Visa Compliance System

Visa Compliance System

VCS - The Complete Guide to USAID Visa Compliance Systems

Visa Compliance System

OMB: 0412-0582

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Version 1.06.02
April 2009

The Complete Guide to USAID Visa Compliance Systems

04/13/2009 Revision Date
Substantive: NO
Editorial: YES

Thousands of people each year are brought to the United States and enrolled in training, education, and
invitational travel programs funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). With
few exceptions, every USAID-sponsored visitor to the U.S. must travel on a J-1 visa issued under
USAID’s program number.
The Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) is a Web-based system for maintaining
information on international students and Exchange Visitors (EVs) staying in the U.S. SEVIS is
administered by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP), a division of U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE), the largest investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS). The purpose of SEVIS is to monitor the issuance of F, M, and J visas, and to gather and monitor
information about students and EVs in the U.S. from entry to exit. In accordance with Department of
State and Department of Homeland Security regulations, all EV program sponsors, including USAID, are
required to use SEVIS to electronically print the Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1)
Status (Form DS-2019), and they must update SEVIS with information on all EVs in the U.S. Only
approved U.S. citizens, located in the U.S., are permitted access to SEVIS. Agency policies address this
need for U.S.-based centralization.
This guide provides an overview of, and specific guidance regarding, procedures and systems required for
J-1 visa processing for USAID-sponsored participants. Detailed instructions for using the supporting
computer systems are provided in accompanying appendices.
The preparation of the DS-2019 form is a critical step in the process of obtaining a visa for USAIDsponsored EVs to the U.S. This form must be presented to the Consular Officer, along with supporting
documents, to obtain a J-1 visa prior to travel to the U.S. After the EV is issued his or her J-1 visa and
arrives in the U.S., the information required on this form must be kept up-to-date or the participant will
fall out of status and could be subject to action by authorities.
Policies governing participant training are contained in ADS Chapter 253, and policies governing visas
for entry into the U.S. are contained in ADS Chapter 252.

All USAID EVs traveling to the U.S. are subject to the policies contained in USAID’s policy documents
ADS 252 and 253. USAID Missions, Washington Offices, and implementing partners must use TraiNet to
track and report participants to USAID/Washington (USAID/W). TraiNet is the sole source of
information on all USAID-sponsored EVs. Because only U.S.-based staff may access SEVIS, the Visa
Compliance System (VCS) provides an interface between TraiNet and SEVIS.

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Enter EV and

Verify, secure,
and translate
data from

Produce DS2019 forms

Figure 1: The TraiNet applications feed data into the VCS, which serves to verify, secure, and
translate data from TraiNet into a format understood by SEVIS. VCS then exchanges data with
SEVIS to produce and update DS-2019 forms and status.
Contractors and Missions use TraiNet to capture and update data on training and exchange programs.
TraiNet is the point of entry for all required data for the J-1 visa application process. In addition, TraiNet
is used to update the information required by DHS during the EV’s visit.
VCS is a secure, Web-based system that facilitates the data interchange between TraiNet and SEVIS.
VCS performs three functions. First, it implements a process to verify data from TraiNet. Second, it
translates TraiNet data to the format required by SEVIS and manages its transmission. Lastly, it provides
approval management of requests for and changes to DS-2019 information as it moves through the
workflow process.
VCS users must be approved centrally and assigned a role with the appropriate security precautions. VCS
adheres to all USAID password and login procedures, including password length, character sets, and
password expiration.
SEVIS, the computer system created by DHS to vet, approve, and monitor students and EVs in the U.S.
creates a means for information collection and reporting via the Internet. VCS communicates DS-2019
information to SEVIS, which produces the actual forms. SEVIS reports errors and alerts related to EVs.
All automated processes are handled through VCS; however, there are instances that require the
USAID/W Responsible Officer (RO) or an Alternate Responsible Officer (ARO) to utilize the real-time
interface (RTI) to handle particular situations.

Sponsoring Units are responsible for tracking the whereabouts of their participants in the U.S. and their
return status at the conclusion of training. Current information must be provided to the USAID
Washington RO or AROs at any time upon request.
There are four roles for stakeholders involved in USAID’s J-1 visa process:
1. Initiator: Using TraiNet, is responsible for entering all required information for initiating visa
applications and tracking participants. (See Appendix 1)

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04/13/2009 Revision Date

2. Verifier: Using VCS, verifies participant data transferred to VCS from TraiNet.
(See Appendix 2)
3. Approver: Using VCS, provides Mission confirmation of the legitimacy of each participant and
training intervention; approves participant data after being verified by R2. (See Appendix 3)
4. Submitter: Using VCS and SEVIS, USAID/W RO (or AROs) submits approved participant data
to SEVIS for processing, manages user access to VCS, and monitors the workflow through the
Information about a prospective USAID-sponsored EV must be gathered, reviewed, and managed by
individuals serving in each of these roles before a DS-2019 form can be produced. If a candidate is
rejected by the Approver or Submitter at any time during the process, the candidate is sent back to the
Verifier. If the Verifier rejects the candidate, he or she must communicate with the TraiNet operator to
make the appropriate changes to the EV or program record, if desired.
This role is performed by the employee responsible for data entry in TraiNet. All participants nominated
for training in the U.S. must be entered into TraiNet.
The Initiator does not have to be a U.S. citizen. This role can be served by a USAID contractor, centrally
funded organization, or USAID Mission. There is no limit to the number of individuals who may be
assigned to the Initiator role.
At no time should the Initiator perform the role of the Verifier or use the username or password of
the Verifier.
Responsibilities of the Initiator include:

Entering data in TraiNet to create new EVs and programs.


Transmitting TraiNet data to VCS.


Updating data in TraiNet during the course of a program.


Updating all status fields throughout the program, including indicating the EV’s program
completion, U.S. departure, and home-country return status.


Correcting data in TraiNet to resolve data errors.

Initiators may receive the following e-mail notifications from the systems indicating that immediate
action may be required:

One time notification that an EV has been terminated.


Daily notifications of EVs who have a return status in TraiNet of “Unknown” and are one to three
days past the end date of their programs.

The Verifier is responsible for ensuring that data entered into TraiNet is complete and correct when
imported to VCS.

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The Verifier does not have to be a U.S. citizen. The Verifier role can be served by a USAID contractor,
centrally funded organization, or USAID Mission, but cannot be served by the same individual(s) in the
Initiator role.
At no time should the Verifier share his or her username and password with anyone.
Responsibilities of the Verifier include:

Verifying TraiNet data that is imported to VCS.


Communicating data errors to the TraiNet Operator for correction in TraiNet.


Determining disposition of participant by either removing nomination or moving to USAID
Mission for approval through VCS.


Communicating with the Approver and Submitter to determine status of questionable applications
and to provide any information required for the Security Risk and Fraud Inquiry (SRFI) (see ADS


Uploading relevant documentation to VCS such as the EV’s passport face page, DS-2019 form,
and I-94 form.


