PSAP Verification Phase; TSAP Verification Phase; SDRP Verification Phase; Redistricting Data Program Verification Phase

Generic Clearance for Geographic Partnership Programs


PSAP Verification Phase; TSAP Verification Phase; SDRP Verification Phase; Redistricting Data Program Verification Phase

OMB: 0607-0795

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2010 Census Tribal Statistical Areas Program (TSAP)

Verification Procedures for TSAP Participants

February 2010

Table of Contents

Verification Introduction………………………………………………………… 4
1.1 Background…………………………………………………………... 4
1.2 Key Schedule Dates………………………………………………….. 5
1.3 Criteria and Guidelines for Tribal Statistical Areas…………………. 5


Verification Procedures………………………………………………………….. 6
2.1 Verification Overview……………………………………………….. 6
2.2 Paper Map Based Verification……………………………………….. 6
2.3 Digital Verification…………………………………………………... 7


Submitting Verification Corrections to the U.S. Census Bureau………………...14
3.1 Uploading/Sending Electronic Files………………………………… 14
3.2 Mailing Paper and/or Electronic Files………………………………..17

1. Regional Census Centers Contact List……………………………………….18
2. Disclosure to Respondents…………………………………………………...19

Acronyms for Tribal Statistical Areas Program

American Community Survey
American Indian area
American Indian and Alaska Native
American Indian Reservation
Alaska Native area
Alaska Native Regional Corporation
Alaska Native village statistical area
Boundary and Annexation Survey
Block Definition Project
Compact disk-read only memory
Census designated place
Environmental Systems Research Institute
File Transfer Protocol
Geographic information system
Housing units
Off-reservation trust lands
Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area
Personal computer
Regional census center (U.S. Census Bureau, Field Division)
State Designated Tribal Statistical Area
Tribal Designated Statistical Area
Tribal Statistical Areas Program


1.0 Verification Introduction
1.1 Background
Delineation materials for tribal statistical areas were sent by the U.S. Census Bureau to Tribal Statistical
Area Program (TSAP) participants in January 2009. During the winter and spring of 2009, participants
delineated their eligible statistical areas and submitted digital and/or paper map delineation materials to
the U.S. Census Bureau. Upon return receipt, submissions were processed by the Bureau’s Regional
Census Center (RCC) Geography staff.
Delineations submitted to the Census Bureau were reviewed according to geographic and demographic
criteria set forth in the TSAP Participant Guidelines that were included in the January 2009 delivery.
Additionally, paper map submissions were digitized by RCC staff. Following this review by RCC staff,
files were sent to the Census Bureau’s headquarters office located in Suitland, MD for insertion into
Census Bureau databases. Headquarters staff completed a final review of the submission and added area
boundary changes and line features into the database. Boundary files for new statistical areas were also
added to the database at this time. In some cases, the Census Bureau made changes to participant
submissions so that the statistical area delineated would meet criteria and guidelines, even if the
participant requested the Census Bureau make no changes to the area as it previously existed.
The verification phase of the TSAP program for the 2010 Census is the opportunity for TSAP
participants to review their statistical area boundaries as they now exist in the Census Bureau’s
databases following any updates that have occurred during the initial submission phase. During the
verification phase participants may verify or request changes to their statistical areas and line features
using the materials enclosed with this document. Verification materials are being provided to a) all
participants who submitted a new or updated delineation for their statistical area, b) participants who
requested no changes be made to their previously existing area, but to which the Census Bureau made
changes to ensure the area meets criteria and guidelines, and c) participants who either did not respond
or indicated they did not want to participate in the TSAP initially, but later requested to receive
verification materials.
If you returned your original submission using paper maps, you will find paper map verification
materials enclosed. If you returned digital files using the TSAP ArcGIS extension, you will find a
CD/DVD enclosed. The CD/DVD contains PDF maps and shapefiles depicting your statistical area.
If the statistical area boundaries and line features present in the enclosed paper maps or digital
verification files appear correctly, please return the enclosed postcard communicating No Changes be
made or notify the appropriate RCC by phone or email (RCC contact information is included in
Appendix 1). In cases where statistical area boundaries and/or line features are incorrect or
misrepresented, participants should use the enclosed materials to make any needed corrections and
return the paper or digital materials to the appropriate RCC. Verification procedures are presented in
Section 2.0 of this document (including Geographic Information System [GIS] methods with the TSAP
These guidelines include instructions for verifying and reviewing your tribal statistical areas as they
currently exist in Census Bureau databases. Paper map based verification procedures are presented in


