Form #11 Form #11 Semi-Structured Site Visit Interview Guide

Improving Patient Safety System Implementation for Patients with Limited English Proficiency

Attachment L - Semi-Structured Site Visit Interview Guide

Semi-Structured Site visit interview

OMB: 0935-0178

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Semi-Structured Site Visit Interview

Form Approved
OMB No. 0935-XXXX
Exp. Date XX/XX/20XX

Enhancing Safety for Patients with

Limited English Proficiency

Semi-Structured Site Visit Interview Guide

Interviewer: Administer informed consent form and request permission to digitally record the interview.

Interview # ___ (Site visit)

Hospital name: ____________________

Respondent position in the hospital: _____________________

Respondent role in Module implementation: _______________


  1. How would you describe the role you’ve played in implementing the Module so far?

  2. How have other people in your hospital helped implement the Module so far?

  3. Since the last time we spoke, how far did your Hospital get in implementing the LEP Patient Safety Module?

    1. Can you describe your activities on this Module since the last time we spoke?

    2. How have others at your hospital contributed to implementing the Module since the last time we spoke?

    3. What, if anything, has made it hard for you and your team to move forward on implementing the module?

      1. Is there anything you feel your hospital needs to do before you can implement the Module, such as changing its interpreter policies or investing more in interpreter services ?

      2. How may we help you move forward on implementing the Module?

    4. What, if anything, has made it easy for you to implement the module?

    5. Are you changing the Module in any way to adapt it to your needs?

      1. What can you share with me about the changes are you making?

  1. Which portions of the Module have been implemented so far in your hospital?

[Only use the probes below in relation to components implemented so far. You may also probe the interviewee about whether he/she has implemented each of the components described below].

    1. Can you describe your experience with the task of forming your change team?

      1. How did you go about forming your change team?

      2. How easy or hard was this task?

a. Very easy

b. Easy

c. Hard

d. Very hard

      1. About how long would you estimate that it took you?

      2. What, if anything, could we have done to make this task easier?

      3. What advice would you give to other people trying to complete this task?

    1. Can you describe your experience with the training pre-work?

      1. How easy or hard was it to complete this task?

a. Very easy

b. Easy

c. Hard

d. Very hard

      1. Which parts of the task were useful? Which parts of the task were less useful?

      2. About how long would you estimate this task took you?

      3. What changes would you recommend to the pre-work questions?

    1. What can you tell me about your experience with the task of customizing the training module?

      1. How easy or hard was this task?

a. Very easy

b. Easy

c. Hard

d. Very hard

      1. About how long would you estimate that it took you?

      2. What, if anything, could we have done to make this task easier?

      3. What advice would you give to other people trying to complete this task?

    1. Please tell me more about your experience designing your TeamSTEPPS intervention

      1. How easy or hard was this task?

a. Very easy

b. Easy

c. Hard

d. Very hard

      1. About how long would you estimate that it took you and other change team members to complete this task?

      2. What, if anything, could we have done to make this task easier?

      3. What advice would you give to other people trying to complete this task?

    1. Conducting the training

      1. How easy or hard was this task?

a. Very easy

b. Easy

c. Hard

d. Very hard

      1. About how long would you estimate that it took you to complete this task?

      2. What, if anything, could we have done to make this task easier?

      3. What advice would you give to other people trying to complete this task?

    1. Sustaining the intervention through coaching

      1. How easy or hard is this task?

a. Very easy

b. Easy

c. Hard

d. Very hard

      1. About how long would you estimate that this task is taking you or other change team members, per day or per week, on average?

      2. What, if anything, could we do to make this task easier?

      3. What advice would you give to other people trying to complete this task?

      4. In addition to coaching, did you implement any other interventions or make any other changes to sustain the intervention?

        1. What were those changes?

    1. Evaluating the TeamSTEPPS intervention

      1. How far up the outcome levels do you think you will go? (will you be measuring reactions? Learning? Behavior change? Patient outcomes?)

      2. How far up the outcome levels have you gone so far? (Have you done any baseline data collection? On which measures? Have you taken any post-training data collection? On which measures? Have you done any data analysis?

      3. How have you adapted this task to your local conditions or available means?

      4. How easy or hard would you say this task is?

a. Very easy

b. Easy

c. Hard

d. Very hard

      1. About how long would you estimate that it will take to complete this task?

      2. What, if anything, can we do to make this task easier?

      3. What advice would you give to other people trying to complete this task?

      4. Do you have any results from your evaluation that you can share?

  1. Which other portions of the Module do you plan to implement in the future?

[May probe on each of the components listed under Question 2, above]

    1. What is your timeline for implementing these portions of the Module?

    2. What kinds of help might you like from us moving forward?

  1. Are there any portions of the Module you’ve decided not to implement at this stage?

    1. Which ones?

    2. What can you share with us about your reasons for not implementing these portions of the Module?

  1. Which parts of the Module are you finding MOST helpful so far?

  2. Which parts of the Module are you finding LEAST helpful so far?

  3. How clear are the instructions and implementation guidance you’ve received from us so far?

  4. How might the Module be improved in the future?

  5. Do you think you will implement this Module in other units of your hospital?

    1. Please tell me more about why you would or would not implement this Module in other units of your hospital.


  1. Did you attend the TeamSTEPPS training on improving patient safety for patients with limited English proficiency? [If no, skip to Q6]

  2. What key messages do you remember from the training?

  3. Overall, do you think the training was helpful or unhelpful?

    1. Tell me more about why it was helpful/unhelpful

  4. Which parts of the training did you find MOST helpful?

    1. Please tell me more about how this was helpful to you

  5. Which parts of the training did you find LEAST helpful?

    1. Please tell me more about how this was unhelpful to you

  6. Has anything changed in this unit as a result of this training?

    1. What has changed?

    2. What should change as a result of this training, but hasn’t yet?

    3. What are the obstacles to this change occurring?

    4. How do you think these obstacles could be overcome?

  7. How might the module be improved in the future?

Thank you for your time.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per response, the estimated time required to complete the survey. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: AHRQ Reports Clearance Officer Attention: PRA, Paperwork Reduction Project (0935-XXXX) AHRQ, 540 Gaither Road, Room # 5036, Rockville, MD 20850.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleAttachment D: Follow-up and Site interview guide
AuthorAbt Associates Inc.
Last Modified Bywilliam.carroll
File Modified2011-03-09
File Created2010-09-03

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