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pdfOMB No.:01648-0194
(Expires: 10/31/2009)
Under the provisions of the Antarctic Marine Living Resources Convention Act 1984, the following persons(s)
submit(s) this application to import/and re-export Antarctic Marine Living Resources.
CITY:______________________ ST:________________ZIP CODE:_______________________
PHONE:_______________________ FAX: __________________________________
(If Nonresident then Provide the Following Information about Registered Agent)
CITY:______________________ ST:________________ZIP CODE:_______________________
PHONE:_______________________ FAX: __________________________________
SPECIES: _________________________________________
Please check one of the following:
I am applying for a re-export permit in addition to an import permit.
I am applying for a re-export only.
Submitted Date :__________________
Completion of this application is required to obtained a permit to import Antarctic marine living resources under provisions of the Antarctic Marine
Living Resources Convention Act of 1984 (16 USC 2431 et seq). No permit will be issued without completion of this application. Permits to import
AMLR enable NMFS to track all imports and ensure that all AMLR are being imported in compliance with all applicable regulations. Continuing
measures and U.S. regulations implementing them appear in Volume 50, Part 300 Subpart G of the Code of Federal Regulations. Annual measures
are noticed in the Federal Register and are also available at CCAMLR website located at
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including the time review ing instructions, searching existing data
sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Notw ithstanding any other prvision of the law, no person
is required to respond nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to com ply w ith, a collection of informatoin subject to the requirem ents of the Paperw ork
R eduction A ct, inless that collection of information displays a currently valid O M B C ontrol N um ber. Send C om ments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect
of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to N ational M arine Fisheries Service, O ffice of International A ffairs, 1315 East W est
H ighw ay, A ttention: C C A M LR Permit O ffice, Silver Spring, M aryland, 20910.
OMB No.:0648-0194
(Expires: 03/31/2013)
No marine mammal may be imported into the United States unless authorized and accompanied by an import permit issued under the
Marine Mammal Protection Act and/or the Endangered Species Act of 1983. Do not use this application to request authorization to
import an Antarctic marine mammal.
Provide the name, company and business address of person applying for the dealer permit to import and/or re-export .
Describe the species to be imported and/or re-exported. Submit one application for each species.
Note the estimated tonnage amount for each species to be imported and/or re-exported. Amounts approved for importation
and/or re-exportation on permits issued to applicants may not be exceeded.
Please check the box that applies to whether or not you are requesting a re-export permit along with a request for a permit to
import, or whether you are requesting a permit to re-export only.
Dealer permits for importing and/or re-exporting are valid from its date of issuance to its date of expiration unless it is
revoked or suspended.
Application must be signed, with title of person signing it for a company.
No resources may be imported in violation of conservation and management measures adopted by CCAMLR and adopted by the
United States. Continuing measures and U.S. regulations implementing them appear in Volume 50, Part 300, Subpart G of the Code of
Federal Regulations. Annual measures are noticed in the Federal Register and are also available at CCAMLR website located at
In the event that modifications or amendments to this application become necessary, please submit a new application.
Return completed Application to:
NOAA/Office of International Affairs
1315 East-W est Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Attn: CCAMLR Permit Office
NOAA.National Seafood Inspection Laboratory
3209 Frederic Street
Pascagoula, MS 39567
Or fax to 228 762-7144
N O TE: The U nited States can only authorize imports of A M LR harvested by vessels licensed to fish by their flag states for A M LR and fishing consistent w ith
measures adopted by the C ommission for the C onservation of A ntarctic M arine Living R esources for the conservation and management of the harvested species.
The A ntarctic M arine Living R esources A ct of 1984 is the U.S. statutory authority for requiring import permits. In addition, it addresses the activities of brokers and any
U .S. entity in the market chain for A ntarctic M arine Living R esources.
Section 306 (3) makes it unlawful to any person to ship, transport, offer for sale, sell, purchase, import, export, or have custody, control of, any A ntarctic M arine Living
R esource (or part thereof) w hich he know s or reasonably should have know n, w as harvested in violation of conservation measures in force with respect to the U nited
States pursuant to A rticle IX of the Convention [i.e., C C AM LR ] or in violation of any regulation promulgated under this title, w ithout regard to the citizenship of the
person that harvested, or vessel that w as used in the harvesting of, the A ntarctic M arine Living R esource (or part or product thereof). This is in addition to making it
unlaw ful to import w ithout a permit. Thus, this section applies to brokers and any other entity offering to sell A ntarctic M arine Living R esources, whether that entity is
an importer of record or not, and w hether the resource enters the U .S. market or an overseas market.
Thus, in your contacts w ith brokers and w ith vessels that may be potential sources of A M LR , it is important that you inquire as to w hether the vessel holds a currently
valid license authorizing it to fish for A M LR species.
If you have any questions about the status of a vessel offering A M LR species, pleas contact the A M LR Permit O ffice of the N ational M arine Fisheries Service, O ffice
of International A ffairs, 1315 East W est H ighw ay, Silver Spring, M aryland 20910.
