BCAP-4 (web-based BCAP Project Area Proposal Submission Form

Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP)

BCAP0004 proposal 5

Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP)

OMB: 0560-0277

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Form Approved –OMB No. 0560-XXXX

This form is available electronically.


Commodity Credit Corporation

(proposal 5)


The following statement is made in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552a –as amended). The authority for requesting the information identified on this
form is 7 CFR Part 1404 and the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act (15 U.S.C. 714). The information will be used to allow the producer to authorize CCC to make
a program payment to an assignee. The information collected on this form may be disclosed to other Federal, State, Local government agencies, Tribal agencies, and
nongovernmental entities that have been authorized access to the information by statute or regulation and/or as described in applicable Routine Uses identified in the
System of Records Notice for USDA/FSA-2, Farm Records File (Automated). Providing the requested information is voluntary. However, failure to furnish the requested
information will result in a determination that a payment to the assignee cannot be made.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it
displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0560-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection
is estimated to average 4 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed,
and completing and reviewing the collection of information. RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO YOUR COUNTY FSA OFFICE.

1. Full Name of Project Area Proposal: (Name to be 1A+1B+1C Combined)
A. USPS State Code
B. Proposed Project Area Name

C. Proposal Number

For National Office Use Only
2. Approved Project Area ID Number

3. Full Legal Name of Project Sponsor

4A. Street Address (Number and Name)

4B. City

5. County and State of Primary Location Project Facility

4C. State

6. State/County FIPS Code

4D. Zip Code

7. Telephone Number
(Include Area Code)

4E. Mailing Address (Include Zip Code)

8. Email Address

FACILITY OVERVIEW (Project Area Sponsor Facility/Operation Status)
9A. Project Sponsor Facility/Operation is on the date of this proposal is submitted to USDA (Check Only One):

(1) Fully operational for converting biomass and already USDA Qualified as a Biomass Conversion Facility to
support BCAP Matching Payments.

(2) Fully operational for converting biomass, but not USDA Qualified to support BCAP Matching Payments.
(Not USDA Qualified to support BCAP Matching Payments )

(3) Operational as a general commercial facility, but must be modified/retrofitted for converting biomass. (Also
have copies of completed (a) professional engineering design plan, and (b) a business/financial
operations plan. But not currently USDA Qualified to support BCAP Matching Payments)
(4) Not yet operating primarily a biomass conversion facility - - Under construction and plan to become
primarily a biomass conversion facility. (Also have copies of completed (a) professional engineering
design plan, and (b) a business/financial operations plan. But not currently USDA Qualified to support
BCAP Matching Payments )
(5) Not yet an operating as a general commercial facility - - Under construction and plan to include biomass
conversion operations as part of the facility. (Also, have copies of completed (a) professional engineering
design plan, and (b) a business/financial operations plan. But not currently USDA Qualified to support
BCAP Matching Payments )

Prepare and attach copy of :
1. Existing Fully Approved BCAP-1
2. Existing Fully Signed CHST
3. New Completed form BCAP-6
4. New Completed form AD-1047
Prepare and attach copy of:
1. New competed form BCAP-1
2. New completed CHST Agreement
3. New Forms/Documents for BCAP-1
4. New completed form BCAP-6
5. New completed form AD-1047
Prepare and attach copy of:
1. New completed for BCAP-1
2. New completed CHST Agreement
3. New Additional Forms/Documents
for BCAP-1
4. Existing Professional engineering
design plan
5. Existing Business/financial
operations plan.
6. New completed form BCAP-6
7. New completed form AD-1047

(6) Not yet under construction or otherwise in existence; but have completed (a) professional engineering
design plan, and (b) a business/financial operations plan. (Not currently USDA Qualified to support
BCAP Matching Payments )
(7) Not yet under construction and do not have both a (a) a completed professional engineering design plan,
and (b) a business/financial operations plan.


