12 Nutrition Services State Questionnaire

School Health Policies and Practices Study 2012

Appendix G-4 Nutrition Services_State

State Recruitment and Data Collection

OMB: 0920-0445

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Nutrition Services
State Questionnaire

5 January 2011

Frame1 §

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Nutrition Services
State Questionnaire


State Assistance to Districts and Schools 1–3

Certifications and Professional Development 4–6

Collaboration 7–8

Evaluation 9

State Food Service Director 10–23


For the purposes of this questionnaire, “elementary school” refers to a school that contains any of grades K–5. “Middle school” refers to a school that contains any of grades 6–8. Some jurisdictions may refer to these schools as “junior high schools.” “High school” refers to a school that contains any of grades 10–12. Some jurisdictions may refer to these schools as “senior high schools.”

The first questions ask about state assistance to districts and schools.

  1. During the past 2 years, did your state develop, revise, or assist in developing model policies, policy guidance, or other materials to inform district or school policy on each of the following topics?

Yes No

  1. Improving the nutritional quality of school meals 1 2

  2. Improving the nutritional quality of foods and beverages
    provided outside of the school meal programs
    (e.g., vending machines, classroom snacks, a la carte) 1 2

  3. Establishing nutrition standards for foods and beverages
    provided outside of the school meal programs 1 2

  4. Limiting student access to unhealthy foods
    and beverages at school 1 2

  5. Discouraging the sale of unhealthy foods or beverages
    for school fund-raising campaigns 1 2

  6. Discouraging the use of food or food coupons
    as a reward or punishment 1 2

  7. Actively promoting fruits and vegetables, whole grain
    foods, and low-fat or nonfat dairy products to students 1 2

  8. Prohibiting advertising and promotion (e.g. signs, contents,
    and coupons) of less nutritious foods and beverages
    on school property 1 2

  9. Establishing minimum time periods for students
    to eat breakfast or lunch 1 2

  10. Developing and implementing local wellness policies 1 2

  11. Pricing strategies to encourage the purchase of healthier
    foods and beverages 1 2

  12. Promoting locally or regionally grown produce 1 2

  13. Sourcing foods locally or regionally 1 2

  14. Feeding students with severe food allergies 1 2

  15. Feeding students who rely on the school meal programs
    in the event of an unplanned school dismissal
    or school closure 1 2

  16. Food safety 1 2

  1. During the past 2 years, did your state distribute to district or school staff model policies, policy guidance, or other materials to inform district or school policy on each of the following topics?

Yes No

  1. Improving the nutritional quality of school meals 1 2

  2. Improving the nutritional quality of foods and beverages
    provided outside of the school meal programs
    (e.g., vending machines, classroom snacks, a la carte) 1 2

  3. Establishing nutrition standards for foods and beverages
    provided outside of the school meal programs 1 2

  4. Limiting student access to unhealthy foods
    and beverages at school 1 2

  5. Discouraging the sale of unhealthy foods or beverages
    for school fund-raising campaigns 1 2

  6. Discouraging the use of food or food coupons
    as a reward or punishment 1 2

  7. Actively promoting fruits and vegetables, whole grain
    foods, and low-fat or nonfat dairy products to students 1 2

  8. Prohibiting advertising and promotion (e.g. signs,
    contents, and coupons) of less nutritious foods
    and beverages on school property 1 2

  9. Establishing minimum time periods for students
    to eat breakfast or lunch 1 2

  10. Developing and implementing local wellness policies 1 2

  11. Pricing strategies to encourage the purchase of healthier
    foods and beverages 1 2

  12. Promoting locally or regionally grown produce 1 2

  13. Sourcing foods locally or regionally 1 2

  14. Feeding students with severe food allergies 1 2

  15. Feeding students who rely on the school meal programs
    in the event of an unplanned school dismissal
    or school closure 1 2

  16. Food safety 1 2

The next questions ask about technical assistance your state may have provided to district or school staff. Technical assistance refers to tailored guidance to meet the specific needs of the district or school that may be provided through phone, e-mail, Internet, or in-person meetings.

  1. During the past 12 months, has your state provided technical assistance to district or school staff on…

Yes No

  1. Improving the nutritional quality of school meals? 1 2

  2. Improving the nutritional quality of foods and beverages
    provided outside of the school meal programs?

(e.g., vending machines, classroom snacks, a la carte) 1 2

  1. Establishing nutrition standards for foods and beverages
    provided outside of the school meal programs? 1 2

  2. Limiting student access to unhealthy foods
    and beverages at school? 1 2

  3. Discouraging the sale of unhealthy foods or beverages
    for school fund-raising campaigns? 1 2

  4. Discouraging the use of food or food coupons
    as a reward or punishment? 1 2

  5. Actively promoting fruits and vegetables, whole grain
    foods, and low-fat or nonfat dairy products to students? 1 2

  6. Prohibiting advertising and promotion of less nutritious
    foods and beverages on school property? 1 2

  7. Establishing minimum time periods for students
    to eat breakfast or lunch? 1 2

  8. Developing and implementing local wellness policies? 1 2

  9. Pricing strategies to encourage the purchase of healthier
    foods and beverages? 1 2

  10. Promoting locally or regionally grown produce? 1 2

  11. Sourcing foods locally or regionally? 1 2

  12. Developing plans for feeding students with severe
    food allergies? 1 2

  13. Developing plans for feeding students who rely
    on the school meal programs in the event of an unplanned
    school dismissal or school closure? 1 2

(Q3 continued)

Yes No

  1. Developing food safety plans? 1 2

  2. Developing school gardens? 1 2

  3. Promoting access to and participation in school meals
    for all students? 1 2

  4. Marketing healthy foods and beverages provided outside
    of the school meal programs? 1 2

  5. Marketing healthy school meals? 1 2

  6. Using data to plan or evaluate nutrition-related
    policies or practices? 1 2

  7. Involving school nutrition services staff in classrooms
    to teach students about nutrition or healthy eating? 1 2

  8. Using the cafeteria as a place where students might
    learn about food safety, food preparation,
    or other nutrition-related topics? 1 2

  9. Implementing nutrition-related special events to teach
    students about nutrition or healthy eating? 1 2

The next questions ask about certification and professional development for nutrition services staff.

