0269 ren ss 062710rev

0269 ren ss 062710rev.pdf

Western Alaska Community Development Quota Program

OMB: 0648-0269

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OMB CONTROL NO.: 0648-0269

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) manages the groundfish fisheries in the Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ) off Alaska. The North Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council)
prepared the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands
(BSAI) Management Area (FMP) under the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation & Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) as amended in 2006. Regulations
implementing the FMP appear at 50 CFR part 679.
The Western Alaska Community Development Quota (CDQ) Program is an economic
development program associated with federally managed fisheries in the BSAI. The purposes of
the CDQ Program are to provide western Alaska communities the opportunity to participate and
invest in BSAI fisheries, to support economic development in western Alaska, to alleviate
poverty and provide economic and social benefits for residents of western Alaska, and to achieve
sustainable and diversified local economies in western Alaska.
This statement supports renewal for an existing collection-of-information under OMB Control
No. 0648-0269.
1. Explain the circumstances that make the collection of information necessary.
NMFS distributes apportionments of the annual catch limits for a variety of commercially
valuable species in the BSAI among six different non-profit managing organizations representing
different affiliations of 65 different Western Alaska communities. The CDQ groups contract
with existing fishing vessels and processors to harvest and/or process their allocation on their
behalf. Each CDQ group is responsible to monitor the catch of CDQ and prohibited species
quota (PSQ) by all vessels fishing under its CDP and to take necessary action to prevent overages
of any CDQ or PSQ. NMFS monitors the catch of CDQ and PSQ by vessels, processors, and
CDQ groups to assure that quotas are not being exceeded. CDQ groups use the revenue derived
from the harvest of their fisheries allocations as a basis both for funding economic development
activities and for providing employment opportunities.


2. Explain how, by whom, how frequently, and for what purpose the information will be
used. If the information collected will be disseminated to the public or used to support
information that will be disseminated to the public, then explain how the collection
complies with applicable Information Quality Guidelines.
a. Community Development Plan (CDP)
Annual CDQ Program allocations for approximately 36 quota categories of BSAI groundfish,
halibut, crab, and prohibited species are distributed among CDQ groups based on CDQ and PSQ
percentage allocations. Historically, percentage allocations have been established through
periodic CDQ application processes. Each CDQ group acts as the managing organization for the
CDQ allocation application process and for the development and implementation of a
Community Development Plan (CDP) once every three years.
Each CDP contains information about communities affiliated with a group, and about
development plans and projects, and how the allocations will be harvested and used. The
Council, State of Alaska (State), and NMFS decide how to distribute the percentage allocations
to each CDQ group for each groundfish species or species group, halibut, prohibited species, and
crab based on the information in the CDPs. This is a competitive process which requires the
collection of information to evaluate and compare the various proposed CDPs.
A proposed CDP must contain the following information.
Community Development Plan (CDP)
Community development information
Describe all proposed CDQ projects and state the expected short and long-term benefits.
Provide a schedule for the CDQ project completion with measurable milestones.
List the number of individuals to be employed and describe the nature of the work and the
career advancement potential for each type of work.
List the participating communities.
Describe each community's support for the qualified applicant and the managing organization
in an official letter approved by the governing body of each such community.
Managing organization information
Describe the management structure and key personnel of the managing organization.
Name, address, fax number, and telephone number of the qualified applicant’s CDQ
Describe how the managing organization is qualified to carry out the CDP projects.
Describe how the managing organization has the management, technical expertise, and ability
to manage CDQ allocations and prevent exceeding a CDQ or PSQ


