital grants that have been approved by all required legislative bodies, cash reserves that have been dedicated to the proposed project/program, and additional debt capacity that requires no further approvals and has been dedicated by the sponsoring agency to the proposed project/program.
Budgeted: This category is for funds that have been budgeted and/or programmed for use on the proposed project but remain uncommitted, i.e., the funds have not yet received statutory approval. Examples include debt financing in an agency-adopted CIP that has yet to be committed in their near future. Funds will be classified as budgeted where available funding cannot be committed until the grant is executed, or due to the local practices outside of the project sponsor's control (e.g., the project development schedule extends beyond the State Rail Program period).
Planned: This category is for funds that are identified and have a reasonable chance of being committed, but are neither committed nor budgeted. Examples include proposed sources that require a scheduled referendum, requests for State/local capital grants, and proposed debt financing that has not yet been adopted in the agency's CIP.
Form FRA F 6180.133 (07-09)
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | High Speed Intercity Passenger Rail (HSIPR) Program |
Author | Grossman, Sarah Meegan |
Last Modified By | frauser1 |
File Modified | 2009-10-29 |
File Created | 2009-10-29 |