SASS 2011-12 Full Scale District Contact and Questionnaire

Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS 2011/12) Full Scale Data Collection

School District - Public Sch - SASS 2011-12 Full Scale

SASS 2011-12 Full Scale District Contact and Questionnaire

OMB: 1850-0598

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OMB No. 1850-0598: Approval Expires xx/xx/2014


Conducted by:

Economics and Statistics Administration



(Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP Code.)
To Be Determined

Notice> This survey is authorized by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S. Code §9541(b) and


The Schools and Staffing Survey is the largest sample survey of America’s elementary and secondary schools. Your
participation is important. Below are answers to some general questions.
The purpose of this survey is to obtain information about school districts, such as enrollment, teacher counts, and
policies regarding recruitment and compensation.
The U.S. Census Bureau is conducting this survey for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) of the U.S.
Department of Education.
Policymakers and educational leaders rely on data from this survey to inform their decisions concerning K-12 schools.
Because it is a sample survey, your responses represent the responses of many. Higher response rates give us confidence
that the findings are accurate.
Your responses are protected from disclosure by federal statute (20 U.S.C., § 9573). All responses that relate to or
describe identifiable characteristics of individuals may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or
used, in identifiable form for any other purpose, unless otherwise compelled by law.
The information you provide will be combined with the information provided by others in statistical reports. No
individually-identifiable data will be included in the statistical reports.
Please return your completed questionnaire in the enclosed pre-addressed, postage-paid envelope or mail it to:
1201 E. 10th STREET

Commissioner for Education Statistics
National Center for Education Statistics
Paperwork Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information
unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information
collection is 1850-0598. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 50 minutes
per response, including the time spent to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and
complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time
estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC
20202-4537. If you have comments or concerns about the contents of this questionnaire, e-mail: [email protected],
or write directly to: Schools and Staffing Survey, National Center for Education Statistics, 1990 K Street, N.W., #9018,
Washington, DC 20006.

A1. Is the agency named on the cover page a school district or local education agency?
__ Yes
__ NoGO TO item B below.
2. Is the school district or local education agency still in operation?
__ Yes
__ NoGO TO item B below.
3. Does this school district serve students in one or more of grades 1-12 or comparable ungraded levels?
__ Yes
__ NoGO TO item B below.
4. Since October 2010, has this school district merged with another school district?
__ Yes
__ No
B. If you marked "No" to any of items A1, A2, or A3 or if you marked "Yes" to item A4, please call the
U.S. Census Bureau at 1-800-221-1204 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).
Otherwise, please continue with item C1.
C1. Is the physical or street address of this district office the same as that on the cover page?
__ YesGO TO item 1a on page 5.
__ No
2. What is the physical or street address of this school district office or local education agency office?
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __

ZIP Code
__ __ __ __ __


The data you enter on this form will be captured through the use of imaging technology. Please print all
information clearly in ordinary characters, using a black ballpoint pen.
Correct marking
example – (Use care to
keep characters in their
designated spaces.)

Incorrect marking
example –

a. Please do not write any comments near the answer spaces.
b. If you have any questions, call the U.S. Census Bureau at 1-800-221-1204. Someone will be available to
take your call Monday through Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time). The U.S. Census
Bureau is also available to answer your questions via e-mail at: [email protected].
c. If you are unsure about how to answer a question, please give the best answer you can rather than leaving it

Grades K-12 and comparable ungraded levels. This survey focuses on schools offering any of grades K-12 or
ungraded levels at the elementary or secondary level. The term “ungraded levels” refers to schools that classify students
by an alternative means other than particular grade levels (e.g., Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, etc.).


