30 Day PUBLISHED FRN 1660-0036

30 Day PUBLISHED FRN 1660-0036.pdf

Federal Emergency Management Agency Individual Assistance Follow-Up Program Effectiveness & Recovery

30 Day PUBLISHED FRN 1660-0036

OMB: 1660-0129

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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 187 / Tuesday, September 28, 2010 / Notices

Matters to be Discussed: The meeting
will include the initial review,
discussion, and evaluation of ‘‘Member
Conflict Review, PA 07–318.’’

M. Chris Langub, PhD., Scientific
Review Administrator, Office of
Extramural Programs, National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health,
CDC, 1600 Clifton Road, NE., Mailstop
E74, Atlanta Georgia 30333; Telephone:
The Director, Management Analysis
and Services Office, has been delegated
the authority to sign Federal Register
notices pertaining to announcements of
meetings and other committee
management activities, for both CDC
and the Agency for Toxic Substances
and Disease Registry.
Dated: September 20, 2010.
Elaine L. Baker,
Director, Management Analysis and Services
Office, Centers for Disease Control and
[FR Doc. 2010–24258 Filed 9–27–10; 8:45 am]

Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. FDA–2010–N–0001]

Gastrointestinal Drugs Advisory
Committee; Notice of Meeting

Food and Drug Administration,


srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES



This notice announces a forthcoming
meeting of a public advisory committee
of the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA). The meeting will be open to the
Name of Committee: Gastrointestinal
Drugs Advisory Committee
General Function of the Committee:
To provide advice and
recommendations to the agency on
FDA’s regulatory issues.
Date and Time: The meeting will be
held on November 5, 2010, from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
Location: Hilton Washington DC
North/Gaithersburg, The Ballroom, 620
Perry Pkwy., Gaithersburg, MD. The
hotel telephone number is 301–977–
Contact Person: Kristine T. Khuc,
Center for Drug Evaluation and
Research, Food and Drug
Administration, 10903 New Hampshire
Ave., Bldg. 31, rm. 2417, Silver Spring,
MD 20993–0002, 301–796–9001, FAX:
301–847–8533, email:

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[email protected], or FDA
Advisory Committee Information Line,
1–800–741–8138 (301–443–0572 in the
Washington, DC area), code
3014512538. Please call the Information
Line for up-to-date information on this
meeting. A notice in the Federal
Register about last minute modifications
that impact a previously announced
advisory committee meeting cannot
always be published quickly enough to
provide timely notice. Therefore, you
should always check the agency’s Web
site and call the appropriate advisory
committee hot line/phone line to learn
about possible modifications before
coming to the meeting.
Agenda: On November 5, 2010, the
committee will discuss the results from
clinical trials of proton pump inhibitors
in gastroespohageal reflux disease
(GERD) in patients less than 1 year of
age, performed in response to a
Pediatric Written Request under the
Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act
(Nexium, esomeprazole by AstraZeneca
LP; Prevacid, lansoprazole by Takeda
Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc;
Protonix, pantoprazole by Pfizer, Inc.)
and Pediatric Research Equity Act
commitment (Prilosec, omeprazole by
AstraZeneca LP). The pathophysiology
(disease process) of GERD, its diagnosis
and management, and issues related to
the design of clinical trials in this age
group will be considered.
FDA intends to make background
material available to the public no later
than 2 business days before the meeting.
If FDA is unable to post the background
material on its Web site prior to the
meeting, the background material will
be made publicly available at the
location of the advisory committee
meeting, and the background material
will be posted on FDA’s Web site after
the meeting. Background material is
available at http://www.fda.gov/
default.htm. Scroll down to the
appropriate advisory committee link.
Procedure: Interested persons may
present data, information, or views,
orally or in writing, on issues pending
before the committee. Written
submissions may be made to the contact
person on or before October 21, 2010.
Oral presentations from the public will
be scheduled between approximately
1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Those desiring to
make formal oral presentations should
notify the contact person and submit a
brief statement of the general nature of
the evidence or arguments they wish to
present, the names and addresses of
proposed participants, and an
indication of the approximate time
requested to make their presentation on
or before October 13, 2010. Time

