Participant Intake, Return and Site Visits

Evaluation of the Adult and Dislocated Worker Program in the Workforce Investment Act

Appendix C

Participant Intake, Return and Site Visits

OMB: 1205-0482

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Background and Contextual Factors

A. Labor Market and Economic Outlook

What is the general labor market condition in this local area?


To what extent are there job opportunities in the area for the adults and dislocated
workers you serve?
What are high growth and stable industries in the local area?
Which industries/occupations are declining?


What, if any, substantial changes have there been in the labor market in the past three
years (such as due to the economic downturn)? How has this affected One-Stop Career
Center operations (e.g., customer types, customer volumes, etc.)


Describe any industry skill initiatives or economic development efforts underway in the
local area


Describe the LWIA’s “green jobs” initiatives, if any

B. Composition of Workforce

What are the greatest service needs of those you target for WIA services?


What are their primary barriers to employment success?

C. Education and Training Opportunities

Describe the composition of the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) as it pertains to
this LWIA


What are the number and types of providers?
Are there sufficient types of training/education choices to meet customers’ needs?
If not, which aren’t available?
Has the availability of providers and programs changed substantially in the past
three years? How?
Have you had difficulty getting training vendors in this local area to apply for the
ETPL? Why?
What are common credentials obtained through training?
Is language-appropriate training available for limited English proficiency (LEP)

What types of post-secondary institutions are included on the list (private or public
universities, community colleges, technical colleges, etc.)?

WIA Administrator: 1 of 15



Thinking of WIA customers, which post-secondary institutions are used most
Are they geographically accessible to individuals in the local area? Are there other
constraints on access (e.g., availability of training slots, enrollment deadlines, etc.)?

What types of institutions provide that training?
What kinds of training do they provide? For which occupations do they train
Whom do they serve?
How extensively are they used by WIA customers?
Are they geographically accessible to individuals in the local area? Are there other
constraints on access (e.g., availability of training slots, enrollment deadlines, etc.)?

Does the local area maintain a separate ETPL apart from the state list? (If so, obtain a


Are all major training and education institutions and their programs on the ETPL?
If not, why not?

What other providers of occupational skills training are on the ETPL?



How many of each type?

How was this list developed?
What criteria does the local area use to determine which providers are on the

Other than WIA, what other sources of funds are used to support people like your WIA
customers through education and training opportunities?


Which are specific to your state or local area?
How do people access them, and what are the eligibility criteria?

Local WIA Governance, Operation & Administration

A. One-Stop System Organization

Have the boundaries of this LWIA changed within the past three years? If so:


In what ways?
What implications has this had on the accessibility of services?

What is the number and location of One Stop Career Centers in the local area?


Comprehensive centers?
Other access points and satellite centers?

WIA Administrator: 2 of 15


What are all the physical locations at which customers can access WIA services?


What constitutes a comprehensive center? A satellite center?

For core services versus intensive and training services
For adults versus dislocated workers

Has the number of centers or access points changed in the past three years?


If so, why did the change occur?
What effect has the change had on the accessibility of services?


Who are the One-Stop operators (consortium, for-profit, etc.)?


Have there been any structural or major policy changes in the One-Stop delivery system
(local workforce agency, youth providers) in the past three years?

B. WIA Partnerships

What are the mandatory and optional One Stop partners in the local area and what are
their roles?


Which partners are co-located versus off-site at each One-Stop Career Center?
What roles do WIA and ES staff play in managing the One-Stop system?
What role (if any) do community colleges or other training providers play in the


Do partners contribute resources (cash or in-kind) to support operation of the One-Stop
Career Centers? In the resource room specifically?


Do partners provide services, such as assessments or case management, for particular
WIA customer groups?


Which partners?
What services do they provide? To which customer groups?

To what extent are WIA customers coenrolled in ES? With other programs?


What criteria are used to determine when a customer should be coenrolled?
How does this vary for adults and dislocated workers?

C. Local Workforce Investment Board (WIB)—Composition and Role

Describe the composition of the local WIB


What are the backgrounds of the business members on the board?
Are there any problems keeping employers engaged? If so, how?
Which elected officials are on the Board? What formal and informal roles do they

WIA Administrator: 3 of 15


Is there turnover in composition of the Board? If so, is turnover disruptive to
planning? How is reappointment/replacement handled?

Operational issues with the Board


What role does the Board play in WIA planning and oversight?
Is the Board actively engaged in setting policy and focusing on strategic issues?
How does the Board promote coordinated service delivery by mandatory
Who serves as staff to the Board and what are their roles?

D. Staffing

How many WIA staff are there at the LWIA?


How does this translate into FTE for the adult, dislocated worker, and youth
Where are they physically located?
What are their roles?

How has your staffing changed as a result of stimulus funding? Or for other reasons in
the past three years?

E. Recruitment and Enrollment

What types of customers does the LWIA target for services?


How does this vary for adults versus dislocated workers?
How does this vary for core, intensive, and training services?

Which organization(s) have responsibility for the recruitment effort?
What methods of recruitment are used?
How do recruitment methods vary for dislocated workers and adults?

Does the number of types of customers who go through intake vary during a program


Does this vary across One-Stop Career Centers? If so, how?

How are participants recruited?



Why does it vary (e.g. based on availability of funds, capacity of the
centers/providers, need for services, etc.)?
How does this variation differ for adults versus dislocated workers?

In a typical program year, do you have trouble recruiting enough WIA participants?

WIA Administrator: 4 of 15


Has this changed since the recent economic downturn?
Does it vary for adults versus dislocated workers?
Does it vary across the three service tiers?
Has this changed as a result of the study? If so, how?

Nature of Services

A. Policy Guidance on Service Delivery

What policies or guidance has the state/LWIB formulated regarding how customers
should move through the service tiers (e.g., required duration at each tier, required sets
of services, etc.)?


From staff-assisted core to intensive services?
From intensive services to training?

Have you had challenges in operationalizing these policies?


From self-service to staff-assisted core services?

Is the policy guidance clear and easy to follow?
Are there exceptions? If yes, what are they?

Would you say that the LWIB emphasizes training or a work-first approach to services?
Please explain the LWIB’s approach/emphasis.

B. Enrollment and Orientation

How do adult and dislocated worker customers first access services?


Do all customers receive an orientation? If so, what does it consist of?
How are customers introduced to the services/programs available to them?


Are services for dislocated workers ever provided at work sites?


When do customers become WIA participants?


What is the first WIA-funded service that customers typically receive?
What is the first staff-assisted WIA service they typically receive, and when?

Note to site visitor: please use the following table in conjunction with the probes in the
following sections.
Provided as
(check all that apply)

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

Provided by
(check all that apply)
__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

WIA Administrator: 5 of 15

(content, intensity, etc.)

Provided as
(check all that apply)

Provided by
(check all that apply)

Outreach and intake

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Orientation to OneStop services

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Job search &

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Career counseling

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Providing LMI

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Providing info on
training providers

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Providing info on
supportive services

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Providing info on
filing for UI

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Providing info on
financial aid for

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Follow-up services
for those placed in

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Assessmentbasic skills

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

WIA Administrator: 6 of 15

(content, intensity, etc.)

Provided as
(check all that apply)

Provided by
(check all that apply)

Assessmentcareer interests

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Assessmentcareer aptitudes

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Development of the

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Group counseling

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

counseling and
service planning

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Case management

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Work experience

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Occupational skills

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

On-the-job training

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

WIA Administrator: 7 of 15

(content, intensity, etc.)

Provided as
(check all that apply)

Provided by
(check all that apply)

Integrated basic
skills and occ skills

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Skill upgrading and

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Job readiness

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Customized training

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

(content, intensity, etc.)