Contract or other legally binding agreement
Document the legal relationship between the qualified applicant and the managing
organization (if different) by describing the responsibilities and obligations of each party.
Provide the name, address, and telephone number of each member of the board of directors
If a qualified applicant represents more than one community, the board of directors of the
qualified applicant must include at least one member from each of the communities
Business information
Describe all business relationships between the qualified applicant and all individuals who
have a financial interest in a CDQ project or subsidiary venture. Include any arrangements
for management and audit control and any joint venture arrangements, loans, or other
partnership arrangements, including the distribution of proceeds among the parties.
Describe all profit sharing arrangements.
Describe all funding and financing plans.
Provide a general account of estimated income and expenditures for each CDQ project for the
total number of calendar years that the CDP is in effect.
Provide the most recent audited income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement,
management letter, and agreed-upon procedures report.
Provide an entire organizational structure including all divisions, subsidiaries, joint ventures,
and partnerships.
Include the type of legal entity for all divisions, subsidiaries, joint ventures, and partnerships;
state of registration of the legal entity; and percentage owned by the qualified applicant.
Request for CDQ and PSQ allocations
List the percentage of each CDQ reserve and PSQ reserve that is being requested.
Identify percentage allocations requested for CDQ fisheries, identified by the primary target
species of the fishery and the gear types of the vessels that will be used to harvest the catch.
Harvesting plans
Describe how the CDQ group intends to harvest and process its CDQ allocations.
Describe the target fisheries, the types of vessels and processors that will be used, the
locations and methods of processing, and the CDQ group’s proposed partners.
Transition plan
Provide an overall plan and schedule for transition from reliance on CDQ allocations to selfsufficiency in fisheries based on the qualified applicant=s long term revenue stream without


Community Development Plan, Respondent
Number of respondents
Total annualized responses (6 x 0.33)
Frequency of response (once every 3
1,040 hr
Total burden hours (2 x 520 hr)
Time per response = 520 hr
Total personnel cost ($150 x 1,040)
Personnel cost = $150/hr
Total miscellaneous costs
Mailing cost $5 x 2 = $10
Photocopy cost
(100 sheets x 0.05/sheet x 2 = $10)
Community Development Plan, Federal Government
Number of responses
Total burden hours
160 hr
Time per response = 80 hr
Total personnel cost ($25 x 160)
Personnel cost = $25/hr
Total miscellaneous costs
b. Annual budget report
Each CDQ group must submit to NMFS an annual budget report by December 15 preceding the
year for which the annual budget applies. The annual budget report is a detailed estimate of the
income from the CDQ project and of the expenditures for each subsidiary, division, joint venture,
partnership, investment activity, or CDQ project. A CDQ group must identify the administrative
costs for each CDQ project. An annual budget report is approved upon receipt by NMFS, unless
disapproved by NMFS in writing by December 31. If disapproved, the annual budget report will
be returned to the CDQ group for revision and re-submittal to NMFS.
If an annual budget is no longer correct because of the reconciled annual budget (see item c), the
annual budget report must be revised and submitted with the annual budget reconciliation report.
The hours for revision of the budget report, submitted with reconciliation report, are built into the
reconciliation report estimate.


Annual Budget Report, Respondent
Number of respondents
Total annual responses
Frequency of response = 1
Total burden hours (6 x 20 hr)
Time per response = 20 hr
Total personnel cost ($50 x 120 hr)
Personnel cost = $50/hr
Total miscellaneous costs (15.66)
Mailing cost = $1.76 x 6 = $10.56
Photocopy cost
(17 pages x 0.05/page x 6) = $5.10

120 hr

Annual Budget Report, Federal Government
Number of responses
Total burden hours
96 hr
Time per response = 16 hr
Total personnel cost ($25 x 96)
Total miscellaneous cost
c. Annual budget reconciliation report
Each CDQ group must reconcile its annual budget by May 30 of the year following the year for
which the annual budget applied. Reconciliation is an accounting of the annual budget’s
estimated income and expenditures with the actual income and expenditures, including the
variance in dollars and variance in percentage for each CDQ project. This report is prepared by
auditors hired by each CDQ group. If a general budget is no longer correct because of the
reconciled annual budget, the general budget must also be revised and submitted with the annual
budget reconciliation report.
Annual Budget Reconciliation Report, Respondent
Number of respondents
Total annual responses
Frequency of response = 1
Total burden hours
48 hr
Time per response = 8 hr
Total personnel cost
Personnel cost = $50/hr
Total miscellaneous costs ($15.66)
Mailing cost = $1.76 x 6 = $10.56
Photocopy cost (17 pages x 0.05/page x 6)
= $5.10