Section 2.2 while digital verification procedures are covered in Section 2.3. Section 3.0 describes the
methods for returning your verification materials to the Census Bureau if you are requesting corrections
be made to the delineations of your areas. The Appendices include Census Bureau RCC contact
information and a Disclosure to Respondents of Census Bureau programs. A document called
Verification Procedures for TSAP Participants: Supplemental Documentation is also included for use as
additional background and in the event significant corrections to your statistical entities are necessary. It
offers guidance and reference for the delineation of tribal statistical areas with paper maps or digitally
with the TSAP Extension. It also offers a review of the criteria and guidelines that final statistical areas
must comply with.
1.2 Key Schedule Dates
February 2010 – Verification materials are mailed from the U.S. Census Bureau to TSAP participants.
TSAP participants will have 30 days from the date of receipt to review materials, make any
necessary corrections, and return materials to their RCC.
February-March 2010 – Verification responses are sent via mail or electronically to the U.S. Census
Bureau by TSAP Participants.
March-May 2010 – The U.S. Census Bureau makes any changes to the database or resolves delineation
errors with the aid of TSAP participants.
1.3 Criteria and Guidelines for Delineating Tribal Statistical Areas
Though the verification phase of the TSAP program may not require as heavy an investment in time and
effort as the initial submission phase, the application of criteria and guidelines to tribal statistical areas
remains of utmost importance. If during the verification phase you need to make corrections to your
statistical areas or line features by paper map or digitally with the TSAP extension (GIS based shape file
methods), it is highly recommended you refer to the supplemental documentation, Review of Delineation
Criteria, Guidelines and Procedures for guidance.
All statistical American Indian Areas (AIAs) must follow a standard set of criteria that supports a shared
purpose of providing a meaningful and relevant geographic framework for tabulating data for the
Census. It is the responsibility of the Census Bureau to ensure that geographic entity criteria can
achieve the goal of providing meaningful, relevant, and reliable statistical data, and that the final criteria
for geographic entities are met. While aware that there are secondary uses of geographic entities and the
data tabulated for them, the Census Bureau will not modify their boundaries or attributes specifically to
meet these secondary uses, including those of other government agencies. If a change is made to a
geographic entity to meet one specific purpose, it may be detrimental for other programs that also use
these entities. The Census Bureau will use the criteria and guidelines provided to participants in the
initial phase (and included for verification in the Supplemental Documentation) to help ensure that tribal
statistical areas delineated for the 2010 Census support the intended purpose of the program, provide
useful and meaningful data for the tribe they represent, and enhance the ability for data users to make
more meaningful comparisons between data.


2.0 Verification Procedures
2.1 Verification Overview
Verifying your tribal statistical areas and associated line features is a very important component to
participating in TSAP. Verification or the request for corrections of statistical areas and/or line features
allows the Census Bureau to ensure that your statistical areas are correctly delineated for the upcoming
2010 Census. From the finalized boundaries determined through the verification process, the Census
Bureau will tabulate data for the 2010 Census and the subsequently occurring American Community
Survey (ACS). Meaningful statistical data from the 2010 Census and the ACS can provide tribes and
other data users with tools to help make informed decisions, and plan for services such as education,
transportation, health, and housing.
Enclosed with this document are paper map or digital verification materials as well as a No Changes
postcard. The materials depict the most current version of your tribal statistical areas and line features
that the Census Bureau has in its database. Upon reviewing the paper maps or digital files participants
may choose from several methods for returning any needed changes to their delineations, regardless of
the format originally submitted to the Census Bureau. The format of returned verification materials is
flexible and if contacted RCCs will work with participants to help in their returning the most effective
and timely conveyance. For example participants may choose to mark corrections on paper maps, scan
the paper maps, and then email the scanned images. Or, participants who are provided with PDF maps
may digitally mark-up the files and return screenshots electronically to the Census Bureau. GIS savvy
participants may use the TSAP Extension to provide corrections if needed. These files would then be
inserted into the Census Bureau’s databases in the same manner as the initial digital submission.
Participants may simply choose to mark and return by postal mail paper map corrections.
NOTE: Procedures for accomplishing verification with paper maps are described in Section 2.2
while digital verification options and methods are described in Section 2.3.
If you consider the delineations correct, the Census Bureau requests that participants only return the
enclosed verification No Changes postcard verifying that your areas and line features are correctly
represented in our database. This communication may also be made by email or telephone. (RCC
contact information is found in Appendix 1.)
If you are unsure as to the type of statistical area you are verifying, please contact the RCC.
2.2 Paper Map Based Verification
Participants who returned their initial submission on paper maps should use the enclosed maps to verify
their statistical areas and line features. The types of paper maps you receive will vary depending on the
size and mapping complexity of your American Indian Area (AIA). AIAs that are smaller in land area
may only receive a single mapsheet while other AIAs with large land areas may receive an index map, a
series of parent maps, and a number of inset maps. As demonstrated in Figure 1. an index map shows
the complete AIA with gridlines defining specific areas shown on each parent map. A parent map
shows a detailed version of a single grid box from the index map, and an inset map shows finer details


