2010 Principal Survey (2004 and 2007Grantee Cohorts )

Conversion Magnet Schools Evaluation

Att_1850-0832 v3 (4205) App L Principal Survey 2009-10 School Year -12-22-09

2010 Principal Survey (2004 and 2007Grantee Cohorts )

OMB: 1850-0832

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Appendix L

Principal Survey

2009-2010 School Year

National Evaluation of Magnet Schools

Principal Survey

2009-2010 School Year

October 2009

Dear Principal:

The National Evaluation of Magnet Schools is designed to examine the relationship between magnet programs and the academic achievement and minority group isolation of elementary school students. This study includes schools that have recently introduced magnet programs as well as schools that do not currently offer them. Because you are the principal of a school that is part of the study, we are asking you to complete this survey, which we estimate will take about a half hour of your time. Your participation is voluntary, but it is important and very much appreciated. Below are answers to some general questions concerning your participation.

What is the purpose of this survey?

The purpose of this survey is to obtain background information on principals and the resources, staffing, climate and programs at their schools. This information will help provide a sound basis for evaluating and understanding the relationship of magnet schools to student achievement and minority group isolation based on an examination of changes over time and the context surrounding these changes.

Who is conducting this survey?

The National Evaluation of Magnet Schools was commissioned by the Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES), in collaboration with the Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII). The study is being conducted for IES by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and Berkeley Policy Associates (BPA).

Why should you participate in this survey?

You are an expert on the strengths of, and the challenges facing, elementary schools in this country, and the only individual capable of providing us with first-hand information about your school’s unique circumstances. Policymakers and educational leaders rely on findings from studies like the National Evaluation of Magnet Schools to inform their decisions. The current study will fill a critical gap in the literature about the relationship between magnet school programs and student outcomes, which can inform educators and parents alike.

How will your information be reported?

The information you provide will be combined with the information provided by others to describe the general group of schools in statistical reports. No individual data that link your name, address, or telephone number with your responses will be included in the statistical reports.

Will your responses be kept confidential?

Your individual responses are protected from disclosure by federal statute (P.L. 107-279, Title I, Part E, Sec.183). Responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific district or individual. We will not provide information that identifies you, your school, or your district to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law.

Where should you return your completed survey?

Please place your completed survey in the enclosed envelope and follow the return instructions provided by AIR and BPA.

Thank you very much for your help in this important study.


  • It is important that this questionnaire be completed by the school principal.

  • The questions in this survey refer to the 2009-2010 school year.

  • If you were not the principal in 2009-2010, you may need to consult with key staff who worked in the school that year.

  • If you are unsure about how to answer a question, please give the best answer you can rather than leave it blank.

Please write your answers directly on the questionnaire by marking the appropriate box, by circling the appropriate number, or by writing your answer in the space given.

Thank you for your cooperation in this very important effort!

Staffing and Teacher Characteristics

  1. What was the count of full- and part-time teachers who were teaching here in October 2006 and October 2009? Please include in your counts all regular classroom or general education teachers, special area or resource teachers, and long-term substitute teachers. Do not include student teachers or short-term substitute teachers. Record counts of individuals, not FTEs (full time equivalents).





Full-time teachers

Part-time teachers

  1. How many new full and part time teachers did your school hire over the three school years from 2007-2008 through 2009-2010? Please include all teachers who were newly hired during this period to work at your school, even if they are no longer working at your school. However, count each individual only once based on their current or last status as a full or part-time teacher at the school. Do not include student teachers or individuals serving as short term substitutes. Record counts of individuals, not FTEs (full time equivalents).

Count of Newly Hired Teachers

2007-2008 through 2009-2010

Full-time teachers

Part-time teachers

  1. How many of your school’s full-time and part-time teachers in 2009-2010 were members of the following groups? Write the number on each line. Enter “0” on the line if your school has no teachers of that racial-ethnic group. Note: If your records do not permit you to distinguish teachers in the Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander group from those of Asian origin, use the line in row “c” to report the count of teachers who are “Asian or Pacific Islander” and enter “NA” in the line for row “e”. If your records do not permit distinguishing individuals of two or more races, enter “NA in the line for row “g”.


a. Hispanic or Latino, of any race


b. American Indian or Alaska Native, not Hispanic or Latino


c. Asian, not Hispanic or Latino


d. Black, not Hispanic or Latino


e. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, not Hispanic or Latino


f. White, not Hispanic or Latino


g. Two or more races, not Hispanic or Latino


h. TOTAL Full and Part-time Teachers (2009-2010)


  1. How many staff members did your school employ in 2009-2010 in the following categories? Please provide counts in column (1) of staff members who worked full time at your school and in column (2) of staff members who worked part time at your school. Place each staff member in only one staff category. If there were no staff in your school in a category, enter “0”on the line for that category. Record counts of individuals, not FTEs (full time equivalents).