Annual Budget Reconciliation Report, Federal
Number of respondents
Total burden hours
Time per response = 8 hr
Total personnel cost ($25 x 48)
Personnel cost = $25/hr
Total miscellaneous cost

48 hr

d. Substantial amendments
A CDP is a working business plan and must be kept up to date through a substantial amendment.
Substantial amendments are prepared with significant input from lawyers and accountants.
Substantial amendments are defined as changes in a CDP, including, but not limited to:
♦ Any change in the list of communities comprising the CDQ group or replacement of the
managing organization.
♦ A change in the CDP applicant's harvesting or processing partner.
♦ Funding a CDP project in excess of $100,000 that is not part of an approved general
♦ More than a 20-percent increase in the annual budget of an approved CDP project.
♦ More than a 20-percent increase in actual expenditures over the approved annual budget
for administrative operations.
♦ A change in the contractual agreement(s) between the CDQ group and its harvesting or
processing partner or a change in a CDP project, if such change is deemed by the State or
NMFS to be a material change.
♦ Any transfer of a CDQ allocation or a PSQ allocation.
Substantial amendments to a CDP require a written request by the CDQ group to the State and
NMFS for approval of the amendment. The State forwards the amendment to NMFS with a
recommendation as to whether it should be approved. Once a substantial amendment is
approved by NMFS, the amendment will be effective for the duration of the CDP.
If NMFS determines that the CDP, if changed, would no longer meet the requirements of the
program, NMFS will notify the State in writing of the reasons why the amendment cannot be


The request for approval of a substantial amendment to a CDP shall include the following
Substantial amendment
Background and justification for the amendment that explains why the proposed amendment is
necessary and appropriate.
Explanation of why the proposed change to the CDP is a substantial amendment.
Description of the proposed amendment, explaining all changes to the CDP that result from the
proposed amendment.
Comparison of the original CDP text, with the text of the proposed changes to the CDP, and the
revised pages of the CDP for replacement in the CDP binder. The revised pages must have the
revision date noted, with the page number on all affected pages. The table of contents may also
need to be revised to reflect any changes in pagination.
Identification of NMFS findings that would need to be modified if the amendment is approved,
along with the proposed modified text.
Description of how the proposed amendment meets the requirements of 50 CFR part 679.30.
Only those CDQ regulations that are affected by the proposed amendment need to be discussed.
Substantial Amendments, Respondent
Number of respondents
Total annual responses
Frequency of response = 3
Total burden hours (18 x 40 hr)
Time per response = 40 hr
Total personnel cost ($50 x 720 hr)
Personnel cost = $50/hr
Total miscellaneous costs
Mailing cost ($3 x 18=$54)
Photocopy cost ($0.05 x 20 sheets x

720 hr

Substantial Amendments, Federal Government
Total annual responses
Total burden hours
288 hr
Time per response = 16 hr
Total personnel cost ($25 x 288)
Personnel cost = $25/hr
Total miscellaneous costs

e. Technical amendments
Any change to a CDP that does not meet the criteria for being a substantial amendment is a
technical amendment. Technical amendments typically involve minor CDP content revisions.
The CDQ group must notify the State in writing of any technical amendment. The State
forwards the technical amendment to NMFS with its recommendations for approval or
disapproval of the amendment. A technical amendment is effective after NMFS notifies the
State in writing of the technical amendment's receipt and approval.
All revised CDP pages must include the revision date, amendment identification number, and
CDP page number. The request for approval of a technical amendment to a CDP must include
the following information:
Technical amendment
A copy of the CDP pages to be revised by the amendment, with the text highlighted to show the
proposed deletions and additions, and
A copy of the CDP pages as they would be revised by the proposed amendment for insertion into
the CDP binder.
Technical Amendments, Respondent
Number of respondents
Total annual responses
Frequency of response = 1
Total burden hours (6 x 8 hr)
Time per response = 8 hr
Total personnel cost ($25 x 48 hr)
Personnel cost = $25/hr
Total miscellaneous costs ($9.72)
Mailing cost $1.32 x 6 = $7.92
Photocopy cost ($0.05 x 6 pages x 6) = 1.80
Technical Amendments, Federal Government
Total responses
Total burden hours
Time per response = 4 hr
Total personnel cost ($25 x 24)
Personnel cost = $25/hr
Total miscellaneous cost