Ensuring that all EVs are properly validated within three calendar days of their program start


Retaining a black and white copy of the stamped, endorsed DS-2019 after EV’s arrival in the U.S.


Providing the Submitter with information and documentation pertaining to an EV upon request.

Verifiers may receive the following e-mail notifications from the systems indicating that immediate
action may be required:

Daily notifications of EVs whose data in VCS has errors that prevent processing.


Daily notifications of EVs to be reviewed and either verified or rejected in VCS.


Daily notifications of EVs to be validated after arrival in the U.S.


One time notification of EVs, whose programs are scheduled to begin, sent on the day the
program is scheduled to begin.


One time notification of EVs, whose programs are scheduled to end, sent on the day the program
is scheduled to end.


One time notification that an EV has been terminated.


One time notification that an EV has been marked as “Not Returned” in TraiNet (that is, is a nonreturnee at the end of his or her program).


Daily notifications of EVs whose return status is “Unknown” and are four to six days past the end
date of their program.

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One time notification of EVs whose return status is “Unknown” and are six days past the end of
their program and therefore subject to being terminated in SEVIS for non-compliance, sent six
days past the program end date.

This role must be performed by a U.S. citizen at a USAID Mission or at USAID/W to approve participant
data or data updates for EVs.
The number of individuals assigned the Approver role is determined by the Mission Director or USAID
Responsibilities of the Approver include:

Providing Mission confirmation of the legitimacy of each EV who is a resident of the country, as
well as confirmation of the training intervention, and certifies that a SRFI has been conducted.


Approving data from field offices to send to USAID/W RO or AROs through VCS.


Entering last four digits of the passport number and country of citizenship of EV.


Sending disapproved applications back to the field office for correction or removal.


Communicating potential problems to TraiNet supervisors in field offices.


Nominating people to fill the role of Verifier.

Approvers may receive the following e-mails from the systems indicating that immediate action may be

Daily notifications of EVs to be reviewed and either approved or rejected in VCS.


One time notification that an EV has been terminated.


One time notification that an EV has been marked as “Not Returned” in TraiNet (that is, is a nonreturnee at the end of his or her program).


One time notification of EVs whose return status is “Unknown” and are six days past the end of
their program and therefore subject to being terminated in SEVIS for non-compliance, sent six
days past the program end date.

This role is performed by the Responsible Officer (RO) or Alternate Responsible Officers (AROs) within
the EGAT/ED office approved by DOS to access SEVIS.
Responsibilities of the Submitter include:

Submitting approved VCS applications to SEVIS through the batch transfer function.


Sending disapproved applications back to the Verifier for correction or removal.


Receiving and processing alerts from SEVIS (Real Time Interface (RTI) and batch).


Communicating potential problems to TraiNet supervisors in field offices and officers at USAID
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Managing signing, printing, and shipping of DS-2019 forms back to Missions and field offices.


Managing VCS access of Verifiers, Approvers, and other Submitters.


Managing all State Department and Department of Homeland Security reinstatements.

Submitters may receive the following e-mails from the systems indicating that immediate action may be

Daily notifications of EVs who are not validated in SEVIS and are nearing the date when they
will fall out of status and become “No-Show.”


One time notification that an EV has been marked as “Not Returned” in TraiNet (that is, is a nonreturnee at the end of his or her program).


One time notification of EVs that have a return status in TraiNet of “Unknown” and are four days
past their program end date, sent four days past the program end date.


One time notification of EVs whose return status is “Unknown” and are six days past the end of
their program and therefore are subject to being terminated in SEVIS for non-compliance, sent
six days past the program end date.

It is fully expected that there will be communication among these different roles. Verifiers, for instance,
are expected to communicate with their TraiNet Operator and Approver. However, it is never
appropriate to give an Exchange Visitor contact information for a Mission’s Approver without the
Approver’s prior consent.
The Responsible Officer (RO) designates one or more Alternate Responsible Officers (AROs) to serve as
VCS User Managers. VCS User Managers are responsible for assigning user access to the VCS. Because
it is impossible for one person to physically know every potential world-wide user of the system, the
authorization process requires that each VCS role authorize and verify the roles that report to him or her.
The processes for authorizing VCS users are detailed below.
Submitter Authorization Process

1. Submitters are the State Department-approved USAID RO and AROs.
2. The RO is responsible for assigning access to other Submitters.
3. Submitters, as designated by the USAID RO, can be set up as a VCS User Manager. VCS User
Managers assign access to other VCS users and handle all requests for resetting passwords.
Approver Authorization Process

1. The Mission Director must nominate a U.S. Citizen who is a Mission Employee as the Approver
or Alternate Approver in an e-mail addressed the USAID RO. The e-mail must include the full
name and e-mail address for the nominated individual. Washington Assistant Administrators or
Deputy Assistant Administrators may nominate Washington Office Directors.
2. The VCS User Manager will provide the nominee, via e-mail, his or her user ID, instructions on
roles and responsibilities, as well as a citizenship certificate which must be filled out by the
nominee, NOTARIZED, and returned to the VCS User Manager.
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3. Upon receipt of the nominee’s notarized citizenship certificate, the VCS User Manager creates a
user profile. The R3 will then receive an e-mail including his or her VCS password.
4. Any requests for passwords or resetting of passwords must be sent directly to the VCS User
5. Requests to remove an Approver or Alternate Approver must be sent by the Mission or
USAID/W office to the USAID RO.
Verifier Authorization Process

1. Approvers must nominate Verifiers by e-mail to the TraiNet/VCS helpdesk at [email protected] and the VCS User Manager.
2. A username and password are assigned and separately communicated to the new Verifier.
3. Any requests for passwords or resetting of passwords must be sent directly to the VCS User
4. Requests to remove a Verifier should be sent to the TraiNet/VCS Helpdesk and VCS User
Initiator Authorization Process

1. Initiator’s access to Trainet is set by each TraiNet site administrator (individual designated when
TraiNet site ID is assigned).
2. Missions, offices, and partners who do not yet have TraiNet access should contact the TN/VCS
Helpdesk at [email protected].

Data originates in TraiNet and is transferred to the VCS. After verification and approval, the data is then
submitted to SEVIS. Incorrect or erroneous data is corrected directly in TraiNet. When SEVIS completes
data processing, it sends a file back to the VCS with the results. This linear workflow allows the
following major events to be centrally managed as required by SEVIS guidelines:

Issuance of DS-2019: In order to create a Form DS-2019, information about the prospective EV
is entered in TraiNet and transferred to VCS for verification and approval. Authorized USAID
personnel electronically submit data from VCS to SEVIS. The Form DS-2019 is generated by
SEVIS, downloaded, printed, and signed in Washington before being sent to USAID Missions.


Participant Status Changes: Throughout a participant’s stay in the U.S., USAID is required to
transmit changes in the participant’s status to SEVIS. Among the most important of these status
changes are “Validation”, “Program end”, and “Return to home country.” Key dates and
timeframes are noted in the chart below.







