29 Cfr 1910.272


Grain Handling Facilities (29 CFR 1910.272)

29 CFR 1910.272

OMB: 1218-0206

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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
substitute for compliance with the provisions of the OSHA standard.
ANSI/SIA A92.2–1990, American National
Standard for Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and
Rotating Aerial Devices.
ANSI C2–1993, National Electrical Safety
ANSI Z133.1–1988, American National
Standard Safety Requirements for Pruning,
Trimming, Repairing, Maintaining, and Removing Trees, and for Cutting Brush.
ANSI/ASME B20.1–1990, Safety Standard
for Conveyors and Related Equipment.
ANSI/IEEE Std. 4–1978 (Fifth Printing),
IEEE Standard Techniques for High-Voltage
ANSI/IEEE Std. 100–1988, IEEE Standard
Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic
ANSI/IEEE Std. 516–1987, IEEE Guide for
Maintenance Methods on Energized PowerLines.
ANSI/IEEE Std. 935–1989, IEEE Guide on
Terminology for Tools and Equipment To Be
Used in Live Line Working.
ANSI/IEEE Std. 957–1987, IEEE Guide for
Cleaning Insulators.
ANSI/IEEE Std. 978–1984 (R1991), IEEE
Guide for In-Service Maintenance and Electrical Testing of Live-Line Tools.
ASTM D 120–87, Specification for Rubber
Insulating Gloves.
ASTM D 149–92, Test Method for Dielectric
Breakdown Voltage and Dielectric Strength
of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials at
Commercial Power Frequencies.
ASTM D 178–93, Specification for Rubber
Insulating Matting.
ASTM D 1048–93, Specification for Rubber
Insulating Blankets.
ASTM D 1049–93, Specification for Rubber
Insulating Covers.
ASTM D 1050–90, Specification for Rubber
Insulating Line Hose.
ASTM D 1051–87, Specification for Rubber
Insulating Sleeves.
ASTM F 478–92, Specification for In-Service Care of Insulating Line Hose and Covers.
ASTM F 479–93, Specification for In-Service Care of Insulating Blankets.
ASTM F 496–93b, Specification for In-Service Care of Insulating Gloves and Sleeves.
ASTM F 711–89, Specification for Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Rod and Tube
Used in Live Line Tools.
ASTM F 712–88, Test Methods for Electrically Insulating Plastic Guard Equipment
for Protection of Workers.
ASTM F 819–83a (1988), Definitions of
Terms Relating to Electrical Protective
Equipment for Workers.
ASTM F 855–90, Specifications for Temporary Grounding Systems To Be Used on
De-Energized Electric Power Lines and
ASTM F 887–91a, Specifications for Personal Climbing Equipment.

§ 1910.272

ASTM F 914–91, Test Method for Acoustic
Emission for Insulated Aerial Personnel Devices.
ASTM F 968–93, Specification for Electrically Insulating Plastic Guard Equipment
for Protection of Workers.
ASTM F 1116–88, Test Method for Determining Dielectric Strength of Overshoe
ASTM F 1117–87, Specification for Dielectric Overshoe Footwear.
ASTM F 1236–89, Guide for Visual Inspection of Electrical Protective Rubber Products.
ASTM F 1505–94, Standard Specification for
Insulated and Insulating Hand Tools.
ASTM F 1506–94, Standard Performance
Specification for Textile Materials for Wearing Apparel for Use by Electrical Workers
Exposed to Momentary Electric Arc and Related Thermal Hazards.
IEEE Std. 62–1978, IEEE Guide for Field
Testing Power Apparatus Insulation.
IEEE Std. 524–1992, IEEE Guide to the Installation of Overhead Transmission Line
IEEE Std. 1048–1990, IEEE Guide for Protective Grounding of Power Lines.
IEEE Std. 1067–1990, IEEE Guide for the InService Use, Care, Maintenance, and Testing
of Conductive Clothing for Use on Voltages
up to 765 kV AC.
[59 FR 4437, Jan. 31, 1994; 59 FR 33658, June 30,
1994, as amended at 59 FR 4458, Jan. 31, 1994;
59 FR 40729, Aug. 9, 1994; 59 FR 51748, Oct. 12,

§ 1910.272

Grain handling facilities.

(a) Scope. This section contains requirements for the control of grain
dust fires and explosions, and certain
other safety hazards associated with
grain handling facilities. It applies in
addition to all other relevant provisions of part 1910 (or part 1917 at marine terminals).
(b) Application. (1) Paragraphs (a)
through (n) of this section apply to
grain elevators, feed mills, flour mills,
rice mills, dust pelletizing plants, dry
corn mills, soybean flaking operations,
and the dry grinding operations of
(2) Paragraphs (o), (p), and (q) of this
section apply only to grain elevators.
(c) Definitions.
Choked leg means a condition of material buildup in the bucket elevator
that results in the stoppage of material
flow and bucket movement. A bucket
elevator is not considered choked that
has the up-leg partially or fully loaded


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rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

§ 1910.272

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–10 Edition)

and has the boot and discharge cleared
allowing bucket movement.
Flat storage structure means a grain
storage building or structure that will
not empty completely by gravity, has
an unrestricted ground level opening
for entry, and must be entered to reclaim the residual grain using powered
equipment or manual means.
Fugitive grain dust means combustible
dust particles, emitted from the stock
handling system, of such size as will
pass through a U.S. Standard 40 mesh
sieve (425 microns or less).
Grain elevator means a facility engaged in the receipt, handling, storage,
and shipment of bulk raw agricultural
commodities such as corn, wheat, oats,
barley, sunflower seeds, and soybeans.
Hot work means work involving electric or gas welding, cutting, brazing, or
similar flame producing operations.
Inside bucket elevator means a bucket
elevator that has the boot and more
than 20 percent of the total leg height
(above grade or ground level) inside the
grain elevator structure. Bucket elevators with leg casings that are inside
(and pass through the roofs) of rail or
truck dump sheds with the remainder
of the leg outside of the grain elevator
structure, are not considered inside
bucket elevators.
Jogging means repeated starting and
stopping of drive motors in an attempt
to clear choked legs.
Lagging means a covering on drive
pulleys used to increase the coefficient
of friction between the pulley and the
Permit means the written certification by the employer authorizing
employees to perform identified work
operations subject to specified precautions.
(d) Emergency action plan. The employer shall develop and implement an
emergency action plan meeting the requirements contained in 29 CFR 1910.38.
(e)Training. (1) The employer shall
provide training to employees at least
annually and when changes in job assignment will expose them to new hazards. Current employees, and new employees prior to starting work, shall be
trained in at least the following:
(i) General safety precautions associated with the facility, including recognition and preventive measures for