48 hr

24 hr

f. CDQ or PSQ transfer request
The transfer process is an in-season management function of NMFS. NMFS will not approve
transfers to cover overages of CDQ or PSQ. CDQ groups may transfer groundfish CDQ, halibut
CDQ, or PSQ from one group to another by each group submitting a transfer request directly to
NMFS, unless submitting on line (see below). The transfer of either CDQ or PSQ may occur
during any month of the year and either may be transferred without the other. A CDQ group
may transfer all or part of its annual CDQ or PSQ to another group for several reasons, including
but not limited to:

Changes in, or the non-availability of, a group’s harvesting partner;
Length of a particular non-CDQ fishery season;
Availability of a given target species; and
Weather or seasonal conditions impacting smaller vessels.

In order for an inter-CDQ group transfer to be approved, both parties must be already established
and recognized by NMFS as a CDQ group prior to the transfer. CDQ groups may transfer
groundfish CDQ, halibut CDQ, and PSQ online from one CDQ group to another, instead of each
group submitting a transfer request directly to NMFS. Rather than NMFS reviewing each
request prior to transfer to ensure that the group providing CDQ has adequate quota available to
transfer, this check would be done automatically by NMFS’ catch accounting system. The CDQ
or PSQ would be transferred as of the date NMFS approves the transfer request. Transfers will
continue to be effective only for the remainder of the calendar year in which a transfer occurs.
Six CDQ groups are in the CDQ Program, and all six have the hardware and software to
accomplish online transfers. Industry requested the option to submit transfer requests
electronically in order to react quickly to changing conditions and to realize harvesting
efficiencies. When using the online submittal method, the respondent must enter the NMFS
Person ID, password, and Transfer Key, previously provided by NMFS, instead of name, address,
telephone number, fax number, and email address. These three pieces of information are
provided by NMFS after an applicant is approved for participation in the CDQ Program. A paper
or electronic request form must be completed with all information fields accurately filled in by
transferors and transferees, and all required additional documentation must be attached.
CDQ or PSQ transfer request
Transferring CDQ group information.
Name or initials and CDQ group number.
CDQ representative
Telephone number
Fax number
e-mail address
Name and signature


Certification of transferor
Non-electronic submittal
Transferor's designated representative signature and date signed
Electronic submittal
Transferor's designated representative must log into the system and create a transfer
request as indicated on the computer screen.
By using the transferor's NMFS ID, password, and Transfer Key and submitting the
transfer request, the designated representative certifies that all information is true,
correct, and complete.
Receiving CDQ group information
Name or initials and CDQ group number
CDQ representative
Telephone number
Fax number
e-mail address
Name and signature
Certification of transferee
Non-electronic submittal
Transferee's designated representative signature and date signed.
Electronic submittal
Transferee's designated representative must log into the system and create a transfer
request as indicated on the computer screen.
By using the transferee's NMFS ID, password, and Transfer Key and submitting the
transfer request, the designated representative certifies that all information is true,
correct, and complete.
CDQ amount transferred.
Species name or species category
For groundfish and halibut, specify transfer amounts in metric tons
For crab and salmon, specify transfer amounts in numbers of animals.
PSQ amount transferred.
Species name or species category
Crab Zone
Number of animals or metric tons
For crab and salmon, specify transfer amounts in number of animals.
For halibut, specify the amount in metric tons.
Transfer year