1a. Does this district offer all of grades K-12?
Mark (X) only one box.
__ Yes, grades K-12
GO TO item 2 below.
__ No, grades 1-12 only
GO TO item 2 below.
__ No
GO TO item 1b below.
b. Does this district offer the following grades?
Mark (X) “Yes” or “No” for each grade level.
__ Yes
__ No
__ Yes
__ No
__ Yes
__ No
__ Yes
__ No
__ Yes
__ No
__ Yes
__ No
__ Yes
__ No
__ Yes
__ No
__ Yes
__ No
__ Yes
__ No
__ Yes
__ No
__ Yes
__ No
__ Yes
__ No
__ Yes
__ No
__ Yes
__ No
2. Around the first of October, what was the total number of STUDENTS enrolled in this district in
ALL grade levels?
INCLUDE prekindergarten, postsecondary, and adult education as well as students in grades K-12.
Please refer to this district’s official fall report.
__, __ __ __, __ __ __ Total number of students

3. Around the first of October, what was the total number of students enrolled in this district in grades
K-12 and comparable ungraded levels?
Do NOT include prekindergarten, postsecondary, or adult education students.
__, __ __ __, __ __ __ Number of K-12 students
4. Around the first of October, how many students in grades K-12 and comparable ungraded levels
Do NOT include prekindergarten, postsecondary, or adult education students.
Please only include each student in one category below so none are double-counted.
If none, please mark (X) the box.
a. Hispanic or Latino, regardless of race?
__ None or __, __ __ __, __ __ __ Students
b. White, not of Hispanic or Latino origin?
__ None or __, __ __ __, __ __ __ Students
c. Black or African American, not of Hispanic or Latino origin?
__ None or __, __ __ __, __ __ __ Students
d. Asian, not of Hispanic or Latino origin?
__ None or __, __ __ __, __ __ __ Students
e. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, not of Hispanic or Latino origin?
__ None or __, __ __ __, __ __ __ Students
f. American Indian or Alaska Native, not of Hispanic or Latino origin?
__ None or __, __ __ __, __ __ __ Students
g. Two or more races, not of Hispanic or Latino origin?
__ None or __, __ __ __, __ __ __ Students
h. Total K-12 students (sum of entries in items 4a-g)
__, __ __ __, __ __ __ Students
NOTE: Item 4h should equal the number entered in item 3 above.
5a. Does this district enroll any prekindergarten students?
__ Yes
__ NoGO TO item 6a below.
b. Around the first of October, how many prekindergarten students were enrolled in this district?
__ __ __, __ __ __ Prekindergarten students
6a. Does this district participate in the National School Lunch Program?
__ Yes
__ NoGO TO item 7 on page 7.

6. Continued –
b. Around the first of October, how many students in this district were APPROVED for free or
reduced-price lunches?
Report a separate count for prekindergarten students.
If none, please mark (X) the box.
__ None or __ __ __, __ __ __ K-12 students approved
__ None or __ __ __, __ __ __ Prekindergarten students approved
7. How many days are in the school year for most students in this district?
__ __ __ Days per school year
NOTE: For teacher counts in items 8 and 9 –
DO NOT include the following as teachers:
 Prekindergarten teachers (and lower levels)
 Postsecondary teachers (beyond grade 12)
 Adult education teachers
 Counselors
 Library media specialists or Librarians
 Speech therapists
 School nurses
 Psychologists
 Social workers
 Administrators and other nonteaching personnel
 Teacher aides
 Day care aides
 Short-term substitute teachers
 Student teachers
DO include the following as teachers:
 Special education teachers
 Physical education teachers
 Music teachers
 Art teachers
 Title I teachers
8. Around the first of October, what was the total number of FTE (full-time equivalent) TEACHERS
employed by this district for grades K-12 and comparable ungraded levels?
Report the FTE count to the nearest TENTH, e.g. 363.5, 5,324.0, etc.
Do NOT include teachers who teach ONLY prekindergarten, postsecondary, or adult education.
__ __, __ __ __.__ FTE Teachers


