Annual Mandatory Collection for Elementary and Secondary Education for EDFacts

Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary Education Data for EDFacts

Attachment B-7 SFSF Indicators Updated

Annual Mandatory Collection for Elementary and Secondary Education for EDFacts

OMB: 1875-0240

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Paperwork Reduction Act Submission Supporting Statement

Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary

Education Data through EDFacts

August 2010

Updated May 2011 per Attachment H

Attachment B-7

EDFacts Data Set

State Fiscal Stabilization Fund


This attachment explains how the data will be added to EDFacts data set to enable easier collection from SEAs for a subset of the 37 metrics (34 indicators and 3 descriptors) that are part of the Phase 2 Application for the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF). Some of the data used in the metrics comes from the data already collected through ESS (data groups in Attachment B-3). Some of the data will need to be added to ESS. Some of the data will not be collected by ED beyond the application.

Appendix A, at the end of this document, lists changes to this document after the 30 day public comment period. Appendix B, at the end of this document, lists changes to this document per Attachment H – Technical Amendments.

For readability, the tables that describe data groups, categories, and calculations are not divided between pages. This results in some pages having significant blank space.


The Phase II Application for SFSF includes 34 indicators which are listed in the table below. (The table does not include the three descriptors.)

List of Metrics for the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund

Achieving Equity in Teacher Distribution (education reform area (a))


The number and percentage of core academic courses taught, in the highest-poverty and lowest-poverty schools, by teachers who are highly qualified consistent with section 9101(23) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (ESEA)


Whether the state’s Teacher Equity Plan (as part of the State’s Highly Qualified Teacher Plan) fully reflects the steps the state is currently taking to ensure that students from low-income families and minority students are not taught at higher rates than other students by inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers (as required in section 1111 (b)(8)(C) of the ESEA)


Whether the systems used to evaluate performance of teachers include student achievement outcomes or student growth data as an evaluation criterion


If the district’s teachers receive performance ratings or levels through an evaluation system, the number and percentage of teachers rated at each performance rating or level


If the district’s teachers receive performance ratings or levels through an evaluation system, whether the number and percentages of teachers rated at each performance rating or level are publicly reported for each school in the LEA


Whether the systems used to evaluate the performance of principals include student achievement outcomes or student growth data as an evaluation criterion


If the district’s principals receive performance ratings or levels through an evaluation system, the number and percentage of principals rated at each performance rating or level

Improving Collection and Use of Data (education reform area (b))


Which of the 12 elements described in section 6401(e)(2)(D) of the America COMPETES Act (20 U.S.C. 9871) are included in the state’s statewide longitudinal data system


Whether the state provides student growth data on their current students and the students they taught in the previous year to, at a minimum, teachers of reading/language arts and mathematics in grades in which the state administers assessments in those subjects in a manner that is timely and informs instructional programs


Whether the state provides teachers of reading/language arts and mathematics in grades in which the state administers assessments in those subjects with reports of individual teacher impact on student achievement on those assessments.

Standards and Assessments (education reform area (c))


The approval status, as determined by the Department, of the state’s assessment system under section 1111(b)(3) of the ESEA with respect to reading/language arts, mathematics and science assessments


Whether the state has developed and implemented valid and reliable alternate assessments for students with disabilities that are approved by the Department


Whether the state’s alternate assessments for students with disabilities, if approved by the Department, are based on grade-level, modified, or alternate academic achievement standards


Whether the state has completed, within the last two years, an analysis of the appropriateness and effectiveness of the accommodations it provides students with disabilities to ensure their meaningful participation in state’s assessments


The number and percentage of students with disabilities who are included in state reading/language arts and mathematics assessments


Whether the state has completed, within the last two years, an analysis of the appropriateness and effectiveness of the accommodations it provides limited English proficient students to ensure their meaningful participation in state assessments


Whether the state provides native language versions of state assessments for limited English proficient students that are approved by the Department


The number and percentage of limited English proficient students who are included in state reading/language arts and mathematics assessments


Whether the state’s Annual State Report Card (under section 1111(h)(1) of the ESEA) contains the most recent available state reading and mathematics National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) results required by 34 CFR 200.11 (c)


The number and percentage of students who graduate from high school using a four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate as required by 34 CFR 200.19(b)(1)(i)


Of the students who graduate from high school consistent with 34 CFR 200.19(b)(1)(i), the number and percentage who enroll in an institution of higher education (IHE) (as defined in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA)) within 16 months of receiving a regular high school diploma


