QCEW Green Goods and Services Sector Industry Pre-Testing - Feasibility Interviews

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Green Goods and Services Sector Industry Pre-testing

Green Feasibility Intro Letter and Scripts

QCEW Green Goods and Services Sector Industry Pre-Testing - Feasibility Interviews

OMB: 1220-0181

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Attachment 1: Cover letter and scripts for feasibility interviews

U.S. Department of Labor

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Program

2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Room 4840

Washington, DC 20212


Joe’s Fertilizer Inc.

3 Main Office Blvd.

Houston, TX 55555

Dear[salutation] [last name]:

As the chief source of government data on employment, BLS intends to produce data on business employment in the environmental sector, defined as those activities that involve renewable energy, energy efficiency, pollution prevention and abatement, and/or environmental regulation and education. This initiative will produce regular tabulations of aggregate employment and wages for businesses whose primary activities fall into the environmental sector. This series will be key to analyzing workforce trends in the environmental sector.

In order to collect data on environmental sector employment, BLS needs to better understand how firms and worksites maintain information on product and/or service lines related to the environmental sector. Therefore, a member of our research team will be calling to ask questions about the following topics:

  • Your firm’s product and/or service lines

  • Availability of revenue records by product and/or service line

  • Availability of employment information by product and/or service line

  • Where and with whom at the firm this information is available

In addition, we are providing you with a list of activities (attached to or on the back of this letter) that is primarily associated with your currently assigned BLS industry. We will be asking how your product or service lines match to the items on this list. If none of the activities listed correspond to your primary activities, please let us know during the interview.

Your voluntary participation is requested to help BLS understand business records and their use in designing a more effective long-term approach to collecting and publishing these new data types. The purpose of this call is for internal purposes only. Information related to this study is confidential and will not be released to the public in any way that would allow identification of individuals or establishments except as prescribed under the conditions of the Privacy Act Notice.

It is our goal to keep the length of this interview to a minimum. A member of our research team will contact you to arrange a convenient time and day to answer questions about your data over the telephone. We estimate that it will take 30 minutes to complete this interview. The OMB control number for this interview is 1220-new, and expires Month Date, Year.

Please contact Kristin Fairman at (202) 691-6493 with any questions. Again, thank you in advance for your assistance.

Sincerely yours,

Patricia M. Getz

Assistant Commissioner

Office of Industry Employment Statistics, Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics

Table 1

Worksite information:

Joe’s Fertilizer Store #10

1 Main Street

Dallas, TX


Your currently assigned BLS industry for this worksite:

NAICS 325311 Nitrogenous Fertilizer Manufacturing

Description of 325311:

Activities included in 325311:

Nitrogenous Fertilizer Manufacturing: This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in one or more of the following: (1) manufacturing nitrogenous fertilizer materials and mixing ingredients into fertilizers; (2) manufacturing fertilizers from sewage or animal waste; and (3) manufacturing nitrogenous materials and mixing them into fertilizers.

Ammonia, anhydrous and aqueous, manufacturing

Ammonium nitrate manufacturing

Ammonium sulfate manufacturing

Anhydrous ammonia manufacturing

Fertilizers, mixed, made in plants producing nitrogenous fertilizer materials

Fertilizers, natural organic (except compost), manufacturing

Fertilizers, of animal waste origin, manufacturing

Fertilizers, of sewage origin, manufacturing

Nitric acid manufacturing

Nitrogenous fertilizer materials manufacturing

Plant foods, mixed, made in plants producing nitrogenous fertilizer materials

Urea manufacturing

Script for green goods and services Feasibility interview


Typographical conventions: italics for programmer notes, all caps for items not read or instructions to the interviewer.


Intro1. Hello. My name is ______________ from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I'm calling in reference to a new data initiative being undertaken by BLS. May I please speak to (contact name)?

Intro2. (Reintroduce yourself if necessary) Our records indicate you are the contact person for your firm’s (Name of state quarterly wage and tax report) that you submit to (Name of state employment agency name) for unemployment insurance tax purposes. It would be very helpful to us if we could talk to you about your various construction projects. Would you be able to answer questions about revenues and employment for your construction projects?

    • Yes → GO TO INTRO3.

    • No → Do you know who at your firm would be able to answer those questions for us?





Thank you for your time. (hang up and contact name given).

Continue with correct respondent

Intro3. We routinely ask businesses to help us collect the best data possible, so we are contacting a small sample of our respondents to discuss an important new data initiative that we are very excited about. We recently mailed you a letter about this. Did you receive our letter?

  • Yes

  • No → Can I can fax or email you a copy of that letter now?