9. Now thinking about head counts, around the first of October, how many part-time and full-time
teachers employed by this district for grades K-12 and comparable ungraded levels were:
Record HEAD COUNTS, not FTEs (full-time equivalent).
Do NOT include teachers who teach ONLY prekindergarten, postsecondary, or adult education.
Please only include each teacher in one category below so none are double-counted.
If none, please mark (X) the box.
a. Hispanic or Latino, regardless of race?
__ None or __ __,__ __ __ Teachers
b. White, not of Hispanic or Latino origin?
__ None or __ __,__ __ __ Teachers
c. Black or African American, not of Hispanic or Latino origin?
__ None or __ __,__ __ __ Teachers
d. Asian, not of Hispanic or Latino origin?
__ None or __ __,__ __ __ Teachers
e. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, not of Hispanic or Latino origin?
__ None or __ __,__ __ __ Teachers
f. American Indian or Alaska Native, not of Hispanic or Latino origin?
__ None or __ __,__ __ __ Teachers
g. Two or more races, not of Hispanic or Latino origin?
__ None or __ __,__ __ __ Teachers
h. Total teachers (sum of entries in items 9a-g)
__ __ __, __ __ __ Teachers
10. Around the first of October, how many SHORT-TERM substitute teachers of any grades K-12 were
available to teach in this district?
Record HEAD COUNTS, not FTEs (full-time equivalent).
Do NOT include teachers who teach ONLY prekindergarten, postsecondary, or adult education.
__ __ __ Short-term substitute teachers
11. Does this district have a policy to encourage teacher attendance or prevent teachers from using an
excessive amount of unplanned leave?
(e.g., buying back unused leave, counting unused leave toward retirement, rewards for perfect attendance)


12. Does this district have an agreement with a teachers’ association or union for the purpose of meetand-confer discussions or collective bargaining?
("Meet-and-confer" discussions are for the purpose of reaching non-legally-binding agreements. Collective
bargaining agreements are legally-binding agreements.)
Mark (X) only one box.
__ Yes, meet-and-confer
__ Yes, collective bargaining
__ Yes, other type of agreement
__ No agreement
13. How many days is the normal contract year for a teacher in this district?
Include professional development, student contact days, and other days covered in a typical teacher’s
__ __ __ Days per contract year
14. Around the first of October, how many PRINCIPALS were employed by this district for grades
K-12 and comparable ungraded levels?
DO NOT include assistant and vice principals.
Record HEAD COUNTS, not FTEs (full-time equivalent).
__, __ __ __ Principals
15. Does this district have an agreement with a principals’ association or union for the purpose of meetand-confer discussions or collective bargaining?
("Meet-and-confer" discussions are for the purpose of reaching non-legally-binding agreements. Collective
bargaining agreements are legally-binding agreements.)
Mark (X) only one box.
__ Yes, meet-and-confer
__ Yes, collective bargaining
__ Yes, other type of agreement
__ No agreement
16. How many days is the normal contract year for a principal in this district?
Include professional development, student contact days, and other days covered in a typical principal’s
__ __ __ Days per contract year
17. Is there a tenure system for principals in this district?
__ Yes
__ No
18a. Does this district have a district-wide library media center coordinator?
__ Yes
__ NoGO TO item 19 on page 10.
b. Is this a full-time position?
__ Yes
__ No


19. For this school year, how many teachers were newly hired by this district for grades K-12 and
comparable ungraded levels?
(Newly hired teachers are teachers not employed in this district last school year as teachers.)
Record HEAD COUNTS, not FTEs (full-time equivalent).
If none, please mark (X) the box.
__ None or __, __ __ __ Teachers
20. Does this district currently use the following to recruit teachers?
a. Signing bonuses
__ Yes
__ No
b. Forgiveness of student loan(s) funded by the district
__ Yes
__ No
c. Relocation assistance
__ Yes
__ No
d. Finder’s fee to existing staff for new teacher referrals
__ Yes
__ No