Staff Category


Number who

worked full time

in the school


Number who worked part time

in the school

a. General education teachers



b. Gym, drama, music or art teachers



c. Special education and related service providers



d. ESL/bilingual education teachers



e. Reading teachers/specialists



f. Teachers of gifted/talented



g. School nurses or health professionals



h. School psychologists, social workers, or counselors



i. Paraprofessionals (e.g., classroom aides or library assistants)



j. Library media specialists/librarians



School Facilities and Resources

  1. How many students is your school currently designed to serve? (Do not include space provided by portables or other temporary instructional space.)

_______ Students

(If your school consists entirely of portable [temporary] buildings, check here: and enter the number of students the portable [temporary] buildings are designed to serve on the line above. Then skip to question 7.)

  1. a. Does this school have one or more portable (temporary) buildings?

  • Yes

  • No

b. How many additional students (i.e., beyond the number reported above in response to question #3) are the portable (temporary) buildings designed to serve?

_______ Students

  1. What is the total number of computers in this school? Include computers used for instructional and administrative purposes. If none, mark (X) the box.

  • None – Go to item 10

_______ Number of computers

  1. Of the total number of computers in this school, how many are used for instructional purposes?

  • None – Go to item 10

_______ Number of computers

  1. Do most students have access to the Internet through computers located in this school?

  • Yes

  • No

School Climate and Safety

  1. Indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about the school’s climate. Mark (X) one box in each row.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

  1. Parents are actively involved in this school’s programs.

  1. Teacher absenteeism is a problem at this school.

  1. Teacher turnover is a problem at this school.

  1. Child absenteeism is a problem at this school.

  1. The community served by this school is supportive of its goals and activities.

  1. There is a consensus among administrators and teachers on goals and expectations.

  1. Order and discipline are maintained satisfactorily in the building(s).

  1. Overcrowding is a problem at this school.

  1. Parents of children in this school are welcome to observe classes any time they are in session.

  1. Did any of the following types of problems occur at this school during the 2009-2010 school year? Mark (X) one box in each row.



  1. Children bringing weapons to school?

  1. Things being taken directly from children or teachers by force or threat of force at school or on the way to or from school?

  1. Children or teachers being physically attacked or involved in fights?

  1. Children bringing in or using alcohol at school?

  1. Children bringing in or using illegal drugs at school?

  1. Vandalism of school property?

Professional Development

  1. a. In the 2009-2010 school year, did this school provide teachers with time for professional

development during regular contract hours?

  • Yes – Continue with Item 12b

  • No – Go to Item 13

  1. Were the following used to provide teachers with time for professional development during regular contract hours? Mark (X) one box in each row.



Substitutes to cover teachers’ classes?

Early dismissal or late start for students?

Professional days built in before the beginning of the school year?

Professional days built in during the school year?

Professional days built in after the school year?

Common planning time for teachers for professional development?

Reduced teacher workloads (Less time in the classroom with students, or less time or assigned non-instructional duties) for professional development?

  1. During the 2009-2010 school year, approximately how much emphasis did the school place on professional development for teachers in the following areas? Mark (X) one box in each row.

Professional development areas

No emphasis

Little emphasis

Moderate emphasis

A great deal

of emphasis

In-depth study in the core academic subjects taught

New methods of teaching (e.g., cooperative learning)

State or district curriculum and performance standards

Integration of educational technology in the grade or subject taught

Student performance assessment (e.g., methods of testing, interpreting assessment data, applying results to modify instruction)

Classroom management (including student discipline)

Question 13 continued on the next page.

13. Continued from previous page. Mark (X) one box in each row.

Professional development areas

No emphasis

Little emphasis

Moderate emphasis

A great deal

of emphasis

Addressing the needs of students with limited English proficiency or from diverse cultural backgrounds

Addressing the needs of students with disabilities

Addressing the needs of struggling readers

Other (please specify):


  1. Does this school use coaches* to help teachers strengthen their teaching in the following areas? Mark (X) one box in each row.





*Whereas reading or mathematics specialists work directly with students, reading and mathematics coaches work directly with teachers to improve their teaching of reading and mathematics.

Goals and Decision Making

  1. We are interested in the importance you place on various educational goals. From the following nine goals, which do you consider the most important, the second most important, and the third most important? (Please write the numbers of the three most important goals in the boxes below.)