N M FS manages A ntarctic fisheries and te importation of resulting products under the A ntarctic M arine Living R eources Convention A ct , codified at 16 U .S.C . 2431 et
seq.NM FS implements C C A M LR conservation measures by regulations at 50 C FR part 300, subparts A and G . Changes to the existing regulations are necesaary to
incorporate new conservation measures and facilitate enforcement. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average ½ hour per
response, including the time reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this
burden, to N ational M arine Fisheries Service, O ffice of International A ffairs, 1315 East W est H ighw ay, A ttention: C C A M LR Permit O ffice, Silver Spring, M aryland,
OMB NO.:0648-0194
(Expires 03/31/2013)
Application for Pre-Approval of Catch Documents of Toothfish
1. NAME OF IMPORTER (Contact Person): ___________________________________________________________________________
COMPANY NAME (Business):____________________________________________________________________________________
COMPANY ADDRESS: ______________________________CITY______________________ST______ZIP_____________________
PHONE NUMBER :_______________________________ FAX NUMBER:_______________________________________________
2. ESTIMATED DATE OF ARRIVAL: _______________________________________________________________________________
3. PORT OF ARRIVAL (ALSO PORT OF UNLADING IF DIFFERENT THAN ARRIVAL): ____________________________________
4. CONSIGNEE(S) OF PRODUCT:___________________________________________________________________________________
5. AMOUNT TO BE IMPORTED (in kgs): _____________________________________________________________________________
6. U.S. CUSTOMS 7501 NUMBER : ........../........../........../........../........../........../.........../........../.........../........../.........
9. DOCUMENT NUMBER OF DCD(S): _______________________________________________________________________________
10. FLAG STATE CONFIRMATION NUMBER:________________________________________________________________________
11. EXPORT REFERENCE NUMBER: ________________________________________________________________________________
12. SIGNATURE: __________________________________TITLE:____________________________ DATE:_______________________
A fee for all shipments requiring pre-approval will be assessed at a rate of $200 per application which includes staff time plus overhead with this function
Return this Application for Pre-Approval along with Catch Documents a minimum of 15 days prior to importing resource(s) (with the
exception of the U.S. Customs 7501 number which can be supplied at a later date but at least 3 working days prior to the shipments
arrival into port) to the address below via overnight mail:
National Seafood Inspection Laboratory /NOAA Fisheries
3209 Frederic Street
Pascagoula, MS 39567
Attention: CCAMLR Data Management
C om pletion of this application is required to obtain a permit to import A ntarctic marine living resources under provisions of the A ntarctic M arine Living R esources C onvention A ct
of 1984 (16 U SC 2431 et seq). N o authorization to import w ill be issued w ithout completion of this application. Pre-approval of toothfish imports enables N M FS to track all
imports and ensure that all A M LR are being imported in compliance with all applicable regulations . C ontinuing measures and U .S. regulations implementing them appear in
V olum e 50, Part 300, Subpart G of the C ode of Federal R egulations. A nnual measures are noticed in the Federal R egister and are also available at C C A M LR w ebsite located at
http://ww w .ccam .
Public reporting burden for completing this form is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering
and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. N otw ithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is required to respond nor
shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of inform ation subject to the requirements of the Paperw ork R eduction A ct, unless that collection of
information displays a currently valid O M B C ontrol N umber. Send Com ments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions
for reducing this burden, to N ational M arine Fisheries Service, F/IA , 1315 East W est H ighw ay, A ttention: C C A M LR Permit O ffice, Silver Spring, M aryland, 20910.
To the extent permitted under the Trade Secrets A ct and the Freedom of Information A ct, N M FS w ill maintain the confidentiality of information determined to be a trade secret or
privileged and confidential commercial or financial information.
OMB No. 0648-0194
(Expires: 03/31/2013 )
No marine mammal may be imported into the United States unless authorized and accompanied by an import permit issued under the Marine
Mammal Protection Act and/or the Endangered Species Act of 1983. Do not use this application to request authorization to import an
Antarctic marine mammal.
Provide contact name, company name, business address, phone and fax numbers, and current AMLR permit number of entity
applying for the pre-approval of catch documents prior to import .
Provide known or estimated date of arrival of shipment.
Provide port of arrival of shipment (also list port of unlading if different than port of arrival).
Provide company name of consignee of product, if consignee is the same as importer then place NA in space provided.
Provide amount (net weight in kgs) to be imported in shipment. Note: the amount must match amount listed on Catch Document
export section (or amount listed on re-export document if re-export) within 10%.
Provide U.S. Customs 7501 Number to be used for shipment. Note: must be 11 digits/characters long. NOTE: This can be provided
at a later date but no later than 3 working days prior ro the shipments arrival in port.
Provide the shipping line information, ship name and container number(s) for each container.
Provide the following information that can be taken from the Catch Document(s):
Provide the Document Number of Dissostichus Catch Document(s).
Provide the Flag State Confirmation Number of the Dissostichus Catch Document(s).
Provide the Export Reference Number of the Dissostichus Catch Document(s).
If this shipment is a re-export then a re-export document will also be required for pre-approval. Please indicate whether there is such
a re-export document provided for this shipment.
Application must be signed, with title of Person signing if for a company.
Return this Application for Pre-Approval along with Catch Documents a minimum of 14 days prior to importing resource(s) to the
address below, or fax to (228) 762-7144: (Checks should be made out to NOAA Fisheries)
National Seafood Inspection Laboratory/NOAA Fisheries
3209 Frederic Street
Pascagoula, MS 39567
Attention: CCAMLR Data Management
N o resources may be imported in violation of conservation and management measures adopted by CC A M LR and adopted by the U nited States. Continuing measures and U .S.
regulations implementing them appear in V olume 50, Part 300, Subpart G of the C ode of Federal R egulations. A nnual measures are noticed in the Federal R egister and are also
available at C C A M LR w ebsite located at http://w w w
N O TE: The U nited States can only authorize imports of A M LR harvested by vessels licensed to fish by their flag states for AM LR and fishing consistent w ith m easures adopted
by the Com mission for the Conservation of A ntarctic M arine Living R esources for the conservation and management of the harvested species. N o authorization to import w ill be
granted for any product that has been harvested from FA O statistical area 51 or 57.
The A ntarctic M arine Living Resources A ct of 1984 is the U .S. statutory authority for requiring import permits. In addition, it addresses the activities of brokers and any U .S.
entity in the market chain for A ntarctic M arine Living R esources.
