Protocol for 2011 Internet and Computer Use Supplement for the CPS
R1. We’ll start by making a list of everyone who lives or stays at (your address). Let’s start with you. What is your first name? Anyone else? |
R2. What is your/(name’s) age? |
R3. Please look at this list. How is (name) related to you? |
Q1 How many desktop, laptop, netbook, or notebook computers are there in use in this household?
____________________ If 0 or DK/RF Skip to Q3
Probe: Please describe the computers you counted in this question and who owns the computers.
Probe: Did you include old computers that are in the household but are not used?
Q2 In what year was the (newest) computer obtained?
Intent is to get a year. Observe if they give a date or if they say something like within the past 5 years. If they do not give a year, ask “Can you give me the year that you obtained the computer?”
Notes on cognitive difficulty:
Q3 Does anyone in this household use the Internet from home?
<1> Yes Skip to Q4
<2> No
DK/RF (Skip to Person Filter)
Probe: What does this question mean in your own words?
If No, probe: Do you ever use the Internet on a smartphone or cellphone?
Q3a Has anyone in this household EVER used the Internet from this home?
<1> Yes Skip to Q9a
<2> No Skip to Q9b
DK/RF (Skip to Person Filter)
Q4 At home, does this household access the Internet using… (select all that apply)
-1- [] Dial-up service
-2- [] DSL service Skip to Q6
-3- [] Cable modem service Skip to Q6
-4- [] Fiber-optic serviceSkip to Q6
-5- [] Mobile broadband plan (for a computer, cell phone, smartphone, or tablet) Skip to Q6
-6- [] Satellite serviceSkip to Q6
-7- [] Some other service, Please specify_____________Skip to Q6
DK/RF (Skip to Q8)
Probe: If “some other service” or the respondent is not sure: Please describe your service. Who is the provider?
Observe: Are there types of Internet sources not listed?
Q5 What is the main reason that you do not have high-speed (that is, faster than dial-up) Internet access at home?
<1> [] Don't need it, not interestedSkip to Q8
<2> [] Too expensive
<3> [] Can use it somewhere elseSkip to Q8
<4> [] Not available in areaSkip to Q8
<5> [] No computer or computer inadequate Skip to Q8
<6> [] Other reason, Please specify_____________Skip to Q8
DK/RFSkip to Q8
Q5a What costs are you most concerned about? (select all that apply)
-1- [] Cost of the computer and/or other hardware (e.g., modem) Skip to Q8
-2- [] Cost of installing internet service (Skip to Q8
-3- [] Cost of monthly internet serviceSkip to Q8
-4- [] Some other cost, Please specify_____________Skip to Q8
DK/RFSkip to Q8
Probe: Tell me what each of the response categories means in your own words, we’ll start with the Cost of the computer and/or hardware, reread the question and that response category.
Q6 How much does your internet service provider charge you per month?
DK/RFSkip to Q8
Probe: Please describe to me how you came up with your answer.
Observe if the respondent had difficulty coming up with this answer. If DK, probe: Could you give me an estimate? Would anyone in your household know how much you are charged per month for Internet service?
Q7 Does this amount include other services besides broadband in a "bundle"?
<1> Yes
<2> NoSkip to Q8
DK/RFSkip to Q8
Probe: What does this question mean in your own words?
Q7a Which services besides broadband are included in the bundle? (select all that apply)
-1- [] Basic TV Channels
-2- [] Premium TV Channels
-3- [] Telephone service
-4- [] Other, Please specify_______________
Probe: Let’s go through each of the response categories and you tell me what they mean to you.
Q8 Have you ever switched Internet (including broadband) service providers for home access?
<1> Yes
<2> NoSkip to Q10
DK/RFSkip to Q10
Probe: If yes. When did you switch, who did you switch from and to?
Q8a What is the main reason that your household decided to switch?
<1> [] More affordable than my previous serviceSkip to Q10
<2> [] Greater valueSkip to Q10
<3> [] Faster speedSkip to Q10
<4> [] More reliableSkip to Q10
<5> [] Better customer serviceSkip to Q10
<6> [] Preference for a name brandSkip to Q10
<7> [] Other reason, Please specify__________Skip to Q10
DK/RFSkip to Q10
Probe: Tell me more about why you chose that answer.
Q9a What is the MAIN reason you no longer have the Internet at home?