Of the students who graduate from high school consistent with 34 CFR 200.19(b)(1)(i) who enroll in a public IHE (as defined in section 101(a) of the HEA) in the state within 16 months of receiving a regular high school diploma, the number and percentage who complete at least one year’s worth of college credit (applicable to a degree) within two years of enrollment in the IHE

Supporting Struggling Schools (education reform area (d))


The average statewide school gain in the “all students” category and the average statewide school gain for each student subgroup (as under section 1111(b)(2)(c)(v) of the ESEA) on the state assessments in reading/language arts, and the number and percentage of Title I schools in improvement, corrective action, or restructuring that have made progress on the state assessment in reading/language arts, in the last year


The average statewide school gain in the “all students” category and the average statewide school gain for each student subgroup (as under section 1111(b)(2)(c)(v) of the ESEA) on the state assessments in mathematics, and the number and percentage of Title I schools in improvement, corrective action, or restructuring that have made progress on the state assessment in reading/language arts, in the last year


The number and identity of the schools that are Title I schools in improvement, corrective action or restructuring that are identified as persistently lowest-achieving schools


Of the persistently lowest-achieving schools that are Title I schools in improvement, corrective action or restructuring, the number and identity of those schools that have been turned around, restarted, closed, or transformed in the last year


The number and identity of the schools that are secondary schools that are eligible for, but do not receive, Title I funds that are identified as persistently lowest-achieving schools


Of the persistently lowest-achieving schools that are secondary schools that are eligible for, but do not receive, Title I funds, the number and identity of those schools that have been turned around, restarted, closed or transformed in the last year


The number of charter schools that are currently permitted to operate under state law


The number of charter schools currently operating


The number and percentage of charter schools that have made progress on state assessments in reading/language arts in the last year


The number and percentage of charter schools that have made progress on state assessments in mathematics in the last year


The number and identity of charter schools that have closed (including schools that were not reauthorized to operate) within each of the last five years


For each charter school that has closed (including a school that was not reauthorized to operate) within each of the last five years, whether the closure of the school was for financial, enrollment, academic, or other reasons

New Data Groups

The table below lists the new data groups that will be collected. These data groups will be collected using an EDFacts collection tool.

Data Group Name


Used for indicator

Teacher evaluations table1



Teacher performance level names table



Principal evaluations table2



Principal performance level names table



HS graduates postsecondary enrollment table



HS graduates postsecondary credit earned table



Persistently lowest-achieving schools


(d)(3), (d)(4), (d)(5) and (d)(6)

Charter school closure reason



In addition to the above data groups, metadata on the number of allowed charter schools would be collected for indicator (d)(7).

As described in the final requirements for the SFSF, if a state is currently able to fully collect and publicly report the required data or other information at least annually, the state must provide the most recent data or information with its plan. If a state is not currently able to fully collect or publically report the data or other information at least annually, the plan must describe the state’s process and timeline for developing and implementing the means to do so, as soon as possible, but no later than September 30, 2011. The state plan must describe the state’s collection and public reporting abilities with respect to each individual indicator or descriptor.

Data Collection By Indicator

The sections below provide an explanation of how the data in the EDFacts data set will be used in calculations for the SFSF indicators and what data groups are being proposed to be added to the EDFacts data set to obtain data for the indicators.

Achieving Equity in teacher distribution

The following indicators would either utilize existing EDFacts data groups or require the addition of data groups to the EDFacts data set, as detailed in this section:

  • Indicator (a)(1) regarding courses taught by teachers who are highly qualified

  • Indicator (a)(4) regarding performance ratings for teachers

  • Indicator (a)(7) regarding performance ratings for principals

Indicator (a)(1)

The number and percentage of core academic courses taught, in the highest-poverty and lowest-poverty schools, by teachers who are highly qualified consistent with section 9101(23) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended

This indicator will be obtained from the following data groups listed in Attachment B-3.

Data group name



Listed under topic

State poverty designation



Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA

Teacher quality in core secondary classes table



Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA

Teacher quality in elementary classes table



Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA

The percentage indicator will be calculated using the same method that is used for section 1.5 of the school year 2008-09 Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) as follows:

First, schools in the highest and lowest poverty quartiles are determined using DG699.


# of classes in schools in the highest (or lowest) poverty quartile taught by highly qualified teachers.

DG381 or DG383

Category set A where qualification status is “highly qualified.”