What is your fax number/email address?________________________

Intro4. I realize you are very busy, but would you have some time now to answer a few questions? The questions usually take about 20 minutes.

    • Yes, have time

    • No → When would be a good time to call you back?

Appointment Information:

APPT DAY: _________________ TIME OF DAY: _________________

Intro5. I called [Phone number]. Is this the best phone number to use to reach you?

  • Yes

  • No → Correct the information here: ____________________

Questionnaire Script

BLS has been asked to produce measures of employment in U.S. industries that produce green goods and services. Before we can do this though, we need to better understand how businesses track information regarding the variety of services or projects they offer. The questions I will ask you today will help us collect the most accurate and reliable data possible.

Before we begin, let me assure you that the purpose of this call is strictly for informational and statistical purposes to help us understand business records and their use in designing a new survey. Your participation is completely voluntary and you can decline to answer any question at any time. Information related to this study is confidential and will not be released to the public in any way that would allow identification of individuals or establishments except as prescribed under the conditions of the Privacy Act Notice.

NAICS index item mapping questions

  1. Do you have the introductory letter available that we sent to you, so you can refer to it?

      • Yes

      • No (Provide examples from your list of index items for Question 3)

  1. Are you familiar with the concept of NAICS, which is the North American Industry Classification System?

      • Yes

      • No (give brief explanation to respondent)

  1. Please look at the list of major activities attached to the letter (it might be on the back side – if respondent doesn’t have letter read off ACTIVITIES to them).

This list reflects the NAICS code that BLS has assigned to your worksite (READ WORKSITE NAME AND ADDRESS) listed on the same sheet. Does this list provide an accurate description of your primary business activity at that worksite?

      • YesGo to Question 4

      • No

3a. Can you tell me about your primary business activities at that location?

Construction project questions

  1. As I said, we are interested in information about your different construction projects. How many different projects do you typically engage in over a year? By different projects I mean housing construction, commercial building construction, remodeling, weatherization not each individual project.

      • oneGo to One product section, Question 24

      • more than one (fill in exact number) ____

What are those different projects?



  1. Do you produce different models, types or versions of your product lines?

  • Yes for allGo to Question 6

  • yes for some Go to Question 6

  • No Go to Question 6

Revenue by product

  1. Do you track revenue by:

6a. different types of construction projects (do you have total revenues for all the housing projects, remodels, commercial building projects you undertook)?

  • Yes → Go to Question 6B

  • No → Go to Question 9

  • comment→ ­­­­­­________________ Go to Question 6b

6b. each individual project (for example, each house, building or renovation)?

  • Yes → Go to Question 7

  • No→ Go to Question 7

  • comment→ ­­­­­­________________ Go to Question 7

  1. Does your firm have multiple office locations?

  • Yes → Go to question 8

  • No → Go to Question 10

  1. BLS does not intend to publish this information. Would you be able to provide revenue by project type or the individual projects for your individual office locations?

  • Yes for both→ Go to question 10

  • yes only for a product TYPE→ Go to question 10

  • No → Why not? ____________Go to Question 10

  1. How do you track revenue?

GO TO revenue compile (QUESTION 14a)

Time period

  1. Do you track revenue for your project types or the individual projects by different time periods?

  • Yes Fiscal year→ Go to Question 11

  • yes calendar year→ Go to Question 11

  • yes other:___________________ → Go to Question 11

  • comment_________→ Go to Question 11

  1. If you were asked to provide information about revenue on a survey form for a given reference period, for example, fiscal year, calendar year, most recent 4 quarters, how long do you think it would take you to compile the information about the share of revenues generated by:

11a. different types of construction projects (housing projects, commercial building projects)?

Couldn’t do it

Wouldn’t do it

Time estimate given: __________________

It depends/Other: __________________

11b. each individual project (for example, each house, building or renovation)?

Couldn’t do it

Wouldn’t do it

Time estimate given: __________________

It depends/Other: __________________

  1. If you were asked what percentage of your total revenue comes from different projects or different individual projects, how long do you think it would take you to compile the information:

12a. different types of construction projects (housing projects, commercial building projects?

Couldn’t do it

Wouldn’t do it

Time estimate given: __________________

It depends/Other: __________________

12b. individual project (for example, each house, building or renovation)?

Couldn’t do it

Wouldn’t do it

Time estimate given: __________________

It depends/Other: __________________

12c. How exact would your percentage be? (VERY, JUST AN ESTIMATE, ETC.)


just an estimate

don’t know __________________

Other _

  1. Which would be easier for you, providing the actual annual revenue from a project or the percentage of your total revenue generated by that project?

      • actual annual revenue → Why?____________________

      • percentage of total revenue → Why not?

