Project Code 451 QID 060106 |
OMB No. 0535-0039: Approval Expires 1/31/2010 |
Oregon Field Office 1220 SW 3rd Ave., Room 1735 Portland, OR 97204 Phone 1-800-338-2157 or 503-326-2131 Email: [email protected] |
return by January 8***
interview follow-up to begin January 11
Information requested in this survey is used to prepare estimates of the Oregon wine industry. Facts about your operation are strictly confidential and used only in combination with other reports. Response is voluntary, but needed to ensure accurate results. The 2009 Oregon Vineyard and Winery Report will be mailed to you in February. The report can also be found at You may fax your survey to 1-800-731-7011. Please phone 1-800-338-2157 with any questions.
Please verify the name and mailing address for this operation.
Make corrections (including the correct operation name) on the above label and continue.
Guide to section completion:
During 2009, this operation: Complete Sections:
Was a bonded winery (including alternating proprietorship or alternating premises where the host and tenants qualify as TTB bonded wineries) |
A - F |
Had an OLCC issued Growers Sales Privilege license or had grapes custom crushed |
A, D - F |
Had an OLCC issued Warehouse or TTB issued Wholesalers Basic Permit |
A, D - F |
None of the above, but owned wine inventory or had wine sales |
D - F |
None of the above |
G |
SECTION A - General
Please check the growing area where your operation is located: (4002) |
_____ North Willamette Valley (including Yamhill-Carlton District, Chehalem Mountains, McMinnville, Ribbon Ridge, Dundee Hills, and Eola-Amity Hills) |
_____ Rogue Valley (including Applegate Valley) |
_____ Columbia River (including Columbia Gorge, Columbia Valley, and Walla Walla Valley) |
_____ South Willamette Valley (defined as south of Monmouth and the South Salem Hills) |
_____ Other Oregon area |
_____ Umpqua Valley (including Red Hills Douglas County) |
List wineries that crushed your grapes (if applicable): |
Total tons crushed for you (if applicable): |
List all other brands, labels, or winery names included in this report: |
SECTION B - Crush Summary
General Instructions: In Sections B and C, only include grapes crushed under your winery bond, including any
grapes you crushed for others. If any of your grapes were crushed under another wineries bond, that winery will
report the grapes crushed for you in their Wine Production Survey.
1. Grapes crushed on your bonded premises in 2009, regardless of ownership, including grapes crushed for others: |
a. Crush of purchased grapes………………….……………………………………………… 101 |
Tons |
b. Crush of estate grown grapes (grapes from your vineyards) ………………………… 102 ………………………………………………………….......... 102 |
Tons |
c. Grapes you crushed for others …….……………………………………………………… 103 Please list for whom (to avoid duplication): _____________________________________________________________________________
Tons |
Total tons crushed on your premises. (a+b+c) ……………………………………. 104 |
Tons |
2. Total storage capacity on your bonded premises: (This is the cooperage, including all closed containers, such as barrels and tanks, in which wine can be stored) ……………………………………………………………… 105 |
Gallons |
3. Unfilled wine grape needs in 2009: |
Variety needed |
Tons needed |
106 |
109 |
107 |
110 |
108 |
111 |
javascript:location=''SECTION C - Crush Detail
For item 1, please complete a separate bracket for each wine grape variety crushed on your operation. If grapes were
crushed for sparkling wine, check the box provided. Use the loose supplement Crush Detail page if additional brackets
are needed. Report all non-grape wine produced in item 2.
1. Crushed for still and sparkling wine in 2009 2. Fruit and berry wine produced
in 2009.