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allotted for each presentation may be
limited. If the number of registrants
requesting to speak is greater than can
be reasonably accommodated during the
scheduled open public hearing session,
FDA may conduct a lottery to determine
the speakers for the scheduled open
public hearing session. The contact
person will notify interested persons
regarding their request to speak by
October 14, 2010.
Persons attending FDA’s advisory
committee meetings are advised that the
agency is not responsible for providing
access to electrical outlets.
FDA welcomes the attendance of the
public at its advisory committee
meetings and will make every effort to
accommodate persons with physical
disabilities or special needs. If you
require special accommodations due to
a disability, please contact Kristine T.
Khuc at least 7 days in advance of the
FDA is committed to the orderly
conduct of its advisory committee
meetings. Please visit our Web site at
ucm111462.htm for procedures on
public conduct during advisory
committee meetings.
Notice of this meeting is given under
the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5
U.S.C. app. 2).
Dated: September 22, 2010.
Jill Hartzler Warner,
Acting Associate Commissioner for Special
Medical Programs.
[FR Doc. 2010–24252 Filed 9–27–10; 8:45 am]

Federal Emergency Management
[Docket ID: FEMA–2010–0041]

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request, OMB No.
1660–0036; Federal Emergency
Management Agency Individual
Assistance Customer Satisfaction
AGENCY: Federal Emergency
Management Agency, DHS.
ACTION: Notice; 30-day notice and
request for comments; revision of a
currently approved information
collection; OMB No. 1660–0036; Caller
Services Registration Intake Survey,
FEMA Form 007–0–3 (currently 90–
147); Caller Services Helpline Survey,
FEMA Form 007–0–5 (currently 90–



Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 187 / Tuesday, September 28, 2010 / Notices

srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES

148); Program Effectiveness & Recovery
Survey, FEMA Form 070–0–20
(currently 90–149); Internet On-Line
Registration Survey, FEMA Form 070–
0–2 (currently 90–150); Internet
Applicant Inquiry/Update Phone
Survey, FEMA Form 070–0–19
(currently 90–151); Casework
Representative Survey, FEMA Form
007–0–6; Direct Housing Operations
Survey, FEMA Form 007–0–4; Disability
Access and Functional Needs
Representative Survey, FEMA Form
007–0–8 (This form was named ‘Special
Needs Representative Survey’ in the 60day Federal Register Notice at 75 FR
40847, July 14, 2010.); Disaster Recovery
Center Survey, FEMA Form 007–0–7;
Communication and Process Survey,
FEMA Form 007–0–9; Contact Survey,
FEMA Form 007–0–10; Correspondence
and Process Survey, FEMA Form 007–
0–11; E–Communications Survey,
FEMA Form 007–0–12; Evacuations
Survey, FEMA Form 007–0–13; FollowUp Program Effectiveness and Recovery
Survey, FEMA Form 007–0–14; Rapid
Temporary Repair Survey, FEMA Form
007–0–15; Recovery Inventory Survey,
FEMA Form 007–0–16; Return Home
Survey, FEMA Form 007–0–17; and Site
Recertification Survey, FEMA Form
SUMMARY: The Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) has
submitted the information collection
abstracted below to the Office of
Management and Budget for review and
clearance in accordance with the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. The submission
describes the nature of the information
collection, the categories of
respondents, the estimated burden (i.e.,
the time, effort and resources used by
respondents to respond) and cost, and
the actual data collection instruments
FEMA will use.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before October 28, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
on the proposed information collection
to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget. Comments
should be addressed to the Desk Officer
for the Department of Homeland
Security, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, and sent via
electronic mail to
[email protected] or faxed
to (202) 395–5806.
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
should be made to Director, Records
Management Division, 1800 South Bell

