NHTSA Form 1133 Hispanic English HVE tagline moderators guide


HISPANIC ENGLISH HVE tagline moderators guide


OMB: 2127-0667

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OMB Control No. 2127-0667

Expiration Date 10-31-2013

Moderator’s Guide for Focus Groups to Assess Tagline and Concept Ideas for

2011 Impaired Driving High Visibility Enforcement Campaign

Generic OMB# 2127-0667

NOTE TO THE MODERATOR: When group is fully assemble, read:

This focus group is being conducted to collect information that will help us better understand your opinions about an important highway safety issue.

This collection of information is VOLUNTARY and will be used for formative purposes only so that we may develop and evaluate programs designed to reduce the number of traffic-related injuries and deaths. We will not collect any personal information that would allow anyone to identify you. A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2127-0667. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 80 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Ave, S.E., Washington, DC, 20590

Additional note to moderator:

  • Assure participants of confidentiality and anonymity

  • Disclose presence of observers and video-recording (in lieu of “note taking”)

Warm-up” discussion topic:

Word Choices for “borracho” and “tú” or “usted”

¿In Spanish, we all use different words for the term “borracho,” or “drunk.” What words can you think of that mean “borracho”?

(Have moderator list words on a chart)

  • What do you like about (each term)?

  • What do you not like about (each term)?

  • Which of these words sounds most natural to you? (Words you and your friends would use)

  • Which words sound like they are written by a speechwriter who looked it up in an English-Spanish dictionary?

  • Which word would be most likely to catch your attention if you heard it on the TV in the next room, for example?

Okay, let me ask you another Spanish usage question. If you were listening to a commercial on the Internet, television or radio, would you expect the speaker to talk to you as “tú” or as “usted”?

If the voice calls you “tú” what does that say to you (about your relationship with the voice, about respect, about how the speaker perceives you)?

How about if the speaker calls you in a formal way- “usted”?

In just a few minutes, we’re going to be reviewing some slogans or “taglines” for ads about drunk driving. How would you react if you heard “tú” in this context? How about if “usted” was used instead of “tú”?

(Then….transition to the tagline discussion)

Testing Taglines

Transition to discussion about taglines. It may help respondents understand what taglines are by referring to them as “slogans.” Mention that some may be familiar, others may not. Show each of them one-at-a-time (use board with the tagline as a visual aid). Show and discuss each of the existing/previously-used taglines first (the first four in the following list); then, show/discuss each of the impaired driving HVE taglines (numbers 5-11 in the following list). When showing/discussing taglines numbers 5-11, randomly sort the order in which they are shown/discussed among the four different groups, so no particular tagline is always shown first and another always shown last.

Taglines to be shown on boards and discussed, one at a time:

  1. Abrochado o Multado (Click It or Ticket)

  2. Manejar Borracho Es Un Crimen. Serás Arrestado (Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest).

  3. Manejar Entonado Es Manejar Borracho (Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving).

  4. Los Amigos No Dejan Que Los Amigos Manejen Borrachos (Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk).

COMMENT TO MODERATOR FOR GENERAL INFORMATION: The discussion of the four taglines above is simply to get the participants in the mindset of commenting on taglines. Because some or all of the taglines above will be readily recognized by participants, it will somewhat easy for them to comment on them. However, the seven taglines below have never been used, so the participants will not have the benefit of having seen advertising or other materials using the taglines.

  1. Maneja Tomado Y Terminarás Arrestado. (Drive Drunk And You Will End Up Arrested).

  2. Conductor Tomado, Terminará Arrestado (Impaired Driver…Will End Up Arrested)

  3. Si Manejas Borracho, La Policía Te Arrestará.   (If You Drive Drunk, The Police Will Arrest You).

  4. Si Manejas Bajo La Influencia Del Alcohol, La Policía Te Arrestará.  (If You Drive While Under The Influence of Alcohol, The Police Will Arrest You).

  5. Maneja Sobrio, Evita Ser Arrestado Por La Policía. (Drive Sober, Avoid Being Arrested by The Police).

  6. No Te La Juegues Manejando Borracho. Serás Arrestado (Don’t Risk It/Don’t Take A Chance By Driving Drunk. You Will Be Arrested).

  7. La Policía Vigila. No Manejes Borracho (The Cops Are on the Lookout. Don’t Drive Drunk).

For each of the 11 taglines (one at a time), questions and probes:

  • When you read or hear this slogan, what images come to your mind?