C. Nature of Self-Service Core Services

Describe any state/LWIB guidance on how partners should deliver self-services.


What services are available to customers accessing self-service core services?


What resources and tools are made available to self-serve customers?


What are the reasons customers have difficulty accessing self-services? How are these
challenges accommodated?


Limited computer literacy skills
Weak basic skills
Limited English-language proficiency

What (other) challenges does the LWIA encounter in providing self-services? Explain


Lack of staff capacity

WIA Administrator: 8 of 15


Difficulty meeting customers’ needs
Weakness in tools and resources (e.g., too few computers, etc.)


What level of staff assistance is typically provided to customers in the resource room?


Can self-service customers meet one-on-one with a WIA counselor without being
classified as receiving staff-assisted core services? If so, under what circumstances?

D. Nature of Staff-Assisted Core Services

What policy guidance has the state/LWIB provided on how the line between selfservices and staff-assisted core services should be drawn?


How is the policy operationalized?
Is the policy clear? Is there any ambiguity about when staff-assisted services


At what point do customers receive WIA staff-assisted core services? Are there
specific criteria used to become eligible?


What services are available to customers accessing staff-assisted core services (as
opposed to self-serve core services)?


Who provides them?
Under what circumstances are they provided?

What information do staff-assisted core services customers receive about intensive and
training services?


How are these services different from those self-service customers would receive?

When do they receive this information in the flow of services?
From whom do they receive the information?

What challenges does the LWIA encounter in providing staff-assisted core services?
What challenges do customers encounter?

E. Nature of Intensive Services

What policy guidance has the state/LWIB provided on how the line between staffassisted core services and intensive services should be drawn?


How is the policy operationalized?
Is the policy clear? Is there any ambiguity about when intensive services occur?


What is the LWIB’s vision for the purpose of intensive services (e.g., as a prelude to
training, as a stand-alone activity)?


How quickly can customers access intensive services once they first receive core

WIA Administrator: 9 of 15


To what extent does this vary based on customers’ needs? For adults versus
dislocated workers?
Are there minimum durations in core services before intensive services will be
authorized? Required core services?


What are the eligibility criteria for intensive services?


When and how does a customer complete an IEP? When and how often is the IEP


What services are available to customers accessing intensive services (as opposed to
staff-assisted core services)?


How are these services different from those core customers would receive?
Who provides them?
Under what circumstances are they provided?

How and when are intensive services customers informed about training opportunities?

F. Nature of Training Services

What policy guidance has the state/LWIB provided on the delivery of training services?


On the emphasis placed on training versus non-training services?
On who should have access to training?
∼ How priority for public assistance recipients and other low-

income individuals is established (adult program only)?
∼ Identifying who is unable to obtain or retain employment after

intensive services and thus might need training services.
∼ Identifying who has the “skills and qualifications to successfully

participate” in training.

What proportion of WIA customers traditionally access training?


ITAs versus non-ITA training?


What is the typical or average amount of the ITA?


Describe limits placed on the use of ITAs


What is the ITA cap?
What limits are placed on the duration of training?
What can the ITA be used for (e.g., tuition, books and supplies, etc.)?
Is there a requirement that the customer obtain a credential?
Apart from restricting choice to the ETPL, are any other limits placed on training
choices (e.g., high-growth occupations, etc.)?

WIA Administrator: 10 of 15


Can exceptions to any of these restrictions be made? Under what circumstances?

How often are alternatives to ITAs used in providing training services, such as OJTs,
contract training, or customized training?


Which are used and under what circumstances?
For whom?
With which providers/employers?


Does this LWIA ever fund distance-learning training? Under what circumstances?


What are state/LWIB guidelines regarding how other sources of funds should be used
in tandem with WIA funds to pay for training?


What other sources of funds are used (e.g., Pell grants, funds from other partner
programs, state funds, etc.)?
Under what circumstances?
Who pays first?

What percentage of customers who wish to access occupational training lack adequate
basic skills?


Does it vary between adults and dislocated workers?
How is this need addressed?


What accommodations are made for customers with weak English-language skills?


For those customers who had access to training but did not undertake it:


Why do these customers decide not to undertake it?
Is it that training they are interested in is not available?

G. Nature of Case Management, Placement, and Follow-up Services

Describe how case management is typically provided?


How does this differ for adults versus dislocated workers?

What placement services are available to customers and how are they provided?


Describe the typical duration, typical content, and frequency of interaction.

For adults? For dislocated workers?
For those in the three different research groups?

Once individuals are placed in employment, what follow-up services are offered?


To adults versus dislocated workers?
How frequently are customers contacted?

WIA Administrator: 11 of 15


Are employers contacted?
What is the typical duration of follow-up services?

H. Nature of Supportive Services

What supportive services are made available to customers? (e.g., transportation, child
care, stipends for clothes/tools, )


For those receiving intensive services? For those in training?
For adults versus dislocated workers?
What types of supportive services are provided to them?
∼ What percentage receive them?
∼ What supportive services are most commonly provided and


How are supportive service needs determined?


Who is responsible for determining customers’ need for services?

How are supportive services funded?


Though what assessments, if any, and when are they administered?

What WIA funds are allotted for supportive services?
What other funding sources are used? How are these arranged?

What, if any, caps are there on use of supportive services?


Are there different caps based on the type of supportive services?
What are they?
Does this vary across customers?

I. Assessment of Service Quality and Gaps

What do think are the strengths of your One-Stop Career Center services?


What are the center’s shortcomings?


What gaps in services do you see?

IV. Other Services Available in the Community

Prior to the study, how common was it for adult and dislocated worker customers to be
referred to other One-Stop Career Center partners?



WIA Administrator: 12 of 15


Other government programs, such as Veterans, Vocational Rehabilitation, etc.?

What is the extent of coenrollment of WIA participants in One-Stop partners’ programs
and how do you coordinate services?


What percentage of WIA customers are coenrolled and in which partners’
programs are they coenrolled?
Who is coenrolled and why?
How does this differ for those in core, intensive, and training services?
How does it differ for adults versus dislocatd workers?
Do you coordinate services with partners for coenrollees? How do you do so?
How are you kept abreast of what services partner programs are providing?
∼ Shared MIS?
∼ Shared case-management responsibilities?
∼ Periodic meetings among partner staff?
∼ Other?


Are WIA customers ever referred to services provided by other community agencies?


Who is referred and to what types of services?
To which agencies?

How often do customers access intensive services provided from other partners or
community programs?


How common is this?

What is the nature of these services?
How does their quality compare to the same services provided by WIA?
Does this vary across the three research groups? How?
Has this changed since the start of the study? To what extent?

How common is it for adult and dislocated worker customers to be referred to training
services paid for by other sources, such as state-funded training programs?


Please describe the most common programs. What is the funding source?
Which types of customers access these services and under what circumstances?
How much funding is available?
What is the typical training duration?
For which fields of study are they being trained?

WIA Administrator: 13 of 15


Are there requirements for the type of training or provider? Other limits on
training choices?
How does this training compare to WIA-funded training?

V. Customer Outcomes
A. Outcomes on the Common Measures

What has been the local area’s performance on the WIA performance measures over the
past three program years?


For adults
Dislocated workers

Does this performance vary across participants receiving different types of services?

B. Customers’ Satisfaction with Services

Do you measure customer satisfaction? If yes, how is this done, and how frequently is it
done? (Get a copy of any reports.) What complaints do they make or areas for
improvement do they suggest?


Operation of the Study

A. Process of Random Assignment

How have random assignment procedures affected the services you provide? What
changes in services have been made as a result of the study?


Dislocated workers

How do you communicate service assignments to your One-Stop partners or other


What implications does this have on the services they provide?

B. Maintaining the Integrity of the Research Groups

How does the LWIA ensure that adults/DWs only receive the services appropriate to
their group assignment?