Enters all data. It
is recommended
that this step be
done 4-6 weeks

Verifies that
information is
correct, error

Security Risk
and Fraud
Inquiry, approves

Submits request
to SEVIS, prints
and signs DS2019 form, ships

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before the
interview at the
Consulate. This
timeframe may
vary by country.

errors to Initiator
for correction.


signed forms to
the field.

U.S. Arrival

Updates EV
status to “In
Training” within
3 business days
of the arrival.

Verifies status
within 3 business
days of arrival.


validation to

U.S. Departure
and HomeCountry Return

Updates EV
status to
“achieved” or
other relevant
status. Updates
EV return status
to “Returned” or
other relevant
status; and enters
U.S. departure
date, once

notification if
Initiator does not
update TraiNet
within 3 days.

notification if EV
will be
terminated in
SEVIS for noncompliance.

Terminates EV if
he or she does
not depart the
U.S. and return
to home country.

A Sponsoring Unit intends to request a DS-2019 to allow a participant to apply for a J-1 visa. The
organization provides full training intervention and participant biographical information to the TraiNet
Operator who enters the request into TraiNet. When necessary, the organization must report changes in
the participant’s data to the TraiNet Operator to update the system. Data from Trainet is transferred to
VCS, and VCS provides some automated data validation.
The Verifier checks information transferred to VCS from TraiNet on a daily (or as needed) basis. The
Verifier may either
1. Communicate any error to the Initiator for correction in TraiNet;
2. Reject the application outright; or
3. Verify that the information is correct, and send the application to the Mission for
approval by the R3.

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The USAID Mission receives the verified application data from the Verifier and can
1. Approve, indicating that the data is correct and that the participant and intervention are
legitimate, or
2. Reject the application and send it back to the Verifier.
The USAID RO or ARO in the U.S. receives the application and can
1. Review and submit the approved application to SEVIS, or
2. Reject the application and send it back to the Verifier
The RO in the U.S. is notified by DHS that the DS-2019 is approved or that there are errors. If approved,
the RO prints, signs, and ships the DS-2019 form as specified in ADS 252. If errors exist, the RO
communicates the error to the Verifier for correction.
Signed DS-2019 forms must remain in the control of the USAID Sponsoring Unit (or Implementer, as
designated) until they are submitted with supporting documents to the U.S. Consulate, where the J-1 visa
is issued. The organization must ensure that if a participant does not depart for training as planned, the
DS-2019 form is expeditiously returned to the RO for disposal with an explanatory cover memo. DS2019 forms may not be destroyed outside the borders of the U.S. and must be accounted for by the

Inquiries regarding system access, password resets, VCS user issues, and DS-2019s should be directed to
Linda Walker at [email protected]. Inquiries regarding ADS 252 policy may be directed to James
Nindel at [email protected]. Inquiries regarding visa policy compliance and best practices or EV
reinstatements may be directed to Mr. Jeffrey Shahan at [email protected].
The TraiNet/VCS helpdesk is available to answer technical and usability questions.
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +1.703.879.8611
Web site:
Web site references:
USAID Visa Compliance System:
USAID ADS Chapters 252 and 253:

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April 2009

The Complete Guide to USAID Visa Compliance Systems

04/13/2009 Revision Date

The Initiator is the first person involved in the J-1 visa application process. This person is responsible for
entering required information for the Exchange Visitor (EV) into TraiNet and transmitting it to the Visa
Compliance System (VCS) for review by the Verifier and Approver. For each EV, the Initiator is
responsible for both the initial input of data for the J-1 visa application as well as any required status
changes and updates to information related to the EV during the program duration.
A summary of the roles and responsibilities for the R1-Initiator (TraiNet Operator) is as follows:
The employee responsible for data entry in TraiNet performs the role of R1-Initiator. All EVs nominated
for training in the U.S. must be entered in TraiNet and transmitted to the VCS. This person does not have
to be a U.S. citizen.
The R1-Initiator uses the TraiNet system to:

Do data entry in TraiNet to create new EVs and programs.


Transmit TraiNet data to the data repository and the VCS.


Update data in TraiNet during the course of a program.


Correct data in TraiNet to resolve data errors.


Create new TraiNet user accounts and edit Top Tier data, if given site administrator

Inquiries regarding system access, password resets, VCS user issues, and DS-0219s should be directed to
Linda Walker at [email protected]. Inquiries regarding ADS 252 policy may be directed to James
Nindel at [email protected]. Inquiries regarding visa policy compliance and best practices or EV
reinstatements may be directed to Mr. Jeffrey Shahan at [email protected].
The TraiNet/VCS Help Desk is available to answer technical and usability questions:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +1.703.879.8611
Web site:
Web site references:
USAID Visa Compliance System:
USAID ADS Chapters 252 and 253:


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All EVs requiring a J-1 visa must be initially entered into TraiNet by the Initiator. TraiNet provides the
only access for initial data entry in the J-1 visa approval process (see the Complete Guide for more
details). TraiNet must be used for USAID visa compliance.
Cycle of the Process

For every EV coming to the U.S. on a J visa, you must perform certain steps must be performed by the
Initiator in TraiNet to ensure compliance with USAID and other U.S. Federal Government regulations.
The rest of this appendix describes necessary the steps to take.
In general, for every EV, the Initiator must create, validate, and end the program, in that order, by
entering the EV in TraiNet, updating his or her status to “In-training” once the program begins, and then
updating his or her status to “Achieved” and noting his or her return home at the conclusion of the
program. In addition, the Initiator might need to cancel or terminate, postpone, or extend EVs as well as
update their address over the life of the program. Timelines for these required updates are contained in
ADS 252. After each of these changes, the information must be transmitted from TraiNet to VCS for
further review.
Initial Steps

Before entering data about programs and EVs into TraiNet, it is necessary to gain access to the top tier
data (or Foreign Assistance framework) of the USAID Mission or office that sponsors the contract, grant,
or cooperative agreement funding the training. Top tier refers to Activities (USAID project/contract),
Assistance Objectives (AOs), and Intermediate Results (IRs). Foreign Assistance Framework refers to
Program Elements and Sub-elements. Contact your TraiNet/VCS technical support staff at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Required Data

The following information is required for U.S. EVs before data can be submitted to the Department of
Homeland Security’s SEVIS system to request a DS-2019 Certificate of Eligibility. TraiNet will require
that you enter other information as well, but only the fields below are used as part of the visa compliance
Exchange Visitor Information:

Last Name (first and last name must match the first and last name as they appear on the




Birth Date


Birth City


Birth Country


Residence Country


Citizenship Country


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Address (this may initially be the address of the training provider but must be updated as new
information is available regarding where the EV will reside while in the US)

Address Line 1






Zip Code (must be at least five digits)




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Position Code


Visa Type


Visa Category (category selection is based on professional background, education level, and
purpose of visit)


Passport Number

Program Information

Field of Study (Subject Field Code)


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U.S. Training Component Start and End Dates


Training type


Sponsoring Mission


Training Provider (facility) name


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Training Provider (facility) address

Line 1






Zip Code (must be five digits)




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Funding Information

Budgeted Funding amount (must be greater than zero), showing USAID’s contribution to the
instruction, EV, and travel expenses.