Revenue compile

  1. a. If you don’t track the revenue associated with a project type or individual project, would you would be able to compile that information if asked?

      • Yes → Go to 14b

      • No → Go to 14c

      • comment __________________ → Go to 14B

14b. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult), how difficult would it be to compile this information?

1 2 3 4 5

Go to 15

14c. Why not?

14d. Is there anyone else who would be able to compile that information?

IF YES: Name:________________________________________




  1. BLS is considering using revenues by project type or individual projects to estimate the number of employees associated with that project. We want this employment estimate to account for all employee types at the worksite, including construction employees, administrative employees, sales and marketing employees, etc.

Do you think revenue is a reasonable proxy for the number of employees associated with a particular project type? (FOR EXAMPLE, MY FIRM BUILDS NEW HOUSES AND REMODELS HOUSES. 70% OF THE REVENUE IS FROM NEW HOUSING, SO 70% OF THE FIRM’S TOTAL EMPLOYMENT IS ASSOCIATED WITH NEW HOUSING CONSTRUCTION.)

  • Yes → Why? _____________________

  • No → Why not? _____________________

  • Don’t know

  1. Would revenue for a particular project also be a reasonable proxy for the employment associated with that project?

  • Yes → Why? _____________________

  • No → Why not? _____________________

  • Don’t know

  1. (IF QUESTION 7 IS YES) Would revenue by project also be available for each office location?

      • Yes → Why? _____________________

      • No → Why not? _____________________

      • Don’t know

  1. BLS does not intend to publish information about projects or revenue. If BLS asked you to provide the share of total revenues accounted for by a project, would you share this information?

  • Yes

  • No → Would you be willing to tell us why not? ____________________

  • DON’T KNOW/NOT SURE→ Would you be willing to tell us why not?________

Number of jobs by timeframe

  1. a. If you were asked to estimate the percentage of your employees, including sales, marketing, administrative employees associated with aproject type (NEW HOUSING, NEW BUILDING, REMODELING) for a given reference period such as your fiscal year or the calendar year, would you be able to provide that information?

      • Yes → When would that information be available? ______________

      • No → Why not? ________________________GO TO JOB COMPILE (QUESTION 23a)

  • comment­­­­­­_________________________

19b. Could you do this for each individual project?

      • Yes → When would that information be available? ______________

      • No → Why not? ________________________

      • COMMENT __________________

  1. (IF QUESTION 7 AND 19A OR 19B IS YES) Would you be able to do this for each office location?

      • Yes → Why? _____________________

      • No → Why not? _____________________

      • Don’t know

  1. How long do you think it would take you to compile this information if asked?

Couldn’t do it

Wouldn’t do it

Time estimate given: __________________


  1. Would it be easier for you to provide revenue or employment numbers by project/individual project?

REVENUE→ Why? ________________________

Employment→ Why? ________________________

both easy→ Why? ________________________

Both difficult: → Why? __________________________________________


Job compile

  1. a. If you don’t track the percentage of employees, including sales, marketing, administrative employees, associated with a project, would that information be something you would be able to compile if asked?

  • Yes → Ask question 23b

  • No → go to environmental information, QUESTION 28

  • comment________________________

23b. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult), how difficult would it be to compile this information?

1 2 3 4 5


One Project Type

  1. Do you track exact revenue generated by your individual projects?

  • Yes → Ask question 25

  • No → go to QUESTION 33

  • comment______________________

  1. BLS is considering using the revenue generated by projects, along with total revenues, to estimate the number of employees involved in that project. Do you think this approach is reasonable for your business?

  • Yes

  • No

  • comment________________________

  1. BLS does not intend to publish this information. Would you be willing to provide revenue shares by project to BLS on a survey form?

  • Yes → go to QUESTION 27

  • No → go to environmental information, QUESTION 28

      • don’t know

      • comment__________________________________

  1. Which of the following would be easier for you, providing the annual revenue generated by different projects or providing the percentage of your total revenue generated by that project?

      • actual annual revenue→ Why?__________________

      • Percentage of total revenue→ Why?_______________

Environmental information

  1. Do any of your projects meet any environmental standards, such as EnergyStar or LEEDS?

  • Yes → A. Do all projects meet this standard?

    • All → Go to Question 29

    • JUST CERTAIN PROJECTS→ Go to Question 29

  • No → go to question 31

  1. What are those environmental standards (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)?

  • EnergystarGo to Question 30

  • LEEDSGo to Question 30

  • other:_________________________________Go to Question 29A

  • Other:_________________________________Go to Question 29A

29a. Are these national, state, or local area specific standards?

  1. If BLS were to ask for revenue shares for projects that met one of those environmental standards, would you be able to provide that information? For example, what percent of revenue is represented by EnergyStar-rated projects?