Do adult and dislocated workers assigned to each research group ever receive services
beyond their assignment?


Under what circumstances?
What services do they receive?

Is there ever any confusion about what services a participant is entitled to receive?

WIA Administrator: 14 of 15


For adults and dislocated workers assigned to the core services only group?
For those assigned to receive intensive services but not training?

C. Problems Encountered

Have you had any problems/challenges with random assignment?


Please describe.
If applicable, how have you solved these problems or addressed these challenges?


Are there things you still don’t understand about the study?


Have you needed to increase outreach, recruitment, or enrollment because of the study?
If so:


How have you done so?
Has it changed the characteristics of those you enroll? How?

D. Service Changes Brought About Since the Study Began

Has the composition of service tiers and/or the service flow changed since the onset of
the study?


Are those assigned to the core or core-and-intensive group now more frequently
referred to other service providers?

If so, how—what supportive services are funded? Who receives them?
Why did these changes come about?

In what other ways has the One-Stop system changed due to your participation in the


How? Why?

Has the nature of supportive services changed during the study?


What are the reasons for these changes?

Have you changed anything else about the services in each service tier since the study
began? If so, describe.


If so, how?

Have relationships with partners changed?
Have data systems changed?

Have changes occurred for other reasons during this time?


What changes?
Why have they occurred?

WIA Administrator: 15 of 15


I. Background and Contextual Factors
A. Labor Market and Economic Outlook

What is the general labor market condition in this local area?


To what extent are there job opportunities in the area for the adults and dislocated
workers you serve?
What are high growth and stable industries in the local area?
Which industries/occupations are declining?

What, if any, substantial changes have there been in the labor market in the past three
years (such as due to the economic downturn)? How has this affected One-Stop Career
Center operations (e.g., customer types, customer volumes, etc.)

Describe any industry skill initiatives or economic development efforts underway in
the local area

B. Composition of Workforce

What are the greatest service needs of those you target for WIA services?


What are their primary barriers to employment success?

C. Education and Training Opportunities

Describe the composition of the Eligible Training Provider List as it pertains to this
LWIA with respect to the number and types of providers


Are there sufficient types of training/education choices to meet customers’ needs?
If not, which aren’t available?
What are common credentials obtained through training?
Is language-appropriate training available for limited English proficiency (LEP)

What types of post-secondary institutions are included on the list (private or public
universities, community colleges, technical colleges, etc.)?


Thinking of WIA customers, which post-secondary institutions are used most
Are they geographically accessible to individuals in the local area? Are there other
constraints on access (e.g., availability of training slots, enrollment deadlines, etc.)?

Adult/DW Line Staff: 1 of 16


What other providers of occupational skills training are on the ETPL?


What types of institutions provide that training?
What kinds of training do they provide? For which occupations do they train


Whom do they serve?



How extensively are they used by WIA customers?
Are they geographically accessible to individuals in the local area? Are there
other constraints on access (e.g., availability of training slots, enrollment
deadlines, etc.)?

Local Governance and Administration
Qualifications and Experience of WIA Staff
Note to site visitor: please use the following table in conjunction with the probes that


Yrs in Current

Staff Member #1
Staff Member #2
Staff Member #3
Staff Member #4
Staff Member #5


What are your current duties?


What is your educational background and employment experience?


How long have you worked in your current position?


Any other relevant experience?

Adult/DW Line Staff: 2 of 16

Other Relevant


Nature and Quality of Services

A. Policy Guidance on Service Delivery

What policies or guidance has the state/LWIB formulated regarding how customers
should move through the service tiers (e.g., required duration at each tier, required
sets of services, etc.)?


From staff-assisted to intensive services?
From intensive services to training?

Have you had challenges in operationalizing these policies?


From self-service to staff-assisted core services?

Is the policy guidance clear and easy to follow?
Are there exceptions? If yes, what are they?

Would you say that the LWIB emphasizes training or a work-first approach to
services? Please explain the LWIB’s approach/emphasis.


How is this approach operationalized?

B. Intake and Orienting Customers to Services

Describe any LWIB guidance or direction in how customers should undergo intake
and orientation to One Stop services?


Describe the customer-flow process for the adult program: What happens when a
customer first comes into the center? To the resource room?


How does the customer-flow process differ for dislocated workers? For example,
describe the role of Rapid Response


Do customers who walk into the center go through an intake process?


Describe this process.
What staff is responsible for conducting intake?

How are customers oriented to the services available to them?


Is the orientation provided in person? Through brochures or a video?
Do you provide group orientations, or are orientations generally one-on-one
between customer and a One-Stop staff person?
If both are used, under what circumstances are each used?
What staff are responsible for providing orientations?
Is orientation ever provided at work sites (for dislocated workers)?
Describe the orientation sessions?

Adult/DW Line Staff: 3 of 16



How long do orientations generally last?


What information is provided? Is this consistently provided
for all customers who enter the center?


If not, why might the information vary?

When do customers become WIA participants?


What is the first WIA-funded service that customers typically receive?
What is the first staff-assisted WIA service they typically receive, and when?

Note to site visitor: please use the following table in conjunction with the probes in the
following sections.
Provided as
(check all that apply)

Provided by
(check all that apply)


__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Outreach and intake

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Orientation to OneStop services

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Job search &

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Career counseling

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Providing LMI

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Providing info on
training providers

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Providing info on
supportive services

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Providing info on
filing for UI

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Adult/DW Line Staff: 4 of 16

(content, intensity, etc.)

Provided as
(check all that apply)

Provided by
(check all that apply)

Providing info on
financial aid for

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Follow-up services
for those placed in

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Assessmentbasic skills

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Assessmentcareer interests

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Assessmentcareer aptitudes

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Development of the

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Group counseling

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

counseling and
service planning

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Case management

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Adult/DW Line Staff: 5 of 16

(content, intensity, etc.)

Provided as
(check all that apply)

Provided by
(check all that apply)

Work experience

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Occupational skills

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

On-the-job training

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Integrated basic
skills and occ skills

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Skill upgrading and

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Job readiness

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Customized training

__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Staff-assisted core
__ Intensive
__ Training

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Adult/DW Line Staff: 6 of 16

(content, intensity, etc.)

C. Nature of Self-Service Core Services

What services are available to customers accessing self-service core services? How
does this differ between those accessing services onsite versus remotely? For adults
and dislocated workers?


Describe the role of ES and WIA in providing these services?


What are the reasons customers have difficulty accessing self-services? How are
these challenges accommodated?


Limited computer literacy skills
Weak basic skills
Limited English-language proficiency
What (other) challenges does the LWIA encounter in providing self-services?


Lack of staff capacity
Difficulty meeting customers’ needs
Weakness in tools and resources (e.g., too few computers, etc.)


Which core services are most used? By whom? Why?


What level of staff assistance is provided in the resource room?


Are resource room staff funded by ES? By WIA? Other?
Do any other partner staff spend time staffing the resource room?
What are the responsibilities of resource room staff?

Can self-service customers meet one-on-one with a WIA counselor without being
classified as receiving staff-assisted core services?


How many resource room staff are available at any given time?

If so, under what circumstances?
For what duration?
How about during Rapid Response for dislocated workers?

What sequence of activities take place if the resource room staff (or the customer
him/herself) determines that the customer needs more than self-services? Describe.


How is a customer’s need for additional services determined?
What portion of resource room customers get additional services?

Adult/DW Line Staff: 7 of 16


What needs are most common for them to have?Are they referred to a WIA
counselor to determine eligibility for WIA intensive services?
Are they referred to other partners? Which partners get the most referrals, and for
How quickly do these referrals occur after customers first begin using selfservices?