CDQ or PSQ transfer request, Respondent
Number of respondents
Total annual responses
Frequency of response = 8
Total burden hours (12)
Electronic response = 15/60 = 0.25 hr x 48
Total personnel cost ($25 x 12 hr)
Personnel cost = $25/hr
Total miscellaneous costs (2.40)
Online (0.05 x 48)
CDQ or PSQ transfer request, Federal
Total annual responses
Total burden hours (15.84)
Time per response (20 minutes/60) = 0.33 hr
Total personnel cost ($25 x 16)
Personnel cost = $25/hr
Total miscellaneous cost




g. Request for approval or removal of an eligible vessel. [REMOVED with this renewal]
NMFS no longer requires the Request for Eligible Vessels form.
h. Alternative fishing plan
A CDQ group may propose the use of an alternative method for verification of CDQ and PSQ
catch by submitting an alternative fishing plan. NMFS will review the alternative fishing plan
and approve it or notify the qualified applicant in writing if the proposed alternative does not
meet the requirements.
• The alternative proposed must provide equivalent or better estimates than use of the NMFS
standard data source would provide and the estimates must be independently verifiable.
• Each haul or set on an observed vessel must be able to be sampled by an observer for species
• Any proposal to sort catch before it is weighed must ensure that the sorting and weighing
process will be monitored by an observer.


• The time required for the level 2 observer 1 to complete sampling, data recording, and data
communication duties must not exceed 12 hours in each 24-hour period and the level 2 observer
must not be required to sample more than 9 hours in each 24-hour period. NMFS will not
approve an alternative fishing plan that would require the observer to divide a 12-hour shift into
shifts of less than 6 hours.
The CDQ group must provide a copy of the approved alternative fishing plan to the operator of
the approved vessel. A copy of the NMFS-approved alternative fishing plan must be maintained
onboard the vessel at all times while it is operating under the alternative fishing plan.
Alternative fishing plans are valid for the remainder of the calendar year in which they are
approved. Alternatives to the requirement for a certified scale or an observer sampling station
will not be approved.
Alternate fishing plan, Respondent
Number of respondents
Total annual responses
Frequency of response = 2
Total burden hours (12 x 4 hr)
Time per response = 4 hr
Total personnel cost ($25 x 48 hr)
Personnel cost = $25/hr
Total miscellaneous costs (60.60)
FAX ($5/page x 12 x 1 pg = 60)
Photocopies (0.05 x 1 pg x 12 = 0.60)

Alternate fishing plan, Federal Government
Total annual responses
Total burden hours (12 x 0.5 = 6.0)
Time per response (30minutes/60) = 0.5 hr
Total personnel cost ($25 x 6)
Personnel cost = $25/hr
Total miscellaneous cost


48 hr

6 hr

A certified observer may obtain a Level 2 endorsement to their certification. A Level 2 endorsement is required for
purposes of performing observer duties aboard vessels or stationary floating processors or at shoreside processors
participating in the CDQ or AFA fisheries. An observer who has achieved a Level 2 endorsement to their observer
certification may additionally receive a Level 2 “lead” observer endorsement