of areas within the parent map where the feature network is too dense to represent clearly at the map
scale of the parent map. You can think of the inset map as a “blow-up” of a specific area.
Figure 1.

Follow the steps below to verify and make corrections to the delineations:
1. Carefully review all boundaries of your statistical areas and any line features of concern.
2. If changes are needed, participants should annotate the paper maps as needed.
Delete an existing boundary by drawing “X”s along that boundary using the appropriate colored pencil.
The Census Bureau requests that participants annotate boundary corrections using
 a pencil with blue lead to correct tribal census tract boundaries,
 a pencil with orange lead to correct tribal block group boundaries,
 a pencil with purple lead to correct Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Areas (OTSAs), and
 a pencil with red lead to correct Alaska Native Village Statistical Areas (ANVSAs), tribal census
designated places (CDPs), Tribal Designated Statistical Areas (TDSAs), or State Designated Tribal
Statistical Areas (SDTSAs). CDPs delineated to share boundaries with another statistical area
should use red circles to depict the CDP boundary.
More detailed procedures for annotating paper maps, including the delineation of tribal statistical areas
are provided in the supplementary documentation, Review of Delineation Criteria, Guidelines and
3. If no corrections are needed, please return the No Changes postcard. If corrections are being
requested, return the annotated map(s) to the Census Bureau following the procedures in Section 3.0.
Participants may also scan any annotations and email those images if the needed corrections are minimal
and easily interpreted from the scanned images. (RCC contact information is included in Appendix 1.)
2.3 Digital Verification
There are two options for digital verification. Participants who returned digital files in the delineation
phase may choose to review PDF map files or GIS shapefiles. Both PDF map files and GIS shape files

are included on the enclosed CD/DVD. The PDF map files are digital copies of the paper maps
presented in the previous section (found in the PDF_maps folder on the enclosed disc). The GIS shape
files are meant to be used with the TSAP Extension – a custom ESRI® ArcGIS® ArcMap™ (version
9.2) software extension especially designed for delineating tribal statistical areas.
Digital Verification with PDF map files
PDF map files may be used to verify your tribal statistical areas and line features by following the steps
outlined below.
1. Open the PDF map files with Adobe Acrobat or any other software capable of opening PDF file types.
2. Carefully review all statistical area boundaries and any line features of concern.
3. If corrections are necessary, you may either digitally annotate the map files or print the maps using
your local printer and follow the paper map verification instructions (refer to Section 2.2).
Digital annotation may be accomplished by making and marking-up the screenshots with a digital image
program such as Microsoft® Paint® (included with the Microsoft® Windows® operating system).
Participants owning Adobe® Professional® or another Adobe software capable of editing PDF files
could also use the editing and sketch tools inherent to that software program.
The Census Bureau requests that participants correct tribal census tract boundaries with blue, annotate
tribal block group boundaries with orange, annotate Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Areas (OTSAs) with
purple, and annotate Alaska Native Village Statistical Areas (ANVSAs), tribal census designated places
(CDPs), Tribal Designated Statistical Areas (TDSAs), and State Designated Tribal Statistical Areas
(SDTSAs) with red. For further guidance annotating maps, participants should reference the
supplemental documentation, Review of Delineation Criteria, Guidelines and Procedures.
In the screenshot below, a tribal census tract boundary has been annotated by the blue line. Both tribal
census tracts have also been


4. If no corrections are needed, please return the No Changes postcard. If corrections are being
requested, return the annotated screenshot(s) or PDF map files to the Census Bureau. Participants
emailing any annotated screenshots or PDF map files are requested to also call the RCC so that the
Census Bureau is aware of your incoming email correspondence. See Section 3.0 for instructions on
submitting your corrections to the Census Bureau.
The types of PDF map files you receive will vary depending on the size and mapping complexity of
your American Indian Area (AIA). AIAs that are smaller in land area may only receive a single
mapsheet while other AIAs with large land areas may receive an index map, a series of parent maps, and
a number of inset maps. (Refer to page 6 for an explanation of the Census Bureau’s mapping layouts.)
PDF map files will all follow a suffix naming convention as depicted in the image below. The Index
Map has a suffix of 000. All Parent Maps have a chronologically ascending suffix: 001, 002, 003, etc.
Any Inset Maps include a letter in the first character of the suffix with the suffix ending in the number of
the Parent Map. For example, A01 is an Inset Map from the Parent Map 001.