<1> [] Don't need it, not interestedSkip to Person Filter
<2> [] Too expensiveSkip to Person Filter
<3> [] Can use it somewhere elseSkip to Person Filter
<4> [] No longer available in areaSkip to Person Filter
<5> [] No computer or computer inadequateSkip to Person Filter
<6> [] Privacy or security concernsSkip to Person Filter
<7> [] Other reason, Please specify______________ Skip to Person Filter DK/RFSkip to Person Filter
Probe: Tell me more about why you chose that answer.
Q9b What is the MAIN reason that you don’t have the Internet at home?
<1> [] Don't need it, not interestedSkip to Person Filter
<2> [] Too expensiveSkip to Person Filter
<3> [] Can use it somewhere elseSkip to Person Filter
<4> [] No longer available in areaSkip to Person Filter
<5> [] No computer or computer inadequateSkip to Person Filter
<6> [] Privacy or security concernsSkip to Person Filter
<7> [] Other reason, Please specify______________ Skip to Person Filter DK/RFSkip to Person Filter
Probe: Tell me more about why you chose that answer.
Q10 What is the most important factor to you regarding your broadband service?
<1> [] Connection speed
<2> [] Reliability of broadband service
<3> [] Affordability
<4> [] Customer service
<5> [] Name brand
<6> [] Other reason, Please specify
Probe: How did you come up with your answer?
Let’s go through each of the response categories and you tell me what they mean to you.
Ask for each HH member who is selected in Person Filter
Person Filter Who in this household uses the internet (from any location)? (Select all that apply)
QP1 From which of the following locations does <person> access the Internet? (select all that apply)
-1- [] Home (DO NOT READ if Q3 response was not "Yes")
-2- [] School
-3- [] Work
-4- [] Public Library
-5- [] Community center
-6- [] Internet cafe / coffee shop in your area
-7- [] Someone else's house
-8- [] Airport, hotel, etc. while traveling
-9- [] Another place outside the home, Please specify
DK/RFSkip to Q11
At last person. Probe: Tell me how you came up with your answer. Did you consider whether this person accessed the Internet from a phone or from other devices?
QP2 Which devices does this person use to access the Internet? (select all that apply)
-1- [] PC (Desktop)
-2- [] Portable/laptop/netbook computer
-3- [] TV-based Internet device or set-top box
-4- [] Cellular phone, smartphone, etc.
-5- [] Tablet or Ebook reader
-6- [] Other device, Please specify
DK/RFSkip to Q11
Probe: How did you decide on the answer to this question?
Let’s go through each of the response categories and you tell me what they mean to you.
Ask only for Primary Respondent
Q11 Do you use a cellular phone or smartphone?
-1- Yes
-2- NoSkip to Q12
DK/RFSkip to Q12
Probe: What is the difference between a cellular and a smartphone?
If yes, What type of phone do you use?
Q11a When you use your cellular phone or smartphone, what do you do? (select all that apply)
-1- [] Phone calls
-2- [] Text messaging
-3- [] Web browsing
-4- [] E-mail
-5- [] Maps or GPS Navigation
-6- [] Games
-7- [] Social Networking (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
-8- [] Taking Photos/Videos
Probe: Let’s go through each of the response categories and you tell me what they mean to you.
Q12 How often did you USUALLY access the Internet over the last year (from any device, at any location)?
<1> [] Almost every day, for at least 4 hours per day
<2> [] Almost every day, for more than an hour but less than 4 hours per day
<3> [] Almost every day, for less than an hour per day
<4> [] At least once a week but not every day
<5> [] At least once a month but not every week
<6> [] Less than once a month
<7> [] NeverSkip to Leadin
DK/RFSkip to Leadin
Probe: How did you come up with your answer?
Q13 Which of the following uses do you RELY on the Internet for? (select all that apply)
-1- [] Working from home or telecommuting
-2- [] Entertainment (games, videos, music, etc.)
-3- [] Financial services (banking, investing, trading, etc.)
-4- [] Job seeking or job training
-5- [] Education or schoolwork
-6- [] Personal communications (email, instant messaging, social networking, blogging, etc.)
-7- [] Healthcare
-8- [] General Information (news, weather, sports, government, etc.)
-9- [] Consumer services (online shopping, travel, household services, etc.)
-10- [] Something else, Please specify
Probe: Do you consider the Internet important to you? Why?
What does the question mean in your own words? (Reread question) What does “rely on” mean?
Probe: Placeholder for the PEW question NTIA (the sponsors) want to compare this question against.
After the first question, the " About how many hours per week do you typically use the Internet for" part of the question is grayed out and is used as optional text for the FR
Q14 About how many hours per week do you typically use the Internet for each of the following activities? (Use 0 for any not done regularly)
-1- Working from home or telecommuting
About how many hours per week do you typically use the Internet for
-2- Entertainment (games, videos, music, etc.)