  • What is the first thing you think of?

  • What do you like about this slogan?

  • What do you not like about this slogan?

  • How would you restate its main message?

  • If an advertising sponsor used this slogan in its ads to get drivers to (description of objective for line), in what ways would it be a good slogan to use?

After all 11 taglines have been shown and discussed, hand out sheet of paper with list of all seven new impaired driving HVE taglines (see next page of this document for reference).

Among these 7 slogans, which one do you think is the best one in terms of it leading people to believe that cops are stepping up enforcement to catch drunk drivers?

Instruct group members to independently mark or circle the one tagline he thinks is best. After all participants have been observed to finish making selections, poll the group; then probe each group member for reasons he chose his particular tagline.

(Hand out for each group member to independently select the one slogan he thinks is most effective)

Among these seven slogan ideas, which one do you think is the best, in terms of it leading people to think that cops are stepping up enforcement to catch drunk drivers?

  1. Maneja Tomado Y Terminarás Arrestado. (Drive Drunk And You Will End Up Arrested).

  1. Conductor Tomado, Terminará Arrestado (Impaired Driver…Will End Up Arrested).

  1. Si Manejas Borracho, La Policía Te Arrestará.   (If You Drive Drunk, The Police Will Arrest You).

  1. Si Manejas Bajo La Influencia Del Alcohol, La Policía Te Arrestará.  (If You Drive While Under The Influence of Alcohol, The Police Will Arrest You).

  1. Maneja Sobrio, Evita Ser Arrestado Por La Policía. (Drive Sober, Avoid Being Arrested by The Police).

  1. No Te La Juegues Manejando Borracho. Serás Arrestado (Don’t Risk It/Don’t Take A Chance By Driving Drunk. You Will Be Arrested).

7. La Policía Vigila. No Manejes Borracho (The Cops Are on the Lookout. Don’t Drive Drunk).

If any one or more taglines is/are chosen by three or more participants, ask these questions for each of those taglines:

  • How easily understood do you think it is?

  • How unique and original is it?

  • How easy would it be for people to remember?

  • How assertive is it?

  • To what extent would it get drivers to plan ahead for alternative transportation before they go out drinking?

Let’s say you were asked to come up with a good slogan in Spanish to lead people to believe that cops are stepping up enforcement to catch drunk drivers. What would your slogan say?

(Transition to the advertising concepts discussion)

Testing 4 Commercials

I’d like to change focus now and look at some ideas for advertisements about drunk driving. I need you to use your imagination a bit here and assume that we have live actors in front of you, acting out this scene.

  1. No matter what you call it

  2. Designated driver

  3. Drive Sober

  4. The Game


Show 1 of 4 storyboard concepts

For each commercial, hand-out first of four note sheets (see next page for reference)

(Hand out for each group member to independently comment on each commercial after it’s shown the first time)

Notes for commercial “1” (same sheets will be prepared and distributed for commercials 2, 3 and 4).

Things you especially like about this commercial

Things you don’t like about this commercial

The main thing that sticks out in your mind

Grade it. If the main message is, “Watch out! Cops are stepping up enforcement of drunk driving laws.” --- give it a grade of A, B, C, D or F (where A is the highest score and F is the lowest):

Who graded this an “A?” “B?” --- etc. for all grades

For each of the highest and lowest grades, probe for reasons why

If commercial gets high grades from most participants, probe those who graded it “B” or “C” relative to, “What would need to be done to the commercial so that you might give it a higher grade?”

Obviously, the commercial’s main message is to warn people to not drive drunk and that police are stepping up enforcement. What one or two things in the commercial help convey that message?

What one or two things in this commercial really stick out in your mind?

Does the commercial remind you of anything you’ve seen or heard before?

Show commercial again

What other thoughts do you have about it?

Assume the main message in the commercial is that people who drive drunk are going to be more likely to get a ticket because enforcement is being stepped up -- How clear is that message in this commercial?

Repeat the above for the other three commercials. After all four have been shown and discussed:

Again, consider the situation where police at both the local and state levels really step up enforcement of drunk driving laws. Which one of these four commercials would work best to promote that message? (probe for reasons/explanations)

(If time permits, check with observers for additional questions)

NHTSA Form 1133 Page 7

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorSteve Richardson
Last Modified Bywalter.culbreath
File Modified2011-05-02
File Created2011-04-14

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