Digital Verification with GIS Shape Files
The GIS shapefiles included on the enclosed CD/DVD are meant to be utilized with the TSAP
Extension, an ESRI® ArcGIS® ArcMap™ (version 9.2) software extension. The TSAP Extension is
the same extension as used during the initial winter 2009 delineation phase. Sections C and D of
supplementary documentation, Review of Delineation Criteria, Guidelines and Procedures, offer
guidance and examples for using the extension to delineate statistical areas. In addition, the original
extension guidelines document - 2010_TSAP_Extension_guidelines.pdf – is included on the enclosed
Follow the steps below to verify delineations with GIS shape files and the TSAP Extension.
1. Copy all contents of the disc to a local directory (i.e. Verification Data Folder) on your Personal
Computer. If you used the TSAP extension for your original delineations, please create another
directory for verification and do not replace your original data folder directory with the verification
2. Install the TSAP Extension (included on your CD/DVD) if necessary (Use the
2010_TSAP_Extension_guidelines.pdf document for installation and setup procedures).
3. Open ArcMap and enable the extension (again refer to the 2010_TSAP_Extension_guidelines.pdf for
enabling procedures).
4. With ArcMap open and the extension enabled, start a new TSAP project.

a. New TSAP projects are started and existing projects opened by clicking on the Show Project Manager
found on the TSAP Management toolbar. This begins the process of establishing a
command button
workspace that will contain the files necessary for the verification of your statistical areas. TSAP
projects can only be started and reopened with the Show Project Manager command button. ArcMap’s
standard Open Project command should not be used when working with a TSAP project.
b. After clicking the Show Project Manager command button, the TSAP Workspace Creation window
appears. Select New Project and click the Next button. The following window will prompt you to enter
the location of your Verification Data Folder. This is the folder where the data from the TSAP
Verification CD/DVD was placed during the installation and setup process. Click the Browse button to
navigate to the Verification Data Folder. (The Verification Data Folder must be stored on a local
directory with write access).

c. Once your Verification Data Folder is located, the directory path will be displayed in the window
similar to the example below. To continue and create your verification workspace, click the New button.

As the verification workspace is being created and essential files are assembled a message window will
be displayed. This process could take several minutes or longer depending upon the size of the files for
your project’s geographic area.


After the verification workspace has been created, you will be prompted with a message box as shown
below. Choose Yes so that you may proceed to load the existing boundaries of your statistical areas into
the project. By existing boundaries, the Census Bureau is referring to the boundaries currently in our
databases that are included on the enclosed verification CD/DVD. If you choose No the program will
load empty shape files for delineation rather than the verification shape files you will need for your

Your new project workspace will appear similar to the example project image below.


5. Review your statistical boundaries and any line features of interest. Using the TSAP Geography
Manager , select your appropriate statistical area(s). The TSAP Geography Manager is activated by
button in the TSAP Management toolbar.
clicking once on the Show/Hide TSAP Geography Manager
The pull-down menus of the TSAP Geography Manager will offer the statistical areas which you were
originally eligible to delineate (e.g. ANVSAs, tribal census tracts, tribal block groups, etc.).
The series of images below depicts how a participant would use the pull-down menus to identify tribal
census tracts for verification review. Notice in the final image, after tribal census tract 4625T00400 is
selected the demographic data (from the 2000 Census) becomes visible.
The Census Bureau recommends participants identify each area and review the demographic data,
checking to see that all areas contain the expected population and housing unit counts (as based
upon the 2000 Census data – not current counts). Tribes can submit more current projected
population or housing counts to justify a defined area if they are available from the tribes planning

Hold down the Ctrl key and
click on an area to change the
Current Work District


Concurrent to the review of population and housing unit counts, participants should also review their
statistical area boundaries. This can be quickly accomplished with the Zoom tools included in the TSAP
Geography Manager. Once an area has been selected you may zoom to the extent of that particular area
by clicking on the Zoom tool button located above the pull-down menu for the Current Work District.
The tool is highlighted, in the image below left, by a pink square. The image to the below right
demonstrates the zoom extent displayed after clicking on the Zoom tool while the tribal census tract
4625T00400 is selected.

