The PLS consists of three sets of questions representing the states, the library administrative entities, and the library outlets.
A. State Characteristics
Reporting Periods
Item number 100-101 establish the fiscal year for the state.
These two questions, 102-103 collect data on the total state population estimate, and the total unduplicated population of legal service areas.
B. Administrative Entities
These are identification items, 150-160, such as Federal-State Cooperative System (FSCS) ID (a unique identifier), Library ID, name, and address.
Other Identification
Items 161-207 include other types of identification such as telephone number, web address, legal basis code, administrative structure code, geographic code, and reporting period start/end dates.
Items 208-253, collects data on the library’s legal service area, and number of central offices, branches, and bookmobiles, FTE data on librarians with the ALA-MLS, librarians, other paid staff, and total paid staff.
Operating Revenue
This section, items 300-304, breaks out operating revenue by source: Local, state, or federal government, other sources, and total operating revenue.
Operating Expenditures
Items 350-352 collect operating expenditures for salaries, benefits, and total staff expenditures. Collections expenditures are collected in items 353-356, and are broken into categories by format: Print, electronic, other, and total collection expenditures. The last two items in this section, 357-358 collect other operating expenditures, and total operating expenditures.
Items 400-405 breaks out capital revenue by source: Local, state, or federal government, other sources, and total capital revenue. The last item is total capital expenditures.
Library Collections
Items 450-460 collect data on the numbers of items by type: Print, electronic books, audio and video (downloadable titles and physical units), licensed databases (local, state and other), and current print serial subscriptions.
Service Measures
Items 500-553 collects data on a range of service-related items: Public service hours, number of library visits, reference transactions, registered borrowers, circulation, and inter-library loans.
Programs/Other Electronic
Items 600-605 breaks out programs and program attendance by children, young adult, and total. Items 650-651 concern the number of Internet computers used by the public, and the number of users of public Internet computers per year.
C. Outlets
These items 700-710 are basic identification items, such as name, address, telephone number, Metropolitan Status Code. Items 711-712 collect the square footage of the library outlet, and the number of bookmobiles. Items 713-714 collect data on public service hours per year (actual hours, collected and reported) and the number of weeks a library is open (actual weeks, collected and reported).
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Section C |
Author | Barbara Smith |
Last Modified By | KMILLER |
File Modified | 2010-11-15 |
File Created | 2010-11-15 |