  1. Building basic literacy skills (reading, math, writing, speaking)

  2. Encouraging academic excellence

  3. Promoting occupational or vocational skills

  4. Promoting good work habits and self-discipline

  5. Promoting personal growth (self-esteem, self-knowledge, etc.)

  6. Promoting human relations skills

  7. Promoting multi-cultural awareness or understanding

  8. Fostering religious or spiritual development

Most important

Second most important

Third most important

  1. How much actual influence do you think each of the following groups or people has on decisions concerning the following activities? Mark (X) one box in each row.

a. Establishing curriculum at this school



Minor influence

Moderate influence

Major influence

  1. State department of education or other state-level bodies (e.g., state board of education)

  1. Local school board

  1. School district staff

  1. Principal

  1. Teachers

  1. Curriculum specialists

  1. Parent association

b. Determining the content of in-service professional development programs for teachers at this school



Minor influence

Moderate influence

Major influence

  1. State department of education or other state-level bodies (e.g., state board of education)

  1. Local school board

  1. School district staff

  1. Principal

  1. Teachers

  1. Curriculum specialists

  1. Parent association

Parental Involvement

  1. During the 2009-2010 school year, about how many of the parents at your school participated in or were involved in each of the following? (“Parents” includes parents and other caregivers.)

None / not offered

10% or fewer



50% or more

Open house or back-to-school night

Regularly scheduled school-wide parent-teacher conferences

Special subject-area events (e.g., science fair, concert)

Parent education workshops or courses offered

Parent-child learning activities at school

Parents as volunteers in the school

Parents involved in instructional issues

Parents involved in governance

Parents involved in budget decisions

Program and Practices

  1. Which of the following best describes your school’s primary focus in terms of program content? Mark (X) one box.

  1. We have a comprehensive curriculum (no specialized area of focus)

  2. We have a special curricular focus (e.g., arts, math/science, foreign language, character education)

(Please specify: _____________________________________________)

  1. Our curriculum is based on a particular educational philosophy or set of values (e.g., Montessori, open school)

(Please specify: _____________________________________________)

  1. Other

(Please specify: _____________________________________________)

  1. In each grade, which of the following goals are considered important in assigning students to classrooms at the beginning of the school year?










None (assignment is random)

Grouping students by ability (i.e., homogeneous by ability)

Maintaining mixed-ability classrooms

Maintaining socioeconomic diversity

Maintaining race-ethnic diversity

Maintaining same-sex classrooms

Matching teacher strengths to student needs

  1. As a general school policy, how many hours and minutes per week do third-grade students in your school spend learning each of the following subjects? (Write in the total numbers of hours and minutes per week. Example: For 1 ½ hours per day, write “1” hours and “30” minutes per week. The time spent in individual subjects should sum to the total instructional time per week.)

If there are no third-grade students in your school, check here and skip to Question 21.

Time per week for typical 3rd grade student

in your school






Reading/language arts/English








Social studies/History








Physical education/Health




Other (please specify): ________________________




Total Instructional Time per Week:



School Improvement Strategies

  1. Looking back over the last three school years (2007-2008 through 2009-2010), how much has your school focused on the following strategies in its improvement efforts? Mark (X) one box in each row.

School was…

Not a focus

Minor focus

Moderate focus

Major focus

  1. Using student achievement data to inform instruction and school improvement

  1. Aligning curriculum and instruction with standards and/or assessments

  1. Implementing new instructional approaches or curricula in reading/language arts/English

  1. Implementing new instructional approaches or curricula in mathematics

  1. Providing additional instruction to low-achieving students

  1. Restructuring the school day to teach core content areas in greater depth (e.g., establishing a literacy block)

  1. Increasing instructional time for all students (e.g., by lengthening the school day or year, shortening recess)

  1. Providing extended-time instructional programs (e.g., before-school, after-school or weekend instructional programs)

  1. Implementing strategies for increasing parents’ involvement in their children’s education

  1. Increasing the intensity, focus and effectiveness of professional development

  1. For each of the following extended-time instructional programs, please indicate whether such a program is available in your school, and if so, enter the:

  1. Number of children served

  2. Number of hours children are served per week

  3. Number of weeks children are served per year

(Report only on instructional programs and do not include preschool, summer school, before- or after-school child care, clubs, or recreation programs. Mark the box if the program is available in your school, and if so, write in numbers in each box below.)