While reviewing your statistical areas be careful to notice if any boundary changes you delineated
during the original submission phase have been correctly included in our database. This review
should particularly include the review of boundaries where new line features were added to be used
as a boundary.
The geographic review of statistical areas may result in the discovery of minor differences between
our databases and your original submission files. Differences could include slivers or small
adjustments made to line features that slightly affect the boundaries of your statistical areas. These
minor differences are the result of the Census Bureau constantly updating and improving the
accuracy of our geographic data. In certain cases the Census Bureau may have updated the line
features used in your original delineations. If you discover changes that appear incorrect based upon
your knowledge of a line feature, please include this correction in your verification materials return.
In addition to the verification shape files present you may find it useful to add your original delineation
submission shape file(s) to your verification review project. After locating your TSAP delineation
project add the Complete shape file, from the Output TSAP project directory, for the entity you wish to
button). The Complete shape file will correspond as
compare (using ArcMap’s standard Add Data
listed below for the following tribal statistical areas:
Statistical Area
OTSA Tribal Subdivision
Tribal Census Tract
Tribal Block Group

Complete Shape File Name
TSAP08_<4 digit tribal area code>_Complete_anvsa.shp
TSAP08_<4 digit tribal area code>_Complete_otsasub.shp
TSAP08_<4 digit tribal area code>_Complete_tct.shp
TSAP08_<4 digit tribal area code>_Complete_tbg.shp


Statistical Area
State Reservation

Complete Shape File Name
TSAP08_<4 digit tribal area code>_Complete_cdp.shp
TSAP08_<4 digit tribal area code>_Complete_tdsa.shp
TSAP08_<4 digit tribal area code>_Complete_sdtsa.shp
TSAP08_<4 digit tribal area code>_Complete_stres.shp

6. If no corrections are needed, please return the No Changes postcard. If corrections are necessary,
evaluate your most effective method to accomplish these corrections. Minimal corrections may be more
easily communicated through annotated screenshots of the PDF map files or screenshots of your
ArcMap verification project (presented earlier in this section). Major corrections may require
delineating entities with the TSAP Extension. For convenience, the supplemental documentation
provides a review of the delineation criteria, guidelines and procedures. Instructions for submitting your
verification materials to the Census Bureau are presented in the next section of this document (Section
If you are uncertain which digital verification method best suits the changes you wish to
communicate, please contact the Census Bureau RCC. Contact information for the RCCs is found in
Appendix 1.

3.0 Submitting Verification Corrections to the U.S. Census Bureau
3.1 Uploading Electronic Files
You may send your TSAP ArcGIS extension output files, marked up PDFs, and/or screenshot images on
a CD or DVD to the appropriate Census Bureau RCC or you can use the Census Bureau’s Public File
Send Utility and found online at:
Use the following steps to send your files to us via the Public File Send Utility (see the following page
for a screenshot of the website):
1. Compress all electronic files you wish to send to the Census Bureau into a *.zip archive. Name the
file Your tribal area code is found in parentheses after the
Area Name in the lower right hand corner of both paper maps and PDF map files. It is also found in the
title bar of your TSAP ArcGIS extension project.
2. Navigate to the Census Bureau’s Public File Send Utility
3. Upon navigating to the Census Bureau’s Public File Send Utility site a password window will pop-up.
TSAP participants have been supplied the Username and Password in the Cover Letter received with
these guidelines.
The Username and Password pop-up window will appear as pictured below.


4. After the Username and Password have been correctly entered the Public File Send Utility website
will appear. Under Source Information (Local), click on the Browse button to navigate to your zip
archive created in the step 1 above (named
5. Under the Notify by E-mail, type your e-mail address in the Sender’s E-mail Address. In the Census
Bureau Employee’s E-mail Address field enter [email protected].
6. Click the Upload button to send your file.
An example of the Census Bureau’s Public File Send Utility website is pictured on the next page.



