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Part B. Justification:
B1. Respondent Universe and Sampling Methods
The organizations targeted for the current study are listed below. The survey is targeted at
national and regional organizations with a wide ranging audience of law enforcement
professionals, treatment and prevention professionals and educators. Sampling will occur in two
stages. The first stage involves proactive outreach to the appropriate person at each organization
to inform them of the purpose of the study. During this phase, an advertisement will be placed in
several of thee-newsletters/websites for these organizations (when available). Once contact has
been made, the Partnership will send a link of the web-based survey directly to the contacts at
each of these agencies. Based on the response rates to this first phase of recruitment, the
Partnership will assess methods to modify the strategy. This is a convenience sample of law
enforcement agencies, educators and prevention specialists. While the Partnership will attempt to
send survey links to a wide-ranging group of agencies, it should be noted that the Partnership is
not attempting to assess a true representative sample of individuals. However, for internal
purposes of manual and training development the Partnership will attempt to get a range of
individuals from urban, suburban and rural settings. The survey is designed to help the
Partnership to develop the manual and training program by taking feedback from a range of
individuals into account. No statistics will be published.
B2. Procedures for the Collection of Information
All data will be collected via a web-based survey tool hosted by Survey Monkey.
Potential participants will be sent an email through a professional organization or be driven to
the survey via advertisements on an organization’s website. Such organizations would include
the target recruitment organizations listed at the end of this document, as well as the Partnership.
In both circumstances, individuals will be provided with a link providing the purpose of the
study and the survey.
B3. Methods to Maximize Response Rates and Deal with Issues of Non Response
First, it has been shown that by working directly with credible organizations that are related to
one’s field, response rates increase among potential participants. Second, multi-agency
recruitment efforts increase response rates. While these efforts will not result in a representative
sample, they are designed to inform manual development. Although the samples will be a selfselected group of individuals, it is anticipated these individuals will also be the most likely to be
interested in community partnerships between agencies if they take the time to fill out this
survey. To minimize the risk of random responding, the Partnership will exclude participants
who show inconsistent responses to reverse-coded content covering the same construct
(Substance abuse prevention programs are NOT effective in stopping/reducing problem
substance use among young people vs. I believe substance abuse prevention programs are a good
way of helping reduce the onset of substance abuse in teens). Additionally, because the length of
a survey may reduce both participation and completion, the survey has intentionally been
developed to be completed in less than 15 minutes. Finally, the Partnership has consulted recent
literature on strategies for increasing enrollment, retention, completion, and validity of survey
results such as informing individuals of their progress during the survey and how to develop
web-based surveys that are compliant with OMB preferences (e.g. reducing open ended items,
counter balancing response sets, limiting the number of items on each page).
B4. Test of procedures or methods to be undertaken
Two tests will be performed to improve data collection efforts. First, the Partnership will
have 5 individuals test skip patterns within the office to ensure proper programming of the
decision support system and response sets. Second, the Partnership will recruit 9 known
individuals each from law enforcement, prevention, and education to complete the survey and
offer qualitative feedback on the survey content and recommendations for improving the
questions and adding/removing content. This pilot test of the survey will also allow us to further
test survey flow and skip patterns to ensure functionality of the computer assisted interview.
B5. Individuals consulted on statistical aspects of the design and organization persons collecting
and analyzing the data
Several individuals have been consulted on the design including in-house experts on
developing representative samples within the organization. The Partnership at has
been conducting clinical and consumer research for the last 20 years. Dr. Frederick Muench, the
Associate Director of Research will be performing the statistical analyses using SPSS version
18.0 to perform both descriptive and inferential statistics. While this survey will be cross
sectional in nature, the responses of individuals in different fields (e.g. law enforcement vs.
prevention) will be compared in order to develop the manual to meet the needs of a wide range
of possible targets. This information is not for publication but for manual development.
Recruitment Organizations
Law Enforcement Recruitment
COPS Dispatch
NCJRS Bulletin
IACP- newsletter and Discussion lists
National Sheriffs Association- Bulletin e-newsletter
National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators
National Association of School Resource Officers
National Association of Black Law Enforcement
National Latino Peace Officers Association
OJJDP- News at a Glance
Law enforcement blogs and forums
Police Forum and Law Enforcement forums:
Law Enforcement Resources:
NNOAC- National Narcotics Officers Association Coalition
Educators Recruitment
The Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools
Resources for Educators
National Association of Principals
American Federation of Teachers
National Association of School Nurses
National Association of Secondary School Principals
Treatment and Prevention Recruitment
The Association of Addiction Professionals- NAADAC
National Association of Addiction Treatment providers- NAATP
State Association of Addiction Services- SAAS
National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence- NCADD
National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors- NASADAD
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - Supporting_Statement_Part_B_9_9_cleanrevision |
Author | hoornstra1 |
File Modified | 2011-09-09 |
File Created | 2011-09-09 |