  1. Does your state offer certification, licensure, or endorsement to district food service directors (school food authority directors)?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your state offer certification, licensure, or endorsement to school food service managers?

Yes 1

No 2

The next questions ask about professional development, which might include workshops, conferences, continuing education, graduate courses, or any other kind of in-service.

  1. During the past two years, has your state provided funding for or offered professional development to nutrition services staff on…

Yes No

  1. Menu planning for healthy meals? 1 2

  2. Cultural diversity in meal planning? 1 2

  3. Implementing the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
    in school meals? 1 2

  4. Using the cafeteria for nutrition education? 1 2

  5. Nutrition services for students with special dietary needs? 1 2

  6. Selecting and ordering food? 1 2

  7. Healthy food preparation methods? 1 2

  8. Increasing the percentage of students participating
    in school meals? 1 2

  9. Making school meals more appealing? 1 2

  10. Customer service? 1 2

  11. Competitive food policies to create a healthy
    food environment? 1 2

(Q6 continued)

Yes No

  1. Financial management? 1 2

  2. Personnel management? 1 2

  3. Facility design and layout, including equipment selection? 1 2

  4. Food safety? 1 2

  5. Procedures for handling severe food allergy reactions? 1 2

  6. Food preparation methods for students
    with food allergies? 1 2

  7. Using Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
    Points (HACCP)? 1 2

  8. Procedures for responding to food recalls? 1 2

  9. Personal safety for nutrition services staff? 1 2

  10. Implementing local wellness policies? 1 2

  11. Promoting locally or regionally grown produce? 1 2

  12. Sourcing foods locally or regionally? 1 2

  13. Using produce from school gardens? 1 2

  14. Skills to prepare fresh fruits and vegetables? 1 2

The next questions ask about collaboration among child nutrition or nutrition services staff and other staff in your state.

  1. During the past 12 months, have state-level child nutrition or nutrition services staff worked on school nutrition activities with state-level…

State does
not have staff
Yes No in this area

  1. Health education staff? 1 2 3

  2. Physical education staff? 1 2 3

  3. Health services staff? 1 2 3

  4. Mental health or social services staff? 1 2 3

  1. During the past 12 months, have state nutrition services staff worked on school nutrition services activities with staff or members from…

Yes No State does not have this agency or organization

  1. Action for Healthy Kids?......................................1 2 3

  2. The state department of agriculture?.....................1 2 3

  3. The state-level School Nutrition Association?......1 2 3

  4. A state-level health organization, such as the

American Heart Association or the American

Cancer Society?.....................................................1 2 3

  1. A food commodity organization, such as
    the Dairy Council or state produce growers

Association?...........................................................1 2 3

  1. A non-governmental organization promoting
    farm-to-school programs, such as the National
    Farm-to-School Network?......................................1 2 3

  2. A state-level school nurses’ association

or organization?......................................................1 2 3

  1. A state-level physicians’ organization, such as
    the American Academy of Pediatrics?...................1 2 3

(Q8 Continued)

  1. A state-level school health committee,

council, or team?..................................................... 1 2 3

  1. Colleges or universities?........................................1 2 3

  2. A state cooperative extension office?....................1 2 3

  3. Businesses?............................................................1 2

The next questions ask about different aspects of the school nutrition services program that the state might have evaluated during the past two years.

  1. During the past two years, has the state evaluated…

Yes No

  1. The number of students participating
    in the nutrition services program? 1 2

  2. The amount of plate waste? 1 2

  3. Professional development or in-service programs
    for nutrition services staff? 1 2

  4. Food safety procedures? 1 2

  5. Local wellness policies? 1 2

  1. Currently, does someone in your state oversee or coordinate school nutrition services, for example a state food service director or director of child nutrition?

Yes 1

No 2 That is the last question.
Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

  1. Are you this person?

Yes 1

No 2 That is the last question.
Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

The last questions ask about your educational background.

  1. Do you have an undergraduate degree?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q18

  1. What did you major in?

Business 1

Education 2

Food service administration
or management 3

Home economics or family
and consumer sciences 4

Nutrition or dietetics 5

Other (Specify) 6

  1. Did you have an undergraduate minor?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q16

  1. What did you minor in?

Business 1

Education 2

Food service administration
or management 3

Home economics or family
and consumer sciences 4

Nutrition or dietetics 5

Other (Specify) 6

  1. Do you have a graduate degree?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q18

  1. In what area or areas?

Business 1

Education 2

Food service administration
or management 3

Home economics or family
and consumer sciences 4

Nutrition or dietetics 5

Other (Specify) 6

  1. Do you have a School Nutrition Specialist credential from the School Nutrition Association?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Do you have a School Nutrition Association certification? (Certifications could include Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Trainer.)

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Do you have a Registered Dietitian, or RD, credential from the American Dietetic Association?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Are you a certified dietary manager?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Are you a certified food safety manager?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Do you have any other food service certifications from a state agency or state-level professional group?

Yes (Specify) 1

No 2

Thank you very much for taking the time to participate in this study.

If you would like more information about this study or would like clarification of any questions in this questionnaire, please call 800-287-1815.

Nutrition Services State Questionnaire—Public Use Version

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File TitleForm Approved
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File Modified2011-03-09
File Created2011-03-03

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