OMB Control # 0584-0524 04/30/2013
Teacher Implementation Log Lesson 1. Name of Lesson: Use Your Five Senses Directions: Please fill in the information in the spaces below. Write additional comments about the activities, or describe specific modifications on the next page. |
Date(s) Lesson Taught: _______________________ |
Number of students assisting with garden maintenance this week: _____ |
Into which content areas did you integrate this lesson? Check all that apply. |
Math |
History |
Physical Education |
Science |
Language Arts |
Other: ____________________________ |
TIME Check amount of time spent teaching the activity. |
MATERIALS Check handouts distributed. |
MODIFICATIONS Check the extent to which you made changes to the activity. For each activity you modified, describe how it was modified. Use next page of log, if necessary. |
I did not teach this. 1 – 20 min. 21 – 40 min. 41 – 60 min. over 60 min. (specify) ___ |
1.1 Stay Healthy; Wash Your Hands 1.2 Polite Food Tasting—Be Kind 1.3 The Five Senses
No modifications made. Modifications made, describe: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
I did not teach this. 1 – 20 min. 21 – 40 min. 41 – 60 min. over 60 min. (specify) ___ |
No modifications made. Modifications made, describe: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
I did not teach this. 1 – 20 min. 21 – 40 min. 41 – 60 min. over 60 min. (specify) ___ |
No modifications made. Modifications made, describe: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
How much do you agree with this statement? Overall, the students were receptive (e.g., interested, enthusiastic, open to try, and responsive) to the lesson. Circle one. |
Strongly agree |
Agree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Disagree |
Strongly disagree |
Teacher Implementation Log
Lesson 1. Name of Lesson: Use Your Five Senses
If this lesson included a taste-testing activity, answer the questions below |
Featured fruit or vegetable: _________________________ |
Number of students tasting the fruit or vegetable: _________ |
Number of students unwilling to taste the fruit or vegetable: ______ |
Taste testing was administered (check one): Before lunch After lunch |
Other comments about lesson activities, positive or negative, that would be useful when revising the curriculum (e.g., developmental or cultural appropriateness for your students, ease of use): _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
MODIFICATIONS, continued. |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Teacher Implementation Log |
Author | Susan Russell |
Last Modified By | Susan |
File Modified | 2011-06-03 |
File Created | 2011-06-03 |