Language Instruction Educational Programs (LIEPs)
Research Team Confidentiality Agreement
Your role as a member of the SEI/edCount research team for the US Department of Education’s (ED) Language Instruction Educational Programs (LIEPs) study involves the protection of important information entrusted to us by our client (ED) and by participants in the research study. As such, each member of the team is obligated to the maintenance of confidentiality. This agreement affirms each individual team member's understanding of the importance of maintaining data security and confidentiality and of abiding by the management and technical procedures associated with the conduct of this study.
You are required to maintain the confidentiality of the data and information collected during the course of the above-referenced study and after it has terminated. Therefore, you may not discuss outside of the research team or ED the details regarding data collected with anyone who is not part of this study. It is extremely important that you comply with procedures for storing confidential information and maintaining appropriate safeguards in storing, accessing, and not distributing confidential information and data about the study.
Specifically, in handling confidential information, you must follow procedures and policies that involve:
Appropriately storing all data and confidential information, in physical or electronic files;
Avoiding any and all use of data for purposes other than those associated with the scope of work and tasks related to this study
Shredding and destroying all paper hardcopies and taped recordings once the information is no longer needed in that form
Refraining from discussing data and other information gathered during the course of site visits outside of the research team and ED; and
Appropriately reviewing the confidentiality assurances and the voluntary nature of the study with all respondents prior to administration of data collection activities.
If you have questions about whether certain data or information is deemed confidential; how it should be handled, stored, or destroyed, you should contact the LIEPs Project Director, Rhonda Crenshaw ([email protected]) immediately.
Printed Name
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | rhonm |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-01 |