The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all of its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial
status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, political beliefs, genetic information, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’
s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited
bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’
s TARGET Center at
(202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Stop
9410, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call toll-free at (866) 632-9992 (English) or (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (English Federal-relay) or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish Federal-relay). USDA is an equal
opportunity provider and employer.

BCAP-4 (propos al 5)

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9B. Describer the Project Sponsor Facility/Operation on the date of this proposal is submitted to USDA:
The Facility/Operation (Check all that Apply):

Currently or will convert biomass to heat.


Currently or will convert biomass to power.


Currently or will convert biomass to advanced biofuels.


Currently or will convert biomass bio-based products.


Is a single facility at one location in or near a project area, or


Is a group of facilities at multiple locations in or near a project area.


Uses a single biomass conversion technology.


Uses multiple biomass conversion technologies.


Will require biomass deliveries to be made only to the single facility location.

(10) Will support biomass deliveries to either multiple facility locations and/or satellite delivery locations.
(11) Is an Initial processor of biomass .
(12) Is an Intermediate processor of biomass.
(13) Is an End-User or Terminal processor of biomass.

10. Submit Project Area Proposal’
s Precise Geographic Boundaries (Attach a Map with the proposed project area clearly delineated).
Project Area Boundaries are proposed to follow an area (Check One of the Following Boundary Delineation Methods and Complete):
A. Comprised of 1 or more whole contiguous U.S. Counties. (List all counties by State/County Name on the attached map).
B. Comprised by 1 or more contiguous USGS Watershed Boundaries (Hydrologic Unit Area 8 a.k.a “
HUA 8”
). List all HUA-8 USGS Numbers on the
attached map.
C. Comprised of a combination of Item 10A and Item 10B above. (List the State/County Names and HUA-8 Numbers on the attached map).
D. Delineated by major highways. (List the highways by number on the attached map).
E. Delineated by longitude and latitude coordinates. (List the longitude and latitude coordinates on the attached map).
F. Delineated by a circle developed using a linear radius of
facility, and attach map of the proposed circle.

miles (Insert number of mile for the Radius) from the exact location of the primary

NOTE: After receipt of proposals USDA-FSA will prepare a GIS shape file map of the proposal area for return to the project sponsor for verification of the
delineation accuracy, and , subsequent support for standardized FSA automation of approved BCAP Project Areas.)

BCAP-4 (propos al 5)

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11. List All Energy Crops/Acreage Acceptable for Planting on BCAP Contract Acreage by Land Class:

Designate Energy Crops to be Planted
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)
Crops To Be
Planted On



New Planting
on NonIndustrial
Forest Land

Designate Energy Crops to be Planted are
(Enter Acreage Goal for Each Crop Listed)
Annual Crops
Perennial Crops

BCAP-4 (propos al 5)

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D. List all Suitable Existing (Woody Perennial) Tree Species to be Acceptable for Project Area Enrollment on Contract Acreage and include all Minimum
Requirements for Enrolling Any Existing Tree Acreage.
List Common Name and Scientific Name
Minimum Requirements

Existing Tree
Cover on
Forest Land

12. Woody Perennial Contract Duration Recommendation. The Project Sponsor Recommends the following BCAP Contracts Lengths be Approved as part of
this Proposal for the following Categories of Woody Perennial Energy Crops. (If more than one is selected, describe in Item 12C):
A. Land to be Established to New Woody Perennial Crops/Plants:
5 Years

10 Years

15 Years

B. Land with Adequate Existing Woody Perennial Biomass Energy Crops/Plants:
5 Years
C. Notes

10 Years

15 Years

BCAP-4 (propos al 5)

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13. Proposed Biomass Production/Utilization Schedule by Year (Record Total Dry Tons for Each Year Planned from All Sources). Enter Acreage and
Tonnage Estimates for each Applicable Calendar Year Beginning after the Proposal is Approved:
Dry Tons Harvested/Collected from
A. Planted Cropland (Contract Acreage)
B. Planted Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland (Contract Acreage)
Year 1

