Form 2010 AQE Reintervi 2010 AQE Reintervi 2010 AQE Reinterview Evaluation Questionnaire

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2010 Census Alternative Questionnaire Experiment (AQE) Reinterview Evaluation

OMB: 0607-0952

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Race and Hispanic Origin Alternative Questionnaire Experiment (AQE) Reinterview

Final (Submitted To OMB On 09/01/2009)

A1. Hello, I’m (your Name) from the U.S. Census Bureau. We recently conducted the 2010 Census. Now we’re doing a study to find out how well we did our job. This interview should take about 7 minutes to complete.

A2. Your response to this survey is protected by law under Title 13 of the United States Code. This is the same law that protects your privacy. No one outside the Census Bureau will see your answers.

A3. Did you live or stay at <ADDRESS> on April 1, 2010?

[] Yes – continue

[] No – conduct interview about address where R stayed on April 1, 2010

B1. We need to list people living or staying there on April 1, 2010. We want to list people where they usually live and sleep. For example, college students and armed forces personnel should be listed where they live and sleep most of the time.

Let’s start with you, what is your first name? Middle initial? Last name?

What is the first name of the next person who was living and sleeping there on April 1, 2010? Middle initial? Last name?

Anyone else? (List entire roster)

B2. We do not want to miss any people who might have been staying there on April 1st. Were there any additional people that you didn’t mention, for example:

Babies or foster children?

If yes, What is that child’s first name? Middle initial? Last name? Any other children?

Any other relatives?

If yes, What is that person’s first name? Middle initial? Last name? Anyone else?

Roommates or any other nonrelatives?

If yes, What is that person’s first name? Middle initial? Last name? Anyone else?

How about anyone staying there on April 1st who had no other permanent place to live?

If yes, What is that person’s first name? Middle initial? Last name? Anyone else?

B3a. (Now thinking of all the people you just mentioned,) in April, (Were you/ was anyone) living in college housing or living away for the military?

Yes – if more than one person in household – Who was living away?

No -

B3b. On April 1, 2010, (were you/ was anyone) in a place like a nursing home or a jail or prison?

Yes – Who was away?


Read if more than 2 person household:

C1. We are going to ask for information about you and one other person in the household, <Name>.

Read if necessary: We have randomly selected <NAME> from your household. We are selecting only one other person because we want to keep the interview short.

C2. What was your age on April 1, 2010?

Read aloud when necessary: If you don’t know the exact age, please estimate.

Make sure the respondent gives the age in completed years as of April 1, 2010. Do not round up.

Do not enter age in months.

For babies less than 1 year old, enter 0 as the age.

C3. How about <Name>? (What was <Name’s> age on April 1, 2010?)

Read aloud when necessary: If you don’t know the exact age, please estimate.

Make sure the respondent gives the age in completed years as of April 1, 2010. Do not round up.

Do not enter age in months.

For babies less than 1 year old, enter 0 as the age.

C4. How is <NAME> related to you?

1-Husband or wife

2-Son or daughter - Is <NAME> your biological son or daughter, adopted son or daughter, OR stepson or stepdaughter?

1-Biological son or daughter

2- Adopted son or daughter

3- Stepson or stepdaughter

4-Foster son or daughter (DO NOT READ)

3- Brother or sister

4- Father or mother



7-Son-in-law or daughter-in-law

8-Other relative

9-Roomer or boarder

10-Housemate or roommate

11-Unmarried partner

12-Other nonrelative

Don’t Know


C5. Is <NAME> male or female?

Ask or verify sex. Do not enter/record sex based upon observation or responses to other items.

D1. What is your race or origin?



D2. Are you any other race or origin?



D3. What is <Name’s> race or origin?



D4. Is he/she any other race or origin?



E1. Now, I am going to ask you a series of questions about race and origin and would like you to respond to each one. You may identify with as many races and/or origins as you wish. These questions may seem repetitive, but it is important that we ask them of each person to measure the quality of our census.

E2. Are you White?

  • Yes

  • No

E3. Are you Black or African American?

  • Yes

  • No

E4. Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin, for example, Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano; Puerto Rican; Cuban; or another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

  • Yes Go to E5

  • No Go to E9

E5. (Ask or verify.) Are you Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano?

  • Yes

  • No

E6. (Ask or verify.) Are you Puerto Rican?

  • Yes

  • No

E7. (Ask or verify.) Are you Cuban?

  • Yes

  • No

E8A. If yes to any one E5-E7,

Are you another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin, for example, Dominican, Salvadoran, Colombian, Spaniard, and so on?

  • Yes What is that origin?


  • No

E8B. If no to E5-E7,

What is your Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin, for example, Dominican, Salvadoran, Colombian, Spaniard, and so on?


  • None

E8C. If respondent reports a general term such as “Hispanic,” “Latino,” or “Spanish” to question E8 A or B, then ask:

Can you be more specific?

Read if necessary: Origin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality group, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person's parents or ancestors before their arrival in the United States


E9. Are you American Indian or Alaska Native?