# of classes in schools in the highest (or lowest) poverty quartile

DG381 or DG383

Grand total

Indicator (a)(4)

If the district’s teachers receive performance ratings or levels through an evaluation system, the number and percentage of teachers rated at each performance rating or level

This indicator requires the addition of two new data groups.

Group Name: Teacher evaluations table

ID: 737




The number of teachers.

Permitted Values

  • Integer

Reporting Period

School Year

Reporting Levels




Grand Total (Education Unit Total)


File Specification #

N/X 166



Category Set A

  • Faculty/Admin Performance Level


Group Name: Teacher performance level names table

ID: 747




The name of the levels used in district evaluation systems for assigning teacher performance ratings

Permitted Values

  • Short text

Reporting Period

School year

Reporting Levels




Grand Total (Education Unit Total)


File Specification #

N/X 166



Category Set A

  • Faculty/Admin Performance Level


The data groups above require the addition of the following category.

Category Name: Faculty/Admin Performance Level

Steward: OESE


Not all levels need to be used. Data should only be reported for levels used within the state or local education agency. Metadata on levels will be collected.


The levels used in district evaluation systems for assigning teacher or principal performance ratings

Permitted Values

  • Not Rated

  • Level 1 (Lowest)

  • Level 2

  • Level 3

  • Level 4

  • Level 5

  • Level 6 (Highest)

The percentage indicator will be calculated as follows:


# of teachers at level 1 (level 2, level 3, etc.)


Category set A where faculty/admin performance level is “level 1” (“level 2,” “level 3,” etc.)


# of teachers


Grand total

Indicator (a)(7)

If the district’s principals receive performance ratings or levels through an evaluation system, the number and percentage of teachers rated at each performance rating or level

This indicator requires the collection of two new data groups.

Group Name: Principal evaluations table

ID: 738




The number of principals.

Permitted Values

  • Integer

Reporting Period

School Year

Reporting Levels




Grand Total (Education Unit Total)


File Specification #

N/X 166



Category Set A

  • Faculty/Admin Performance Level


Group Name: Principal performance level names table

ID: 748




The name of the levels used in district evaluation systems for assigning principal performance ratings

Permitted Values

  • Short text

Reporting Period

School Year

Reporting Levels




Grand Total (Education Unit Total)


File Specification #

N/X 166



Category Set A

  • Faculty/Admin Performance Level


The data groups above require the same new category described under indicator (a)(4).

The percentage indicator would be calculated as follows:


# of principals at level 1 (level 2, level 3, etc.)


Category set A where faculty/admin performance level is “level 1” (“level 2,” “level 3,” etc.)


# of principals


Grand total

Standards and assessments

The following indicators in this section will require the addition of data groups to the EDFacts data set:

  • Indicator (c)(11) regarding enrollment in postsecondary

  • Indicator (c)(12) regarding completion of one year’s worth of college credit

Indicator (c)(11)

Of the students who graduate from high school consistent with 34 CFR 200.19(b)(1)(i), the number and percentage who enroll in an IHE (as defined in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA)) within 16 months of receiving a regular high school diploma

This indicator requires the addition of a data group.

Group Name: HS graduates postsecondary enrollment table

ID: 739




The number of graduates from two school years prior to the current school year.

Permitted Values

  • Integer

Reporting Period

School year

Reporting Levels




Grand Total (Education Unit Total)


Only students graduating from high school consistent with 34 CFR 200.19(b)(1)(i) in the graduating class two years prior to the reporting period should be included in this count.

File Specification #

N/X 160



Category Set A

  • Postsecondary Enrollment Action


The data group above requires the addition of the following category.

Category Name: Postsecondary Enrollment Action

Steward: OESE


Institution of higher education (IHE) is defined in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA)


The action taken with respect to postsecondary enrollment by students who graduated from the school, LEA or state.

Permitted Values

  • No information on postsecondary actions

  • Enrolled in an IHE after receiving a regular high school diploma

  • Did not enroll in an IHE after receiving a regular high school diploma

The percentage indicator would be calculated as follows:


# of students who enrolled in an IHE within 16 months of receiving a regular high school diploma


Category set A where postsecondary enrollment action is “enrolled in an IHE within 16 months of receiving a regular high school diploma.”