D. Nature of Staff-Assisted Core Services

At what point are customers allowed to receive WIA staff-assisted core services?


Are there any rules about certain self-services that have to be used or a certain
duration of self-services required before WIA staff-assisted core services are
What is the typical duration of each service? Of all staff-assisted core services
that a customer might receive? Why might duration vary?


Have you faced any challenges in differentiating between self-services and staffassisted core services? Please describe them.


What services are available to customers accessing staff-assisted core services (as
opposed to self-serve core services)?


How are these services different from those self-service customers would
Who provides them?
Under what circumstances are they provided?

Have you encountered any problems in providing staff-assisted services to limited
English proficient (LEP) populations or those with weak basic skills?


Are there sufficient staff speaking alternative languages? What other solutions
have you developed?
Have you encountered any problems in providing staff-assisted services to
persons with low literacy? How are they addressed?


Have you encountered challenges in providing services to customers with other
limitations? Describe these challenges and solutions you’ve developed.


What information do staff-assisted core services customers receive about intensive
and training services?


When do they receive this information?
From whom?

How do staff determine which customers may need intensive and training services?

Adult/DW Line Staff: 8 of 16


What challenges does the LWIA encounter in providing staff-assisted core services?
What challenges do customers encounter?

E. Nature of Intensive Services

What criteria are used to distinguish between staff-assisted core services and
intensive services?


What is the LWIB’s view on the purpose of intensive services (e.g., as a prelude to
training, as a stand-alone activity to prepare customers for jobs)?


How is eligibility for intensive services determined?


How quickly can customers access intensive services once they first receive core


Are there minimum durations in core services before intensive services will be
authorized? Required core services?

When and how does a customer complete an IEP?


To what extent does this vary based on customers’ needs? For adults versus
dislocated workers?

What staff helps with the IEP development?
What is the content of an IEP? (Get a copy of an IEP form if possible.)
Under what circumstances is an IEP updated?

Describe the content of intensive services, including how they are provided and by


Comprehensive assessment, including coverage of skills and interests,
instruments used, self or staff administered, and extent of professional
Counseling and case management, including staff time spent with customer,
frequency of meetings, content of discussions, etc.
Work experience, including extent of use, for whom, duration, linkage with
training plan or explicit skill building objectives, at what work sites
Pre-vocational skills instruction, duration, topics covered, linkage with other
services provided, who receives it, etc.


Have there been any challenges in providing intensive services to customers with
certain characteristics (i.e., limited English proficiency, low literacy)? How are these
challenges met?


How are intensive services customers informed about training opportunities?

Adult/DW Line Staff: 9 of 16

F. Nature of Training Services

How do you operationalize the criteria for determining who should have access to


How priority for public assistance recipients and other low-income individuals is
established (adult program only)?
Identifying who is unable to obtain or retain employment after intensive services
and thus might need training services.
Identifying who has the “skills and qualifications to successfully participate” in
Are any other criteria used? How do customers who undertake training differ
from those who access only intensive services?


To what extent do One-Stop staff members stress the need for training? How does
this differ for adults versus dislocated workers?


What guidance do counselors/case managers provide in helping customers make
training choices? How is this guidance provided? How does this differ for adults
versus dislocated workers?


The provider to choose

Describe its content, timing, and method of preparation.
Who develops these plans?
Are these plans connected to a formal assessment? How?
What types of employment are targeted? Are there specific targets for

How are the plans approved?


The training field to pursue

Is a written training plan prepared? (Get a copy of the form)


Whether to train or not

By whom?
How long does the process typically take?
Any challenges?

Are there any restrictions on training choices? How does this differ for adults versus
dislocated workers?


Training cap?
Training duration?

Adult/DW Line Staff: 10 of 16


Uses of the ITA (e.g., tuition, books and supplies, etc.)?
Credential requirement?
What effect do these have on training choices?

Does the use of the ETPL prevent customers from undertaking training that they
might otherwise like to pursue?


Does it prevent them from pursuing certain courses of study?
Does it prevent them from pursuing training that is too costly?
Does it prevent them from pursuing training from certain providers?


Are any other restrictions placed on training choices (e.g., high-demand occupations,


Describe customers’ typical training choices. How does this differ for adults versus
dislocated workers?


Who are the most common training providers?
What are the most common types of training programs? (For which
What is the average duration of training?

How often are alternatives to ITAs used in providing training services, such as OJTs,
contract training, or customized training?


Which are used and under what circumstances?
For whom?
With which providers/employers?
How does this differ for adults versus dislocated workers?


Does this LWIA ever fund distance-learning training? Under what circumstances?


What are state/LWIB guidelines regarding how other sources of funds should be used
in tandem with WIA funds to pay for training?


Under what circumstances?

What percentage of customers who wish to access occupational training lack
adequate basic skills?


What other sources of funds are used (e.g., Pell grants, funds from other partner
programs, state funds, etc.)?

Does it vary between adults and dislocated workers?
How is this need addressed?

What accommodations are made for customers with weak English-language skills?

Adult/DW Line Staff: 11 of 16


For those customers who had access to training but did not undertake it:


Why do these customers decide not to undertake it?
Is it that training they are interested in is not available?

G. Nature of Case Management, Placement, and Follow-up Services

Describe how customers interact with their case managers while they are in training?


What do these interactions involve?
How frequently do these interactions occur?
Are they in person or by phone?
Do case managers ever interact directly with training provider staff?
How do interactions differ with adults and dislocated workers?
How does case management differ for those in intensive services versus those in

What placement services are available to customers and how are they provided?


For adults? For dislocated workers?
For those in the different research groups?


Who provides these services?


Once individuals are placed in employment, what follow-up services are offered?
Who provides them?


To adults versus dislocated workers?
How frequently are customers contacted?
Are employers contacted?
What is the typical duration of follow-up services?

H. Nature of Supportive Services

What supportive services are available to customers? (e.g., transportation, child care,
stipends for clothes/tools, etc.)



For adults? For dislocated workers?

In the intensive services group


In the training group
What types of supportive services are provided to them?

∼ What percentage receives them?

Adult/DW Line Staff: 12 of 16

∼ What supportive services are most commonly provided and


How are supportive service needs determined?


Who is responsible for determining customers’ need for services?

How are supportive services funded?


Though what assessments, if any, and when are they administered?

What WIA funds are allotted for supportive services?
What other funding sources are used? How are these arranged?

What, if any, caps are there on use of supportive services?


Are there different caps based on the type of supportive services?
What are they?
Does this vary across customers?

I. Assessment of Service Quality and Gaps

What do think are the strengths of your One-Stop Career Center services?


What are the center’s shortcomings?


What gaps in services do you see?


Other Services Available in the Community

Prior to the study, how common was it for adult and dislocated worker customers to
be referred to other One-Stop Career Center partners?


Other government programs, such as Veterans, Vocational Rehabilitation, etc.?

What is the extent of coenrollment of WIA participants in One-Stop partners’
programs and how do you coordinate services?


What percentage of WIA customers are coenrolled and in which partners’
programs are they coenrolled?
Who is coenrolled and why?
How does this differ for those in core, intensive, and training services?
How does it differ for adults versus dislocatd workers?
Do you coordinate services with partners for coenrollees? How do you do so?

Adult/DW Line Staff: 13 of 16



Shared MIS?


Shared case-management responsibilities?


Periodic meetings among partner staff?



How common is this?
Who is referred and to what types of services?
To which agencies?

How often do customers access intensive services provided from other partners or
community programs?



Are WIA customers ever referred to services provided by other community agencies?


How are you kept abreast of what services partner programs are providing?

What is the nature of these services?
How does their quality compare to the same services provided by WIA?
Does this vary across the three research groups? How?
Has this changed since the start of the study? To what extent?