Don’t think so or don’t know

  1. Do you do any weatherization or retrofitting projects that make a home or building more energy efficient?

Yes Go to Question 32

NoGo to Question 34

Don’t think so or don’t knowGo to Question 34

  1. If BLS were to ask for revenue shares for those particular projects, would you be able to provide that information?

Yes Go to Question 33

NoGo to Question 33

Don’t think so or don’t knowGo to Question 33

  1. If BLS were to ask for employment shares for those particular projects, would you be able to provide that information?



Don’t think so or don’t know

  1. I’m done with my questions. As I’ve mentioned before, BLS is trying to find the best approach to measure the number of jobs involved in green goods and services. Do you have any suggestions as to how BLS can best capture this information in your firm?


Those are all the questions I have for you. Thank you for your time, the information you have provided is very useful

Script for green goods and services Feasibility interview

Project based companies (consulting, engineering, etc.)

Typographical conventions: italics for programmer notes, all caps for items not read or instructions to the interviewer.


Intro1. Hello. My name is ______________ from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I'm calling in reference to a new data initiative being undertaken by BLS. May I please speak to (contact name)?

Intro2. (Reintroduce yourself if necessary) Our records indicate you are the contact person for your firm’s (Name of state quarterly wage and tax report) that you submit to (Name of state employment agency name) for unemployment insurance tax purposes. It would be very helpful to us if we could talk to you about your various projects. Would you be able to answer questions about revenues and employment for your projects?

    • Yes → Go to INTRO3.

    • No → Do you know who at your firm would be able to answer those questions for us?





Thank you for your time. (hang up and contact name given).

Intro3. We routinely ask businesses to help us collect the best data possible, so we are contacting a small sample of our respondents to discuss an important new data initiative that we are very excited about. We recently mailed you a letter about this. Did you receive our letter?

  • Yes

  • No → Can I can fax or email you a copy of that letter now?

What is your fax number/email address?________________________

Intro4. I realize you are very busy, but would you have some time now to answer a few questions? The questions usually take about 20 minutes.

    • Yes, have time

    • No → When would be a good time to call you back?

Appointment Information:

APPT DAY: _________________ TIME OF DAY: _________________

Intro5. I called [Phone number]. Is this the best phone number to use to reach you?

  • Yes

  • No → Correct the information here: ____________________

Questionnaire Script

BLS has been asked to produce measures of employment in U.S. industries that produce green goods and services. Before we can do this though, we need to better understand how businesses track information regarding the variety of services or projects they offer. The questions I will ask you today will help us collect the most accurate and reliable data possible.

Before we begin, let me assure you that the purpose of this call is strictly for informational and statistical purposes to help us understand business records and their use in designing a new survey. Your participation is completely voluntary and you can decline to answer any question at any time. Information related to this study is confidential and will not be released to the public in any way that would allow identification of individuals or establishments except as prescribed under the conditions of the Privacy Act Notice.

NAICS index item mapping questions

  1. Do you have the introductory letter available that we sent to you, so you can refer to it?

      • Yes

      • No (Provide examples from your list of index items for Question 3)

  1. Are you familiar with the concept of NAICS, which is the North American Industry Classification System?

      • Yes

      • No (give brief explanation to respondent)

  1. Please look at the list of major activities attached to the letter (it might be on the back side – if respondent doesn’t have letter read off ACTIVITIES to them).

This list reflects the NAICS code that BLS has assigned to your worksite (READ WORKSITE NAME AND ADDRESS) listed on the same sheet. Does this list provide an accurate description of your primary business activity at that worksite?

      • YesGo to Question 4

      • No

3a. Can you tell me about your primary business activities at that location?

Consulting/engineering/etc. project questions

  1. As I said, we are interested in information about your different projects. How many different types of projects do you typically engage in over a year? By different projects I mean project categories such as IT consulting, landscape design, environmental engineering, etc.

      • oneGo to One project section, question 24

      • more than one (fill in exact number) ____

What are those different projects?



  1. Do you produce different models, types or versions of your product lines?

  • Yes for allGo to Question 6

  • yes for some Go to Question 6

  • No Go to Question 6

Revenue by project

  1. Do you track revenue by:

6a. different types of projects (do you have total revenues broken down by the project category)?

  • Yes → Go to Question 6B

  • No → Go to Question 9

  • comment→ ­­­­­­________________ Go to Question 6b

6b. each individual project (for example, each engagement)?

  • Yes → Go to Question 7

  • No→ Go to Question 7

  • comment→ ­­­­­­________________ Go to Question 7

  1. Does your firm have multiple worksites?

  • Yes → Go to question 8

  • No → Go to Question 10

  1. BLS does not intend to publish this information. Would you be able to provide revenue by project categories or the individual engagements for your individual worksites?