21. Does this district currently use any incentives to recruit principals?
__ Yes
__ No


22. For this school year, how many principals were newly hired by this district for grades K-12 and
comparable ungraded levels?
(Newly hired principals are principals new to this district this school year.)
DO NOT include assistant and vice principals.
DO include newly promoted principals in this district.
Record HEAD COUNTS, not FTEs (full-time equivalent).
If none, please mark (X) the box.
__ None or __, __ __ __ Principals
23. Does this district have a training or development program for aspiring school administrators?
__ Yes
__ No
24. LAST SCHOOL YEAR (2010-11), how many teachers of the following types were DISMISSED or
did not have their contracts renewed?
Record HEAD COUNTS, not FTEs (full-time equivalent).
If none, please mark (X) the box.
If this district does not have a tenure system, please distinguish teachers based on the definitions provided.
Please include only classroom teachers, which means any staff member who currently teaches any regularly
scheduled classes in any of grades K-12. Please do NOT include short-term substitute teachers, aides, or
librarians who only teach library skills or how to use the library.
a. Total teachers who were DISMISSED or did not have their contracts renewed:
Include both tenured and non-tenured teachers.
__ __ __ Teachers
__ None  GO TO section III on page 13.
b. Total teachers who were dismissed or did not have their contracts renewed as a result of POOR
PERFOMANCE (e.g., failed to perform professional duties and responsibilities, did not meet performance
Include both tenured and non-tenured teachers.
__ __ __ Teachers
__ None  GO TO item 25 on page 12.
c. Of those teachers who were dismissed or did not have their contracts renewed as a result of POOR
PERFORMANCE, how many were non-tenured teachers?
Non-tenured teachers are often relatively inexperienced or novices. This includes teachers in their initial
induction year, teachers who are on year-to-year contracts, and those teachers who have not entered a more
permanent status, traditionally referred to as tenure.
__ None or __ __ __ Teachers
d. Of those teachers who were dismissed or did not have their contracts renewed as a result of POOR
PERFORMANCE, how many were tenured teachers?
Tenured teachers have satisfactorily completed a probationary period and were given a contract as a career
or permanent employee.
__ None or __ __ __ Teachers


25. From the list below, select the first, second, and third most common reasons that teachers were
dismissed or did not have their contracts renewed LAST SCHOOL YEAR (2010-11).
1 – Layoffs due to school closings or school mergers
2 – Layoffs due to reduced enrollment
3 – Layoffs due to a reduction in force, unrelated to reduced enrollment or school closings (e.g., budget cuts)
4 – Failure to meet Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) requirements
(Generally, to be Highly Qualified, teachers must 1) have a bachelor’s degree; 2) hold full state
certification or licensure, including an "alternative certification"; and 3) demonstrate competency in
the subject area(s) they teach. The HQT requirement is a provision under No Child Left Behind
5 – Poor performance of teachers
6 – Other → Please specify _________________
Enter the appropriate code (1-6) for items 25a, b, and c below.
a. From the reasons listed above, what was the most common reason that teachers were dismissed
or did not have their contracts renewed last school year?
__ Most common reason
b. From the reasons listed above, what was the SECOND most common reason that teachers were
dismissed or did not have their contracts renewed last school year?
__ SECOND most common reason  GO TO item 25c below.
__ No second most common reason  GO TO section III on page 13.
c. From the reasons listed above, what was the THIRD most common reason that teachers were
dismissed or did not have their contracts renewed last school year?
__ THIRD most common reason
__ No third most common reason

_____(Write In)_____


26. Is there a salary schedule for PRINCIPALS in this district?
__ Yes
__ No
27a. Thinking about the principals working in this district this school year, what is the actual base
salary of the lowest paid full-time principal?
Please report salaries in whole dollars.
$__ __ __, __ __ __.00 per year
b. Thinking about the principals working in this district this school year, what is the actual base salary
of the highest paid full-time principal?
Please report salaries in whole dollars.
$__ __ __, __ __ __.00 per year
28. Is there a salary schedule for TEACHERS in this district?
__ YesGO TO item 30 below.
__ No
29. What would be the normal yearly base salary for a teacher with a bachelor’s degree and no teaching
experience in this district?
Please report salaries in whole dollars.
$__ __ __, __ __ __.00 per yearGO TO item 31a on page 14.
30. According to the salary schedule, what is the normal yearly base salary for –
Please respond to each of the options.
If this district’s salary schedule does not include the specific degree and experience combination, report the
salary that a person with this degree and experience would earn.
Please do not include one-time bonuses.
Report in whole dollars.
a. A teacher with a bachelor’s degree and no teaching experience?
$__ __ __, __ __ __.00 per year
b. A teacher with a bachelor’s degree and 10 years of teaching experience?
$__ __ __, __ __ __.00 per year
c. A teacher with a master’s degree and no teaching experience?
$__ __ __, __ __ __.00 per year
d. A teacher with a master’s degree and 10 years of teaching experience?
$__ __ __, __ __ __.00 per year
e. A teacher with a master’s degree and 15 years of teaching experience?
$__ __ __, __ __ __.00 per year