Non-USAID contributions, if entered, must be greater than zero; however, this is not a
required field.


These amounts will be divided equally among the EVs in the program. Cancelled EVs are


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Required Updates during the Program

During the course of an Exchange Visitor’s program, the following information must be updated if there
are changes or if errors are discovered:



Last Name


Birth Date




Country of Birth


City of Birth


Country of Residence


Position Code


Current Site of Activity [current training provider's name and address] *


Field of Study


Program Start and End Dates


USAID or Other Funding contributions


If the training provider has not yet been identified at the time of initial data entry, the implementer's name and U.S. address may be used until
such time as the training provider is known. Once known, training provider information should be provided as a site of activity update via


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Participant Status – Update EV status to “In Training” when the EV has arrived at the
program site and then “Achieved” or other applicable status at end of program.


Termination Status – Update EV status to Terminated and update Termination Reason.


Return Status - Update EV’s return status as “returned”, “not returned”, or “unknown.” If
known, also enter the departure date.

TraiNet organizes information into programs that contain information on EVs, what they will study,
where, with whom they will study it, and how much it will cost.
What constitutes a Program?

A program can be a long-term degree program (such as associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral), or
non-degree technical training like seminars, conferences, or workshops, to name just a few types.
A program can be delivered traditionally, with the all parties in the same location, or by distance learning
methods. A program has defined start and end dates. There are very few, if any, gaps between its
components. (Hint: if you have a program where there are long gaps between components, you should
probably subdivide it into a number of individual programs.)
Further, a program can take place in the U.S., in an individual’s home country, or in a third country (some
programs take place in several venues).
Individuals do not need J-1 visas from the U.S. Consulate for in-country or third-country programs, so it
is not necessary to request a DS-2019 form for these programs. It is, however, still required to enter data
in TraiNet.


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Any time an individual will come to the U.S. under the partial or full sponsorship of USAID, directly or
indirectly funded by USAID, his or her information as well as information about the program must be
entered into TraiNet and submit it to the VCS.
If you have a number of students attending academic programs (such as associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s,
or doctoral degrees), create a separate training program for each student.
A program is not a project or an activity that has a training component. Projects and Activities may,
however, provide funding for programs.
Projects and Activities are entered in TraiNet under the Activities screen.
Data entry guides for TraiNet Web are available on the technical support Web site at If you are unable to download either of these documents, e-mail
the Help Desk for assistance at [email protected].
Common Errors and Resolutions

Error: Program start date can only be updated when the EV is in Planned status
Cause: Once the EV has arrived and has been validated, SEVIS does not allow an update to the program
start date.
Resolution: Change the start date to the original date and resubmit data from TraiNet.
Error: TraiNet operator cannot update record to “achieved”.
Cause: Most likely the EV’s status was never changed from “Planned” to “In-Training”, confirming the
EV’s arrival in the U.S.
Resolution: Update the status of the EV to “In-Training” and submit to VCS. Then, update the status of
the EV to “Achieved” and submit this update.
Once an EV has arrived in the U.S. and has begun his or her program, the EV’s status in TraiNet must be
updated reflect his or her arrival. The information must be sent from TraiNet to SEVIS via VCS and is
called “Validating” the EV. If this update is not done in a timely manner as specified in the ADS policies,
the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department will automatically assume that the EV
has violated terms of his or her program and will consider the EV a “No-Show.” This could jeopardize
current and future EV programs and lead to difficulty for the EV when entering the U.S.
Within three days of the beginning of the training program the validation process must be complete. To
begin this process, the TraiNet operator should update the EV’s status in TraiNet to “In-Training” and
transmit this update for processing in the VCS for submission verification.
A description of the most common other updates follow.
Correcting or Changing Information

Sometimes information about an EV changes or an error needs to be corrected. In such cases, you do not
need to recreate the same EV record. Simply edit the existing EV record, making any changes or
corrections that are necessary, and transmit the data. VCS will import the changes to be reviewed.


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Extending or Shortening the Program

If the end date of the program needs to be adjusted due to changes in the design or delivery of the
program, simply change the end date in TraiNet and transmit this new information to the VCS. If the
changes in the design or delivery of the program occur after the request for a DS-2019 has been
submitted, the program end date can only be extended up to the limit of the permissible period of
participation authorized for the program category. To request an extension of the end date beyond the
permissible period of the program category, contact the USAID RO.
Canceling EV Participation

An EV who drops out of a program or is removed from a program before it begins is considered a
cancelled EV. If an EV has been validated (see above) then you cannot cancel the EV. He or she must be
terminated (see Termination of EV Participation below).
If the EV’s request for a DS-2019 has not been submitted to SEVIS, the cancellation will be processed
automatically by the VCS, and no action will be required by the Verifier for this person. If there is more
than one EV on this program, consider modifying the budget so as to not force a re-verification of the
other EVs. (Please see the paragraph below about budgets and cancellations.)
Terminating EV Participation

An EV who drops out of a program or is removed from a program before it begins is considered a
cancelled EV. If an EV has been validated (see above) then you cannot cancel the EV; he or she must be
terminated in TraiNet.
In the case where the EV is being terminated, the TraiNet operator must indicate the “Return Status”
(Returned, Not Returned, Unknown) and select a “Termination Reason” listed below. Note that certain
termination reasons will result in a “terminated” status in SEVIS (an outcome with negative connotation),
while others will result in an “End of Program” status in SEVIS (an outcome without negative
In addition, the Initiator must enter a “termination date” and may also enter a “departure date” and
additional comments.
Regardless of if the termination results in “End of Program” or “Termination” in SEVIS, the program
end date must not be changed. The program end date should reflect the original intentions of the program.
Termination Reason Description

SEVIS Status

Failure to Pursue Activities


No Health Insurance


Conviction of a Crime


Disciplinary Action


Unauthorized Employment


Sponsor Rules Violations


Program Regulations Violations


Failure to Maintain Course Load



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Involuntary Suspension


Failure to Submit Address Change




Death of Participant

End of Program

Unable to Continue

End of Program

Program Completed Early

End of Program


End of Program

Cancellations, Terminations and Budgets

If you terminate or cancel an EV and there is more than one EV on the training program, VCS will
automatically redistribute the total budget of the training program among the remaining EVs and present a
new budget to the Verifier and Approver for review. This may mean that EVs that were verified once will
have to be re-verified with a different budget allocation. Please review them and take appropriate action.
This can be prevented this by reducing or increasing the budget in TraiNet (depending on whether you’re
adding an EV to the group, or terminating, or canceling one) so that the per-person allocation stays
ADS 252 states that EVs must leave the U.S. within three calendar days (seven calendar days for longterm training programs) of the program end date indicated on their DS-2019 forms. When an EV’s
program end date passes, the VCS will begin monitoring TraiNet for confirmation that the EV has
completed his or her program and returned home. Verifiers will be notified via e-mail if this return status
confirmation has not been entered into TraiNet in a timely fashion. TraiNet operators should update return
status immediately upon receiving confirmation the EV has returned to their country of origin.
Immediately submit this update to the VCS.


