3 Post-conference Survey

Udated Conference Surveys

FINAL 2011 NCVS Post Conference Online Survey 5 10 11

Updated Conference Surveys

OMB: 3045-0128

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2011 National Conference on Volunteering and Service

Post-Conference Evaluation Survey

Please take a few minutes to tell us about your experience at this year’s Conference. Your opinions are important to us. Your individual responses will not be shared, and will only be used to aggregate Conference results. For evaluation purposes only, please enter your e-mail address you used when you registered: _____________________


  1. Registration Category (Check one from drop down list of all registration categories)

  2. State (Check one from drop down list of U.S. States)

    • Other: International, Non-U.S. Territories, etc. (please specify)

  1. Gender (check one)

  • Female

  • Male

4. Ethnicity: Are you of Latino or Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Latin American background?  (SELECT ONE)

  • Yes, Hispanic or Latino

  • No, not Hispanic or Latino

5. Race: What is your race?  Are you white, black or African American, Asian, American Indian or Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander?  You may select more than one race. (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)

  • White

  • Black/African American

  • Asian

  • American Indian or Alaska Native

  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

6. Age (check one)

  • Under 18

  • 18-24

  • 25-34

  • 35-44

  • 45-54

  • 55-64

  • 65 and over


  1. How did you learn of the 2011 National Conference on Volunteering and Service? (Check all that apply)

  • Attended a previous year

  • Conference announcements

  • E-mail

  • Leadership Magazine

  • PointsofLight.org

  • HandsonNetwork.org

  • VolunteeringandService.org

  • NationalService.gov

  • Word of mouth

  • Other websites (Please Specify:_______________ )

  • Other Social Media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter- Please Specify___________________)

  • Other (Please Specify: _______________________)

  1. Did you attend the 2010 National Conference on Volunteering and Service held last year in New York City?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. Did you attend any of the following national conferences last year? (Check all that apply)

  • Business Civic Leadership Center Conference

  • Clinton Global Initiative

  • Council on Foundations

  • Craigslist Nonprofit Bootcamp

  • Design Conference (TED)

  • Entertainment

  • Independent Sector

  • National Service-learning Conference

  • Poptech

  • ServiceNation

  • Technology United Way

  • Youth Service America

  • I did not attend any of the conferences listed

  • Other- (Please specify ___________________________)

  1. Describe the usefulness of the 2011 Conference activities and offerings. Please rank the below activities 1 through 11, where 1 is least useful and 11 is most useful. If you did not attend certain activities or offerings, please leave the line blank.

  • Pre-Conference Activities

  • Service Projects

  • General Sessions (Opening, Closing , National and Community Service Plenary)

  • Immersion Learning Sessions

  • Forums

  • Workshops

  • Pathways to Innovation sessions

  • Special Event

  • Networking Events/Luncheons/Receptions

  • Exhibit Hall

  • Virtual Sessions

  1. Which days did you spend participating in the 2011 Conference? (Check each date you attended this Conference)

  • Saturday, June 4th

  • Sunday, June 5th

  • Monday, June 6th

  • Tuesday, June 7th

  • Wednesday, June 8th

  • Thursday, June 9th

  1. How many workshops did you attend during the 2011 Conference? (Check one)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 or more

HIGHLIGHTS and THEMES. Below is a listing of the 3 program tracks and 17 focus areas for the 2011 National Conference on Volunteering and Service. Please indicate your experience with each by selecting one answer that best reflects how important sessions offered in these tracks and focus areas were to your overall Conference experience. If you did not participate in activities associated with a program track or focus area, select ‘did not attend/participate’ as your response.

NOTE: The scale that will be used is: Not at all important Not very important Somewhat important Important Very important Did not attend/participate

Program Track: IMPACT

  1. Economic Development and Opportunity

  1. Environment

  1. Disaster

  1. Education

  1. Health and Wellness

Program Track: Strengthen

  1. Business

  1. Leveraging Partnerships

  1. Manage Volunteers

  1. Managing for Results

  1. Optimize Technology and Media

Program Track: Community

  1. People with Disabilities

  1. Boomers

  1. Rural Residents

  1. Veterans and Military Families

  1. Youth

  1. Faith-based and Neighborhood Organizations

GENERAL SESSIONS- Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements.

NOTE: The scale that will be used is: Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree nor agree Agree Strongly agree Did not attend

  1. The Opening General Session helped me understand the importance of this year’s Conference theme Champions of Service and how people are at the center of community problem-solving, developing innovative solutions, with the story of New Orleans being a prime example of that impact.