30. Continued – According to the salary schedule, what is the normal yearly base salary for –
f. A teacher at the highest possible step on the salary schedule?
$__ __ __, __ __ __.00 per year
31a. Thinking about the teachers in this district this school year, what is the base salary of the lowest
paid full-time teacher?
Please report salaries in whole dollars.
$__ __ __, __ __ __.00 per year
b. Thinking about the teachers in this district this school year, what is the base salary of the highest
paid full-time teacher?
Please report salaries in whole dollars.
$__ __ __, __ __ __.00 per year
32. Does this district offer the following to any teachers?
a. General medical insurance
__ Yes
__ No
b. Dental insurance
__ Yes
__ No
c. Group life insurance
__ Yes
__ No
d. Defined-benefit retirement plan
(A defined-benefit retirement plan is a plan in which benefits are invested in a group trust fund which
employees do not control. Benefits are based on a formula that takes into account employee’s length of
employment and earnings. Most state retirement plans are defined-benefit.)
__ Yes
__ No
e. Defined-contribution retirement plan
(A defined-contribution retirement plan is a plan where contributions are paid into an individually controlled
retirement account. Funds available at retirement depend upon the nature of the investment and its returns.
403b plans are defined-contribution.)
__ Yes
(1) Does the employer pay any funds into this plan?
Mark (X) only one box, then GO TO item 32f below.
__ Yes, but only as a match to employee contribution
__ Yes, but no employee contribution required
__ No
__ No
f. Tuition reimbursement
__ Yes
__ No

32. Continued – Does this district offer the following to any teachers?
g. Housing, housing subsidies, or rent assistance
__ Yes
__ No
h. Subsidized meals
__ Yes
__ No
i. Subsidized transportation
__ Yes
__ No
33. Is training available to prepare staff members in this district, at no cost to them, to teach in fields
with current or anticipated shortages?
__ Yes
__ No
34. Does this district currently use any pay incentives such as cash bonuses, salary increases, or
different steps on the salary schedule to –
a. Reward teachers who have attained National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
__ Yes
__ No
b. Reward excellence in teaching?
__ Yes
__ No
c. Recruit or retain teachers to teach in a less desirable location?
__ Yes
__ No
d. Recruit or retain teachers to teach in fields of shortage?
__ Yes
__ No


35. Does this district have a public school "choice" program in which students can choose to enroll in
either their assigned school or another school WITHIN THE DISTRICT?
__ Yes
__ No
36. Does this district have a public school "choice" program in which students from this district, at no
tuition cost to themselves or their families, can enroll in a school IN ANOTHER DISTRICT?
__ Yes
__ No
37. Does this district have a school "choice" program in which students from this district can choose to
enroll in a PRIVATE SCHOOL using state or district funds?
__ Yes
__ No
38a. Does this district have a public school "choice" program in which STUDENTS FROM OTHER
DISTRICTS, at no tuition cost to themselves or their families, can enroll in a school within this district?
__ Yes
__ NoGO TO item 39 below.
b. How many students from outside this district are enrolled in schools in this district as a result of this
If none, please mark (X) the box.
__ None or __ __, __ __ __ Students
39. In the past year, did this district adjust any school attendance boundaries?
__ Yes
__ No
40. Does this district have a magnet program?
(A magnet program is a program in which some or all schools offer enhancements such as special curricular
themes or methods of instruction intended to attract students from outside their normal attendance area.)
__ Yes
__ No
41. Is this district required to monitor the progress of homeschooled students?
__ Yes
__ No
42. THIS SCHOOL YEAR (2011-12), are there any homeschooled students in this district?
__ Yes
__ No
_____(Write In)_____