# of students who graduated


Grand total

Indicator (c)(12)

Of the students who graduate from high school consistent with 34 CFR 200.19(b)(1)(i) who enroll in a public IHE (as defined in section 101(a) of the HEA) in the state within 16 months of receiving a regular high school diploma, the number and percentage who complete at least one year’s worth of college credit (applicable to a degree) within two years of enrolment in the IHE

This indicator requires the addition of a new data group.

Group Name: HS graduates postsecondary credit earned table

ID: 740




The number of graduates from 4 school years ago who enrolled in an IHE within 16 months of receiving their high school diploma

Permitted Values

  • Integer

Reporting Period

School Year

Reporting Levels




Grand Total (Education Unit Total)


Only students graduating from high school consistent with 34 CFR 200.19(b)(1)(i) in the graduating class four years prior to the reporting period, and enrolling in an institution of higher education (IHE) as defined in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), should be included in this count.

File Specification #

N/X 161



Category Set A

  • Postsecondary Credit


The data group above requires the addition of the following category.

Category Name: Postsecondary Credit

Steward: OESE


Institution of higher education (IHE) is defined in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA)


Postsecondary credits earned after enrolling in an IHE.

Permitted Values

  • No information on credits earned since enrolling

  • Completed at least one year’s worth of credit (applicable to a degree) after enrolling in the IHE

  • Did not complete at least one year’s worth of credit (applicable to a degree) after enrolling in the IHE

The percentage indicator would be calculated as follows:


# of students who complete at least one year’s worth of college credit (applicable to a degree) within two years of enrollment


Category set A where postsecondary credit action is “completed at least one year’s worth of credit (applicable to a degree) within two years of enrollment in the IHE “


# of students who graduated from high school 4 years ago who enrolled in an IHE within 16 months of receiving their high school diploma


Grand total

supporting struggling schools

The following indicators will either utilize existing EDFacts data groups or require the addition of data groups to the EDFacts data set, as detailed in this section:

  • Indicator (d)(1) regarding progress in reading/language arts

  • Indicator (d)(2) regarding progress in mathematics

  • Indicator (d)(3) regarding persistently lowest-achieving schools

  • Indicator (d)(4) regarding interventions of persistently lowest-achieving schools

  • Indicator (d)(5) regarding persistently lowest-achieving schools eligible for but not receiving Title I funds

  • Indicator (d)(6) regarding interventions of persistently lowest-achieving schools eligible for but not receiving Title I funds

  • Indicator (d)(7) regarding allowed charter schools

  • Indicator (d)(8) regarding operating charter schools

  • Indicator (d)(9) regarding progress of charter schools in reading/language arts

  • Indicator (d)(10) regarding progress of charter schools in mathematics

  • Indicator (d)(11) regarding charter schools that closed

  • Indicator (d)(12) regarding reasons for charter schools closing

Indicator (d)(1)

The average statewide school gain in the “all students” category and the average statewide school gain for each student subgroup (as under section 1111(b)(2)(c)(v) of the ESEA) on the state assessments in reading/language arts, and the number and percentage of Title I schools in improvement, corrective action, or restructuring that have made progress on state assessments in reading/language arts, in the last year

This indicator will be obtained from the following data groups listed in Attachment B-3.

Data group name



Listed under topic

Student performance in reading/ language arts table



Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA

Improvement status - school



Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA

Title I school status



Title I Program (Non-Accountability Provisions)

The average school gain will be calculated as the average of the percentage proficient or above for each grade from the current school year minus the percentage proficient or above for each grade from the previous school year.

The percentage of Title I schools in improvement, corrective action, or restructuring that have made progress on the state assessment in reading/language arts will be calculated as follows:


# of Title I schools in improvement, corrective action or restructuring that have made progress on the state assessment in reading/language arts

The number of schools where:

  • For DG22 the permitted values is yes


  • For DG34 the permitted value is “improvement year 1,” “improvement year 2,” “corrective action,” “restructuring (planning),” or “restructuring”


  • The percentage of students at proficiency or above calculated from DG584 is higher than the previous school year


# of Title I schools in improvement, corrective actions or restructuring

The number of schools where:

  • For DG22 the permitted values is yes


  • For DG34 the permitted value is “improvement year 1,” “improvement year 2,” “corrective action,” “restructuring (planning),” or “restructuring”

Indicator (d)(2)

The average statewide school gain in the “all students” category and the average statewide school gain for each student subgroup (as under section 1111(b)(2)(c)(v) of the ESEA) on state assessments in mathematics, and the number and percentage of Title I schools in improvement, corrective action, or restructuring that have made progress on state assessments in mathematics, in the last year

This indicator will be obtained from the following data groups listed in Attachment B-3.