the hazards related to dust accumulations and common ignition sources
such as smoking; and,
(ii) Specific procedures and safety
practices applicable to their job tasks
including but not limited to, cleaning
procedures for grinding equipment,
clearing procedures for choked legs,
housekeeping procedures, hot work
procedures, preventive maintenance
procedures and lock-out/tag-out procedures.
(2) Employees assigned special tasks,
such as bin entry and handling of flammable or toxic substances, shall be provided training to perform these tasks
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (e)(2): Training for an
employee who enters grain storage structures includes training about engulfment
and mechanical hazards and how to avoid

(f) Hot work permit. (1) The employer
shall issue a permit for all hot work,
with the following exceptions:
(i) Where the employer or the employer’s representative (who would otherwise authorize the permit) is present
while the hot work is being performed;
(ii) In welding shops authorized by
the employer;
(iii) In hot work areas authorized by
the employer which are located outside
of the grain handling structure.
(2) The permit shall certify that the
requirements contained in § 1910.252(a)
have been implemented prior to beginning the hot work operations. The permit shall be kept on file until completion of the hot work operations.
(g) Entry into grain storage structures.
This paragraph applies to employee
entry into bins, silos , tanks, and other
grain storage structures. Exception:
Entry through unrestricted ground
level openings into flat storage structures in which there are no toxicity,
flammability, oxygen-deficiency, or
other atmospheric hazards is covered
by paragraph (h) of this section. For
the purposes of this paragraph (g), the
term ‘‘grain’’ includes raw and processed grain and grain products in facilities within the scope of paragraph
(b)(1) of this section.
(1) The following actions shall be
taken before employees enter bins,
silos, or tanks:


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rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(i) The employer shall issue a permit
for entering bins, silos, or tanks unless
the employer or the employer’s representative (who would otherwise authorize the permit) is present during
the entire operation. The permit shall
certify that the precautions contained
in this paragraph (§ 1910.272(g)) have
been implemented prior to employees
entering bins, silos or tanks. The permit shall be kept on file until completion of the entry operations.
(ii) All mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and pneumatic equipment
which presents a danger to employees
inside grain storage structures shall be
deenergized and shall be disconnected,
locked-out and tagged, blocked-off, or
otherwise prevented from operating by
other equally effective means or methods.
(iii) The atmosphere within a bin,
silo, or tank shall be tested for the
presence of combustible gases, vapors,
and toxic agents when the employer
has reason to believe they may be
present. Additionally, the atmosphere
within a bin, silo, or tank shall be tested for oxygen content unless there is
continuous natural air movement or
continuous forced-air ventilation before and during the period employees
are inside. If the oxygen level is less
than 19.5%, or if combustible gas or
vapor is detected in excess of 10% of
the lower flammable limit, or if toxic
agents are present in excess of the ceiling values listed in subpart Z of 29 CFR
part 1910, or if toxic agents are present
in concentrations that will cause
health effects which prevent employees
from effecting self-rescue or communication to obtain assistance, the following provisions apply.
(A) Ventilation shall be provided
until the unsafe condition or conditions are eliminated, and the ventilation shall be continued as long as there
is a possibility of recurrence of the unsafe condition while the bin, silo, or
tank is occupied by employees.
(B) If toxicity or oxygen deficiency
cannot be eliminated by ventilation,
employees entering the bin, silo, or
tank shall wear an appropriate respirator. Respirator use shall be in accordance with the requirements of
§ 1910.134.

§ 1910.272

(iv) ‘‘Walking down grain’’ and similar practices where an employee walks
on grain to make it flow within or out
from a grain storage structure, or
where an employee is on moving grain,
are prohibited.
(2) Whenever an employee enters a
grain storage structure from a level at
or above the level of the stored grain or
grain products, or whenever an employee walks or stands on or in stored
grain of a depth which poses an engulfment hazard, the employer shall equip
the employee with a body harness with
lifeline, or a boatswain’s chair that
meets the requirements of subpart D of
this part. The lifeline shall be so positioned, and of sufficient length, to prevent the employee from sinking further
than waist-deep in the grain. Exception:
Where the employer can demonstrate
that the protection required by this
paragraph is not feasible or creates a
greater hazard, the employer shall provide an alternative means of protection
which is demonstrated to prevent the
employee from sinking further than
waist-deep in the grain.
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (g)(2): When the employee is standing or walking on a surface
which the employer demonstrates is free
from engulfment hazards, the lifeline or alternative means may be disconnected or removed.

(3) An observer, equipped to provide
assistance, shall be stationed outside
the bin, silo, or tank being entered by
an employee. Communications (visual,
voice, or signal line) shall be maintained between the observer and employee entering the bin, silo, or tank.
(4) The employer shall provide equipment for rescue operations which is
specifically suited for the bin, silo, or
tank being entered.
(5) The employee acting as observer
shall be trained in rescue procedures,
including notification methods for obtaining additional assistance.
(6) Employees shall not enter bins,
silos, or tanks underneath a bridging
condition, or where a buildup of grain
products on the sides could fall and
bury them.
(h) Entry into flat storage structures.
For the purposes of this paragraph (h),


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§ 1910.272

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–10 Edition)

the term ‘‘grain’’ means raw and processed grain and grain products in facilities within the scope of paragraph
(b)(1) of this section.
(1) Each employee who walks or
stands on or in stored grain, where the
depth of the grain poses an engulfment
hazard, shall be equipped with a lifeline or alternative means which the
employer demonstrates will prevent
the employee from sinking further
than waist-deep into the grain.

rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (h)(1): When the employee is standing or walking on a surface
which the employer demonstrates is free
from engulfment hazards, the lifeline or alternative means may be disconnected or removed.