Variety crushed |
Grape origin |
Tons crushed 122 |
Total dollars paid 125 |
State grown 126 |
Variety |
Gallons produced |
Purchased |
6.1 |
$7,015 |
OR |
Apricots 227 |
List variety: |
123 |
Estate grown |
4.6 |
Blackberries 228 |
124 |
Custom crushed |
-- |
Blueberries 229 |
117 |
120 |
121 |
Boysenberries 230 |
Purchased |
List variety: |
118 |
Cherries 231 |
Estate grown |
(2000) ______ |
119 |
□ Crushed for sparkling wine |
Cranberries 232 |
Custom crushed |
Currants 233 |
122 |
125 |
126 |
Purchased |
Honey 234 |
List variety: |
123 |
Estate grown |
Loganberries 235 |
(2001) ______ |
124 |
□ Crushed for sparkling wine |
Custom crushed |
236 |
127 |
130 |
131 |
Peaches 237 |
Purchased |
List variety: |
128 |
Pears 238 |
Estate grown |
(2002) ______ |
129 |
□ Crushed for sparkling wine |
Pineapple 239 |
Custom crushed |
Plums 240 |
132 |
135 |
136 |
Purchased |
Raspberries 241 |
List variety: |
133 |
Estate grown |
Rhubarb 242 |
(2003) ______ |
134 |
□ Crushed for sparkling wine |
Custom crushed |
Strawberries 243 |
Other: 244 |
SECTION C - Crush Detail, continued
Variety crushed |
Grape origin |
Tons crushed 137 |
Total dollars paid 140 |
State grown 141 |
Purchased |
List variety: |
138 |
Estate grown |
(2004) ______ |
139 |
□ Crushed for sparkling wine |
Custom crushed |
142 |
145 |
146 |
Purchased |
List variety: |
143 |
Estate grown |
(2005) ______ |
144 |
□ Crushed for sparkling wine |
Custom crushed |
147 |
150 |
151 |
Purchased |
List variety: |
148 |
Estate grown |
(2006) ______ |
149 |
□ Crushed for sparkling wine |
Custom crushed |
152 |
155 |
156 |
Purchased |
List variety: |
153 |
Estate grown |
(2007) ______ |
154 |
□ Crushed for sparkling wine |
Custom crushed |
157 |
160 |
161 |
Purchased |
List variety: |
158 |
Estate grown |
(2008) ______ |
159 |
□ Crushed for sparkling wine |
Custom crushed |
162 |
165 |
166 |
Purchased |
List variety: |
163 |
Estate grown |
(2009) ______ |
164 |
□ Crushed for sparkling wine |
Custom crushed |
SECTION D - Wine Inventory
All operations with inventory and/or selling wine under their own brand(s) should complete Sections D and E (the inventory and sales tables).
Wine inventory on January 1, 2010: Report all Oregon produced inventory on your premises,
regardless of ownership. Include inventory at your tasting rooms, second locations, and stored out-of-state.
Please also include wine kept at commercial storage facilities.
Variety |
Bottled inventory by vintage |
Bulk inventory by vintage |
2009 |
2008 |
2007 & earlier |
2009 |
2008 |
2007 & earlier |
*** 9L equivalent cases *** |
*** Gallons or liters *** Please circle unit |
All sparkling wine |
245 |
266 |
287 |
308 |
329 |
350 |
Still wines: |
Cabernet Franc |
246 |
267 |
288 |
309 |
330 |
351 |
Cabernet Sauvignon |
247 |
268 |
289 |
310 |
331 |
352 |
Chardonnay |
248 |
269 |
290 |
311 |
332 |
353 |
Gewurztraminer |
249 |
270 |
291 |
312 |
333 |
354 |
Merlot |
250 |
271 |
292 |
313 |
334 |
355 |
Muller-Thurgau |
251 |
272 |
293 |
314 |
335 |
356 |
Pinot Blanc |
252 |
273 |
294 |
315 |
336 |
357 |
Pinot Gris |
253 |
274 |
295 |
316 |
337 |
358 |
Pinot Noir |
254 |
275 |
296 |
317 |
338 |
359 |
Sauvignon Blanc |
255 |
276 |
297 |
318 |
339 |
360 |
Syrah |
256 |
277 |
298 |
319 |
340 |
361 |
Tempranillo |
257 |
278 |
299 |
320 |
341 |
362 |
Viognier |
258 |
279 |
300 |
321 |
342 |
363 |
White Riesling |
259 |
280 |
301 |
322 |
343 |
364 |
Zinfandel |
260 |
281 |
302 |
323 |
344 |
365 |
Red Blends |
261 |
282 |
303 |
324 |
345 |
366 |
White Blends |
262 |
283 |
304 |
325 |
346 |
367 |
All Rosé & Blush Blends |
263 |
284 |
305 |
326 |
347 |
368 |
Fruit and Berry |
264 |
285 |
306 |
327 |
348 |
369 |
List other still wine: |
265 |
286 |
307 |
328 |
349 |
370 |
SECTION E - Wine Sales
All operations with inventory and/or selling wine under their own brand(s) should complete Sections D and E
(the inventory and sales tables).
Please report your Oregon produced wine sales, from all vintages. Include sales from
January 1 to December 31, 2009.