Program available

A. Number of children served

B. Number of hours per week

C. Number of weeks per year

  1. Before-school tutorial or instructional program

  1. After-school tutorial or instructional program

  1. Weekend tutorial or instructional program

  1. Please indicate the school improvement activities, if any, your school took either as a response to not making Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), or to avoid failing to meet AYP, and the year(s) in which your school engaged in that activity by marking an X in the appropriate box(es).

Type of Activity

School Year

Prior to





No action taken as none was required

Adopted program improvement plan

Converted to magnet school

Converted to charter school

Hired outside expert to advise school

Offered students transfers to schools of choice that are not in need of improvement

Offered students supplemental education services

Implemented new instructional approaches or curricula

Extended length of school day or year

Selectively replaced staff members whose performance was related to reason for failure to meet AYP

Decreased authority of school administrators

Reconstituted the school*

Contracted with a private entity to manage the school

Turned over operation of the school to the state

Other (specify): ________________________


Don’t know what activities were undertaken

*A school is reconstituted when all school personnel contracts are canceled and new administrators/staff/teachers are hired.

Principal Background

  1. Prior to the 2009-2010 school year, how many years were you employed in each of the following positions? Count part of a year as 1 year. If none, mark (X) the box.

  1. As principal of this school

  • None or ________ years

  1. As principal of another school or schools

  • None or ________ years

  1. a. How many years of elementary or secondary teaching experience did you have prior to becoming a principal? Count part of a year as one year. If none, mark (X) the box.

  • None or ________ year(s) of teaching

  1. Did you hold any school position other than teaching before you became a principal (e.g., department head, curriculum specialist, assistant principal or program director, guidance counselor, athletic coach, sponsor for student clubs or debate teams)?

  • Yes please describe:________________________________________

  • No

  1. What is the highest degree you have earned? Mark (X) only one box.

  • Associate degree

  • Bachelor’s degree (B.A., B.S., B.E., etc.)

  • Master’s degree (M.A., M.A.T., M.B.A., M.Ed., M.S., etc.)

  • Education specialist or professional diploma (at least one year beyond master’s level)

  • Doctorate or professional degree (Ph.D., Ed.D., M.D., L.L.B., J.D., D.D.S.)

  • Do not have a degree

  1. What is your gender?

  • Male

  • Female

  1. Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin?

  • Yes, I am Hispanic or Latino

  • No, I am not Hispanic or Latino

  1. a. What is your race? Mark (X) one or more races to describe yourself.

  • White

  • Black or African American

  • Asian

  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

  • American Indian or Alaska Native – Go to item 29b

b. Are you enrolled in a state or federally recognized tribe?

  • Yes

  • No


  • If your school received federal funding from the Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) in

    • the 2009-2010 school year: Please go to Item 30

    • the 2006-2007 school year: Please go to Item 36

  • If your school did not receive federal funding from for a magnet program in either 2006-2007 or 2009-2010, you have completed your portion of the survey.

Thank you for your help!



Principal Role and Implementation of the MSAP Program1

  1. If you were principal of this school during the 2006-2007 school year, continue with Item 30a.

If you became principal of this school after the 2006-2007 school year, please go to Item 30b.

a. What role, if any, did the fact that this school was designated as an MSAP magnet school (i.e., received a federal magnet grant) have in your continuing as principal after the 2006-2007 school year? Mark (X) one box.

  • Little or no role: I would have remained as principal without the magnet program.

  • Some role: I remained in part because I was interested in the magnet program.

  • The MSAP designation played a strong role: I remained as principal specifically because of my interest in the magnet program.

Go to Item 31.

b. What role, if any, did the fact that this school was designated as an MSAP magnet school (i.e., received a federal magnet grant) have in your becoming principal after the 2006-2007 school year? Mark (X) one box.

  • Little or no role: I would have become principal here even without the magnet program.

  • Some role: I became principal here in part because I was interested in the magnet program.

  • A strong role: I was hired specifically to manage the magnet program in this school.

Go to Item 31.

  1. To what extent were you involved in applying for or planning the magnet program for this school (i.e., during the development of the MSAP grant application and the start-up of the program)? Mark (X) one box.

  • Not involved

  • Slightly involved

  • Moderately involved

  • Strongly involved

  1. How easy or difficult has it been to build a staff in this school that actively supports the magnet program (e.g., its curriculum, teaching methods, and activities)? Mark (X) one box.

  • Very easy

  • Fairly easy

  • Fairly difficult

  • Very difficult

  1. How complete was the implementation of the following components of the intended magnet program by the end of the first (2007-2008) and last (2009-2010) years of the grant?



