Private Sector

Questionnaire for Steam Electric Power Generating Effluent Guidelines (New)

Part G_022210.xls

Private Sector

OMB: 2040-0281

Document [xlsx]
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Part G Table of Contents
Part G Instructions
Part G Section 1
Part G Section 2
Part G Section 3
Part G Section 4
Part G Section 5
Part G Sampling Results
Part G Comments

Sheet 1: Part G Table of Contents


Plant ID: Insert Plant ID
OMB Control Number: XXXX-XXXX

Plant Name: Insert Plant Name
Expiration Date: mm/dd/yyyy

Steam Electric Questionnaire
Second FRN Version Draft


Table of Contents

Section Title

Tab Name

Part G Instructions
Part G Instructions
Leachate Collection
Part G Section 1
Leachate Generated from Ponds/Impoundments and
Part G Section 2

Leachate Sample Collection Instructions
Part G Section 3
Sample Collection Information
Part G Section 4
Waste Information
Part G Section 5
Laboratory Analytical Data Form
Part G Sampling Results
Part G Comments
Part G Comments

Sheet 2: Part G Instructions

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part G. Instructions

Plant ID: Insert Plant ID

Plant Name: Insert Plant Name



Complete Part G of the questionnaire for your plant. As you are completing the electronic form, note the following: When you enter your plant name and plant ID on the Part G TOC tab, all name and ID fields throughout Part G will automatically populate. Refer to the overall questionnaire instructions, the glossary, and the acronym list for assistance with completing Part G.

Please provide all free response answers in the highlighted yellow areas. Throughout Part G, you may need to make copies of certain sections/questions. Instructions are provided throughout Part G regarding making copies. Note that pond/impoundment unit and landfill names must be populated on the copied tab or section, located in the upper right corner under "Plant ID" and "Plant Name", in order to correlate the requested information with the pond/impoundment or landfill.

Use the Part G Comments tab to do the following: provide additional information as requested in certain questions within Part G; indicate atypical data (e.g.,if the analytical data provided from the sample collection is not representative of normal operations); and note methods used to make best engineering estimates in the event that exact data are not available.

Sampling data and the completed Part G of the questionnaire shall be submitted to EPA no later than 120 calendar days after receiving the questionnaire.

A company or plant may be exempt from the leachate sample collection (Question G3-1). Please refer to Question G1-1 and the "Applicability" section located in the "Part G Section 3" tab to determine if you are exempt and how to submit a written explanation.

Sheet 3: Part G Section 1

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part G. Leachate Sampling Data for Ponds/Impoundments and Landfills

Plant ID: Insert Plant ID

Plant Name: Insert Plant Name

Part: G

Section Title: 1. Leachate Collection

Instructions: Part G requests leachate sampling data for pond/impoundment units and landfills used for the storage, treatment, and/or disposal of residues or by-products (or sludges or water streams containing the residues or by-products) from the combustion of coal or petroleum coke, including, but not limited to, fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, or flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system residues. This includes liquid-borne material and solid material.

CBI? G1-1. Is leachate currently collected from any pond/impoundment and/or landfill, including those located on non-adjoining property, that contains residues or by-products from the combustion of coal or petroleum coke? Please see the glossary for a complete definition of leachate, which includes the terms seepage, leak, and leakage.

(Skip to Section 2)

(Skip to next Questionnaire Part)

Sheet 4: Part G Section 2

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part G. Leachate Sampling Data for Ponds/Impoundments and Landfills

Plant ID: Insert Plant ID

Plant Name: Insert Plant Name

Pond/Impoundment Unit or Landfill ID: Insert ID

Part: G

Section Title: 2. Leachate Generated from Ponds/Impoundments and Landfills

Instructions: Make copies of Section 2 (Questions G2-1 through G2-4) for each pond/impoundment unit and landfill, including those located on non-adjoining property, used for the storage, treatment, and/or disposal of residues or by-products (or sludges or water streams containing the residues or by-products) from the combustion of coal or petroleum coke, including, but not limited to, fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, or flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system residues. This includes liquid-borne material and solid material. Enter the pond/impoundment unit or landfill ID in the space provided above (use pond/impoundment unit and landfill IDs assigned in Table A-4 and Table A-6). Please provide all free response answers in the highlighted yellow areas.

Make a copy of Section 2 for each pond/impoundment unit and landfill, including those located on non-adjoining property, using the "Copy Section 2" button below.