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The Supervisors of TraiNet Operators usually perform this role. They are responsible for ensuring that
data entered into TraiNet is complete, correct, and error-free when imported to VCS. They communicate
with the TraiNet Operators, Approvers, and Submitters as necessary.
The R2-Verifer uses the VCS system to

Verify that TraiNet data imported to VCS is complete, correct, and error free.


Communicate data errors to TraiNet Operator for correction in TraiNet.


Communicate with Approvers and Submitters regarding questionable EV records. (Note that
EVs should not be given contact information for Approvers.)


If Approver designates, can receive signed DS-2019 forms from Approver.

Inquiries regarding system access, password resets, VCS user issues, and DS-219s should be directed to
Linda Walker at [email protected]. Inquiries regarding ADS 252 policy may be directed to James
Nindel at [email protected]. Inquiries regarding visa policy compliance and best practices or EV
reinstatements may be directed to Mr. Jeffrey Shahan at [email protected].
The TraiNet/VCS Help Desk is available to answer technical and usability questions:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +1.703.879.8611
Web site:
Web site references:
USAID Visa Compliance System:
USAID ADS Chapters 252 and 253:
1. Log in to;
2. Click an EV’s name to view his or her data;
3. Ensure that the information, including updates and any information on non-USAID funding is
complete, correct, and error-free;
4. Click “Add Document” to upload necessary documents such as the passport face page, DS-2019
form, and I-94 form.


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5. If there is non-USAID based funding, verify this by selecting the “Add Other Funding” link and
entering the amount and source.
6. Click “Verify” if it is complete, correct, and error-free; otherwise, communicate the necessary
changes to your TraiNet Operator and, optionally, enter a rejection reason and click “Reject.”
The USAID Visa Compliance System (VCS) is used to review data that has been received from TraiNet.
Within VCS the Verifier can accept (verify) an EV’s data, thereby allowing it to progress to the next step,
or reject it, thereby removing it from the process. If there are errors in the data, the Verifier should
communicate with the TraiNet Operator to correct the data and re-transmit it to USAID/Washington so
that the VCS can be updated.
USAID policy requires that any data transmitted from VCS to SEVIS must be verified and/or approved in
its entirety. As a result, it may be necessary to verify an EV multiple times if there are changes to the
stored data in TraiNet. For instance, if you verify an EV, and then the dates of the EV event are changed
before the information is sent to SEVIS, the Verifier will be required to verify the EV again with the new


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Use a Web browser to go to the VCS Web site ( and log in using your username and
password. On your first login you will be asked to change your password. Important points to remember
when changing your password
1. Follow the password creation guidelines at the bottom of the page (minimum number of
characters, combination of letters and numbers, etc.)
2. Use the Tab key to move from field to field, or use the mouse to click to the next field. If you use
the ENTER key the default action is “cancel,” which may be happens to you.
3. Passwords and usernames are case-sensitive.

Figure 2: The Verifier's initial screen in the VCS system. The left side of the screen contains a
navigation menu, and the rest of the screen is devoted to a listing of individual Exchange Visitors
queued for review and action.
When you first log into VCS you will be presented with a screen like this, listing the EVs in the queue for
your action.
The first 20 EVs to be reviewed will be displayed. You can use the buttons First and Last to go to the top
and bottom of the list. Use the Previous 20 and Next 20 links to page through all of the queued up EVs
20 at a time.
To review an EV and then accept or reject the information, click on the EV’s name.
You may see a notice at the top of the screen in red displaying the words: “You have Exchange Visitors
with TraiNet Data Errors! Click on Correct TraiNet Data.” This indicates that data has been sent to VCS


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containing errors. These errors must be corrected in TraiNet and resent before they can be verified. To
view the error, click on the Correct TraiNet Data link from the menu on the left (see Correct TraiNet
Data Section.).
If this is a new Exchange Visitor, one whose data is being submitted for the first time, you will see the
Verify New Exchange Visitor screen.

Figure 3: The Verify New Exchange Visitor screen in the VCS system. The left side of the screen
contains a navigation menu, and the rest of the screen is devoted to a listing of the data about a
prospective Exchange Visitor.
On this screen you can review all of the information about the EV that USAID is required to report to the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This includes biographical information about the EV,
information about the program that she or he is attending, including the training providers, and
information on the funding for the program.
Non-USAID Funding Sources

If there is non-USAID funding (for example, cost sharing) associated with the program, you will see the
total displayed. Click the Add Other Funding link and enter the name of the organization and the
amount of funding they are contributing for this person. Click Save to return to the Verify New Exchange
Visitor Screen.
Note: If you click the Verify button and there is non-USAID funding for this EV, you will receive an
error message in red in the Funding section of the Verify Exchange Visitor screen. You will need to enter

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the Other Funding information before verifying the Exchange Visitor; otherwise, the EV will not progress
to the Approver’s queue.
Uploading and Managing Documents

You can also upload, download (and print) and manage documents and forms pertinent to the EV’s J-visa
application process. These documents will be visible to the Verifier, Approver, and Submitter. Storing
required documents in this area can facilitate the application process for the DS-2019 Certificate of
Eligibility. Examples of documents you may want to upload include those which must be given to the
Approver, per ADS 252 provisions, are as follows:

Security Risk and Fraud Inquiry (SFRI) documentation;


Signed Conditions of Sponsorship for J-1 Visa Holders Form, AID 1381-6, dated 8/05 or later;


A clear scan of the face page of the potential EV’s passport, clearly showing the face, passport
number, and country of citizenship;


A Training Request or description of EV activity; and


Dependent Certification Form AID 1380-5, approved by the Mission, if applicable.

Beyond that, other documentation that may or may not be provided prior to VCS approval could include:

Nomination/EV selection documentation;


EV’s biographical data information;


Security Risk Inquiry documentation;


English language proficiency documentation;


Medical clearance confirmation (unless HAC Plan C is used);


Signed Conditions of Sponsorship for J-1 Visa Holders Form, AID 1381-6;


Pre-departure orientation checklist;


SEVIS identification number, and


All other documentation/correspondence related to visa compliance.