  • Yes for both→ Go to question 10

  • yes only for a product TYPE→ Go to question 10

  • No → Why not? ____________Go to Question 10

  1. How do you track revenue?

GO TO revenue compile QUESTION 14A

Time period

  1. Do you track revenue for your project categories or the individual engagements by different time periods?

  • Yes Fiscal year→ Go to Question 11

  • yes calendar year→ Go to Question 11

  • yes other:___________________ → Go to Question 11

  • comment_________→ Go to Question 11

  1. If you were asked to provide information about revenue on a survey form for a given reference period, for example, fiscal year, calendar year, most recent 4 quarters, how long do you think it would take you to compile the information about the share of revenues generated by:

11a. different categories of projects (IT consulting, landscape engineering, commercial architecture)?

Couldn’t do it

Wouldn’t do it

Time estimate given: __________________

it depends/other:________________________

11b. each individual engagement?

Couldn’t do it

Wouldn’t do it

Time estimate given: __________________

it depends/other:________________________

  1. If you were asked what percentage of your total revenue comes from different projects or engagements for a given reference period (for example, fiscal year, calendar year, most recent 4 quarters), how long do you think it would take you to compile the information:

12a. different categories of projects (IT consulting, landscape engineering, commercial architecture)?

Couldn’t do it

Wouldn’t do it

Time estimate given: __________________

it depends/other:________________________

12b. individual engagements?

Couldn’t do it

Wouldn’t do it

Time estimate given: __________________

it depends/other:________________________

12c. How exact would your percentage be? (VERY, JUST AN ESTIMATE, ETC.)





  1. Which would be easier for you, providing the actual annual revenue from a product line or the percentage of your total revenue generated by that product line?

      • Actual annual revenue → Why?____________________

      • percentage of total revenue → Why?____________________

Revenue compile

  1. a. If you don’t track the revenue associated with a project category or individual engagement, would you would be able to compile that information if asked?

      • Yes → Go to 19b

      • No → Go to 19C

      • comment __________________ → Go to 19B

14b. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult), how difficult would it be to compile this information?

1 2 3 4 5

go to Question 15

14c. Why not?

14d. Is there anyone else who would be able to compile that information?

IF YES: Name:________________________________________




  1. BLS is considering using revenue by project type or individual engagements to estimate the number of employees associated with that project. We want this employment estimate to account for all employee types, including consulting employees, engineers, administrative employees, sales and marketing employees, etc.


  • Yes → Why? _____________________

  • No → Why not? _____________________

  • Don’t know

  1. Would revenue for a particular engagement also be a reasonable proxy for the employment associated with that project?

  • Yes → Why? _____________________

  • No → Why not? _____________________

  • Don’t know

  1. (IF QUESTION 7 IS YES) Would revenue by project also be available at the worksite level?

      • Yes → Why? _____________________

      • No → Why not? _____________________

      • Don’t know

  1. BLS does not intend to publish information about projects or revenue. If BLS asked you to provide the share of total revenues accounted for by a project category or engagement, would you share this information?

  • Yes

  • No → Would you be willing to tell us why not? _____________________

  • DON’T KNOW/NOT SURE→ Would you be willing to tell us why not? _____________________

Number of jobs by timeframe

  1. a. If you were asked to estimate the percentage of your employees, including sales, marketing, administrative employees associated with each project category (IT CONSULTING, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING) for a given reference period such as your fiscal year or the calendar year, would you be able to provide that information?

      • Yes → When would that information be available? ______________

      • No → Why not? ________________________GO TO JOB COMPILE QUESTION 23A

  • comment­­­­­­_________________________

19b. Could you do this for each individual engagement?

      • Yes → When would that information be available? ______________

      • No → Why not? ________________________

      • COMMENT __________________

  1. (IF QUESTION 7 AND 19A OR 19B IS YES) Would you be able to do this at the worksite level?

      • Yes → Why? _____________________

      • No → Why not? _____________________

      • Don’t know

  1. How long do you think it would take you to compile this information if asked?

Couldn’t do it

Wouldn’t do it

Time estimate given: __________________


  1. Would it be easier for you to provide revenue or employment numbers by project/individual engagement?

REVENUE→ Why? ________________________

Employment→ Why? ________________________

both easy→ Why? ________________________

Both difficult: → Why? __________________________________________


Job compile

  1. a. If you don’t track the percentage of employees, including sales, marketing, administrative employees, associated with a project, would that information be something you would be able to compile if asked?