NOTE: "Treatment" refers to the removal of specific pollutants or process wastewater constituents other than suspended solids. Refer to Figure G-1 below to help determine the leachate sample collection requirements for this pond/impoundment or landfill.

CBI? G2-1. Is leachate currently collected from this pond/impoundment unit or landfill (excluding leachate returned to the pond/impoundment from which it originated)?


(Skip to Section 5)

CBI? G2-2.

(Skip to Section 3. Provide ONLY untreated monitoring data as described in Question G3-1.)


CBI? G2-3. Is the collected leachate from this pond/impoundment unit or landfill that is not transferred off site currently treated?


(Skip to Section 3. Provide ONLY untreated monitoring data as described in Question G3-1.)

CBI? G2-4. Is the leachate combined with other waste streams prior to treatment?

(Provide treated and untreated monitoring data as described in Question G3-1)

(Provide ONLY untreated monitoring data as described in Question G3-1)

(Provide treated and untreated monitoring data as described in Question G3-1)

Figure G-1. Leachate Collection Decision Tree

Sheet 5: Part G Section 3

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part G. Leachate Sampling Data for Ponds/Impoundments and Landfills

Plant ID: Insert Plant ID

Plant Name: Insert Plant Name

Part: G

Section Title: 3. Leachate Sample Collection Instructions


Collect process wastewater samples of untreated and/or treated leachate streams generated from pond(s)/impoundment(s) and landfill(s) used for the storage, treatment, or disposal of residues or by-products (or sludges or water streams containing the residues or by-products) from the combustion of coal or petroleum coke, including, but not limited to, fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, or flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system residues (this includes liquid-borne material and solid material).

Sampling data and the completed Part G of the questionnaire shall be submitted to EPA no later than 120 calendar days after receiving the questionnaire.

The samples should be collected as detailed in these instructions. In general, samples should be collected as grab samples (i.e., composite samples are not required). The plant should collect samples from each leachate collection point for each pond/impoundment and landfill. If the plant determines that a sample from one or more collection points are representative of an individual pond/impoundment or landfill, then the plant may simply collect the representative sample(s). The plant should collect samples from each sampling location once per week for four consecutive weeks, or as soon thereafter as sufficient leachate is available for collection.

The following analytes and analytical methods must be used for the sample analysis:

• Metals (total recoverable; antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, vanadium, and zinc) EPA Method 200.8

• Metals (total recoverable: aluminum, barium, boron, calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, tin, and titanium) EPA Method 200.7 or 200.8

• Mercury EPA Method 1631E

• Chlorides 40 CFR Part 136-approved method

• Sulfates 40 CFR Part 136-approved method

• Total dissolved solids (TDS) 40 CFR Part 136-approved method

• Total suspended solids (TSS) 40 CFR Part 136-approved method

• pH 40 CFR Part 136-approved method

Each company or plant is responsible for identifying and contracting an analytical laboratory to perform the analyses.


A plant may be exempt from the leachate sample collection (and skip to Question G3-2) if one of these two circumstances is true:

1. The plant can provide previously collected leachate characterization data if it fulfills the following data requirements:

• Must have data from leachate generated from each pond/impoundment and landfill where leachate is collected;
• Must have at least four samples of untreated and/or treated leachate, where each sample is collected at least five days apart; and
• Must have tested for every analyte listed above using the specified analytical methods.

2. The plant personnel are unable to collect the samples safely.

If you believe you are exempt, you must submit a written explanation justifying one or both of these two circumstances within two weeks after receiving the questionnaire by e-mail (preferred) or mailed to:

Jezebele Alicea
Engineering and Analysis Division
Mail Code: 4303T
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20460
[email protected]

EPA will then determine if the plant is exempt from the leachate sample collection requirement. If the plant can provide previously collected leachate characterization data, then the plant should skip Section 4 (Questions G4-1 and G4-2) and continue to Section 5 (Question G5-1). Also, the plant must provide the leachate sampling data in Table G-4 found in the "Part G Sampling Results" tab. If the plant cannot collect the samples safely, then the plant should complete Question G4-1, then continue to Section 5 (Question G5-1).


Collect untreated and/or treated leachate samples from each pond/impoundment unit and landfill for which you responded "yes" in Question G2-1.

The untreated leachate samples must be collected directly from the leachate collection system or holding tank prior to any form of treatment. The treated leachate samples must be collected from the effluent from a leachate treatment system that is designed for the purpose of removing pollutants or process wastewater constituents, other than suspended solids, prior to discharge or commingling with other process wastewaters.

