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pdf2008 NSCG Questionnaire Changes: Questions Added
Module questions rotated in from 2003 :
A17. Did your duties on this job require the technical expertise of a bachelor’s degree or
higher in…
Mark Yes or No for each item.
(1) Engineering, computer science, math, or the natural sciences?
(2) The social sciences?
(3) Some other field (e.g., health, business, or education) Specify Æ __________________
A32. During the week of October 1, 2008, were you working for pay (or profit) at a second
job (or business), including part-time, evening, or weekend work?
(1) Yes
(2) No
A33. (If yes) What was the title of the second job you held during the week of October 1,
2008? If you had more than two jobs that week, report the job where you worked the second
most hours.
Example: Software salesperson
A34. What kind of work were you doing on this job – that is, what were your duties and
responsibilities on your second job? Please be as specific as possible, including any area
of specialization.
Example: Sell software for personal computers
A35. Using the JOB CATEGORY list on pages 11-12, choose the code that best describes the
second job that you held during the week of October 1, 2008.
CODE __ __ __
A36. To what extent was your work on your second job related to your highest degree? Was
Mark one answer.
(1) Closely related
(1) Somewhat related
(1) Not related
E3. Did your spouse’s or partner’s duties on this job require the technical expertise of a
bachelor’s degree or higher in…
Mark Yes or No for each item.
(1) Engineering, computer science, math, or the natural sciences?
(2) The social sciences?
(3) Some other field (e.g., health, business, or education) Specify Æ __________________
Draft 2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
Page 2
2008 NSCG Questionnaire Changes: Questions Modified
One question from 2006 was modified to include two additional response categories (5) and (6),
and the response category (4) was changed from ‘Chronic illness or permanent disability’ to
‘Chronic illness or disability’ based on verbatim responses reported in the 2006 questionnaire.
A31. For which of the following reasons did you usually work fewer than 35 hours per week
on the principal job you held during the week of October 1, 2008?
Mark Yes or No for each item.
(4) Chronic illness or disability?
(5) Full-time job not available?
(6) Held more than one job?
2008 NSCG Questionnaire Changes: Questions Dropped
A 2006 module set of questions on collaborative activities have been rotated out from the 2008
NSRCG questionnaire.
A23. In performing your principal job during the week of April 1, 2006, did you…
Mark Yes or No for each item.
(1) Work with an immediate work group or team?
(2) Work with others in the same organization (company, university, agency, etc.), but not
the same group or team?
(3) Work with individuals in other organizations in the U.S.?
(4) Work with individuals located in other countries?
A24. (If Yes to 4 above) Did your work with individuals located in other countries involve…
Mark Yes or No for each item.
Sharing data or information?
Sharing materials, equipment, or facilities?
Preparing a joint publication?
Jointly developing or designing a product, process, or program?
Collaborating on a research project?
Other type of work? SpecifyÆ ___________________________________________
A25. In your work with individuals located in other countries, did you…
Mark Yes or No for each item.
Communicate by telephone or e-mail to conduct the work?
Use web-based or virtual technology to conduct the work?
Travel to a foreign country for collaborative activities?
Work with foreign collaborator(s) who traveled to the U.S. to meet with you?
Draft 2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
Page 3
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | 1999 OMB Supporting Statement Draft |
Author | Demographic LAN Branch |
File Modified | 2008-05-14 |
File Created | 2008-05-14 |