How common is it for adult and dislocated worker customers to be referred to training
services paid for by other sources, such as state-funded training programs?


Please describe the most common programs. What is the funding source?
Which types of customers access these services and under what circumstances?
How much funding is available?
What is the typical training duration?
For which fields of study are they being trained?
Are there requirements for the type of training or provider? Other limits on
training choices?
How does this training compare to WIA-funded training?

V. Operation of the Study
A. Process of Random Assignment

Describe the point of random assignment (i.e., explain staff involvement in the
process of random assignment).


Describe how customers are informed about their assignment.


For adults?

Adult/DW Line Staff: 14 of 16


For dislocated workers?


How do you explain the random assignment procedures to customers? What
are their reactions to the procedures? To the results of random assignment?


How have random assignment procedures affected the services you provide? What
changes in services have been made as a result of the study?


Dislocated workers


How much do the random assignment procedures influence your typical work pace?
How do they do so? Have they affected case loads?


How do you communicate service assignments to your One-Stop partners or other


What implications does this have on the services they provide?

B. Maintaining the Integrity of the Research Groups

How does the LWIA ensure that adults/DWs only receive the services appropriate to
their group assignment?


Do adult and dislocated workers assigned to each research group ever receive services
beyond their assignment?


Under what circumstances?
What services do they receive?

Is there ever any confusion about what services a participant is entitled to receive?


For adults and dislocated workers assigned to the core services only group?
For those assigned to receive intensive services but not training?
How is this confusion resolved?

C. Problems Encountered

Have you had any problems/challenges with random assignment?


Please describe.
If applicable, how have you solved these problems or addressed these


Are there things you still don’t understand about the study?


Have you needed to increase outreach, recruitment, or enrollment because of the
study? If so:


How have you done so?

Adult/DW Line Staff: 15 of 16


Has it changed the characteristics of those you enroll? How?

D. Service Changes Since the Study Began

Has the composition of service tiers and/or the service flow changed since the onset
of the study?


If so, how?
What are the reasons for these changes?


Do counselors typically meet longer or more frequently with members of certain
research groups than they would in the absence of the study? If yes, why?


Have you changed anything else about the services in each service tier since the study
began? If so, describe.


Are those assigned to the core or core-and-intensive group now more frequently
referred to other service providers?

If so, how—what supportive services are funded? Who receives them?
Why did these changes come about?

In what other ways has the One-Stop system changed due to your participation in the


How? Why?

Has the nature of supportive services changed during the study?


Do you treat customers in each service tier differently than you once did?

Have relationships with partners changed?
Have data systems changed?

Have changes occurred for other reasons during this time?


What changes?
Why have they occurred?

Adult/DW Line Staff: 16 of 16



Local WIA Governance, Operation & Administration

A. One-Stop System Staffing
How many staff are there at the LWIA that are funded by the WIA program?
How does this translate into FTEs for the adult, dislocated worker, and youth
B. WIA Partnerships
How are the costs of One-Stop operation shared across partners?
How are the costs for each partner calculated?
Do partners contribute resources (cash or in-kind) to support operation of the
One-Stops? In the resource room specifically?
How does the cost sharing vary across centers?


Costs of Providing Services

A. WIA Allocation
What is the local area’s formula funding allocation for adults and dislocated workers?
Funding Allocations
Funding Year


Dislocated Workers

PY 2009
PY 2010
PY 2011

What other source of funds have been used during these years for adult and dislocated
worker services and how have these funds been used?
Other Sources of Funds



PY 2009
PY 2010
PY 2011

Finance: 1 of 4



How are the funds for adult and dislocated worker services distributed across the
One-Stop Career Centers in the area?
For formula funds
For other funding sources
B. Program Expenditures
What have been the program’s total expenditures in the last two years?
Expenditures from Formula and Other WIA Funds
Program Year


Dislocated Workers

Regular Formula Funds
PY 2009
PY 2010
ARRA Funds
PY 2009
PY 2010
PY 2009


PY 2010


Governors’ Reserve
PY 2009


PY 2010


PY 2009
PY 2010

How are these expenditures tracked? In what categories are the expenditures
classified? Could you provide me a copy of the expenditure report?
C. Program Costs for Different Service Groups
What have been the WIA payments to outside vendors during the most recently
completed program year?
Direct payments

Finance: 2 of 4

Supportive services
Other types of training
How much has been spend on staff salaries during the most recently completed
program year?
Overall by staff
The range and average for each labor category
What is the value of fringe benefits for staff as a percentage of their salaries?
Health insurance
Other fringe costs
How do these vary across staff
How are costs for materials and supplies accounted for?
Which materials and supplies are depreciated? Over what period of time?
What have been the costs for the following materials and supplies over the most
recently completed program year?
Job listing services
Assessment tools
What are the overhead costs for the LWIA (as a percentage of the dollar spent on
Rent for One-Stop centers? Other rent?
Telephone costs?
Other? Please specify type and amount.
What are the administrative costs of operating the LWIA (as a percentage of the
dollar spent on services)?
Are there donations made to the One-Stop centers?
Computers or other hardware

Finance: 3 of 4

What is the estimated value of these donations?
Are costs broken down by labor, non-labor, and administrative costs?
Do you have any estimates of costs of services not funded by the LWIA?
Costs of training
Supportive services costs


Operation of the Study

A. Costs of Study
Have there been additional costs borne as a result of your participation in the study?
Additional labor costs?
Data collection
Working with customers
Non-labor costs?
Overhead/indirect costs
Materials and supplies
Other supportive service costs
Travel costs

Finance: 4 of 4



Data Collection
Describe the MIS you use for data capture and program reporting
Do you use a statewide system or a local system? Do you use both?
Do all One-Stop Career Centers in the area use the same system for capturing
information? If not, what are the differences?
Note to site visitor: if both state and local systems are used, please answer the following
questions with regard to each.
Other than WIA, which other programs use this MIS?
For how long has this system been in place?
At what point do customers get entered into the database?
Receipt of any WIA service (including self-service)
Receipt of a WIA staff-assisted core service
Receipt of a WIA intensive service
Eligibility determination for WIA staff-assisted services (regardless of whether
services are received)
Receipt of a partner-program service
Does this vary across customers (e.g., adults, dislocated workers)?
What data elements are included in the MIS? Can you provide a printout of them?
Demographic characteristics
WIA services
Partner services
In particular, is the following service data captured and how?
Type of service
How are services categorized?
How are core, intensive, and training services delineated?
Start and stop dates, such as:
Date of first service (from any One-Stop partner)
Date of first WIA service
Date of partner program services

MIS Protocol: 1 of 3

Start date of each service
End date of each service
Date of WIA program completion
Date of WIA program exit
Service content (e.g., nature, type of provider, etc.)
Service completion
Is the MIS also used for case management (e.g. recording of case notes)?
If not all One-Stop partners use the same MIS, how are WIA staff kept abreast of the
services that WIA customers receive from other programs? Vice versa?
Can WIA staff examine other programs’ MIS records for WIA participants?
How are WIA staff notified of services provided by non-WIA program staff?
How is co-enrollment taken note of?
What strategies are used to ensure a common exit date for co-enrolled
participants in the WIA MIS?
Is expenditure data associated with WIA participants also captured as a part of this
system, such as ITA costs?
If not, how/where is this information stored?
How does the MIS capture information on customers’ outcomes?
How are UI wage data collected and integrated into the MIS?
Is WRIS data used for measuring performance?
How is this data collected?
Is it integrated into the MIS, and, if so, how?
Are supplemental employment data collected?
How are these data collected?
How is the information entered into the MIS?
How is information on receipt of degrees, diplomas, or certificates collected and
Are there any safeguards/edit checks in the MIS? Which ones?
To ensure that participants cannot receive higher-tier services (i.e., training)
before receiving lower-tier services (i.e., intensive)?