Section 306 (3) makes it unlawful to any person to ship, transport, offer for sale, sell, purchase, import, export, or have custody, control of, any A ntarctic M arine Living
R esource (or part thereof) w hich he know s or reasonably should have know n, w as harvested in violation of conservation measures in force with respect to the U nited States
pursuant to A rticle IX of the C onvention [i.e., C C A M LR ] or in violation of any regulation promulgated under this title, w ithout regard to the citizenship of the person that
harvested, or vessel that w as used in the harvesting of, the A ntarctic M arine L iving R esource (or part or product thereof). This is in addition to making it unlaw ful to import
w ithout a permit. Thus, this section applies to brokers and any other entity offering to sell A ntarctic M arine Living R esources, whether that entity is an importer of record or not,
and w hether the resource enters the U .S. market or an overseas market.
Thus, in your contacts w ith brokers and w ith vessels that may be potential sources of A M LR , it is important that you inquire as to w hether the vessel holds a currently valid
license authorizing it to fish for A M LR species.
If you have any questions about the status of a vessel offering A M LR species, pleas contact the A M LR Permit O ffice of the N ational M arine Fisheries Service, 3209 Frederic
Street, Pascagoula, M S 39567 (228)769-8964.
OMB NO.:0648-0194
(Expires 03/31/2013)
Reporting Form for Catch Documents Accompanying Fresh, Air-shipped Shipments of Toothfish
1. NAME OF IMPORTER (Contact Person): ___________________________________________________________________________
COMPANY NAME (Business):____________________________________________________________________________________
COMPANY ADDRESS: ______________________________CITY______________________ST______ZIP_____________________
PHONE NUMBER :_______________________________ FAX NUMBER:_______________________________________________
2. DATE OF ARRIVAL: _______________________________________________________________________________
3. PORT OF ARRIVAL (ALSO PORT OF UNLADING IF DIFFERENT THAN ARRIVAL): ____________________________________
4. CONSIGNEE(S) OF PRODUCT:___________________________________________________________________________________
5. AMOUNT TO BE IMPORTED (in kgs): _____________________________________________________________________________
6. U.S. CUSTOMS 7501 NUMBER : ........../........../........../........../........../........../.........../........../.........../........../.........
8. DOCUMENT NUMBER OF DCD(S): _______________________________________________________________________________
9. FLAG STATE CONFIRMATION NUMBER:________________________________________________________________________
10. EXPORT REFERENCE NUMBER: ________________________________________________________________________________
12. SIGNATURE: __________________________________TITLE:____________________________ DATE:_______________________
A fee for all shipments requiring pre-approval will be assessed at a rate of $200 per application which includes staff time plus overhead with this function
Return this form along with Catch Documents a minimum of 24 hours after importing resource(s) to the fax number below:
(228) 762-7144
Attention: CCAMLR Data Management
C om pletion of this application is required to obtain a permit to import A ntarctic marine living resources under provisions of the A ntarctic M arine Living R esources C onvention A ct
of 1984 (16 U SC 2431 et seq). N o authorization to import w ill be issued w ithout completion of this application. Pre-approval of toothfish imports enables N M FS to track all
imports and ensure that all A M LR are being imported in compliance with all applicable regulations . C ontinuing measures and U .S. regulations implementing them appear in
V olum e 50, Part 300, Subpart G of the C ode of Federal R egulations. A nnual measures are noticed in the Federal R egister and are also available at C C A M LR w ebsite located at
http://ww w .ccam .
Public reporting burden for completing this form is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering
and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. N otw ithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is required to respond nor
shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperw ork R eduction A ct, unless that collection of
information displays a currently valid O M B C ontrol N umber. Send Com ments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions
for reducing this burden, to N ational M arine Fisheries Service, O ffice of International Fisheries, 1315 East W est H ighw ay, A ttention: C C A M LR Permit O ffice, Silver Spring, M aryland,
To the extent permitted under the Trade Secrets A ct and the Freedom of Information A ct, N M FS w ill maintain the confidentiality of information determined to be a trade secret or
privileged and confidential commercial or financial information.
OMB No. 0648-0194
(Expires: 03/31/2013 )
No marine mammal may be imported into the United States unless authorized and accompanied by an import permit issued under the Marine
Mammal Protection Act and/or the Endangered Species Act of 1983. Do not use this application to request authorization to import an
Antarctic marine mammal.
Provide contact name, company name, business address, phone and fax numbers, and current AMLR permit number of entity
applying for the pre-approval of catch documents prior to import .
Provide known or estimated date of arrival of shipment.
Provide port of arrival of shipment (also list port of unlading if different than port of arrival).
Provide company name of consignee of product, if consignee is the same as importer then place NA in space provided.
Provide amount (net weight in kgs) to be imported in shipment. Note: the amount must match amount listed on Catch Document
export section (or amount listed on re-export document if re-export) within 10%.
Provide U.S. Customs 7501 Number to be used for shipment. Note: must be 11 digits/characters long.
Provide the airline information, airline name and flight number for each shipment.
Provide the following information that can be taken from the Catch Document(s):
Provide the Document Number of Dissostichus Catch Document(s).
Provide the Flag State Confirmation Number of the Dissostichus Catch Document(s).
Provide the Export Reference Number of the Dissostichus Catch Document(s).
If this shipment is a re-export then a re-export document will also be required for pre-approval. Please indicate whether there is such
a re-export document provided for this shipment.
Application must be signed, with title of Person signing if for a company.
