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pdfFederal Register / Vol. 75, No. 245 / Wednesday, December 22, 2010 / Notices
impacts on the human environment,
which we included in the Draft
Comprehensive Conservation Plan and
Environmental Assessment (Draft CCP/
The CCP will guide us in managing
and administering Watercress Darter
NWR for the next 15 years. Alternative
C, as we described in the final CCP, is
the foundation for the CCP.
The compatibility determinations for
wildlife observation and photography
and environmental education and
interpretation are also available in the
final CCP.
The National Wildlife Refuge System
Administration Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C.
668dd–668ee) (Administration Act), as
amended by the National Wildlife
Refuge System Improvement Act of
1997, requires us to develop a CCP for
each national wildlife refuge. The
purpose for developing a CCP is to
provide refuge managers with a 15-year
plan for achieving refuge purposes and
contributing toward the mission of the
National Wildlife Refuge System,
consistent with sound principles of fish
and wildlife management, conservation,
legal mandates, and our policies. In
addition to outlining broad management
direction on conserving wildlife and
their habitats, CCPs identify wildlifedependent recreational opportunities
available to the public, including
opportunities for hunting, fishing,
wildlife observation, wildlife
photography, and environmental
education and interpretation. We will
review and update the CCP at least
every 15 years in accordance with the
Administration Act.
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
We made copies of the Draft CCP/EA
available for a 30-day public review
period as announced in the Federal
Register on April 16, 2010 (75 FR
19988). We received five comments on
the Draft CCP/EA.
Selected Alternative
The Draft CCP/EA identified and
evaluated three alternatives for
managing the refuge. After considering
the comments we received and based on
the professional judgment of the
planning team, we selected Alternative
C for implementation. Under
Alternative C, we will optimize habitat
management and visitor services
throughout the refuge.
Threats to the refuge are becoming
more prominent as development
activities occur in the city of Bessemer,
Alabama. Watercress Darter NWR is a
small system that can be greatly
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compromised by activities a distance
away from its boundary. We fully
recognize the impact these activities
could have on the integrity of the refuge.
In addition to our current management,
we will extend beyond the immediate
neighbors to address issues associated
with the aquifer and spring recharge
area, watershed, and biota exchange
pathways. Extensive resource sharing
and networking with other protected
areas, state agencies, local governments,
organizations, specialists, researchers,
and private citizens will expand the
knowledge base and assist in developing
cooperation between interest groups.
Restoration of natural systems, native
communities, and healthy environments
will be emphasized, promoting
regionally a high-quality of life.
Monitoring environmental parameters
and flora and fauna will be incorporated
into an integrated study to gain
knowledge on the health of the refuge
ecosystem. Education and outreach will
be expanded, with an emphasis on
cultural and historical resources.
Staffing will be developed to meet the
needs of partners and the greater
number of interest groups and
accommodate data and resource sharing.
An increase in staff is presented in this
alternative so that Watercress Darter
NWR can be managed with a greater
emphasis on landscape management.
Additional staff members needed to
fully implement this alternative at the
highest quality level includes one
position at Watercress Darter NWR and
four positions shared between Cahaba
River NWR and Watercress Darter NWR.
Authority: This notice is published under
the authority of the National Wildlife Refuge
System Improvement Act of 1997, Public
Law 105–57.
Dated: September 14, 2010.
Mark J. Musaus,
Acting Regional Director.
[FR Doc. 2010–32080 Filed 12–21–10; 8:45 am]
U.S. Geological Survey
[USGS 11 GX11BC009RU0100]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Comment Request
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS),
ACTION: Notice of extension of an
existing information collection (1028–
We (the U.S. Geological
Survey) will ask the Office of
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Management and Budget (OMB) to
approve the information collection (IC)
described below. As required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of
1995, and as part of our continuing
efforts to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, we invite the
general public and other Federal
agencies to take this opportunity to
comment on this IC. This IC is
scheduled to expire on March 31, 2011.
Submit written comments by
February 22, 2011.
Please submit a copy of
your comments to Phadrea Ponds,
Information Collection Clearance
Officer, U.S. Geological Survey, 2150–C
Centre Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526–
8118 (mail); 970–226–9445 (phone);
970–226–9230 (fax); or
[email protected] (e-mail). Please
reference Information Collection 1028–
0070 in the subject line.
Zolly at 703–648–4277 or by mail at
U.S. Geological Survey, Biological
Informatics Office, 12201 Sunrise Valley
Drive, MS 302, Reston, VA 20192.
I. Abstract
Beginning in 1997, the U.S.
Geological Survey has collected
voluntary data regarding amphibian
malformations. Sightings are reported
via an electronic form (1028–0056). The
form is sent to the USGS National
Biological Information Infrastructure
(NBII) program, which manages the
North American Reporting Center for
Amphibian Malformations (NARCAM).
Each malformation occurrence
submitted is carefully reviewed by
trained professional herpetologists for
quality and accuracy. Data associated
with the validated reports, including
species, malformation type, and
geospatial information, are made
accessible to the public via the
NARCAM Web site. Information may be
used by scientists and resource
managers within Federal, State, and
local agencies, as well as the general
public, to identify areas where
malformed amphibians have been
reported, and the rates of occurrence.