  • Yes What is your enrolled or principal tribe?


  • No

E10. Are you Asian, for example, Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, or another Asian race or origin?

  • Yes Go to E11

  • No Go to E18

E11. (Ask or verify.) Are you Asian Indian?

  • Yes

  • No

E12. (Ask or verify.) Are you Chinese?

  • Yes

  • No

E13. (Ask or verify.) Are you Filipino?

  • Yes

  • No

E14. (Ask or verify.) Are you Japanese?

  • Yes

  • No

E15. (Ask or verify.) Are you Korean?

  • Yes

  • No

E16. (Ask or verify.) Are you Vietnamese?

  • Yes

  • No

E17A. If yes to any one E11-16,

Are you another Asian race or origin?

  • Yes What is that race or origin?


  • No

E17B. If no to E11-16,

What is your Asian race or origin?


  • None

E18. Are you Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, for example, Native Hawaiian, Guamanian or Chamorro, Samoan, or another Pacific Islander race or origin?

  • Yes Go to E19

  • No Go to E23

E19. (Ask or verify.) Are you Native Hawaiian?

  • Yes

  • No

E20. (Ask or verify.) Are you Guamanian or Chamorro?

  • Yes

  • No

E21. (Ask or verify.) Are you Samoan?

  • Yes

  • No

E22A. If yes to any one E19-21,

Are you another Pacific Islander race or origin?

  • Yes What is that race or origin?


  • No

E22B. If no to E19-21,

What is your Pacific Islander race or origin?


  • None

E23. Are you Some other race or origin not yet mentioned?

  • Yes What is that race or origin?


  • No

E23A. If respondent reports biracial, multiracial, mixed, mestizo to question E23, then ask:

Can you be more specific?


E24. I have asked you a lot of questions about your race and origin. Now I'd like you to think about what you usually say when asked about your race and origin. This may or may not be the same as what you've already told me. Keeping in mind that you can say more than one, what do you usually say when asked about your race and origin?




F1. Now I’m going to ask you some questions about <Name>.

F2. Is [he/she] White?

  • Yes

  • No

F3. Is [he/she] Black or African American?

  • Yes

  • No

F4. Is [he/she] of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? (For example, Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano; Puerto Rican; Cuban; or another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?)

  • Yes Go to F5

  • No Go to F9

F5. (Ask or Verify) Is [he/she] Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano?

  • Yes

  • No

F6. (Ask or Verify) Is [he/she] Puerto Rican?

  • Yes

  • No

F7. (Ask or Verify) Is [he/she] Cuban?

  • Yes

  • No

F8A. If yes to any one F5-7,

Is [he/she] another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin, for example, Dominican, Salvadoran, Colombian, Spaniard, and so on?

  • Yes What is that origin?

  • No

F8B. If no to F5-7,

What is [his/her] Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin, for example, Dominican, Salvadoran, Colombian, Spaniard, and so on?


  • None

F8C. If respondent reports a general term such as “Hispanic,” “Latino,” or “Spanish” to question F8A or B, then ask:

Can you be more specific?

Read if necessary: Origin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality group, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person's parents or ancestors before their arrival in the United States



F9. Is [he/she] American Indian or Alaska Native?

  • Yes What is [his/her] enrolled or principal tribe?


  • No

F10. Is [he/she] Asian? (For example, Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, or another Asian race or origin.)

  • Yes Go to F11

  • No Go to F18

F11. (Ask or Verify) Is [he/she] Asian Indian?

  • Yes

  • No

F12. (Ask or Verify) Is [he/she] Chinese?

  • Yes

  • No

F13. (Ask or Verify) Is [he/she] Filipino?

  • Yes

  • No

F14. (Ask or Verify) Is [he/she] Japanese?

  • Yes

  • No

F15. (Ask or Verify) Is [he/she] Korean?

  • Yes

  • No

F16. (Ask or Verify) Is [he/she] Vietnamese?

  • Yes

  • No

F17A. If yes to any one F11-16,

Is [he/she] another Asian race or origin?

  • Yes What is that race or origin?


  • No

F17B. If no to F11-16,

What is [his/her] Asian race or origin?


  • None

F18. Is [he/she] Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander? For example, Native Hawaiian, Guamanian or Chamorro, Samoan, or another Pacific Islander race or origin.

  • Yes Go to F19

  • No Go to F23

F19. (Ask or Verify) Is [he/she] Native Hawaiian?

  • Yes

  • No

F20. (Ask or Verify) Is [he/she] Guamanian or Chamorro?

  • Yes

  • No

F21. (Ask or Verify) Is [he/she] Samoan?

  • Yes

  • No

F22A. If yes to any one F19-21,

Is [he/she] another Pacific Islander race or origin?

  • Yes What is that race or origin?


  • No

F22B. If no to F19-21,

What is [his/her] Pacific Islander race or origin?


  • None

F23. Is [he/she] Some other race or origin not yet mentioned?

  • Yes What is that race or origin?