C. Planted NIPF (Contract Acreage)
D. NIPF with Adequate Existing Biomass (Contract Acreage)
E. Other Sources of Biomass (Non-Contract Acreage)
A. Planted Cropland (Contract Acreage)
B. Planted Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland (Contract Acreage)

Year 2

C. Planted NIPF (Contract Acreage)
D. NIPF with Adequate Existing Biomass (Contract Acreage)
E. Other Sources of Biomass (Non-Contract Acreage)
A. Planted Cropland (Contract Acreage)
B. Planted Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland (Contract Acreage)

Year 3

C. Planted NIPF (Contract Acreage)
D. NIPF with Adequate Existing Biomass (Contract Acreage)
E. Other Sources of Biomass (Non-Contract Acreage)
A. Planted Cropland (Contract Acreage)
B. Planted Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland (Contract Acreage)

Year 4

C. Planted NIPF (Contract Acreage)
D. NIPF with Adequate Existing Biomass (Contract Acreage)
E. Other Sources of Biomass (Non-Contract Acreage)
A. Planted Cropland (Contract Acreage)
B. Planted Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland (Contract Acreage)

Year 5

C. Planted NIPF (Contract Acreage)
D. NIPF with Adequate Existing Biomass (Contract Acreage)
E. Other Sources of Biomass (Non-Contract Acreage)
A. Planted Cropland (Contract Acreage)
B. Planted Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland (Contract Acreage)

Year 6

C. Planted NIPF (Contract Acreage)
D. NIPF with Adequate Existing Biomass (Contract Acreage)
E. Other Sources of Biomass (Non-Contract Acreage)
A. Planted Cropland (Contract Acreage)
B. Planted Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland (Contract Acreage)

Year 7

C. Planted NIPF (Contract Acreage)
D. NIPF with Adequate Existing Biomass (Contract Acreage)
E. Other Sources of Biomass (Non-Contract Acreage)

Total Acres

Total Dry Tons

BCAP-4 (propos al 5)

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13. Proposed Biomass Production/Utilization Schedule by Year (Continuation)
Dry Tons Harvested/Collected from
A. Planted Cropland (Contract Acreage)
B. Planted Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland (Contract Acreage)
Year 8

C. Planted NIPF (Contract Acreage)
D. NIPF with Adequate Existing Biomass (Contract Acreage)
E. Other Sources of Biomass (Non-Contract Acreage)
A. Planted Cropland (Contract Acreage)
B. Planted Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland (Contract Acreage)

Year 9

C. Planted NIPF (Contract Acreage)
D. NIPF with Adequate Existing Biomass (Contract Acreage)
E. Other Sources of Biomass (Non-Contract Acreage)
A. Planted Cropland (Contract Acreage)
B. Planted Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland (Contract Acreage)

Year 10

C. Planted NIPF (Contract Acreage)
D. NIPF with Adequate Existing Biomass (Contract Acreage)
E. Other Sources of Biomass (Non-Contract Acreage)
A. Planted Cropland (Contract Acreage)
B. Planted Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland (Contract Acreage)

Year 11

C. Planted NIPF (Contract Acreage)
D. NIPF with Adequate Existing Biomass (Contract Acreage)
E. Other Sources of Biomass (Non-Contract Acreage)
A. Planted Cropland (Contract Acreage)
B. Planted Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland (Contract Acreage)

Year 12

C. Planted NIPF (Contract Acreage)
D. NIPF with Adequate Existing Biomass (Contract Acreage)
E. Other Sources of Biomass (Non-Contract Acreage)
A. Planted Cropland (Contract Acreage)
B. Planted Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland (Contract Acreage)

Year 13

C. Planted NIPF (Contract Acreage)
D. NIPF with Adequate Existing Biomass (Contract Acreage)
E. Other Sources of Biomass (Non-Contract Acreage)
A. Planted Cropland (Contract Acreage)
B. Planted Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland (Contract Acreage)