MIS Protocol: 2 of 3

Is the MIS real-time, or does it only get updated periodically?
How frequently (daily, weekly, etc.)?
Is the MIS web-based?
Do case managers/staff enter data directly into the MIS, or are there specific data
entry staff who do so?
What is the general satisfaction with the MIS?
What do you see as its strengths and weaknesses?
What do program staff think about it?

Data Use and Data Reporting
Is the MIS used to generate local-level reports? Is so, try to obtain copies of them.
What do these reports consists of?
Customer volume
Customer characteristics
Service use
Performance on the common measures
How frequently are the reports generated?
How are these reports used?
Could we periodically obtain data extracts from the MIS if needed for the study?
In what format could the data be provided?
What data elements could be provided?
How much effort would be entailed?
Who would be able to prepare the extracts for us (e.g., state staff, local staff)?
If financial data are kept separately, could we obtain extracts of financial data, such as
ITA amounts?

MIS Protocol: 3 of 3



Background and Contextual Factors

A. Labor Market and Economic Outlook
What is the general labor market condition in this local area?
To what extent are there job opportunities in the area for the customers you serve?
What are high growth and stable industries in the local area?
Which industries/occupations are declining?
What, if any, substantial changes have there been in the labor market in the past three
years (such as due to the economic downturn)? How has this affected One-Stop Career
Center operations (e.g., customer types, customer volumes, etc.)
Describe any industry skill initiatives or economic development efforts underway in the
local area
B. Composition of ES Customers
What are the greatest service needs of those you target for services?
What are their primary barriers to employment success?


Local Governance and Administration (Staffing)
How many ES staff are there in this center? What are their job duties? In other OneStop Career Centers in the local area? How does this translate into FTEs?
How has staffing changed as a result of stimulus funding?
What are your current duties?
What is your educational background and employment experience?
How long have you worked in your current position?
What were you doing before that?


Nature and Quality of ES Services

A. Framework for Service Delivery
What role do ES staff play in the center?
In the resource room? Serving self-help/self-service customers?
Working in partnership with WIA staff?
How are responsibilities for the resource room assigned? Are ES staff mostly
responsible? Please explain.
Are there ES offices in the local area that are not co-located with WIA? How many?

ES: 1 of 7

What policies or guidance has the state formulated regarding how customers should
move through services provided by ES staff (e.g., required duration, required sets of
services, etc.)?
From self-services to facilitated self-help services? To staff-assisted services?
How do these service levels differ from each other?
B. Intake and Orienting Customers to Services
Describe any state/LWIB guidance or direction in how customers should undergo
intake and orientation to One Stop services
What portion of individuals filing a UI claim come to a center?
How is compliance with work-search requirements documented?
What requirements are imposed for WPRS customers?
Are all UI claimants registered into ES?
Describe the customer-flow process. What happens when a customer first comes into
the center? To the resource room?
Describe the process of orienting customers to available services
Is the orientation provided in person or through brochures or a video?
Do you provide group orientations, or are orientations generally one-on-one
between customer and a One-Stop staff person?
If both are used, under what circumstances are each used?
What staff are responsible for providing orientations?
How long do orientations generally last?
What information is provided? Is this consistently provided for all customers who
enter the center?
If not, why might the information vary?
Describe the ES registration process
Which visitors to the One-Stop Career Center become registered as ES
When are they registered into ES?
What services are they likely to receive before registering in ES?
Orientation to One-Stop Career Center services?
Self-directed services in the resource room?
Are there services they must receive once they are enrolled in ES?

ES: 2 of 7

Which customers who access services remotely become ES registrants?
Note to site visitor: please use the following table in conjunction with the probes in the
following sections.
Provided as
(check all that apply)

Provided by
(check all that apply)

Orientation to OneStop services

__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Job search &

__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Career counseling

__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Providing LMI

__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Providing info on
training providers

__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Providing info on
supportive services

__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Providing info on
filing for UI

__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Providing info on
financial aid for

__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Assessmentbasic skills

__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Assessmentcareer interests

__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Assessmentcareer aptitudes

__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Group counseling

__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

ES: 3 of 7

(content, intensity, etc.)

Provided as
(check all that apply)

Provided by
(check all that apply)

counseling and
service planning

__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

Case management

__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other


__ Self-service
__ Facilitated self-help
__ Staff-assisted

__ WIA staff
__ ES staff
__ Other

(content, intensity, etc.)

C. Resources and Tools
What job matching/job search tools are available?
Describe how customers use these tools. How much assistance do they receive?
How would you characterize the jobs that are listed:
Number of local jobs listed.
Estimate of job quality (wages, benefits, prospects for growth
Target groups of employers or job seekers
Types of jobs (e.g., occupation, industry)
How often is new information uploaded? How often are outdated listings purged?
Are there local listings that are not part of the state job matching system? If so,
how do they compare to the job match system’s listings?
What information about employers is suppressed? Under what circumstances?
Describe the job search assistance that customers are provided
What procedures are used to match customers to available jobs? What is your
assessment of how well they work?
What tools are used to help customers develop resumes?
What job search assistance is provided and how?
What types of LMI are available?
Is this information available for different geographic units (e.g., by county, local
area, etc.)?
How do customers use the LMI that is available to them? How useful do you think
it is?

ES: 4 of 7

What career planning and assessment tools are available?
For career interests
For career aptitudes
How effective do you think these tools are in helping customers develop career
D. Nature of Self-Services
Describe any state/LWIB guidance on how partners should deliver self-services.
On what services should be provided?
On how staff should be funded?
What services are available to customers accessing self-services?
Describe the role of ES and WIA in providing these services?
Which resources/tools are most used? By whom? Why? Which tend not to be used?
What are the reasons customers have difficulty accessing self-services? How are these
challenges accommodated?
Limited computer literacy skills
Weak basic skills
Limited English-language proficiency
What (other) challenges does the One-Stop Career Center encounter in providing selfservices? Explain
Lack of staff capacity
Difficulty meeting customers’ needs
Weakness in tools and resources (e.g., too few computers, etc.)
What level of staff assistance is provided in the resource room?
How many resource room staff are available at any given time?
Are resource room staff funded by ES? By WIA?
Do any partner staff spend time staffing the resource room? Others (e.g., SCSEP
What are the responsibilities of resource room staff?

ES: 5 of 7

Can self-service customers meet one-on-one with ES staff without being classified as
receiving staff-assisted ES services?
If so, under what circumstances?
How do resource room staff refer customers who need more than self-services to
partners? Describe.
Which partners get the most referrals, and for what?
How do staff determine who needs additional services?
E. Nature of Facilitated and Staff-Assisted Services
When is an ES customer considered to have used facilitated self-help or staff assisted
Does this depend on how frequently a customer accesses services? On how long
they receive services?
Are certain ES services always considered staff-assisted? Is it possible for the
same service to be considered self-directed for some customers and staff-assisted
for others? Describe.
At what point are ES customers allowed to receive staff-assisted services?
Are there any rules about certain self-services that have to be used or a certain
duration of self-services required before staff-assisted services are provided?
How do facilitated self-help and staff-assisted ES services differ from self-services?


Other Services Available in the Center and Community
Under what circumstances are ES customers referred to services provided by other
One-Stop Career Center partners or programs? How common is this?
Other (such as Veterans’ programs, Vocational Rehabilitation, etc.)
Are ES customers ever referred to services provided by other community agencies?
How common is this?
Who is referred and to what types of services?
To which agencies?
How often do customers access employment and training services similar to the ones
ES and WIA provide, but from other One-Stop partners or community agencies?
What is the nature of these services?