  • Yes → Ask question 23b

  • No → go to environmental information QUESTION 28

  • comment________________________

23b. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult), how difficult would it be to compile this information?

1 2 3 4 5


One project type

  1. Do you track exact revenue by your individual projects or engagements?

  • Yes → Ask question 25

  • No → go to QUESTION 35

  • comment_______________________

  1. BLS is considering using the revenue generated by project, along with total revenues, to estimate the number of employees involved in that project. Do you think this approach is reasonable for your business?

  • Yes

  • No

  • comment_______________________

  1. BLS does not intend to publish this information. Would you be willing to provide revenue shares by project to BLS on a survey form?

  • Yes → go to QUESTION 27

  • No → go to environmental information, QUESTION 28


      • comment_________________________

  1. Which of the following would be easier for you, providing the annual revenue generated by different projects or providing the percentage of your total revenue generated by that project?

      • actual annual revenue→ Why?__________________

      • Percentage of total revenue→ Why?_______________

Environmental information

  1. Do any of your projects help clients meet any environmental standards, such as EnergyStar or LEEDS?

  • Yes → A. Do all projects help clients meet this standard?

    • All → Go to Question 29

    • JUST CERTAIN PROJECTS→ Go to Question 29

  • No → go to question 31

  1. What are those environmental standards (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)?

  • EnergystarGo to Question 30

  • LEEDSGo to Question 30

  • other:_________________________________Go to Question 29A

  • Other:_________________________________Go to Question 29A

29a. Are these national, state, or local area specific standards?

  1. If BLS were to ask for revenue shares for projects that dealt with one of those environmental standards, would you be able to provide that information? For example, what percent of revenue is represented by EnergyStar-related projects?



Don’t think so or don’t know

  1. Do you do any projects that make a home or business more energy efficient, reduce pollution, or improve carbon footprints?

Yes → Would you describe one of those projects? ______________________

Go to Question 32

NoGo to Question 34

Don’t think so or don’t knowGo to Question 34

  1. If BLS were to ask for revenue shares for those particular projects, would you be able to provide that information?

Yes Go to Question 33

NoGo to Question 33

Don’t think so or don’t knowGo to Question 33

  1. If BLS were to ask for employment shares for those particular projects, would you be able to provide that information?



Don’t think so or don’t know

  1. I’m done with my questions. As I’ve mentioned before, BLS is trying to find the best approach to measure the number of jobs involved in green goods and services. Do you have any suggestions as to how BLS can best capture this information in your firm?


Those are all the questions I have for you. Thank you for your time, the information you have provided is very useful

Script for green goods and services Feasibility interview


* Best for manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers – anyone who deals with products like washing machines, clothing lines – you can make the term “product line” more specific to say “clothing lines”, etc. if needed.

Typographical conventions: italics for programmer notes, ALL CAPS FOR ITEMS NOT READ OR INSTRUCTIONS TO THE INTERVIEWER.


Intro1. Hello. My name is ______________ from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I'm calling in reference to a new data initiative being undertaken by BLS. May I please speak to (contact name)?

Intro2. (Reintroduce yourself if necessary) Our records indicate you are the contact person for your firm’s (Name of state quarterly wage and tax report) that you submit to (Name of state employment agency name) for unemployment insurance tax purposes. It would be very helpful to us if we could talk to you about your various product lines. Would you be able to answer questions about revenues and employment for your product lines?

    • Yes → GO TO INTRO3.

    • No → Do you know who at your firm would be able to answer those questions for us?





Thank you for your time. (HANG UP AND CONTACT NAME GIVEN).

Intro3. We routinely ask businesses to help us collect the best data possible, so we are contacting a small sample of our respondents to discuss an important new data initiative that we are very excited about. We recently mailed you a letter about this. Did you receive our letter?

  • Yes

  • No → Can I can fax or email you a copy of that letter now?

What is your fax number/email address?________________________

Intro4. I realize you are very busy, but would you have some time now to answer a few questions? The questions usually take about 20 minutes.

    • Yes, have time

    • No → When would be a good time to call you back?

Appointment Information:

APPT DAY: _________________ TIME OF DAY: _________________

Intro5. I called [Phone number]. Is this the best phone number to use to reach you?

  • Yes

  • No → Correct the information here: ____________________

Questionnaire Script

BLS has been asked to produce measures of employment in U.S. industries that produce green goods and services. Before we can do this though, we need to better understand how businesses track information regarding their various product lines. The questions I will ask you today will help us collect the most accurate and reliable data possible.

Before we begin, let me assure you that the purpose of this call is strictly for informational and statistical purposes to help us understand business records and their use in designing a new survey. Your participation is completely voluntary and you can decline to answer any question at any time. Information related to this study is confidential and will not be released to the public in any way that would allow identification of individuals or establishments except as prescribed under the conditions of the Privacy Act Notice.