The NARCAM dataset is the only
publicly available, national dataset on
amphibian malformations.
We will be requesting OMB approval
for an extension of the current form
used for the NARCAM data collection
II. Data
OMB Control Number: 1028–0056.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 245 / Wednesday, December 22, 2010 / Notices
Title: North American Reporting
Center for Amphibian Malformations
(NARCAM) Data Collection Form.
Type of Request: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: General public,
individual households.
Respondent Obligation: Voluntary.
Frequency of Collection: On occasion,
Estimated Number Annual
Respondents: 300.
Annual Burden Hours: 150 hours. We
estimate the public reporting burden
averages 30 minutes per response.
Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping ‘‘Non-Hour Cost’’
Burden: We have not identified any
‘‘non-hour cost’’ burdens associated with
this collection of information.
III. Request for Comments
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
We are soliciting comments as to: (a)
Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the agency
to perform its duties, including whether
the information is useful; (b) the
accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of
information; (c) how to enhance the
quality, usefulness, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (d) how
to minimize the burden on the
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Please note that the comments
submitted in response to this notice are
a matter of public record. We will
include or summarize each comment in
our request to OMB to approve this IC.
Before including your address, phone
number, e-mail address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment, including your
personal identifying information, may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask OMB in your
comment to withhold your personal
identifying information from public
review, we cannot guarantee that it will
be done.
Dated: December 2, 2010.
Kevin Gallagher,
Associate Director for Core Science Systems,
U.S. Geological Survey.
[FR Doc. 2010–32081 Filed 12–21–10; 8:45 am]
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National Park Service
[NPS–NCR–CHOH–1210–6273; 3101–241A–
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National
Historical Park Advisory Commission;
Notice of Public Meeting
National Park Service, Interior.
Notice of meeting.
Notice is hereby given that a
meeting of the Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal National Historical Park Advisory
Commission will be held at 9:30 a.m.,
on Friday, January 7, 2011, at C & O
Canal National Historical Park, 1850
Dual Highway, Suite 100, Hagerstown,
Maryland 21740.
DATES: Friday, January 7, 2011.
ADDRESSES: C & O Canal National
Historical Park 1850 Dual Highway
Suite 100, Hagerstown, Maryland 21740.
Kevin Brandt, Superintendent,
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National
Historical Park, 1850 Dual Highway,
Suite 100, Hagerstown, Maryland 21740,
telephone: (301) 714–2201.
Commission was established by Public
Law 91–664 to meet and consult with
the Secretary of the Interior on general
policies and specific matters related to
the administration and development of
the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal
National Historical Park. This is an open
meeting and the Commission welcomes
public comment. Before including your
address, phone number, e-mail address,
or other personal identifying
information in your comment, you
should be aware that your entire
comment—including your personal
identifying information—may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you can ask us in your comment to
withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
The members of the Commission are
as follows:
Mrs. Sheila Rabb Weidenfeld,
Mr. Charles J. Weir
Mr. Barry A. Passett
Mr. James G. McCleaf II
Mr. John A. Ziegler
Mrs. Mary E. Woodward
Mrs. Donna Printz
Mrs. Ferial S. Bishop
Ms. Nancy C. Long
Mrs. Jo Reynolds
Dr. James H. Gilford
Dr. George E. Lewis, Jr.
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Mr. Charles D. McElrath
Ms. Patricia Schooley
Mr. Jack Reeder
Ms. Merrily Pierce
Topics that will be presented during
the meeting include:
1. Update on park operations.
2. Update on major construction
development projects.
3. Update on partnership projects.
The meeting will be open to the
public. Any member of the public may
file with the Commission a written
statement concerning the matters to be
discussed. Persons wishing further
information concerning this meeting, or
who wish to submit written statements,
may contact Kevin Brandt,
Superintendent, Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal National Historical Park.
Minutes of the meeting will be
available for public inspection six
weeks after the meeting at Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal National Historical Park
Headquarters, 1850 Dual Highway, Suite
100, Hagerstown, Maryland 21740.
Dated: November 8, 2010.
Kevin D. Brandt,
Superintendent, Chesapeake and Ohio Canal,
National Historical Park.
[FR Doc. 2010–32028 Filed 12–21–10; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places;
Notification of Pending Nominations
and Related Actions
Nominations for the following
properties being considered for listing
or related actions in the National
Register were received by the National
Park Service before November 27, 2010.
Pursuant to sections 60.13 or 60.15 of 36
CFR part 60, written comments are
being accepted concerning the
significance of the nominated properties
under the National Register criteria for
evaluation. Comments may be
forwarded by United States Postal
Service, to the National Register of
Historic Places, National Park Service,
1849 C St. NW., MS 2280, Washington,
DC 20240; by all other carriers, National
Register of Historic Places, National
Park Service, 1201 Eye St. NW., 8th
floor, Washington, DC 20005; or by fax,
202–371–6447. Written or faxed
comments should be submitted by
January 6, 2011.
Before including your address, phone
number, e-mail address, or other
personal identifying information in your
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2010-12-22 |
File Created | 2010-12-22 |