To add a file to this archive, click Add Document, then enter a short description of the item, and click the
browse button to locate and select the item to be uploaded from your computer or network.
To download, view, or print an existing document, click Download next to the item you wish to view.
To replace or remove documents, click Manage visitor documents.
You can work with an EV’s documents any time the record is in your queue.
Completing the Verification

Take one of the following actions based upon your final assessment of the EV’s record:


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If this EV is, in fact, traveling to the U.S. on this program and all the information on screen is
complete, correct, and error-free, you should click the Verify button at the bottom of the


If this EV is NOT traveling to the U.S. on this program, you should enter a Rejection Reason
in the area provided and then click the Reject button.


If the information presented on the screen is incorrect, communicate this to your TraiNet
Operator and have him or her correct the information and resubmit. Optionally, enter a
Rejection Reason in the area provided and click the Reject button.

Note: VCS does not generate an automated message to the TraiNet Operator when the Verifier rejects the
candidate. The R2 must communicate directly, either by e-mail or other means, to let them know the
disposition of the EV or what data needs to be corrected and then resubmitted to VCS.

Ideally, you should submit data required for issuance of DS-2019s to VCS for verification and approval
no less than six weeks prior to the anticipated date of consular filing.
In cases when the start date of the EV’s program is between two and four weeks away, you will receive a
warning that there may not be sufficient time to receive the requested DS-2019 form and complete any
additional required processing (that is, consular interviews). This does not prevent the approval and
submission process from proceeding. This is a warning message only.
In cases when the start date of the EV’s program is less than or equal to two weeks away, you will receive
a warning that the request for a DS-2019 will not be sent to DHS because there is insufficient time to
request the form, send it to the Mission, and complete any additional required processing (that is, consular
In both cases, it will be recommended that you work with the TraiNet Operator to reschedule the program
to allow sufficient lead time for processing the DS-2019 request.
Once an EV has arrived in the U.S. and has begun his or her program, the EV’s status in TraiNet must be
updated reflect his or her arrival. The information must be sent from TraiNet to SEVIS via VCS and is
called “Validating” the EV. If this update is not done in a timely manner as specified in the ADS policies,
the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department will automatically assume that the EV
has violated terms of his or her program and will consider the EV a “No-Show.” This could jeopardize
current and future EV programs and lead to difficulty for the EV when entering the U.S.


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Figure 4: The Verify Updated Exchange Visitor screen contains two columns of information about
the Exchange Visitor. The left-hand column contains the data currently in the VCS, while the righthand column contains the new information to be reviewed. Updates are highlighted both in text and
in color to more easily identify information to be reviewed.
Shortly after the training program has begun, your TraiNet Operator should update the EV’s status in
TraiNet and submit this update for processing. You must review and verify this update in the VCS so that
it can be approved and sent to SEVIS within the timeframe specified in the ADS policies, or before the
end of the program, whichever comes first. Under no circumstance should you validate someone who has
not yet begun training.
In the VCS you will be presented with the Verify Updated Exchange Visitor screen. This screen is
different from the New Exchange Visitor screen in that it shows both the original information already in
VCS and the NEW information that is to be verified for submission.
Confirm that the Exchange Visitor status in the rightmost column (Updated Data) is "Validate.”

If the new information on this EV is correct, you should click the Verify button at the bottom
of the screen.


If the new information for this EV is NOT correct, you should tell your TraiNet Operator to
correct the information and resubmit. Optionally, enter a Rejection Reason in the area
provided and then click the Reject button.


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If this EV has already been submitted to SEVIS, you will be presented with the Verify Updated Exchange
Visitor screen.
As discussed in the section on Validation, this screen is different from the New Exchange Visitor screen
in that it shows both the original information already in VCS and the NEW information that is to be
verified for submission. At the bottom of this screen is a checkbox you can click to request that a new
DS-2019 form be issued with the updated information.

If the new information on this EV is correct, you should click the Verify button at the bottom
of the screen.


If the new information for this EV is NOT correct, you should enter a Rejection Reason in the
area provided and then click the Reject button.

Other types of major events may be handled slightly differently from this general scenario of reviewing
and verifying updated data. Descriptions of the most common other events follows.

An EV who drops out of a program or is removed from a program before it begins is a cancelled EV. If an
EV has been validated (see above) then you cannot cancel the EV; he or she must be terminated.
If the EV has not been submitted to SEVIS to request a DS-2019, the cancellation will be processed
automatically by the VCS and no action will be required for this person. If there is more than one EV on
this program, you may need to re-verify the other EVs. (Please see the paragraph below about budgets
and cancellations.)
In the VCS you will be presented with the Verify Updated Exchange Visitor screen.
Confirm that the Exchange Visitor Status in the rightmost column (Updated Data) is Void.

If the new information on this EV is correct and you do wish to cancel the person, you should
click the Verify button at the bottom of the screen.


If the new information for this EV is NOT correct and you do NOT wish to cancel this
person, you should enter a Rejection Reason in the area provided and then click the Reject

If you have received a DS-2019 form for this EV, return it to USAID/W along with a cover memo stating
that the form will not be used because the EV has been cancelled.

An EV who drops out of a program or is removed from a program before it begins, is a cancelled EV. If
an EV has been validated (see above), you cannot cancel the EV; he or she must be terminated.
In the VCS you will be presented with the Verify Updated Exchange Visitor screen.
Confirm that the Exchange Visitor Status in the rightmost column (Updated Data) is Terminate.

If the new information on this EV is correct and you do wish to terminate the person, you
should enter the reason for termination in the available Remarks field and then click the
Verify button at the bottom of the screen.


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If the new information for this EV is NOT correct and you do NOT wish to terminate this
person, you should enter a Rejection Reason in the area provided and then click the Reject

Cancellations, Terminations, and Budgets

If you terminate or cancel an EV and there is more than one EV on the training program, VCS will
automatically redistribute the total budget of the training program among the remaining EVs and present
this new budget allocation to the Verifier and Approver for review. This may mean that EVs you have
verified once will have to be re-verified with a different allotment. Please review them and take
appropriate action. You can prevent this by having your TraiNet operator reduce the budget in TraiNet so
that the per-person amount stays constant.
When an EV’s program end date passes, the VCS will begin monitoring TraiNet for confirmation that the
EV has completed his or her program and returned home. Verifiers will be notified via e-mail if this
return status confirmation has not been entered into TraiNet in a timely fashion. Notify your TraiNet
operator immediately so this critical update can be made in TraiNet and submitted to the VCS.
Dependents have their own section of VCS. In the menu on the left of the screen are two dependent
options: Verify Dependents and Correct Dependent Data.

Figure 5: The Verify Dependents Screen contains a list of dependents to be reviewed and verified.
Click correct Dependent Errors to see a list of dependents with data errors. As with EVs, these errors must
be corrected in TraiNet before the dependent can be verified.
Click Verify Dependents to see a list of dependents in your queue awaiting action.
To review and either verify or reject a dependent’s information, click the dependent’s name, and a screen
will open where you can take the necessary action.


