CDC NPIN Web Site User Survey

Outcomes Data Collection of the National Prevention Information Network


Outcomes Data Collection of the National Prevention Information Network NPIN Website User Survey

OMB: 0920-0768

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OMB No.: 0920-0768

Exp. Date: _______

CDC NPIN Web Site User Survey

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-0768).

Dear CDC NPIN Web site user,

We are conducting a brief survey on users’ experiences with the NPIN Web site. The feedback you provide will help us enhance our Web site and services to better meet your needs. Your responses are voluntary. We value your feedback, and your opinions and suggestions are important to us. We will not ask you for any identifying information, and all survey responses will be analyzed and reported in the aggregate.

Please answer the following questions as candidly as you can. Thank you for your input!




Your Experiences with the NPIN Web site

  1. In the past 12 months, how often did you visit the NPIN Web


      • Daily

      • Weekly

      • Monthly

      • Less than once a month

      • First-time visitor

  1. How did you get to the NPIN site today?

      • Search Engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc)once a month

      • Link from

      • Link from

      • Link from another Web site

      • Link from a social networking site (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn)

      • Friend or Colleague referral

      • Newspaper or magazine

      • Information Center referral

      • Bookmark

      • Other

  1. What did you come to the Web site to do today?

  1. Which of the following did you use to accomplish your task

on the NPIN site? (Please check all that apply)

      • Internet search

      • Search box on this Web site

      • Left navigation

      • Other navigation on the NPIN site

      • Organizations Search

      • Downloadable Materials Search

      • Conferences Search

      • Funding Search

      • Other

  1. Were you able to do what you came to do today?

      • Yes -- easily

      • Yes -- but it took some effort

      • Only part of it

      • No

      • I was just browsing

  1. How do you plan to use the information?

  1. How would you rate the overall quality of the NPIN Web site?

      • Excellent

      • Good

      • Average

      • Below average

      • Poor

  1. Considering your expectations and experiences with NPIN, to what extent has the NPIN Web site met your expectations?

  • Exceeds expectations

  • Meets expectations

  • Somewhat meets expectations

  • Neutral

  • Does not meet expectations

  1. Did you find the Web site easy to navigate?

  • Very easy to navigate

  • Easy to navigate

  • Somewhat easy to navigate

  • Undecided

  • Not easy to navigate

Relevance to Your Work

  1. What disease topics do you look for on the NPIN Web site? (Please check all that apply.)


  • Viral hepatitis

  • STD

  • Tuberculosis

  • Integration of work in HIV/AIDS, Viral hepatitis, STD and/or TB

  • Other (Please specify____________________________)

11 How accurate do you consider the information provided on the

Web site to be?

  • Extremely accurate

  • Accurate

  • Somewhat accurate

  • Neutral

  • Not Accurate

12. On a scale of 1 to 5, how useful are the following sections of

the Web site? (1=not at all useful, 5=very useful; 0=not



__Communities at Risk

__Conference feed

__Conferences and conference database

__Daily news

__Electronic mailing lists Links to related sites

__Funding feed


__New funding and funding database

__News feed

__Organization database

__Partner Forum


__Testing sites


__Viral Hepatitis

__Web Tools

13. What do you think of the process of subscribing to the

electronic mailing lists?

  • Very easy

  • Relatively easy

  • Complicated

  • Very complicated

  • I am not an electronic mailing list subscriber (If no, why not?)_____________

  • Other (Please specify_____________________)

Use of the NPIN Web Site

14. How likely are you to use the NPIN Web site in the future?

    • Very likely

    • Likely

    • Somewhat likely

    • Not sure

    • Not likely

15. Would you recommend the NPIN Web site to a colleague or


  • Yes

  • No (If no, why not? _______________ )

How to Better Meet Your Needs

16. What one thing on this Web site would you most like to change

or fix?

17. To what extent do you rely on the NPIN Web site for information on prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB compared with other Web sites that provide similar information?

  • I rely solely on the NPIN Web site

  • I rely heavily on the NPIN Web site

  • I rely moderately on the NPIN Web site.

  • I rely very little on the NPIN Web site.

  • I do not rely at all on the NPIN Web site.

18. What other Web sites do you frequently use to obtain

information about the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS,

viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB?

19. Please list suggestions about how to improve the look and feel

of our Web site.

20. Please list suggestions about how to improve the content and

organization of our Web site.

21. What information would be helpful to your work that is

currently not available on the NPIN Web site?

Background Information

22. How did you first learn about the NPIN Web site?

  • Internet search engine

  • Link from a Web site

  • NPIN booth/exhibit at conference

  • Word-of-mouth from professional colleague

  • CDC source

  • Seeing NPIN products

  • Forwarded NPIN listserv

  • Mentions of NPIN in newsletter or magazine

  • Blog/wiki/podcast/feed/XML

  • Twitter

  • Facebook

  • LinkedIn

  • Other (Please specify ____________________)

23. For what type of organization do you work?

  • State health department

  • Local/county health department

  • Community-based organization

  • Private, for-profit organization

  • Clinical setting (health clinic or hospital)

  • Other (Please specify ____________________)

24. Which of the following populations/target audiences(s) does

your organization serve? (Please check all that apply.)

  • African American

  • White

  • Hispanic/Latino

  • Asian and Pacific Islanders

  • American Indians and Alaska Natives

  • Gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender

  • Intravenous drug-users

  • Other drug/alcohol abusers

  • People with multiple sexual partners

  • Immigrant populations

  • Speakers of primary language other than English

  • People with special communication needs, such as hearing-impaired or blind

  • Other (Please specify ____________________)

Thank you for completing this survey!

We at NPIN appreciate your assistance in helping us determine how we can better serve you.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleAn Extension with Change Request for Information Collection for the Outcome Evaluation of the National Prevention Information
Last Modified ByCenters for Disease Control & Prevention
File Modified2011-01-20
File Created2010-08-09

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