(2)(i) Whenever an employee walks or
stands on or in stored grain or grain
products of a depth which poses an engulfment hazard, all equipment which
presents a danger to that employee
(such as an auger or other grain transport equipment) shall be deenergized,
and shall be disconnected, locked-out
and tagged, blocked-off, or otherwise
prevented from operating by other
equally effective means or methods.
(ii) ‘‘Walking down grain’’ and similar practices where an employee walks
on grain to make it flow within or out
from a grain storage structure, or
where an employee is on moving grain,
are prohibited.
(3) No employee shall be permitted to
be either underneath a bridging condition, or in any other location where an
accumulation of grain on the sides or
elsewhere could fall and engulf that
(i) Contractors. (1) The employer shall
inform contractors performing work at
the grain handling facility of known
potential fire and explosion hazards related to the contractor’s work and
work area. The employer shall also inform contractors of the applicable safety rules of the facility.
(2) The employer shall explain the applicable provisions of the emergency
action plan to contractors.
(j) Housekeeping. (1) The employer
shall develop and implement a written
housekeeping program that establishes
the frequency and method(s) determined best to reduce accumulations of
fugitive grain dust on ledges, floors,
equipment, and other exposed surfaces.

(2) In addition, the housekeeping program for grain elevators shall address
fugitive grain dust accumulations at
priority housekeeping areas.
(i) Priority housekeeping areas shall
include at least the following:
(A) Floor areas within 35 feet (10.7 m)
of inside bucket elevators;
(B) Floors of enclosed areas containing grinding equipment;
(C) Floors of enclosed areas containing grain dryers located inside the
(ii) The employer shall immediately
remove any fugitive grain dust accumulations whenever they exceed 1⁄8
inch (.32 cm) at priority housekeeping
areas, pursuant to the housekeeping
program, or shall demonstrate and assure, through the development and implementation of the housekeeping program, that equivalent protection is
(3) The use of compressed air to blow
dust from ledges, walls, and other areas
shall only be permitted when all machinery that presents an ignition
source in the area is shut-down, and all
other known potential ignition sources
in the area are removed or controlled.
(4) Grain and product spills shall not
be considered fugitive grain dust accumulations. However, the housekeeping
program shall address the procedures
for removing such spills from the work
(k) Grate openings. Receiving-pit feed
openings, such as truck or railcar receiving-pits, shall be covered by grates.
The width of openings in the grates
shall be a maximum of 21⁄2 inches (6.35
(l) Filter collectors. (1) All fabric dust
filter collectors which are a part of a
pneumatic dust collection system shall
be equipped with a monitoring device
that will indicate a pressure drop
across the surface of the filter.
(2) Filter collectors installed after
March 30, 1988 shall be:
(i) Located outside the facility; or
(ii) Located in an area inside the facility protected by an explosion suppression system; or
(iii) Located in an area inside the facility that is separated from other
areas of the facility by construction
having at least a one hour fire-resistance rating, and which is adjacent to


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rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
an exterior wall and vented to the outside. The vent and ductwork shall be
designed to resist rupture due to deflagration.
(m) Preventive maintenance. (1) The
employer shall implement preventive
maintenance procedures consisting of:
(i) Regularly scheduled inspections of
at least the mechanical and safety control equipment associated with dryers,
grain stream processing equipment,
dust collection equipment including
filter collectors, and bucket elevators;
(ii) Lubrication and other appropriate maintenance in accordance with
manufacturers’ recommendations, or
as determined necessary by prior operating records.
(2) The employer shall promptly correct dust collection systems which are
malfunctioning or which are operating
below designed efficiency. Additionally, the employer shall promptly correct, or remove from service, overheated bearings and slipping or misaligned belts associated with inside
bucket elevators.
(3) A certification record shall be
maintained of each inspection, performed in accordance with this paragraph (m), containing the date of the
inspection, the name of the person who
performed the inspection and the serial
number, or other identifier, of the
equipment specified in paragraph
(m)(1)(i) of this section that was inspected.
(4) The employer shall implement
procedures for the use of tags and locks
which will prevent the inadvertent application of energy or motion to equipment being repaired, serviced, or adjusted, which could result in employee
injury. Such locks and tags shall be removed in accordance with established
procedures only by the employee installing them or, if unavailable, by his
or her supervisor.
(n) Grain stream processing equipment.
The employer shall equip grain stream
processing equipment (such as hammer
mills, grinders, and pulverizers) with
an effective means of removing ferrous
material from the incoming grain
(o) Emergency escape. (1) The employer shall provide at least two means
of emergency escape from galleries (bin

