1. d. Protocol for Administration of Student Posttest OMB Control # 0584-0524
Red Pine Court
CA 91354
(800) 825 9602/(661)296 8581
(661) 296 8582
Teacher name, Grade
School Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Dear ________,
Thank you for agreeing to administer the Student Posttest Survey as part of the pilot test of the USDA The Great Garden Detective Adventure curriculum. After all evaluation activities have been completed (Teacher Implementation Logs, Classroom Observation, Student Survey Posttest, Parent Survey Posttest, and Teacher Posttest Interview), you will receive a stipend in the amount of $100.00.
Enclosed you will find the following items:
Survey Administration Protocol (to be reviewed by you)
A classroom set of the Student Posttest Survey
A classroom set of sharpened pencils
Classroom Participation Form (to be completed by you)
A return envelope
Please administer the survey at the conclusion of the pilot test. Once the survey has been administered, place the completed surveys and Classroom Participation Form in the return envelope. The materials need to be mailed on or before (DATE).
If you have any questions about completing the logs, please feel free to call me at (800) 825-8602, or email me at [email protected].
Susan Russell, EdD, MSPH
Student Survey
Curriculum Name
Survey Administrator: Classroom Teacher.
Scheduling the Posttest:
The survey will not be administered until all eleven lessons of the curriculum have been taught.
The survey will only be administered on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, and not on Monday or Friday.
The survey will be administered to all students in the classroom at the same time.
The survey will be administered before lunch.
The survey is not a timed survey; approximately 15 minutes should be allowed for students to complete the survey.
Preparation for Survey Administration
Student Posttest Survey, one for each student
Sharpened pencils with erasers, one for each student
Classroom Participation Form
Return envelope
2. Obtain class list of students’ unique identification numbers used for the pretest.
Date of Survey Administration
Remove, turn around, or cover any nutrition education and/or gardening information, materials, pictures or models on display in the classroom, including materials on students’ desks/tables.
if necessary, for the survey administration. The desks or tables
may need to be reorganized for testing. If nutrition education or
garden-related posters, papers, or other information are on display,
replace, move, turn-over, or camouflage, during the posttesting
Administering and Proctoring the Survey
Distribute the survey and a pencil to each student. (They may keep the pencil.)
Tell students to enter their unique identification number in the space provided on the top of page 2 of the survey. Tell them to NOT write their name anywhere on the survey.
Read aloud the following confidentiality statement to the students:
Say: “Our class is participating in a study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This survey asks questions about eating fruits and vegetables and what you are learning in school about nutrition and gardening. This is not a test. There are no right or wrong answers and you will not be timed. The answers you give are very important, so answer them truthfully and as best as you can. You do not have to take the survey or complete any questions that you do not want to answer, but it will be helpful if you will answer all of them. Do not put your name anywhere on the survey. Your answers are private. No one will ever be able to connect you with your answers. If you have any questions, please raise your hand.” Pause to answer any questions students may have.
Read aloud the following directions to the students:
Say: “Read the directions for each question on each page. For each question, you are to fill in the bubble (O) of the one best answer for you. Read the directions for each question because the directions are different at the end of the survey. Now, begin the survey.”
Monitor students. To insure privacy and confidentiality, and to promote honest responses, do not wander around the room while students complete the survey. However, do observe their behavior to ensure that disruptions do not occur or that students do not try to find out how other students answered.
Provide assistance. There may be students who experience difficulty completing the survey due to language or reading skills. Provide them with guidance as needed, being cautious not to guide them to a selected response.
If a student asks about a (named) vegetable or (named) fruit identified in a posttest item (e.g., what is Swiss chard?), respond by saying that, “During the lessons and activities this semester, we learned about all of these fruits and vegetables. Do your best to give the answer that is best for you.” Do not describe the characteristics of a specific fruit or vegetable.
Collect the completed surveys, checking to ensure that each student’s identification number is included on the survey. Allow students to keep the pencils.
Return the room to pre-survey status, ensuring that all desks, materials, and supplies are returned to their original order.
Directions for returning surveys
Complete the Classroom Participation Form (attached).
Place the completed surveys and Classroom Participation Form in the envelope provided. Mail the envelope on or before (DATE).
Classroom Participation Form
The Great Garden Detective Adventure
Student Posttest Survey
Number of completed surveys: ____
Was the survey administered by the classroom teacher?
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Susan Russell |
Last Modified By | Susan |
File Modified | 2011-06-08 |
File Created | 2011-06-08 |