Year 14

C. Planted NIPF (Contract Acreage)
D. NIPF with Adequate Existing Biomass (Contract Acreage)
E. Other Sources of Biomass (Non-Contract Acreage)

Total Acres

Total Dry Tons

BCAP-4 (propos al 5)

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13. Proposed Biomass Production/Utilization Schedule by Year (Continuation)
Total Acres

Dry Tons Harvested/Collected from

Total Dry Tons

A. Planted Cropland (Contract Acreage)
B. Planted Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland (Contract Acreage)
Year 15

C. Planted NIPF (Contract Acreage)
D. NIPF with Adequate Existing Biomass (Contract Acreage)
E. Other Sources of Biomass (Non-Contract Acreage)

14. Summary of Project Area Land Classification (Provide Proposed Acreage Goals and Biomass Production Estimate Information):
Enter Summary Acreage Amount
Summarize Acreage Goals By Land Class

Total Biomass Production Estimate
(Total Dry Equivalent
Tons Expected at Full
Production When Fully Enrolled)

A. Total acreage of all land in the in the proposed project area.

Dry Tons

B. Total Acreage Enrollment Goal.
(Total acreage planned to be established to new biomass energy crops on
BCAP contracts in the project area when fully enrolled.)
C. Total Cropland Enrollment Goal. (Total acreage of cropland planned to be
established to new biomass energy crops on BCAP contracts in the project
area when fully enrolled.)
D. Total Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland enrollment goal.
(Total acreage of Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland planned to be
established to new biomass energy crops on BCAP contracts in the project
area when fully enrolled.)
E. Total NIPF enrollment goal for NEW ENERGY CROP PLANTINGS.
(Total acreage of non-industrial private forestland planned to be established
to new biomass energy crops on BCAP contracts in the project area when
fully enrolled.)
F. Total NIPF enrollment goal for LAND WITH ADEQUATE EXISTING
(Total acreage of Non-industrial private forestland planned with adequate
existing woody biomass plants to be enrolled on BCAP contracts in the
project area when fully enrolled.)

Dry Tons

Dry Tons

Dry Tons

Dry Tons

Dry Tons

(1) The acreage totals entered in Item 14 must be equal to the sum of the acreage goal totals by year entered in Item 13 for each land class.
(2) The biomass totals entered in Item 14 must be equal to the sum of the biomass goal totals by year entered in Item 13 for each land class.
(3) The acreage and Tonnage amounts entered for Item 14B must be less than or equal to the acreage entered for Item 14A.
(4) The acreage and Tonnage total of Items (14C + 14D + 14E + 14F) must equal Item 14B.
15A. Other Sources of Biomass to be Used by the Facility in the Project. (From either inside or outside of the Project Area.)
List all additional sources/types of biomass planned for,
and/or currently utilized by the facility from non-BCAP
contract acreage, including all biomass eligible for BCAP
Matching Payments at the time this proposal is submitted
on the attached fully approved BCAP-1forms.

Biomass Type

Annual Total Dry Equivalent Tons
Expected at Full Production

Percent to be
from Federal Land

(1) First Other Biomass Type

Dry Tons/Year


(2) Second Other Biomass Type

Dry Tons/Year


(3) Third Other Biomass Type

Dry Tons/Year


(4) Fourth Other Biomass Type

Dry Tons/Year


(5) Total for all Biomass Types

Dry Tons/Year


NOTE: The Dry Tons/Year total of Items (15(1)(b) + 15(2)(b) + 15(3)(b) + 154(4)(b) must equal Total Item 15(5)(b).
15B. Total Estimated Biomass Production/Utilization:
Total Project Dry Tons (Items 14(2) [total for all rows]


15A(5)(b) times the total project years):

BCAP-4 (propos al 5)

Page 8 of 12

16A. Project Proposal Cost Estimate -- Annual Payments

Annual Contracts Payments

Weighted Average
Contract Payment Rate
for Project Area

Copy Total

Estimated Total
Annual Contract


(1) Total Cropland
Enrollment Goal (Item 14C(1) on page 7)