§ 1910.272

(2) The employer shall provide at
least one means of emergency escape in
tunnels of existing grain elevators.
Tunnels in grain elevators constructed
after the effective date of this standard
shall be provided with at least two
means of emergency escape.
(p) Continuous-flow bulk raw grain
dryers. (1) All direct-heat grain dryers
shall be equipped with automatic controls that:
(i) Will shut-off the fuel supply in
case of power or flame failure or interruption of air movement through the
exhaust fan; and,
(ii) Will stop the grain from being fed
into the dryer if excessive temperature
occurs in the exhaust of the drying section.
(2) Direct-heat grain dryers installed
after March 30, 1988 shall be:
(i) Located outside the grain elevator; or
(ii) Located in an area inside the
grain elevator protected by a fire or explosion suppression system; or
(iii) Located in an area inside the
grain elevator which is separated from
other areas of the facility by construction having at least a one hour fire-resistance rating.
(q) Inside bucket elevators. (1) Bucket
elevators shall not be jogged to free a
choked leg.
(2) All belts and lagging purchased
after March 30, 1988 shall be conductive. Such belts shall have a surface
electrical resistance not to exceed 300
(3) All bucket elevators shall be
equipped with a means of access to the
head pulley section to allow inspection
of the head pulley, lagging, belt, and
discharge throat of the elevator head.
The boot section shall also be provided
with a means of access for clean-out of
the boot and for inspection of the boot,
pulley, and belt.
(4) All the employer shall:
(i) Mount bearings externally to the
leg casing; or,
(ii) Provide vibration monitoring,
temperature monitoring, or other
means to monitor the condition of
those bearings mounted inside or partially-inside the leg casing.
(5) All the employer shall equip bucket elevators with a motion detection
device which will shut-down the bucket


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§ 1910.272

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–10 Edition)

elevator when the belt speed is reduced
by no more than 20% of the normal operating speed.
(6) All the employer shall:
(i) Equip bucket elevators with a belt
alignment monitoring device which
will initiate an alarm to employees
when the belt is not tracking properly;
(ii) Provide a means to keep the belt
tracking properly, such as a system
that provides constant alignment adjustment of belts.
(7) Paragraphs (q)(5) and (q)(6) of this
section do not apply to grain elevators
having a permanent storage capacity of
less than one million bushels, provided
that daily visual inspection is made of
bucket movement and tracking of the
(8) Paragraphs (q)(4), (q)(5), and (q)(6)
of this section do not apply to the following:
(i) Bucket elevators which are
equipped with an operational fire and
explosion suppression system capable
of protecting at least the head and boot
section of the bucket elevator; or,
(ii) Bucket elevators which are
equipped with pneumatic or other dust
control systems or methods that keep
the dust concentration inside the bucket elevator at least 25% below the
lower explosive limit at all times during operations.
NOTE: The following appendices to § 1910.272
serve as nonmandatory guidelines to assist
employers and employees in complying with
the requirements of this section, as well as
to provide other helpful information.
No additional burdens are imposed through
these appendices.
Examples presented in this appendix may
not be the only means of achieving the performance goals in the standard.

rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

1. Scope and Application
The provisions of this standard apply in
addition to any other applicable requirements of this part 1910 (or part 1917 at marine terminals). The standard contains requirements for new and existing grain handling facilities. The standard does not apply
to seed plants which handle and prepare
seeds for planting of future crops, nor to onfarm storage or feed lots.

2. Emergency Action Plan
The standard requires the employer to develop and implement an emergency action
plan. The emergency action plan (§ 1910.38)
covers those designated actions employers
and employees are to take to ensure employee safety from fire and other emergencies. The plan specifies certain minimum
elements which are to be addressed. These
elements include the establishment of an
employee alarm system, the development of
evacuation procedures, and training employees in those actions they are to take during
an emergency.
The standard does not specify a particular
method for notifying employees of an emergency. Public announcement systems, air
horns, steam whistles, a standard fire alarm
system, or other types of employee alarm
may be used. However, employers should be
aware that employees in a grain facility may
have difficulty hearing an emergency alarm,
or distinguishing an emergency alarm from
other audible signals at the facility, or both.
Therefore, it is important that the type of
employee alarm used be distinguishable and
The use of floor plans or workplace maps
which clearly show the emergency escape
routes should be included in the emergency
action plan; color coding will aid employees
in determining their route assignments. The
employer should designate a safe area, outside the facility, where employees can congregate after evacuation, and implement
procedures to account for all employees after
emergency evacuation has been completed.
It is also recommended that employers
seek the assistance of the local fire department for the purpose of preplanning for
emergencies. Preplanning is encouraged to
facilitate coordination and cooperation between facility personnel and those who may
be called upon for assistance during an emergency. It is important for emergency service
units to be aware of the usual work locations
of employees at the facility.
3. Training
It is important that employees be trained
in the recognition and prevention of hazards
associated with grain facilities, especially
those hazards associated with their own
work tasks. Employees should understand
the factors which are necessary to produce a
fire or explosion, i.e., fuel (such as grain
dust), oxygen, ignition source, and (in the
case of explosions) confinement. Employees
should be made aware that any efforts they
make to keep these factors from occurring
simultaneously will be an important step in
reducing the potential for fires and explosions.
The standard provides flexibility for the
employer to design a training program which
fulfills the needs of a facility. The type,


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
amount, and frequency of training will need
to reflect the tasks that employees are expected to perform. Although training is to be
provided to employees at least annually, it is
recommended that safety meetings or discussions and drills be conducted at more frequent intervals.
The training program should include those
topics applicable to the particular facility,
as well as topics such as: Hot work procedures; lock-out/tag-out procedures; bin entry
procedures; bin cleaning procedures; grain
dust explosions; fire prevention; procedures
for handling ‘‘hot grain’’; housekeeping procedures, including methods and frequency of
dust removal; pesticide and fumigant usage;
proper use and maintenance of personal protective equipment; and, preventive maintenance. The types of work clothing should
also be considered in the program at least to
caution against using polyester clothing
that easily melts and increases the severity
of burns, as compared to wool or fire retardant cotton.
In implementing the training program, it
is recommended that the employer utilize
films, slide-tape presentations, pamphlets,
and other information which can be obtained
from such sources as the Grain Elevator and
Processing Society, the Cooperative Extension Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Kansas State University’s Extension
Grain Science and Industry, and other state
agriculture schools, industry associations,
union organizations, and insurance groups.
4. Hot Work Permit
The implementation of a permit system for
hot work is intended to assure that employers maintain control over operations involving hot work and to assure that employees
are aware of and utilize appropriate safeguards when conducting these activities.
Precautions for hot work operations are
specified in 29 CFR 1910.252(a), and include
such safeguards as relocating the hot work
operation to a safe location if possible, relocating or covering combustible material in
the vicinity, providing fire extinguishers,
and provisions for establishing a fire watch.
Permits are not required for hot work operations conducted in the presence of the employer or the employer’s authorized representative who would otherwise issue the
permit, or in an employer authorized welding
shop or when work is conducted outside and
away from the facility.
It should be noted that the permit is not a
record, but is an authorization of the employer certifying that certain safety precautions have been implemented prior to the
beginning of work operations.

