Medical Privileges Request Form

Indian Health Service Medical Staff Credentials and Privileges Files

Medical privileges request form

Internal Medicine/Family Practice Privilege

OMB: 0917-0009

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Circular Appendix 95–16–C.1 (04/10)
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This Medical Privileges request form must be accompanied or preceded by a completed application for medical staff appointment, including the necessary supporting documents. Many clinical privileges pertinent to the practice of medicine and surgery are listed below. This list contains both outpatient and inpatient items. The request for privileges must reflect both the applicant’s and the facility’s/staff’s ability to carry out or support the various functions. This list is intended primarily for the generalist physician or physician extender performing these functions within the areas listed. Internists, pediatricians, and obstetricians may request additional appropriate privileges commensurate with their expertise within their specialty and the facility’s ability to support the requested privileges. They should be presented in an attached list and referenced on this form under “other.”


Applicant: With a check mark in the appropriate location, indicate for each item your decision to request either limited or full privileges. Limited means that the applicant may function in the area of the stated clinical privileges only under the direct supervision of a provider holding full privileges. “Direct supervision” may be fulfilled via telephone consultation, if appropriate. Full means that the applicant is entitled to function independently, following standards consistent with the medical community at large. Be sure to sign the request as indicated on page 13.

Discipline-specific supervisor or consultant: Indicate your recommendation for each requested clinical privilege by placing a check mark in the appropriate location for either full, limited, or not recommended (N.R.). Please explain any recommended limitations or denial of privileges on an attached sheet. Your recommendations are considered by the governing body when granting or not granting privileges.

I. OBSTETRICS (See Appendix C.2)

Applicant Requests

Supervisor/ Consultant Recommends






A. Minor

  1. Normal prenatal/postpartum care

  1. Normal spontaneous labor and vaginal delivery

  1. Midline episiotomy and repair

  1. Local and pudendal anesthesia

  1. Repair of vaginal and cervical laceration

  1. Management of mild preeclampsia

  1. Amniotomy

  1. Management of postpartum hemorrhage

  1. Management of postpartum infection

  1. Interpretation of external and internal fetal heart rate monitor tracings

  1. Manual removal of placenta

  1. Postpartum uterine exploration and/or curettage

  1. Low forceps delivery

  1. Curettage for incomplete abortion

  1. Other (specify):

B. Major

  1. Multiple pregnancy

  1. Amniocentesis

  1. Breech delivery

  1. Paracervical block

  1. Induction/stimulation of labor

  1. Cesarean section

  1. Mid forceps delivery

  1. Management of medical complications in pregnancy, i.e., diabetes, renal disease, severe preeclampsia

  1. OB ultrasound

  1. Other (specify):

Note: All clinicians granted minor or major obstetric privileges must also be qualified for and granted privileges in newborn resuscitation and stabilization.