5 Years



(2) Total Pastureland/Grassland/Hayland
Enrollment Goal (Item 14D(1) on page 7)



5 Years



Enrollment Goal (Item 14E(1) on page 7)



5 Years



Enrollment Goal (Item 14C(1) on page 7)



5, 10, or 15





16B. Project Proposal Cost Estimate -- Establishment Payments (Summarize the Acreage for each Unique Energy Crops to be Planted (from Item 11(2) on
page 3) by All Land Classes)
Energy Crops

Summarize Total

75% Establishment
Flat Rate/Acre (Estimate)

Total Estimated
Establishment Payment

(1) Non-Woody Perennial Crops:
(a) Designated Non-Woody Perennial Energy Crop 1.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(b) Designated Non-Woody Perennial Energy Crop 2.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(c) Designated Non-Woody Perennial Energy Crop 3.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(d) Designated Non-Woody Perennial Energy Crop 4.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(e) Designated Non-Woody Perennial Energy Crop 5.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(f) Designated Non-Woody Perennial Energy Crop 6.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(g) Designated Non-Woody Perennial Energy Crop 7.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(h) Designated Non-Woody Perennial Energy Crop 8.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

































BCAP-4 (propos al 5)

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16B. Project Proposal Cost Estimate (Continuation)
Energy Crops

Summarize Total

(i) Designated Non-Woody Perennial Energy Crop 9.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(j) Designated Non-Woody Perennial Energy Crop 10.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

Total Estimated
Establishment Payment

75% Establishment
Flat Rate/Acre (Estimate)

















































2. Woody Perennial Crops:
(a) Designated Woody Perennial Energy Crop 1.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(b) Designated Woody Perennial Energy Crop 2.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(c) Designated Woody Perennial Energy Crop 3.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(d) Designated Woody Perennial Energy Crop 4.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(e) Designated Woody Perennial Energy Crop 5.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(f) Designated Woody Perennial Energy Crop 6.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(g) Designated Woody Perennial Energy Crop 7.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(h) Designated Woody Perennial Energy Crop 8.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(i) Designated E Woody Perennial Energy Crop 9.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

(j) Designated E Woody Perennial Energy Crop 10.
(List Common Name and Scientific Name)

NOTE: Exclude all Annual Crops (These are not eligible for Establishment Payment)


BCAP-4 (propos al 5)

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17. Project Impacts (The Project Sponsor Submits the Following Estimates as Recommendations to USDA):
A. Criteria 1 The volume of the eligible crops proposed to be produced in the proposed project area and the
probability that such crops will be used for BCAP purposes.
This factor is to be scored based on the expected likelihood that the designated crops are suitable to be
produced within the project area (both agronomically and tonnage volume based on project area size) AND the
proposed annual tonnage will be utilized by the BCF for BCAP purposes when the project is fully operational.

Project Sponsor

To Be
Completed By
Determination by

(1) No or slight probability (0-10%)
(2) Moderate probability (11-35%)
(3) Substantial probability (36-60%)
(4) High probability (61-90%)
(5) Extremely high probability (91-100%)
B. Criteria 2 The volume of renewable biomass projected to be available from sources other than the eligible
crops grown on contract acres.
This factor is to be scored based on the expected tonnage volume from non-BCAP land contract sources of
suitable biomass for the BCF’
s use in relationship to the BCF’
s total annual biomass needs located within an
economically viable distance of the BCF.
(1) 0-4% of expected annual biomass needs available
(2) 5-25% of expected annual biomass needs available
(3) 26-50% of expected annual biomass needs available
Expected annual biomass needs”includes current and future biomass harvesting and collection from plants already or routinely established when the
project proposal is submitted. This also includes biomass that also qualifies only for BCAP matching payments.
C. Criteria 3 The anticipated economic impact in the proposed project area.
This factor is to be scored based on the number of new full-time permanent jobs the facility and project area is
expected to create when fully implemented.
(1) 0-3 new jobs
(2) 4-6 new jobs
(3) 7-9 new jobs
(4) 10-12 new jobs
(5) 13-15 new jobs
(6) 16-18 new jobs
(7) 19-21 new jobs
(8) 22-25 new jobs
(9) 26-29 new jobs
(10) 30-40 new jobs
(11) 41 or more new jobs