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Figure 6: The Verify New Dependent screen displays detailed biographical information about
the dependent and the primary Exchange Visitor.
Click the Verify or Reject button to proceed. If you reject a dependent you must provide a rejection
reason. Rejected dependents are removed from VCS.
• Whenever you click “Verify” for an EV, her or his status is changed to “Verified”, and the
record is queued up to be reviewed by the Approver. The Approver can also accept or reject
the EV’s information.

Whenever you reject an EV, her or his status is set to “Rejected”, and her or his name is
removed from the system. Be sure to communicate the status of the rejected EV to the
TraiNet Operator to update the Exchange Visitor record in TraiNet.

Participant Dashboard

The Participant Dashboard gives you an overall view of the status of all of your EVs in VCS.


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Figure 7: The Participant Dashboard lists, for each site, the number of Exchange Visitors in the
VCS who have been rejected, identified as having Data Errors, read into Draft, Verified, Approved,
and Submitted status.
The dashboard shows you a list of all of your Site IDs and the number of EVs in each stage of action.
Click on a number below any status name to show all the EVs in that status.
Searching for Participants

VCS allows you to search for EVs by name, by country, or by name and country. To search for a specific
EV, click the Participant Search link on the left side of the screen.

Figure 8: The Participant Search screen contains a form that lets you search for participants by
any combination of first and last name and country. You can search current or historical data.


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Enter all or part of the name of the EV you want to find in the Last Name or First Name fields. You can
also select a country from the pick-list. Click the search button and VCS will return a list of EVs who
match your criteria. Note that you will only see information about EVs that you have authority to verify.
Find Approver

Verifiers have access to a list of Approvers in the VCS.

Figure 9: The Approver List screen displays a list of the Approvers, their country, and their
e-mail address as entered in the VCS.
Click on the List of Approvers item in the left-hand menu and the VCS will display a paginated list of the
Approvers in the system. You can sort the list by name, country, and e-mail address by clicking on the
column headers. By default, the list is sorted by Last Name. You can also move through the list by
clicking on the First, Prev 20, Next 20, and Last links.
Please carefully note the warning on this page and do not distribute Approvers’ e-mail addresses or copy
Approvers on any correspondence with EVs.
Change Password

You can change your password at any time by clicking on the Change My Password item in the menu on
the left side of the screen.


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Figure 10: The Change Your Password screen contains the form that must be filled out to change
your VCS password.
You must enter your current password, and then enter your new password twice for confirmation. Do not
hit the Enter key on your keyboard, but instead use your mouse and click on the Change button to submit
your new password. Hitting the Enter key can mistakenly cancel the Change Password operation. Note
that your new password must match the Password Guidelines shown on screen.


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This role is performed by a USAID staff member who is a U.S. citizen in a USAID Mission or USAID/W
Office. The Approver reviews and approves participant-specific information that is forwarded to her or
him by USAID contractors, grantees, and cooperative agreement recipients, and by USAID Mission and
Washington office staff.
Uses the VCS system and

Provides Mission confirmation of the legitimacy of each Exchange Visitor (EV) and


Certifies that the required Security Risk and Fraud Inquiry (SFRI) has been completed.


Approves EV data from field offices and sends to USAID/W RO/ARO EGAT through VCS.


Approves EVs by entering last four digits of passport number of applicant.


Sends disapproved EV data back to the Verifier for correction or removal.


Communicates potential problems to the Verifier.


Receives signed DS-2019 forms from EGAT/ED.


Nominates people to fill the Verifier Role.

Inquiries regarding system access, password resets, VCS user issues, and DS-219s should be directed to
Linda Walker at [email protected]. Inquiries regarding ADS 252 policy may be directed to James
Nindel at [email protected]. Inquiries regarding visa policy compliance and best practices or EV
reinstatements may be directed to Mr. Jeffrey Shahan at [email protected].
The TraiNet/VCS Help Desk is available to answer technical and usability questions:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +1.703.879.8611
Web site:
Web site references:
USAID Visa Compliance System:
USAID ADS Chapters 252 and 253:
It is the responsibility of the Approver (USAID Mission) to recommend appropriate people to fill the
Verifier role. The Verifier should be the supervisor of people entering training information into TraiNet.

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A Verifier may be in the Mission or in a contractor or grantee or recipient office. They need not be a U.S.
To nominate an individual to be a Verifier, e-mail the candidate's name and contact information (be sure
to include an e-mail address and telephone numbers) to [email protected]. Please identify your
Mission and state that you are the designated Approver.
The USAID Visa Compliance System (VCS) is used to review data that has been received from TraiNet.
Within VCS the Approver can accept an EV’s data, thereby allowing it to progress to the next step, or
reject it, thereby removing it from the process. If there are errors in the data, the Approver should
communicate with the Verifier or TraiNet Operator to correct the data and have it re-transmitted to
Washington so that VCS can be updated.
USAID policy requires that any data transmitted from VCS to SEVIS must be verified and approved in its
entirety. Because of this, it may be necessary to approve an EV multiple times if there are changes to the
stored data. For instance, if the EV is approved by the Approver, and then the dates of the program are
changed before the information is sent to SEVIS, it will be necessary to approve the EV again with the
new dates.
Twice a day an e-mail notification will be sent to the Approver if the VCS has received data from TraiNet
that is ready for your review. Use a Web browser to go to the VCS Web site ( and
log in with a username and password. Upon first login, the approver will be asked to change the
When you log into VCS you will be presented with a screen like this, listing the EVs who are queued-up
for your action.

Figure 11: The Approver's initial screen in the VCS system. The left side of the screen contains a
navigation menu, and the rest of the screen is devoted to a listing of individual Exchange Visitors
queued for review and action.
The first 20 EVs to be reviewed will be displayed. You can use the buttons First and Last to go to the top
and bottom of the list. Use the Previous 20 and Next 20 buttons to page through all of the queued up EVs
ten at a time.

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To review and then accept or reject an EV’s information, click on the EV’s name.
If this is a new EV, one whose data is being submitted for the first time, you will see the Approve New
Exchange Visitor screen.

Figure 12: The Approve New Exchange Visitor screen. The left side of the screen contains a
naviation menu. The remainder of the screen lists detailed biographical information about an
Exchange Visitor and his or her event, including the site and funding.
On this screen you can review all of the information about the EV that USAID is required to report to the
Bureau for Immigration and Citizenship Enforcement (BICE). This includes biographical information,
information about the program the EV is attending, including the training providers, and information on
the funding for the program. USAID policy requires that you confirm the legitimacy of each EV using the
passport face page and training request or description of activity. Scans or faxes of these documents may
also be used.
Uploading and Managing Documents

You can also upload, download (and print), and manage documents and forms pertinent to the EV’s J visa
application process. These documents will be visible to the Verifier, Approver, and Submitter. Storing
required documents in this area can facilitate the application process for the DS-2019 Certificate of


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If the Verifier has uploaded documents for this EV, you will see them listed here. You can download (and
print) these if you wish. You may ask the Verifier to upload documentation that you require. Examples of
documents, including those which, according to ADS 252, must be given to the Approver, are as follows:

Security Risk and Fraud Inquiry (SFRI) documentation;


Signed Conditions of Sponsorship for J-1 Visa Holders Form, AID 1381-6;


A clear scan of the face page of the potential EV’s passport, clearly showing the face, passport
number, and country of citizenship;


A Training Request or description of EV activity; and


A Dependent Certification Form AID 1380-5, approved by the Mission, if applicable.