  • No

F23A. If respondent reports biracial, multiracial, mixed, mestizo to question F23, then ask:

Can you be more specific?


F24. I have asked you a lot of questions about [NAME]’s race and origin. Now I'd like you to think about what [He/She] usually says when asked about [His/Her] race and origin. This may or may not be the same as what you've already told me. Keeping in mind that you can say more than one, what does [He/She] usually say when asked about [His/Her] race and origin?





G1. Now, I just have a few more questions about you.

G2. If respondent reports White only, then ask:

Earlier you said you were White. What is your specific origin? For example, German, Irish, Lebanese, Egyptian, and so on. G8


G3. If respondent reports Black or African American only, then ask:

Earlier you said you were Black or African American. What is your specific origin? For example, African American, Haitian, Nigerian, and so on. G8


G4. If respondent reports multiple responses including White, then ask:

Earlier, one of the things you said was that you were White. What is your specific White origin? For example, German, Irish, Lebanese, Egyptian, and so on. G5 or G8


G5. If respondent reports multiple responses including Black or African American, then ask:

Earlier, one of the things you said was that you were Black or African American. What is your specific Black origin? For example, African American, Haitian, Nigerian, and so on. G8


G6. If respondent reports Hispanic only and no race, then ask:

Earlier, you said you were <FILL SPECIFIC HISPANIC ORIGIN>. People of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin may be of any race. Do you consider yourself White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander or Some Other Race?

  • White

  • Black or African American

  • American Indian or Alaskan Native

  • Asian

  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  • Some Other Race

  • No/None of these – Specify exactly what R said ______________________

G7. If respondent reports multiple races or origins then ask:

Earlier, you reported more than one race or origin for yourself. Do you more closely identify with one of these groups?

  • Yes What is that group?


  • No

G8. Now we have a couple of questions about your parents.

G9a. Were you adopted?

  • Yes

  • No

G9b. Do you have a step-parent?

  • Yes

  • No

Fill “biological” only if adopted or step parent is “Yes”

G10. What is the race or origin of your (biological) mother?



G11. What is the race or origin of your (biological) father?



G12. Now I have a couple questions about how you are perceived by other people.

G13. When you first meet someone, what do they think your race is?



G14. Now, I’m going to ask you a series of questions about how often people guess your race is something that it may not be, or may be different from your own racial identity. I’d like you to tell me if each of these happens always, usually, sometimes or never.

How often are you thought to be:

White? Always Usually Sometimes Never

Black? Always Usually Sometimes Never

Hispanic? Always Usually Sometimes Never

American Indian

or Alaskan Native? Always Usually Sometimes Never

Asian? Always Usually Sometimes Never

Native Hawaiian or

Other Pacific Islander? Always Usually Sometimes Never

Multiracial? Always Usually Sometimes Never

Another race not yet mentioned? Please specify________________________________

Always Usually Sometimes Never

H1. Now, I just have a few more questions about <NAME>.

H2. If respondent reports White only, then ask:

Earlier you said <NAME> was White. What is <NAME’s> specific origin? For example, German, Irish, Lebanese, Egyptian, and so on. H8


H3. If respondent reports Black or African American only, then ask:

Earlier you said <NAME> was Black or African American. What is <NAME>’s specific origin? For example, African American, Haitian, Nigerian, and so on. H8


H4. If respondent reports multiple responses including White, then ask:

Earlier, one of the things you said was that <NAME> was White. What is <NAME’s> specific White origin? For example, German, Irish, Lebanese, Egyptian, and so on. H5 or H8


H5. If respondent reports multiple responses including Black or African American, then ask:

Earlier, one of the things you said was that <NAME> was Black or African American. What is <NAME’s> specific Black origin? For example, African American, Haitian, Nigerian, and so on. H8


H6. If respondent reports Hispanic only and no race, then ask:

Earlier, you said <NAME> was <FILL SPECIFIC HISPANIC ORIGIN>. People of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin may be of any race. Does <he/she> consider <him/her>self White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander or Some Other Race?

  • White

  • Black or African American

  • American Indian or Alaskan Native

  • Asian

  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  • Some Other Race

  • No/None of these – Specify exactly what R said _____________________________

H7. If respondent reports multiple races or origins for Person 2 then ask:

Earlier, you reported more than one race or origin for <NAME>. Does he/she more closely identify with one of these groups?

  • Yes What is that group?



  • No

H8. Now we have a couple of questions about <Name’s> parents.

H9a. Was <NAME> adopted?

  • Yes

  • No

H9b. Does <NAME> have a step-parent?

  • Yes

  • No

(Relationship based skip pattern:)

Fill “biological” only if adopted or step parent is “Yes”

H10. What is the race or origin of <Name’s> (biological) mother?



H11. What is the race or origin of <Name’s> (biological) father?



I4. Thank you. We have reached the end of the interview. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and time to assist us with our research.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleIdeas for Race and Hispanic Origin Yes/No Questions and Write-in
Last Modified Bymacho001
File Modified2009-09-01
File Created2009-09-01

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