§ 1910.272

and tanks, OSHA is requiring that the employer issue a permit for entry into bins,
silos, and tanks unless the employer (or the
employer’s representative who would otherwise authorize the permit) is present at the
entry and during the entire operation.
Employees should have a thorough understanding of the hazards associated with
entry into bins, silos, and tanks. Employees
are not to be permitted to enter these spaces
from the bottom when grain or other agricultural products are hung up or sticking to
the sides which might fall and injure or kill
an employee. Employees should be made
aware that the atmosphere in bins, silos, and
tanks can be oxygen deficient or toxic. Employees should be trained in the proper
methods of testing the atmosphere, as well
as in the appropriate procedures to be taken
if the atmosphere is found to be oxygen deficient or toxic. When a fumigant has been recently applied in these areas and entry must
be made, aeration fans should be running
continuously to assure a safe atmosphere for
those inside. Periodic monitoring of toxic
levels shuld be done by direct reading instruments to measure the levels, and, if there is
an increase in these readings, appropriate actions should be promptly taken.
Employees have been buried and suffocated
in grain or other agricultural products because they sank into the material. Therefore, it is suggested that employees not be
permitted to walk or stand on the grain or
other grain product where the depth is greater than waist high. In this regard, employees
must use a full body harness or boatswain’s
chair with a lifeline when entering from the
top. A winch system with mechanical advantage (either powered or manual) would allow
better control of the employee than just
using a hand held hoist line, and such a system would allow the observer to remove the
employee easily without having to enter the
It is important that employees be trained
in the proper selection and use of any personal protective equipment which is to be
worn. Equally important is the training of
employees in the planned emergency rescue
procedures. Employers should carefully read
§ 1910.134(e)(3) and assure that their procedures follow these requirements. The employee acting as observer is to be equipped to
provide assistance and is to know procedures
for obtaining additional assistance. The observer should not enter a space until adequate assistance is available. It is recommended that an employee trained in CPR
be readily available to provide assistance to
those employees entering bins, silos, or

rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

6. Contractors
5. Entry Into Bins, Silos, And Tanks
In order to assure that employers maintain
control over employee entry into bins, silos,

These provisions of the standard are intended to ensure that outside contractors
are cognizant of the hazards associated with


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§ 1910.272

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–10 Edition)

grain handling facilities, particularly in relation to the work they are to perform for
the employer. Also, in the event of an emergency, contractors should be able to take appropriate action as a part of the overall facility emergency action plan. Contractors
should also be aware of the employer’s permit systems. Contractors should develop
specified procedures for performing hot work
and for entry into bins, silos, and tanks and
these activities should be coordinated with
the employer. Contractors are responsible
for informing their own employees.
This coordination will help to ensure that
employers know what work is being performed at the facility by contractors; where
it is being performed; and, that it is being
performed in a manner that will not endanger employees.
7. Housekeeping.
The housekeeping program is to be designed to keep dust accumulations and emissions under control inside grain facilities.
The housekeeping program, which is to be
written, is to specify the frequency and
method(s) used to best reduce dust accumulations.
Ship, barge, and rail loadout and receiving
areas which are located outside the facility
need not be addressed in the housekeeping
program. Additionally, truck dumps which
are open on two or more sides need not be
addressed by the housekeeping program.
Other truck dumps should be addressed in
the housekeeping program to provide for regular cleaning during periods of receiving
grain or agricultural products. The housekeeping program should provide coverage for
all workspaces in the facility and include
walls, beams, etc., especially in relation to
the extent that dust could accumulate.

rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

Dust Accumulations
Almost all facilities will require some level
of manual housekeeping. Manual housekeeping methods, such as vacuuming or
sweeping with soft bristle brooms, should be
used which will minimize the possibility of
layered dust being suspended in the air when
it is being removed.
The housekeeping program should include
a contingency plan to respond to situations
where dust accumulates rapidly due to a failure of a dust enclosure hood, an unexpected
breakdown of the dust control system, a
dust-tight connection inadvertently knocked
open, etc.
The housekeeping program should also
specify the manner of handling spills. Grain
spills are not considered to be dust accumulations.
A fully enclosed horizontal belt conveying
system where the return belt is inside the
enclosure should have inspection access such
as sliding panels or doors to permit checking

of equipment, checking for dust accumulations and facilitate cleaning if needed.
Dust Emissions
Employers should analyze the entire stock
handling system to determine the location of
dust emissions and effective methods to control or to eliminate them. The employer
should make sure that holes in spouting, casings of bucket elevators, pneumatic conveying pipes, screw augers, or drag conveyor
casings, are patched or otherwise properly
repaired to prevent leakage. Minimizing free
falls of grain or grain products by using
choke feeding techniques, and utilization of
dust-tight enclosures at transfer points, can
be effective in reducing dust emissions.
Each housekeeping program should specify
the schedules and control measures which
will be used to control dust emitted from the
stock handling system. The housekeeping
program should address the schedules to be
used for cleaning dust accumulations from
motors, critical bearings and other potential
ignition sources in the working areas. Also,
the areas around bucket elevator legs, milling machinery and similar equipment should
be given priority in the cleaning schedule.
The method of disposal of the dust which is
swept or vacuumed should also be planned.
Dust may accumulate in somewhat inaccessible areas, such as those areas where ladders or scaffolds might be necessary to reach
them. The employer may want to consider
the use of compressed air and long lances to
blow down these areas frequently. The employer may also want to consider the periodic use of water and hoselines to wash down
these areas. If these methods are used, they
are to be specified in the housekeeping program along with the appropriate safety precautions, including the use of personal protective equipment such as eyewear and dust
Several methods have been effective in
controlling dust emissions. A frequently
used method of controlling dust emissions is
a pneumatic dust collection system. However, the installation of a poorly designed
pneumatic dust collection system has fostered a false sense of security and has often
led to an inappropriate reduction in manual
housekeeping. Therefore, it is imperative
that the system be designed properly and installed by a competent contractor. Those
employers who have a pneumatic dust control system that is not working according to
expectations should request the engineering
design firm, or the manufacturer of the filter
and related equipment, to conduct an evaluation of the system to determine the corrections necessary for proper operation of the
system. If the design firm or manufacturer of
the equipment is not known, employers
should contact their trade association for
recommendations of competent designers of