If the pond/impoundment unit and/or landfill has multiple collection points, the untreated sample may be collected from a common header area, if applicable. If there is not a common header area for the pond/impoundment or landfill, the plant may select one of the collection points that is "representative" of the pond/impoundment or landfill from which to collect the sample. If warranted due to the characteristics of the pond/impoundment or landfill, the plant may need to collect samples from more than one collection point to obtain representative samples. If the plant collects the samples from one ”representative” collection point, describe how the company or plant determined the collection point is “representative” of all of the collection points in the “Part G Comments” tab located at the end of Part G.


Collect one sample of untreated leachate (and one sample of treated leachate if appropriately identified by responses in Question G2-4) once per week for four weeks, or as soon thereafter as sufficient leachate is available for collection, from each pond/impoundment unit and landfill. Please note that the samples must be collected at least five days after the previous sample was collected. If the pond/impoundment or landfill does not generate leachate weekly, please collect the samples as soon as the leachate is generated, but allow at least five days between samples.

Example1: If a plant collects only untreated leachate from a pond/impoundment unit, and the samples are obtained from a single leachate collection point, the plant is required to collect a total of four samples.

Example 2: If a plant collects both untreated and treated leachate from both a pond/impoundment unit and a landfill, and each separately has a single leachate collection point and they have separate treatment systems, the plant is required to collect a total of sixteen samples.


After receiving the analytical results from the laboratory, enter the analytical data into the “Part G Sampling Results” tab. Report all results. Identify results that are less than the method detection limit (MDL), and results that are between the detection and reporting limits.


Follow the method-specified quality assurance/quality control analyses and attach a data review summary once the analyses are complete.

CBI? G3-2. Please attach an aerial photograph or drawing showing the entire waste management unit (i.e., pond/impoundment unit or landfill) that shows the boundaries and identifies all leachate collection points and the active and inactive areas of the pond/impoundment or landfill. Also, indicate the leachate sample location(s) used for this sample collection in the aerial photograph or drawing of the pond/impoundment unit or landfill.

CBI? G3-3. Please identify the leachate sample locations used for this sample collection in the block diagram previously requested in Question F4-2.

Sheet 6: Part G Section 4

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part G. Leachate Sampling Data for Ponds/Impoundments and Landfills

Plant ID: Insert Plant ID

Plant Name: Insert Plant Name

Part: G

Section Title: 4. Sample Collection Information

Instructions: Complete Table G-1 for each pond/impoundment unit and landfill that requires leachate sampling and is used for the storage, treatment, and/or disposal of residues or by-products (or sludges or water streams containing the residues or by-products) from the combustion of coal or petroleum coke, including, but not limited to, fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, or flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system residues. This includes liquid-borne material and solid material. Enter the pond/impoundment unit or landfill ID in the first column of Table G-1 (use pond/impoundment unit and landfill IDs assigned in Table A-4 and Table A-6). Please provide all free response answers in the highlighted yellow areas.

Collect daily rainfall data starting two weeks prior to collection of the first sample through the day of the last sample collected and enter the date and inches of rainfall in Table G-2.

G4-1. In Table G-1, provide a description of the sample collection location, the date the sample was collected, the flow rate of the leachate stream from the collection point (select the units of the flow rate), and identify if the leachate stream is treated or untreated. If the leachate sample is treated, provide the leachate treatment system ID previously identified in Table F-4.

Table G-1. Sample Collection Information

Pond/Impoundment Unit or Landfill ID (Use IDs from Tables A-4 and A-6) Sample Collection Location Sample Collection Location Description Date of Sample Collection (mm/dd/yyyy)

Leachate Treatment System ID: Common header area 1/25/2010


Leachate Treatment System ID:


Leachate Treatment System ID:


Leachate Treatment System ID:


Leachate Treatment System ID:

CBI? G4-2. In Table G-2, provide the inches of rainfall accumulated at the plant on a daily basis starting two weeks prior to the collection of the first leachate sample through the last day of sample collection.