Return this form along with the Catch Document(s) a minimum of 24 hours after importing resource(s) to the fax below:
(228) 762-7144
Attention: CCAMLR Data Management
N o resources may be imported in violation of conservation and management measures adopted by CC A M LR and adopted by the U nited States. Continuing measures and U .S.
regulations implementing them appear in V olume 50, Part 300, Subpart G of the C ode of Federal R egulations. A nnual measures are noticed in the Federal R egister and are also
available at C C A M LR w ebsite located at http://w w w
N O TE: The U nited States can only authorize imports of A M LR harvested by vessels licensed to fish by their flag states for AM LR and fishing consistent w ith m easures adopted
by the Com mission for the Conservation of A ntarctic M arine Living R esources for the conservation and management of the harvested species. N o authorization to import w ill be
granted for any product that has been harvested from FA O statistical area 51 or 57.
The A ntarctic M arine Living Resources A ct of 1984 is the U .S. statutory authority for requiring import permits. In addition, it addresses the activities of brokers and any U .S.
entity in the market chain for A ntarctic M arine Living R esources.
Section 306 (3) makes it unlawful to any person to ship, transport, offer for sale, sell, purchase, import, export, or have custody, control of, any A ntarctic M arine Living
R esource (or part thereof) w hich he know s or reasonably should have know n, w as harvested in violation of conservation measures in force with respect to the U nited States
pursuant to A rticle IX of the C onvention [i.e., C C A M LR ] or in violation of any regulation promulgated under this title, w ithout regard to the citizenship of the person that
harvested, or vessel that w as used in the harvesting of, the A ntarctic M arine L iving R esource (or part or product thereof). This is in addition to making it unlaw ful to import
w ithout a permit. Thus, this section applies to brokers and any other entity offering to sell A ntarctic M arine Living R esources, whether that entity is an importer of record or not,
and w hether the resource enters the U .S. market or an overseas market.
Thus, in your contacts w ith brokers and w ith vessels that may be potential sources of A M LR , it is important that you inquire as to w hether the vessel holds a currently valid
license authorizing it to fish for A M LR species.
If you have any questions about the status of a vessel offering A M LR species, pleas contact the A M LR Perm it O ffice of the N ational M arine Fisheries Service,
3209 Frederic Street, Pascagoula, M S 39567 (228)769-8964..
OMB NO.:0648-0194
(Expires: 03/31/2013)
Permit No.
NAME OF IMPORTER (INDIVIDUAL CONTACT): ________________________________________________
COMPANY NAME (BUSINESS): _______________________________________________________________
COMPANY ADDRESS: _________________________CITY________________ST________ZIP____________
Signature_________________________________Title (Business)__________________ DATE:______________
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including
the time reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send Comments regarding this burden estimate or any other
aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to National Marine Fisheries
Service, Office of International Affairs, 1315 East W est Highway, Attention: CCAMLR Permit Office, Silver
Spring, Maryland, 20910.
Return this Import Ticket within 24 hours after importing resource(s) to the address below via overnight
Toothfish Import Control Program
National Seafood Inspection Lab
National Marine Fisheries Service
3209 Frederic Street
Pascagoula, MS 39567
Attention: CCMALR Permit Office
FAX : 228 762-7144
Attention CCAMLR Permit Officer
Catch Documentation Scheme for Dissostichus spp.
The Commission,
Concerned that illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing for Dissostichus spp. in
the Convention Area threatens serious depletion of populations of Dissostichus spp.,
Aware that IUU fishing involves significant by-catch of some Antarctic species, including
endangered albatross,
Noting that IUU fishing is inconsistent with the objective of the Convention and
undermines the effectiveness of CCAMLR conservation measures,
Underlining the responsibilities of Flag States to ensure that their vessels conduct their
fishing activities in a responsible manner,
Mindful of the rights and obligations of Port States to promote the effectiveness of regional
fishery conservation measures,
Aware that IUU fishing reflects the high value of, and resulting expansion in markets for
and international trade in, Dissostichus spp.,
Recalling that Contracting Parties have agreed to introduce classification codes for
Dissostichus spp. at a national level,
Recognising that the implementation of a Catch Documentation Scheme for Dissostichus
spp. (CDS) will provide the Commission with essential information necessary to
provide the precautionary management objectives of the Convention,
Committed to take steps, consistent with international law, to identify the origins of
Dissostichus spp. entering the markets of Contracting Parties and to determine whether
Dissostichus spp. harvested in the Convention Area that is imported into their territories
was caught in a manner consistent with CCAMLR conservation measures,
Wishing to reinforce the conservation measures already adopted by the Commission with
respect to Dissostichus spp.,
Further recognising the importance of enhancing cooperation with non-Contracting Parties
to help prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing in the Convention Area,
Acknowledging that the Commission has adopted a policy to enhance cooperation between
CCAMLR and non-Contracting Parties,
Inviting non-Contracting Parties whose vessels fish for Dissostichus spp. to participate in
the CDS,
Acknowledging that all Contracting Parties have ceased using paper-format documentation
and already issue and authorise all documents via the electronic system which has been
trialled pursuant to Resolution 21/XXIII,
Recognising that when Dissostichus catch documents (DCDs) need to be provided, a
printout of the electronic document shall be accepted,
hereby adopts the following conservation measure in accordance with Article IX of the
The following definitions are intended only for the purposes of the completion of CDS
documents and shall be applied as stated regardless of whether such actions as landings,
transhipments, imports, exports or re-exports constitute the same under any CDS
participant’s customs law or other domestic legislation:
Port State: The State that has control over a particular port area or free trade zone
for the purposes of landing, transhipment, importing, exporting and re-exporting
and whose authority serves as the authority for landing or transhipment
Landing: The initial transfer of catch in its harvested or processed form from a
vessel to dockside or to another vessel in a port or free trade zone where the catch
is certified by an authority of the Port State as landed.