Implementation Category

Not at all




Not applicable

Not at all




Not applicable

Hiring specialist staff

Hiring new staff who are enthusiastic about implementing magnet plan

Providing professional staff development related to intended magnet program

Obtaining instructional materials/equipment

Planning curriculum

Delivering curriculum (e.g., special activities, lessons)

Developing new assessments

Applying new assessments

  1. How important is completion of the following implementation activities to the success of the magnet program? (Please check one response category for each activity. Separately, in the right-most column, please identify the one implementation activity from the list, the completion of which is most important to the success of the magnet program.)

Implementation Activity

Importance of Completing Implementation of Activity to
Success of the Magnet Program

What is the most important activity

(choose only one)

Not important or not applicable

Minor importance

Moderate importance

Major importance

Hiring specialist staff

Hiring new staff who are enthusiastic about implementing magnet plan

Providing professional staff development related to intended magnet program

Obtaining instructional materials/equipment

Planning curriculum

Delivering curriculum (e.g., special activities, lessons)

Developing new assessments

Applying new assessments

  1. In the 2009-2010 school year, approximately what percentage of students in each grade received instruction using the curriculum and/or teaching methods that are part of this school’s magnet program? (Please indicate your best estimate for each grade in which students are enrolled at your school. Please leave a row blank if your school does not enroll students in the grade indicated on the left.)


Percent of students receiving instruction using magnet program

curriculum and/or teaching method

Magnet program not offered at this grade

25% or less

26% to 50%

51% to 75%

76% or more

Nearly All Students


First grade

Second grade

Third grade

Fourth grade

Fifth grade

Sixth grade

Seventh grade

Eighth grade

Thank you for your help!



Post-Grant Implementation of the MSAP Magnet Program2

36. If you were principal of this school during the 2006-2007 school year, continue with Item 36a.

If you became principal of this school after the 2006-2007 school year, please go to Item 36b.

a. What role, if any, did the fact that this school remained a magnet school after the end of the federal MSAP grant have in your continuing as principal after the 2006-2007 school year? Mark (X) one box.

  • Little or no role: I would have remained as principal without the magnet program.

  • Some role: I remained in part because I was interested in the magnet program.

  • The fact that the school remained a magnet school played a strong role: I remained as principal specifically because of my interest in the magnet program.

Go to Item 37.

b. What role, if any, did the fact that this school was a magnet school have in your becoming principal after the 2006-2007 school year? Mark (X) one box.

  • Little or no role: I would have become principal here even without the magnet program.

  • Some role: I became principal here in part because I was interested in the magnet program.

  • A strong role: I was hired specifically to manage the magnet program in this school.

Go to Item 37.

  1. To what extent were you involved in planning for the continuation of the magnet program following the end of the MSAP grant support (i.e., identifying funds to support the program, planning additional curriculum)? Mark (X) one box.

  • Not involved

  • Slightly involved

  • Moderately involved

  • Strongly involved

  1. Following the end of funding from the MSAP grant, how easy or difficult has it been to maintain a staff that actively supports the magnet program (e.g., its curriculum, teaching methods, and activities)? Mark (X) one box.

  • Very easy

  • Fairly easy

  • Fairly difficult

  • Very difficult

  1. How complete was the implementation of the following components of the intended magnet program by the end of 2007-2008 and 2009-2010 school years?



Implementation Category

Not at all




Not applicable

Not at all




Not applicable

Hiring specialist staff

Hiring new staff who are enthusiastic about implementing magnet plan

Providing professional staff development related to intended magnet program

Obtaining instructional materials/equipment

Planning curriculum

Delivering curriculum (e.g., special activities, lessons)

Developing new assessments

Applying new assessments

  1. In the 2009-2010 school year, approximately what percentage of students in each grade received instruction using the curriculum and/or teaching methods that are part of this school’s magnet program? (Please indicate your best estimate for each grade in which students are enrolled at your school. Please leave a row blank if your school does not enroll students in the grade indicated on the left.)


Percent of students receiving instruction using magnet program curriculum and/or teaching method

Magnet program not offered at this grade

25% or less

26% to 50%

51% to 75%

76% or more

Nearly All Students


First grade

Second grade

Third grade

Fourth grade

Fifth grade

Sixth grade

Seventh grade

Eighth grade

Thank you for your help!

1 MSAP is the Magnet Schools Assistance Program, the federal grant that is supporting your magnet program.

2 MSAP is the Magnet Schools Assistance Program, the federal grant that is supporting your magnet program.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitlePrincipal Background and Role
AuthorBruce Christenson
Last Modified By#Administrator
File Modified2010-03-23
File Created2010-03-23

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