i. Prior notice to the Observers in Shoreside Plants
The manager of each shoreside processor or stationary floating processor that is required to have
a CDQ observer must notify the level 2 observer of the offloading schedule of each CDQ
delivery at least 1 hour prior to offloading. This notification would provide the level 2 observer
an opportunity to monitor the sorting and weighing of the entire delivery. This notice consists of
plant personnel verbally informing the observer (who is already present) that an incoming vessel
will make a CDQ delivery.
Prior Notice to Observer Shoreside, Respondent
Number of respondents
Total annual responses (4 x 14)
Frequency of response = 14
2 hr
Total burden hours (1.68)
Time per response (2 minutes/60) = 0.03 hr
Total personnel cost
Personnel cost = $25/hr
Total miscellaneous cost
Prior Notice to Observer Shoreside, Federal
Total responses
Total burden hours
Total personnel cost
Total miscellaneous cost
j. Prior notice to Observers of CDQ Delivery on Vessels
For catcher/processors, motherships, and catcher vessels required to have a CDQ observer, each
vessel operator must notify the level 2 observer(s) before CDQ catch is brought on board the
vessel. In addition, the operator must provide the CDQ group and CDQ number associated with
the CDQ catch to the level 2 observer(s). This notice consists of vessel personnel verbally
informing the observer that an incoming haul is a CDQ haul.
Prior notice to Observers on Vessels, Respondent
Number of respondents
Total annual responses (83 x 56)
Frequency of response = 56
155 hr
Total burden hours (154.94)
Time per response 2 minutes/60)
Total personnel cost ($25 x 155 hr)
Personnel cost = $25/hr
Total miscellaneous cost

Prior notice to Observers on Vessels, Federal
Total responses
Total burden hours
Total personnel cost
Total miscellaneous cost


It is anticipated that the information collected will be disseminated to the public or used to
support publicly disseminated information. As explained in the preceding paragraphs, the
information gathered has utility. NOAA Fisheries will retain control over the information and
safeguard it from improper access, modification, and destruction, consistent with NOAA
standards for confidentiality, privacy, and electronic information. See response to Question 10 of
this Supporting Statement for more information on confidentiality and privacy. The information
collection is designed to yield data that meet all applicable information quality guidelines. Prior
to dissemination, the information will be subjected to quality control measures and a predissemination review pursuant to Section 515 of Public Law 106-554.
3. Describe whether, and to what extent, the collection of information involves the use of
automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological techniques or other forms of
information technology.
All CDQ forms with instructions are available in a fillable format on the NMFS Alaska Region
website at http://www.alaskafisheries.noaa.gov, from which the public may download copies of
current forms.
4. Describe efforts to identify duplication.
No duplication exists with other information collections.
5. If the collection of information involves small businesses or other small entities, describe
the methods used to minimize burden.
The collection-of-information does not impose a significant impact on small entities. The only
small entities that are directly regulated by this action are the six CDQ groups, and they are not
significantly impacted.
6. Describe the consequences to the Federal program or policy activities if the collection is
not conducted or is conducted less frequently.
The purpose of the CDQ Program is the quota allocation for groundfish, halibut, crab, and
prohibited species in the BSAI to Western Alaska communities, so that these communities can
start and support regionally-based, commercial seafood or other fisheries-related businesses.

Under the CDQ Program, 65 eligible Western Alaska communities have organized into six
separate CDQ groups. Without this program, these small communities would be economically
7. Explain any special circumstances that require the collection to be conducted in a
manner inconsistent with OMB guidelines.
Not Applicable.
8. Provide information on the PRA Federal Register Notice that solicited public comments
on the information collection prior to this submission. Summarize the public comments
received in response to that notice and describe the actions taken by the agency in response
to those comments. Describe the efforts to consult with persons outside the agency to
obtain their views on the availability of data, frequency of collection, the clarity of
instructions and recordkeeping, disclosure, or reporting format (if any), and on the data
elements to be recorded, disclosed, or reported.
A Federal Register Notice published on February 4, 2010 (75 FR 5760) solicited public
comments on the information collection. No comments were received.
9. Explain any decisions to provide payments or gifts to respondents, other than
remuneration of contractors or grantees.
No payment or gift will be provided under this program.
10. Describe any assurance of confidentiality provided to respondents and the basis for
assurance in statute, regulation, or agency policy.
As stated on the transfer form and in the regulations, the information collected is confidential
under section 402(b) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act. It is also confidential under NOAA
Administrative Order 216-100, which sets forth procedures to protect confidentiality of fishery
All information collected is part of a system of records: NOAA #19, published April 17, 2008.
11. Provide additional justification for any questions of a sensitive nature, such as sexual
behavior and attitudes, religious beliefs, and other matters that are commonly considered
Information collected for the CDQ Program does not include information of a private or sensitive