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
pneumatic dust control systems who could
provide assistance.
When installing a new or upgraded pneumatic control system, the employer should
insist on an acceptance test period of 30 to 45
days of operation to ensure that the system
is operating as intended and designed. The
employer should also obtain maintenance,
testing, and inspection information from the
manufacturer to ensure that the system will
continue to operate as designed.
Aspiration of the leg, as part of a pneumatic dust collection system, is another effective method of controlling dust emissions.
Aspiration of the leg consists of a flow of air
across the entire boot, which entrains the
liberated dust and carries it up the up-leg to
take-off points. With proper aspiration, dust
concentrations in the leg can be lowered
below the lower explosive limit. Where a prototype leg installation has been instrumented and shown to be effective in keeping
the dust level 25% below the lower explosive
limit during normal operations for the various products handled, then other legs of
similar size, capacity and products being
handled which have the same design criteria
for the air aspiration would be acceptable to
OSHA, provided the prototype test report is
available on site.
Another method of controlling dust emissions is enclosing the conveying system,
pressurizing the general work area, and providing a lower pressure inside the enclosed
conveying system. Although this method is
effective in controlling dust emissions from
the conveying system, adequate access to
the inside of the enclosure is necessary to facilitate frequent removal of dust accumulations. This is also necessary for those systems called ‘‘self-cleaning.’’
The use of edible oil sprayed on or into a
moving stream of grain is another method
which has been used to control dust emissions. Tests performed using this method
have shown that the oil treatment can reduce dust emissions. Repeated handling of
the grain may necessitate additional oil
treatment to prevent liberation of dust.
However, before using this method, operators
of grain handling facilities should be aware
that the Food and Drug Administration must
approve the specific oil treatment used on
products for food or feed.
As a part of the housekeeping program,
grain elevators are required to address accumulations of dust at priority areas using the
action level. The standard specifies a maximum accumulation of 1⁄8 inch dust, measurable by a ruler or other measuring device,
anywhere within a priority area as the upper
limit at which time employers must initiate
action to remove the accumulations using
designated means or methods. Any accumulation in excess of this amount and where no
action has been initiated to implement
cleaning would constitute a violation of the

§ 1910.272

standard, unless the employer can demonstrate equivalent protection. Employers
should make every effort to minimize dust
accumulations on exposed surfaces since
dust is the fuel for a fire or explosion, and it
is recognized that a 1⁄8 inch dust accumulation is more than enough to fuel such occurrences.
8. Filter Collectors
Proper sizing of filter collectors for the
pneumatic dust control system they serve is
very important for the overall effectiveness
of the system. The air to cloth ratio of the
system should be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations. If higher
ratios are used, they can result in more
maintenance on the filter, shorter bag or
sock life, increased differential pressure resulting in higher energy costs, and an increase in operational problems.
A photohelic gauge, magnehelic gauge, or
manometer, may be used to indicate the
pressure rise across the inlet and outlet of
the filter. When the pressure exceeds the design value for the filter, the air volume will
start to drop, and maintenance will be required. Any of these three monitoring devices is acceptable as meeting paragraph
(l)(1) of the standard.
The employer should establish a level or
target reading on the instrument which is
consistent with the manufacturer’s recommendations that will indicate when the
filter should be serviced. This target reading
on the instrument and the accompanying
procedures should be in the preventive maintenance program. These efforts would minimize the blinding of the filter and the subsequent failure of the pneumatic dust control
There are other instruments that the employer may want to consider using to monitor the operation of the filter. One instrument is a zero motion switch for detecting a
failure of motion by the rotary discharge
valve on the hopper. If the rotary discharge
valve stops turning, the dust released by the
bag or sock will accumulate in the filter hopper until the filter becomes clogged. Another
instrument is a level indicator which is installed in the hopper of the filter to detect
the buildup of dust that would otherwise
cause the filter hopper to be plugged. The installation of these instruments should be in
All of these monitoring devices and instruments are to be capable of being read at an
accessible location and checked as frequently as specified in the preventive maintenance program.
Filter collectors on portable vacuum
cleaners, and those used where fans are not
part of the system, are not covered by requirements of paragraph (l) of the standard.