3.2 Mailing Paper and/or Electronic Files
Participants returning corrections on paper maps and/or CD/DVD may mail these verification materials
to the Census Bureau using the same tube/box/envelope they received them in, using the mailing label
provided. The Census Bureau’s RCC geographic staff will review the submitted corrections to make
sure they are complete and that statistical areas continue to meet all criteria and other requirements.
The Census Bureau’s RCC staff will provide feedback to the participant on their verification corrections,
and if necessary provide additional guidance on the criteria and guideline usage. They may also need to
contact you with any questions or concerns regarding verification corrections.
The mailing addresses for RCCs are included in Appendix 1.

NOTE: The Census Bureau reserves the right to modify, create, or reject any boundary or attribute as
needed to meet the final program criteria and guidelines, or to maintain geographic relationships before
the tabulation geography is finalized for the 2010 Census.


Appendix 1. Regional Census Center’s Contact Information
See Appendix 1 to determine which RCC serves your tribe.

Atlanta RCC: Geography
285 Peachtree Center Avenue NE
Marquis II Tower, Suite 1000
Atlanta, GA 30303-1230
Phone: (404) 332-2711
Fax: (404) 332-2787
E-mail: [email protected]

Detroit RCC: Geography
300 River Place Drive, Suite 2950
Detroit, MI 48207
Phone: (313) 396-5002
Fax: (313) 567-2119
E-mail: [email protected]

Boston RCC: Geography
One Beacon Street, 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02108-3107
Phone: (617) 223-3600
Fax: (617) 223-3675
E-mail: [email protected]

Kansas City RCC: Geography
2001 NE 46th Street, Suite LL100
Kansas City, MO 64116-2051
Phone: (816) 994-2020
Fax: (816) 994-2033
[email protected]

Charlotte RCC: Geography
3701 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 250
Charlotte, NC 28273
Phone: (704) 936-4200
Fax: (704) 936-4225
[email protected]

Los Angeles RCC: Geography
9301 Corbin Avenue, Suite 1000
Northridge, CA 91324-2406
Phone: (818) 717-6701
Fax: (818) 717-6778
[email protected]

Chicago RCC: Geography
500 West Madison Street, Suite 1600
Chicago, IL 60661-4555
Phone: (312) 454-2705
Fax: (312) 488-1510
E-mail: [email protected]

New York RCC: Geography
330 West 34th Street, 13th Floor
New York, NY 10001-2406
Phone: (212) 971-8800
Fax: (212) 971-8990
[email protected]

Dallas RCC: Geography
2777 N Stemmons Freeway, Suite 200
Dallas, TX 75207
Phone: (214) 267-6920
Fax: (214) 267-6970
E-mail: [email protected]

Philadelphia RCC: Geography
1234 Market Street, Suite 340
Philadelphia, PA 19107-3780
Phone: (215) 717-1000
Fax: (215) 253-8001
[email protected]

Denver RCC: Geography
6950 W Jefferson Avenue, Suite 250
Lakewood, CO 80235-2032
Phone: (720) 475-3600
Fax: (720) 962-4606
[email protected]

Seattle RCC: Geography
19820 North Creek Parkway N, Suite
Bothell, WA 98011
Phone: (425) 908-3010
Fax: (425) 908-3020
E-mail: [email protected]


Appendix 2. Disclosures to Respondents
The Geography Division manages programs to continuously update features, boundaries, addresses, and
geographic entities in the Master Address File / Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and
Referencing System (MAF/TIGER) database (MTDB) that is used to support programs and to conduct
the census and surveys. The TSAP program was developed to give tribes the opportunity to review and
update, if necessary, statistical tribal entities for use in tabulating and publishing data from the 2010
Census, the American Community Survey, and other surveys.
Public reporting burden for the verification of information is estimated to average 4 hours per
respondent, including time for reviewing instructions, assembling materials, organizing and reviewing
the information, and reporting any needed changes. We anticipate that an estimated 200 participants will
respond. For larger areas or areas with many changes, however, the respondent burden may be 12 hours
or longer to complete. Please send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to:
Paperwork Project
U.S. Census Bureau
4600 Silver Hill Road
Room 3K138
Washington, D.C. 20233
You may e-mail comments to [email protected]. Use “Paperwork Project 0607-0795” as the
Responses to this survey are voluntary. The authority for conducting these activities is covered under the
legal authority of Title 13 U.S.C. Sections 141 and 193.
No agency may conduct and no person may be required to respond to a collection of information unless
it displays a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval number. The OMB approval
number for this information collection is 0607-0795.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Title2010 Census Tribal Statistical Areas Program (TSAP)
File Modified2010-01-15
File Created2010-01-15

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