NAICS index item mapping questions

  1. Do you have the introductory letter available that we sent to you, so you can refer to it?

      • Yes

      • No (Provide examples from your list of index items for Question 3)

  1. Are you familiar with the concept of NAICS, which is the North American Industry Classification System?

      • Yes

      • No (give brief explanation to respondent)

  1. Please look at the list of major products attached to the letter (it might be on the back side – if respondent doesn’t have letter read off product lines to them).

This list reflects the NAICS code that BLS has assigned to your worksite (READ WORKSITE NAME AND ADDRESS) listed on the same sheet. Does this list provide an accurate description of your primary business activity at that worksite?

      • YesGo to Question 4

      • No

3a. Can you tell me about your primary business activities at that location?

Product line questions

  1. As I said, we are interested in information about your product lines. How many product lines do you have in total? By product lines I mean the type of goods you make, grow or produce at your firm. (FOR EXAMPLE APPLIANCES, CHEMICALS, CROPS, CLOTHING ITEMS, ETC.)

      • oneGo to one product section, Question 24

      • more than one Go to Question 5

  1. Do you produce different models, types or versions of your product lines?

  • Yes for all

  • yes for some

    • No

Revenue by product

  1. Do you track revenue by:

6a. product lines?

  • Yes → Go to Question 6B

  • No → Go to Question 9

  • comment→ ­­­­­­________________ Go to Question 6b

6b. models of a product?

  • Yes

  • No

  • comment→ ­­­­­­________________

  1. Does your firm have multiple worksites?

  • Yes → Go to question 8

  • No → Go to Question 10

  1. BLS does not intend to publish this information. Would you be able to provide revenue by product or model for your individual worksites?

  • Yes for both→ Go to question 10

  • yes only for a major product line → Go to question 10

  • No → Why not? ____________Go to Question 10

  1. How do you track revenue?

GO TO revenue compile

Time period

  1. Do you track revenue for your product lines or various models by different time periods?

  • Yes Fiscal year→ Go to Question 11

  • yes calendar year→ Go to Question 11

  • yes other:___________________ → Go to Question 11

  • comment_________→ Go to Question 12

  1. If you were asked to provide information about revenue on a survey form for a given reference period, for example, fiscal year, calendar year, most recent 4 quarters, how long do you think it would take you to compile the information about the share of revenues generated by:

11a. Product lines?

Couldn’t do it

Wouldn’t do it

Time estimate given: __________________

IT DEPENDS/OTHER__________________

11b. different models?

Couldn’t do it

Wouldn’t do it

Time estimate given: __________________

IT DEPENDS/OTHER__________________

  1. If you were asked what percentage of your total annual revenue comes from different products or models, , how long do you think it would take you to compile the information:

12a. Product lines?

Couldn’t do it

Wouldn’t do it

Time estimate given: __________________

IT DEPENDS/OTHER__________________

12b. different models?

Couldn’t do it

Wouldn’t do it

Time estimate given: __________________

IT DEPENDS/OTHER__________________

12c. How exact would your percentage be? (VERY, JUST AN ESTIMATE, ETC.)





  1. Which would be easier for you, providing the actual annual revenue from a product line or the percentage of your total revenue generated by that product line?

      • Actual annual revenue → Why?____________________

      • percentage of total revenue → Why?____________________

Revenue compile

  1. a. If you don’t track the revenue associated with a product line or model number, would you would be able to compile that information if asked?

      • Yes → Go to 14b

      • No → Go to 14C

      • comment __________________ → Go to 14B

14b. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult), how difficult would it be to compile this information?

1 2 3 4 5

go to question 15

14c. Why not?

14d. Is there anyone else who would be able to compile that information?

IF YES: Name:________________________________________




  1. BLS is considering using revenue by product lines or models to estimate the number of employees involved with producing that product or model. We want this employment estimate to account for all employee types at the worksite, including manufacturing employees, administrative employees, sales and marketing employees, etc.

Do you think revenue is a reasonable proxy for the number of employees associated with a particular product line? (FOR EXAMPLE, MY FIRM PRODUCES DISHWASHERS AND WASHING MACHINES. 70% OF THE REVENUE IS FROM DISHWASHERS, SO 70% OF THE FIRM’S TOTAL EMPLOYMENT IS ASSOCIATED WITH DISHWASHERS.)