(iii) Export: Any movement of a catch in its harvested or processed form from territory
under the control of the State or free trade zone of landing, or, where that State or
free trade zone forms part of a customs union, any other member State of that
customs union.
(iv) Import: The physical entering or bringing of a catch into any part of the
geographical territory under the control of a State, except where the catch is
landed or transhipped within the definitions of ‘landing’ or ‘transhipment’ in this
conservation measure.
Re-export: Any movement of a catch in its harvested or processed form from
territory under the control of a State, free trade zone, or member State of a
customs union of import unless that State, free trade zone, or any member State of
that customs union of import is the first place of import, in which case the
movement is an export within the definition of ‘export’ in this conservation
(vi) Transhipment: The transfer of a catch in its harvested or processed form from a
vessel to another vessel or means of transport, and, where such transfer takes place
within the territory under the control of a Port State, for the purpose of effecting
its removal from that State. For the avoidance of doubt, temporarily placing a
catch on land or an artificial structure to facilitate such transfer shall not prevent
the transfer from being a transhipment where the catch is not ‘landed’ within the
definition of ‘landing’ in this conservation measure.
Each Contracting Party shall take steps to identify the origin of Dissostichus spp.
imported into or exported from its territories and to determine whether Dissostichus spp.
harvested in the Convention Area that is imported into, or exported from, its territories
was caught in a manner consistent with CCAMLR conservation measures.
Each Contracting Party shall require that each master or authorised representative of its
flag vessels authorised to engage in harvesting of Dissostichus eleginoides and/or
Dissostichus mawsoni complete a DCD for the catch landed or transhipped on each
occasion that it lands or tranships Dissostichus spp.
Each Contracting Party shall require that each landing of Dissostichus spp. at its ports
and each transhipment of Dissostichus spp. to its vessels be accompanied by a
completed DCD. The landing of Dissostichus spp. without a catch document is
Each Contracting Party shall, in accordance with their laws and regulations, require that
their flag vessels which intend to harvest Dissostichus spp., including on the high seas
outside the Convention Area, are provided with specific authorisation to do so. Each
Contracting Party shall provide electronic DCD forms by the most rapid electronic
means to each of its flag vessels authorised to harvest Dissostichus spp. and only to
those vessels.
A non-Contracting Party seeking to cooperate with CCAMLR by participating in this
scheme may issue electronic DCD forms, in accordance with the procedures specified in
paragraphs 8 and 9, to any of its flag vessels that intend to harvest Dissostichus spp.
Non-Contracting Parties which are involved in the trade of Dissostichus spp. are
encouraged to approach the CCAMLR Secretariat with requests for assistance.
Proposals must demonstrate how any specific assistance requested will help to combat
IUU fishing in the Convention Area. Such requests will be considered by the
Commission at its annual meeting. The procedure regarding cooperation with
CCAMLR in the implementation of the CDS by non-Contracting Parties involved in the
trade of Dissostichus spp. is set out in Annex 10-05/C.
The DCD shall include the following information:
the name, address, telephone and fax numbers of the issuing authority;
the name, home port, national registry number and call sign of the vessel and, if
issued, its IMO/Lloyd’s registration number;
(iii) the reference number of the licence or permit, whichever is applicable, that is
issued to the vessel;
(iv) the weight of each Dissostichus species landed or transhipped by product type,
by CCAMLR statistical subarea or division if caught in the Convention
Area; and/or
by FAO statistical area, subarea or division if caught outside the Convention
the dates within which the catch was taken;
(vi) the date and the port at which the catch was landed or the date and the vessel, its
flag and national registry number, to which the catch was transhipped;
(vii) the name, address, telephone and fax numbers of the recipient(s) of the catch and
the amount of each species and product type received.
Procedures for completing DCDs in respect of vessels are set forth in paragraphs A1 to
A10 of Annex 10-05/A to this measure.
Each Contracting Party shall require that each shipment of Dissostichus spp. imported
into, or exported or re-exported from, its territory be accompanied by the export/reexport document. The import, export or re-export of Dissostichus spp. without an
export/re-export document is prohibited.
An export/re-export document issued in respect of a vessel is one that:
includes all relevant information and signatures provided in accordance with
paragraphs A1 to A11 of Annex 10-05/A to this measure;
includes a signed and stamped certification by a responsible official of the
exporting State of the accuracy of the information contained in the document.
The standard documents for catch, export and re-export documents are attached to
Annex 10-05/A. Paper-based DCDs cannot be submitted from 1 June 2010.
Each Contracting Party shall ensure that its customs government authorities or other
appropriate government officials request and examine the documentation of each
shipment of Dissostichus spp. imported into, or exported from, its territory to verify that
it includes the export document and, where appropriate, validated re-export document(s)
that account for all the Dissostichus spp. contained in the shipment. These officials may
also examine the content of any shipment to verify the information contained in the
catch document or documents.
If, as a result of an examination referred to in paragraph 13 above, a question arises
regarding the information contained in a DCD, export or re-export document, the
exporting State whose government authority validated the document(s) and, as
appropriate, the Flag State whose vessel completed the document are called on to
cooperate with the importing State with a view to resolving such question.
Each Contracting Party shall promptly provide by the most rapid electronic means,
copies to the CCAMLR Secretariat of all export documents and, where relevant,
validated re-export documents that it issued from, and received into, its territory.