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Street, Arlington, VA 20598–3005,
facsimile number (202) 646–3347, or
e-mail address FEMA–[email protected].
Collection of Information
Title: Federal Emergency Management
Agency Individual Assistance Customer
Satisfaction Surveys.
Type of Information Collection:
Revision of a currently approved
information collection.
OMB Number: 1660–0036.
Form Titles and Numbers: Caller
Services Registration Intake Survey,
FEMA Form 007–0–3 (currently 90–
147); Caller Services Helpline Survey,
FEMA Form 007–0–5 (currently 90–
148); Program Effectiveness & Recovery
Survey, FEMA Form 070–0–20
(currently 90–149); Internet On-Line
Registration Survey, FEMA Form 070–
0–2 (currently 90–150); Internet
Applicant Inquiry/Update Phone
Survey, FEMA Form 070–0–19
(currently 90–151); Casework
Representative Survey, FEMA Form
007–0–6; Direct Housing Operations
Survey, FEMA Form 007–0–4; Disability
Access and Functional Needs
Representative Survey, FEMA Form
007–0–8 (This form was named ‘Special
Needs Representative Survey’ in the 60day Federal Register Notice at 75 FR
40847, July 14, 2010.); Disaster Recovery
Center Survey, FEMA Form 007–0–7;
Communication and Process Survey,
FEMA Form 007–0–9; Contact Survey,
FEMA Form 007–0–10; Correspondence
and Process Survey, FEMA Form 007–
0–11; E–Communications Survey,
FEMA Form 007–0–12; Evacuations
Survey, FEMA Form 007–0–13; FollowUp Program Effectiveness and Recovery
Survey, FEMA Form 007–0–14; Rapid
Temporary Repair Survey, FEMA Form
007–0–15; Recovery Inventory Survey,
FEMA Form 007–0–16; Return Home
Survey, FEMA Form 007–0–17; and Site
Recertification Survey, FEMA Form
Abstract: Federal agencies are
required to survey their customers to
determine the kind and quality of
services customers want and their level
of satisfaction with existing services.
FEMA Managers use the survey results
to measure program performance against
standards for performance and customer
service; measure achievement of the
Government Performance and Results
Act (GPRA) and strategic planning
objectives; and generally gauge and
make improvements to disaster services
that increase customer satisfaction and
program effectiveness.
Affected Public: Individuals and

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Estimated Number of Respondents:
Frequency of Response: On occasion.
Estimated Average Hour Burden per
Respondent: .18 burden hours.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 10,186.
Estimated Cost: There are no annual
capital start-up or annual operations
and maintenance costs. The annual nonlabor cost is $4,320.
Lesia M. Banks,
Director, Records Management Division,
Mission Support Bureau, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Department of
Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. 2010–24350 Filed 9–27–10; 8:45 am]

U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Arrival and Departure
Record (Forms I–94 and I–94W) and
Electronic System for Travel
AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP), Department of
Homeland Security (DHS).
ACTION: 60-Day Notice and request for
comments; Extension of an existing
collection of information: 1651–0111.
SUMMARY: As part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork and respondent
burden, CBP invites the general public
and other Federal agencies to comment
on an information collection
requirement concerning the CBP Form
I–94 (Arrival/Departure Record), CBP
Form I–94W (Nonimmigrant Visa
Waiver Arrival/Departure), and the
Electronic System for Travel
Authorization (ESTA). This request for
comment is being made pursuant to the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub.
L. 104–13; 44 U.S.C. 3505(c)(2)).
DATES: Written comments should be
received on or before November 29,
2010, to be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to U.S. Customs and Border Protection,
Attn: Tracey Denning, Regulations and
Rulings, Office of International Trade,
799 9th Street, NW., 5th Floor,
Washington, DC. 20229–1177.
Requests for additional information
should be directed to Tracey Denning,
U.S. Customs and Border Protection,
Regulations and Rulings, Office of
International Trade, 799 9th Street,
NW., 5th Floor, Washington, DC.
20229–1177, at 202–325–0265.



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2010-10-13
File Created2010-10-13

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