ES: 6 of 7

How does their focus and quality compare to the same services as provided by
ES/WIA at the One-Stop?

IV. Customer Outcomes
A. ES Performance Outcomes
What has been the local area’s performance on the ES performance measures over the
past three program years?
Does this performance vary across participants receiving different types of services?
B. Customers’ Satisfaction with Services
Do you measure customer satisfaction? If yes, how is this done, and how frequently is it
done? (Get a copy of any reports.) What complaints do they make or areas for
improvement do they suggest?


Operation of the Study

A. Process of Random Assignment
How have random assignment procedures affected the services you provide? What
changes in services have been made as a result of the study?
Is there ever any confusion about what services a participant is entitled to receive?
B. Service Changes Brought About Since the Study Began
Do counselors typically meet longer or more frequently with members of certain
research groups than they would in the absence of the study?
Are customers assigned to the core-only group more likely to be referred to non-WIA
services than they might have been before the study?
Have you changed anything else about the services you provide since the study began?
If so, describe.
In what other ways has the One-Stop system changed due to your participation in the
Have relationships with partners changed?
Have data systems changed?
Have changes occurred for other reasons during this time?
What changes?
Why have they occurred?

ES: 7 of 7


These interviews focus on the services that study participants have received to date, to
both provide a better understanding of the nature and quality of services and enable us to
assess the integrity of the experimental conditions. The interviews will be conducted only
with those who have already been randomly assigned.

Participant Selection
Although in some cases a focus group of participants can be specially arranged in
advance, in general the expectation is that the interviews will be conducted with
individuals who were participating in the service activities studied as part of the
observational activity conducted as part of the site visit (see the Observation Protocol), or
who otherwise have appointments for a service activity on the day of the visit.
Depending on when these participants are available, the interviews will be conducted
either as one-on-one interviews or as a focus group. For example, if the observation is of
a workshop or other group activity, a focus group should be easy to arrange and might be
the most expedient way of conducting the participant interviews. In other LWIAs, oneon-one interviews conducted periodically throughout the several days of the site visit
might work best. Regardless of whether one-on-one or group interviews are held,
participants should ideally include at least two individuals from both the core-andintensive and full-WIA services groups.

Group sessions should last about 1 hour. Individual interviews will be shorter. All
interviews should be conducted in a conference room or other space where privacy can be

The site visitor must: 1) introduce himself or herself, 2) provide a brief description of the
purpose of the study, and 3) explain the purpose of the site visit, and, in particular, the
purpose of the interview. Assure the respondents that all information will be completely
confidential and will not be disclosed under any circumstances to anyone outside the
research team. Before conducting the interview, ask participants to fill out the
information sheet (below). We recommend that site visitors record the interview and, if

Focus Group: 1 of 6

the interview will be recorded, the site visitor must obtain each participant’s permission
to do so.
If this is a group interview, each participant should next introduce himself or herself and
indicate how many times they have visited the center in the past month and for what

Focus Group: 2 of 6

Questions for Adults and Dislocated Workers

Describe your employment goals


What do you think your job prospects are?

How did you hear about the center?
What were your initial goals in coming for service?
Before coming to the center, what are some of the things you did to look for
work? How did they work out?

Describe your first encounters when you came to the 




If not, how long have you been looking for work?

What led you to come to the ?


Are you currently employed?

How were you oriented to the available services?

Who provided this orientation?


What did the orientation consist of?


Do you feel you were provided a good overview of what services were
available to you?

Did you use the resource room? If so,

How many times? Over what period of time?


What resources did you use in the resource room?


What is your assessment of the services you accessed?


What assistance did you receive from resource room staff? From whom?


Were staff helpful in answering your questions? What is your assessment
of the staff assistance you received?

Apart from the meetings you had with staff during the orientation session or while
you were in the resource room, what other interactions with staff did you have at


Who did you meet with? How many times? Were these one-on-one or group
meetings? What happened during these meetings?
Were you asked about your employment and career goals during any of these
Did your counselor review your skills, interests, and goals with a specific test
or set of tests?

Was this review done on paper, in an interview, or on-a computer?
Focus Group: 3 of 6





Who gave the review and interpreted those results?