Each Contracting Party, and any non-Contracting Party that issues electronic DCDs in
respect of its flag vessels in accordance with paragraph 6, shall inform the CCAMLR
Secretariat of the government authority or authorities (including names, addresses,
phone and fax numbers and email addresses) responsible for issuing and validating
Notwithstanding the above, any Contracting Party, or any non-Contracting Party
participating in the CDS, may require additional verification of catch documents by
Flag States by using, inter alia, VMS, in respect of catches1 taken on the high seas
outside the Convention Area, when landed at, imported into or exported from its
If, following an examination under paragraph 13, questions under paragraph 14 or
requests for additional verification of documents under paragraph 17, it is determined,
after consultation with the States concerned, that a catch document is invalid, the
import, export or re-export of Dissostichus spp. being the subject of the document is
If a Contracting Party participating in the CDS has cause to sell or dispose of seized or
confiscated Dissostichus spp., it may issue a Specially Validated Dissostichus Catch
Document (SVDCD) specifying the reasons for that validation. The SVDCD shall
include a statement describing the circumstances under which confiscated fish are
moving in trade. To the extent practicable, Parties shall ensure that no financial benefit
arising from the sale of seized or confiscated catch accrue to the perpetrators of IUU
fishing. If a Contracting Party issues a SVDCD, it shall immediately report all such
validations to the Secretariat for conveying to all Parties and, as appropriate, recording
in trade statistics.
A Contracting Party may transfer all or part of the proceeds from the sale of seized or
confiscated Dissostichus spp. into the CDS Fund created by the Commission or into a
national fund which promotes achievement of the objectives of the Convention. In
addition, Contracting Parties may offer voluntary contributions to support the CDS
Fund and its related activities. A Contracting Party may, consistent with its domestic
legislation, decline to provide a market for toothfish offered for sale with a SVDCD by
another State. Provisions concerning the uses of the CDS Fund are found in
Annex 10-05/B.
Excluding by-catches of Dissostichus spp. by trawlers fishing on the high seas outside the Convention
Area. A by-catch shall be defined as no more than 5% of total catch of all species and no more than
50 tonnes for an entire fishing trip by a vessel.
ANNEX 10-05/A
A1. Each Flag State shall ensure that each DCD form that it issues includes a specific
identification number consisting of:
a four-digit number, consisting of the two-digit International Standards
Organization (ISO) country code plus the last two digits of the year for which the
form is issued;
a four-digit sequence number (beginning with 0001) to denote the order in which
catch forms are issued.
A2. The DCD shall be sent from the Flag State authority to the master of the fishing vessel
by the most rapid electronic means available.
A3. The master of the vessel shall ensure that this document is filled and returned to the
Flag State by the most rapid electronic means available.
A4. The master of a vessel who has been issued a DCD form or forms shall adhere to the
following procedures prior to each landing or transhipment of Dissostichus spp.:
the master shall ensure that the information specified in paragraph 8 of this
conservation measure is accurately recorded on the DCD form;
if a landing or transhipment includes catch of both Dissostichus spp., the master
shall record on the DCD form the total amount of the catch landed or transhipped
by weight of each species;
(iii) if a landing or transhipment includes catch of Dissostichus spp. taken from
different statistical subareas and/or divisions, the master shall record on the DCD
form the amount of the catch by weight of each species taken from each statistical
subarea and/or division and indicating whether the catch was caught in an EEZ or
on the high seas, as appropriate;
(iv) the master shall convey to the Flag State of the vessel by the most rapid electronic
means available, the DCD number, the dates within which the catch was taken, the
species, processing type or types, the estimated weight to be landed and the area
or areas of the catch, the date of landing or transhipment and the port and country
of landing or vessel of transhipment and shall request from the Flag State, a Flag
State confirmation number.
A5. If, for catches1 taken in the Convention Area or on the high seas outside the Convention
Area, the Flag State verifies, by the use of a VMS (as described in paragraph 1 of
Conservation Measure 10-04), the area fished and that the catch to be landed or
transhipped as reported by its vessel is accurately recorded and taken in a manner
consistent with its authorisation to fish, it shall convey a unique Flag State confirmation
number to the vessel’s master by the most rapid electronic means available. The DCD
will receive a confirmation number from the Flag State, only when it is convinced that
the information submitted by the vessel fully satisfies the provisions of this
conservation measure.
A6. The Flag State confirmation number shall be automatically included on the DCD form
when it is authorised by the Flag State.
A7. The master of a vessel that has been issued a DCD form or forms shall adhere to the
following procedures immediately after each landing or transhipment of Dissostichus
in the case of a transhipment, the master shall confirm the transhipment obtaining
the signature on the DCD of the master of the vessel to which the catch is being
in the case of a landing, the master or authorised representative shall confirm the
landing by obtaining a signed and stamped certification on the DCD by a
responsible official of the Port State of landing or free trade zone who is acting
under the direction of either the customs or fisheries authority of the Port State
and is competent with regard to the validation of DCDs;
(iii) in the case of a landing, the master or authorised representative shall also obtain
the signature on the DCD of the individual that receives the catch at the port of
landing or free trade zone;
(iv) in the event that the catch is divided upon landing, the master or authorised
representative shall present a copy of the DCD to each individual that receives a
part of the catch at the port of landing or free trade zone, record on that copy of
the catch document the amount and origin of the catch received by that individual
and obtain the signature of that individual.
A8. In respect of each landing or transhipment, the master or authorised representative shall
immediately sign and convey by the most rapid electronic means available a copy, or, if
the catch landed was divided, copies, of the signed DCD to the Flag State of the vessel
and shall provide a copy of the relevant document to each recipient of the catch.
A9. The Flag State of the vessel shall immediately convey by the most rapid electronic
means available a copy or, if the catch was divided, copies, of the signed DCD to the
CCAMLR Secretariat to be made available by the next working day to all Contracting
A10. The master or authorised representative shall retain the original copies of the signed
DCD(s) and return them to the Flag State no later than one month after the end of the
fishing season.