Data group name



Listed under topic

Student performance in mathematics table



Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA

Improvement status - school



Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA

Title I school status



Title I Program (Non-Accountability Provisions)

The calculation of this indicator is the same as indicator (d)(1) except using DG583 instead of DG584.

Indicator (d)(3)

The number and identity of the schools that are Title I schools in improvement, corrective action or restructuring that are identified as persistently lowest-achieving schools

This indicator requires the addition of a data group.

Group Name: Persistently lowest-achieving school

ID: 741


Education Unit


An indication of whether or not the school has been identified by the state as persistently lowest-achieving

Permitted Values

  • Identified

  • Not identified

Reporting Period

School Year

Reporting Levels





To be identified as a persistently lowest-achieving school, a school must be in one of two categories:

  • Title I school in improvement, corrective action or restructuring (as indicated by DG34)

  • Secondary Schools (as indicated through DG18) that are eligible for but do not receive Title I funds (as indicated by DG22)

File Specification #

N/X 130


The new data group will be used in conjunction with the following data groups listed in Attachment B-3.

Data group name



Listed under topic

Improvement status - school



Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA

Title I school status



Title I Program (Non-Accountability Provisions)

The indicator is the number of schools where:

  • DG22 is “Title I Targeted Assistance School,” “Title I Schoolwide Eligible-Title I Targeted Assistance Program,” or “Title I Schoolwide School”


  • DG 741 is “identified”


  • DG24 is “improvement year 1,” improvement year 2,” corrective action,” restructuring (planning),” or “restructuring

Indicator (d)(4)

Of the persistently lowest-achieving schools that are Title I schools in improvement, corrective action or restructuring, the number and identity of those schools that have been turned around, restarted, closed, or transformed in the last year

This indicator will utilize the following data groups listed in Attachment B-3.

Data group name



Listed under topic

Improvement status - school



Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA

Title I school status



Title I Program (Non-Accountability Provisions)

In addition, the metric will use the new data group “persistently lowest-achieving school” (DG741) described under indicator (d)(3) and the new data group “SIG intervention“ (DG728) discussed in Attachment B-6.

The indicator is the number of schools where:

  • DG22 is “Title I Targeted Assistance School,” “Title I Schoolwide Eligible-Title I Targeted Assistance Program,” or “Title I Schoolwide School”


  • DG 741 is “identified”


  • DG24 is “improvement year 1,” improvement year 2,” corrective action,” restructuring (planning),” or “restructuring”


  • DG728 is “turnaround,” restarted,” “closure,” or “transformation”

Indicator (d)(5)

The number and identity of the schools that are secondary schools that are eligible for, but do not receive, Title I funds that are identified as persistently lowest-achieving schools

This indicator will utilize the following data groups.

Data group name



Listed in Attachment

Title I school status



B-3 under Title I Program (Non-Accountability Provisions)

Grades offered


X029 or N039

B-1 under Directory Records

In addition, the indicator will use the new data group “Persistently lowest achieving school” (DG741) described under indicator (d)(3).

The indicator is the number of schools where:

  • DG18 only includes grade levels 7 through 12


  • DG 741 is “identified”


  • DG22 is “Title I Targeted Assistance School – No Program,” or “Title I Schoolwide Eligible-No Program”

Indicator (d)(6)

Of the persistently lowest-achieving schools that are secondary schools that are eligible for, but do not receive, Title I funds, the number and identity of those schools that have been turned around, restarted, closed or transformed in the last year.

This indicator will utilize the following data groups:

Data group name



Listed in Attachment

Title I school status



B-3 under Title I Program (Non-Accountability Provisions)

Grades offered


X029 or N039

B-1 under Directory Records

In addition, the indicator will use the new data group “Persistently lowest-achieving school” (DG741) described under indicator (d)(3) and the new data group “SIG intervention“ (DG728) discussed in Attachment B-6

The indicator is the number of schools where:

  • DG18 only includes grade levels 7 through 12


  • DG 741 is “identified”


  • DG22 is “Title I Targeted Assistance School – No Program,” or “Title I Schoolwide Eligible-No Program”


  • DG728 is “turnaround,” restarted,” “closure,” or “transformation”

Indicator (d)(7)

The number of charter schools that are currently permitted to operate under state law

This indicator requires the collection of one new piece of metadata:

  • Name – Allowed Charter Schools

  • Definition - The number of charter schools that are currently permitted to operate under state law

Indicator (d)(8)

The number of charter schools currently operating

This indicator will utilize the following data groups listed in Attachment B-1.

