30-Day FRN

FR 30 2009.pdf

Administrative Rulings

30-Day FRN

OMB: 1651-0085

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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 238 / Monday, December 14, 2009 / Notices

National Institutes of Health
Center for Scientific Review; Amended
Notice of Meeting
Notice is hereby given of a change in
the meeting of the Center for Scientific
Review Special Emphasis Panel, January
7, 2010, 2:30 p.m. to January 7, 2010, 4
p.m., National Institutes of Health, 6701
Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD, 20892
which was published in the Federal
Register on December 8, 2009, 74 FR
The ending time of the meeting on
January 7, 2010 has been changed to
4:30 p.m. The meeting title has been
changed to ‘‘Member Conflict: Clinical
Cardiovascular’’. The meeting is closed
to the public.
Dated: December 8, 2009.
Jennifer Spaeth,
Director, Office of Federal Advisory
Committee Policy.
[FR Doc. E9–29683 Filed 12–11–09; 8:45 am]

Contact Person: Sathasiva B. Kandasamy,
PhD, Scientific Review Officer, Division of
Scientific Review, Eunice Kennedy Shriver
National Institute, of Child Health and
Human Development, 6100 Executive
Boulevard, Room 5B01, Bethesda, MD
20892–9304, (301) 435–6680,
[email protected].
(Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program Nos. 93.864, Population Research;
93.865, Research for Mothers and Children;
93.929, Center for Medical Rehabilitation
Research; 93.209, Contraception and
Infertility Loan Repayment Program, National
Institutes of Health, HHS)
Dated: December 8, 2009.
Jennifer Spaeth,
Director, Office of Federal Advisory
Committee Policy.
[FR Doc. E9–29685 Filed 12–11–09; 8:45 am]


National Institutes of Health
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National
Institute of Child Health & Human
Development; Notice of Closed

mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES

Pursuant to section 10(d) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended (5 U.S.C. App.), notice is
hereby given of the following meeting.
The meeting will be closed to the
public in accordance with the
provisions set forth in sections
552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C.,
as amended. The contract proposals and
the discussions could disclose
confidential trade secrets or commercial
property such as patentable material,
and personal information concerning
individuals associated with the contract
proposals, the disclosure of which
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy.
Name of Committee: National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development
Special Emphasis Panel; Archiving of
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Research
Date: January 6, 2010.
Time: 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate concept
Place: National Institutes of Health, 6100
Executive Boulevard, Room 5B01, Rockville,
MD 20852. (Telephone Conference Call)

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Dated: December 7, 2009.
Jennifer Spaeth,
Director, Office of Federal Advisory
Committee Policy.
[FR Doc. E9–29684 Filed 12–11–09; 8:45 am]

National Institutes of Health


National Cancer Institute; Notice of
Closed Meetings

National Institutes of Health

Pursuant to section 10(d) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended (5 U.S.C. App.), notice is
hereby given of the following meetings.
The meetings will be closed to the
public in accordance with the
provisions set forth in sections
552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C.,
as amended. The grant applications and
the discussions could disclose
confidential trade secrets or commercial
property such as patentable material,
and personal information concerning
individuals associated with the grant
applications, the disclosure of which
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy.

Center for Scientific Review; Amended
Notice of Meeting



Contact Person: Jeannette F Korczak, PhD,
Scientific Review Administrator, Resources
and Training Review Branch, Division of
Extramural Activities, National Cancer
Institute, NIH, 6116 Executive Blvd., Room
8115, Bethesda, MD 20892, 301–496–9767,
[email protected].
(Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program Nos. 93.392, Cancer Construction;
93.393, Cancer Cause and Prevention
Research; 93.394, Cancer Detection and
Diagnosis Research; 93.395, Cancer
Treatment Research; 93.396, Cancer Biology
Research; 93.397, Cancer Centers Support;
93.398, Cancer Research Manpower; 93.399,
Cancer Control, National Institutes of Health,

Name of Committee: National Cancer
Institute Initial Review Group; Subcommittee
I—Career Development.
Date: January 26–27, 2010.
Time: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: Hilton Crystal City, 2399 Jefferson
Davis Hwy, Arlington, VA 22202.
Contact Person: Robert E Bird, PhD, Chief,
Resources and Training Review Branch,
Division of Extramural Activities, National
Cancer Institute, 6116 Executive Boulevard,
Room 8113, Bethesda, MD 20892–8328, 301–
496–7978, [email protected].
Name of Committee: National Cancer
Institute Initial Review Group; Subcommittee
Date: January 26, 2010.
Time: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: Marriott Bethesda North Hotel &
Conference Center, 5701 Marinelli Road,
Bethesda, MD 20852.

