GAP Evaluation Survey Non-response Survey (Private)

National Gap Analysis Program Evaluation

USGS_Clean Nonrespondent_Followup_GAP_Survey Questions

GAP Evaluation Survey Non-response Survey (Private)

OMB: 1028-0104

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OMB Number: 1028-NEW

Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

GAP Evaluation Non-respondent Follow-up Survey

Welcome! This study is sponsored by the National Gap Analysis Program (GAP). The purpose of this survey is to collect information to help GAP understand the needs of those who use GAP data and to understand how well existing GAP data and programs meet those needs.

We include data from state GAP projects, regional GAP projects and the newest national GAP datasets in our definition of GAP data.

This survey is a shortened version of the original survey and will help us to determine how those who did not respond to the initial data collection may be different from those who did.

We estimate it will take an average of 6 minutes to complete this survey. If you need to stop at any time during the survey, you can exit and re-enter the survey to finish it at another time.

PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT STATEMENT: The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et. seq.) requires us to inform you that this information is being collected to further the mission of GAP. Furnishing this information is completely voluntary and will be used to provide a report of up-to-date GAP data users. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 6 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions and completing the survey. Please direct any comments regarding this collection to the USGS Information Collection Officer, U.S. Geological Survey, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 807, Reston, VA, 20192. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: You are not required to provide your personal contact information in order to submit your survey. However, if you do not provide contact information, we will not be able to contact you for additional information to verify your responses. This information will only be used to initiate follow-up communications with you and will be deleted from our files immediately afterwards. The records for this collection will be maintained in the appropriate Privacy Act System of Records identified as Computer Registration System. (INTERIOR/USGS-20) published at 74 FR 23430 (May 19, 2009).

The first question addresses your use of GAP data.

Q1 Which statement best describes your use of GAP data:

a. I am using GAP data (either state, regional, or national data) at the present time, or have used it within the last five (5) years. Q3

b. I last used GAP data (either state, or regional) more than five (5) years ago. Q2

c. I am familiar with GAP data but have not used it. Q2

d. I am not familiar with GAP and believe I have received this survey in error. Q3

Q2 Which of the following is the most significant reason that you do not currently use GAP data?

a. GAP data are not available for my area.

b. GAP data are not applicable to the work I’m currently doing.

c. GAP data are outdated.

d. I have concerns about the content of the land cover data.

e. I have concerns about the quality of the land cover data.

f. I have concerns about the content of the predicted species distribution data.

g. I have concerns about the quality of the predicted species distribution data.

h. I have concerns about the content of the stewardship/protected areas data.

i. I have concerns about the quality of the stewardship/protected areas data.

j. GAP data are not compatible with the hardware that I use.

k. GAP data are not compatible with the other software packages I use.

l. Lack of information on how to use GAP data.

m. Lack of support from my organization for use of GAP data.

n. I use data similar to GAP data but that is provided by a different source.

All responses Q3

Q3 Which category best describes your organization?

a. Private (for profit)

b. State

c. University

d. County

e. Municipal

f. Federal

g. Non-profit

h. Regional

i. Tribal

j. Other: [open response]

All responses Q4

Q4 Which field most closely describes your current position?

a. Ecology

b. Biology

c. Conservation

d. GIS

e. Land Use Planning

f. Fish and Wildlife Management

g. Land Management

h Other: [open response]

All responses Q5

The next two questions ask you about which GAP datasets you have used.

Note: Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are included on the state dropdown menu.

Q5 GAP produces data at multiple geographic levels. With which geographic set of data are you most experienced or familiar?

a. State: [drop down menu including all states plus Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands]

b. Regional: [drop down menu including Southwest, Southeast, and Northwest]

c. National:

All responses Q6

Q6 GAP produces different types of data. With which type of GAP data are you most experienced or familiar?

a. Land cover

b. Predicted Species Distributions

c. Stewardship/protected areas

d. Analysis (Land cover + Predicted Species Distribution + Stewardship/protected areas)

All responses Q7

Q7 End question: Would you like to make any other comments about the data provided by the Gap Analysis Program? [open-ended response]

All responses or no response Q8

Q8 If you would like to receive notifications of new release of GAP data, products, and other information, please type your email address here. If you choose to provide your email address, it will not be associated with your answers to any survey questions. [open-ended response]

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleWelcome
AuthorJoan Ratz
Last Modified ByJoan Ratz
File Modified2012-07-17
File Created2012-07-17

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