II. Gynecology (See Appendix C.2)

Applicant Requests

Supervisor/ Consultant Recommends






A. Minor

  1. I & D of vulvar or perineal abscess

  1. Biopsy of perineum, vulva, cervix, vagina

  1. Endometrial biopsy

  1. Insertion/removal of intrauterine device

  1. Dilatation and curettage

  1. Culdocentesis

  1. Polypectomy

  1. Vaginal or uterine packing

  1. Other (specify):

B. Major

  1. Pelvic exam under anesthesia

  1. Tubal ligation

  1. Marsupialization of Bartholin's cyst

  1. Abdominal hysterectomy

  1. Incidental appendectomy

  1. Vaginal hysterectomy

  1. A & P repair

  1. Peritoneoscopy (laparoscopy)

  1. Salpingoophorectomy

  1. Other (specify):

III. Pediatrics

Applicant Requests

Supervisor/ Consultant Recommends






A. Hepatic and Gastrointestinal Disease

  1. Hepatitis

  1. Peptic ulcer disease

  1. Diarrheas

4. Other (specify):

B. Renal Disease, Hypertension

1. Acute or chronic glomerulonephritis

2. Nephrotic syndrome

3. Hypertension

4. Chronic renal failure

5. Other (specify):

C. Pulmonary Disease

1. Uncomplicated asthma

  1. Complicated asthma

  1. Ventilatory management

  1. Pneumonia

  1. Cystic fibrosis

  1. Other (specify):

D. Cardiac Disease

1. Nonsurgical congenital heart disease

  1. Rheumatic heart disease

  1. Heart failure, acute and/or chronic

  1. Cardiac arrhythmias

  1. Other (specify):

E. Metabolic and Endocrine Disease

1. Fluid and electrolyte problems

  1. Diabetes mellitus

  1. Disease of the thyroid gland

  1. Menstrual disorders

  1. Growth disorders

  1. Other (specify):

F. Rheumatologic Disease

1. Lupus erythematosus

  1. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

  1. Other (specify):

G. Infectious Disease

1. Septic arthritis

  1. Osteomyelitis

  1. Urinary tract infection

  1. Tuberculosis

  1. CNS infections

  1. Neonatal sepsis

  1. Other (specify):

H. Hematologic and Oncologic Diseases

1. Anemias

  1. Coagulation disorders

  1. Thrombocytopenia

  1. Cancer chemotherapeutic drug admin

  1. Cancer patient management

  1. Transfusion

  1. Erythroblastosis

  1. Exchange transfusion

  1. Other (specify):

I. Newborn Nursery Care

1. Care of normal infant

  1. Care of premature infant

  1. Hemolytic disease of newborn

  1. Respiratory distress syndrome

  1. Neonatal resuscitation/emergency stabilization

  1. Other (specify):

J. Other, Pediatrics

1. Failure to thrive

  1. Adolescent gynecology

  1. Well-child care

  1. Convulsive disorders

  1. Fever of unknown origin

  1. Other (specify):

IV. Medicine

Applicant Requests

Supervisor/ Consultant Recommends






A. Hepatic and Gastrointestinal Disease

  1. Cirrhosis

  1. Decompensated cirrhosis

  1. Hepatitis

  1. Cholecystitis

  1. Pancreatitis

  1. Regional enteritis

  1. Ulcerative colitis

  1. Peptic ulcer disease

  1. Acute G.I. bleeding

10. Other (specify):

B. Renal Disease

1. Glomerulonephritis

  1. Pyelonephritis

  1. Nephrosis

  1. Acute insufficiency—conservative

  1. Chronic insufficiency

6. Other (specify):

C. Pulmonary Disease

1. Uncomplicated pneumonia

  1. Complicated pneumonia

  1. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis

  1. Pulmonary insufficiency

  1. Pulmonary embolus

  1. Pneumothorax

  1. Ventilator management

  1. Oxygen therapy

  1. Asthma

  1. Other (specify):

D. Cardiac Disease

1. Electrocardiographic interpretation

  1. Congestive heart failure, acute

  1. Congestive heart failure, chronic

  1. Ischemic heart disease, angina

  1. Myocardial infarction, uncomplicated

  1. Myocardial infarction, complicated

  1. Valvular heart disease

  1. Pericarditis

  1. Cardiac arrhythmias

  1. Cardioversion-medical

  1. Cardioversion-electrical

  1. Thrombophlebitis

13. Other (specify):

E. Hypertension

1. Essential hypertension

2. Malignant hypertension

3. Other (specify):

F. Metabolic and Endocrine Disease

1. Diabetes mellitus

  1. Diabetes mellitus, complicated by keto-acidosis or coma

  1. Hypo/hyperthyroidism, uncomplicated

  1. Hypo/hyperthyroidism, severe/complicated

  1. Gout

  1. Other (specify):

G. Collagen Disease

1. Lupus erythematosus

  1. Scleroderma

  1. Other (specify):

H. Arthritis

1. Rheumatoid arthritis

  1. Osteoarthritis

  1. Other (specify):

I. Hematologic and Oncologic Diseases

1. Anemias

  1. Thrombocytopenias

  1. Cancer chemotherapeutic drug administration

  1. Cancer patient management

  1. Other (specify):

J. Neurological diseases

1. Cerebrovascular accident

  1. Convulsive disorders

  1. Parkinsonism

  1. Degenerative neurological disorders

  1. Meningitis

6. Other (specify):

K. Allergy (Medical or Pediatric)

1. Desensitization

  1. Urticaria

  1. Other (specify):

V. Surgical or Procedural (See Appendix C.3)

Applicant Requests

Supervisor/ Consultant Recommends






A. Skin