  • Yes → Why? _____________________

  • No → Why not? _____________________

  • Don’t know

  1. Would revenue for a particular model number also be a reasonable proxy for the employment associated with that model?

  • Yes → Why? _____________________

  • No → Why not? _____________________

  • Don’t know

  1. (IF QUESTION 7 IS YES) Would revenue by product and/or model also be available at the worksite level?

      • Yes → Why? _____________________

      • No → Why not? _____________________

      • Don’t know

  1. BLS does not intend to publish information about product lines/models or revenue. If BLS asked you to provide the share of total revenues accounted for by a major product or model, would you share this information?

  • Yes

  • No → Would you be willing to tell us why not? _____________________

  • Don’t know/not sure → Would you be willing to tell us why not? ________

Number of jobs by timeframe

  1. a. If you were asked to estimate the percentage of your employees, including sales, marketing, and administrative employees, who work primarily on a product line during a fiscal year or the calendar year, would you be able to provide that information?

      • Yes → When would that information be available? ______________

      • No → Why not? ________________________GO TO JOB COMPILE QUESTION 23A

  • comment­­­­­­_________________________

19b. Could you do this for each particular model?

      • Yes → When would that information be available? ______________

      • No → Why not? ________________________

      • COMMENT __________________

  1. (IF QUESTION 8 AND 19A OR 19B IS YES) Would you be able to do this at the worksite level?

      • Yes → Why? _____________________

      • No → Why not? _____________________Don’t know

  1. How long do you think it would take you to compile this information if asked?

Couldn’t do it

Wouldn’t do it

      • Time estimate given: __________________

      • COMMENT __________________

  1. Would it be easier for you to provide revenue or employment numbers by product/model?

REVENUE→ Why? ________________________

Employment→ Why? ________________________

both easy→ Why? ________________________

Both difficult: → Why? __________________________________________


Job compile

  1. a. If you don’t track the percentage of employees (including sales, marketing, administrative employees) associated with a product line or model, would that information be something you would be able to compile if asked?

  • Yes → Ask question 23b

  • No → go to environmental information Question 29

  • comment________________________

23b. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult), how difficult would it be to compile this information?

1 2 3 4 5


One Product Type

  1. Do you produce different models or lines of your product?

  • Yes → go to question 25

  • No → go to QUESTION 36

  • comment__________________

  1. Do you track exact revenue generated by the different models?

      • Yes → go to question 26

      • No → go to QUESTION 36

      • comment__________________

  1. BLS is considering using the revenue generated by a model line, along with total annual revenue, to estimate the number of employees involved in producing that product or model. Do you think this approach would work for your business?

  • Yes

  • No

  • don’t know

  • comment__________________

  1. BLS does not intend to publish this information. Would you be willing to provide revenue share by model to BLS on a survey form?

  • Yes → go to QUESTION 28

  • No → go to environmental information, QUESTION 35

  • don’t know

      • comment__________________

  1. Which of the following would be easier for you, providing the annual revenue generated by a model line or providing the percentage of your total revenue generated by that model line?

      • Actual annual revenue → Why? ____________________

      • percentage of total revenue → Why? ____________________

      • go to environmental information, QUESTION 29

      • go to environmental information, QUESTION 29

      • comment__________________

Environmental information

  1. Do any of your products or any specific models or versions meet any environmental standards, such as EnergyStar?

  • Yes → A. Do all products/models meet this standard?

    • All → Go to Question 30

    • JUST CERTAIN products/MODELS→ Go to Question 30

  • No → go to question 32

  1. What are those environmental standards (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)?

  • EnergystarGo to Question 31

  • USDA Certified OrganicGo to Question 31

  • Green sealGo to Question 31

  • other:_________________________________Go to Question 30A

  • Other:_________________________________Go to Question 30A

30a. Are these national, state, or local area specific standards?

  1. If BLS were to ask for revenue shares for product lines or models that met one of those environmental standards, would you be able to provide that information? For example, what percent of revenue is represented by EnergyStar-rated product lines?



Don’t think so or don’t know

  1. Do any of your products use inputs that are recycled materials?

Yes What is that input?_____________ Go to Question 33

NoGo to Question 35

Don’t think so or don’t knowGo to Question 35

  1. Is the recycled material used in all products or just certain products?

Yes ALL Go to Question 34

yes someGo to Question 34

Don’t knowGo to Question 35

  1. Would you be able to provide revenue information for those products that use recycled inputs?



Don’t think so or don’t know

  1. I’m done with my questions. As I’ve mentioned before, BLS is trying to find the best approach to measure the number of jobs involved in producing green goods and services. Do you have any suggestions as to how BLS can best capture this information in your firm?


Those are all the questions I have for you. Thank you for your time, the information you have provided is very useful

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Last Modified Byrowan_c
File Modified2010-03-18
File Created2010-03-18

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