  1. The National and Community Service Plenary session helped me understand how service is central to innovative approaches for solving community and national problems, and builds capacity at the individual, organization, and community level.

  1. The Closing General Celebration Session highlighted the importance of service and how I can carry the messages, resources and learnings from Conference back to my community.

ACHIEVEMENTS- Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements.

NOTE: The scale that will be used is: □ Strongly disagree □ Disagree □ Neither disagree nor agree □ Agree □ Strongly agree □ Not applicable

This Conference….

  1. Communicated a national call to engage more Americans in community needs oriented service.

  1. Met the professional development needs of those who work with service organizations and volunteers.

  1. Honored the outstanding achievements of people engaged in service.

  1. Communicated new and innovative ideas, strategies, and resources that will help inform the management of my program/organization.

  1. Increased my knowledge about the Corporation for National and Community Service’s new 5-year Strategic Plan.

LEARNING- Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements.

NOTE: The scale that will be used is: □ Strongly disagree □ Disagree □ Neither disagree nor agree □ Agree □ Strongly agree □ Not applicable

  1. As a result of this Conference, I better understand how to build capacity to engage volunteers in service.

  1. As a result of this Conference, I am better prepared to meet needs in my community.

  1. I learned effective practices that I can apply to my work.

  1. The training materials I received at this Conference are useful.

  1. The conference identified issues and innovations of which the field should be aware.

NETWORKING- Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements.

NOTE: The scale that will be used is: □ Strongly disagree □ Disagree □ Neither disagree nor agree □ Agree □ Strongly agree □ Not applicable

  1. This Conference helped me exchange relevant ideas and information with peers.

  1. This Conference helped me connect with potential partners in service.

  1. This Conference helped me connect with potential funders and other resources.

  1. The Exhibit Hall vendors available at this Conference provided me access to useful resources relevant to my work.

  1. The Exhibit Hall provided a useful space for networking with fellow Conference attendees.

COMMUNICATIONS- Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements.

NOTE: The scale that will be used is: □ Strongly disagree □ Disagree □ Neither disagree nor agree □ Agree □ Strongly agree □ Not applicable

1. Conference announcements about changes in the program, workshop location, etc. were made in a timely fashion.

2. Conference announcements about changes in the program, workshop location, etc. were helpful.

3. Using technologies such as Facebook, Twitter, Kiosks/Web-cafe and, Blogs were useful ways to communicate Conference information.

4. Did you use the following technologies to receive and/or review information about the Conference? (Check all that apply)

•         Event Brite

•         Facebook

•         Flickr

•         Geolocation tools (e.g. Four Square, Gowalla , Whrrl, and Plancast)

•         Kiosks/Web-café

•         LinkedIn

•         National Conference Website

•         Blogs (NCVS and HandsOn)

•         Twitter

•         YouTube

  • Other (Please specify:___________________________)

  • I did not use any technologies to receive and/or review information about the conference

5. What did you like most about our communications approach at this Conference? (narrative text box)

6. What did you like least about our communications approach at this Conference? (narrative text box)

7. How can we improve our communications approach at next year’s Conference? (narrative text box)

OVERALL ORGANIZATION- Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements.

NOTE: The scale that will be used is: Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree nor agree Agree Strongly agree Not applicable

1. It was easy to register for this Conference.

2. The amount of downloaded and printed materials (program book, speaker handouts, etc.) provided met my needs.

3. I was able to easily identify the sessions that best met my learning needs.

4. It is a good idea to offer some off-site sessions at the National Conference

5. The Conference goals and other pertinent information were clearly communicated.

FINAL IMPRESSION - Please provide a response to each of the following statements.

1. This Conference was worth the time and resources I invested to attend.

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree nor agree Agree Strongly agree Not applicable

2. Overall, how useful do you think the material presented to you at this Conference will be useful to your work post the Conference?

Not at all useful Not very useful Somewhat useful Useful Extremely useful

3. How would you rate the overall quality of this Conference?

Poor Fair Good Excellent

4. How likely are you to attend the 2012 National Conference? (Check one)

Not at all likely Not very likely Somewhat likely Likely Extremely likely

5. Please share any other comments you have with us________________________

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File Typeapplication/msword
File Title2011 National Conference on Volunteering and Service
Last Modified Byaml
File Modified2011-05-12
File Created2011-05-12

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