Table G-2. Rainfall Data

Date Inches of Rainfall
Date Inches of Rainfall

Sheet 7: Part G Section 5

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part G. Leachate Sampling Data for Ponds/Impoundments and Landfills

Plant ID: Insert Plant ID

Plant Name: Insert Plant Name

Part: G

Section Title: 5. Waste Information

Instructions: Complete Table G-3 for each pond/impoundment unit and landfill, inluding those located on non-adjoining property, that is used for the storage, treatment, and/or disposal of residues or by-products (or sludges or water streams containing the residues or by-products) from the combustion of coal or petroleum coke, including, but not limited to, fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, or flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system residues. This includes liquid-borne material and solid material. Enter the pond/impoundment unit or landfill ID in the first column of Table G-3 (use pond/impoundment unit and landfill IDs assigned in Table A-4 and Table A-6). Please provide all free response answers in the highlighted yellow areas.

Make a copy of Section 5 to complete as many tables as needed to provide information for all pond/impoundment units and landfills, including those located on non-adjoining property, using the "Copy Section 5" button below.

G5-1. In Table G-3, indicate all process wastes, residues or by-products that are stored, treated, and/or disposed of in each pond/impoundment unit and/or landfill [Check all that apply]. If the landfill is partially capped, complete two rows, one for the amount of waste under the capped portion of the landfill and one for the amount of waste under the uncapped portion of the landfill. Please provide any additional wastes not listed by selecting “Other” and specifying the process waste, residue, or by-product in the highlighted yellow space provided. Complete as many rows of the table as needed to represent all pond/impoundment units and landfills at the plant. If more rows are needed, make additional copies of Table G-3 and complete as many tables as needed to provide information for all pond/impoundment units and landfills identified in Table A-4 and A-6.

Table G-3. Waste Information

Pond/Impoundment Unit or Landfill ID (Use IDs from Tables A-4 and A-6) Capped or Uncapped? Type and Amount of Waste































Sheet 8: Part G Sampling Results

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part G. Leachate Sampling Data for Ponds/Impoundments and Landfills

Plant ID: Insert Plant ID

Plant Name: Insert Plant Name

Pond/Impoundment Unit or Landfill ID: Insert ID

Sample Collection Location:

Part: G

Section Title: Laboratory Analytical Data Form

Instructions: Complete Table G-4 for each untreated and treated sample collection locations. Enter the pond/impoundment unit or landfill ID (use pond/impoundment unit and landfill IDs assigned in Table A-4 and Table A-6) and the sample collection location (identified previously in Table G-1) in the spaces provided above. Also, identify the name of the analytical laboratory that conducted the analyses and provide the sample collection location description previously identified in Table G-1. Report all results. Identify results that are less than the method detection limit (MDL), and results that are between the detection and reporting limits. Please provide all free response answers in the highlighted yellow areas.

Make a copy of Sampling Results Table for the each pond/impoundment unit and landfill chosen for the leachate sample collection using the "Copy Sampling Results Table" button below.

Name of analytical laboratory:

Sample collection location description:

Table G-4. Leachate Sampliing Analytical Data Form

Name of Analyte CAS Number Concentration (µg/L) Analytical Method Used Method Detection Limit (MDL) (µg/L) Reporting Limit (μg/L) Qualifiers for the Measurement

Example - Arsenic 7440-38-2 350
10 Detected in laboratory blank at less than 5 times the sample result


Aluminum 7429-90-5


Antimony 7440-36-0


Arsenic 7440-38-2


Barium 7440-39-3


Beryllium 7440-41-7


Boron 7440-42-8


Cadmium 7440-43-9


Calcium 7440-70-2


Chromium 7440-47-3


Cobalt 7440-48-4


Copper 7440-50-8


Iron 7439-89-6


Lead 7439-92-1


Magnesium 7439-95-4


Manganese 7439-95-4

Molybdenum 7439-98-7

Nickel 7440-02-0

Selenium 7782-49-2

Silver 7440-22-4

Sodium 7440-23-5

Sulfate No CAS

Thallium 7440-28-0

Tin 7440-31-5

Titanium 7440-32-6

Vanadium 7440-62-2

Zinc 7440-66-6

Mercury 7439-97-6

Chlorides No CAS

Total dissolved solids (TDS) No CAS

Total suspened solids (TSS) No CAS


Sheet 9: Part G Comments

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part G. Leachate Sampling Data for Ponds/Impoundments and Landfills

Plant Name: Insert Plant ID

Plant ID: Insert Plant Name

Part: G

Section Title: Part G Comments

Instructions: Cross reference your comments by question number and indicate the confidential status of your comment by checking the box next to "Yes" under "CBI?" (Confidential Business Information).

Question Number Comment

























File Typeapplication/
AuthorJennifer O'Neil
Last Modified ByESabol
File Modified2010-02-22
File Created2008-05-21

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