12. Provide an estimate in hours of the burden of the collection of information.
Estimated total unique respondents: 93 (6 CDQ groups, 4 shoreside processors, and 83 observed
vessels). Estimated total responses: 4,802, reduced from 4,868. Estimated total burden: 2,193,
decreased from 2,221 hr. Estimated total personnel cost: $207,025, decreased from $207,725.
13. Provide an estimate of the total annual cost burden to the respondents or recordkeepers resulting from the collection (excluding the value of the burden hours in Question
12 above).
Estimated total miscellaneous costs: $197, reduced from $479.
14. Provide estimates of annualized cost to the Federal government.
Estimated total responses: 130, reduced from 142. Estimated total burden: 648, increased from
565 hr. Estimated total personnel cost: $16,200, increased from $14,125, based on $25/hr the
average wage equivalent to a GS-9 employee in Alaska, including COLA.
15. Explain the reasons for any program changes or adjustments.
Minor adjustments are made in this collection in responses, burden, and miscellaneous costs. The
only program changes are the removal of the Request for approval or removal of eligible vessel,
Community development plan (CDP)
A decrease of $190 miscellaneous costs, $20 instead of $210 (the cost of binders is removed
because binder purchase is a one-time cost. Also, the number of pages in each CDP is reduced
from 500 pages to a more realistic 100 pages).
Annual budget report
An increase of $5 miscellaneous costs, $16 instead of $11 (increased postage rates).
Annual budget reconciliation
A decrease of $14 miscellaneous costs, $16 instead of $30 (decreased postage rates plus addition
of photocopy costs). A flat rate of $5 postage cost was given in the previous action, totaling $30.
This action corrects the cost of postage by calculating it exactly and adds the cost of photocopies,
Technical amendment
An increase of $2 miscellaneous costs, $10 instead of $8 (increased postage rates).


Alternate fishing plan
A decrease of 1 response, 12 instead of 13 (responses are determined in a different manner)
A decrease of 4 burden hours, 48 instead of 52 hr
A decrease of $100 personnel cost, $1,200 instead of $1,300
An increase of $3 miscellaneous cost, $61 instead of $58 (due to increased Fax costs and
inclusion of photocopy expense).
Prior notice to observer, shoreside
An increase of 1 response, 56 instead of 55 (responses determined in a different manner).
Prior notice to observer, vessel
A decrease of 27 responses, 4,648 instead of 4,675 (responses determined in a different manner)
An increase of 15 burden hours, 155 instead of 140 hr (decrease of one hour due to decrease in
responses; addition of 16 hours due to correction in calculation, using minutes instead of decimal
An increase of $375 personnel cost, $3,875 instead of $3,500.
Total net adjustments:
Responses: a decrease of 27
Hours: an increase of 11
Personnel costs: an increase of $275
Miscellaneous costs: a decrease of $194.
Request for approval or removal of eligible vessel [REMOVED]
A decrease of 39 responses, 0 instead of 39.
A decrease of 39 hours, 0 instead of 39.
A decrease of $975 personnel costs, 0 instead of $975.
A decrease of $88 miscellaneous costs, 0 instead of $88.
Total net program changes:
Responses: a decrease of 39
Hours: a decrease of 39
Personnel costs: a decrease of $975
Miscellaneous costs: a decrease of $88.
Total net changes (adjustments and program changes):
Responses: a decrease of 66
Hours: a decrease of 28
Personnel costs: a decrease of $700.
Miscellaneous costs: a decrease of $282.

16. For collections whose results will be published, outline the plans for tabulation and
The information obtained from this collection is not expected to be published for statistical use.
17. If seeking approval to not display the expiration date for OMB approval of the
information collection, explain the reasons why display would be inappropriate.
Not Applicable.
18. Explain each exception to the certification statement.
Not Applicable.
This collection does not employ statistical methods.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2010-08-05
File Created2010-08-05

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