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§ 1910.272

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–10 Edition)

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9. Preventive Maintenance
The control of dust and the control of ignition sources are the most effective means for
reducing explosion hazards. Preventive
maintenance is related to ignition sources in
the same manner as housekeeping is related
to dust control and should be treated as a
major function in a facility. Equipment such
as critical bearings, belts, buckets, pulleys,
and milling machinery are potential ignition
sources, and periodic inspection and lubrication of such equipment through a scheduled
preventive maintenance program is an effective method for keeping equipment functioning properly and safely. The use of vibration detection methods, heat sensitive tape
or other heat detection methods that can be
seen by the inspector or maintenance person
will allow for a quick, accurate, and consistent evaluation of bearings and will help
in the implementation of the program.
The standard does not require a specific
frequency for preventive maintenance. The
employer is permitted flexibility in determining the appropriate interval for maintenance provided that the effectiveness of the
maintenance program can be demonstrated.
should be based on manufacturer’s recommendations for effective operation, as
well as from the employer’s previous experience with the equipment. However, the employer’s schedule for preventive maintenance
should be frequent enough to allow for both
prompt identification and correction of any
problems concerning the failure or malfunction of the mechanical and safety control
equipment associated with bucket elevators,
dryers, filter collectors and magnets. The
pressure-drop monitoring device for a filter
collector, and the condition of the lagging on
the head pulley, are examples of items that
require regularly scheduled inspections. A
system of identifying the date, the equipment inspected and the maintenance performed, if any, will assist employers in continually refining their preventive maintenance schedules and identifying equipment
problem areas. Open work orders where repair work or replacement is to be done at a
designated future date as scheduled, would
be an indication of an effective preventive
maintenance program.
It is imperative that the prearranged
schedule of maintenance be adhered to regardless of other facility constraints. The
employer should give priority to the maintenance or repair work associated with safety
control equipment, such as that on dryers,
magnets, alarm and shut-down systems on
bucket elevators, bearings on bucket elevators, and the filter collectors in the dust
control system. Benefits of a strict preventive maintenance program can be a reduction of unplanned downtime, improved
equipment performance, planned use of re-

sources, more efficient operations, and, most
importantly, safer operations.
The standard also requires the employer to
develop and implement procedures consisting of locking out and tagging equipment
to prevent the inadvertent application of energy or motion to equipment being repaired,
serviced, or adjusted, which could result in
employee injury. All employees who have responsibility for repairing or servicing equipment, as well as those who operate the
equipment, are to be familiar with the employer’s lock and tag procedures. A lock is to
be used as the positive means to prevent operation of the disconnected equipment. Tags
are to be used to inform employees why
equipment is locked out. Tags are to meet
requirements in § 1910.145(f). Locks and tags
may only be removed by employees that
placed them, or by their supervisor, to ensure the safety of the operation.
10. Grain Stream Processing Equipment
The standard requires an effective means
of removing ferrous material from grain
streams so that such material does not enter
equipment such as hammer mills, grinders
and pulverizers. Large foreign objects, such
as stones, should have been removed at the
receiving pit. Introduction of foreign objects
and ferrous material into such equipment
can produce sparks which can create an explosion hazard. Acceptable means for removal of ferrous materials include the use of
permanent or electromagnets. Means used to
separate foreign objects and ferrous material
should be cleaned regularly and kept in good
repair as part of the preventive maintenance
program in order to maximize their effectiveness.
11. Emergency Escape
The standard specifies that at least two
means of escape must be provided from galleries (bin decks). Means of emergency escape may include any available means of
egress (consisting of three components, exit
access, exit, and exit discharge as defined in
§ 1910.35), the use of controlled descent devices with landing velocities not to exceed 15
ft/sec., or emergency escape ladders from
galleries. Importantly, the means of emergency escape are to be addressed in the facility emergency action plan. Employees are to
know the location of the nearest means of
emergency escape and the action they must
take during an emergency.
12. Dryers
Liquefied petroleum gas fired dryers
should have the vaporizers installed at least
ten feet from the dryer. The gas piping system should be protected from mechanical
damage. The employer should establish procedures for locating and repairing leaks


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
when there is a strong odor of gas or other
signs of a leak.
13. Inside Bucket Elevators
Hazards associated with inside bucket elevator legs are the source of many grain elevator fires and explosions. Therefore, to
mitigate these hazards, the standard requires the implementation of special safety
precautions and procedures, as well as the
installation of safety control devices. The
standard provides for a phase-in period for
many of the requirements to provide the employer time for planning the implementation
of the requirements. Additionally, for elevators with a permanent storage capacity of
less than one million bushels, daily visual inspection of belt alignment and bucket movement can be substituted for alignment monitoring devices and motion detection devices.
The standard requires that belts (purchased after the effective date of the standard) have surface electrical resistance not to
exceed 300 megohms. Test methods available
regarding electrical resistance of belts are:
The American Society for Testing and Materials D257–76, ‘‘Standard Test Methods for DC Resistance or Conductance of Insulating
Materials’’; and, the International Standards
Organization’s #284, ‘‘Conveyor Belts-Electrical Conductivity-Specification and Method of Test.’’ When an employer has a written
certification from the manufacturer that a

§ 1910.272

belt has been tested using one of the above
test methods, and meets the 300 megohm criteria, the belt is acceptable as meeting this
standard. When using conductive belts, the
employer should make certain that the head
pulley and shaft are grounded through the
drive motor ground or by some other equally
effective means. When V-type belts are used
to transmit power to the head pulley assembly from the motor drive shaft, it will be
necessary to provide electrical continuity
from the head pulley assembly to ground,
e.g., motor grounds.
Employers should also consider purchasing
new belts that are flame retardant or fire resistive. A flame resistance test for belts is
contained in 30 CFR 18.65.
National Consensus Standards
The following table contains a cross-reference listing of current national consensus
standards which provide information that
may be of assistance to grain handling operations. Employers who comply with provisions in these national consensus standards
that provide equal or greater protection than
those in § 1910.272 will be considered in compliance with the corresponding requirements
in § 1910.272.