A11. The master of a vessel to which catch has been transhipped (receiving vessel) shall
adhere to the following procedures immediately after each landing of such catch in
order to complete each DCD received from transhipping vessels:
the master of the receiving vessel shall confirm the landing by obtaining a signed
and stamped certification on the DCD by a responsible official of the Port State of
landing or free trade zone who is acting under the direction of either the customs
or fisheries authority of the Port State and is competent with regard to the
validation of DCDs;
the master of the receiving vessel shall also obtain the signature on the DCD of
the individual that receives the catch at the port of landing or free trade;
(iii) in the event that the catch is divided upon landing, the master of the receiving
vessel shall present a copy of the DCD to each individual that receives a part of
the catch at the port of landing or free trade zone, record on that copy of the catch
document the amount and origin of the catch received by that individual and
obtain the signature of that individual.
A12. In respect of each landing of transhipped catch, the master or authorised representative
of the receiving vessel shall immediately sign and convey by the most rapid electronic
means available a copy of all the DCDs, or if the catch was divided, copies, of all the
DCDs, to the Flag State(s) that issued the DCD, and shall provide a copy of the relevant
document to each recipient of the catch. The Flag State of the receiving vessel shall
immediately convey by the most rapid electronic means available a copy of the
document to the CCAMLR Secretariat to be made available by the next working day to
all Contracting Parties.
A13. For each shipment of Dissostichus spp. to be exported or re-exported from the country
of landing or import, the exporter shall adhere to the following procedures to obtain the
necessary export or re-export document for all the Dissostichus spp. contained in the
the exporter/re-exporter shall enter on each Dissostichus export/re-export
document the reference number of the corresponding DCD, the amount of each
Dissostichus spp. reported on the document that is contained in the shipment;
the exporter/re-exporter shall enter on each DCD the name and address of the
importer of the shipment and the point of import;
(iii) the exporter/re-exporter shall enter on each export/re-export document the
exporter/re-exporter’s name and address, and shall sign the document;
(iv) the exporter/re-exporter shall obtain a signed and stamped validation of the
export/re-export document (including the attachments if provided) by a
responsible official of the exporting/re-exporting State;
the exporter/re-exporter shall indicate the transport details as appropriate:
if by sea
container(s) number(s) if appropriate, or
vessel name, and
bill of lading number, date and place of issue;
if by air
flight number, airway bill number, place and date of issue;
if by other means (ground transportation)
truck registration number and nationality,
railway transport number, date and place of issue.
Excluding by-catches of Dissostichus spp. by trawlers fishing on the high seas outside the Convention Area.
A by-catch shall be defined as no more than 5% of total catch of all species and no more than 50 tonnes for
an entire fishing trip by a vessel.
Flag State Confirmation Number:
Document Number:
V 1.6
1. Issuing Authority of Document
2. Fishing Vessel
Home Port:
3. Licence Number (if issued)
Fishing dates for catch under this document
4. From:
Call Sign:
IMO/Lloyd’s Number
(if issued):
5. To:
6. Description of fish (Landed/Transhipped)
AreaCaught *
Weight to be
Landed (Kg)
7. Description of Fish
Net Weight Sold (Kg)
Verified Weight
Landed (Kg)
Species: TOP (Dissostichus eleginoides), TOA (Dissostichus mawsoni)
Type: WHO Whole, HAG Headed and gutted, HAT Headed and tailed, FLT Fillet, HGT Headed, gutted, tailed, OTH Other (Specify)
7. Description of fish sold
Name of Recipient:
8. Landing/Transhipment information: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct, and that any Dissostichus spp. was taken in the Convention
Area, I certify that it was taken in a manner which is consistent with CCAMLR conservation measures.
Master of Fishing Vessel or Authorised
Landing/Transhipment Port and
Representative: (print in block letters)
Country /Area:
9A1. Certificate of Transhipment: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Master of Receiving Vessel:
Vessel Name:
Call Sign:
IMO/Lloyd’s Number:
9B1. Transhipment within a Port Area (countersignature by port authority if appropriate)
Seal (stamp):
9A2. Certificate of Transhipment: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Master of Receiving Vessel:
Vessel Name:
Call Sign:
IMO/Lloyd’s Number:
9B2. Transhipment within a Port Area (countersignature by port authority if appropriate)
Seal (stamp):
10. Certificate of Landing: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
* Report FAO Statistical Area/Subarea/Division where catch was taken and indicate the catch was taken on the high seas or within an EEZ.
Catch Document Number:
Export code:
Fishing Vessel Name:
Net Weight Exported (kg)
11. Description of Fish Exported
Species: TOP (Dissostichus eleginoides), TOA (Dissostichus mawsoni)
Type: WHO Whole; HAG Headed and gutted; HAT Headed and tailed; FLT Fillet; HGT Headed, gutted, tailed; OTH Other (specify)
Transport Details
If by sea/air:
If ground transport
Container number; OR
Truck registration number; AND
Vessel name; OR
Nationality of truck; OR
Flight number;
Railway transport number; AND
Bill of lading/airway bill number;
Date of issue:
Date of issue:
Place of issue:
Place of issue:
12. Exporter Certification: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Export Licence:
13. Export Government Authority Validation: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Name / title:
Seal (Stamp):
14. Import Section
Date of import:
Name of importer:
Point of Unlading:
Point of Unlading, State/Province:
Point of Unlading, Country:
ANNEX 10-05/B
B1. The overall objective of the CDS Fund (‘the Fund’) is to provide a mechanism which
enables the Commission to enhance its capacity to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU
fishing in the Convention Area, by inter alia, improving the effectiveness of the CDS.
B2. The Fund will be operated according to the following provisions:
The Fund shall be used for special projects, or special needs of the Secretariat if
the Commission so decides, aimed at enhancing the Commission’s capacity to
contribute to the prevention, deterrence and elimination of IUU fishing in the
Convention Area. The Fund may also be used for assisting the development and
improving the effectiveness of the CDS and for other such purposes as the
Commission may decide.