Data group name



Listed under section

Charter status



Directory Records

School operational status



Directory Records

The indicator is the number of schools where:

  • DG22 is “yes”


  • DG531 is “open,” “new,” “reopened,” “changed,” or “added”

Indicator (d)(9)

The number and percentage of charter schools that have made progress on state assessments in reading/language arts in the last year

This indicator will be obtained from the following data groups.

Data group name



Listed in attachment

Student performance in reading/language arts table



B-3 under Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA

Charter status



B-1 under Directory Records

The percentage indicator will be calculated as follows:


# of charter schools that have made progress on state assessments in reading/language arts

The number of schools where:

  • For DG29 the permitted values is “yes”


  • The percentage of students at proficiency or above calculated from DG584 is higher than the previous school year


# of charter schools

The number of schools where:

  • For DG29 the permitted values is “yes”

Indicator (d)(10)

The number and percentage of charter schools that have made progress on state assessments in mathematics in the last year

This indicator will be obtained from the following data groups.

Data Group Name



Listed in Attachment

Student performance in mathematics table



B-3 under “Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA

Charter status



B-1 under “Directory Records”

The percentage indicator will be calculated as follows:


# of charter schools that have made progress on state assessments in mathematics

The number of each school where:

  • For DG29 the permitted values is “yes”


  • For percentage of students at proficiency or above calculated from DG583 is higher than the previous school year


# of charter schools

The number of each school where:

  • For DG29 the permitted value is “yes”

Indicator (d)(11)

The number and identity of charter schools that have closed (including schools that were not reauthorized to operate) within each of the last five years

This indicator will be obtained from the following data groups listed in Attachment B-1.

Data group name



Listed under section

Charter status



Directory Records

School operational status



Directory Records

This indicator will require looking across multiple years of data within EDFacts. Charter schools reported with an operating status of “Closed” at any point during the past 5 school years will be counted for this indicator.

Indicator (d)(12)

For each charter school that has closed (including a school that was not reauthorized to operate) within each of the last five years, whether the closure of the school was for financial, enrollment, academic, or other reasons

This indicator will require the addition of a data group.

Group Name: Charter school closure reason

ID: 742


Education Unit


The reason a charter school was closed (including a school that was not reauthorized to operate).

Permitted Values

  • Finance

  • Enrollment

  • Academic

  • Other

Reporting Period

Last 5 School Years

Reporting Levels





These data will be provided through ED’s EMAPS tool, which will present the state with a list of charters reported as closed within the past five years. States would use the online tool to select one of the four closure reasons.

File Specification #

N/X 168


Appendix A – Changes to Version Used in 30-day Public Comment Period

The table below lists the changes to the version used in 30-day public comment period.



Explanation for Change


New” and “Revised” notes are removed for items that were “new” or “revised” in the 30-day package.

Unless noted otherwise in the document, these changes have been incorporated into the final package.

Introduction and New data groups

Moved sentences on blank space in document from section on new data groups to introduction


New data groups, Indicators (a)(4), (a)(7), (c )(11), and (c )(12)

Added the word “table” to the names of the following data groups: DG738, DG739, DG740, DG747 and DG748.

To conform to naming conventions for data groups.

Indicator (a)(4)

Removed school level from DG748

Error. This data group is not collected at the school level.

Appendix B – Changes from the Technical Amendments in Attachment H

The table below lists the changes from the technical amendments in Attachment H. These changes are explained in detail in Attachment H.

Attachment B-7 Technical Amendments Starting SY 2010-11



Standards and Assessments

Revised the definition and permitted values of the Postsecondary Enrollment Action data category

Standards and Assessments

Revised the definition and permitted values of the Postsecondary Credit data category

Also, the file specification numbers were added to the tables describing the new data groups. The file specification numbers had not been assigned previously.

1 SEAs would also submit metadata on the meaning of the levels in the evaluation system for teachers.

2 SEAs would also submit metadata on the meaning of the levels in the evaluation system for principals.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleB-7 SFSF indicators and data groups
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-02-01

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