BCAP-4 (propos al 5)

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D. Criteria 4 The opportunity for producers and local investors to participate in the ownership of the biomass
conversion facility in the proposed project area.
This factor is scored based on percent ownership of the biomass conversion facility by local investors in the
project area.
NOTE: Local investors would be defined as individuals who reside in an area within a 50 miles radius of the BCF
based on the information provided on form CCC-901 (Members Information 2009 and Subsequent Years)
by the project sponsor.
(1) 0 to 10 % owned locally
(2) 11 to 30 % owned locally
(3) 31 to 50 % owned locally
(4) 51 to 70 % owned locally
(5) 71 to 100 % owned locally
E. Criteria 5 The participation rate by beginning or socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers.
This factor would be assigned based on the total number of expected participation rates by socially
disadvantaged and beginning farmers and ranchers combined in relation to the total number of expected
(1) 0-2% participation
(2) 3-4% participation
(3) 5-6% participation
(4) 7-8% participation
(5) 9-10% participation
(6) 11% and higher participation
F. Criteria 6 The impact on soil, water, and related resources.
These factors will be assigned based upon the impact the proposed project has upon Soil, Water, Air, Plant,
Animal, and Green-House-Gases (SWAPAG) after full implementation when compared to current land use.
Will overall soil erosion decrease substantially?
(1) Soil Erosion

Will overall soil quality improve substantially?

(2) Soil Quality

Will overall water quality improve substantially?

(3) Water Quality

Will overall water quantity increase substantially?

(4) Water Quantity

Will overall air quality improve substantially?

(5) Air Quality

Will the project area have a positive impact on any threatened or endangered plant or
animal species?

(6) T&E Plant and
Animal Species

Will overall wildlife habitat improve substantially?

(7) Wildlife

Will the project overall, including new crop plantings, biomass processing and delivery, and
BCF biomass processing operations result in a net decrease in greenhouse gasses?

(8) Greenhouse


Project Sponsor

To Be
Completed By

Determination by

BCAP-4 (propos al 5)
G. Criteria 7 The variety in biomass production approaches within a project area, including, as appropriate,
agronomic conditions, harvest and postharvest practices, and monoculture and polyculture crop mixes.
These factors will be assigned based upon the suitability of the agronomic conditions, harvest and postharvest
practices, and monoculture and polyculture crop mixes to the proposed project.
Project area suitability of agronomic conditions for producing the proposed energy crops.
Variety of

Not Suitable
Marginally Suitable
Generally Suitable
Highly Suitable
Project area suitability to support, (or potential ability and economical adaptability to support),
a variety of harvest and post harvest practices for biomass processing and handling.

Variety of Harvest
and Post Harvest

Not Suitable
Marginally Suitable
Generally Suitable
Highly Suitable
Project area suitability to produce a variety of energy crops.
Only Monoculturally Suitable

Variety of
Crop Mixes

Marginally Suitable for Polyculture
Generally Suitable for Polyculture
Highly Suitable for Polyculture

H. Criteria 8 The range of eligible crops among project areas
These factors will be assigned based upon the number of plant varieties listed in the project proposal for
establishment on BCAP contract acreage. (A recommendation for this criteria must be based on the number
of crops list in Item 12 on page 4.)
(1) 1 plant variety (monoculture)
(2) 2-3 plant varieties
(3) 4-5 plant varieties
(4) 6-7 plant varieties
(5) 8 or greater plant varieties

Project Sponsor

Page 12 of 12
To Be
Completed By
Determination by

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleBCAP0004_xxxxxxV01 proposal 3
File Modified2010-02-17
File Created2010-01-07

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