Wall Covering Fires Guidelines

OMB0029_2010_66_Wall covering fires.pdf

Follow-UP Activities for Product-Related Injuries

Wall Covering Fires Guidelines

OMB: 3041-0029

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OMB Control Number 3041-0029

Wall Covering Fires

Appendix 118
February 1999

A. Background
National fire loss data indicate that in 1996 there were an estimated 16,300
residential structure fires in which an interior wall covering was the first
material ignited. These fires caused an estimated 190 deaths, 550 injuries,
and $297 million in property loss. Available data indicate that the heat
sources in these fires commonly were various kinds of fixed and portable
heating equipment, kitchen ranges, and wiring components, among other
The purpose of this data collection is to learn more about the characteristics
of the materials ignited and about the nature of the heat to which it was
subjected before it ignited (e.g. flame versus long-term heat). When we know
that, we will have a better idea about how to proceed to reduce the number of
such fires. Some possible future actions include improvements to the fire
resistant characteristics of some materials, or changes to building codes to
require insulation of a heat source from adjoining materials or to require nonflammable materials in certain locations.
Because common data sources such as newspaper clippings and consumer
complaints usually focus on the heat source rather than the material ignited,
these sources may not be particularly useful in identifying fires involving
ignition of wall coverings. It is expected that fire departments will be the most
productive sources.
A data record sheet is attached at the end of this guideline to record selected
items that we expect to be important to each case. The information entered
in the sheet still needs to be included in the narrative, along with additional
relevant details.
B. Product Description
Fire departments normally code the material first ignited in a fire. This data
collection project will include any residential structure fire in which the fire
department cites "interior wall covering" as the first material ignited. In the

coding system most fire departments use, interior wall coverings are coded as
"15" under the variable "Form of Material First Ignited." Investigators will
need to verify the appropriate code with each department when they begin
the project. Review of the available fire data indicates that investigators can
expect to see a variety of wall coverings reported--paneling, wallpaper,
particle board, plywood, etc. Since CPSC is trying to identify the variety of
wall coverings involved, any material cited by the fire service as a residential
interior wall covering is in-scope. (Note that the CPSC product code for
wallpaper is 1863.)
It is of equal importance to identify the heat source that ignited the wall
covering. This could be a wide variety of items, including heating equipment,
cooking equipment, or installed electrical components, among others.
C. Specific Items of Interest
1) Description of the wall covering ignited, including material, labeling, age,
condition, and installation features. Collect sample and photograph when
2) Description of the heat source, its electrical rating, installation, age, use
characteristics (on the day of the fire and in general), indication of unusual
product operation or failure, and distance from material ignited.
3) Description of the type of heat that ignited the wall covering, whether
flame, heat only, sparks, etc., and any other information about ignition
sequence .
D. Headquarters Contacts
Linda Smith, EHHA, 301-504-0470, x 1275
Kimberly Ault, EHHA, 301-504-0470, x 1269
Linda Fansler, LS, 301-413-0153, x 1307

A. Synopsis
Describe the products involved in the fire, both the material ignited and the
heat source. Describe the distance of the heat source from the material and
the type of heat to which the wall covering was subjected (flame, heat only,
sparks, etc.) Cite the number of deaths and injuries.
For computer data retrieval, please use the following key words as
appropriate: wall covering, wallpaper, paneling, particle board, plywood, paint,
electric, gas, kerosene, fireplace, chimney, range, fixed heater, portable
heater, furnace, outlet, water heater.

B. Description of Incident Environment
Describe structure age and type (single family dwelling, apartment,
manufactured housing, etc.). Describe installation of the wall covering ignited,
indicating layers of materials and ages of all materials. Was there any
indication of heat damage to the wall covering before the fire occurred?
Indicate the cleanliness and general condition of the immediate and
surrounding areas. In particular, indicate the presence of grease or other
combustible materials that may have contributed to ignition.
Describe the heat source involved. If fixed, describe its location and details of
installation, including any insulating materials. If portable, describe its
placement at the time of the fire. Describe the heat source's past and current
usage. Where was it commonly used, for how long, and at what heat
settings? What were the settings at the time of the fire? Describe the
duration of its use on the day of the fire. Describe, as specifically as possible,
the distance of the heat source from the ignition location.
Describe the activities going on in the home at the time the fire started.
Describe any unusual environmental conditions that may be relevant to the
initiation or spread of the fire. Specify location of all occupants when the fire
started. We are particularly interested in those that were injured or died.
Describe how the fire began. Describe the type of heat that ignited the wall
covering; flame, long-term or short-term heat only, sparks, etc. and any other
information about the ignition sequence. Was the initial fire ignition
witnessed? Describe the operation of the heat source--normal operation,
indications of abnormal operation, etc. Describe the progress of the fire in
terms of whether it spread quickly, smoldered, resulted in flashover, etc.
Describe the extent to which the wall covering contributed to fire spread.
Describe extent of damage to the wall covering-- how much was damaged by
flame, how much by charring, etc. Describe other items that were major
contributors to fuel load in the fire (items that caught fire or contributed to fire