43. Does this district grant high school diplomas?
Do not include vocational certificates, certificates of attendance, or certificates of completion.
__ Yes
__ NoGO TO Section VI on page 18.
44. For high school graduates of the class of 2012, how many years of instruction are required in each of
the following areas for a standard diploma?
Record the number to the nearest TENTH, e.g., 3.0, 2.5, etc.
If none, please mark (X) the box.
a. English or language arts
__ None or __.__ Years
b. Mathematics
__ None or __.__ Years
c. Computer science
__ None or __.__ Years
d. Social sciences, social studies (e.g., history, geography, economics)
__ None or __.__ Years
e. Science
__ None or __.__ Years
f. Foreign languages
__ None or __.__ Years
45. For high school graduates of the class of 2012, does this district have a community service
requirement for a standard diploma?
__ Yes
__ NoGO TO item 47 below.
46. What is the minimum number of community service hours required of the high school graduates in
the class of 2012?
__ __ __ Hours
47. Are students in the graduating class of 2012 required to pass a state or district assessment to earn a
standard diploma from high school?
__ Yes
__ No
_____(Write In)_____


48. LAST SCHOOL YEAR (2010-11), were any migrant students enrolled in this district?
(Migrant students are students who move from school to school because they are children of migrant
agricultural workers, including migratory dairy workers and migratory fishers.)
__ Yes
__ No GO TO item 51 below.
49. What was the total cumulative enrollment of migrant students during the LAST SCHOOL YEAR
Count each individual student only once.
__ __, __ __ __ Migrant students
50. LAST SCHOOL YEAR (2010-11), did any migrant students in this district receive services funded
by the Title I Part C Migrant Education Program (MEP)?
__ Yes
__ No
51. During the 2011 SUMMER SESSION, were any migrant students enrolled in this district?
__ Yes
__ No GO TO Section VII on page 20.
52. During the 2011 SUMMER SESSION, what was the total cumulative enrollment of migrant
Count each individual student only once.
The count for item 52 may include students who were also enrolled in this district during last school year
(2010-11) and were counted in item 49.
__ __, __ __ __ Migrant students
53. During the 2011 SUMMER SESSION, did any migrant students in this district receive services
funded by the Title I Part C Migrant Education Program (MEP)?
__ Yes
__ No
_____(Write In)_____


54. At the end of the LAST SCHOOL YEAR (2010-11), did this DISTRICT make Adequate Yearly
Progress (AYP)?
(Adequate Yearly Progress is the state’s measure of yearly progress toward achieving state academic
__ YesGO TO item 56 below.
__ No
55. At the end of the LAST SCHOOL YEAR (2010-11), was this DISTRICT identified for improvement
due to Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) requirements?
(For most states, a district is identified for improvement if it fails to make Adequate Yearly Progress for two
consecutive years or more in the same content area.)
__ Yes
__ No
56. Please record the date this questionnaire was completed.
Report month as a number, that is, 01 for January, 02 for February, etc.
__ __
__ __

_____(Write In)_____


Please place your completed
questionnaire in the enclosed pre-addressed,
postage-paid envelope and return it to
the U.S. Census Bureau as soon as possible.
Thank you very much for your participation
in this survey. If you have any questions,
please contact us, toll-free, at: 1-800-221-1204
or by e-mail at: [email protected].
To learn more about this survey and to
access reports from earlier collections, see
the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) website at:
Additional data collected by the National
Center for Education Statistics (NCES) on
a variety of topics in elementary,
secondary, postsecondary, and
international education are available
from NCES’ website at:
For additional data collected by various
Federal agencies, including the
Department of Education, visit the
Federal Statistics clearinghouse at:


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorInformation Technology Group
File Modified2011-02-25
File Created2011-02-25

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