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Notice is hereby given of a change in
the meeting of the National Institutes of
Health Peer Review Advisory
Committee, February 1, 2010, 8 a.m. to
February 1, 2010, 5 p.m., Bethesda
North Marriott Hotel & Conference
Center, Montgomery County Conference
Center Facility, 5701 Marinelli Road,
North Bethesda, MD 20852 which was
published in the Federal Register on
November 25, 2009, 74 FR 61693.
The starting time of the meeting on
February 1, 2010 has been changed to
8:15 a.m. until adjournment at 5 p.m.
The meeting date and location remain
the same. The meeting is open to the
Dated: December 8, 2009.
Jennifer Spaeth,
Director, Office of Federal Advisory
Committee Policy.
[FR Doc. E9–29682 Filed 12–11–09; 8:45 am]

Customs and Border Protection
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Administrative Rulings
AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, Department of Homeland



Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 238 / Monday, December 14, 2009 / Notices

mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES

ACTION: 30-Day notice and request for
comments; Extension of an existing
information collection: 1651–0085.
SUMMARY: U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) of the Department of
Homeland Security has submitted the
following information collection request
to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and approval in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act: Administrative Rulings.
This is a proposed extension of an
information collection that was
previously approved. CBP is proposing
that this information collection be
extended with no change to the burden
hours. This document is published to
obtain comments from the public and
affected agencies. This proposed
information collection was previously
published in the Federal Register (74
FR 49392) on September 28, 2009,
allowing for a 60-day comment period.
This notice allows for an additional 30
days for public comments. This process
is conducted in accordance with 5 CFR
DATES: Written comments should be
received on or before January 13, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit written comments on
this proposed information collection to
the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget. Comments should be addressed
to the OMB Desk Officer for Customs
and Border Protection, Department of
Homeland Security, and sent via
electronic mail to
[email protected] or faxed
to (202) 395–5806.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
encourages the general public and
affected Federal agencies to submit
written comments and suggestions on
proposed and/or continuing information
collection requests pursuant to the
Paperwork Reduction Act (Pub. L.104–
13). Your comments should address one
of the following four points:
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency/component,
including whether the information will
have practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agencies/components estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of
information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the
collections of information on those who

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are to respond, including the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
techniques or other forms of
Title: Administrative Rulings.
OMB Number: 1651–0085.
Form Number: None.
Abstract: The collection of
information in 19 CFR Part 177 is
necessary in order to enable Customs
and Border Protection (CBP) to respond
to requests by importers and other
interested persons for the issuance of
administrative rulings. These rulings
pertain to the interpretation and
application of the CBP and related laws
with respect to prospective and current
Current Actions: There are no changes
to the information collection. This
submission is being made to extend the
expiration date.
Type of Review: Extension (without
Affected Public: Businesses.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Time per Respondent: 10
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 120,000.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Time per Respondent: 40
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 8,000.
If additional information is required
contact: Tracey Denning, U.S. Customs
and Border Protection, Office of
Regulations and Rulings, 799 9th Street,
NW., 7th Floor, Washington, DC 20229–
1177, at 202–325–0265.
Dated: December 8, 2009.
Tracey Denning,
Agency Clearance Officer, U.S. Customs and
Border Protection.
[FR Doc. E9–29607 Filed 12–11–09; 8:45 am]

Customs and Border Protection
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Holders or Containers
Which Enter the United States Duty
AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, Department of Homeland

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ACTION: 30-Day notice and request for
comments; Extension of an existing
information collection: 1651–0035.
SUMMARY: U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) of the Department of
Homeland Security has submitted the
following information collection request
to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and approval in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act: Holders or Containers
which Enter the United States Duty
Free. This is a proposed extension of an
information collection that was
previously approved. CBP is proposing
that this information collection be
extended with no change to the burden
hours. This document is published to
obtain comments from the public and
affected agencies. This proposed
information collection was previously
published in the Federal Register (74
FR 51297) on October 6, 2009, allowing
for a 60-day comment period. This
notice allows for an additional 30 days
for public comments. This process is
conducted in accordance with 5 CFR
DATES: Written comments should be
received on or before January 13, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit written comments on
this proposed information collection to
the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget. Comments should be addressed
to the OMB Desk Officer for Customs
and Border Protection, Department of
Homeland Security, and sent via
electronic mail to
[email protected] or faxed
to (202) 395–5806.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
encourages the general public and
affected Federal agencies to submit
written comments and suggestions on
proposed and/or continuing information
collection requests pursuant to the
Paperwork Reduction Act (Pub. L. 104–
13). Your comments should address one
of the following four points:
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency/component,
including whether the information will
have practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agencies/components estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of
information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2009-12-12
File Created2009-12-12

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