Beyond that, other documentation that may or may not be provided prior to VCS approval could include:

Nomination/EV selection documentation;


EV’s biographical data information;


Security Risk Inquiry documentation;


English language proficiency documentation;


Medical clearance confirmation (unless HAC Plan C is used);


Signed Conditions of Sponsorship for J-1 Visa Holders Form, AID 1381-6;


Pre-departure orientation checklist;


SEVIS identification number, and


All other documentation/correspondence related to visa compliance.

To add a file to this archive, click Add Document, then enter a short description of the item, and click the
browse button to locate and select the item to be uploaded from your computer or network.
To download, view, or print an existing document, click Download next to the item you wish to view.
To replace or remove documents, click Manage exchange visitor documents.
You can work with an EV’s documents any time the record is in your queue.


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Figure 13: The Approve New Exchange Visitor screen's lower half contains the document
management (upload/download) features and the buttons to either Approve or Reject the Exchange
Completing the Approval

Take one of the following actions based upon your final assessment of the EV’s record:

If this EV is, in fact, traveling to the U.S. on this program and all the information on screen is
correct, you must enter the country that issued the EV’s passport and the last four digits of the
passport number. Click the Approve button at the bottom of the screen.


If this EV is NOT traveling to the U.S. on this program, or if the information presented on
screen is incorrect, you should enter a Rejection Reason in the area provided and then click
the Reject button.


If the start date of the EV’s program is between two and four weeks away, you will receive a warning that
there may not be sufficient time to receive the requested DS-2019 form and complete any additional
required processing (that is, consular interviews).
If the start date of the EV’s program is less than or equal to two weeks away, you will receive a warning
that the request for a DS-2019 will not be sent to DHS because there is insufficient time to request the


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form, send it to the Mission, and complete any additional required processing (that is, consular
In both cases, it will be recommended that you reschedule the program to allow sufficient lead time for
processing the DS-2019 request. Contact your USAID representative in order to determine the countryspecific timeline for processing the DS-2019 and to schedule the visa appointment.

Figure 14: The Approve Created Exchange Visitor screen displays information about the Exchange
Visitor who is being approved, a form in which the Approver must enter the date on which the
Security Risk and Fraud inquiry was conducted, and a certification statement that must be
accepted to proceed.
After you click the Approve button, you will be required to certify your credentials as an Approver and
further enter and certify the date on which the required Security Risk and Fraud Inquiry was completed.
Enter the date of the Security Risk and Fraud Inquiry, read the text, and click Certify if the statement is
true. Click Cancel if it is not true. The EV will be approved only after you submit your certification.


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If this EV has already been submitted to the SEVIS, you will be presented with the Approve Updated
Exchange Visitor screen.

Figure 15: The Approve Updated Exchange Visitor screen contains two columns of information
about the Exchange Visitor. The left-hand column contains the data currently in the VCS, while the
right-hand column contains the new information to be reviewed by the Approver. Updates are
highlighted both in text and in color to more easily identify information to be reviewed.
On this screen you can review all of the information about the EV that USAID is required to report to the
Department of Homeland Security’s SEVIS system. This includes biographical information, information
about the program she or he is attending including the training providers, and information on the funding
for the program. At the bottom of the screen is a checkbox you can use to request that a new form be
issued with this updated information. This screen is different from the New Exchange Visitor screen in
that it shows both the original information already in VCS and the NEW information that is to be
approved for submission to the SEVIS.

If the new information on this EV is correct, you should click the Approve button at the
bottom of the screen.

If the new information for this EV is NOT correct, you should enter a Rejection Reason in the area
provided and then click the Reject button.


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Dependents have their own section of VCS. In the menu on the left of the screen is the selection Approve
Click Approve Dependents to see a list of dependents in your queue awaiting action.

Figure 16: The Approve Dependents Screen. The left side of the screen contains a navigation menu.
The remainder of the screen is devoted to a list of dependents to be reviewed and verified.
To review and either approve or reject a dependent’s information, click the dependent’s name and take
the necessary action.

Figure 17: The Approve New Dependent screen. The left side of the screen contains a navigation
menu. The remainder of the screen is displays detailed biographical information about the
dependent and the primary Exchange Visitor.


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Click the Approve or Reject button to proceed. If you reject a dependent you must provide a rejection
reason. Rejected dependents are removed and returned to the Verifier for reconsideration.
• Whenever you click Approve for an EV, her or his status is changed to “Approved”, and the
record is queued to be reviewed by the Submitter. The Submitter can also accept or reject the
EV’s information.

Whenever you Reject an EV, her or his status is set to “Draft” and the EV is remanded to the
Verifier for reconsideration.

Exchange visitor Dashboard

The Exchange Visitor Dashboard gives you an overall view of the status of your EV in VCS.

Figure 18: The Participant Dashboard screen lists, for each country, the number of Exchange
Visitors in the VCS who have been rejected, identified as having Data errors, read into Draft,
Verified, Approved, and Submitted status.
The dashboard shows you a list of all of your countries and the number of EVs in each stage of action.
Click on a number below a status name to show all the EVs in that status.


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Searching for Exchange visitors

VCS allows you to search for EVs by name, by country, or by name and country. To search for a
particular EV, click the Exchange Visitor Search link on the left side of the screen.

Figure 19: The Participant Search screen contains a form that lets you search for participants by a
number of different parameters.
Enter one or more of the many searchable values to find an EV. Click the search button and VCS will
return a list of EVs who match your criteria. Note that you will only see information about EVs that you
have authority to approve.


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Change Password

You can change your password at any time by clicking on the Change My Password item in the menu on
the left of the screen.

Figure 20: The Change Your Password screen. The left side of the screen contains a navigation
menu. The remainder of the screen contains the form that must be filled out to change your VCS
You must enter your current password, and then enter your new password twice for confirmation. Do not
hit the Enter key on your keyboard (it will cancel the change password action), but instead use your
mouse and click on the Change button to submit your new password. Note that your new password must
match the Password Guidelines shown on the screen. Usernames and passwords are case-sensitive.



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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleADS Mandatory Reference 252maa - Complete Gudie to USAID Visa Compliance
SubjectPolicy: ADS - ADS Mandatory Reference 252maa - Complete Gudie to USAID Visa Compliance, J1, Visa, Compliance, System, Exchange,
AuthorEGAT/ED/TR Team
File Modified2009-04-23
File Created2009-04-20

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