The Fund shall be used primarily for projects conducted by the Secretariat,
although the participation of Members in these projects is not precluded. While
individual Member projects shall be considered, this shall not replace the normal
responsibilities of Members of the Commission. The Fund shall not be used for
routine Secretariat activities.
(iii) Proposals for special projects may be made by Members, by the Commission or
the Scientific Committee and their subsidiary bodies, or by the Secretariat.
Proposals shall be submitted to the annual meeting of the Commission as working
papers and be accompanied by an explanation of the proposal and an itemised
statement of estimated expenditure.
(iv) The Commission will, at each annual meeting, designate six Members to serve on
a Review Panel to review proposals and to make recommendations to the
Commission on whether to fund special projects or special needs. The Review
Panel will meet during the first week of the Commission’s annual meeting.
The Commission shall review all proposals and decide on appropriate projects and
funding as a standing agenda item at its annual meeting.
(vi) The Fund may be used to assist Acceding States and non-Contracting Parties that
wish to cooperate with CCAMLR by contributing to the prevention, deterrence
and elimination of IUU fishing in the Convention Area, so long as this use is
consistent with provisions (i) and (ii) above. Such assistance shall be provided
within the scope of the CCAMLR Cooperation Enhancement Program contained
in the Policy to Enhance Cooperation between CCAMLR and non-Contracting
Parties. Acceding States and non-Contracting Parties may submit proposals for
consideration by the Commission at its annual meeting, if the proposals are
sponsored by, or in cooperation with, a Member or the Secretariat.
(vii) The Financial Regulations of the Commission shall apply to the Fund, except in
so far as these provisions provide or the Commission decides otherwise.
(viii) The Secretariat shall report to the annual meeting of the Commission on the
activities of the Fund, including its income and expenditure. Annexed to the
report shall be reports on the progress of each project being funded by the Fund,
including details of the expenditure on each project. The report will be circulated
to Members in advance of the annual meeting.
(ix) Where an individual Member project is being funded according to provision (ii),
that Member shall provide an annual report on the progress of the project,
including details of the expenditure on the project. The report shall be submitted
to the Secretariat as a working paper to be circulated to Members in advance of
the annual meeting. When the project is completed, that Member shall provide a
final statement of account certified by an auditor acceptable to the Commission.
The Commission shall review all ongoing projects at its annual meeting as a
standing agenda item and reserves the right, after notice, to cancel a project at any
time should it decide that it is necessary. Such a decision shall be exceptional,
and shall take into account progress made to date and likely progress in the future,
and shall in any case be preceded by an invitation from the Commission to the
project coordinator to present a case for continuation of funding.
(xi) The Commission may modify these provisions at any time.
ANNEX 10-05/C
C1. Prior to the annual meeting of the Commission, the Executive Secretary shall contact all
non-Contracting Parties which are known to be involved in the trade with Dissostichus
spp. to urge them to become a Contracting Party to CCAMLR or to attain the status of a
non-Contracting Party cooperating with CCAMLR by participating in the Catch
Documentation Scheme for Dissostichus spp. (CDS) in accordance with the provisions
of Conservation Measure 10-05 and produce a summary paper for consideration by the
Commission. The Executive Secretary shall provide copies of this conservation
measure and any related resolutions adopted by the Commission.
C2. The Executive Secretary shall also establish contact with any non-Contracting Party
during the intersessional period, as soon as possible after it was known the nonContracting Party was engaged in the trade with Dissostichus spp. The Executive
Secretary shall immediately circulate any written responses to the Members of the
C3. The Executive Secretary shall encourage non-Contracting Parties to approach the
CCAMLR Secretariat with requests for assistance. Proposals must demonstrate how
any specific assistance requested will help to combat IUU fishing in the Convention
Area. Such requests will be considered by the Commission at its annual meeting.
C4. Any non-Contracting Party that seeks to be accorded the status of non-Contracting Party
cooperating with CCAMLR by participating in the CDS shall apply to the Executive
Secretary requesting such status. Such requests must be received by the Executive
Secretary no later than ninety (90) days in advance of an annual meeting of the CAMLR
Commission in order to be considered at that meeting.
C5. Any non-Contracting Party requesting the status of a non-Contracting Party cooperating
with CCAMLR by participating in the CDS shall fulfil the following requirements in
order to have this status considered by the Commission:
Information requirements:
communicate the data required under the CDS.
Compliance requirements:
implement all the provisions of Conservation Measure 10-05;
inform CCAMLR of all the measures taken to ensure compliance by its
vessels used for the transhipments of Dissostichus spp. and its operators,
including inter alia, and as appropriate, inspection at sea and in port, CDS
respond to alleged violations of CCAMLR measures by its vessels
transhipping Dissostichus spp. and its operators, as determined by the
appropriate bodies, and communicate to CCAMLR the actions taken against
C6. An applicant for the status of a non-Contracting Party cooperating with CCAMLR by
participating in the CDS shall also:
confirm its commitment to implement Conservation Measure 10-05; and
inform the Commission of the measures it takes to ensure compliance by its
operators with Conservation Measure 10-05.
C7. The Standing Committee for Implementation and Compliance (SCIC) shall be
responsible for reviewing requests for the status of non-Contracting Party cooperating
with CCAMLR by participating in the CDS and for recommending to the Commission
whether the applicants should be granted such status.
C8. Annually the Commission shall review the status granted to each non-Contracting Party
and may revoke this status if the non-Contracting Party concerned has not complied
with the criteria for attaining such status established by this measure.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2010-03-22 |
File Created | 2010-03-22 |