Describe the final extent of flame damage, smoke damage, and property loss.
Describe number of injuries and deaths, including age, sex, and extent of any
treatment. If anyone died or was injured, describe any factors that may have
prevented escape or contributed to injury, if applicable.
Indicate whether there were smoke detectors or sprinklers in the property. If
so, specify their locations and whether they operated as expected. If they did
not operate as expected, explain why not, provide product identification
(model, type), and describe installation features. If smoke detector was
battery-powered, was the battery present? If sprinklers were present, gather
the information requested for the sprinkler study as well. The investigations
will count toward both studies.
Describe any post-fire repairs to the heat source and property and the results
of any evaluations of fire cause and spread.
C. Description of Injured Person(s) and Product Interaction
Describe incident scenario, including all injuries and/or deaths sustained.
Indicate if the injured person was hospitalized, for how long, treatment, and
Indicate injured person's age, sex, any competence-reducing factors (e.g.,
mental or physical handicaps, medication, narcotics, alcohol). Describe
perception of hazard and extent of knowledge of appropriate use of heat
source and material ignited.
Describe activities of the household members that contributed to or reduced
resulting injuries. Describe attempts to control fire and/or escape.
D. Description of Product
1) Wall Covering
Describe the material ignited (paper, vinyl, wood composite, paint,
decorative coatings, adhesives, etc.). If available, provide labeling,
manufacturer, material, and voluntary standards markings, as well as
instructions for installation. Specify age and condition before the fire. If
there are layers of wall coverings, provide information for each, including
coatings and adhesives. For example, there may have been plaster or
sheet rock underneath the wallpaper. If possible, specify who installed the
wall covering and when.


2) Heat Source
Describe the heat source as specifically as possible. Provide
manufacturer, brand name, model, and voluntary standard markings. If
electrical, provide electrical rating- -watts, amps, and all other rating
information. Describe available settings. If installed, provide details of
installation; who installed it and when. Provide copies of any instructions
for installation. Describe the condition of the product before the fire and
any previous history of problems.
E. Product Safety Standards
Wall covering installations are usually controlled by building codes based on
the four major model building codes administered by BOCA, SCBBI, ICBO,
and CABO. These model codes are generally based on the National Fire
Protection Association's Life Safety Code, NFPA 101.
NFPA 101 specifically prohibits the use of cellular or foamed plastic materials
as interior wall or ceiling finish. For textiles, the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code
requires testing according to NFPA 265, which requires a full-scale room test.
All other materials must meet the less stringent NFPA 255 (ASTM E-84 and
UL 723 are basically the same). Most residential interior wall coverings
receive a Class C or III classification, the fastest flame spread permitted.
Smoke development performance is also regulated. In general, flame spread
requirements are less stringent for one and two family dwellings than for other
types of buildings.
Although the test methods based on ASTM E-84 have been used by the code
groups for many years, there are some acknowledged limitations to applying
the test to wall coverings. An NFPA technical committee currently is working
on an improved standard for general purpose wall coverings.
Photograph the extent of damage to wall covering and immediate area surrounding
ignition site. We are interested in distinguishing between the amount of flame
damage and the amount of charring. If several layers of wall covering exist,
photograph in place. Diagram location of ignition site and position of heat source,
specifying distance involved.


Obtain a copy of the fire incident report, casualty reports, and any other fire
department investigative reports of the incident. Obtain copies of any insurance or
engineering reports on fire cause and circumstances involved. Obtain summary of
medical records if an injury or death occurred.
Obtain an approximate 12" x 12" sample of the wall coverings involved if possible.
If multiple layers are present, the sample should include them all. Since the sample
is needed for identification of the product, collect the sample from an area near the
point of ignition, but without fire damage. Send to the sample custodian, to the
attention of Linda Smith, EHHA.


Summary Data Record Sheet
Wall Covering Fires
Task Number:_______________________________
Date of Fire:_________________________________
Type (single family structure, apartment, etc.)___________________________
Age: _________________
Estimated Property Loss: ____________________________________________
Wall Covering Ignited First: (repeat these items on a separate sheet if more than one
wall covering type ignited, specifying order of ignition)
Type (wallpaper, paneling, etc.): ______________________________________
Material Composition: ______________________________________________
Age: ____________________________________________________________
Condition: ________________________________________________________
Labeling: ________________________________________________________
Installer (homeowner, contractor, etc.): _________________________________
Source of Heat:
Equipment type (heater, wiring, etc.):___________________________________
Energy type (electric, kerosene, etc.):__________________________________
Energy rating (amps, watts, BTU's, etc.):________________________________

Distance of heat source to ignition point: __________________________________
Type of heat causing ignition (flame, heat only, sparks, etc.): __________________
List age/sex of each fatality : __________________________________________
List age/sex of each non-fatal injury:____________________________________
Smoke Detector:
Present in Household? (yes/no)___________________
Alarmed? (yes/no)______________________________
Should have alarmed? (yes/no)___________________
Present in Household? (yes/no)___________________
Operated? (yes/no)_____________________________
Should have operated? (yes/no) __________________



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleAppendix 118 Wall Covering Fires
SubjectInvestigative Guidelines for residential structure fires in which an interior wall covering was the first material ignited.
AuthorLinda Smith
File Modified2010-03-10
File Created0000-01-01

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