  1. I & D of abscess

  1. Wound debridement

  1. Incisional and excisional biopsy

  1. Excision of benign tumors

  1. Repair & closure of simple lacerations (not involving tendons/nerves/major vessels)

  1. Repair & closure of complicated lacerations

  1. Electro-surgical destruction of lesions (Fulguration)

  1. Pilonidal cyst drainage

  1. Lymph node biopsy

  1. First and second degree burns

11. Other (specify):

B. Ophthalmologic

1. I & D abscess of lid

  1. Removal of superficial foreign bodies

  1. Corneal abrasion

4. Other (specify):

C. ENT and Plastic Surgery

1. Tracheostomy

  1. I & D abscess/hematoma of canal/auricle

  1. Foreign body removal from nose or ear

  1. Laryngoscopy

  1. Nasal packing

  1. Nasal fracture reduction

  1. Blepharoplasty

  1. Myringotomy

9. Other (specify):

D. Digestive System

1. I & D perirectal abscesses

  1. Electrocautery/excision of anal condylomata

  1. I & D oral abscesses

  1. Biopsy mouth, tongue or lip lesions

  1. Repair oral lacerations

  1. Passage & use of Sengstaken-Blakemore tube

  1. Gastric lavage

  1. Liver biopsy, closed

  1. Proctosigmoidoscopy, anoscopy

  1. Proctosigmoidoscopy, anoscopy, w/ biopsy

  1. Diagnostic paracentesis

  1. Therapeutic or decompressive paracentesis

  1. Closed reduction of hernias

  1. Gastroscopy

15. Other (specify):

E. Orthopedic

1. Muscle biopsy

  1. Injection of tendon sheath, ligament trigger points,

or bursae

  1. Arthrocentesis

  1. Bone marrow aspiration

  1. Bone marrow biopsy

  1. Closed reduction of simple fractures of

phalanges, clavicles, ribs, toes

  1. Closed reduction of simple fractures of radii, ulnae,

humeri, tibiae, fibulae

  1. Reduction of dislocations of hip, elbows, shoulders, fingers

  1. Application of casts and splint

  1. Non-surgical & non-neurological traction

11. Other (specify):

F. Thoracic

1. Thoracentesis

  1. Tube thoracostomy

  1. Pleural biopsy

  1. Bronchoscopy

5. Other (specify):

G. Genito-urinary, Renal, Urologic

1. Hemodialysis

  1. Peritoneal dialysis

  1. Bladder aspiration by needle or catheter

  1. Vasectomy

  1. Circumcision

  1. Meatotomy

  1. Bladder irrigation

8. Other (specify):

H. Neurological

1. Peripheral nerve block

  1. Lumbar puncture

  1. Local/regional anesthesia administration

  1. Observe for head injury

  1. Subdural tap

6. Other (specify):

I. Vascular

1. Arterial puncture

  1. Insertion and monitoring of CVP line

  1. Insertion of temporary cardiac pacemaker

  1. Cutdown for insertion of catheters

  1. Umbilical vein catheterization

  1. Umbilical artery catheterization

  1. Right heart catheterization

  1. Other (specify):

J. Emergency Procedures, Not Covered Elsewhere

1. Cricothyroidotomy

  1. Endotracheal intubation

  1. Insertion of oropharyngeal airway

  1. Intracardiac injection

  1. Pericardiocentesis

  1. Peritoneal lavage

  1. Use of manual and mechanical resuscitator

  1. Use of rotating tourniquets

  1. Use of MAST trousers

  1. Acute drug overdoses

11. Other (specify):

VI. Psychiatric (See Appendix C.4)

Applicant Requests

Supervisor/ Consultant Recommends






A. Anxiety disorders

B. Depression

C. Chronic schizophrenia

D. Substance abuse

E. Hyperactivity in children

F. Other (specify):

VII. Radiology (See Appendix C.11)

Applicant Requests

Supervisor/ Consultant Recommends






A. Radiograph interpretation (with report)

B. Ultrasound interpretation (with report)

C. Injection of contrast material (venous, arterial, lymphatic)

D. Performance of x-rays

1. Chest

2. Extremities

3. Others

E. Other (specify):


1. I hereby request the clinical privileges as indicated on the forms attached.

Applicant Date

2. I hereby recommend the clinical privileges as indicated.

Supervisor/Consultant Date

3. As Chairperson of the Medical Staff Executive Committee, I hereby recommend the clinical privileges: (check one)

As noted.

With the following exceptions, deletions, additions, or conditions:

Clinical Director Date

4. I hereby recommend the applicant for clinical privileges.

Service Unit Director Date

5. Privileges are hereby granted: (check one)

As noted.

With the following exceptions, deletions, additions, or conditions:

Chairperson of the Date

Governing Body

Estimated Average Burden Time per Response

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per response including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Reports Clearance Officer, Indian Health Service, 801 Thompson Avenue, TMP Suite 450, Rockville, MD 20852, ATTN: PRA (0917–0009). Please do not send this form to this address.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleCircular Appendix 95-16-C.1
SubjectMedical Privileges
AuthorKennington Wall
Last Modified Byhgorham
File Modified2010-04-23
File Created2010-04-19

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