National consensus standards

Grain elevators and facilities handling bulk raw agricultural commodities ...........................
Feed mills ..............................................................................................................................
Facilities handling agricultural commodities for human consumption ...................................
Pneumatic conveying systems for agricultural commodities ................................................
Guide for explosion venting ...................................................................................................
Explosion prevention systems ...............................................................................................
Dust removal and exhaust systems ......................................................................................


rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

References for Further Information
The following references provide information which can be helpful in understanding
the requirements contained in various provisions of the standard, as well as provide
other helpful information.
1. Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial
Operations; National Safety Council, 425
North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
2. Practical Guide to Elevator Design; National Grain and Feed Association, P.O. Box
28328, Washington, DC 20005.
3. Dust Control for Grain Elevators; National
Grain and Feed Association, P.O. Box 28328,
Washington, DC 20005.
4. Prevention of Grain Elevator and Mill Explosions; National Academy of Sciences,
Washington, DC. (Available from National



Technical Information Service, Springfield,
Virginia 22151.)
5. Standard for the Prevention of Fires and
Explosions in Grain Elevators and Facilities
Handling Bulk Raw Agricultural Commodities,
NFPA 61B; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, Massachusetts 02269.
6. Standard for the Prevention of Fire and
Dust Explosions in Feed Mills, NFPA 61C; National
Batterymarch Park, Quincy, Massachusetts
7. Standard for the Prevention of Fire and
Dust Explosions in the Milling of Agricultural
Commodities for Human Consumption, NFPA
61D; National Fire Protection Association,
Batterymarch Park, Quincy, Massachusetts


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rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

§ 1910.301

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–10 Edition)

8. Standard for Pneumatic Conveying Systems
for Handling Feed, Flour, Grain and Other Agricultural Dusts, NFPA 66; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park,
Quincy, Massachusetts 02269.
9. Guide for Explosion Venting, NFPA 68; National
Batterymarch Park, Quincy, Massachusetts
10. Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems, NFPA 69; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, Massachusetts 02269.
11. Safety-Operations Plans; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250.
12. Inplant Fire Prevention Control Programs;
Mill Mutual Fire Prevention Mutual Fire
Prevention Bureau, 1 Pierce Place, Suite 1260
West, Itasca, Illinois 60143–1269.
13. Guidelines for Terminal Elevators; Mill
Mutual Fire Prevention Bureau, 1 Pierce
Place, Suite 1260 West, Itasca, Illinois 60143–
14. Standards for Preventing the Horizontal
and Vertical Spread of Fires in Grain Handling
Properties; Mill Mutual Fire Mutual Fire Prevention Bureau, 1 Pierce Place, Suite 1260
West, Itasca, Illinois 60143–1269.
15. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials, Part I
and part II, Data Sheet 570, Revision A; National Safety Council, 425 North Michigan
Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
16. Suggestions for Precautions and Safety
Practices in Welding and Cutting; Mill Mutual
Fire Prevention Bureau, 1 Pierce Place,
Suite 1260 West, Itasca, Illinois 60143–1269.
17. Food Bins and Tanks, Data Sheet 524;
National Safety Council, 425 North Michigan
Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
18. Pneumatic Dust Control in Grain Elevators; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC. (Available from National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22151.)
19. Dust Control Analysis and Layout Procedures for Grain Storage and Processing Plants;
Mill Mutual Fire Prevention Bureau, 1
Pierce Place, Suite 1260 West, Itasca, Illinois
20. Standard for the Installation of Blower
and Exhaust Systems for Dust, Stock and Vapor
Removal, NFPA 91; National Fire Protection
Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy,
Massachusetts 02269.
21. Standards for the Installation of Direct
Heat Grain Driers in Grain and Milling Properties; Mill Mutual Fire Prevention Bureau, 1
Pierce Place, Suite 1260 West, Itasca, Illinois
22. Guidelines for Lubrication and Bearing
Maintenance; Mill Mutual Fire Prevention
Bureau, 1 Pierce Place, Suite 1260 West,
Itasca, Illinois 60143–1269.
23. Organized Maintenance in Grain and Milling Properties; Mill Mutual Fire Prevention
Bureau, 1 Pierce Place, Suite 1260 West,
Itasca, Illinois 60143–1269.

24. Safe and Efficient Elevator Legs for Grain
and Milling Properties; Mill Mutual Fire Prevention Bureau, 1 Pierce Place, Suite 1260
West, Itasca, Illinois 60143–1269.
25. Explosion Venting and Supression of
Bucket Elevators; National Grain and Feed
Association, P.O. Box 28328, Washington, DC
26. Lightning Protection Code, NFPA 78; National
Batterymarch Park, Quincy, Massachusetts
27. Occupational Safety in Grain Elevators,
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 83–126); National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health, Morgantown, West Virginia 26505.
28. Retrofitting and Constructing Grain Elevators; National Grain and Feed Association,
P.O. Box 28328, Washington, DC 20005.
29. Grain Industry Safety and Health Center—Training Series (Preventing grain dust
explosions, operations maintenance safety,
transportation safety, occupational safety
and health); Grain Elevator and Processing
Society, P.O. Box 15026, Commerce Station,
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415–0026.
30. Suggestions for Organized Maintenance;
The Mill Mutuals Loss Control Department,
1 Pierce Place, Suite 1260 West, Itasca, Illinois 60143–1269.
31. Safety—The First Step to Success; The
Mill Mutual Loss Control Department, 1
Pierce Place, Suite 1260 West, Itasca, Illinois
32. Emergency Plan Notebook; Schoeff, Robert W. and James L. Balding, Kansas State
University, Cooperative Extension Service,
Extension Grain Science and Industry,
Shellenberger Hall, Manhattan, Kansas 66506.
[52 FR 49625, Dec. 31, 1987, as amended at 53
FR 17696, May 18, 1988; 54 FR 24334, June 7,
1989; 55 FR 25094, June 20, 1990; 61 FR 9242,
Mar. 7, 1996; 61 FR 9584, Mar. 8, 1996; 67 FR
67965, Nov. 7, 2002]

Subpart S—Electrical
AUTHORITY: Secs. 4, 6, 8, Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 653, 655,
657); Secretary of Labor’s Order No. 8–76 (41
FR 25059), 1–90 (55 FR 9033), 5–2002 (67 FR
65008), 5–2007 (72 FR 31160), as applicable; 29
CFR part 1911.
SOURCE: 46 FR 4056, Jan. 16, 1981, unless
otherwise noted.

§ 1910.301


This subpart addresses electrical
safety requirements that are necessary


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File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2010-09-28
File Created2010-09-28

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