1. What were your total dollar wines sales in 2009? (371) $__________________ dollars
2. Report total wine cases sold (both domestic and exported) and bulk wine sales, by variety.
Variety |
Total number of cases sold
9L equivalent cases |
Bulk wine sales
gallons |
All sparkling wine |
372 |
393 |
Still wines: |
Cabernet Franc |
373 |
394 |
Cabernet Sauvignon |
374 |
395 |
Chardonnay |
375 |
396 |
Gewurztraminer |
376 |
397 |
Merlot |
377 |
398 |
Muller-Thurgau |
378 |
399 |
Pinot Blanc |
379 |
400 |
Pinot Gris |
380 |
401 |
Pinot Noir |
381 |
402 |
Sauvignon Blanc |
382 |
403 |
Syrah |
383 |
404 |
Tempranillo |
384 |
405 |
Viognier |
385 |
406 |
White Riesling |
386 |
407 |
Zinfandel |
387 |
408 |
Red Blends |
388 |
409 |
White Blends |
389 |
410 |
All Rosé & Blush Blends |
390 |
411 |
Fruit and Berry |
391 |
412 |
All other still wine |
392 |
413 |
SECTION E - Wine Sales, continued
3. Of your total wine case sales in 2009, what percentage was sold, or how many cases were sold:
Percent of sales or number of cases (percent total should = 100) |
4010 |
_______ % OR ________ cases |
414 |
4011 |
_______ % OR ________ cases |
415 |
c. To Oregon distributors, retailers, and restaurants...... |
4012 |
_______ % OR ________ cases |
416 |
d. To Washington distributors, retailers, and restaurants |
4013 |
_______ % OR ________ cases |
417 |
e. To New York distributors, retailers, and restaurants |
4014 |
_______ % OR ________ cases |
418 |
f. To California distributors, retailers, and restaurants |
4015 |
_______ % OR ________ cases |
419 |
g. To all other U.S. distributors, retailers, and restaurants |
4016 |
_______ % OR ________ cases |
420 |
h. Outside the U.S. ........................................................... |
4017 |
_______ % OR ________ cases |
421 |
4. Did you report sales outside the U.S. in item 3h above?
□ YES, complete the following table and continue □ NO, skip to Section F
Please report the number of 9L equivalent cases exported, by variety, and export destination.
Variety |
Export destination |
Canada |
Japan |
South Korea |
All other Asia |
United Kingdom |
Caribbean Islands 1/ |
Scandinavia |
All other destinations |
cases |
cases |
cases |
cases |
cases |
cases |
cases |
cases |
Chardonnay |
422 |
432 |
442 |
452 |
462 |
472 |
774 |
482 |
Merlot |
423 |
433 |
443 |
453 |
463 |
473 |
775 |
483 |
Pinot Blanc |
424 |
434 |
444 |
454 |
464 |
474 |
776 |
484 |
Pinot Gris |
425 |
435 |
445 |
455 |
465 |
475 |
777 |
485 |
Pinot Noir |
426 |
436 |
446 |
456 |
466 |
476 |
778 |
486 |
Syrah |
427 |
437 |
447 |
457 |
467 |
477 |
779 |
487 |
White Riesling |
428 |
438 |
448 |
458 |
468 |
478 |
780 |
488 |
Red Blends |
429 |
439 |
449 |
459 |
469 |
479 |
781 |
489 |
White Blends |
430 |
440 |
450 |
460 |
470 |
480 |
782 |
490 |
Other: |
431 |
441 |
451 |
461 |
471 |
481 |
783 |
491 |
1/ Caribbean Islands include the greater and lesser Antilles. Also includes destinations such as Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Aruba, Bahamas, and Bermuda.
SECTION F - Wine production comments:
Respondent Name: ________________________________Position: _______________________Phone:______________
SECTION G - Change in Operator
[Complete only if ‘None of the above’ is noted on the face page]
Has the winery named on the label been sold, rented, or turned over to someone else?
If not sold, but noted ‘None of the above’ on face
page, will the winery be used by you or anyone else in the next
□ Yes
No □
Don’t know
change in operator comments:
- [Continue] □
– [Go to a.]
Please provide the following information for the new operators
or operation that has taken over:
New winery name: ____________________________________
New contact name: ____________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
City: ______________________ State: _________ Zip _______
Phone: _____________________________________________
Office Use |
Mode |
Enum. |
Eval. |
1-Mail 2-Tel 3-Face to face 5-Web 6-E-mail 7-Fax 19-Other |
9903 |
098 |
100 |
1004 |
1005 |
1006 |
1007 |
S/E Name ________________________________
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB number is 0535-0039. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
File Type | text/rtf |
File Title | Project Code 158 QID 110001a |
Author | USDA |
Last Modified By | David Hancock |
File Modified | 2010-01-08 |
File Created | 2009-09-29 |