What did you learn? What effect did the assessment have on the services
that you have gotten from the 
? Describe the other services you received  What workshops did you attend?  Did you receive help developing a resume?  Did you receive help in finding a job? What help were you provided? Have you and staff here discussed participating in training? If so, how did training enter the conversation and with what results?  Have you received any training from the center so far? If so, please describe it.  What help did you receive in selecting a training program? What is the service or activity that you have received that has been most helpful so far? What services do you expect to receive in the future? 5. Are there services (or staff) that you need that are not being provided at the
? 6. How satisfied have you been with the services you have received at
? 7. What aspects of the services have you liked best? What aspects have you liked least? 8. Did the services you received at
meet your expectations? To what extent have they helped you meet your initial goals? If not, what about them did not meet your expectations? 9. Did the center staff refer you to other agencies providing services in your community? (Note to site visitor: this sequence of questions will be particularly important for the core-and-intensive services group.) If so:    What services were you referred to? Where were you referred? Did you access these services? Why/why not? If yes, how do these services compare to the ones you have received here, at
? 10. How do the services at the
compare to activities that you are pursuing on your own in your job search? 11. When were you informed about the study?  Were you trying to access a particular set of services when you learned about the study? Which ones? Focus Group: 4 of 6   12. How was the study explained to you? Did you understand why the study is being conducted? Do you feel you understood how the lottery process worked? What is your reaction to being in the study? How were you notified which group you were assigned to? How was it explained to you what services you were entitled to receive? Was the information clear? Focus Group: 5 of 6 FOCUS GROUP INFORMATION SHEET First Name: _____________ Age: ___ Please check one Family status: □ Family, no children □ Family, children □ Single Employment Status: Please check one □ Full WIA Group □ Core-and-intensive-Group □ Don’t know Please check one □ Currently employed □ Not employed If not employed: Number of months looking for work____ Last or current job title: _____________________ Pay on last or current job held: $______ Please check one □ per hour □ per day □ per week □ per month □ per year Highest Grade Completed _______ How did you learn about the One-Stop Career Center? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Goal in coming to the One-Stop Career Center/Program: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Focus Group Information Sheet WIA OBSERVATION PROTOCOL WIA OBSERVATION PROTOCOL Site Visitor: _______________ Date : ________ LWIA: _____________ One-Stop Center: ______________ Participant Name:______________________ (If individual activity) DW Adult Mixed Core Intensive Training One-on-One Activity Group Activity Number of participant(s) _____ Type of activity (counseling, orientation, etc.) _____________________________________ 1. Where does this activity typically occur in the customer-flow sequence? For example, is this activity a part of a typical sequence of activities? If so, where in the sequence does this activity fall? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Describe the physical setting for the session (type of space, privacy, comfort, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. What are the objectives of the session (e.g., initial assessment, formal assessment, developing individualized plan, counseling, training decision, job referral, skill building, etc.) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Who is conducting the session? Staff Person #1 Name Program affiliation Funding source ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Staff Person #2 (if applicable) ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Observation Protocol: 1 of 3 5. What information or handouts is the staff person providing? Get a copy of each handout. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. What assessments, if any, are being conducted? Or, if assessment has been conducted previously, how are the results being used? ________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Describe any discussion of an IEP _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Describe the reaction of the participant(s) to the information the staff person provides (receptivity, discussion, etc.). What dialogue occurs? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. Is there any evidence that (any of) the participant(s) wants to make a choice (i.e., enroll in activities, select a training occupation or course or any particular vendor) with which the counselor disagrees? Vice versa? If so, describe. How is this disagreement resolved? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. If the session involves selecting a training program or provider, what guidance/advice does the counselor provide? To what degree is customer choice being honored? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 11. Describe any agreements reached regarding training occupation or vendor. Include the basis for the decision (e.g., information provided by staff, other). ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 12. Are supportive services discussed? If so, describe (e.g., types and amounts, assessment of need, funding sources, etc.) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Observation Protocol: 2 of 3 13. Are other sources of funding to pay for services (such as training) discussed? If so, describe. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 14. Are referrals to other One-Stop partner programs or activities being made? Referrals to nonOne-Stop programs? Describe. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 15. Does the session appear to satisfy the participant and the staff person? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 16. What is the total length of the session? _____________________ minutes 17. What next steps were suggested or are expected to occur? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Additional Information to Collect from Staff Person (before or after the session) 18. If the meeting was with an individual, describe what sessions came before and what is expected to occur in the future. What has been covered with the customer? Where is the participant in the customer-flow process? (For customers in intensive services), does the counselor think that training is appropriate? _______________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 19. Additional Notes ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 20. Summary: Does the session fit with the expected profile of services for the participant(s)’ group assignment(s)? ______________________________________________________________________________ Observation Protocol: 3 of 3 CASE FILE REVIEW CASE FILE REVIEW LWIA Name __________ OS Center _________________ Date _____________ Site Visitor Name _______________________________ Review two files from among those in each research group (core/intensive, and all services) who were enrolled in WIA during the first month of random assignment. The objective is to determine if customers are receiving only those services applicable to their group assignment, so be sure to note any apparent departures or anomalies. Adult/DW Case 1 Adult DW Intensive All Case 2 Adult DW Intensive All Case 3 Adult DW Intensive All Case 4 Adult DW Intensive All Customer Characteristics Required WIASRD Characteristics Age: ___ Sex: ___ Race: ________ Latino (Y/N): _____ HGC: _________ Employment Status: _____________ Limited English (Y/N): _______ Single Parent (Y/N): ___ UC Status(Y/N): _____ Age: ___ Sex: ___ Race: ________ Latino (Y/N): _____ HGC: _________ Employment Status: _____________ Limited English (Y/N): _______ Single Parent (Y/N): ___ UC Status(Y/N): _____ Other background characteristics (e.g., barriers, work history, etc.) Special skills/credentials (attained prior to the date of registration) Case File Review: 1 of 6 Age: ___ Sex: ___ Race: ________ Latino (Y/N): _____ HGC: _________ Employment Status: _____________ Limited English (Y/N): _______ Single Parent (Y/N): ___ UC Status(Y/N): _____ Age: ___ Sex: ___ Race: ________ Latino (Y/N): _____ HGC: _________ Employment Status: _____________ Limited English (Y/N): _______ Single Parent (Y/N): ___ UC Status(Y/N): _____ Adult/DW Case 1 Adult DW Intensive All Case 2 Adult DW Intensive All Case 3 Adult DW Intensive All Case 4 Adult DW Intensive All Key Service Dates First service Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Start of program participation (if different from above) Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ First intensive service Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ First training service (if applicable) Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Other Services (if different from above) Initial intake and assessment Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Case File Review: 2 of 6 Adult/DW Case 1 Adult DW Intensive All Case 2 Adult DW Intensive All Case 3 Adult DW Intensive All Case 4 Adult DW Intensive All Rapid Response (dislocated workers only) Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Assessment: basic skills Date: _____________ Instrument:________ __________________ Results: ___________ __________________ Date: _____________ Instrument:________ __________________ Results: ___________ __________________ Date: _____________ Instrument:________ __________________ Results: ___________ __________________ Date: _____________ Instrument:________ __________________ Results: ___________ __________________ Assessment: occupational skills/interests Date: _____________ Instrument:________ __________________ Results: ___________ __________________ Date: _____________ Instrument:________ __________________ Results: ___________ __________________ Date: _____________ Instrument:________ __________________ Results: ___________ __________________ Date: _____________ Instrument:________ __________________ Results: ___________ __________________ Development of IEP Date Prepared: ______ Date Modified: ______ Short-range goals: ____ ___________________ ___________________ Date Prepared: ______ Date Modified: ______ Short-range goals: ____ ___________________ ___________________ Date Prepared: ______ Date Modified: ______ Short-range goals: ____ ___________________ ___________________ Date Prepared: ______ Date Modified: ______ Short-range goals: ____ ___________________ ___________________ Long-range goals: ____ ___________________ ___________________ Long-range goals: ____ ___________________ ___________________ Long-range goals: ____ ___________________ ___________________ Long-range goals: ____ ___________________ ___________________ Case File Review: 3 of 6 Adult/DW Other counseling/case management Workshops Case 1 Adult DW Intensive All Case 2 Adult DW Intensive All Case 3 Adult DW Intensive All Case 4 Adult DW Intensive All First Date: _________ Describe: __________ __________________ First Date: _________ Describe: __________ __________________ First Date: _________ Describe: __________ __________________ First Date: _________ Describe: __________ __________________ Second Date: _______ Describe:___________ __________________ Second Date: _______ Describe:__________ __________________ Second Date: _______ Describe:__________ __________________ Second Date: _______ Describe:__________ __________________ Third Date: ________ Describe: __________ ___________________ Third Date: ________ Describe: __________ ___________________ Third Date: ________ Describe: __________ ___________________ Third Date: ________ Describe: __________ ___________________ Fourth Date: _________ Describe: ___________ ___________________ Fourth Date: _________ Describe: ___________ ___________________ Fourth Date: _________ Describe: ___________ ___________________ Fourth Date: _________ Describe: ___________ ___________________ First Date: _________ Describe: __________ __________________ First Date: _________ Describe: __________ __________________ First Date: _________ Describe: __________ __________________ First Date: _________ Describe: __________ __________________ Second Date: _______ Describe:__________ __________________ Second Date: _______ Describe:__________ __________________ Second Date: _______ Describe:__________ __________________ Second Date: _______ Describe:__________ __________________ Case File Review: 4 of 6 Adult/DW Supportive Services Training Other WIA service Case 1 Adult DW Intensive All Case 2 Adult DW Intensive All Case 3 Adult DW Intensive All Type(s) provided: __________________ __________________ Type(s) provided: __________________ __________________ Type(s) provided: __________________ __________________ Type(s) provided: __________________ __________________ Amounts: __________ __________________ Amounts: __________ __________________ Amounts: __________ __________________ Amounts: __________ __________________ Source of funds: ____ __________________ Source of funds: ____ __________________ Source of funds: ____ __________________ Source of funds: ____ __________________ ITA or other: _______ Program selected: __________________ ITA or other: _______ Program selected: __________________ ITA or other: _______ Program selected: __________________ ITA or other: _______ Program selected: __________________ Provider selected: __________________ Provider selected: __________________ Provider selected: __________________ Provider selected: __________________ Evidence of Progress or Completed: __________________ Evidence of Progress or Completed: __________________ Evidence of Progress or Completed: __________________ Evidence of Progress or Completed: __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Case File Review: 5 of 6 Case 4 Adult DW Intensive All Adult/DW Co-enrollment Case 1 Adult DW Intensive All Case 2 Adult DW Intensive All Case 3 Adult DW Intensive All Case 4 Adult DW Intensive All Date of co-enrollment: __________ Program(s):_________ __________________ Services: __________ __________________ Date of co-enrollment: __________ Program(s):_________ __________________ Services: __________ __________________ Date of co-enrollment: __________ Program(s):_________ __________________ Services: __________ __________________ Date of co-enrollment: __________ Program(s):_________ __________________ Services: __________ __________________ Placement information Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Credentials earned Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Other comments Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Date: _____________ Describe: __________ __________________ Placement and other Case File Review: 6 of 6
File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorComputer and Network Services
File Modified2011-09-20
File Created2011-03-06

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