Form CJ-42L 2010 BJS Survey of Campus Law Enforement Agencies Long F

Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies

2009-10_CampFormLong (2)

2010 BJS Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies

OMB: 1121-0334

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2010 BJS Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies –

Draft version of long form (CJ-42L) OMB 1121-XXXX

Expire XX,XX,XXX


Federal agencies may not conduct or sponsor an information collection, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information, unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 3 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate, or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 810 Seventh Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531. The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended

(42 USC 3732), authorizes this information collection. Although this survey is voluntary, we urgently need your cooperation to make the results comprehensive, accurate, and timely. We greatly appreciate your assistance.


  1. Enter the number of PAID employees in your college/university police or security agency as of March 15, 2010. (check all that apply)

  1. Enter the number of officers in your agency that are currently in the military Reserves, National Guard, or other organization which require a call to service: ______________

  1. How many of your officers have been deployed on military assignments, thus leaving their current position with your agency on a temporary basis, each of the following years:

  1. Enter the number of FULL-TIME SWORN agency personnel in each RACE and GENDER category as of March 15, 2010.


  1. Of the FULL-TIME sworn personnel with general arrest powers entered in question 1a, how many were UNIFORMED officers whose REGULARLY ASSIGNED DUTIES included responding to citizen calls/requests for service? If none enter 0. __________

  1. Which of the following SECURITY FUNCTIONS does your agency perform on a regular basis, or have primary responsibility for performing when needed? (Mark one answer for each option)

  1. Does your agency perform on a regular basis or have primary responsibility for criminal investigation? (Circle best answer) Yes No

  1. Which of the following Special Operations/Enforcement activities does your agency perform on a regular basis, or have primary responsibility for performing when needed? (Check answer for each option)

  1. Which of the following Vehicle-Related Functions does your agency perform on a regular basis, or primary responsibility for performing when needed? (Check answer for each option)

  1. Which of the following Other Functions does your agency perform on a regular basis, or primary responsibility for performing when needed? (Check answer for each option)

  1. Which of the following best describes the uniformed officers your agency has on duty? (Mark one)

  1. Which of the following best describes the level of routine patrol coverage your agency provides? (Mark one)

  1. Enter the number of larceny/theft incidents reported to your agency during 2009 and 2008.

2009 ______

2008 ______


  1. Enter your agency’s total operating budget for the fiscal or calendar year that includes September 30, 2009. If number is an estimate, mark with an asterisk (*). Exclude building construction costs and major equipment purchases. _$_____________________

  1. Does your agency receive supplemental income from the any of the following? (Check answer for each option)

  1. Do officers in you agency receive a direct payment from Auxiliary Services when working a special event? YES NO

  1. Enter the minimum and maximum base annual salary as of September 30, 2009 for the following positions.

  1. Does your agency offer any of the following forms of special pay to officers:

  1. Does your agency require a service agreement to join the force? YES NO

If YES, how many years of service are required by this agreement?_______________

  1. Is collective bargaining authorized for uniformed officers employed by your agency? (check one answer per row)


  1. Does your campus have blue light, emergency phones? (Circle answer)

Yes No

  1. Does your campus have a non-911 emergency telephone number? YES NO

  1. Does you agency participate in any of the following types of emergency telephone system where one or more of its units can be dispatched as a result of a call to a special emergency number? (Mark one per line)

  1. Which best describes your 9-1-1 call center: (Mark one box)

  1. Does your agency have NCIC access? YES NO

  1. If you do not have NCIC access, please identify the reasons for not having the access. (check all that apply)

  1. Which of the following does your agency utilize for dispatch? (Mark one per line)

  1. Which of the following Mass Notification Systems is used on your campus?

(check all that apply)

  1. a. Is enrollment in your campus Mass Notification System mandatory for ALL



b. If NO, is it mandatory for:

c. Can students who must enroll opt out at a later date?


d. Is enrollment in your campus Mass Notification System mandatory for ALL




  1. What are the PREFERRED and REQUIRED minimum education levels used in vacancy announcements for entry-level officers? (Mark one per line)

  1. Enter the total number of officers on your force that have achieved the following educational level: (enter the total number in each category)

  1. During the 2009-2010 academic year, what proportion of personnel received at least 8 hours of community policing training (problem solving, SARA, community partnerships, etc?) Mark one per line.

  1. Which of the following methods are used to screen new applicants to your agency? (mark all that apply)

  1. Enter the number of hours of academy and field training required for SWORN POLICE and NONSWORN SECURITY officer recruits. If no training of that type is required, or a type of officer is not employed by your agency, enter ‘0’.

  1. Does your agency participate in “Active Shooter Training” YES NO


  1. Which of the following types of weapons/actions are authorized for use by your agency’s patrol officers? (check all that apply)

Type of weapon/action

Sworn police officers

Nonsworn security officers

Sidearm, semiautomatic

Sidearm, revolver

Traditional baton

PR-24 baton

Collapsible baton

Patrol rifle

Chemical/pepper spray

Bean bag rifle

Hand-held electrical device (taser)

Flash/bang grenade

None of the above/does not apply

Shot gun

  1. Enter the number of vehicles regularly used by your agency during the 2009-2010 school year.

  1. Does your agency regularly use in-field computers/terminals while on patrol?

(Check one answer for each row)

Type of computer or terminal



In-field, vehicle-mounted

In-field, portable

  1. Do patrol officers in your agency have direct access via in-field computer to any of the following? (mark all that apply)

  1. Does your agency use computers for any of the following functions?

(Mark one answer per row)

  1. a. Does your agency have 800mhz radios? YES NO

  1. If yes, how did your agency fund the upgrade? (check all that apply)


  1. Type of group YesNo Advocacy groups Business groups Domestic violence groups Faculty/staff organizations Fraternity/sorority groups Student Government AssociationLocal public groups Other law enforcement agencies Neighborhood associations Religious groups Student housing groups Student organizations

    During the 2009-2010 academic year, which of the following types of groups did your agency meet with regularly to discuss crime-related problems? (check one answer per row

43. During the 2009-2010 academic year, in which of the following activities did your agency engage? (Check one answer per row)

  1. In which of the following preparedness activities did your agency engage during the 2009-2010 academic year? (Check one answer per row)

  1. For each problem or task, indicate if your agency has a special unit with FULL-TIME personnel, uses designated personnel as needed, has policies and pro-cedures only, or does not officially address the issue. Mark one per row.

  1. If student security patrols are used on your campus, which of the following functions do these students serve? (Mark all that apply)


  1. Please report your clearance rate for the following UCR crimes: (enter clearance rate for each category for the most recent year available)

  1. How many officers participated in the following events during the 2009-2010 academic year: (enter total number of officers for each category)

  1. Which of the following describes your campus escort service during the 2009-2010 academic year?

  1. What is your agency’s process for receiving citizen complaints?


  1. Which of the following describes your agency’s jurisdiction extend? (check one per row)

  1. Do you currently have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Mutual Aid Agreement with any of the following agencies? (check one answer per row)

  1. What was your agency’s accreditation status with the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) as of March 15, 2010? (Mark (x) by your current status)

File Typeapplication/msword
File Title2009 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies
Last Modified Bypricel
File Modified2009-12-14
File Created2009-12-14

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