About how many hours per week do you typically use the Internet for
-3- Financial services (banking, investing, trading, etc.)
About how many hours per week do you typically use the Internet for
-4- Education or schoolwork
- About how many hours per week do you typically use the Internet for
5- Personal communications (email, instant messaging, social networking, blogging, etc.)
About how many hours per week do you typically use the Internet for
-6- Other Internet Use
Probe: What types of activities did you include in “other internet use”?
Now, let’s go through each category and you tell me how you came up with your answers? (Go through each response)
About how many hours per day are you typically on the Internet?
If R says “entertainment,” did you include games that are not on the Internet?
Intro A These next few questions ask if you use the internet for specific activities.
----- Continue
After the first question, the "Do you use the internet" part of the question is grayed out and is used as optional text for the FR
Q15 Do you use the internet for phone calls or conferencing?
-1- Yes
-2- No
Probe: How did you decide on your answer?
Q16 Do you use the internet to access government services, forms, or information?
-1- Yes
-2- No
Probe: If yes What types of information do you use the Internet for?
If no What types of information were you considering in this question?
Q17 Do you use the internet when conducting a job search (research listings, post a resume, etc.)?
-1- Yes
-2- No
Probe: How did you decide on your answer?
Q18 Do you use the internet for job training or courses?
-1- Yes
-2- No
Probe: If yes -> What kinds of things were you thinking about when you said yes?
If no -> What kinds of things were you thinking about when you answered the question?
Q19 Do you use the internet to research information on health plans or health practitioners?
-1- Yes
-2- No
Probe: What kinds of things were you thinking about when you answered the question?
Q20 Do you use the internet to research health information for self-diagnosis or treatment?
-1- Yes
-2- No
Probe: What kinds of things were you thinking about when you answered the question?
Q21 Do you use the internet to access your medical records, or for telemedicine purposes (such as heart rate monitoring, etc.)?
-1- Yes
-2- No
Probe: How did you decide on your answer to the question?
Probe: What does “telemedicine” mean to you in this question?
LEADIN These next few questions ask about how concerned you are with internet safety.
----- Continue
Q22 Compared to providing personal information over the telephone, how concerned are you about providing personal information over the Internet? Are you?
<1> more concerned
<2> less concerned
<3> about the same
Probe: Tell me how you came up with your answer
Q23 Compared to the material on television, how concerned are you about the kind of material children may be exposed to on the Internet? Are you?
<1> more concerned
<2> less concerned
<3> about the same
Probe: Tell me how you came up with your answer
Q24 (filter if children < 18 in the household)
Which of the following methods do you use to ensure child safety when using the Internet? (select all that apply. select none if none of these methods are used)
-1- [] Blocking or filtering software ("Nanny" software)
-2- [] Monitoring browsing history, email, etc.
-3- [] Prohibiting children from using Internet entirely
-4- [] Prohibiting use of Internet in private locations
-5- [] Only allowing children to use Internet with direct adult supervision
-6- [] Setting rules and guidelines for use without direct adult supervision
-7- [] Other method, Please specify
___ None
Probe: Let’s go through each of the categories and you tell me what they mean to you.
Q25 Through which of the following methods do you obtain news and information? (select all that apply)
-1- [] Visiting Internet news sites (online Newspapers, Magazines,, etc.)
-2- [] Visiting Internet social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
-3- [] Visiting other Internet sites (blogs, message boards, search engines, etc.)
-4- [] Watching TV
-5- [] Listening to radio
-6- [] Reading newspaper or magazines (hardcopy)
-7- [] Conversing with friends/family/co-workers
-8- [] Other, Please specify
- [] None of the above -Finished
DK/RF -Finished
Probe: Let’s go through each category and you tell me what they mean to you. If you are not familiar with any terms let me know. Go through each category
Q26 Which one is your PRIMARY method to obtain news and information?
-1- [] Visiting Internet news sites (online Newspapers, Magazines,, etc.)
-2- [] Visiting Internet social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
-3- [] Visiting other Internet sites (blogs, message boards, search engines, etc.)
-4- [] Watching TV
-5- [] Listening to radio
-6- [] Reading newspaper or magazines (hardcopy)
-7- [] Conversing with friends/family/co-workers
-8- [] Other, Please specify
DK/RF -Finished
Probe: Tell me more about how often and when you use each of these sources of news and information. Go through each category.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | nicho016 |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-02 |